



package configuration

  1. Alphabetic
  1. Public
  2. Protected

Type Members

  1. final case class CommandConfiguration(inputBufferSize: Int = 512, maxCommandsInFlight: Int = 256, trackerRetentionPeriod: Duration = CommandConfiguration.DefaultTrackerRetentionPeriod) extends Product with Serializable

    Configuration for the Ledger API Command Service.

    Configuration for the Ledger API Command Service.


    Maximum number of commands waiting to be submitted for each distinct set of parties, as specified by the act_as property of the command. Reaching this limit will cause the server to signal backpressure using the RESOURCE_EXHAUSTED gRPC status code.


    Maximum number of submitted commands waiting to be completed in parallel, for each distinct set of parties, as specified by the act_as property of the command. Reaching this limit will cause new submissions to wait in the queue before being submitted.


    The duration that the command service will keep an active command tracker for a given set of parties. A longer period cuts down on the tracker instantiation cost for a party that seldom acts. A shorter period causes a quick removal of unused trackers.

  2. final case class IndexServiceConfig(eventsPageSize: Int = IndexServiceConfig.DefaultEventsPageSize, eventsProcessingParallelism: Int = IndexServiceConfig.DefaultEventsProcessingParallelism, bufferedStreamsPageSize: Int = IndexServiceConfig.DefaultBufferedStreamsPageSize, acsIdPageSize: Int = IndexServiceConfig.DefaultAcsIdPageSize, acsIdPageBufferSize: Int = IndexServiceConfig.DefaultAcsIdPageBufferSize, acsIdPageWorkingMemoryBytes: Int = IndexServiceConfig.DefaultAcsIdPageWorkingMemoryBytes, acsIdFetchingParallelism: Int = IndexServiceConfig.DefaultAcsIdFetchingParallelism, acsContractFetchingParallelism: Int = IndexServiceConfig.DefaultAcsContractFetchingParallelism, acsGlobalParallelism: Int = IndexServiceConfig.DefaultAcsGlobalParallelism, maxContractStateCacheSize: Long = IndexServiceConfig.DefaultMaxContractStateCacheSize, maxContractKeyStateCacheSize: Long = IndexServiceConfig.DefaultMaxContractKeyStateCacheSize, maxTransactionsInMemoryFanOutBufferSize: Int = IndexServiceConfig.DefaultMaxTransactionsInMemoryFanOutBufferSize, apiStreamShutdownTimeout: Duration = IndexServiceConfig.DefaultApiStreamShutdownTimeout, inMemoryStateUpdaterParallelism: Int = IndexServiceConfig.DefaultInMemoryStateUpdaterParallelism, inMemoryFanOutThreadPoolSize: Int = IndexServiceConfig.DefaultInMemoryFanOutThreadPoolSize, preparePackageMetadataTimeOutWarning: FiniteDuration = IndexServiceConfig.PreparePackageMetadataTimeOutWarning) extends Product with Serializable
  3. final case class InitialLedgerConfiguration(maxDeduplicationDuration: Duration = Duration.ofMinutes(30), avgTransactionLatency: Duration = Duration.ofSeconds(0), minSkew: Duration = Duration.ofSeconds(30), maxSkew: Duration = Duration.ofSeconds(30), delayBeforeSubmitting: Duration = Duration.ofSeconds(0)) extends Product with Serializable

    Instructions on how to initialize an empty ledger, without a configuration.

    Instructions on how to initialize an empty ledger, without a configuration.

    A configuration is only submitted if one is not detected on the ledger and enabled flag is set to true


    The maximum time window during which commands can be deduplicated.


    The expected average latency of a transaction, i.e., the average time from submitting the transaction to a write service and the transaction being assigned a record time.


    The minimimum skew between ledger time and record time: lt_TX >= rt_TX - minSkew


    The maximum skew between ledger time and record time: lt_TX <= rt_TX + maxSkew


    The delay until the participant tries to submit a configuration.

  4. class InvalidConfigException extends RuntimeException with StartupException
  5. case class PartyConfiguration(implicitPartyAllocation: Boolean = false) extends Product with Serializable

    Configuration surrounding parties and party allocation.

    Configuration surrounding parties and party allocation.


    Informs the Command Submission Service that any parties mentioned in a submission that do not already exist should be created on the fly. This behavior will not make sense for most ledgers, because:

    • allocating parties can be racy if multiple transactions are coming through at once,
    • if allocation fails, the errors are a little confusing, and
    • parties can be allocated without administrator privileges. Enable at your own risk.
  6. sealed trait ServerRole extends AnyRef

    Used to disambiguate thread pool names.

    Used to disambiguate thread pool names.

    This is necessary because Hikari connection pools use the pool name when registering metrics. If we were to register two connection pools with the same names with a single metrics registry, the second would fail with an exception.

Value Members

  1. object CommandConfiguration extends Serializable
  2. object IndexServiceConfig extends Serializable
  3. object PartyConfiguration extends Serializable
  4. object Readers
  5. object ServerRole
