Interface GraphToolkit<GraphType extends Graph<EdgeType,VertexType>,EdgeType extends GraphEdge<EdgeType,VertexType>,VertexType extends GraphVertex<VertexType>>

public interface GraphToolkit<GraphType extends Graph<EdgeType,VertexType>,EdgeType extends GraphEdge<EdgeType,VertexType>,VertexType extends GraphVertex<VertexType>>
An interface for creating Graph objects, and for copying auxiliary information in vertices and edges.
  • Method Details

    • createGraph

      GraphType createGraph()
      Create a new empty graph (no vertices or edges).
      the new graph
    • duplicateVertex

      VertexType duplicateVertex(VertexType original)
      Make a copy of given vertex.
      original - the vertex to copy
      an exact duplicate of the vertex
    • copyEdge

      void copyEdge(EdgeType source, EdgeType dest)
      Copy auxiliary information from one edge to another.
      source - the source edge
      dest - the destination edge