Class RowFilter.Interleave.Builder

All Implemented Interfaces:
RowFilter.InterleaveOrBuilder,,,,, Cloneable
Enclosing class:

public static final class RowFilter.Interleave.Builder extends<RowFilter.Interleave.Builder> implements RowFilter.InterleaveOrBuilder
 A RowFilter which sends each row to each of several component
 RowFilters and interleaves the results.
Protobuf type google.bigtable.v2.RowFilter.Interleave
  • Method Details

    • getDescriptor

      public static final getDescriptor()
    • internalGetFieldAccessorTable

      protected internalGetFieldAccessorTable()
      Specified by:
      internalGetFieldAccessorTable in class<RowFilter.Interleave.Builder>
    • clear

      Specified by:
      clear in interface
      Specified by:
      clear in interface
      clear in class<RowFilter.Interleave.Builder>
    • getDescriptorForType

      public getDescriptorForType()
      Specified by:
      getDescriptorForType in interface
      Specified by:
      getDescriptorForType in interface
      getDescriptorForType in class<RowFilter.Interleave.Builder>
    • getDefaultInstanceForType

      public RowFilter.Interleave getDefaultInstanceForType()
      Specified by:
      getDefaultInstanceForType in interface
      Specified by:
      getDefaultInstanceForType in interface
    • build

      public RowFilter.Interleave build()
      Specified by:
      build in interface
      Specified by:
      build in interface
    • buildPartial

      public RowFilter.Interleave buildPartial()
      Specified by:
      buildPartial in interface
      Specified by:
      buildPartial in interface
    • clone

      Specified by:
      clone in interface
      Specified by:
      clone in interface
      clone in class<RowFilter.Interleave.Builder>
    • setField

      public RowFilter.Interleave.Builder setField( field, Object value)
      Specified by:
      setField in interface
      setField in class<RowFilter.Interleave.Builder>
    • clearField

      public RowFilter.Interleave.Builder clearField( field)
      Specified by:
      clearField in interface
      clearField in class<RowFilter.Interleave.Builder>
    • clearOneof

      public RowFilter.Interleave.Builder clearOneof( oneof)
      Specified by:
      clearOneof in interface
      clearOneof in class<RowFilter.Interleave.Builder>
    • setRepeatedField

      public RowFilter.Interleave.Builder setRepeatedField( field, int index, Object value)
      Specified by:
      setRepeatedField in interface
      setRepeatedField in class<RowFilter.Interleave.Builder>
    • addRepeatedField

      public RowFilter.Interleave.Builder addRepeatedField( field, Object value)
      Specified by:
      addRepeatedField in interface
      addRepeatedField in class<RowFilter.Interleave.Builder>
    • mergeFrom

      public RowFilter.Interleave.Builder mergeFrom( other)
      Specified by:
      mergeFrom in interface
      mergeFrom in class<RowFilter.Interleave.Builder>
    • mergeFrom

    • isInitialized

      public final boolean isInitialized()
      Specified by:
      isInitialized in interface
      isInitialized in class<RowFilter.Interleave.Builder>
    • mergeFrom

      public RowFilter.Interleave.Builder mergeFrom( input, extensionRegistry) throws IOException
      Specified by:
      mergeFrom in interface
      Specified by:
      mergeFrom in interface
      mergeFrom in class<RowFilter.Interleave.Builder>
    • getFiltersList

      public List<RowFilter> getFiltersList()
       The elements of "filters" all process a copy of the input row, and the
       results are pooled, sorted, and combined into a single output row.
       If multiple cells are produced with the same column and timestamp,
       they will all appear in the output row in an unspecified mutual order.
       Consider the following example, with three filters:
                                        input row
                  |                         |                         |
                 f(0)                      f(1)                      f(2)
                  |                         |                         |
           1: foo,bar,10,x             foo,bar,10,z              far,bar,7,a
           2: foo,blah,11,z            far,blah,5,x              far,blah,5,x
                  |                         |                         |
           1:                      foo,bar,10,z   // could have switched with #2
           2:                      foo,bar,10,x   // could have switched with #1
           3:                      foo,blah,11,z
           4:                      far,bar,7,a
           5:                      far,blah,5,x   // identical to #6
           6:                      far,blah,5,x   // identical to #5
       All interleaved filters are executed atomically.
      repeated .google.bigtable.v2.RowFilter filters = 1;
      Specified by:
      getFiltersList in interface RowFilter.InterleaveOrBuilder
    • getFiltersCount

      public int getFiltersCount()
       The elements of "filters" all process a copy of the input row, and the
       results are pooled, sorted, and combined into a single output row.
       If multiple cells are produced with the same column and timestamp,
       they will all appear in the output row in an unspecified mutual order.
       Consider the following example, with three filters:
                                        input row
                  |                         |                         |
                 f(0)                      f(1)                      f(2)
                  |                         |                         |
           1: foo,bar,10,x             foo,bar,10,z              far,bar,7,a
           2: foo,blah,11,z            far,blah,5,x              far,blah,5,x
                  |                         |                         |
           1:                      foo,bar,10,z   // could have switched with #2
           2:                      foo,bar,10,x   // could have switched with #1
           3:                      foo,blah,11,z
           4:                      far,bar,7,a
           5:                      far,blah,5,x   // identical to #6
           6:                      far,blah,5,x   // identical to #5
       All interleaved filters are executed atomically.
      repeated .google.bigtable.v2.RowFilter filters = 1;
      Specified by:
      getFiltersCount in interface RowFilter.InterleaveOrBuilder
    • getFilters

      public RowFilter getFilters(int index)
       The elements of "filters" all process a copy of the input row, and the
       results are pooled, sorted, and combined into a single output row.
       If multiple cells are produced with the same column and timestamp,
       they will all appear in the output row in an unspecified mutual order.
       Consider the following example, with three filters:
                                        input row
                  |                         |                         |
                 f(0)                      f(1)                      f(2)
                  |                         |                         |
           1: foo,bar,10,x             foo,bar,10,z              far,bar,7,a
           2: foo,blah,11,z            far,blah,5,x              far,blah,5,x
                  |                         |                         |
           1:                      foo,bar,10,z   // could have switched with #2
           2:                      foo,bar,10,x   // could have switched with #1
           3:                      foo,blah,11,z
           4:                      far,bar,7,a
           5:                      far,blah,5,x   // identical to #6
           6:                      far,blah,5,x   // identical to #5
       All interleaved filters are executed atomically.
      repeated .google.bigtable.v2.RowFilter filters = 1;
      Specified by:
      getFilters in interface RowFilter.InterleaveOrBuilder
    • setFilters

      public RowFilter.Interleave.Builder setFilters(int index, RowFilter value)
       The elements of "filters" all process a copy of the input row, and the
       results are pooled, sorted, and combined into a single output row.
       If multiple cells are produced with the same column and timestamp,
       they will all appear in the output row in an unspecified mutual order.
       Consider the following example, with three filters:
                                        input row
                  |                         |                         |
                 f(0)                      f(1)                      f(2)
                  |                         |                         |
           1: foo,bar,10,x             foo,bar,10,z              far,bar,7,a
           2: foo,blah,11,z            far,blah,5,x              far,blah,5,x
                  |                         |                         |
           1:                      foo,bar,10,z   // could have switched with #2
           2:                      foo,bar,10,x   // could have switched with #1
           3:                      foo,blah,11,z
           4:                      far,bar,7,a
           5:                      far,blah,5,x   // identical to #6
           6:                      far,blah,5,x   // identical to #5
       All interleaved filters are executed atomically.
      repeated .google.bigtable.v2.RowFilter filters = 1;
    • setFilters

      public RowFilter.Interleave.Builder setFilters(int index, RowFilter.Builder builderForValue)
       The elements of "filters" all process a copy of the input row, and the
       results are pooled, sorted, and combined into a single output row.
       If multiple cells are produced with the same column and timestamp,
       they will all appear in the output row in an unspecified mutual order.
       Consider the following example, with three filters:
                                        input row
                  |                         |                         |
                 f(0)                      f(1)                      f(2)
                  |                         |                         |
           1: foo,bar,10,x             foo,bar,10,z              far,bar,7,a
           2: foo,blah,11,z            far,blah,5,x              far,blah,5,x
                  |                         |                         |
           1:                      foo,bar,10,z   // could have switched with #2
           2:                      foo,bar,10,x   // could have switched with #1
           3:                      foo,blah,11,z
           4:                      far,bar,7,a
           5:                      far,blah,5,x   // identical to #6
           6:                      far,blah,5,x   // identical to #5
       All interleaved filters are executed atomically.
      repeated .google.bigtable.v2.RowFilter filters = 1;
    • addFilters

      public RowFilter.Interleave.Builder addFilters(RowFilter value)
       The elements of "filters" all process a copy of the input row, and the
       results are pooled, sorted, and combined into a single output row.
       If multiple cells are produced with the same column and timestamp,
       they will all appear in the output row in an unspecified mutual order.
       Consider the following example, with three filters:
                                        input row
                  |                         |                         |
                 f(0)                      f(1)                      f(2)
                  |                         |                         |
           1: foo,bar,10,x             foo,bar,10,z              far,bar,7,a
           2: foo,blah,11,z            far,blah,5,x              far,blah,5,x
                  |                         |                         |
           1:                      foo,bar,10,z   // could have switched with #2
           2:                      foo,bar,10,x   // could have switched with #1
           3:                      foo,blah,11,z
           4:                      far,bar,7,a
           5:                      far,blah,5,x   // identical to #6
           6:                      far,blah,5,x   // identical to #5
       All interleaved filters are executed atomically.
      repeated .google.bigtable.v2.RowFilter filters = 1;
    • addFilters

      public RowFilter.Interleave.Builder addFilters(int index, RowFilter value)
       The elements of "filters" all process a copy of the input row, and the
       results are pooled, sorted, and combined into a single output row.
       If multiple cells are produced with the same column and timestamp,
       they will all appear in the output row in an unspecified mutual order.
       Consider the following example, with three filters:
                                        input row
                  |                         |                         |
                 f(0)                      f(1)                      f(2)
                  |                         |                         |
           1: foo,bar,10,x             foo,bar,10,z              far,bar,7,a
           2: foo,blah,11,z            far,blah,5,x              far,blah,5,x
                  |                         |                         |
           1:                      foo,bar,10,z   // could have switched with #2
           2:                      foo,bar,10,x   // could have switched with #1
           3:                      foo,blah,11,z
           4:                      far,bar,7,a
           5:                      far,blah,5,x   // identical to #6
           6:                      far,blah,5,x   // identical to #5
       All interleaved filters are executed atomically.
      repeated .google.bigtable.v2.RowFilter filters = 1;
    • addFilters

      public RowFilter.Interleave.Builder addFilters(RowFilter.Builder builderForValue)
       The elements of "filters" all process a copy of the input row, and the
       results are pooled, sorted, and combined into a single output row.
       If multiple cells are produced with the same column and timestamp,
       they will all appear in the output row in an unspecified mutual order.
       Consider the following example, with three filters:
                                        input row
                  |                         |                         |
                 f(0)                      f(1)                      f(2)
                  |                         |                         |
           1: foo,bar,10,x             foo,bar,10,z              far,bar,7,a
           2: foo,blah,11,z            far,blah,5,x              far,blah,5,x
                  |                         |                         |
           1:                      foo,bar,10,z   // could have switched with #2
           2:                      foo,bar,10,x   // could have switched with #1
           3:                      foo,blah,11,z
           4:                      far,bar,7,a
           5:                      far,blah,5,x   // identical to #6
           6:                      far,blah,5,x   // identical to #5
       All interleaved filters are executed atomically.
      repeated .google.bigtable.v2.RowFilter filters = 1;
    • addFilters

      public RowFilter.Interleave.Builder addFilters(int index, RowFilter.Builder builderForValue)
       The elements of "filters" all process a copy of the input row, and the
       results are pooled, sorted, and combined into a single output row.
       If multiple cells are produced with the same column and timestamp,
       they will all appear in the output row in an unspecified mutual order.
       Consider the following example, with three filters:
                                        input row
                  |                         |                         |
                 f(0)                      f(1)                      f(2)
                  |                         |                         |
           1: foo,bar,10,x             foo,bar,10,z              far,bar,7,a
           2: foo,blah,11,z            far,blah,5,x              far,blah,5,x
                  |                         |                         |
           1:                      foo,bar,10,z   // could have switched with #2
           2:                      foo,bar,10,x   // could have switched with #1
           3:                      foo,blah,11,z
           4:                      far,bar,7,a
           5:                      far,blah,5,x   // identical to #6
           6:                      far,blah,5,x   // identical to #5
       All interleaved filters are executed atomically.
      repeated .google.bigtable.v2.RowFilter filters = 1;
    • addAllFilters

      public RowFilter.Interleave.Builder addAllFilters(Iterable<? extends RowFilter> values)
       The elements of "filters" all process a copy of the input row, and the
       results are pooled, sorted, and combined into a single output row.
       If multiple cells are produced with the same column and timestamp,
       they will all appear in the output row in an unspecified mutual order.
       Consider the following example, with three filters:
                                        input row
                  |                         |                         |
                 f(0)                      f(1)                      f(2)
                  |                         |                         |
           1: foo,bar,10,x             foo,bar,10,z              far,bar,7,a
           2: foo,blah,11,z            far,blah,5,x              far,blah,5,x
                  |                         |                         |
           1:                      foo,bar,10,z   // could have switched with #2
           2:                      foo,bar,10,x   // could have switched with #1
           3:                      foo,blah,11,z
           4:                      far,bar,7,a
           5:                      far,blah,5,x   // identical to #6
           6:                      far,blah,5,x   // identical to #5
       All interleaved filters are executed atomically.
      repeated .google.bigtable.v2.RowFilter filters = 1;
    • clearFilters

      public RowFilter.Interleave.Builder clearFilters()
       The elements of "filters" all process a copy of the input row, and the
       results are pooled, sorted, and combined into a single output row.
       If multiple cells are produced with the same column and timestamp,
       they will all appear in the output row in an unspecified mutual order.
       Consider the following example, with three filters:
                                        input row
                  |                         |                         |
                 f(0)                      f(1)                      f(2)
                  |                         |                         |
           1: foo,bar,10,x             foo,bar,10,z              far,bar,7,a
           2: foo,blah,11,z            far,blah,5,x              far,blah,5,x
                  |                         |                         |
           1:                      foo,bar,10,z   // could have switched with #2
           2:                      foo,bar,10,x   // could have switched with #1
           3:                      foo,blah,11,z
           4:                      far,bar,7,a
           5:                      far,blah,5,x   // identical to #6
           6:                      far,blah,5,x   // identical to #5
       All interleaved filters are executed atomically.
      repeated .google.bigtable.v2.RowFilter filters = 1;
    • removeFilters

      public RowFilter.Interleave.Builder removeFilters(int index)
       The elements of "filters" all process a copy of the input row, and the
       results are pooled, sorted, and combined into a single output row.
       If multiple cells are produced with the same column and timestamp,
       they will all appear in the output row in an unspecified mutual order.
       Consider the following example, with three filters:
                                        input row
                  |                         |                         |
                 f(0)                      f(1)                      f(2)
                  |                         |                         |
           1: foo,bar,10,x             foo,bar,10,z              far,bar,7,a
           2: foo,blah,11,z            far,blah,5,x              far,blah,5,x
                  |                         |                         |
           1:                      foo,bar,10,z   // could have switched with #2
           2:                      foo,bar,10,x   // could have switched with #1
           3:                      foo,blah,11,z
           4:                      far,bar,7,a
           5:                      far,blah,5,x   // identical to #6
           6:                      far,blah,5,x   // identical to #5
       All interleaved filters are executed atomically.
      repeated .google.bigtable.v2.RowFilter filters = 1;
    • getFiltersBuilder

      public RowFilter.Builder getFiltersBuilder(int index)
       The elements of "filters" all process a copy of the input row, and the
       results are pooled, sorted, and combined into a single output row.
       If multiple cells are produced with the same column and timestamp,
       they will all appear in the output row in an unspecified mutual order.
       Consider the following example, with three filters:
                                        input row
                  |                         |                         |
                 f(0)                      f(1)                      f(2)
                  |                         |                         |
           1: foo,bar,10,x             foo,bar,10,z              far,bar,7,a
           2: foo,blah,11,z            far,blah,5,x              far,blah,5,x
                  |                         |                         |
           1:                      foo,bar,10,z   // could have switched with #2
           2:                      foo,bar,10,x   // could have switched with #1
           3:                      foo,blah,11,z
           4:                      far,bar,7,a
           5:                      far,blah,5,x   // identical to #6
           6:                      far,blah,5,x   // identical to #5
       All interleaved filters are executed atomically.
      repeated .google.bigtable.v2.RowFilter filters = 1;
    • getFiltersOrBuilder

      public RowFilterOrBuilder getFiltersOrBuilder(int index)
       The elements of "filters" all process a copy of the input row, and the
       results are pooled, sorted, and combined into a single output row.
       If multiple cells are produced with the same column and timestamp,
       they will all appear in the output row in an unspecified mutual order.
       Consider the following example, with three filters:
                                        input row
                  |                         |                         |
                 f(0)                      f(1)                      f(2)
                  |                         |                         |
           1: foo,bar,10,x             foo,bar,10,z              far,bar,7,a
           2: foo,blah,11,z            far,blah,5,x              far,blah,5,x
                  |                         |                         |
           1:                      foo,bar,10,z   // could have switched with #2
           2:                      foo,bar,10,x   // could have switched with #1
           3:                      foo,blah,11,z
           4:                      far,bar,7,a
           5:                      far,blah,5,x   // identical to #6
           6:                      far,blah,5,x   // identical to #5
       All interleaved filters are executed atomically.
      repeated .google.bigtable.v2.RowFilter filters = 1;
      Specified by:
      getFiltersOrBuilder in interface RowFilter.InterleaveOrBuilder
    • getFiltersOrBuilderList

      public List<? extends RowFilterOrBuilder> getFiltersOrBuilderList()
       The elements of "filters" all process a copy of the input row, and the
       results are pooled, sorted, and combined into a single output row.
       If multiple cells are produced with the same column and timestamp,
       they will all appear in the output row in an unspecified mutual order.
       Consider the following example, with three filters:
                                        input row
                  |                         |                         |
                 f(0)                      f(1)                      f(2)
                  |                         |                         |
           1: foo,bar,10,x             foo,bar,10,z              far,bar,7,a
           2: foo,blah,11,z            far,blah,5,x              far,blah,5,x
                  |                         |                         |
           1:                      foo,bar,10,z   // could have switched with #2
           2:                      foo,bar,10,x   // could have switched with #1
           3:                      foo,blah,11,z
           4:                      far,bar,7,a
           5:                      far,blah,5,x   // identical to #6
           6:                      far,blah,5,x   // identical to #5
       All interleaved filters are executed atomically.
      repeated .google.bigtable.v2.RowFilter filters = 1;
      Specified by:
      getFiltersOrBuilderList in interface RowFilter.InterleaveOrBuilder
    • addFiltersBuilder

      public RowFilter.Builder addFiltersBuilder()
       The elements of "filters" all process a copy of the input row, and the
       results are pooled, sorted, and combined into a single output row.
       If multiple cells are produced with the same column and timestamp,
       they will all appear in the output row in an unspecified mutual order.
       Consider the following example, with three filters:
                                        input row
                  |                         |                         |
                 f(0)                      f(1)                      f(2)
                  |                         |                         |
           1: foo,bar,10,x             foo,bar,10,z              far,bar,7,a
           2: foo,blah,11,z            far,blah,5,x              far,blah,5,x
                  |                         |                         |
           1:                      foo,bar,10,z   // could have switched with #2
           2:                      foo,bar,10,x   // could have switched with #1
           3:                      foo,blah,11,z
           4:                      far,bar,7,a
           5:                      far,blah,5,x   // identical to #6
           6:                      far,blah,5,x   // identical to #5
       All interleaved filters are executed atomically.
      repeated .google.bigtable.v2.RowFilter filters = 1;
    • addFiltersBuilder

      public RowFilter.Builder addFiltersBuilder(int index)
       The elements of "filters" all process a copy of the input row, and the
       results are pooled, sorted, and combined into a single output row.
       If multiple cells are produced with the same column and timestamp,
       they will all appear in the output row in an unspecified mutual order.
       Consider the following example, with three filters:
                                        input row
                  |                         |                         |
                 f(0)                      f(1)                      f(2)
                  |                         |                         |
           1: foo,bar,10,x             foo,bar,10,z              far,bar,7,a
           2: foo,blah,11,z            far,blah,5,x              far,blah,5,x
                  |                         |                         |
           1:                      foo,bar,10,z   // could have switched with #2
           2:                      foo,bar,10,x   // could have switched with #1
           3:                      foo,blah,11,z
           4:                      far,bar,7,a
           5:                      far,blah,5,x   // identical to #6
           6:                      far,blah,5,x   // identical to #5
       All interleaved filters are executed atomically.
      repeated .google.bigtable.v2.RowFilter filters = 1;
    • getFiltersBuilderList

      public List<RowFilter.Builder> getFiltersBuilderList()
       The elements of "filters" all process a copy of the input row, and the
       results are pooled, sorted, and combined into a single output row.
       If multiple cells are produced with the same column and timestamp,
       they will all appear in the output row in an unspecified mutual order.
       Consider the following example, with three filters:
                                        input row
                  |                         |                         |
                 f(0)                      f(1)                      f(2)
                  |                         |                         |
           1: foo,bar,10,x             foo,bar,10,z              far,bar,7,a
           2: foo,blah,11,z            far,blah,5,x              far,blah,5,x
                  |                         |                         |
           1:                      foo,bar,10,z   // could have switched with #2
           2:                      foo,bar,10,x   // could have switched with #1
           3:                      foo,blah,11,z
           4:                      far,bar,7,a
           5:                      far,blah,5,x   // identical to #6
           6:                      far,blah,5,x   // identical to #5
       All interleaved filters are executed atomically.
      repeated .google.bigtable.v2.RowFilter filters = 1;
    • setUnknownFields

      public final RowFilter.Interleave.Builder setUnknownFields( unknownFields)
      Specified by:
      setUnknownFields in interface
      setUnknownFields in class<RowFilter.Interleave.Builder>
    • mergeUnknownFields

      public final RowFilter.Interleave.Builder mergeUnknownFields( unknownFields)
      Specified by:
      mergeUnknownFields in interface
      mergeUnknownFields in class<RowFilter.Interleave.Builder>