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addAccount(String,AuthDetails,MessageDetails,OnAuth) - function in com.orange.webcom.sdk.Webcom
addAccount(String,AuthDetails,OnAuth) - function in com.orange.webcom.sdk.Webcom
addIdentity(String,AuthDetails,MessageDetails,OnAuth) - function in com.orange.webcom.sdk.Webcom
Adds a new account to the app referred to by this Webcom instance.
addIdentity(String,AuthDetails,OnAuth) - function in com.orange.webcom.sdk.Webcom
Adds a new account to the app referred to by this Webcom instance.
addSuppressed(Throwable) - function in kotlin.WebcomException
addSuppressed(Throwable) - function in kotlin.WebcomRuntimeException
ALL - enum entry in com.orange.webcom.sdk.Config.LogLevel

Log all messages. Same as LogLevel.VERBOSE.

ANONYMOUS - enum entry in com.orange.webcom.sdk.OnAuth.AuthProvider

Anonymous usage

authAnonymously(OnAuth) - function in com.orange.webcom.sdk.Webcom
authAnonymously() - function in com.orange.webcom.sdk.Webcom
AuthDetails - class in com.orange.webcom.sdk
Represents authentication details, needed by the Webcom.addIdentity method to create a new account.
authInternally(String,Credentials,OnAuth) - function in com.orange.webcom.sdk.Webcom
authInternally(String,Credentials) - function in com.orange.webcom.sdk.Webcom
AuthOptions - class in com.orange.webcom.sdk
Represents a set of options for authentication, which can be passed to some methods such as Webcom.authWithOAuth.
AuthOptions.Companion - class in com.orange.webcom.sdk.AuthOptions
AuthOptions.OAuthUserAgent - class in com.orange.webcom.sdk.AuthOptions
authWithCustomProvider(String,String,OnAuth) - function in com.orange.webcom.sdk.Webcom
authWithCustomProvider(String,String) - function in com.orange.webcom.sdk.Webcom
authWithOAuth(Context,String,AuthOptions,OnAuthWithOAuth,Boolean) - function in com.orange.webcom.sdk.Webcom
authWithOAuth(Context,String,AuthOptions,OnAuthWithOAuth) - function in com.orange.webcom.sdk.Webcom
authWithOAuth(Context,String,AuthOptions) - function in com.orange.webcom.sdk.Webcom
authWithOAuth(Context,String,OnAuthWithOAuth,AuthOptions) - function in com.orange.webcom.sdk.Webcom
authWithOAuth(Context,String,OnAuthWithOAuth) - function in com.orange.webcom.sdk.Webcom
authWithOAuth(Context,String) - function in com.orange.webcom.sdk.Webcom
authWithPassword(String,String,OnAuth) - function in com.orange.webcom.sdk.Webcom
authWithPassword(String,String) - function in com.orange.webcom.sdk.Webcom
authWithPhone(String,String,String) - function in com.orange.webcom.sdk.Webcom
Authenticates a user using her/his phone number.
authWithPhone(String,String,String,OnAuth) - function in com.orange.webcom.sdk.Webcom
Authenticates a user using her/his phone number.
authWithToken(String,OnAuth) - function in com.orange.webcom.sdk.Webcom
authWithWassup(AuthOptions,OnAuth) - function in com.orange.webcom.sdk.Webcom
authWithWassup(AuthOptions) - function in com.orange.webcom.sdk.Webcom
authWithWassup(OnAuth) - function in com.orange.webcom.sdk.Webcom
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