Interface Exporter

All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractTreeDataExporter, AmplExporter, BinaryExporter, CgmesExport, JsonExporter, MatpowerExporter, PsseExporter, UcteExporter, XMLExporter

public interface Exporter
This is the base class for all IIDM exporters.

Exporter lookup is based on the ServiceLoader architecture so do not forget to create a META-INF/services/ file with the fully qualified name of your Exporter implementation.

Geoffroy Jamgotchian <geoffroy.jamgotchian at>
See Also:
  • Method Details

    • getFormats

      static Collection<String> getFormats(ExportersLoader loader)
      Get all supported export formats.
    • getFormats

      static Collection<String> getFormats()
    • find

      static Exporter find(ExportersLoader loader, String format)
      Find an exporter.
      format - the export format
      the exporter if one exists for the given format or null otherwise
    • find

      static Exporter find(String format)
    • getFormat

      String getFormat()
      Get a unique identifier of the format.
    • getComment

      String getComment()
      Get some information about this exporter.
    • getParameters

      default List<Parameter> getParameters()
      Get a description of export parameters
    • export

      default void export(Network network, Properties parameters, DataSource dataSource)
      Export a model.
      network - the model
      parameters - some properties to configure the export
      dataSource - data source
    • export

      default void export(Network network, Properties parameters, DataSource dataSource, ReportNode reportNode)
      Export a model.
      network - the model
      parameters - some properties to configure the export
      dataSource - data source
      reportNode - the reportNode used for functional logs