



package system

Linear Supertypes
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. system
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
  1. Hide All
  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. Protected

Type Members

  1. type System = Has[Service]

Value Members

  1. def env(variable: => String): ZIO[System, SecurityException, Option[String]]

    Retrieves the value of an environment variable.

  2. def envOrElse(variable: String, alt: => String): ZIO[System, SecurityException, String]

    Retrieves the value of an environment variable or else returns the specified fallback value.

  3. def envOrOption(variable: String, alt: => Option[String]): ZIO[System, SecurityException, Option[String]]

    Retrieves the value of an environment variable or else returns the specified optional fallback value.

  4. val envs: ZIO[System, SecurityException, Map[String, String]]

    Retrieves the values of all environment variables.

  5. val lineSeparator: URIO[System, String]

    Retrieves the value of the system-specific line separator.

  6. val properties: ZIO[System, Throwable, Map[String, String]]

    Retrieves the values of all system properties.

  7. def property(prop: => String): ZIO[System, Throwable, Option[String]]

    Retrieves the value of a system property.

  8. def propertyOrElse(prop: String, alt: => String): RIO[System, String]

    Retrieves the value of a system property or else return the specified fallback value.

  9. def propertyOrOption(prop: String, alt: => Option[String]): ZIO[System, Throwable, Option[String]]

    Retrieves the value of a system property or else return the specified optional fallback value.

  10. object System extends Serializable

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
