
final class NonEmptyChunk[+A]

A NonEmptyChunk is a Chunk that is guaranteed to contain at least one element. As a result, operations which would not be safe when performed on Chunk, such as head or reduce, are safe when performed on NonEmptyChunk. Operations on NonEmptyChunk which could potentially return an empty chunk will return a Chunk instead.

class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Concrete methods

final def ++[A1 >: A](that: Chunk[A1]): Chunk[A1]
Implicitly added by toChunk

Returns the concatenation of this chunk with the specified chunk.

Returns the concatenation of this chunk with the specified chunk.

final def ++[A1 >: A](that: NonEmptyChunk[A1]): NonEmptyChunk[A1]
Implicitly added by toChunk
def ++[A1 >: A](that: Chunk[A1]): NonEmptyChunk[A1]

Appends the specified Chunk to the end of this NonEmptyChunk.

Appends the specified Chunk to the end of this NonEmptyChunk.

def +:[A1 >: A](a: A1): NonEmptyChunk[A1]

A symbolic alias for prepended.

A symbolic alias for prepended.

def :+[A1 >: A](a: A1): NonEmptyChunk[A1]

A symbolic alias for appended.

A symbolic alias for appended.

def append[A1 >: A](that: Chunk[A1]): NonEmptyChunk[A1]

A named alias for ++.

A named alias for ++.

def appended[A1 >: A](a: A1): NonEmptyChunk[A1]

Appends a single element to the end of this NonEmptyChunk.

Appends a single element to the end of this NonEmptyChunk.

final def asBits(implicit ev: A <:< Byte): Chunk[Boolean]
Implicitly added by toChunk

Converts a chunk of bytes to a chunk of bits.

Converts a chunk of bytes to a chunk of bits.

def asBits(implicit ev: A <:< Byte): NonEmptyChunk[Boolean]

Converts this NonEmptyChunk of bytes to a NonEmptyChunk of bits.

Converts this NonEmptyChunk of bytes to a NonEmptyChunk of bits.

def boolean(index: Int)(implicit ev: A <:< Boolean): Boolean
Implicitly added by toChunk

Get the element at the specified index.

Get the element at the specified index.

def byte(index: Int)(implicit ev: A <:< Byte): Byte
Implicitly added by toChunk

Get the element at the specified index.

Get the element at the specified index.

def char(index: Int)(implicit ev: A <:< Char): Char
Implicitly added by toChunk

Get the element at the specified index.

Get the element at the specified index.

def collectM[R, E, B](pf: PartialFunction[A, ZIO[R, E, B]]): ZIO[R, E, Chunk[B]]
Implicitly added by toChunk

Returns a filtered, mapped subset of the elements of this chunk based on a .

Returns a filtered, mapped subset of the elements of this chunk based on a .

def collectWhile[B](pf: PartialFunction[A, B]): Chunk[B]
Implicitly added by toChunk

Transforms all elements of the chunk for as long as the specified partial function is defined.

Transforms all elements of the chunk for as long as the specified partial function is defined.

def collectWhileM[R, E, B](pf: PartialFunction[A, ZIO[R, E, B]]): ZIO[R, E, Chunk[B]]
Implicitly added by toChunk
final def corresponds[B](that: Chunk[B])(f: (A, B) => Boolean): Boolean
Implicitly added by toChunk

Determines whether this chunk and the specified chunk have the same length and every pair of corresponding elements of this chunk and the specified chunk satisfy the specified predicate.

Determines whether this chunk and the specified chunk have the same length and every pair of corresponding elements of this chunk and the specified chunk satisfy the specified predicate.

def double(index: Int)(implicit ev: A <:< Double): Double
Implicitly added by toChunk

Get the element at the specified index.

Get the element at the specified index.

def dropWhileM[R, E](p: A => ZIO[R, E, Boolean]): ZIO[R, E, Chunk[A]]
Implicitly added by toChunk
override def equals(that: Any): Boolean

Returns whether this NonEmptyChunk and the specified NonEmptyChunk are equal to each other.

Returns whether this NonEmptyChunk and the specified NonEmptyChunk are equal to each other.

Definition Classes
final def filterM[R, E](f: A => ZIO[R, E, Boolean]): ZIO[R, E, Chunk[A]]
Implicitly added by toChunk

Filters this chunk by the specified effectful predicate, retaining all elements for which the predicate evaluates to true.

Filters this chunk by the specified effectful predicate, retaining all elements for which the predicate evaluates to true.

def flatMap[B](f: A => NonEmptyChunk[B]): NonEmptyChunk[B]

Maps each element of this NonEmptyChunk to a new NonEmptyChunk and then concatenates them together.

Maps each element of this NonEmptyChunk to a new NonEmptyChunk and then concatenates them together.

final def flatten[B](implicit ev: A <:< Chunk[B]): Chunk[B]
Implicitly added by toChunk

Flattens a chunk of chunks into a single chunk by concatenating all chunks.

Flattens a chunk of chunks into a single chunk by concatenating all chunks.

def flatten[B](implicit ev: A <:< NonEmptyChunk[B]): NonEmptyChunk[B]

Flattens a NonEmptyChunk of NonEmptyChunk values to a single NonEmptyChunk.

Flattens a NonEmptyChunk of NonEmptyChunk values to a single NonEmptyChunk.

def float(index: Int)(implicit ev: A <:< Float): Float
Implicitly added by toChunk

Get the element at the specified index.

Get the element at the specified index.

final def foldM[R, E, S](s: S)(f: (S, A) => ZIO[R, E, S]): ZIO[R, E, S]
Implicitly added by toChunk

Effectfully folds over the elements in this chunk from the left.

Effectfully folds over the elements in this chunk from the left.

final def foldWhile[S](s0: S)(pred: S => Boolean)(f: (S, A) => S): S
Implicitly added by toChunk

Folds over the elements in this chunk from the left. Stops the fold early when the condition is not fulfilled.

Folds over the elements in this chunk from the left. Stops the fold early when the condition is not fulfilled.

final def foldWhileM[R, E, S](z: S)(pred: S => Boolean)(f: (S, A) => ZIO[R, E, S]): ZIO[R, E, S]
Implicitly added by toChunk
override def hashCode: Int

Returns the hashcode of this NonEmptyChunk.

Returns the hashcode of this NonEmptyChunk.

Definition Classes
def int(index: Int)(implicit ev: A <:< Int): Int
Implicitly added by toChunk

Get the element at the specified index.

Get the element at the specified index.

def long(index: Int)(implicit ev: A <:< Long): Long
Implicitly added by toChunk

Get the element at the specified index.

Get the element at the specified index.

def map[B](f: A => B): NonEmptyChunk[B]

Transforms the elements of this NonEmptyChunk with the specified function.

Transforms the elements of this NonEmptyChunk with the specified function.

final def mapAccum[S1, B](s1: S1)(f1: (S1, A) => (S1, B)): (S1, Chunk[B])
Implicitly added by toChunk

Statefully maps over the chunk, producing new elements of type B.

Statefully maps over the chunk, producing new elements of type B.

def mapAccum[S, B](s: S)(f: (S, A) => (S, B)): (S, NonEmptyChunk[B])

Maps over the elements of this NonEmptyChunk, maintaining some state along the way.

Maps over the elements of this NonEmptyChunk, maintaining some state along the way.

final def mapAccumM[R, E, S1, B](s1: S1)(f1: (S1, A) => ZIO[R, E, (S1, B)]): ZIO[R, E, (S1, Chunk[B])]
Implicitly added by toChunk

Statefully and effectfully maps over the elements of this chunk to produce new elements.

Statefully and effectfully maps over the elements of this chunk to produce new elements.

def mapAccumM[R, E, S, B](s: S)(f: (S, A) => ZIO[R, E, (S, B)]): ZIO[R, E, (S, NonEmptyChunk[B])]

Effectfully maps over the elements of this NonEmptyChunk, maintaining some state along the way.

Effectfully maps over the elements of this NonEmptyChunk, maintaining some state along the way.

final def mapM[R, E, B](f: A => ZIO[R, E, B]): ZIO[R, E, Chunk[B]]
Implicitly added by toChunk

Effectfully maps the elements of this chunk.

Effectfully maps the elements of this chunk.

def mapM[R, E, B](f: A => ZIO[R, E, B]): ZIO[R, E, NonEmptyChunk[B]]

Effectfully maps the elements of this NonEmptyChunk.

Effectfully maps the elements of this NonEmptyChunk.

final def mapMPar[R, E, B](f: A => ZIO[R, E, B]): ZIO[R, E, Chunk[B]]
Implicitly added by toChunk

Effectfully maps the elements of this chunk in parallel.

Effectfully maps the elements of this chunk in parallel.

def mapMPar[R, E, B](f: A => ZIO[R, E, B]): ZIO[R, E, NonEmptyChunk[B]]

Effectfully maps the elements of this NonEmptyChunk in parallel.

Effectfully maps the elements of this NonEmptyChunk in parallel.

final def mapMPar_[R, E](f: A => ZIO[R, E, Any]): ZIO[R, E, Unit]
Implicitly added by toChunk

Effectfully maps the elements of this chunk in parallel purely for the effects.

Effectfully maps the elements of this chunk in parallel purely for the effects.

final def mapM_[R, E](f: A => ZIO[R, E, Any]): ZIO[R, E, Unit]
Implicitly added by toChunk

Effectfully maps the elements of this chunk purely for the effects.

Effectfully maps the elements of this chunk purely for the effects.

def materialize[A1 >: A]: Chunk[A1]
Implicitly added by toChunk

Materializes a chunk into a chunk backed by an array. This method can improve the performance of bulk operations.

Materializes a chunk into a chunk backed by an array. This method can improve the performance of bulk operations.

def materialize[A1 >: A]: NonEmptyChunk[A1]

Materialize the elements of this NonEmptyChunk into a NonEmptyChunk backed by an array.

Materialize the elements of this NonEmptyChunk into a NonEmptyChunk backed by an array.

def nonEmptyOrElse[B](ifEmpty: => B)(fn: NonEmptyChunk[A] => B): B
Implicitly added by toChunk

Runs fn if a chunk is not empty or returns default value

Runs fn if a chunk is not empty or returns default value

def prepend[A1 >: A](that: Chunk[A1]): NonEmptyChunk[A1]

Prepends the specified Chunk to the beginning of this NonEmptyChunk.

Prepends the specified Chunk to the beginning of this NonEmptyChunk.

def prepended[A1 >: A](a: A1): NonEmptyChunk[A1]

Prepends a single element to the beginning of this NonEmptyChunk.

Prepends a single element to the beginning of this NonEmptyChunk.

def reduceMapLeft[B](map: A => B)(reduce: (B, A) => B): B

Reduces the elements of this NonEmptyChunk from left to right using the function map to transform the first value to the type B and then the function reduce to combine the B value with each other A value.

Reduces the elements of this NonEmptyChunk from left to right using the function map to transform the first value to the type B and then the function reduce to combine the B value with each other A value.

def reduceMapRight[B](map: A => B)(reduce: (A, B) => B): B

Reduces the elements of this NonEmptyChunk from right to left using the function map to transform the first value to the type B and then the function reduce to combine the B value with each other A value.

Reduces the elements of this NonEmptyChunk from right to left using the function map to transform the first value to the type B and then the function reduce to combine the B value with each other A value.

def short(index: Int)(implicit ev: A <:< Short): Short
Implicitly added by toChunk

Get the element at the specified index.

Get the element at the specified index.

final def split(n: Int): Chunk[Chunk[A]]
Implicitly added by toChunk

Splits this chunk into n equally sized chunks.

Splits this chunk into n equally sized chunks.

final def splitWhere(f: A => Boolean): (Chunk[A], Chunk[A])
Implicitly added by toChunk

Splits this chunk on the first element that matches this predicate.

Splits this chunk on the first element that matches this predicate.

def takeWhileM[R, E](p: A => ZIO[R, E, Boolean]): ZIO[R, E, Chunk[A]]
Implicitly added by toChunk

Takes all elements so long as the effectual predicate returns true.

Takes all elements so long as the effectual predicate returns true.

final def toBinaryString(implicit ev: A <:< Boolean): String
Implicitly added by toChunk

Renders this chunk of bits as a binary string.

Renders this chunk of bits as a binary string.

def toChunk: Chunk[A]

Converts this NonEmptyChunk to a Chunk, discarding information about it not being empty.

Converts this NonEmptyChunk to a Chunk, discarding information about it not being empty.

def toCons[A1 >: A]: ::[A1]

Converts this NonEmptyChunk to the :: case of a List.

Converts this NonEmptyChunk to the :: case of a List.

override def toString: String

Renders this NonEmptyChunk as a String.

Renders this NonEmptyChunk as a String.

Definition Classes
final def zip[B](that: Chunk[B]): Chunk[(A, B)]
Implicitly added by toChunk

Zips this chunk with the specified chunk to produce a new chunk with pairs of elements from each chunk. The returned chunk will have the length of the shorter chunk.

Zips this chunk with the specified chunk to produce a new chunk with pairs of elements from each chunk. The returned chunk will have the length of the shorter chunk.

def zip[B](that: NonEmptyChunk[B]): NonEmptyChunk[(A, B)]

Zips this NonEmptyChunk with the specified NonEmptyChunk, only keeping as many elements as are in the smaller chunk.

Zips this NonEmptyChunk with the specified NonEmptyChunk, only keeping as many elements as are in the smaller chunk.

final def zipAll[B](that: Chunk[B]): Chunk[(Option[A], Option[B])]
Implicitly added by toChunk

Zips this chunk with the specified chunk to produce a new chunk with pairs of elements from each chunk, filling in missing values from the shorter chunk with None. The returned chunk will have the length of the longer chunk.

Zips this chunk with the specified chunk to produce a new chunk with pairs of elements from each chunk, filling in missing values from the shorter chunk with None. The returned chunk will have the length of the longer chunk.

def zipAll[B](that: Chunk[B]): NonEmptyChunk[(Option[A], Option[B])]

Zips this NonEmptyChunk with the specified Chunk, using None to "fill in" missing values if one chunk has fewer elements than the other.

Zips this NonEmptyChunk with the specified Chunk, using None to "fill in" missing values if one chunk has fewer elements than the other.

final def zipAllWith[B, C](that: Chunk[B])(left: A => C, right: B => C)(both: (A, B) => C): Chunk[C]
Implicitly added by toChunk

Zips with chunk with the specified chunk to produce a new chunk with pairs of elements from each chunk combined using the specified function both. If one chunk is shorter than the other uses the specified function left or right to map the element that does exist to the result type.

Zips with chunk with the specified chunk to produce a new chunk with pairs of elements from each chunk combined using the specified function both. If one chunk is shorter than the other uses the specified function left or right to map the element that does exist to the result type.

def zipAllWith[B, C](that: Chunk[B])(left: A => C, right: B => C)(both: (A, B) => C): NonEmptyChunk[C]

Zips this NonEmptyChunk with the specified Chunk, using the specified functions to "fill in" missing values if one chunk has fewer elements than the other.

Zips this NonEmptyChunk with the specified Chunk, using the specified functions to "fill in" missing values if one chunk has fewer elements than the other.

final def zipWith[B, C](that: Chunk[B])(f: (A, B) => C): Chunk[C]
Implicitly added by toChunk

Zips this chunk with the specified chunk using the specified combiner.

Zips this chunk with the specified chunk using the specified combiner.

def zipWith[B, C](that: NonEmptyChunk[B])(f: (A, B) => C): NonEmptyChunk[C]

Zips this NonEmptyChunk with the specified NonEmptyChunk, only keeping as many elements as are in the smaller chunk.

Zips this NonEmptyChunk with the specified NonEmptyChunk, only keeping as many elements as are in the smaller chunk.

Annotates each element of this NonEmptyChunk with its index.

Annotates each element of this NonEmptyChunk with its index.

final def zipWithIndexFrom(indexOffset: Int): Chunk[(A, Int)]
Implicitly added by toChunk

Zips this chunk with the index of every element, starting from the initial index value.

Zips this chunk with the index of every element, starting from the initial index value.

final def zipWithIndexFrom(indexOffset: Int): NonEmptyChunk[(A, Int)]

Annotates each element of this NonEmptyChunk with its index, with the specified offset.

Annotates each element of this NonEmptyChunk with its index, with the specified offset.

Deprecated methods

@deprecated("use :+", "1.0.0")
final def +[A1 >: A](a: A1): Chunk[A1]
Implicitly added by toChunk

Appends an element to the chunk

Appends an element to the chunk


Inherited methods

final def ++[B >: A](suffix: IterableOnce[B]): Chunk[B]
Implicitly added by toChunk
Inherited from:
final def +:[B >: A](elem: B): Chunk[B]
Implicitly added by toChunk
Inherited from:
final def :+[B >: A](elem: B): Chunk[B]
Implicitly added by toChunk
Inherited from:
final def :++[B >: A](suffix: IterableOnce[B]): Chunk[B]
Implicitly added by toChunk
Inherited from:
Implicitly added by toChunk
Inherited from:
Implicitly added by toChunk
Inherited from:
Implicitly added by toChunk
Inherited from:
Implicitly added by toChunk
Inherited from:
def apply(i: Int): A
Implicitly added by toChunk
Inherited from:
def applyOrElse[A1 <: Int, B1 >: A](x: A1, default: A1 => B1): B1
Implicitly added by toChunk
Inherited from:
def collectFirst[B](pf: PartialFunction[A, B]): Option[B]
Implicitly added by toChunk
Inherited from:
Implicitly added by toChunk
Inherited from:
Implicitly added by toChunk
Inherited from:
def compose[A](g: A => Int): A => A
Implicitly added by toChunk
Inherited from:
def contains[A1 >: A](elem: A1): Boolean
Implicitly added by toChunk
Inherited from:
def containsSlice[B >: A](that: Seq[B]): Boolean
Implicitly added by toChunk
Inherited from:
def copyToArray[B >: A](xs: Array[B], start: Int, len: Int): Int
Implicitly added by toChunk
Inherited from:
@deprecatedOverriding(message = "This should always forward to the 3-arg version of this method", since = "2.13.4")
def copyToArray[B >: A](xs: Array[B], start: Int): Int
Implicitly added by toChunk
Inherited from:
@deprecatedOverriding(message = "This should always forward to the 3-arg version of this method", since = "2.13.4")
def copyToArray[B >: A](xs: Array[B]): Int
Implicitly added by toChunk
Inherited from:
def corresponds[B](that: IterableOnce[B])(p: (A, B) => Boolean): Boolean
Implicitly added by toChunk
Inherited from:
def corresponds[B](that: Seq[B])(p: (A, B) => Boolean): Boolean
Implicitly added by toChunk
Inherited from:
def count(p: A => Boolean): Int
Implicitly added by toChunk
Inherited from:
def distinct: Chunk[A]
Implicitly added by toChunk
Inherited from:
Implicitly added by toChunk
Inherited from:
def endsWith[B >: A](that: Iterable[B]): Boolean
Implicitly added by toChunk
Inherited from:
def findLast(p: A => Boolean): Option[A]
Implicitly added by toChunk
Inherited from:
def fold[A1 >: A](z: A1)(op: (A1, A1) => A1): A1
Implicitly added by toChunk
Inherited from:
def foreach[U](f: A => U): Unit
Implicitly added by toChunk
Inherited from:
protected def fromSpecific(coll: IterableOnce[A]): Chunk[A]
Implicitly added by toChunk
def groupBy[K](f: A => K): Map[K, Chunk[A]]
Implicitly added by toChunk
Inherited from:
def groupMap[K, B](key: A => K)(f: A => B): Map[K, Chunk[B]]
Implicitly added by toChunk
Inherited from:
def groupMapReduce[K, B](key: A => K)(f: A => B)(reduce: (B, B) => B): Map[K, B]
Implicitly added by toChunk
Inherited from:
def grouped(size: Int): Iterator[Chunk[A]]
Implicitly added by toChunk
Inherited from:
@deprecatedOverriding(message = "Override indexOf(elem, from) instead - indexOf(elem) calls indexOf(elem, 0)", since = "2.13.0")
def indexOf[B >: A](elem: B): Int
Implicitly added by toChunk
Inherited from:
def indexOf[B >: A](elem: B, from: Int): Int
Implicitly added by toChunk
Inherited from:
@deprecatedOverriding(message = "Override indexOfSlice(that, from) instead - indexOfSlice(that) calls indexOfSlice(that, 0)", since = "2.13.0")
def indexOfSlice[B >: A](that: Seq[B]): Int
Implicitly added by toChunk
Inherited from:
def indexOfSlice[B >: A](that: Seq[B], from: Int): Int
Implicitly added by toChunk
Inherited from:
@deprecatedOverriding(message = "Override indexWhere(p, from) instead - indexWhere(p) calls indexWhere(p, 0)", since = "2.13.0")
def indexWhere(p: A => Boolean): Int
Implicitly added by toChunk
Inherited from:
Implicitly added by toChunk
Inherited from:
def init: Chunk[A]
Implicitly added by toChunk
Inherited from:
Implicitly added by toChunk
Inherited from:
Implicitly added by toChunk
Inherited from:
Implicitly added by toChunk
Inherited from:
def lastIndexOf[B >: A](elem: B, end: Int): Int
Implicitly added by toChunk
Inherited from:
@deprecatedOverriding(message = "Override lastIndexOfSlice(that, end) instead - lastIndexOfSlice(that) calls lastIndexOfSlice(that, Int.MaxValue)", since = "2.13.0")
def lastIndexOfSlice[B >: A](that: Seq[B]): Int
Implicitly added by toChunk
Inherited from:
def lastIndexOfSlice[B >: A](that: Seq[B], end: Int): Int
Implicitly added by toChunk
Inherited from:
@deprecatedOverriding(message = "Override lastIndexWhere(p, end) instead - lastIndexWhere(p) calls lastIndexWhere(p, Int.MaxValue)", since = "2.13.0")
def lastIndexWhere(p: A => Boolean): Int
Implicitly added by toChunk
Inherited from:
def lastIndexWhere(p: A => Boolean, end: Int): Int
Implicitly added by toChunk
Inherited from:
def lazyZip[B](that: Iterable[B]): LazyZip2[A, B, Chunk[A]]
Implicitly added by toChunk
Inherited from:
def length: Int
Implicitly added by toChunk
Inherited from:
Implicitly added by toChunk
Inherited from:
def lift: Int => Option[A]
Implicitly added by toChunk
Inherited from:
def max[B >: A](implicit ord: Ordering[B]): A
Implicitly added by toChunk
Inherited from:
def maxBy[B](f: A => B)(implicit cmp: Ordering[B]): A
Implicitly added by toChunk
Inherited from:
def maxByOption[B](f: A => B)(implicit cmp: Ordering[B]): Option[A]
Implicitly added by toChunk
Inherited from:
def maxOption[B >: A](implicit ord: Ordering[B]): Option[A]
Implicitly added by toChunk
Inherited from:
def min[B >: A](implicit ord: Ordering[B]): A
Implicitly added by toChunk
Inherited from:
def minBy[B](f: A => B)(implicit cmp: Ordering[B]): A
Implicitly added by toChunk
Inherited from:
def minByOption[B](f: A => B)(implicit cmp: Ordering[B]): Option[A]
Implicitly added by toChunk
Inherited from:
def minOption[B >: A](implicit ord: Ordering[B]): Option[A]
Implicitly added by toChunk
Inherited from:
final def mkString: String
Implicitly added by toChunk
Inherited from:
final def mkString(sep: String): String
Implicitly added by toChunk
Inherited from:
final def mkString(start: String, sep: String, end: String): String
Implicitly added by toChunk
Inherited from:
protected def newSpecificBuilder: Builder[A, Chunk[A]]
Implicitly added by toChunk
@deprecatedOverriding(message = "nonEmpty is defined as !isEmpty; override isEmpty instead", since = "2.13.0")
Implicitly added by toChunk
Inherited from:
def orElse[A1 <: Int, B1 >: A](that: PartialFunction[A1, B1]): PartialFunction[A1, B1]
Implicitly added by toChunk
Inherited from:
Implicitly added by toChunk
Inherited from:
def product[B >: A](implicit num: Numeric[B]): B
Implicitly added by toChunk
Inherited from:
def reduce[B >: A](op: (B, B) => B): B
Implicitly added by toChunk
Inherited from:
def reduceLeft[B >: A](op: (B, A) => B): B
Implicitly added by toChunk
Inherited from:
def reduceLeftOption[B >: A](op: (B, A) => B): Option[B]
Implicitly added by toChunk
Inherited from:
def reduceOption[B >: A](op: (B, B) => B): Option[B]
Implicitly added by toChunk
Inherited from:
def reduceRight[B >: A](op: (A, B) => B): B
Implicitly added by toChunk
Inherited from:
def reduceRightOption[B >: A](op: (A, B) => B): Option[B]
Implicitly added by toChunk
Inherited from:
def runWith[U](action: A => U): Int => Boolean
Implicitly added by toChunk
Inherited from:
Implicitly added by toChunk
Inherited from:
Implicitly added by toChunk
Inherited from:
Implicitly added by toChunk
Inherited from:
Implicitly added by toChunk
Inherited from:
Implicitly added by toChunk
Inherited from:
Implicitly added by toChunk
Inherited from:
def scan[B >: A](z: B)(op: (B, B) => B): Chunk[B]
Implicitly added by toChunk
Inherited from:
def scanRight[B](z: B)(op: (A, B) => B): Chunk[B]
Implicitly added by toChunk
Inherited from:
def segmentLength(p: A => Boolean, from: Int): Int
Implicitly added by toChunk
Inherited from:
final def segmentLength(p: A => Boolean): Int
Implicitly added by toChunk
Inherited from:
Implicitly added by toChunk
Inherited from:
def sliding(size: Int, step: Int): Iterator[Chunk[A]]
Implicitly added by toChunk
Inherited from:
def sliding(size: Int): Iterator[Chunk[A]]
Implicitly added by toChunk
Inherited from:
def sortBy[B](f: A => B)(implicit ord: Ordering[B]): Chunk[A]
Implicitly added by toChunk
Inherited from:
def sortWith(lt: (A, A) => Boolean): Chunk[A]
Implicitly added by toChunk
Inherited from:
def startsWith[B >: A](that: IterableOnce[B], offset: Int): Boolean
Implicitly added by toChunk
Inherited from:
def sum[B >: A](implicit num: Numeric[B]): B
Implicitly added by toChunk
Inherited from:
def tail: Chunk[A]
Implicitly added by toChunk
Inherited from:
Implicitly added by toChunk
Inherited from:
def to[C1](factory: Factory[A, C1]): C1
Implicitly added by toChunk
Inherited from:
final def toBuffer[B >: A]: Buffer[B]
Implicitly added by toChunk
Inherited from:
def toMap[K, V](implicit ev: A <:< (K, V)): Map[K, V]
Implicitly added by toChunk
Inherited from:
def toSet[B >: A]: Set[B]
Implicitly added by toChunk
Inherited from:
def transpose[B](implicit asIterable: A => Iterable[B]): Chunk[Chunk[B]]
Implicitly added by toChunk
Inherited from:
def unapply(a: Int): Option[A]
Implicitly added by toChunk
Inherited from:
Implicitly added by toChunk
Inherited from:
def zipAll[A1 >: A, B](that: Iterable[B], thisElem: A1, thatElem: B): Chunk[(A1, B)]
Implicitly added by toChunk
Inherited from:

Deprecated and Inherited methods

@inline @deprecated(message = "Use foldLeft instead of /:", since = "2.13.0")
final def /:[B](z: B)(op: (B, A) => B): B
Implicitly added by toChunk
[Since version 2.13.0] Use foldLeft instead of /:
Inherited from:
@inline @deprecated(message = "Use foldRight instead of :\\", since = "2.13.0")
final def :\[B](z: B)(op: (A, B) => B): B
Implicitly added by toChunk
[Since version 2.13.0] Use foldRight instead of :\\
Inherited from:
@deprecated(message = "`aggregate` is not relevant for sequential collections. Use `foldLeft(z)(seqop)` instead.", since = "2.13.0")
def aggregate[B](z: => B)(seqop: (B, A) => B, combop: (B, B) => B): B
Implicitly added by toChunk
[Since version 2.13.0] `aggregate` is not relevant for sequential collections. Use `foldLeft(z)(seqop)` instead.
Inherited from:
@inline @deprecatedOverriding(message = "Use iterableFactory instead", since = "2.13.0") @deprecated(message = "Use iterableFactory instead", since = "2.13.0")
Implicitly added by toChunk
[Since version 2.13.0] Use iterableFactory instead
Inherited from:
@inline @deprecated(message = "Use `dest ++= coll` instead", since = "2.13.0")
final def copyToBuffer[B >: A](dest: Buffer[B]): Unit
Implicitly added by toChunk
[Since version 2.13.0] Use `dest ++= coll` instead
Inherited from:
@deprecated(message = "Check .knownSize instead of .hasDefiniteSize for more actionable information (see scaladoc for details)", since = "2.13.0")
Implicitly added by toChunk
[Since version 2.13.0] Check .knownSize instead of .hasDefiniteSize for more actionable information (see scaladoc for details)
Inherited from:
@inline @deprecated(message = "Use segmentLength instead of prefixLength", since = "2.13.0")
final def prefixLength(p: A => Boolean): Int
Implicitly added by toChunk
[Since version 2.13.0] Use segmentLength instead of prefixLength
Inherited from:
@deprecated(message = "Use coll instead of repr in a collection implementation, use the collection value itself from the outside", since = "2.13.0")
final def repr: Chunk[A]
Implicitly added by toChunk
[Since version 2.13.0] Use coll instead of repr in a collection implementation, use the collection value itself from the outside
Inherited from:
@deprecated(message = "Use instead of .reverseMap(f)", since = "2.13.0")
def reverseMap[B](f: A => B): Chunk[B]
Implicitly added by toChunk
[Since version 2.13.0] Use instead of .reverseMap(f)
Inherited from:
@deprecated(message = "Iterable.seq always returns the iterable itself", since = "2.13.0")
def seq: Chunk[A]
Implicitly added by toChunk
[Since version 2.13.0] Iterable.seq always returns the iterable itself
Inherited from:
@deprecated(message = "toIterable is internal and will be made protected; its name is similar to `toList` or `toSeq`, but it doesn\'t copy non-immutable collections", since = "2.13.7")
final def toIterable: Chunk[A]
Implicitly added by toChunk
[Since version 2.13.7] toIterable is internal and will be made protected; its name is similar to `toList` or `toSeq`, but it doesn\'t copy non-immutable collections
Inherited from:
@inline @deprecated(message = "Use .iterator instead of .toIterator", since = "2.13.0")
final def toIterator: Iterator[A]
Implicitly added by toChunk
[Since version 2.13.0] Use .iterator instead of .toIterator
Inherited from:
@inline @deprecated(message = "Use .to(LazyList) instead of .toStream", since = "2.13.0")
final def toStream: Stream[A]
Implicitly added by toChunk
[Since version 2.13.0] Use .to(LazyList) instead of .toStream
Inherited from:
@deprecated(message = "toTraversable is internal and will be made protected; its name is similar to `toList` or `toSeq`, but it doesn\'t copy non-immutable collections", since = "2.13.0")
final def toTraversable: Iterable[A]
Implicitly added by toChunk
[Since version 2.13.0] toTraversable is internal and will be made protected; its name is similar to `toList` or `toSeq`, but it doesn\'t copy non-immutable collections
Inherited from:
@inline @deprecated(message = "Use `concat` instead", since = "2.13.0")
final def union[B >: A](that: Seq[B]): Chunk[B]
Implicitly added by toChunk
[Since version 2.13.0] Use `concat` instead
Inherited from:

Inherited fields

Implicitly added by toChunk

Returns a SeqFactory that can construct Chunk values. The SeqFactory exposes a newBuilder method that is not referentially transparent because it allocates mutable state.

Returns a SeqFactory that can construct Chunk values. The SeqFactory exposes a newBuilder method that is not referentially transparent because it allocates mutable state.

Inherited from: