
object Coeval

Coeval builders.

trait Sum
trait Mirror
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Type members


final case class Always[+A](f: () => A) extends Coeval[A]

Constructs a lazy Coeval instance.

Constructs a lazy Coeval instance.

This type can be used for "lazy" values. In some sense it is equivalent to using a Function0 value.

final implicit class DeprecatedExtensions[+A](val self: Coeval[A]) extends AnyVal

Deprecated operations, described as extension methods.

Deprecated operations, described as extension methods.

sealed abstract class Eager[+A] extends Coeval[A] with Product

The Eager type represents a strict, already evaluated result of a Coeval that either resulted in success, wrapped in a Now, or in an error, wrapped in an Error.

The Eager type represents a strict, already evaluated result of a Coeval that either resulted in success, wrapped in a Now, or in an error, wrapped in an Error.

It's the moral equivalent of scala.util.Try, except that application of functions such as map and flatMap produces Coeval references that are still lazily evaluated.

object Eager
final case class Error(error: Throwable) extends Eager[Nothing]

Constructs an eager Coeval instance for a result that represents an error.

Constructs an eager Coeval instance for a result that represents an error.

final case class Now[+A](a: A) extends Eager[A]

Constructs an eager Coeval instance from a strict value that's already known.

Constructs an eager Coeval instance from a strict value that's already known.

Inherited types

type MirroredElemLabels <: Tuple

The names of the product elements

The names of the product elements

Inherited from:

The name of the type

The name of the type

Inherited from:

Value members

Concrete methods

def apply[A](f: => A): Coeval[A]

Promotes a non-strict value to a Coeval.

Promotes a non-strict value to a Coeval.

Alias of eval.

def defer[A](fa: => Coeval[A]): Coeval[A]

Promote a non-strict value representing a Coeval to a Coeval of the same type.

Promote a non-strict value representing a Coeval to a Coeval of the same type.

def delay[A](a: => A): Coeval[A]

Alias for eval.

Alias for eval.

def eval[A](a: => A): Coeval[A]

Promote a non-strict value to a Coeval, catching exceptions in the process.

Promote a non-strict value to a Coeval, catching exceptions in the process.

Note that since Coeval is not memoized, this will recompute the value each time the Coeval is executed.

def evalOnce[A](a: => A): Coeval[A]

Promote a non-strict value to a Coeval that is memoized on the first evaluation, the result being then available on subsequent evaluations.

Promote a non-strict value to a Coeval that is memoized on the first evaluation, the result being then available on subsequent evaluations.

Guarantees thread-safe idempotency.

'''UNSAFE''' — this operation allocates a shared, mutable reference, which can break in certain cases referential transparency, even if this operation guarantees idempotency (i.e. referential transparency implies idempotency, but idempotency does not imply referential transparency).

   The allocation of a mutable reference is known to be a
   side effect, thus breaking referential transparency,
   even if calling this method does not trigger the evaluation
   of side effects suspended by the source.

   Use with care. Sometimes it's easier to just keep a shared,
   memoized reference to some connection, but keep in mind
   it might be better to pass such a reference around as
   a parameter.
def from[F[_], A](fa: F[A])(implicit F: CoevalLike[F]): Coeval[A]

Converts any value that has a CoevalLike instance into a Coeval.

Converts any value that has a CoevalLike instance into a Coeval.

def fromEither[E <: Throwable, A](a: Either[E, A]): Coeval[A]

Converts a Scala Either into a Coeval.

Converts a Scala Either into a Coeval.

def fromEither[E, A](f: E => Throwable)(a: Either[E, A]): Coeval[A]

Converts a Scala Either into a Coeval.

Converts a Scala Either into a Coeval.

Value parameters:

is a function that knows how to convert into a Throwable in order to throw that error in the MonadError context.

def fromTry[A](a: Try[A]): Coeval[A]

Converts a Scala Try into a Coeval.

Converts a Scala Try into a Coeval.

def left[A, B](a: A): Coeval[Either[A, B]]

Builds a Coeval of Left

Builds a Coeval of Left

def liftFrom[F[_]](implicit F: CoevalLike[F]): FunctionK[F, Coeval]

Returns a F ~> Coeval (FunctionK) for transforming any supported data-type into Coeval.

Returns a F ~> Coeval (FunctionK) for transforming any supported data-type into Coeval.

Useful for mapK transformations, for example when working with Resource or Iterant:

 import cats.effect._
 import monix.eval._

 def open(file: File) =
   Resource[SyncIO, InputStream](SyncIO {
     val in = new FileInputStream(file)
     (in, SyncIO(in.close()))

 // Lifting to a Resource of Coeval
 val res: Resource[Coeval, InputStream] =
   open(new File("sample")).mapK(Coeval.liftFrom[SyncIO])

See cats.arrow.FunctionK.

def liftTo[F[_]](implicit F: CoevalLift[F]): FunctionK[Coeval, F]

Generates Coeval ~> F (FunctionK) values for converting from Coeval to supporting types (for which we have a CoevalLift instance).

Generates Coeval ~> F (FunctionK) values for converting from Coeval to supporting types (for which we have a CoevalLift instance).

See the documentation.

 import cats.effect._
 import monix.eval._

 def open(file: File) =
   Resource[Coeval, InputStream](Coeval {
     val in = new FileInputStream(file)
     (in, Coeval(in.close()))

 // Lifting to a Resource of Task
 val res: Resource[Task, InputStream] =
   open(new File("sample")).mapK(Coeval.liftTo[Task])

 // This was needed in order to process the resource
 // with a Task, instead of a Coeval
 res.use { in =>
   Task {
def liftToSync[F[_]](implicit F: Sync[F]): FunctionK[Coeval, F]

Generates Coeval ~> F function values (FunctionK) for converting from Coeval to types for which we have a cats.effect.Sync instance.

Generates Coeval ~> F function values (FunctionK) for converting from Coeval to types for which we have a cats.effect.Sync instance.

See also:

cats.effect.Sync Prefer to use liftTo, this alternative is provided in order to force the usage of cats.effect.Sync, since CoevalLift is lawless.

def map2[A1, A2, R](fa1: Coeval[A1], fa2: Coeval[A2])(f: (A1, A2) => R): Coeval[R]

Pairs 2 Coeval values, applying the given mapping function.

Pairs 2 Coeval values, applying the given mapping function.

Returns a new Coeval reference that completes with the result of mapping that function to their successful results, or in failure in case either of them fails.

 val fa1 = Coeval(1)
 val fa2 = Coeval(2)

 // Yields Success(3)
 Coeval.map2(fa1, fa2) { (a, b) =>
   a + b

 // Yields Failure(e), because the second arg is a failure
 Coeval.map2(fa1, Coeval.raiseError[Int](new RuntimeException("boo"))) { (a, b) =>
   a + b
def map3[A1, A2, A3, R](fa1: Coeval[A1], fa2: Coeval[A2], fa3: Coeval[A3])(f: (A1, A2, A3) => R): Coeval[R]

Pairs 3 Coeval values, applying the given mapping function.

Pairs 3 Coeval values, applying the given mapping function.

Returns a new Coeval reference that completes with the result of mapping that function to their successful results, or in failure in case either of them fails.

 val fa1 = Coeval(1)
 val fa2 = Coeval(2)
 val fa3 = Coeval(3)

 // Yields Success(6)
 Coeval.map3(fa1, fa2, fa3) { (a, b, c) =>
   a + b + c

 // Yields Failure(e), because the second arg is a failure
 Coeval.map3(fa1, Coeval.raiseError[Int](new RuntimeException("boo")), fa3) { (a, b, c) =>
   a + b + c
def map4[A1, A2, A3, A4, R](fa1: Coeval[A1], fa2: Coeval[A2], fa3: Coeval[A3], fa4: Coeval[A4])(f: (A1, A2, A3, A4) => R): Coeval[R]

Pairs 4 Coeval values, applying the given mapping function.

Pairs 4 Coeval values, applying the given mapping function.

Returns a new Coeval reference that completes with the result of mapping that function to their successful results, or in failure in case either of them fails.

 val fa1 = Coeval(1)
 val fa2 = Coeval(2)
 val fa3 = Coeval(3)
 val fa4 = Coeval(4)

 // Yields Success(10)
 Coeval.map4(fa1, fa2, fa3, fa4) { (a, b, c, d) =>
   a + b + c + d

 // Yields Failure(e), because the second arg is a failure
 Coeval.map4(fa1, Coeval.raiseError[Int](new RuntimeException("boo")), fa3, fa4) {
   (a, b, c, d) => a + b + c + d
def map5[A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, R](fa1: Coeval[A1], fa2: Coeval[A2], fa3: Coeval[A3], fa4: Coeval[A4], fa5: Coeval[A5])(f: (A1, A2, A3, A4, A5) => R): Coeval[R]

Pairs 5 Coeval values, applying the given mapping function.

Pairs 5 Coeval values, applying the given mapping function.

Returns a new Coeval reference that completes with the result of mapping that function to their successful results, or in failure in case either of them fails.

 val fa1 = Coeval(1)
 val fa2 = Coeval(2)
 val fa3 = Coeval(3)
 val fa4 = Coeval(4)
 val fa5 = Coeval(5)

 // Yields Success(15)
 Coeval.map5(fa1, fa2, fa3, fa4, fa5) { (a, b, c, d, e) =>
   a + b + c + d + e

 // Yields Failure(e), because the second arg is a failure
 Coeval.map5(fa1, Coeval.raiseError[Int](new RuntimeException("boo")), fa3, fa4, fa5) {
   (a, b, c, d, e) => a + b + c + d + e
def map6[A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, R](fa1: Coeval[A1], fa2: Coeval[A2], fa3: Coeval[A3], fa4: Coeval[A4], fa5: Coeval[A5], fa6: Coeval[A6])(f: (A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6) => R): Coeval[R]

Pairs 6 Coeval values, applying the given mapping function.

Pairs 6 Coeval values, applying the given mapping function.

Returns a new Coeval reference that completes with the result of mapping that function to their successful results, or in failure in case either of them fails.

 val fa1 = Coeval(1)
 val fa2 = Coeval(2)
 val fa3 = Coeval(3)
 val fa4 = Coeval(4)
 val fa5 = Coeval(5)
 val fa6 = Coeval(6)

 // Yields Success(21)
 Coeval.map6(fa1, fa2, fa3, fa4, fa5, fa6) { (a, b, c, d, e, f) =>
   a + b + c + d + e + f

 // Yields Failure(e), because the second arg is a failure
 Coeval.map6(fa1, Coeval.raiseError[Int](new RuntimeException("boo")), fa3, fa4, fa5, fa6) {
   (a, b, c, d, e, f) => a + b + c + d + e + f
def none[A]: Coeval[Option[A]]

A Coeval of None

A Coeval of None

def now[A](a: A): Coeval[A]

Returns a Coeval that on execution is always successful, emitting the given strict value.

Returns a Coeval that on execution is always successful, emitting the given strict value.

def pure[A](a: A): Coeval[A]

Lifts a value into the coeval context. Alias for now.

Lifts a value into the coeval context. Alias for now.

def raiseError[A](ex: Throwable): Coeval[A]

Returns a Coeval that on execution is always finishing in error emitting the specified exception.

Returns a Coeval that on execution is always finishing in error emitting the specified exception.

Returns raiseError when cond is false, otherwise Coeval.unit

Returns raiseError when cond is false, otherwise Coeval.unit

val tooMany = 5
val x: Int = ???
Coeval.raiseUnless(x < tooMany)(new IllegalArgumentException("Too many"))
def raiseWhen(cond: Boolean)(e: => Throwable): Coeval[Unit]

Returns raiseError when the cond is true, otherwise Coeval.unit

Returns raiseError when the cond is true, otherwise Coeval.unit

val tooMany = 5
val x: Int = ???
Coeval.raiseWhen(x >= tooMany)(new IllegalArgumentException("Too many"))
def right[A, B](a: B): Coeval[Either[A, B]]

Builds a Coeval of Right

Builds a Coeval of Right

def sequence[A, M <: (Iterable)](sources: M[Coeval[A]])(implicit bf: BuildFrom[M[Coeval[A]], A, M[A]]): Coeval[M[A]]

Transforms a Iterable of coevals into a coeval producing the same collection of gathered results.

Transforms a Iterable of coevals into a coeval producing the same collection of gathered results.

It's a simple version of traverse.

def some[A](a: A): Coeval[Option[A]]

Builds a Coeval of Some

Builds a Coeval of Some

def suspend[A](fa: => Coeval[A]): Coeval[A]

Alias for defer.

Alias for defer.

def tailRecM[A, B](a: A)(f: A => Coeval[Either[A, B]]): Coeval[B]

Keeps calling f until it returns a Right result.

Keeps calling f until it returns a Right result.

Based on Phil Freeman's Stack Safety for Free.

def traverse[A, B, M <: (Iterable)](sources: M[A])(f: A => Coeval[B])(implicit bf: BuildFrom[M[A], B, M[B]]): Coeval[M[B]]

Transforms a Iterable[A] into a coeval of the same collection using the provided function A => Coeval[B].

Transforms a Iterable[A] into a coeval of the same collection using the provided function A => Coeval[B].

It's a generalized version of sequence.

def unless(cond: Boolean)(action: => Coeval[Unit]): Coeval[Unit]

Returns the given argument if cond is false, otherwise Coeval.Unit

Returns the given argument if cond is false, otherwise Coeval.Unit

See also:

Coeval.when for the inverse

Coeval.raiseWhen for conditionally raising an error

def when(cond: Boolean)(action: => Coeval[Unit]): Coeval[Unit]

Returns the given argument if cond is true, otherwise Coeval.Unit

Returns the given argument if cond is true, otherwise Coeval.Unit

See also:

Coeval.unless for the inverse

Coeval.raiseWhen for conditionally raising an error

def zip2[A1, A2, R](fa1: Coeval[A1], fa2: Coeval[A2]): Coeval[(A1, A2)]

Pairs two Coeval instances.

Pairs two Coeval instances.

def zip3[A1, A2, A3](fa1: Coeval[A1], fa2: Coeval[A2], fa3: Coeval[A3]): Coeval[(A1, A2, A3)]

Pairs three Coeval instances.

Pairs three Coeval instances.

def zip4[A1, A2, A3, A4](fa1: Coeval[A1], fa2: Coeval[A2], fa3: Coeval[A3], fa4: Coeval[A4]): Coeval[(A1, A2, A3, A4)]

Pairs four Coeval instances.

Pairs four Coeval instances.

def zip5[A1, A2, A3, A4, A5](fa1: Coeval[A1], fa2: Coeval[A2], fa3: Coeval[A3], fa4: Coeval[A4], fa5: Coeval[A5]): Coeval[(A1, A2, A3, A4, A5)]

Pairs five Coeval instances.

Pairs five Coeval instances.

def zip6[A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6](fa1: Coeval[A1], fa2: Coeval[A2], fa3: Coeval[A3], fa4: Coeval[A4], fa5: Coeval[A5], fa6: Coeval[A6]): Coeval[(A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6)]

Pairs six Coeval instances.

Pairs six Coeval instances.

def zipList[A](sources: Coeval[A]*): Coeval[List[A]]

Zips together multiple Coeval instances.

Zips together multiple Coeval instances.

Deprecated and Inherited methods

@deprecated("Switch to Coeval.from", since = "3.0.0-RC3")
def fromEval[A](a: Eval[A]): Coeval[A]

DEPRECATED — please switch to Coeval.from.

DEPRECATED — please switch to Coeval.from.

[Since version 3.0.0-RC3]
Inherited from:
@deprecated("Switch to Coeval.from", since = "3.0.0-RC3")
def fromSyncIO[A](a: SyncIO[A]): Coeval[A]

DEPRECATED — please switch to Coeval.from.

DEPRECATED — please switch to Coeval.from.

[Since version 3.0.0-RC3]
Inherited from:

Concrete fields

A Coeval[Unit] provided for convenience.

A Coeval[Unit] provided for convenience.



final implicit def DeprecatedExtensions[A](self: Coeval[A]): DeprecatedExtensions[A]

Deprecated operations, described as extension methods.

Deprecated operations, described as extension methods.

implicit def catsMonoid[A](implicit A: Monoid[A]): Monoid[Coeval[A]]

Given an A type that has a cats.Monoid[A] implementation, then this provides the evidence that Coeval[A] also has a Monoid[Coeval[A]] implementation.

Given an A type that has a cats.Monoid[A] implementation, then this provides the evidence that Coeval[A] also has a Monoid[Coeval[A]] implementation.

Instance of Cats type classes for Coeval, implementing cats.effect.SyncEffect (which implies Applicative, Monad, MonadError, Sync) and cats.CoflatMap.

Instance of Cats type classes for Coeval, implementing cats.effect.SyncEffect (which implies Applicative, Monad, MonadError, Sync) and cats.CoflatMap.

Inherited implicits

implicit def catsSemigroup[A](implicit A: Semigroup[A]): Semigroup[Coeval[A]]

Given an A type that has a cats.Semigroup[A] implementation, then this provides the evidence that Coeval[A] also has a Semigroup[Coeval[A]] implementation.

Given an A type that has a cats.Semigroup[A] implementation, then this provides the evidence that Coeval[A] also has a Semigroup[Coeval[A]] implementation.

This has a lower-level priority than Coeval.catsMonoid in order to avoid conflicts.

Inherited from: