Interface GrpcSecurityMetadataSource

All Superinterfaces:
AopInfrastructureBean, SecurityMetadataSource
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractGrpcSecurityMetadataSource, ManualGrpcSecurityMetadataSource

public interface GrpcSecurityMetadataSource extends SecurityMetadataSource
A SecurityMetadataSource for grpc requests.

Note: The authorization checking via this metadata source will only be enabled, if both an AccessDecisionVoter and a GrpcSecurityMetadataSource are present in the application context.

  • Method Details

    • getAttributes

      Collection<ConfigAttribute> getAttributes(ServerCall<?,?> call)
      Accesses the ConfigAttributes that apply to a given secure object.
      call - The grpc call being secured.
      The attributes that apply to the passed in secured object. Should return an empty collection if there are no applicable attributes.