Class SdkHarnessOptions.SdkHarnessLogLevelOverrides

  • All Implemented Interfaces:, java.lang.Cloneable, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​SdkHarnessOptions.LogLevel>
    Enclosing interface:

    public static class SdkHarnessOptions.SdkHarnessLogLevelOverrides
    extends java.util.HashMap<java.lang.String,​SdkHarnessOptions.LogLevel>
    Defines a log level override for a specific class, package, or name.

    The SDK harness supports a logging hierarchy based off of names that are "." separated. It is a common pattern to have the logger for a given class share the same name as the class itself. Given the classes a.b.c.Foo, a.b.c.Xyz, and a.b.Bar, with loggers named "a.b.c.Foo", "a.b.c.Xyz", and "a.b.Bar" respectively, we can override the log levels:

    • for Foo by specifying the name "a.b.c.Foo" or the Class representing a.b.c.Foo.
    • for Foo, Xyz, and Bar by specifying the name "a.b" or the Package representing a.b.
    • for Foo and Bar by specifying both of their names or classes.

    System.out and System.err messages are configured via loggers of the corresponding name. Note that by specifying multiple overrides, the exact name followed by the closest parent takes precedence.

    See Also:
    Serialized Form