Class FixedPrecisionNumeric

  • All Implemented Interfaces:, Schema.LogicalType<java.math.BigDecimal,​java.math.BigDecimal>

    public class FixedPrecisionNumeric
    extends PassThroughLogicalType<java.math.BigDecimal>
    Fixed precision numeric types used to represent jdbc NUMERIC and DECIMAL types.
    See Also:
    Serialized Form
    • Field Detail


        public static final java.lang.String BASE_IDENTIFIER
        Identifier of the unspecified precision numeric type. It corresponds to Java SDK's Schema.FieldType.DECIMAL. It is the underlying representation type of FixedPrecisionNumeric logical type in order to be compatible with existing Java field types.
    • Method Detail

      • of

        public static FixedPrecisionNumeric of​(int precision,
                                               int scale)
        Create a FixedPrecisionNumeric instance with specified precision and scale. ``precision=-1`` indicates unspecified precision.
      • of

        public static FixedPrecisionNumeric of​(int scale)
        Create a FixedPrecisionNumeric instance with specified scale and unspecified precision.
      • of

        public static FixedPrecisionNumeric of​(Row row)
        Create a FixedPrecisionNumeric instance with specified argument row.