Class DisplayData.ItemSpec<T>

    • Constructor Detail

      • ItemSpec

        public ItemSpec()
    • Method Detail

      • getNamespace

        public abstract @Nullable java.lang.Class<?> getNamespace()
        The namespace for the display item. If unset, defaults to the component which the display item is registered to.
      • getShortValue

        public abstract @Nullable java.lang.Object getShortValue()
        The optional short value for an item, or null if none is provided.

        The short value is an alternative display representation for items having a long display value. For example, the value for DisplayData.Type.JAVA_CLASS items contains the full class name with package, while the short value contains just the class name.

        A value will be provided for each display item, and some types may also provide a short-value. If a short value is provided, display data consumers may choose to display it instead of or in addition to the value.

      • getLabel

        public abstract @Nullable java.lang.String getLabel()
        The optional label for an item. The label is a human-readable description of what the metadata represents. UIs may choose to display the label instead of the item key.
      • getLinkUrl

        public abstract @Nullable java.lang.String getLinkUrl()
        The optional link URL for an item. The URL points to an address where the reader can find additional context for the display data.
      • withNamespace

        public DisplayData.ItemSpec<T> withNamespace​(java.lang.Class<?> namespace)
        Set the item namespace from the given Class.

        This method does not alter the current instance, but instead returns a new DisplayData.ItemSpec with the namespace set.

      • withLabel

        public DisplayData.ItemSpec<T> withLabel​(@Nullable java.lang.String label)
        Set the item label.

        Specifying a null value will clear the label if it was previously defined.

        This method does not alter the current instance, but instead returns a new DisplayData.ItemSpec with the label set.

      • withLinkUrl

        public DisplayData.ItemSpec<T> withLinkUrl​(@Nullable java.lang.String url)
        Set the item link url.

        Specifying a null value will clear the link url if it was previously defined.

        This method does not alter the current instance, but instead returns a new DisplayData.ItemSpec with the link url set.

      • toString

        public final java.lang.String toString()
        toString in class java.lang.Object