Class DictionaryPage

  • public class DictionaryPage
    extends Page
    Data for a dictionary page
    • Constructor Detail

      • DictionaryPage

        public DictionaryPage​(org.apache.parquet.bytes.BytesInput bytes,
                              int dictionarySize,
                              Encoding encoding)
        creates an uncompressed page
        bytes - the content of the page
        dictionarySize - the value count in the dictionary
        encoding - the encoding used
      • DictionaryPage

        public DictionaryPage​(org.apache.parquet.bytes.BytesInput bytes,
                              int uncompressedSize,
                              int dictionarySize,
                              Encoding encoding)
        creates a dictionary page
        bytes - the (possibly compressed) content of the page
        uncompressedSize - the size uncompressed
        dictionarySize - the value count in the dictionary
        encoding - the encoding used