Class CapacityByteArrayOutputStream

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Closeable, Flushable, AutoCloseable

    public class CapacityByteArrayOutputStream
    extends OutputStream
    Similar to a ByteArrayOutputStream, but uses a different strategy for growing that does not involve copying. Where ByteArrayOutputStream is backed by a single array that "grows" by copying into a new larger array, this output stream grows by allocating a new array (slab) and adding it to a list of previous arrays. Each new slab is allocated to be the same size as all the previous slabs combined, so these allocations become exponentially less frequent, just like ByteArrayOutputStream, with one difference. This output stream accepts a max capacity hint, which is a hint describing the max amount of data that will be written to this stream. As the total size of this stream nears this max, this stream starts to grow linearly instead of exponentially. So new slabs are allocated to be 1/5th of the max capacity hint, instead of equal to the total previous size of all slabs. This is useful because it prevents allocating roughly twice the needed space when a new slab is added just before the stream is done being used. When reusing this stream it will adjust the initial slab size based on the previous data size, aiming for fewer allocations, with the assumption that a similar amount of data will be written to this stream on re-use. See (reset()).
    • Constructor Detail

      • CapacityByteArrayOutputStream

        public CapacityByteArrayOutputStream​(int initialSlabSize,
                                             int maxCapacityHint)
        initialSlabSize - the size to make the first slab
        maxCapacityHint - a hint (not guarantee) of the max amount of data written to this stream
      • CapacityByteArrayOutputStream

        public CapacityByteArrayOutputStream​(int initialSlabSize,
                                             int maxCapacityHint,
                                             ByteBufferAllocator allocator)
        initialSlabSize - the size to make the first slab
        maxCapacityHint - a hint (not guarantee) of the max amount of data written to this stream
        allocator - an allocator to use when creating byte buffers for slabs
    • Method Detail

      • initialSlabSizeHeuristic

        public static int initialSlabSizeHeuristic​(int minSlabSize,
                                                   int targetCapacity,
                                                   int targetNumSlabs)
        Return an initial slab size such that a CapacityByteArrayOutputStream constructed with it will end up allocating targetNumSlabs in order to reach targetCapacity. This aims to be a balance between the overhead of creating new slabs and wasting memory by eagerly making initial slabs too big. Note that targetCapacity here need not match maxCapacityHint in the constructor of CapacityByteArrayOutputStream, though often that would make sense.
        minSlabSize - no matter what we shouldn't make slabs any smaller than this
        targetCapacity - after we've allocated targetNumSlabs how much capacity should we have?
        targetNumSlabs - how many slabs should it take to reach targetCapacity?
        an initial slab size
      • withTargetNumSlabs

        public static CapacityByteArrayOutputStream withTargetNumSlabs​(int minSlabSize,
                                                                       int maxCapacityHint,
                                                                       int targetNumSlabs)
      • withTargetNumSlabs

        public static CapacityByteArrayOutputStream withTargetNumSlabs​(int minSlabSize,
                                                                       int maxCapacityHint,
                                                                       int targetNumSlabs,
                                                                       ByteBufferAllocator allocator)
        Construct a CapacityByteArrayOutputStream configured such that its initial slab size is determined by initialSlabSizeHeuristic(int, int, int), with targetCapacity == maxCapacityHint
        minSlabSize - a minimum slab size
        maxCapacityHint - a hint for the maximum required capacity
        targetNumSlabs - the target number of slabs
        allocator - an allocator to use when creating byte buffers for slabs
        a capacity baos
      • write

        public void write​(byte[] b,
                          int off,
                          int len)
        write in class OutputStream
      • writeTo

        public void writeTo​(OutputStream out)
                     throws IOException
        Writes the complete contents of this buffer to the specified output stream argument. the output stream's write method out.write(slab, 0, slab.length)) will be called once per slab.
        out - the output stream to which to write the data.
        IOException - if an I/O error occurs.
      • size

        public long size()
        The total size in bytes of data written to this stream.
      • getCapacity

        public int getCapacity()
        The total size in bytes currently allocated for this stream.
      • reset

        public void reset()
        When re-using an instance with reset, it will adjust slab size based on previous data size. The intent is to reuse the same instance for the same type of data (for example, the same column). The assumption is that the size in the buffer will be consistent.
      • getCurrentIndex

        public long getCurrentIndex()
        the index of the last value written to this stream, which can be passed to setByte(long, byte) in order to change it
      • setByte

        public void setByte​(long index,
                            byte value)
        Replace the byte stored at position index in this stream with value
        index - which byte to replace
        value - the value to replace it with
      • memUsageString

        public String memUsageString​(String prefix)
        prefix - a prefix to be used for every new line in the string
        a text representation of the memory usage of this structure