Class DatabaseClientLogEvents

    public class DatabaseClientLogEvents
    extends Object
    Parse client latency events from system keyspace.
    • Method Detail

      • getEventCount

        public int getEventCount()
      • hasMore

        public boolean hasMore()
      • forEachEventBetweenVersions

        public static CompletableFuture<DatabaseClientLogEvents> forEachEventBetweenVersions​(@Nonnull
                                                                                             Database database,
                                                                                             Executor executor,
                                                                                             DatabaseClientLogEvents.EventConsumer callback,
                                                                                             Long startVersion,
                                                                                             Long endVersion,
                                                                                             int eventCountLimit,
                                                                                             long timeLimitMillis)
        Apply a callback to client latency events recorded in the given database between two commit versions.
        database - the database to open and read events from
        executor - executor to use when running transactions
        callback - the callback to apply
        startVersion - the starting commit version
        endVersion - the exclusive end version
        eventCountLimit - the maximum number of events to process before returning
        timeLimitMillis - the maximum time to process before returning
        a future which completes when the version range has been processed by the callback with an object that can be used to resume the scan
      • forEachEventBetweenTimestamps

        public static CompletableFuture<DatabaseClientLogEvents> forEachEventBetweenTimestamps​(@Nonnull
                                                                                               Database database,
                                                                                               Executor executor,
                                                                                               DatabaseClientLogEvents.EventConsumer callback,
                                                                                               Instant startTimestamp,
                                                                                               Instant endTimestamp,
                                                                                               int eventCountLimit,
                                                                                               long timeLimitMillis)
        Apply a callback to client latency events recorded in the given database between two commit versions.
        database - the database to open and read events from
        executor - executor to use when running transactions
        callback - the callback to apply
        startTimestamp - the starting wall-clock time
        endTimestamp - the exclusive end time
        eventCountLimit - the maximum number of events to process before returning
        timeLimitMillis - the maximum time to process before returning
        a future which completes when the version range has been processed by the callback with an object that can be used to resume the scan
      • forEachEventContinued

        public CompletableFuture<DatabaseClientLogEvents> forEachEventContinued​(@Nonnull
                                                                                Database database,
                                                                                Executor executor,
                                                                                DatabaseClientLogEvents.EventConsumer callback,
                                                                                int eventCountLimit,
                                                                                long timeLimitMillis)
        Apply a callback to client latency events following an early return due to reaching a limit.
        database - the database to open and read events from
        executor - executor to use when running transactions
        callback - the callback to apply
        eventCountLimit - the maximum number of events to process before returning
        timeLimitMillis - the maximum time to process before returning
        a future which completes when the version range has been processed by the callback with an object that can be used to resume the scan again