
@native @JSType
trait ValidityState extends Object

The DOM ValidityState interface represents the validity states that an element can be in, with respect to constraint validation. Together, they help explain why an element's value fails to validate, if it's not valid.

class Object
trait Any
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Concrete methods

def customError: Boolean

The element's custom validity message has been set to a non-empty string by calling the element's setCustomValidity() method.

The element's custom validity message has been set to a non-empty string by calling the element's setCustomValidity() method.

def patternMismatch: Boolean

The value does not match the specified pattern.

The value does not match the specified pattern.

def rangeOverflow: Boolean

The value is greater than the maximum specified by the max attribute.

The value is greater than the maximum specified by the max attribute.

def rangeUnderflow: Boolean

The value is less than the minimum specified by the min attribute.

The value is less than the minimum specified by the min attribute.

def stepMismatch: Boolean

The value does not fit the rules determined by the step attribute (that is, it's not evenly divisible by the step value).

The value does not fit the rules determined by the step attribute (that is, it's not evenly divisible by the step value).

def tooLong: Boolean

The value exceeds the specified maxlength for HTMLInputElement or HTMLTextAreaElement objects. Note: This will never be true in Gecko, because elements' values are prevented from being longer than maxlength.

The value exceeds the specified maxlength for HTMLInputElement or HTMLTextAreaElement objects. Note: This will never be true in Gecko, because elements' values are prevented from being longer than maxlength.

def typeMismatch: Boolean

The value is not in the required syntax (when type is email or url).

The value is not in the required syntax (when type is email or url).

def valid: Boolean

The element meets all constraint validations, and is therefore considered to be valid.

The element meets all constraint validations, and is therefore considered to be valid.

def valueMissing: Boolean

The element has a required attribute, but no value.

The element has a required attribute, but no value.

Inherited methods

def hasOwnProperty(v: String): Boolean
Inherited from:
def isPrototypeOf(v: Object): Boolean
Inherited from:
def propertyIsEnumerable(v: String): Boolean
Inherited from:
def toLocaleString(): String
Inherited from:
def valueOf(): Any
Inherited from: