Interface Config

All Known Implementing Classes:
Config.Builder, Config.Impl

public interface Config
A Kompics configuration.

Basically a versioned, in-memory key-value store with some implicit type coercions (Converter).

Lars Kroll <[email protected]>
  • Method Details

    • readValue

      <T> Optional<T> readValue​(String key)
      Returns an Optional of the value at key as T or Absent<T> if none.

      Does not perform checked casting!

      Type Parameters:
      T - The requested type of the value
      key - The location of the value
      Optional.of(T) if present or Absent<T> otherwise
    • readValue

      <T> Optional<T> readValue​(String key, Class<T> type)
      Returns an Optional of the value at key as T or Absent<T> if none.

      Performs checked casting against type.

      Type Parameters:
      T - The requested type of the value
      key - The location of the value
      type - The type to cast the value to
      Optional.of(T) if present or Absent<T> otherwise
    • getValue

      <T> T getValue​(String key, Class<T> type) throws ClassCastException
      Return the value at key as T or null if none.

      Performs checked casting against type.

      Type Parameters:
      T - The requested type of the value
      key - The location of the value
      type - The type to cast the value to
      The value as T if present or null otherwise
      ClassCastException - if the value can not be cast to type
    • getValueOrDefault

      <T> T getValueOrDefault​(String key, T defaultValue)
      Return the value at key as T or defaultValue if none.

      Performs checked casting against the type of defaultValue.

      Type Parameters:
      T - The requested type of the value
      key - The location of the value
      defaultValue - Returned if there is not value of the right type at key
      The value as T if present or defaultValue otherwise
    • getValues

      <T> List<T> getValues​(String key)
      Returns a list of values at @{code key}.

      The casts to T are unchecked in this method. Use getValues(java.lang.String, java.lang.Class) if you don't want this behaviour.

      Type Parameters:
      T - The list value type
      key - The location of the values
      A list of values at @{code key}
    • getValues

      <T> List<T> getValues​(String key, Class<T> type)
      Returns a list of values at @{code key}.

      Value casts are checked against type. May throw a @{link se.sics.kompics.config.ConfigValueException } if a value can't be cast.

      Type Parameters:
      T - The list value type
      key - The location of the values
      type - The type to cast the values to
      A list of values at @{code key}
    • modify

    • copy

      Config copy​(boolean newVersionLine)