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ABKHAZIAN - Static variable in interface gate.creole.ontology.OConstants
Language code used "ab"
ABOUT_URL_JAVA_PROPERTY_NAME - Static variable in interface gate.GateConstants
Property to set help about box from command line
AbstractController - Class in gate.creole
AbstractController() - Constructor for class gate.creole.AbstractController
AbstractController.InternalStatusListener - Class in gate.creole
A simple status listener used to forward the events upstream.
AbstractController.IntervalProgressListener - Class in gate.creole
A progress listener used to convert a 0..100 interval into a smaller one
AbstractDocumentView - Class in gate.gui.docview
A convenience implementation of DocumentView that can be extended by implementers of document views.
AbstractDocumentView() - Constructor for class gate.gui.docview.AbstractDocumentView
AbstractFeatureBearer - Class in gate.util
A convenience implemetation of FeatureBearer.
AbstractFeatureBearer() - Constructor for class gate.util.AbstractFeatureBearer
AbstractLanguageAnalyser - Class in gate.creole
A parent implementation of language analysers with some default code.
AbstractLanguageAnalyser() - Constructor for class gate.creole.AbstractLanguageAnalyser
AbstractLanguageResource - Class in gate.creole
A convenience implementation of LanguageResource with some default code.
AbstractLanguageResource() - Constructor for class gate.creole.AbstractLanguageResource
AbstractNameBearer - Class in gate.util
AbstractNameBearer() - Constructor for class gate.util.AbstractNameBearer
AbstractPersistence - Class in gate.util.persistence
AbstractPersistence() - Constructor for class gate.util.persistence.AbstractPersistence
AbstractProcessingResource - Class in gate.creole
A convenience implementation of ProcessingResource with some default code.
AbstractProcessingResource() - Constructor for class gate.creole.AbstractProcessingResource
AbstractProcessingResource.InternalStatusListener - Class in gate.creole
A simple status listener used to forward the events upstream.
AbstractProcessingResource.IntervalProgressListener - Class in gate.creole
A progress listener used to convert a 0..100 interval into a smaller one
AbstractResource - Class in gate.creole
A convenience implementation of Resource with some default code.
AbstractResource() - Constructor for class gate.creole.AbstractResource
AbstractTreeTableModel - Class in gate.swing
An abstract implementation of the TreeTableModel interface.
AbstractTreeTableModel(Object) - Constructor for class gate.swing.AbstractTreeTableModel
Constructor for a tree-table containing only one node: the root.
AbstractVisualResource - Class in gate.creole
A convenience implementation of VisualResource with some default code.
AbstractVisualResource() - Constructor for class gate.creole.AbstractVisualResource
Package access constructor to stop normal initialisation.
accept(File) - Method in class gate.util.ExtensionFileFilter
Checks a file for compliance with the requested extensions.
ACRONYM - Static variable in interface gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.analysis.standard.StandardTokenizerConstants
actionList - Variable in class gate.gui.SerialControllerEditor
The list of actions provided by this editor
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class gate.gui.annedit.SearchAndAnnotatePanel.AnnotateAllMatchesAction
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class gate.gui.annedit.SearchAndAnnotatePanel.AnnotateMatchAction
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class gate.gui.annedit.SearchAndAnnotatePanel.FindFirstAction
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class gate.gui.annedit.SearchAndAnnotatePanel.FindNextAction
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class gate.gui.annedit.SearchAndAnnotatePanel.FindPreviousAction
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class gate.gui.annedit.SearchAndAnnotatePanel.UndoAnnotateAllMatchesAction
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class gate.gui.annedit.SearchExpressionsAction
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class gate.gui.AnnotationDiffGUI.CloseAction
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class gate.gui.AnnotationDiffGUI.CopyToTargetSetAction
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class gate.gui.AnnotationDiffGUI.DiffAction
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class gate.gui.AnnotationDiffGUI.HelpAction
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class gate.gui.AnnotationDiffGUI.HTMLExportAction
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class gate.gui.AnnotationDiffGUI.ShowDocumentAction
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class gate.gui.CorpusQualityAssurance.CompareAction
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class gate.gui.CorpusQualityAssurance.ExportToHtmlAction
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class gate.gui.CorpusQualityAssurance.HelpAction
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class gate.gui.CorpusQualityAssurance.SetBdmFileAction
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class gate.gui.CreateIndexGUI.EditFeatureListAction
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class gate.gui.CreateIndexGUI.SelectDirAction
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class gate.gui.docview.AnnotationEditor.ApplyAction
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class gate.gui.docview.AnnotationEditor.DeleteAnnotationAction
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class gate.gui.docview.AnnotationEditor.DismissAction
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class gate.gui.docview.AnnotationEditor.EndOffsetLeftAction
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class gate.gui.docview.AnnotationEditor.EndOffsetRightAction
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class gate.gui.docview.AnnotationEditor.StartOffsetLeftAction
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class gate.gui.docview.AnnotationEditor.StartOffsetRightAction
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class gate.gui.docview.AnnotationListView.DeleteAction
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class gate.gui.docview.AnnotationListView.EditAnnotationAction
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class gate.gui.docview.AnnotationSetsView.DeleteSelectedAnnotationsAction
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class gate.gui.docview.AnnotationSetsView.EditAnnotationAction
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class gate.gui.docview.AnnotationSetsView.HandleDocumentEventsAction
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class gate.gui.docview.AnnotationSetsView.MouseStoppedMovingAction
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class gate.gui.docview.AnnotationSetsView.NewAnnotationAction
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class gate.gui.docview.AnnotationSetsView.NewAnnotationSetAction
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class gate.gui.docview.AnnotationSetsView.SetSelectedAnnotationsAction
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class gate.gui.docview.AnnotationSetsView.TypeHandler.ChangeColourAction
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class gate.gui.docview.CorefEditor
ActionPerformed Activity
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class gate.gui.docview.CorefEditor.ChainToolTipAction
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class gate.gui.docview.CorefEditor.NewCorefAction
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class gate.gui.docview.DocumentEditor.SearchAction
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class gate.gui.docview.TextualDocumentView.UpdateHighlightsAction
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class gate.gui.ListEditorDialog.AddAction
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class gate.gui.ListEditorDialog.RemoveAction
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class gate.gui.LogArea.ClearAllAction
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class gate.gui.LogArea.CopyAction
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class gate.gui.LogArea.SelectAllAction
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class gate.gui.LuceneDataStoreSearchGUI.ClearQueryAction
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class gate.gui.LuceneDataStoreSearchGUI.ConfigureStackViewAction
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class gate.gui.LuceneDataStoreSearchGUI.ExecuteQueryAction
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class gate.gui.LuceneDataStoreSearchGUI.ExportResultsAction
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class gate.gui.LuceneDataStoreSearchGUI.NextResultsAction
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class gate.gui.LuceneDataStoreSearchGUI.RefreshAnnotationSetsAndFeaturesAction
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class gate.gui.OptionsDialog.CancelAction
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class gate.gui.persistence.XgappUpgradeSelector
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class gate.gui.PRViewer.CopyValueAction
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class gate.util.persistence.UpgradeXGAPP.UpgradeAction
actionPublishers - Variable in class gate.gui.NameBearerHandle
Stores all the action providers for this resource.
ActionsPublisher - Interface in gate.gui
This interface is used to mark resources that publish a list of actions that can be performed on them.
active - Variable in class gate.gui.docview.AbstractDocumentView
Stores the active state of this view.
add(Node, Node, String, FeatureMap) - Method in class gate.annotation.AnnotationSetImpl
Create and add an annotation with pre-existing nodes, and return its id.
add(Annotation) - Method in class gate.annotation.AnnotationSetImpl
Add an existing annotation.
add(Long, Long, String, FeatureMap) - Method in class gate.annotation.AnnotationSetImpl
Create and add an annotation and return its id
add(Integer, Long, Long, String, FeatureMap) - Method in class gate.annotation.AnnotationSetImpl
Create and add an annotation from database read data In this case the id is already known being previously fetched from the database
add(Node, Node, String, FeatureMap) - Method in class gate.annotation.ImmutableAnnotationSetImpl
The following methods throw an exception as they try to modify the state of the object
add(Long, Long, String, FeatureMap) - Method in class gate.annotation.ImmutableAnnotationSetImpl
add(Annotation) - Method in class gate.annotation.ImmutableAnnotationSetImpl
add(Integer, Long, Long, String, FeatureMap) - Method in class gate.annotation.ImmutableAnnotationSetImpl
add(Integer, Long, Long, String, FeatureMap) - Method in interface gate.AnnotationSet
Create and add an annotation with a pre-existing ID.
add(Document) - Method in class gate.corpora.CorpusImpl
add(int, Document) - Method in class gate.corpora.CorpusImpl
add(int, Document) - Method in class gate.corpora.CorpusImpl.VerboseList
add(Document) - Method in class gate.corpora.SerialCorpusImpl
add(int, Document) - Method in class gate.corpora.SerialCorpusImpl
add(Field) - Method in class gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.document.Document
Adds a field to a document.
add(Query, boolean, boolean) - Method in class
Adds a clause to a boolean query.
add(BooleanClause) - Method in class
Adds a clause to a boolean query.
add(Term, Integer, boolean) - Method in class
Adds a term to the end of the query phrase.
add(Term) - Method in class
add(String, List<Document>) - Method in interface gate.creole.annic.Indexer
Add new documents to Index
add(String, List<Document>) - Method in class gate.creole.annic.lucene.LuceneIndexer
Add new documents to Index
add(ProcessingResource) - Method in class gate.creole.ConditionalSerialAnalyserController
Overidden from SerialController to only allow LanguageAnalysers as components.
add(int, ProcessingResource) - Method in class gate.creole.ConditionalSerialAnalyserController
Overidden from SerialController to only allow LanguageAnalysers as components.
add(int, ProcessingResource) - Method in class gate.creole.ConditionalSerialController
Set a PR at a specified location.
add(ProcessingResource) - Method in class gate.creole.ConditionalSerialController
Add a PR to the end of the execution list.
add(List<Parameter>) - Method in class gate.creole.ParameterList
Add a parameter disjunction.
add(ProcessingResource) - Method in class gate.creole.SerialAnalyserController
Overidden from SerialController to only allow LanguageAnalysers as components.
add(int, ProcessingResource) - Method in class gate.creole.SerialAnalyserController
Overidden from SerialController to only allow LanguageAnalysers as components.
add(int, ProcessingResource) - Method in class gate.creole.SerialController
add(ProcessingResource) - Method in class gate.creole.SerialController
add(DataStore) - Method in class gate.DataStoreRegister
Adds the specified element to this set if it is not already present.
add(Relation) - Method in class gate.relations.RelationSet
Adds an externally-created Relation instance.
add(Node, Node, String, FeatureMap) - Method in interface gate.SimpleAnnotationSet
Create and add an annotation with pre-existing nodes, and return its id.
add(Long, Long, String, FeatureMap) - Method in interface gate.SimpleAnnotationSet
Create and add an annotation and return its id.
add(Annotation) - Method in interface gate.SimpleAnnotationSet
Add an existing annotation, which should be an annotation on this set's document.
add(T) - Method in class gate.util.SimpleArraySet
add(long, Object) - Method in class gate.util.SimpleSortedSet
add the new annotation to the annotation list for the given offset Note: if the offset is not in the map new empty list is created and the annotation is added to it
add_escapes(String) - Method in exception gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.analysis.standard.ParseException
Used to convert raw characters to their escaped version when these raw version cannot be used as part of an ASCII string literal.
ADD_NAMESPACE_FEATURES - Static variable in interface gate.GateConstants
Keys used in gate.xml or user config to specify the feature name to use to add to annotations in Original markups AS that contain namespace URI and prefix information.
addActionListener(ActionListener) - Method in class gate.swing.JChoice
addAll(Collection<? extends Annotation>) - Method in class gate.annotation.AnnotationSetImpl
Adds multiple annotations to this set in one go.
addAll(Collection<? extends Annotation>) - Method in class gate.annotation.ImmutableAnnotationSetImpl
addAll(Collection<? extends Document>) - Method in class gate.corpora.CorpusImpl
addAll(int, Collection<? extends Document>) - Method in class gate.corpora.CorpusImpl
addAll(Collection<? extends Document>) - Method in class gate.corpora.SerialCorpusImpl
addAll(int, Collection<? extends Document>) - Method in class gate.corpora.SerialCorpusImpl
addAll(List<Parameter>) - Method in class gate.creole.ParameterList
Add all the members of a parameter list (as individual disjunctions)
addAll(Collection<? extends Relation>) - Method in class gate.relations.RelationSet
addAllKeepIDs(Collection<? extends Annotation>) - Method in class gate.annotation.AnnotationSetImpl
Adds multiple annotations to this set in one go.
addAllValuesFromRestriction(RDFProperty, OResource) - Method in interface gate.creole.ontology.Ontology
- this method is deprecated and kept for backwards compatibility as long as the OntologyOWLIM2 plugin is kept. Use the method Ontology.addAllValuesFromRestriction(ObjectProperty, OClass) instead.
addAllValuesFromRestriction(ObjectProperty, OClass) - Method in interface gate.creole.ontology.Ontology
addAnn(AnnotationSet, AnnotationSet, String, FeatureMap) - Static method in class gate.Utils
Add a new annotation to the output annotation set outSet, spanning the same region as spanSet, and having the given type and feature map.
addAnn(AnnotationSet, long, long, String, FeatureMap) - Static method in class gate.Utils
Add a new annotation to the output annotation set outSet, spanning the given offset range, and having the given type and feature map.
addAnn(AnnotationSet, Annotation, String, FeatureMap) - Static method in class gate.Utils
Add a new annotation to the output annotation set outSet, covering the same region as the annotation spanAnn, and having the given type and feature map.
addAnnotation(Annotation, AnnotationSet) - Method in class gate.gui.docview.AnnotationListView
Adds an annotation to be displayed in the list.
addAnnotation(int, int, String, FeatureMap) - Method in class gate.gui.docview.AnnotationStack
Add an annotation to the current stack row.
addAnnotation(Annotation) - Method in class gate.gui.docview.AnnotationStack
Add an annotation to the current stack row.
addAnnotationListener(AnnotationListener) - Method in interface gate.Annotation
Adds an annotation listener
addAnnotationListener(AnnotationListener) - Method in class gate.annotation.AnnotationImpl
Adds an annotation listener
addAnnotationProperty(OURI) - Method in interface gate.creole.ontology.Ontology
Creates a new AnnotationProperty.
addAnnotationPropertyValue(AnnotationProperty, Literal) - Method in interface gate.creole.ontology.OResource
Adds a new annotation property value and specifies the language.
addAnnotations(List<Annotation>, AnnotationSet) - Method in class gate.gui.docview.AnnotationListView
Adds a batch of annotations in one go.
addAnnotationSetListener(AnnotationSetListener) - Method in class gate.annotation.AnnotationSetImpl
addAnnotationSetListener(AnnotationSetListener) - Method in interface gate.AnnotationSet
addAnonymousClass() - Method in interface gate.creole.ontology.Ontology
addAutoloadPlugin(Plugin) - Static method in class gate.Gate
Adds a new directory to the list of plugins that are loaded automatically at start-up.
addButton - Variable in class gate.gui.SerialControllerEditor
Adds one or more PR(s) to the controller
addCacheDirectory(File) - Static method in class gate.util.maven.Utils
Add an extra cache directory to be used when resolving Maven plugins.
addCardinalityRestriction(RDFProperty, String) - Method in interface gate.creole.ontology.Ontology
Adds a new Cardinality Restriction to the ontology.
addCellEditorListener(CellEditorListener) - Method in class gate.gui.AlternatingTableCellEditor
Add the specified listener to all the delegate editors.
addChoosableFileFilter(FileFilter) - Method in class gate.swing.XJFileChooser
overriden to add a filter only if not already present
addControllerListener(ControllerListener) - Method in class gate.creole.AbstractController
addCorpusListener(CorpusListener) - Method in class gate.corpora.CorpusImpl
addCorpusListener(CorpusListener) - Method in class gate.corpora.SerialCorpusImpl
addCorpusListener(CorpusListener) - Method in interface gate.Corpus
Registers a new CorpusListener with this corpus.
addCreoleListener(CreoleListener) - Method in class gate.creole.CreoleRegisterImpl
addCreoleListener(CreoleListener) - Method in interface gate.CreoleRegister
Registers a CreoleListenerwith this CreoleRegister.
addCreoleListener(CreoleListener) - Method in class gate.DataStoreRegister
Registers a new CreoleListener with this DataStoreRegister.
addCreoleListener(CreoleListener) - Static method in class gate.Factory
Add a listener
addCreoleListener(CreoleListener) - Static method in class gate.Gate
Registers a CreoleListener with the Gate system
addDatastoreListener(DatastoreListener) - Method in interface gate.DataStore
Registers a new DatastoreListener with this datastore
addDatastoreListener(DatastoreListener) - Method in class gate.persist.SerialDataStore
addDatatypeProperty(OURI, Set<OClass>, DataType) - Method in interface gate.creole.ontology.Ontology
Create a DatatypeProperty with the given domain and range.
addDatatypePropertyValue(DatatypeProperty, Literal) - Method in interface gate.creole.ontology.OInstance
Adds the value for the given Property.
addDetail(Explanation) - Method in class
Adds a sub-node to this explanation node.
addDocument(Document) - Method in class gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.index.IndexWriter
Adds a document to this index.
addDocument(Document, Analyzer) - Method in class gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.index.IndexWriter
Adds a document to this index, using the provided analyzer instead of the value of IndexWriter.getAnalyzer().
AddDocumentIcon - Class in gate.resources.img.svg
This class has been automatically generated using SVGRoundTrip.
AddDocumentIcon() - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.AddDocumentIcon
Creates a new transcoded SVG image.
AddDocumentIcon(boolean) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.AddDocumentIcon
AddDocumentIcon(Dimension) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.AddDocumentIcon
Creates a new transcoded SVG image with the given dimensions.
AddDocumentIcon(Dimension, boolean) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.AddDocumentIcon
AddDocumentIcon(int, int) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.AddDocumentIcon
AddDocumentIcon(int, int, boolean) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.AddDocumentIcon
addDocumentListener(DocumentListener) - Method in class gate.corpora.DocumentImpl
addDocumentListener(DocumentListener) - Method in interface gate.Document
Adds a DocumentListener to this document.
addDownloadListener(Plugin.DownloadListener) - Method in class gate.creole.Plugin
addedDocs - Variable in class gate.corpora.SerialCorpusImpl
addEscapes(String) - Static method in error gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.analysis.standard.TokenMgrError
Replaces unprintable characters by their espaced (or unicode escaped) equivalents in the given string
addExtension(String) - Method in class gate.util.ExtensionFileFilter
Adds a new extension to the list of accepted extensions.
addExtraResourcesPath(Path) - Method in class gate.util.ant.packager.PackageGappTask
Add a path containing extra resources that should be treated as if they had been referenced by relpaths within the gapp file.
addFeature(String, String) - Method in class gate.creole.annic.PatternAnnotation
Adds a feature
addFeatureMapListener(FeatureMapListener) - Method in interface gate.FeatureMap
Adds a gate listener
addFeatureMapListener(FeatureMapListener) - Method in class gate.util.SimpleFeatureMapImpl
Adds a gate listener
addGateListener(GateListener) - Method in class gate.annotation.AnnotationSetImpl
addGateListener(GateListener) - Method in interface gate.AnnotationSet
addHasValueRestriction(RDFProperty, OResource) - Method in interface gate.creole.ontology.Ontology
Adds a new HasValue Restriction to the ontology.
addHighlight(AnnotationData, Color) - Method in class gate.gui.docview.TextualDocumentView
addHighlights(Collection<AnnotationData>, Color) - Method in class gate.gui.docview.TextualDocumentView
Adds several highlights in one go.
addHighlights(List<TextualDocumentView.HighlightData>) - Method in class gate.gui.docview.TextualDocumentView
Same as TextualDocumentView.addHighlights(java.util.Collection, java.awt.Color) but without the intermediate creation of HighlightData objects.
AddIcon - Class in gate.resources.img.svg
This class has been automatically generated using SVGRoundTrip.
AddIcon() - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.AddIcon
Creates a new transcoded SVG image.
AddIcon(boolean) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.AddIcon
AddIcon(Dimension) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.AddIcon
Creates a new transcoded SVG image with the given dimensions.
AddIcon(Dimension, boolean) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.AddIcon
AddIcon(int, int) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.AddIcon
AddIcon(int, int, boolean) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.AddIcon
addIndexes(Directory[]) - Method in class gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.index.IndexWriter
Merges all segments from an array of indexes into this index.
addIndexes(IndexReader[]) - Method in class gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.index.IndexWriter
Merges the provided indexes into this index.
addIndexField(IndexField) - Method in class
Add new IndexField object to fields list.
addInstantiation(Resource) - Method in class gate.creole.ResourceData
Add an instantiation of the resource to the register of these
addItemListener(ItemListener) - Method in class gate.swing.JChoice
addJarsToClassLoader(GateClassLoader, Document) - Method in class gate.creole.CreoleAnnotationHandler
Extract all JAR elements from the given JDOM document and add the jars they reference to the GateClassLoader.
addKnownPlugin(Plugin) - Static method in class gate.Gate
Adds the plugin to the list of known plugins.
addLayoutComponent(String, Component) - Method in class gate.swing.MenuLayout
Adds the specified component to the layout.
addLineNumbers(String) - Static method in class gate.util.Strings
Helper method to add line numbers to a string
addLineNumbers(String, int) - Static method in class gate.util.Strings
addListDataListener(ListDataListener) - Method in class gate.swing.JChoice
addListener(ThreadWarningSystem.Listener) - Method in class gate.util.ThreadWarningSystem
addMaxCardinalityRestriction(RDFProperty, String) - Method in interface gate.creole.ontology.Ontology
Adds a new MaxCardinality Restriction to the ontology.
addMinCardinalityRestriction(RDFProperty, String) - Method in interface gate.creole.ontology.Ontology
Adds a new MinCardinality Restriction to the ontology.
addObjectProperty(OURI, Set<OClass>, Set<OClass>) - Method in interface gate.creole.ontology.Ontology
Creates a new object property (a property that takes instances as values).
addObjectPropertyValue(ObjectProperty, OInstance) - Method in interface gate.creole.ontology.OInstance
Adds the value for the given property (Object, Symmetric and Transitive).
addOClass(OClass) - Method in interface gate.creole.ontology.OInstance
Make this individual an instance of another class.
addOClass(OURI, byte) - Method in interface gate.creole.ontology.Ontology
- use one of the dedicated methods to add a named class or a restriction instead
addOClass(OURI) - Method in interface gate.creole.ontology.Ontology
Creates a new OWL Class and adds it the ontology.
addOInstance(OURI, OClass) - Method in interface gate.creole.ontology.Ontology
Creates a new OInstance and returns it.
addOntologyModificationListener(OntologyModificationListener) - Method in interface gate.creole.ontology.Ontology
Register the Ontology Modification Listeners
addOntologyTripleStoreListener(OntologyTripleStoreListener) - Method in interface gate.creole.ontology.OntologyTripleStore
Add a listener for ontology triple store additions and removals.
addOResourceToMap(String, OResource) - Method in interface gate.creole.ontology.Ontology
addPadding(String, int) - Static method in class gate.util.Strings
Add n pad characters to pad.
addPairing(AnnotationDiffer.Pairing, int, List<List<AnnotationDiffer.Pairing>>) - Method in class gate.util.AnnotationDiffer
Adds a new pairing to the internal data structures.
addParameter(String, String) - Method in class gate.corpora.MimeType
Adds (and replaces if necessary) a parameter to this MIME type.
addPermissibleValue(Object) - Method in class gate.creole.FeatureSchema
Adds a value to the enumeration of permissible value for a feature of this type.
addPluginListener(PluginListener) - Method in class gate.creole.CreoleRegisterImpl
addPluginListener(PluginListener) - Method in interface gate.CreoleRegister
addPositionInfo(long, long, long, long) - Method in class gate.corpora.RepositioningInfo
Create a new position information record.
addProgressListener(ProgressListener) - Method in class gate.creole.AbstractController
Adds a ProgressListener to the list of listeners for this processing resource.
addProgressListener(ProgressListener) - Method in class gate.creole.AbstractProcessingResource
Adds a ProgressListener to the list of listeners for this processing resource.
addProgressListener(ProgressListener) - Method in class gate.gui.NameBearerHandle
addProgressListener(ProgressListener) - Method in class gate.gui.SerialControllerEditor
addProperty(String, String) - Method in class gate.util.ant.packager.PackageGappTask.MappingHint
This was the pre-ant 1.8 version of addProperty, Ant 1.8 uses the version that takes an Object as value rather than a String.
addProperty(String, Object) - Method in class gate.util.ant.packager.PackageGappTask.MappingHint
Rather than adding properties to the project, add mapping hints to the task.
addQueryTokens(String, List<String>) - Method in class gate.creole.annic.lucene.LuceneSearcher
Adds the query tokens for the given query.
addRDFProperty(OURI, Set<OResource>, Set<OResource>) - Method in interface gate.creole.ontology.Ontology
addRDFPropertyValue(RDFProperty, OResource) - Method in interface gate.creole.ontology.OInstance
this throws an exception in the new implementation
addRelation(String, int...) - Method in class gate.relations.RelationSet
Creates a new Relation and adds it to this set.
addRelationSetListener(RelationSetListener) - Method in class gate.relations.RelationSet
addRepositioningInfo(String, int, int) - Method in class gate.html.HtmlDocumentHandler
For given content the list with shrink position information is searched and on the corresponding positions the correct repositioning information is calculated and generated.
addRepositioningInfo(int, int, int) - Method in class gate.html.NekoHtmlDocumentHandler
For given content the list with shrink position information is searched and on the corresponding positions the correct repositioning information is calculated and generated.
addRepository(Repository) - Method in class gate.util.maven.SimpleModelResolver
addRepository(Repository, boolean) - Method in class gate.util.maven.SimpleModelResolver
addRow(String, String, String, JButton, String, int) - Method in class gate.gui.docview.AnnotationStack
Add a row to the annotation stack.
addSelector(ProxySelector) - Method in class gate.util.maven.ChainedProxySelector
addSomeValuesFromRestriction(RDFProperty, OResource) - Method in interface gate.creole.ontology.Ontology
Adds a new AllValuesFrom Restriction to the ontology.
addSpaceOnMarkupUnpackChk - Variable in class gate.gui.OptionsDialog
The "Add extra space markup unpack if needed" checkbox
addSpaceOnUnpack - Variable in class gate.html.NekoHtmlDocumentHandler
Initialised from the user config, stores whether to add extra space characters to separate words that would otherwise be run together, e.g.
addStatusListener(StatusListener) - Method in class gate.creole.AbstractController
Adds a StatusListener to the list of listeners for this processing resource
addStatusListener(StatusListener) - Method in class gate.creole.AbstractProcessingResource
Adds a StatusListener to the list of listeners for this processing resource
addStatusListener(StatusListener) - Method in class gate.DocumentFormat
addStatusListener(StatusListener) - Method in class
This methos is called when a listener is registered with this class
addStatusListener(StatusListener) - Method in class gate.gui.NameBearerHandle
addStatusListener(StatusListener) - Method in class gate.gui.SerialControllerEditor
addStatusListener(StatusListener) - Method in class gate.html.HtmlDocumentHandler
addStatusListener(StatusListener) - Method in class gate.html.NekoHtmlDocumentHandler
addStatusListener(StatusListener) - Method in class gate.xml.XmlDocumentHandler
This methos is called when a listener is registered with this class
addSubClass(OClass) - Method in interface gate.creole.ontology.OClass
Adds a sub class to this class.
addSubProperty(RDFProperty) - Method in interface gate.creole.ontology.RDFProperty
Add a SuperPropertyOf relation between the given property and this.
addSymmetricProperty(OURI, Set<OClass>) - Method in interface gate.creole.ontology.Ontology
Creates a new symmetric property (an object property that is symmetric).
addTransitiveProperty(OURI, Set<OClass>, Set<OClass>) - Method in interface gate.creole.ontology.Ontology
Creates a new transitive property (an object property that is transitive).
addTreeModelListener(TreeModelListener) - Method in class gate.swing.AbstractTreeTableModel
Registers a new TreeModelListener with this model.
addTriple(ONodeID, OURI, ONodeID) - Method in interface gate.creole.ontology.OntologyTripleStore
Add a triple with a non-literal triple object to the triple store.
addTriple(ONodeID, OURI, Literal) - Method in interface gate.creole.ontology.OntologyTripleStore
Add a triple with a literal triple object to the triple store.
addURL(URL) - Method in class gate.util.GateClassLoader
Appends the specified URL to the list of URLs to search for classes and resources.
addView(DocumentView, String) - Method in class gate.gui.docview.DocumentEditor
Registers a new view by adding it to the right list and creating the activation button for it.
ADJ_POS_ATTRIBUTIVE - Static variable in interface gate.wordnet.Adjective
adjective - prenominal (attributive) position
ADJ_POS_IMMEDIATE_POSTNOMINAL - Static variable in interface gate.wordnet.Adjective
adjective - immediately postnominal position
ADJ_POS_NONE - Static variable in interface gate.wordnet.Adjective
adjective - position unknown
ADJ_POS_PREDICATIVE - Static variable in interface gate.wordnet.Adjective
adjective - predicate position
Adjective - Interface in gate.wordnet
Represents WordNet adj.
adjustTop() - Method in class gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.util.PriorityQueue
Should be called when the Object at top changes values.
adopt(LanguageResource) - Method in interface gate.DataStore
Adopt a resource for persistence.
adopt(LanguageResource) - Method in class gate.persist.SerialDataStore
Adopt a resource for persistence.
AdvancedIcon - Class in gate.resources.img.svg
This class has been automatically generated using SVGRoundTrip.
AdvancedIcon() - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.AdvancedIcon
Creates a new transcoded SVG image.
AdvancedIcon(boolean) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.AdvancedIcon
AdvancedIcon(Dimension) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.AdvancedIcon
Creates a new transcoded SVG image with the given dimensions.
AdvancedIcon(Dimension, boolean) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.AdvancedIcon
AdvancedIcon(int, int) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.AdvancedIcon
AdvancedIcon(int, int, boolean) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.AdvancedIcon
AFAR - Static variable in interface gate.creole.ontology.OConstants
Language code used "aa"
AFRIKAANS - Static variable in interface gate.creole.ontology.OConstants
Language code used "af"
ALBANIAN - Static variable in interface gate.creole.ontology.OConstants
Language code used "sq"
ALL_DOCS - Static variable in class gate.util.reporting.DocTimeReporter
This integer constant when set as No of Docs indicates that the report have all the documents matching a given PR.
ALL_SETS - Static variable in class gate.creole.annic.Constants
Contains the merged annotation set.
ALL_VALUES_FROM_RESTRICTION - Static variable in interface gate.creole.ontology.OConstants
specifies that the value of y in the x rdf:type is owl:restriction and that it is a allValuesFrom restriction
ALL_VALUES_FROM_RESTRICTION_ADDED_EVENT - Static variable in interface gate.creole.ontology.OConstants
denotes the event when a new all_values_from_restriction is added
ALLDIFFERENT - Static variable in class gate.creole.ontology.OConstants.OWL
allFeaturesBtn - Variable in class gate.gui.AnnotationDiffGUI
allPackages - Variable in class gate.creole.BootStrap
the packages used by the class which creates the resources
ALLVALUESFROM - Static variable in class gate.creole.ontology.OConstants.OWL
AllValuesFromRestriction - Interface in gate.creole.ontology
An AllValuesFromRestriction.
ALPHA - Static variable in interface gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.analysis.standard.StandardTokenizerConstants
ALPHANUM - Static variable in interface gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.analysis.standard.StandardTokenizerConstants
ALT - Static variable in class gate.creole.ontology.OConstants.RDF
AlternatingTableCellEditor - Class in gate.gui
Table cell editor which delegates to a number of other editors, switching between them in round-robin fashion on each call to AlternatingTableCellEditor.getTableCellEditorComponent(javax.swing.JTable, java.lang.Object, boolean, int, int).
AlternatingTableCellEditor(TableCellEditor...) - Constructor for class gate.gui.AlternatingTableCellEditor
Create an AlternatingTableCellEditor that delegates to the specified other editors in round robin order.
AMHARIC - Static variable in interface gate.creole.ontology.OConstants
Language code used "am"
analyser - Variable in class gate.util.LanguageAnalyserDocumentProcessor
The analyser used to process documents.
analyserMode - Variable in class gate.gui.SerialControllerEditor
Is the controller displayed an analyser controller?
AnalyserRunningStrategy - Class in gate.creole
A type running strategy that decides whether the associated PR needs to be run based on the value of a specified feature on the document that the PR needs to be run on.
AnalyserRunningStrategy(LanguageAnalyser, int, String, String) - Constructor for class gate.creole.AnalyserRunningStrategy
AnalyserRunningStrategyPersistence - Class in gate.util.persistence
Persistent holder for AnalyserRunningStrategy.
AnalyserRunningStrategyPersistence() - Constructor for class gate.util.persistence.AnalyserRunningStrategyPersistence
Analyzer - Class in gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.analysis
An Analyzer builds TokenStreams, which analyze text.
Analyzer() - Constructor for class gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.analysis.Analyzer
animator - Variable in class gate.gui.MainFrame
ann - Variable in class gate.gui.docview.AnnotationEditor
The annotation being edited.
annDataList - Variable in class gate.gui.docview.AnnotationListView
Stores the AnnotationData objects representing the annotations displayed by this view.
annFactory - Static variable in class gate.annotation.AnnotationSetImpl
ANNIC_TOKEN - Static variable in class gate.creole.annic.Constants
Annic token which is created when no tokens are provided
AnnieApplicationIcon - Class in gate.resources.img.svg
This class has been automatically generated using SVGRoundTrip.
AnnieApplicationIcon() - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.AnnieApplicationIcon
Creates a new transcoded SVG image.
AnnieApplicationIcon(boolean) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.AnnieApplicationIcon
AnnieApplicationIcon(Dimension) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.AnnieApplicationIcon
Creates a new transcoded SVG image with the given dimensions.
AnnieApplicationIcon(Dimension, boolean) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.AnnieApplicationIcon
AnnieApplicationIcon(int, int) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.AnnieApplicationIcon
AnnieApplicationIcon(int, int, boolean) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.AnnieApplicationIcon
ANNIEConstants - Interface in gate.creole
This interface defines constants used by the ANNIE processing resources.
ANNONYMOUS_CLASS - Static variable in interface gate.creole.ontology.OConstants
specifies that the value of y in the x rdf:type is owl:restriction and that it is a someValuesFrom restriction
ANNOT_TYPE_TO_EXPORT - Static variable in interface gate.GateConstants
Property to set slug annotation types for export Inline
annotateAllAnnotationsID - Variable in class gate.gui.annedit.SearchAndAnnotatePanel
List of annotations ID that have been created by the AnnotateAllMatchesAction.
annotateAllMatchesAction - Variable in class gate.gui.annedit.SearchAndAnnotatePanel
AnnotateAllMatchesAction() - Constructor for class gate.gui.annedit.SearchAndAnnotatePanel.AnnotateAllMatchesAction
annotateAllMatchesSmallButton - Variable in class gate.gui.annedit.SearchAndAnnotatePanel
annotateMatchAction - Variable in class gate.gui.annedit.SearchAndAnnotatePanel
AnnotateMatchAction() - Constructor for class gate.gui.annedit.SearchAndAnnotatePanel.AnnotateMatchAction
annotateMessages() - Method in class
Reads the Gate Document line by line and does the folowing things: Each line is analized in order to detect where an e-mail starts.
annotateParagraphs(Document, int, int, String) - Method in class gate.corpora.TextualDocumentFormat
This method annotates paragraphs in a GATE document.
Annotation - Interface in gate
An Annotation is an arc in an AnnotationSet.
ANNOTATION_ADDED - Static variable in class gate.event.AnnotationSetEvent
Event type used for situations when a new annotation has been added
ANNOTATION_COLUMN_FEATURE - Static variable in class gate.corpora.ConllDocumentFormat
ANNOTATION_COREF_FEATURE_NAME - Static variable in interface gate.creole.ANNIEConstants
The name of the feature on Annotations that holds coreference matches.
ANNOTATION_KIND_FEATURE - Static variable in class gate.corpora.ConllDocumentFormat
ANNOTATION_PROPERTY - Static variable in interface gate.creole.ontology.OConstants
denotes the annotation property.
ANNOTATION_PROPERTY_ADDED_EVENT - Static variable in interface gate.creole.ontology.OConstants
denotes the event when a new annotation property is added
ANNOTATION_PROPERTY_VALUE_ADDED_EVENT - Static variable in interface gate.creole.ontology.OConstants
denotes the event when an annotation property is assigned to a resource with some compatible value
ANNOTATION_PROPERTY_VALUE_REMOVED_EVENT - Static variable in interface gate.creole.ontology.OConstants
denotes the event when an annotation property value is removed from the resource
ANNOTATION_REMOVED - Static variable in class gate.event.AnnotationSetEvent
Event type used for situations when an annotation has been removed
ANNOTATION_SET_ADDED - Static variable in class gate.event.DocumentEvent
Event type used to mark the addition of an AnnotationSet
ANNOTATION_SET_ID - Static variable in class gate.creole.annic.Constants
Name of the annotation set id parameter
ANNOTATION_SET_NAME - Static variable in class gate.creole.annic.Parser
ANNOTATION_SET_REMOVED - Static variable in class gate.event.DocumentEvent
Event type used to mark the removal of an AnnotationSet
ANNOTATION_SETS_NAMES_TO_EXCLUDE - Static variable in class gate.creole.annic.Constants
Name of the annotation_sets_names_to_exclude parameter.
ANNOTATION_SETS_NAMES_TO_INCLUDE - Static variable in class gate.creole.annic.Constants
Name of the annotation_sets_names_to_include parameter.
ANNOTATION_UPDATED - Static variable in class gate.event.AnnotationEvent
Event type used for situations when an annotation has been updated
AnnotationAction(String, Icon, String, int) - Constructor for class gate.gui.docview.AnnotationEditor.AnnotationAction
annotationAdded(AnnotationSetEvent) - Method in interface gate.event.AnnotationSetListener
Called when a new Annotation has been added
annotationAdded(AnnotationSetEvent) - Method in class gate.gui.docview.AnnotationSetsView
annotationAdded(Annotation) - Method in class gate.gui.docview.AnnotationSetsView.TypeHandler
Notifies this type handler that a new annotation was created of the right type
annotationAdded(AnnotationSetEvent) - Method in class gate.gui.docview.CorefEditor
annotationAdded(AnnotationSetEvent) - Method in class gate.gui.docview.RelationSetView
annotationAdded(AnnotationSetEvent) - Method in class gate.relations.RelationSet
annotationChanged(Annotation, AnnotationSet, String) - Method in interface gate.gui.annedit.AnnotationEditorOwner
Called by the annotation editor when an annotation has been changed.
annotationChanged(Annotation, AnnotationSet, String) - Method in class gate.gui.docview.AnnotationListView
annotationChanged(Annotation, AnnotationSet, String) - Method in class gate.gui.docview.AnnotationSetsView
AnnotationData - Interface in gate.gui.annedit
A structure for storing the information describing an annotation (i.e.
AnnotationDataImpl - Class in gate.gui.annedit
A simple reusable implementation of AnnotationData.
AnnotationDataImpl(AnnotationSet, Annotation) - Constructor for class gate.gui.annedit.AnnotationDataImpl
AnnotationDiffCellRenderer() - Constructor for class gate.annotation.CorpusAnnotationDiff.AnnotationDiffCellRenderer
Constructs a randerer with a table model
AnnotationDiffer - Class in gate.util
This class provides the logic used by the Annotation Diff tool.
AnnotationDiffer(Collection<AnnotationDiffer>) - Constructor for class gate.util.AnnotationDiffer
Constructor to be used when you have a collection of AnnotationDiffer and want to consider it as only one AnnotationDiffer.
AnnotationDiffer() - Constructor for class gate.util.AnnotationDiffer
AnnotationDiffer.Pairing - Interface in gate.util
Interface representing a pairing between a key annotation and a response one.
AnnotationDiffer.PairingImpl - Class in gate.util
Represents a pairing of a key annotation with a response annotation and the associated score for that pairing.
AnnotationDiffer.PairingOffsetComparator - Class in gate.util
Compares two choices based on start offset of key (or response if key not present) and type if offsets are equal.
AnnotationDiffer.PairingScoreComparator - Class in gate.util
Compares two pairings: the better score is preferred; for the same score the better type is preferred (exact matches are preffered to partial ones).
AnnotationDiffGUI - Class in gate.gui
Compare annotations in two annotation sets in one or two documents.
AnnotationDiffGUI(String) - Constructor for class gate.gui.AnnotationDiffGUI
AnnotationDiffGUI(String, String, String, String, String, String, Set<String>) - Constructor for class gate.gui.AnnotationDiffGUI
Set all the parameters and compute the differences.
AnnotationDiffGUI.CloseAction - Class in gate.gui
AnnotationDiffGUI.CopyToTargetSetAction - Class in gate.gui
Copy selected annotations to the target annotation set.
AnnotationDiffGUI.DiffAction - Class in gate.gui
AnnotationDiffGUI.DiffTableCellRenderer - Class in gate.gui
AnnotationDiffGUI.DiffTableModel - Class in gate.gui
AnnotationDiffGUI.HelpAction - Class in gate.gui
AnnotationDiffGUI.HTMLExportAction - Class in gate.gui
AnnotationDiffGUI.ShowDocumentAction - Class in gate.gui
AnnotationDiffIcon - Class in gate.resources.img.svg
This class has been automatically generated using SVGRoundTrip.
AnnotationDiffIcon() - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.AnnotationDiffIcon
Creates a new transcoded SVG image.
AnnotationDiffIcon(boolean) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.AnnotationDiffIcon
AnnotationDiffIcon(Dimension) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.AnnotationDiffIcon
Creates a new transcoded SVG image with the given dimensions.
AnnotationDiffIcon(Dimension, boolean) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.AnnotationDiffIcon
AnnotationDiffIcon(int, int) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.AnnotationDiffIcon
AnnotationDiffIcon(int, int, boolean) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.AnnotationDiffIcon
AnnotationDiffTableModel(Collection<CorpusAnnotationDiff.DiffSetElement>) - Constructor for class gate.annotation.CorpusAnnotationDiff.AnnotationDiffTableModel
Constructs an AnnotationDiffTableModel given a data Collection
AnnotationDiffTableModel() - Constructor for class gate.annotation.CorpusAnnotationDiff.AnnotationDiffTableModel
Constructs an AnnotationDiffTableModel
AnnotationEditor - Class in gate.gui.docview
A generic annotation editor, which uses the known annotation schemas to help speed up the annotation process (e.g.
AnnotationEditor() - Constructor for class gate.gui.docview.AnnotationEditor
AnnotationEditor.AnnotationAction - Class in gate.gui.docview
Base class for actions on annotations.
AnnotationEditor.ApplyAction - Class in gate.gui.docview
AnnotationEditor.DeleteAnnotationAction - Class in gate.gui.docview
AnnotationEditor.DismissAction - Class in gate.gui.docview
AnnotationEditor.EndOffsetLeftAction - Class in gate.gui.docview
AnnotationEditor.EndOffsetRightAction - Class in gate.gui.docview
AnnotationEditor.StartOffsetLeftAction - Class in gate.gui.docview
AnnotationEditor.StartOffsetRightAction - Class in gate.gui.docview
annotationEditorInstance - Variable in class gate.gui.docview.AnnotationEditor
Current instance of this class.
AnnotationEditorOwner - Interface in gate.gui.annedit
Objects of this type control the interaction with an OwnedAnnotationEditor.
AnnotationEvent - Class in gate.event
This class models events fired by an Annotation.
AnnotationEvent(Annotation, int) - Constructor for class gate.event.AnnotationEvent
AnnotationFactory - Interface in gate.annotation
Factory used to create annotations in an annotation set.
AnnotationImpl - Class in gate.annotation
Provides an implementation for the interface gate.Annotation
AnnotationImpl(Integer, Node, Node, String, FeatureMap) - Constructor for class gate.annotation.AnnotationImpl
AnnotationList - Interface in gate.gui.docview
Interface for document views showing a list of annotations.
AnnotationListener - Interface in gate.event
A listener for events fired by an AnnotationSet (AnnotationSetEvent)
AnnotationListView - Class in gate.gui.docview
A tabular view for a list of annotations.
AnnotationListView() - Constructor for class gate.gui.docview.AnnotationListView
AnnotationListView.DeleteAction - Class in gate.gui.docview
AnnotationListView.EditAnnotationAction - Class in gate.gui.docview
AnnotationMerging - Class in gate.util
Merging the annotations from different annotators.
AnnotationMerging() - Constructor for class gate.util.AnnotationMerging
AnnotationMouseListener() - Constructor for class gate.gui.LuceneDataStoreSearchGUI.AnnotationMouseListener
AnnotationMouseListener(String, String, String) - Constructor for class gate.gui.LuceneDataStoreSearchGUI.AnnotationMouseListener
AnnotationMouseListener(String) - Constructor for class gate.gui.LuceneDataStoreSearchGUI.AnnotationMouseListener
annotationName - Variable in class gate.creole.AnnotationSchema
The name of the annotation
AnnotationProperty - Interface in gate.creole.ontology
An Annotation property.
ANNOTATIONPROPERTY - Static variable in class gate.creole.ontology.OConstants.OWL
annotationRemoved(AnnotationSetEvent) - Method in interface gate.event.AnnotationSetListener
Called when an Annotation has been removed
annotationRemoved(AnnotationSetEvent) - Method in class gate.gui.docview.AnnotationSetsView
annotationRemoved(Annotation) - Method in class gate.gui.docview.AnnotationSetsView.TypeHandler
Notifies this type handler that an annotation has been removed
annotationRemoved(AnnotationSetEvent) - Method in class gate.gui.docview.CorefEditor
annotationRemoved(AnnotationSetEvent) - Method in class gate.gui.docview.RelationSetView
annotationRemoved(AnnotationSetEvent) - Method in class gate.relations.RelationSet
annotations - Variable in class gate.creole.annic.Pattern
AnnotationSchema - Class in gate.creole
This class handles annotation schemas.An annotation schema is a representation of an annotation, together with its types and their attributes, values and types.
AnnotationSchema() - Constructor for class gate.creole.AnnotationSchema
Constructs an annotation schema.
AnnotationSet - Interface in gate
A set of annotations on a document.
annotationSetAdded(DocumentEvent) - Method in interface gate.event.DocumentListener
Called when a new AnnotationSet has been added
annotationSetAdded(DocumentEvent) - Method in class gate.gui.docview.AnnotationSetsView
annotationSetAdded(DocumentEvent) - Method in class gate.gui.docview.CorefEditor
This method is called when any new annotationSet is added
annotationSetAdded(DocumentEvent) - Method in class gate.gui.docview.RelationSetView
annotationSetAdded(DocumentEvent) - Method in class gate.gui.docview.TextualDocumentView.GateDocumentListener
AnnotationSetEvent - Class in gate.event
This class models events fired by an AnnotationSet.
AnnotationSetEvent(AnnotationSet, int, Document, Annotation) - Constructor for class gate.event.AnnotationSetEvent
AnnotationSetImpl - Class in gate.annotation
Implementation of AnnotationSet.
AnnotationSetImpl(Document) - Constructor for class gate.annotation.AnnotationSetImpl
Construction from Document.
AnnotationSetImpl(Document, String) - Constructor for class gate.annotation.AnnotationSetImpl
Construction from Document and name.
AnnotationSetImpl(AnnotationSet) - Constructor for class gate.annotation.AnnotationSetImpl
Construction from an existing AnnotationSet
AnnotationSetListener - Interface in gate.event
A listener for events fired by an AnnotationSet (AnnotationSetEvent)
annotationSetListener - Variable in class gate.gui.annedit.SearchAndAnnotatePanel
Listener for updating the list of searched annotations.
annotationSetListeners - Variable in class gate.annotation.AnnotationSetImpl
annotationSetName - Variable in class gate.creole.annic.Hit
Annotation Set Name - the annotation set this Hit belongs to
annotationSetRemoved(DocumentEvent) - Method in interface gate.event.DocumentListener
Called when an AnnotationSet has been removed
annotationSetRemoved(DocumentEvent) - Method in class gate.gui.docview.AnnotationSetsView
annotationSetRemoved(DocumentEvent) - Method in class gate.gui.docview.CorefEditor
This method is called when any annotationSet is removed outside the co-reference editor..
annotationSetRemoved(DocumentEvent) - Method in class gate.gui.docview.RelationSetView
annotationSetRemoved(DocumentEvent) - Method in class gate.gui.docview.TextualDocumentView.GateDocumentListener
AnnotationSetsView - Class in gate.gui.docview
Display document annotation sets and types in a tree view like with a table.
AnnotationSetsView() - Constructor for class gate.gui.docview.AnnotationSetsView
AnnotationSetsView.DeleteSelectedAnnotationsAction - Class in gate.gui.docview
AnnotationSetsView.EditAnnotationAction - Class in gate.gui.docview
AnnotationSetsView.HandleDocumentEventsAction - Class in gate.gui.docview
AnnotationSetsView.HighlightMenuItem - Class in gate.gui.docview
The popup menu items used to select annotations Apart from the normal JMenuItem behaviour, this menu item also highlights the annotation which it would select if pressed.
AnnotationSetsView.MouseStoppedMovingAction - Class in gate.gui.docview
Used to select an annotation for editing.
AnnotationSetsView.NewAnnotationAction - Class in gate.gui.docview
AnnotationSetsView.NewAnnotationSetAction - Class in gate.gui.docview
AnnotationSetsView.SetHandler - Class in gate.gui.docview
Stores the data related to an annotation set
AnnotationSetsView.SetSelectedAnnotationsAction - Class in gate.gui.docview
AnnotationSetsView.SetsTableCellEditor - Class in gate.gui.docview
AnnotationSetsView.SetsTableCellRenderer - Class in gate.gui.docview
AnnotationSetsView.SetsTableModel - Class in gate.gui.docview
AnnotationSetsView.TextMouseListener - Class in gate.gui.docview
A mouse listener used for events in the text view.
AnnotationSetsView.TypeHandler - Class in gate.gui.docview
AnnotationSetsView.TypeHandler.ChangeColourAction - Class in gate.gui.docview
annotationSetToXml(AnnotationSet, StringBuffer) - Static method in class gate.corpora.DocumentXmlUtils
Converts the Annotation set to XML which is appended to the supplied StringBuffer instance.
annotationSetToXml(AnnotationSet, String, StringBuffer) - Static method in class gate.corpora.DocumentXmlUtils
Converts the Annotation set to XML which is appended to the supplied StringBuffer instance.
AnnotationStack - Class in gate.gui.docview
Stack of annotations in a JPanel.
AnnotationStack() - Constructor for class gate.gui.docview.AnnotationStack
AnnotationStack(int, int) - Constructor for class gate.gui.docview.AnnotationStack
AnnotationStack.StackMouseListener - Class in gate.gui.docview
Extension of a MouseInputAdapter that adds a method to create new Listeners from it.
You must overriden the createListener method.
AnnotationStackView - Class in gate.gui.docview
Show a stack view of highlighted annotations in the document centred on the document caret.
AnnotationStackView() - Constructor for class gate.gui.docview.AnnotationStackView
AnnotationStackView.HeaderMouseListener - Class in gate.gui.docview
annotationTable - Variable in class gate.gui.CorpusQualityAssurance
annotationTableModel - Variable in class gate.gui.CorpusQualityAssurance
annotationTypeDisplayed - Variable in class gate.creole.ResourceData
The full type name of the annotation displayed by this viewer.
annotationTypesMap - Variable in class gate.creole.annic.lucene.LuceneSearcher
Found annotation types in the annic patterns.
annotationUpdated(AnnotationEvent) - Method in interface gate.event.AnnotationListener
Called when an Annotation has been updated
annotationUpdated(AnnotationEvent) - Method in class gate.gui.docview.AnnotationListView
annotationUpdated(AnnotationEvent) - Method in class gate.gui.docview.AnnotationStackView
AnnotationVisualResource - Interface in gate.creole
Visual Resources that display and/or edit annotations.
ANNOTS_TO_NLP_FEATURES - Static variable in class gate.util.Benchmark
annotsById - Variable in class gate.annotation.AnnotationSetImpl
Maps annotation ids (Integers) to Annotations
ANNOTSET_NODE - Static variable in class gate.gui.docview.CorefEditor.CorefTreeNode
annSet - Variable in class gate.relations.RelationSet
The AnnotationSet this set of relations relates to.
annTypeCombo - Variable in class gate.gui.AnnotationDiffGUI
ANONYMOUS_CLASS_ADDED_EVENT - Static variable in interface gate.creole.ontology.OConstants
denotes the event when a new anonymous class is added
ANONYMOUS_CLASS_NAME - Static variable in interface gate.creole.ontology.OConstants
Name of the anonymouse class
AnonymousClass - Interface in gate.creole.ontology
This class represents the AnonymousClass.
ANY - Static variable in class gate.relations.RelationSet
Annotation ID used when calling RelationSet.getRelations(int...) for positions with no restrictions.
ANYURI - Static variable in class gate.creole.ontology.OConstants.XMLSchema
APOSTROPHE - Static variable in interface gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.analysis.standard.StandardTokenizerConstants
APP_ICON_JAVA_PROPERTY_NAME - Static variable in interface gate.GateConstants
Property to set icon of application from command line
APP_SPLASH_JAVA_PROPERTY_NAME - Static variable in interface gate.GateConstants
Property to set splash of application from command line
APPLICATION_JAVA_PROPERTY_NAME - Static variable in interface gate.GateConstants
Property to set slug application from command line
APPLICATION_NAME_FEATURE - Static variable in class gate.util.Benchmark
application name feature
ApplicationIcon - Class in gate.resources.img.svg
This class has been automatically generated using SVGRoundTrip.
ApplicationIcon() - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.ApplicationIcon
Creates a new transcoded SVG image.
ApplicationIcon(boolean) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.ApplicationIcon
ApplicationIcon(Dimension) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.ApplicationIcon
Creates a new transcoded SVG image with the given dimensions.
ApplicationIcon(Dimension, boolean) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.ApplicationIcon
ApplicationIcon(int, int) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.ApplicationIcon
ApplicationIcon(int, int, boolean) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.ApplicationIcon
ApplicationRealtimeIcon - Class in gate.resources.img.svg
This class has been automatically generated using SVGRoundTrip.
ApplicationRealtimeIcon() - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.ApplicationRealtimeIcon
Creates a new transcoded SVG image.
ApplicationRealtimeIcon(boolean) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.ApplicationRealtimeIcon
ApplicationRealtimeIcon(Dimension) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.ApplicationRealtimeIcon
Creates a new transcoded SVG image with the given dimensions.
ApplicationRealtimeIcon(Dimension, boolean) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.ApplicationRealtimeIcon
ApplicationRealtimeIcon(int, int) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.ApplicationRealtimeIcon
ApplicationRealtimeIcon(int, int, boolean) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.ApplicationRealtimeIcon
ApplicationsIcon - Class in gate.resources.img.svg
This class has been automatically generated using SVGRoundTrip.
ApplicationsIcon() - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.ApplicationsIcon
Creates a new transcoded SVG image.
ApplicationsIcon(boolean) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.ApplicationsIcon
ApplicationsIcon(Dimension) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.ApplicationsIcon
Creates a new transcoded SVG image with the given dimensions.
ApplicationsIcon(Dimension, boolean) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.ApplicationsIcon
ApplicationsIcon(int, int) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.ApplicationsIcon
ApplicationsIcon(int, int, boolean) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.ApplicationsIcon
applicationsRoot - Variable in class gate.gui.MainFrame
applicationTypes - Variable in class gate.creole.CreoleRegisterImpl
A list of the types of Packaged Applications in the register
ApplyAction(String, Icon, String, int) - Constructor for class gate.gui.docview.AnnotationEditor.ApplyAction
applyUserPreferences() - Static method in class gate.Main
Reads the user config data and applies the required settings.
approveSelection() - Method in class gate.swing.XJFileChooser
overriden to first save the location of the file chooser for the current resource.
appsPopup - Variable in class gate.gui.MainFrame
Popup used for right click actions on the Applications node.
ARABIC - Static variable in interface gate.creole.ontology.OConstants
Language code used "ar"
arangeAllComponents() - Method in class gate.annotation.CorpusAnnotationDiff
This method creates the graphic components and aranges them on this JPanel
areEqual(MimeType, MimeType) - Static method in class gate.DocumentFormat
Tests if two MimeType objects are equal.
aResourceName - Variable in class gate.creole.ontology.URI
A Resource name (in current version - a value after the last occurance of '#' or '/')
ARMENIAN - Static variable in interface gate.creole.ontology.OConstants
Language code used "hy"
artifact - Variable in class gate.util.ant.packager.GappModel.MavenPlugin
artifactDeployed(RepositoryEvent) - Method in class gate.util.maven.LoggingRepositoryListener
artifactDeploying(RepositoryEvent) - Method in class gate.util.maven.LoggingRepositoryListener
artifactDescriptorInvalid(RepositoryEvent) - Method in class gate.util.maven.LoggingRepositoryListener
artifactDescriptorMissing(RepositoryEvent) - Method in class gate.util.maven.LoggingRepositoryListener
artifactDownloaded(RepositoryEvent) - Method in class gate.util.maven.LoggingRepositoryListener
artifactDownloading(RepositoryEvent) - Method in class gate.util.maven.LoggingRepositoryListener
artifactInstalled(RepositoryEvent) - Method in class gate.util.maven.LoggingRepositoryListener
artifactInstalling(RepositoryEvent) - Method in class gate.util.maven.LoggingRepositoryListener
artifactResolved(RepositoryEvent) - Method in class gate.util.maven.LoggingRepositoryListener
artifactResolving(RepositoryEvent) - Method in class gate.util.maven.LoggingRepositoryListener
ascending - Variable in class gate.swing.XJTable
is the current sort order ascending (or descending)?
asCollection() - Method in class gate.util.SimpleArraySet
ASSAMESE - Static variable in interface gate.creole.ontology.OConstants
Language code used "as"
attributeListToParameterList() - Method in class gate.config.ConfigXmlHandler
Utility method to convert the current SAX attribute list to a FeatureMap
AUGMENTATIONS - Static variable in class gate.html.NekoHtmlDocumentHandler
AUTO - Static variable in class
Guess type of sort based on field contents.
AutoInstance - Annotation Type in gate.creole.metadata
Annotation used to define an instance of a resource that is created automatically when the plugin is loaded.
AutoInstanceParam - Annotation Type in gate.creole.metadata
Holder for a single name/value pair for a parameter to an auto-instance.
AUTOLOAD_PLUGIN_PATH_KEY - Static variable in interface gate.GateConstants
The key for the autoload plugins path option in the GATE config map
AUTOLOAD_PLUGIN_PATH_PROPERTY_NAME - Static variable in interface gate.GateConstants
The name for the autoload plugins path system property
autoLoading - Variable in class gate.creole.ResourceData
Autoloading flag
autoloadPlugins - Static variable in class gate.Gate
The list of plugins (aka CREOLE directories) the system loads automatically at start-up.
autoSaving - Variable in class gate.persist.SerialDataStore
Flag for autosaving behaviour.
AvailableIcon - Class in gate.resources.img.svg
This class has been automatically generated using SVGRoundTrip.
AvailableIcon() - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.AvailableIcon
Creates a new transcoded SVG image.
AvailableIcon(boolean) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.AvailableIcon
AvailableIcon(Dimension) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.AvailableIcon
Creates a new transcoded SVG image with the given dimensions.
AvailableIcon(Dimension, boolean) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.AvailableIcon
AvailableIcon(int, int) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.AvailableIcon
AvailableIcon(int, int, boolean) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.AvailableIcon
AvailablePlugins - Class in gate.gui.creole.manager
AvailablePlugins() - Constructor for class gate.gui.creole.manager.AvailablePlugins
avgPrint(double, int) - Method in class gate.util.CorpusBenchmarkTool
AYMARA - Static variable in interface gate.creole.ontology.OConstants
Language code used "ay"
AZERBAIJANI - Static variable in interface gate.creole.ontology.OConstants
Language code used "az"


backup(int) - Method in interface gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.analysis.standard.CharStream
Backs up the input stream by amount steps.
backup(int) - Method in class gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.analysis.standard.FastCharStream
BACKWARDCOMPATIBLEWITH - Static variable in class gate.creole.ontology.OConstants.OWL
BAG - Static variable in class gate.creole.ontology.OConstants.RDF
BASE64BINARY - Static variable in class gate.creole.ontology.OConstants.XMLSchema
BASE_TOKEN_ANNOTATION_TYPE - Static variable in class gate.creole.annic.Constants
Name of the base_token_annotation_type parameter.
baseURL - Variable in class gate.creole.Plugin
This is the URL against which all relative URLs in the CREOLE metadata are resolved
BASHKIR - Static variable in interface gate.creole.ontology.OConstants
Language code used "ba"
BASQUE - Static variable in interface gate.creole.ontology.OConstants
Language code used "eu"
bdmByConceptsMap - Variable in class gate.util.OntologyMeasures
bdmByTypeMap - Variable in class gate.util.OntologyMeasures
bdmFileUrl - Variable in class gate.gui.CorpusQualityAssurance
bdmFileUrl - Variable in class gate.util.OntologyMeasures
beginColumn - Variable in class gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.analysis.standard.Token
beginLine and beginColumn describe the position of the first character of this token; endLine and endColumn describe the position of the last character of this token.
beginLine - Variable in class gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.analysis.standard.Token
beginLine and beginColumn describe the position of the first character of this token; endLine and endColumn describe the position of the last character of this token.
BeginToken() - Method in interface gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.analysis.standard.CharStream
Returns the next character that marks the beginning of the next token.
BeginToken() - Method in class gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.analysis.standard.FastCharStream
Benchmark - Class in gate.util
This class provides methods for making entries in the shared log maintained by the GATE system.
Benchmark() - Constructor for class gate.util.Benchmark
Benchmarkable - Interface in gate.util
Resources that want to log their progress or results into a shared log centrally maintained by GATE, should implement this interface and use the java.util.Benchmark class to log their entries.
benchmarkFeatures - Variable in class gate.creole.AbstractController
Shared featureMap
benchmarkID - Variable in class gate.creole.AbstractController
Benchmark ID of this resource.
benchmarkingEnabled - Static variable in class gate.util.Benchmark
variable that keeps track of if logging is ON or OFF.
BenchmarkReportable - Interface in gate.util.reporting
An interface to be implemented by all classes responsible for generating benchmark reports.
BenchmarkReportException - Exception in gate.util.reporting.exceptions
The class BenchmarkReportException and its subclasses indicate conditions that the calling application might want to catch.
BenchmarkReportException(String) - Constructor for exception gate.util.reporting.exceptions.BenchmarkReportException
BenchmarkReportExecutionException - Exception in gate.util.reporting.exceptions
A custom exception thrown for the case where benchmark file is modified while the tool is executing.
BenchmarkReportExecutionException(String) - Constructor for exception gate.util.reporting.exceptions.BenchmarkReportExecutionException
BenchmarkReportFileAccessException - Exception in gate.util.reporting.exceptions
Thrown in following situations - Input benchmark file does not exist.
BenchmarkReportFileAccessException(String) - Constructor for exception gate.util.reporting.exceptions.BenchmarkReportFileAccessException
BenchmarkReportInputFileFormatException - Exception in gate.util.reporting.exceptions
Thrown in following situations No valid log entries present in input benchmark file.
BenchmarkReportInputFileFormatException(String) - Constructor for exception gate.util.reporting.exceptions.BenchmarkReportInputFileFormatException
BENGALI - Static variable in interface gate.creole.ontology.OConstants
Language code used "bn"
BHUTANI - Static variable in interface gate.creole.ontology.OConstants
Language code used "dz"
BIHARI - Static variable in interface gate.creole.ontology.OConstants
Language code used "bh"
BISLAMA - Static variable in interface gate.creole.ontology.OConstants
Language code used "bi"
bits(IndexReader) - Method in class
Returns a BitSet with true for documents which should be permitted in search results, and false for those that should not.
BitVector - Class in gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.util
Optimized implementation of a vector of bits.
BitVector(int) - Constructor for class gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.util.BitVector
Constructs a vector capable of holding n bits.
BitVector(Directory, String) - Constructor for class gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.util.BitVector
Constructs a bit vector from the file name in Directory d, as written by the BitVector.write(, java.lang.String) method.
BLINK_DELAY - Static variable in class gate.gui.docview.TextualDocumentView
The delay used by the blinker.
blinkingHighlightsToAdd - Variable in class gate.gui.docview.TextualDocumentView
Used internally to store the annotations for which blinking highlights need to be added.
blinkingHighlightsToRemove - Variable in class gate.gui.docview.TextualDocumentView
Used internally to store the annotations for which blinking highlights need to be removed.
blinkingTagsForAnnotations - Variable in class gate.gui.docview.TextualDocumentView
The annotations used for blinking highlights and their tags.
block(boolean) - Method in class gate.swing.BlockingGlassPane
Start or end blocking.
BlockingGlassPane - Class in gate.swing
A Panel that can be blocked.
BlockingGlassPane() - Constructor for class gate.swing.BlockingGlassPane
BomStrippingInputStreamReader - Class in gate.util
StreamReader that removes the Unicode BOM, even when Sun/Oracle is too lazy to do so.
BomStrippingInputStreamReader(InputStream) - Constructor for class gate.util.BomStrippingInputStreamReader
BomStrippingInputStreamReader(InputStream, String) - Constructor for class gate.util.BomStrippingInputStreamReader
BomStrippingInputStreamReader(InputStream, String, int) - Constructor for class gate.util.BomStrippingInputStreamReader
BomStrippingInputStreamReader(InputStream, Charset) - Constructor for class gate.util.BomStrippingInputStreamReader
BomStrippingInputStreamReader(InputStream, int) - Constructor for class gate.util.BomStrippingInputStreamReader
BomStrippingInputStreamReader(InputStream, CharsetDecoder, int) - Constructor for class gate.util.BomStrippingInputStreamReader
BomStrippingInputStreamReader(InputStream, CharsetDecoder) - Constructor for class gate.util.BomStrippingInputStreamReader
BOOLEAN - Static variable in class gate.creole.ontology.OConstants.XMLSchema
BooleanClause - Class in
A clause in a BooleanQuery.
BooleanClause(Query, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class
Constructs a BooleanClause with query q, required r and prohibited p.
BooleanQuery - Class in
A Query that matches documents matching boolean combinations of other queries, typically TermQuerys or PhraseQuerys.
BooleanQuery() - Constructor for class
Constructs an empty boolean query.
BooleanQuery.TooManyClauses - Exception in
Thrown when an attempt is made to add more than BooleanQuery.getMaxClauseCount() clauses.
BooleanRenderer - Class in gate.gui
A TableCellRenderer used for Booleans
BooleanRenderer() - Constructor for class gate.gui.BooleanRenderer
BootStrap - Class in gate.creole
This class creates a resource (e.g.ProcessingResource, VisualResource or Language Resource) with the information from the user and generates a project in the directory provided by the user
BootStrap() - Constructor for class gate.creole.BootStrap
BootStrapDialog - Class in gate.gui
This class is used to handle BootStrap wizard with the Gate GUI interface.
BootStrapDialog(MainFrame) - Constructor for class gate.gui.BootStrapDialog
bottomSplit - Variable in class gate.gui.docview.DocumentEditor
bottomTabbedPane - Variable in class gate.gui.AnnotationDiffGUI
bottomViewIdx - Variable in class gate.gui.docview.DocumentEditor
The index in DocumentEditor.horizontalViews of the currently active bottom view.
BRETON - Static variable in interface gate.creole.ontology.OConstants
Language code used "br"
BUFF_SIZE - Static variable in class gate.creole.BootStrap
the size of the buffer
BUILD - Static variable in class gate.Gate
The build number of the running GATE (i.e.
build - Static variable in class gate.Main
buildActions(NameBearerHandle) - Method in class gate.gui.ResourceHelper
Build the Action instances that should be used to enhance the right-click menu of the specified NameBearerHandle.
buildEntityMapFromString(String, SortedMap<Long, Character>) - Static method in class gate.corpora.DocumentXmlUtils
This method takes aScanString and searches for those chars from entitiesMap that appear in the string.
buildStaticPopupItems() - Method in class gate.gui.NameBearerHandle
buildTargetToSourceIndex() - Method in class gate.swing.XJTable.SortingModel
Builds the reverse index based on the new sorting order.
buildViews() - Method in class gate.gui.NameBearerHandle
BUILTIN_CREOLE_DIR_PROPERTY_NAME - Static variable in interface gate.GateConstants
The name of the built-in creole directory URL property
builtinCreoleDir - Static variable in class gate.Gate
The "builtin" creole directory URL, where the creole.xml that defines things like DocumentImpl can be found.
BULGARIAN - Static variable in interface gate.creole.ontology.OConstants
Language code used "bg"
BURMESE - Static variable in interface gate.creole.ontology.OConstants
Language code used "my"
ButtonBorder(Color, Insets, boolean) - Constructor for class gate.gui.LuceneDataStoreSearchGUI.ButtonBorder
Create a button.
BYELORUSSIAN - Static variable in interface gate.creole.ontology.OConstants
Language code used "be"
BYTE - Static variable in class gate.creole.ontology.OConstants.XMLSchema


cacheArtifact(Artifact) - Method in class gate.util.maven.SimpleMavenCache
calculate(Object) - Method in interface gate.util.reporting.BenchmarkReportable
Does the report specific calculations.
calculate(Object) - Method in class gate.util.reporting.DocTimeReporter
Calculates the total of the time taken by processing element at each leaf level.
calculate(Object) - Method in class gate.util.reporting.PRTimeReporter
Calculates the sub totals at each level.
calculateAvgTotal() - Method in class gate.util.CorpusBenchmarkTool
calculateBdm(Collection<AnnotationDiffer>) - Method in class gate.util.OntologyMeasures
For a document get the annotation differs that contain the type to compare and the annotation differs that may have miscategorized annotations for this type.
calculateConfusionMatrix(AnnotationSet, AnnotationSet, String, String, boolean) - Method in class gate.util.ClassificationMeasures
Create a confusion matrix in which annotations of identical span bearing the specified feature name are compared in terms of feature value.
calculateDefaultValue() - Method in class gate.creole.Parameter
Calculate and return the default value for this parameter
calculateDiff(Collection<Annotation>, Collection<Annotation>) - Method in class gate.util.AnnotationDiffer
Computes a diff between two collections of annotations.
calculatePreferredSize() - Method in class gate.swing.XJTable
calculateValueFromString(String) - Method in class gate.creole.Parameter
Calculate and return the value for this parameter starting from a String
call() - Method in class gate.creole.RealtimeCorpusController.DocRunner
call(String, Resource, Object...) - Method in class gate.gui.ResourceHelper
Allows for the calling of methods defined within ResourceHelper instances which aren't part of the core API and so which can only be called via reflection.
CAMBODIAN - Static variable in interface gate.creole.ontology.OConstants
Language code used "km"
cancelAction() - Method in interface gate.creole.AnnotationVisualResource
Called by the GUI when the user has pressed the "Cancel" button.
cancelAction() - Method in class gate.gui.docview.AnnotationEditor
Does nothing, as this editor does not support cancelling and rollbacks.
CancelAction() - Constructor for class gate.gui.OptionsDialog.CancelAction
cancelButton - Variable in class gate.gui.OkCancelDialog
cancelButton - Variable in class gate.gui.OptionsDialog
The Cancel button for the dialog.
cancelCellEditing() - Method in class gate.gui.AlternatingTableCellEditor
canDisplayAnnotationType(String) - Method in interface gate.creole.AnnotationVisualResource
Checks whether this viewer/editor can handle a specific annotation type.
canDisplayAnnotationType(String) - Method in class gate.gui.docview.AnnotationEditor
Returns true always as this editor is generic and can edit any annotation type.
canReadLR(Object) - Method in interface gate.DataStore
Checks if the user (identified by the sessionID) has read access to the LR
canReadLR(Object) - Method in class gate.persist.SerialDataStore
Checks if the user (identified by the sessionID) has read access to the LR
canWriteLR(Object) - Method in interface gate.DataStore
Checks if the user (identified by the sessionID) has write access to the LR
canWriteLR(Object) - Method in class gate.persist.SerialDataStore
Checks if the user (identified by the sessionID) has write access to the LR
CARDINALITY - Static variable in class gate.creole.ontology.OConstants.OWL
CARDINALITY_RESTRICTION - Static variable in interface gate.creole.ontology.OConstants
specifies that the value of y in the x rdf:type is owl:restriction and that is ia cardinality restriction
CARDINALITY_RESTRICTION_ADDED_EVENT - Static variable in interface gate.creole.ontology.OConstants
denotes the event when a new cardinality_restriction is added
CardinalityRestriction - Interface in gate.creole.ontology
A CardinalityRestriction
CATALAN - Static variable in interface gate.creole.ontology.OConstants
Language code used "ca"
cbuffer - Variable in class gate.creole.BootStrap
a buffer in order to read an array of char
CENTRAL - Static variable in interface gate.gui.docview.DocumentView
Constant for the CENTRAL type of the view inside the document editor.
centralViewIdx - Variable in class gate.gui.docview.DocumentEditor
The index in DocumentEditor.centralViews of the currently active central view.
centralViews - Variable in class gate.gui.docview.DocumentEditor
A list of DocumentView objects of type DocumentView.CENTRAL
CHAIN_NODE - Static variable in class gate.gui.docview.CorefEditor.CorefTreeNode
ChainedProxySelector - Class in gate.util.maven
Simple Aether ProxySelector implementation that tries a series of selectors in turn and returns the first non-null response, or null if all selectors in the chain return null.
ChainedProxySelector() - Constructor for class gate.util.maven.ChainedProxySelector
ChainToolTipAction() - Constructor for class gate.gui.docview.CorefEditor.ChainToolTipAction
ChangeColourAction() - Constructor for class gate.gui.docview.AnnotationSetsView.TypeHandler.ChangeColourAction
changedDocs - Variable in class gate.corpora.SerialCorpusImpl
changedUpdate(DocumentEvent) - Method in class gate.gui.docview.TextualDocumentView.SwingDocumentListener
changedUpdate(DocumentEvent) - Method in class gate.gui.LuceneDataStoreSearchGUI.QueryTextArea
changeKeyValue(String, Map<String, String>) - Method in class gate.creole.BootStrap
Determines all the keys from the map "names" in the text and replaces them with their values
changeMessage() - Method in class gate.gui.CorpusEditor
changeOrientation(ComponentOrientation) - Method in interface gate.gui.annedit.OwnedAnnotationEditor
Changes the orientation of components
changeOrientation(ComponentOrientation) - Method in class gate.gui.docview.AnnotationEditor
changeOrientation(ComponentOrientation) - Method in class gate.gui.docview.AnnotationSetsView
changes the orientation of the annotation editor component only
changeOrientation(ComponentOrientation) - Method in class gate.gui.docview.TextualDocumentView
Set the text orientation in the document.
changeSelection(int, int, boolean, boolean) - Method in class gate.swing.XJTable
characters(char[], int, int) - Method in class gate.config.ConfigXmlHandler
Called when the SAX parser encounts text (PCDATA) in the XML doc
characters(char[], int, int) - Method in class gate.creole.CreoleXmlHandler
Called when the SAX parser encounts text (PCDATA) in the XML doc
characters(XMLString, Augmentations) - Method in class gate.html.NekoHtmlDocumentHandler
Called when the parser encounters character or CDATA content.
characters(char[], int, int) - Method in class gate.xml.XmlDocumentHandler
This method is called when the SAX parser encounts text in the XML doc.
characters(char[], int, int) - Method in class gate.xml.XmlPositionCorrectionHandler
Here is the correction of the Xerces parser bug.
charactersAction(char[], int, int) - Method in class gate.config.ConfigXmlHandler
This method is called when all characters between specific tags have been read completely
charactersAction(char[], int, int) - Method in class gate.creole.CreoleXmlHandler
This method is called when all characters between specific tags have been read completely
charactersAction() - Method in class gate.html.NekoHtmlDocumentHandler
Called when all text between two tags has been processed.
charactersAction(char[], int, int) - Method in class gate.xml.XmlDocumentHandler
This method is called when all characters between specific tags have been read completely
CharStream - Interface in gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.analysis.standard
This interface describes a character stream that maintains line and column number positions of the characters.
CheckBoxTableCellRenderer - Class in gate.swing
A TableCellRenderer for JCheckBox that disables the checkbox when the cell isn't editable to make it clear that you can't click on it
CheckBoxTableCellRenderer() - Constructor for class gate.swing.CheckBoxTableCellRenderer
checkDuplicationContext(Factory.DuplicationContext) - Static method in class gate.Factory
Throws an exception if the specified duplication context is null or not active.
checkIndexParameters(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class gate.creole.annic.lucene.LuceneIndexer
Checks the Index Parameters to see if they are all compatible
checkLanguageAnalyser(ProcessingResource) - Method in class gate.creole.ConditionalSerialAnalyserController
Throw an exception if the given processing resource is not a LanguageAnalyser.
checkLanguageAnalyser(ProcessingResource) - Method in class gate.creole.SerialAnalyserController
Throw an exception if the given processing resource is not a LanguageAnalyser.
checkParameters() - Method in class gate.creole.SerialController
Verifies that all PRs have all their required rutime parameters set.
checkParameterValues(Resource, List<List<Parameter>>) - Static method in class gate.creole.AbstractResource
Checks whether the provided Resource has values for all the required parameters from the provided list of parameters.
checkPoint(long, String, Object, Map<Object, Object>) - Static method in class gate.util.Benchmark
This method is responsible for making entries into the log.
checkPoint(String, Object, Map<Object, Object>) - Static method in class gate.util.Benchmark
Logs the end of a process.
checkPoint(String) - Method in class gate.util.profile.Profiler
To be called at all execution points of interest.
checkPoint(String, String[], boolean, boolean, boolean) - Method in class gate.util.profile.Profiler
In addition to the variant of the method with two parameters allows: a set of categories (identified by strings) to which the preceeding fragment of code belongs; flag determining whether the description of the execution point to be displayed; flag determining whether the statistics to be shown
checkPointWithDuration(long, String, Object, Map<Object, Object>) - Static method in class gate.util.Benchmark
This method is responsible for making entries into the log.
CHINESE - Static variable in interface gate.creole.ontology.OConstants
Language code used "zh"
CIcon - Class in gate.resources.img.svg
This class has been automatically generated using SVGRoundTrip.
CIcon() - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.CIcon
Creates a new transcoded SVG image.
CIcon(boolean) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.CIcon
CIcon(Dimension) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.CIcon
Creates a new transcoded SVG image with the given dimensions.
CIcon(Dimension, boolean) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.CIcon
CIcon(int, int) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.CIcon
CIcon(int, int, boolean) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.CIcon
CJK - Static variable in interface gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.analysis.standard.StandardTokenizerConstants
CLASS - Static variable in class gate.creole.ontology.OConstants.OWL
CLASS - Static variable in class gate.creole.ontology.OConstants.RDFS
ClassComparator() - Constructor for class gate.util.persistence.PersistenceManager.ClassComparator
CLASSIFICATION_MEASURES - Static variable in class gate.gui.CorpusQualityAssurance
ClassificationMeasures - Class in gate.util
Given two annotation sets, a type and a feature, compares the feature values.
ClassificationMeasures() - Constructor for class gate.util.ClassificationMeasures
ClassificationMeasures(Collection<ClassificationMeasures>) - Constructor for class gate.util.ClassificationMeasures
Given a list of ClassificationMeasures, this will combine to make a megatable.
className - Variable in class gate.creole.ResourceData
The class name of the resource
className - Variable in class gate.util.persistence.DSPersistence
cleanOntology() - Method in interface gate.creole.ontology.Ontology
This method removes the entire data from the ontology and emptys it.
cleanString(String) - Static method in class gate.Utils
Return a cleaned version of the input String.
cleanStringFor(Document, SimpleAnnotation) - Static method in class gate.Utils
Return the cleaned document text as a String corresponding to the annotation.
cleanStringFor(Document, Long, Long) - Static method in class gate.Utils
Return the cleaned document text between the provided offsets.
cleanStringFor(Document, AnnotationSet) - Static method in class gate.Utils
Return the cleaned document text as a String covered by the given annotation set.
cleanup() - Method in class gate.corpora.CorpusImpl
cleanup() - Method in class gate.corpora.DocumentImpl
Clear all the data members of the object.
cleanup() - Method in class gate.corpora.SerialCorpusImpl
Every LR that is a CreoleListener (and other Listeners too) must override this method and make sure it removes itself from the objects which it has been listening to.
cleanup() - Method in class gate.creole.AbstractController
Clears the internal data of the resource, when it gets released *
cleanup() - Method in class gate.creole.AbstractLanguageResource
Clear the internal state of the resource
cleanup() - Method in class gate.creole.AbstractProcessingResource
should clear all internal data of the resource.
cleanup() - Method in class gate.creole.AbstractResource
releases the memory allocated to this resource
cleanup() - Method in class gate.creole.AbstractVisualResource
Does nothing now, but meant to clear all internal data
cleanup() - Method in class gate.creole.ConditionalSerialController
Cleans the internal data and prepares this object to be collected
cleanup() - Method in class gate.creole.RealtimeCorpusController
cleanup() - Method in class gate.creole.SerialController
Cleans the internal data and prepares this object to be collected
cleanup() - Method in class gate.gui.CorpusEditor
cleanup() - Method in class gate.gui.CorpusQualityAssurance
cleanup() - Method in class gate.gui.docview.AnnotationListView
cleanup() - Method in class gate.gui.docview.AnnotationSetsView
cleanup() - Method in class gate.gui.docview.AnnotationSetsView.SetHandler
cleanup() - Method in class gate.gui.docview.AnnotationStackView
cleanup() - Method in class gate.gui.docview.CorefEditor
This methods cleans up the memory by removing all listener registrations
cleanup() - Method in class gate.gui.docview.DocumentEditor
cleanup() - Method in class gate.gui.docview.TextualDocumentView
cleanup() - Method in class gate.gui.FeaturesSchemaEditor
cleanup() - Method in interface gate.gui.Handle
Called when this handle is not required any more.
cleanup() - Method in class gate.gui.LuceneDataStoreSearchGUI
Called when the user close the datastore.
cleanup() - Method in class gate.gui.NameBearerHandle
Releases the memory, removes the listeners, cleans up.
cleanup() - Method in class gate.gui.ParameterDisjunction
cleanup() - Method in class gate.gui.PRViewer
cleanup() - Method in class gate.gui.ResourceHelper
cleanup() - Method in class gate.gui.ResourceParametersEditor
Cleans the internal data and prepares this object to be collected
cleanup() - Method in class gate.gui.SerialControllerEditor
Cleans the internal data and prepares this object to be collected
cleanup() - Method in class gate.gui.SerialDatastoreViewer
cleanup() - Method in interface gate.Resource
Clears the internal data of the resource, when it gets released
cleanup() - Method in class gate.util.LanguageAnalyserDocumentProcessor
Clean up resources.
clear() - Method in class gate.annotation.AnnotationSetImpl
clear() - Method in class gate.annotation.ImmutableAnnotationSetImpl
clear() - Method in class gate.corpora.CorpusImpl
clear() - Method in class gate.corpora.SerialCorpusImpl
clear(int) - Method in class gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.util.BitVector
Sets the value of bit to zero.
clear() - Method in class gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.util.PriorityQueue
Removes all entries from the PriorityQueue.
clear() - Method in class gate.creole.CreoleRegisterImpl
Overide HashMap's clear to update the list of LR types in the register, and remove all resources and forgets all directories.
clear() - Method in class gate.DataStoreRegister
Removes all of the elements from this set.
clear() - Method in class gate.gui.SerialDatastoreViewer
clear() - Method in class gate.relations.RelationSet
Empties the relation set
clear() - Method in class gate.util.RBTreeMap
Removes all mappings from this RBTreeMap.
clear() - Method in class gate.util.SimpleFeatureMapImpl
clearAllAction - Variable in class gate.gui.LogArea
This fields defines the clear all behaviour
ClearAllAction() - Constructor for class gate.gui.LogArea.ClearAllAction
clearAllRows() - Method in class gate.gui.docview.AnnotationStack
Clear all rows in the stack.
clearAllSelections() - Static method in class gate.gui.SerialControllerEditor
Forces all open controller editors to refresh the list of selected PRs.
clearDocList() - Method in class gate.corpora.CorpusImpl
ClearLogIcon - Class in gate.resources.img.svg
This class has been automatically generated using SVGRoundTrip.
ClearLogIcon() - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.ClearLogIcon
Creates a new transcoded SVG image.
ClearLogIcon(boolean) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.ClearLogIcon
ClearLogIcon(Dimension) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.ClearLogIcon
Creates a new transcoded SVG image with the given dimensions.
ClearLogIcon(Dimension, boolean) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.ClearLogIcon
ClearLogIcon(int, int) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.ClearLogIcon
ClearLogIcon(int, int, boolean) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.ClearLogIcon
ClearQueryAction() - Constructor for class gate.gui.LuceneDataStoreSearchGUI.ClearQueryAction
clearSelection() - Method in class gate.gui.CorpusQualityAssurance.ToggleSelectionABModel
clone() - Method in class gate.annotation.AnnotationSetImpl
clone() - Method in class
clone() - Method in class
Returns a clone of this query.
clone() - Method in class
Returns a clone of this stream.
clone() - Method in class gate.util.Pair
clone() - Method in class gate.util.RBTreeMap
Returns a shallow copy of this RBTreeMap instance.
clone() - Method in class gate.util.SimpleFeatureMapImpl
ClosableIterator<T> - Interface in gate.util
An iterator that should be closed as soon as it is not used anymore.
close() - Method in class gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.analysis.Tokenizer
By default, closes the input Reader.
close() - Method in class gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.analysis.TokenStream
Releases resources associated with this stream.
close() - Method in class gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.index.FilterIndexReader.FilterTermDocs
close() - Method in class gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.index.FilterIndexReader.FilterTermEnum
close() - Method in class gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.index.IndexReader
Closes files associated with this index.
close() - Method in class gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.index.IndexWriter
Flushes all changes to an index and closes all associated files.
close() - Method in class gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.index.MultipleTermPositions
Describe close method here.
close() - Method in interface gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.index.TermDocs
Frees associated resources.
close() - Method in class gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.index.TermEnum
Closes the enumeration to further activity, freeing resources.
close() - Method in class
Note that the underlying IndexReader is not closed, if IndexSearcher was constructed with IndexSearcher(IndexReader r).
close() - Method in interface
Frees resources associated with this Searcher.
close() - Method in class
Closes the store.
close() - Method in class
Closes the store to future operations.
close() - Method in class
Closes the stream to futher operations.
close() - Method in class
Closes this stream to further operations.
close() - Method in class
Closes the store to future operations.
close() - Method in class
close() - Method in interface gate.creole.ontology.OntologyTupleQuery
Explicitly close the query and free its resources.
close() - Method in interface gate.DataStore
Close the data store.
close() - Method in class gate.persist.LuceneDataStoreImpl
Close the data store.
close() - Method in class gate.persist.SerialDataStore
Close the data store.
close() - Method in class gate.util.BomStrippingInputStreamReader
close() - Method in interface gate.util.ClosableIterator
Close the iteratori and free all resources.
CloseAction() - Constructor for class gate.gui.AnnotationDiffGUI.CloseAction
ClosedIcon - Class in gate.resources.img.svg
This class has been automatically generated using SVGRoundTrip.
ClosedIcon() - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.ClosedIcon
Creates a new transcoded SVG image.
ClosedIcon(boolean) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.ClosedIcon
ClosedIcon(Dimension) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.ClosedIcon
Creates a new transcoded SVG image with the given dimensions.
ClosedIcon(Dimension, boolean) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.ClosedIcon
ClosedIcon(int, int) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.ClosedIcon
ClosedIcon(int, int, boolean) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.ClosedIcon
coextensive(Annotation) - Method in class gate.annotation.AnnotationImpl
Two Annotation are coextensive if their offsets are the same.
coextensive(Annotation) - Method in interface gate.Annotation
Two Annotation are coestensive if their offsets are the same.
COL_COUNT - Static variable in class gate.gui.AnnotationDiffGUI.DiffTableModel
COL_KEY_COPY - Static variable in class gate.gui.AnnotationDiffGUI.DiffTableModel
COL_KEY_END - Static variable in class gate.gui.AnnotationDiffGUI.DiffTableModel
COL_KEY_FEATURES - Static variable in class gate.gui.AnnotationDiffGUI.DiffTableModel
COL_KEY_START - Static variable in class gate.gui.AnnotationDiffGUI.DiffTableModel
COL_KEY_STRING - Static variable in class gate.gui.AnnotationDiffGUI.DiffTableModel
COL_MATCH - Static variable in class gate.gui.AnnotationDiffGUI.DiffTableModel
COL_RES_COPY - Static variable in class gate.gui.AnnotationDiffGUI.DiffTableModel
COL_RES_END - Static variable in class gate.gui.AnnotationDiffGUI.DiffTableModel
COL_RES_FEATURES - Static variable in class gate.gui.AnnotationDiffGUI.DiffTableModel
COL_RES_START - Static variable in class gate.gui.AnnotationDiffGUI.DiffTableModel
COL_RES_STRING - Static variable in class gate.gui.AnnotationDiffGUI.DiffTableModel
collator - Variable in class gate.gui.CorpusQualityAssurance
collect(int, float) - Method in class
Called once for every non-zero scoring document, with the document number and its score.
CollectionPersistence - Class in gate.util.persistence
CollectionPersistence() - Constructor for class gate.util.persistence.CollectionPersistence
CollectionSelectionDialog - Class in gate.gui
This class visually selects some items from a collection and returns a collection with the items selected by the user.
CollectionSelectionDialog(Frame, boolean) - Constructor for class gate.gui.CollectionSelectionDialog
Constructs an ColectionSelectionDialog
CollectionSelectionDialog() - Constructor for class gate.gui.CollectionSelectionDialog
Constructs an ColectionSelectionDialog using null as a frame and true as modal value for dialog
collectionType - Variable in class gate.util.persistence.CollectionPersistence
ColorGenerator - Class in gate.swing
This class is used to generate random colours that are evenly distributed in the colours space.
ColorGenerator() - Constructor for class gate.swing.ColorGenerator
Creates a new ColorGenerator
colourGenerator - Static variable in class gate.gui.docview.AnnotationSetsView
COLUMN_COUNT - Static variable in class gate.gui.LuceneDataStoreSearchGUI.ResultTableModel
columnData - Variable in class gate.swing.XJTable
A list of XJTable.ColumnData objects.
ColumnData(int) - Constructor for class gate.swing.XJTable.ColumnData
columnMarginChanged(ChangeEvent) - Method in class gate.swing.XJTable
Overridden to fix //
columnMoved(TableColumnModelEvent) - Method in class gate.swing.XJTable
Overridden to fix //
combine(Query[]) - Method in class
Expert: called when re-writing queries under MultiSearcher.
combineContextAndRelative(URI, String, boolean) - Static method in class gate.util.persistence.PersistenceManager.URLHolder
COMBINED_SET - Static variable in class gate.creole.annic.Constants
Contains the merged annotation set in combined sets.
combinedNormalisation(String) - Static method in class gate.corpora.DocumentXmlUtils
Combines replaceCharsWithEntities and filterNonXmlChars in a single method
COMMENT - Static variable in class gate.creole.ontology.OConstants.RDFS
comment - Variable in class gate.creole.ResourceData
The comment string
comment(XMLString, Augmentations) - Method in class gate.html.NekoHtmlDocumentHandler
comment(String) - Method in class gate.xml.XmlDocumentHandler
This method is called when the SAX parser encounts a comment It works only if the XmlDocumentHandler implements a com.sun.parser.LexicalEventListener
commit() - Method in class gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.index.IndexReader
Commit changes resulting from delete, undeleteAll, or setNorm operations
COMMIT_LOCK_NAME - Static variable in class gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.index.IndexWriter
COMMIT_LOCK_TIMEOUT - Static variable in class gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.index.IndexWriter
Default value is 10000.
commitTransaction() - Method in interface gate.creole.ontology.Ontology
compact() - Method in class gate.util.maven.SimpleMavenCache
COMPANY - Static variable in interface gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.analysis.standard.StandardTokenizerConstants
comparator() - Method in class gate.util.RBTreeMap
Returns the comparator used to order this map, or null if this map uses its keys' natural order.
compare(ScoreDoc, ScoreDoc) - Method in interface
Compares two ScoreDoc objects and returns a result indicating their sort order.
compare(Object, Object) - Method in class gate.gui.ListEditorDialog.NaturalComparator
compare(String, String) - Method in class gate.gui.teamware.InputOutputAnnotationSetsDialog.NaturalComparator
compare(XJTable.SortingModel.ValueHolder, XJTable.SortingModel.ValueHolder) - Method in class gate.swing.XJTable.SortingModel.ValueHolderComparator
compare(AnnotationDiffer.Pairing, AnnotationDiffer.Pairing) - Method in class gate.util.AnnotationDiffer.PairingOffsetComparator
Compares two choices based on start offset of key (or response if key not present) and type if offsets are equal.
compare(AnnotationDiffer.Pairing, AnnotationDiffer.Pairing) - Method in class gate.util.AnnotationDiffer.PairingScoreComparator
Compares two choices: the better score is preferred; for the same score the better type is preferred (exact matches are preffered to partial ones).
compare(NameBearer, NameBearer) - Method in class gate.util.NameComparator
compare(Object, Object) - Method in class gate.util.ObjectComparator
Compares two objects.
compare(Annotation, Annotation) - Method in class gate.util.OffsetComparator
compare(Class<?>, Class<?>) - Method in class gate.util.persistence.PersistenceManager.ClassComparator
Compares two Class values in terms of specificity; the more specific class is said to be "smaller" than the more generic one hence the Object class is the "largest" possible class.
compare(String, String) - Method in class gate.util.VersionComparator
compareAction - Variable in class gate.gui.CorpusQualityAssurance
CompareAction() - Constructor for class gate.gui.CorpusQualityAssurance.CompareAction
compareAnnotation() - Method in class gate.gui.CorpusQualityAssurance
compareTo(Object) - Method in class gate.annotation.AnnotationImpl
compareTo(Node) - Method in class gate.annotation.NodeImpl
compareTo(Object) - Method in class gate.corpora.DocumentImpl
Ordering based on URL.toString() and the URL offsets (if any)
compareTo(Object) - Method in class gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.index.Term
compareTo(Term) - Method in class gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.index.Term
Compares two terms, returning an integer which is less than zero iff this term belongs after the argument, equal zero iff this term is equal to the argument, and greater than zero iff this term belongs after the argument.
compareTo(ONodeID) - Method in interface gate.creole.ontology.ONodeID
compareTo(ONodeID) - Method in class gate.creole.ontology.URI
compareTo(Object) - Method in interface gate.SimpleAnnotation
compareVersions(String, String) - Static method in class gate.util.VersionComparator
compile(Map<String, String>, GateClassLoader) - Method in class gate.util.Javac
Compile a set of Java sources, and load the resulting classes into the GATE class loader.
COMPILER_TYPE_KEY - Static variable in interface gate.GateConstants
The key for the gate.xml option to specify a compiler type to use to build the Java files compiled from JAPE grammars.
COMPLEMENTOF - Static variable in class gate.creole.ontology.OConstants.OWL
Component(Class<? extends Resource>) - Constructor for class gate.creole.Plugin.Component
componentHidden(ComponentEvent) - Method in class gate.gui.creole.manager.ProgressPanel
componentMoved(ComponentEvent) - Method in class gate.gui.creole.manager.ProgressPanel
componentResized(ComponentEvent) - Method in class gate.gui.creole.manager.ProgressPanel
componentsFont - Variable in class gate.gui.OptionsDialog
The font to be used for GUI components; cached value for the one in the user config map.
componentShown(ComponentEvent) - Method in class gate.gui.creole.manager.ProgressPanel
componentsKeys - Static variable in class gate.gui.OptionsDialog
computeKappaPairwise() - Method in class gate.util.ClassificationMeasures
Compute Cohen's and Pi kappas for two annotators.
compWrapper - Variable in class gate.swing.XJTable.SortingModel
conditional_RunRBtn - Variable in class gate.gui.SerialControllerEditor
Button for conditional run.
ConditionalController - Interface in gate.creole
A Conditional controller is a controller that keeps a running strategy for each PR contained.
ConditionalControllerPersistence - Class in gate.util.persistence
Persistence handler for ConditionalControllers
ConditionalControllerPersistence() - Constructor for class gate.util.persistence.ConditionalControllerPersistence
conditionalMode - Variable in class gate.gui.SerialControllerEditor
Is the controller displayed conditional?
ConditionalSerialAnalyserController - Class in gate.creole
This class implements a SerialController that only contains LanguageAnalysers.
ConditionalSerialAnalyserController() - Constructor for class gate.creole.ConditionalSerialAnalyserController
ConditionalSerialAnalyserControllerPersistence - Class in gate.util.persistence
Persistence handler for ConditionalSerialAnalyserController.
ConditionalSerialAnalyserControllerPersistence() - Constructor for class gate.util.persistence.ConditionalSerialAnalyserControllerPersistence
ConditionalSerialController - Class in gate.creole
Execute a list of PRs serially.
ConditionalSerialController() - Constructor for class gate.creole.ConditionalSerialController
ConfigDataProcessor - Class in gate.config
This class parses gate.xml configuration data files.
ConfigDataProcessor() - Constructor for class gate.config.ConfigDataProcessor
Default constructor.
ConfigureStackViewAction() - Constructor for class gate.gui.LuceneDataStoreSearchGUI.ConfigureStackViewAction
ConfigureStackViewFrame(String) - Constructor for class gate.gui.LuceneDataStoreSearchGUI.ConfigureStackViewFrame
ConfigureStackViewTableModel() - Constructor for class gate.gui.LuceneDataStoreSearchGUI.ConfigureStackViewTableModel
ConfigXmlHandler - Class in gate.config
This is a SAX handler for processing gate.xml files.
ConfigXmlHandler(URL) - Constructor for class gate.config.ConfigXmlHandler
confusionTable - Variable in class gate.gui.CorpusQualityAssurance
confusionTableModel - Variable in class gate.gui.CorpusQualityAssurance
ConllDocumentFormat - Class in gate.corpora
Document format for handling CoNLL/IOB documents: He PRP B-NP accepted VBD B-VP the DT B-NP position NN I-NP ...
ConllDocumentFormat() - Constructor for class gate.corpora.ConllDocumentFormat
Default construction
consensusASTextField - Variable in class gate.gui.AnnotationDiffGUI
Constants - Class in gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.util
Some useful constants.
Constants - Class in gate.creole.annic
Constants used by annic classes.
Constants() - Constructor for class gate.creole.annic.Constants
constructPersistenceId(String) - Method in class gate.persist.SerialDataStore
Create a persistent store Id from the name of a resource.
consume() - Method in class gate.util.AnnotationDiffer.PairingImpl
Removes all mutually exclusive OTHER choices possible from the data structures.
CONTAINER - Static variable in class gate.creole.ontology.OConstants.RDFS
CONTAINERMEMBERSHIPPROPERTY - Static variable in class gate.creole.ontology.OConstants.RDFS
containingControllerName - Variable in class gate.util.persistence.AbstractPersistence
The name of the controller, if any, that contains this persistence.
contains(Object) - Method in class gate.corpora.CorpusImpl
contains(Object) - Method in class gate.corpora.SerialCorpusImpl
contains(Object) - Method in class gate.relations.RelationSet
containsAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class gate.corpora.CorpusImpl
containsAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class gate.corpora.SerialCorpusImpl
containsAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class gate.relations.RelationSet
containsKey(Object) - Method in class gate.util.RBTreeMap
Returns true if this map contains a mapping for the specified key.
containsOClass(ONodeID) - Method in interface gate.creole.ontology.Ontology
Checks whether a class with the specified URI or blank node ID exists in the ontology.
containsOClass(OClass) - Method in interface gate.creole.ontology.Ontology
Checks whether the ontology contains this class.
containsOInstance(OInstance) - Method in interface gate.creole.ontology.Ontology
Checks whether the provided Instance exists in the ontology.
containsOInstance(OURI) - Method in interface gate.creole.ontology.Ontology
Checks whether the provided URI refers to an Instance that exists in the ontology.
containsSemicolon(String) - Method in class
This method checks if a String contains a semicolon char
containsValue(Object) - Method in class gate.util.RBTreeMap
Returns true if this map maps one or more keys to the specified value.
containsWhiteSpaces(String) - Method in class
This method checks if a String contains white spaces.
content - Variable in class gate.corpora.DocumentImpl
The content of the document
content - Variable in class gate.gui.annedit.SearchAndAnnotatePanel
CONTENT_EDITED - Static variable in class gate.event.DocumentEvent
Event type used to mark the editing of the document content
contentEdited(DocumentEvent) - Method in interface gate.event.DocumentListener
Called when the content of the document has changed through an edit operation.
contentEdited(DocumentEvent) - Method in class gate.gui.docview.AnnotationSetsView
Called when the content of the document has changed through an edit operation.
contentEdited(DocumentEvent) - Method in class gate.gui.docview.CorefEditor
Called when the content of the document has changed through an edit operation.
contentEdited(DocumentEvent) - Method in class gate.gui.docview.RelationSetView
contentEdited(DocumentEvent) - Method in class gate.gui.docview.TextualDocumentView.GateDocumentListener
contentFor(SimpleDocument, SimpleAnnotation) - Static method in class gate.Utils
Return the DocumentContent corresponding to the annotation.
contentFor(SimpleDocument, AnnotationSet) - Static method in class gate.Utils
Return the DocumentContent covered by the given annotation set.
CONTEXT_WINDOW - Static variable in class gate.creole.annic.Constants
Name of the context_window parameter.
Controller - Interface in gate
Models the execution of groups of ProcessingResources.
controller - Variable in class gate.gui.SerialControllerEditor
The controller this editor edits
ControllerAwarePR - Interface in gate.creole
This interface should be implemented by processing resources that need to know when any containing controller starts and ends its execution, for example to initialise internal data structures or to do some aggregate processing of data gathered from a whole corpus.
controllerCallbacksEnabled - Variable in class gate.creole.AbstractController
ControllerEvent - Class in gate.event
Events fired by controllers.
ControllerEvent(Object, int, ProcessingResource) - Constructor for class gate.event.ControllerEvent
controllerExecutionAborted(Controller, Throwable) - Method in class gate.creole.ConditionalSerialAnalyserController
controllerExecutionAborted(Controller, Throwable) - Method in interface gate.creole.ControllerAwarePR
Called by a controller containing this PR when the controller's execution has been aborted by an exception thrown by one of the contained PR's execute methods, or by the controller itself.
controllerExecutionAborted(Controller, Throwable) - Method in class gate.creole.SerialAnalyserController
controllerExecutionFinished(Controller) - Method in class gate.creole.ConditionalSerialAnalyserController
controllerExecutionFinished(Controller) - Method in interface gate.creole.ControllerAwarePR
Called by a controller containing this PR when the controller's execution has completed successfully.
controllerExecutionFinished(Controller) - Method in class gate.creole.SerialAnalyserController
controllerExecutionStarted(Controller) - Method in class gate.creole.ConditionalSerialAnalyserController
controllerExecutionStarted(Controller) - Method in interface gate.creole.ControllerAwarePR
Called by a controller containing this PR when the controller begins executing.
controllerExecutionStarted(Controller) - Method in class gate.creole.SerialAnalyserController
ControllerListener - Interface in gate.event
A listener for events generate by controllers.
ControllerMetadataViewer - Class in gate.gui
This viewer displays metadata associated with a GATE Controller.
ControllerMetadataViewer() - Constructor for class gate.gui.ControllerMetadataViewer
ControllerPersistence - Class in gate.util.persistence
ControllerPersistence() - Constructor for class gate.util.persistence.ControllerPersistence
controllerTypes - Variable in class gate.creole.CreoleRegisterImpl
A list of the types of Controller in the register.
convert() - Method in class gate.sgml.Sgml2Xml
This method is responsable with document conversion
coord(int, int) - Method in class
Implemented as overlap / maxOverlap.
coord(int, int) - Method in class
Computes a score factor based on the fraction of all query terms that a document contains.
copyAction - Variable in class gate.gui.LogArea
This fields defines the copy behaviour
CopyAction() - Constructor for class gate.gui.LogArea.CopyAction
copyResources(File) - Method in class gate.creole.Plugin
copyResources(File) - Method in class gate.creole.Plugin.Maven
copyToConsensusBtn - Variable in class gate.gui.AnnotationDiffGUI
copyToTargetSetAction - Variable in class gate.gui.AnnotationDiffGUI
CopyToTargetSetAction() - Constructor for class gate.gui.AnnotationDiffGUI.CopyToTargetSetAction
CopyValueAction(int, int) - Constructor for class gate.gui.PRViewer.CopyValueAction
COREF - Static variable in interface gate.relations.Relation
Relation type for co-reference relations.
CorefEditor - Class in gate.gui.docview
Display a tree that contains the co-references type of the document, highlight co-references in the document, allow creating co-references from existing annotations, editing and deleting co-references.
CorefEditor() - Constructor for class gate.gui.docview.CorefEditor
CorefEditor.ChainToolTipAction - Class in gate.gui.docview
When user hovers over the chainnodes
CorefEditor.CorefTreeCellRenderer - Class in gate.gui.docview
Cell renderer to add the checkbox in the tree
CorefEditor.CorefTreeMouseListener - Class in gate.gui.docview
Action for mouseClick on the Tree
CorefEditor.CorefTreeNode - Class in gate.gui.docview
CorefEditor.NewCorefAction - Class in gate.gui.docview
When user hovers over the annotations which have been highlighted by show button
CorefEditor.TextPaneMouseListener - Class in gate.gui.docview
CorefTreeCellRenderer() - Constructor for class gate.gui.docview.CorefEditor.CorefTreeCellRenderer
CorefTreeMouseListener() - Constructor for class gate.gui.docview.CorefEditor.CorefTreeMouseListener
CorefTreeNode(Object, boolean, int) - Constructor for class gate.gui.docview.CorefEditor.CorefTreeNode
CorporaComboModel() - Constructor for class gate.gui.SerialControllerEditor.CorporaComboModel
Corpus - Interface in gate
Corpora are lists of Document.
corpus - Variable in class gate.creole.AbstractLanguageAnalyser
The corpus property for this analyser.
corpus - Variable in class gate.creole.annic.lucene.LuceneIndexer
An corpus for indexing
corpus - Variable in class gate.creole.ConditionalSerialAnalyserController
corpus - Variable in class gate.creole.SerialAnalyserController
The corpus being processed by this controller.
corpus - Variable in class gate.gui.CorpusEditor
corpus - Variable in class gate.gui.CorpusQualityAssurance
corpus - Variable in class gate.util.persistence.ConditionalSerialAnalyserControllerPersistence
corpus - Variable in class gate.util.persistence.LanguageAnalyserPersistence
corpus - Variable in class gate.util.persistence.SerialAnalyserControllerPersistence
CORPUS_DOCLIST_PARAMETER_NAME - Static variable in interface gate.SimpleCorpus
CORPUS_ID - Static variable in class gate.creole.annic.Constants
Name of the corpus_id parameter.
CORPUS_INDEX_DEFINITION_FEATURE_KEY - Static variable in interface gate.GateConstants
The key for the feature keeping the IndexDefinition
CORPUS_INDEX_FEATURE - Static variable in class gate.creole.annic.Constants
Name of the corpus_index_feature parameter.
CORPUS_INDEX_FEATURE_VALUE - Static variable in class gate.creole.annic.Constants
default value for the corpus_index_feature
CORPUS_INDEX_STATISTICS_FEATURE_KEY - Static variable in interface gate.GateConstants
The key for the feature keeping the IndexStatistics
CORPUS_NAME_FEATURE - Static variable in class gate.util.Benchmark
corpus name feature
CORPUS_NAME_PARAMETER_NAME - Static variable in interface gate.SimpleCorpus
CORPUS_SIZE - Static variable in class gate.creole.annic.Constants
Name of the corpus_size parameter.
CorpusAnnotationDiff - Class in gate.annotation
This class compare two annotation sets on annotation type given by the AnnotationSchema object.
CorpusAnnotationDiff() - Constructor for class gate.annotation.CorpusAnnotationDiff
Constructs a CorpusAnnotationDiff
CorpusAnnotationDiff.AnnotationDiffCellRenderer - Class in gate.annotation
This class defines a Cell renderer for the AnnotationDiff table
CorpusAnnotationDiff.AnnotationDiffTableModel - Class in gate.annotation
A custom table model used to render a table containing the two annotation sets.
CorpusAnnotationDiff.DiffSetElement - Class in gate.annotation
This class is used for internal purposes.
CorpusBenchmarkIcon - Class in gate.resources.img.svg
This class has been automatically generated using SVGRoundTrip.
CorpusBenchmarkIcon() - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.CorpusBenchmarkIcon
Creates a new transcoded SVG image.
CorpusBenchmarkIcon(boolean) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.CorpusBenchmarkIcon
CorpusBenchmarkIcon(Dimension) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.CorpusBenchmarkIcon
Creates a new transcoded SVG image with the given dimensions.
CorpusBenchmarkIcon(Dimension, boolean) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.CorpusBenchmarkIcon
CorpusBenchmarkIcon(int, int) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.CorpusBenchmarkIcon
CorpusBenchmarkIcon(int, int, boolean) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.CorpusBenchmarkIcon
CorpusBenchmarkTool - Class in gate.util
CorpusBenchmarkTool() - Constructor for class gate.util.CorpusBenchmarkTool
corpusChanged - Variable in class gate.gui.CorpusQualityAssurance
corpusCombo - Variable in class gate.gui.SerialControllerEditor
A combobox that allows selection of a corpus from the list of loaded corpora.
corpusComboModel - Variable in class gate.gui.SerialControllerEditor
CorpusController - Interface in gate
Models the execution of groups of ProcessingResources on a given corpus.
corpusControllerMode - Variable in class gate.gui.SerialControllerEditor
Is the controller displayed a CorpusController?
CorpusEditor - Class in gate.gui
A simple viewer/editor for corpora.
CorpusEditor() - Constructor for class gate.gui.CorpusEditor
CorpusEvent - Class in gate.event
Models events fired by corpora when documents are added or removed.
CorpusEvent(Corpus, Document, int, int) - Constructor for class gate.event.CorpusEvent
Creates a new CorpusEvent.
CorpusEvent(Corpus, Document, int, Object, int) - Constructor for class gate.event.CorpusEvent
Creates a new CorpusEvent.
CorpusExporter - Class in gate
A DocumentExporter that is also capable of exporting a whole corpus to a single file.
CorpusExporter(String, String, String) - Constructor for class gate.CorpusExporter
corpusFiller - Variable in class gate.gui.NameBearerHandle
Component used to select the options for corpus populating
CorpusFillerComponent - Class in gate.gui
A simple component that allows the user to select a directory and a list of permitted extensions for populating a corpus
CorpusFillerComponent() - Constructor for class gate.gui.CorpusFillerComponent
Creates a corpus filler component
CorpusIcon - Class in gate.resources.img.svg
This class has been automatically generated using SVGRoundTrip.
CorpusIcon() - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.CorpusIcon
Creates a new transcoded SVG image.
CorpusIcon(boolean) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.CorpusIcon
CorpusIcon(Dimension) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.CorpusIcon
Creates a new transcoded SVG image with the given dimensions.
CorpusIcon(Dimension, boolean) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.CorpusIcon
CorpusIcon(int, int) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.CorpusIcon
CorpusIcon(int, int, boolean) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.CorpusIcon
CorpusImpl - Class in gate.corpora
Corpora are sets of Document.
CorpusImpl() - Constructor for class gate.corpora.CorpusImpl
CorpusImpl.VerboseList - Class in gate.corpora
A proxy list that stores the actual data in an internal list and forwards all operations to that one but it also fires the appropriate corpus events when necessary.
CorpusListener - Interface in gate.event
A listener for events fired by Corpus
corpusListeners - Variable in class gate.corpora.SerialCorpusImpl
CorpusPersistence - Class in gate.util.persistence
CorpusPersistence() - Constructor for class gate.util.persistence.CorpusPersistence
CorpusQualityAssurance - Class in gate.gui
Quality assurance corpus view.
CorpusQualityAssurance() - Constructor for class gate.gui.CorpusQualityAssurance
CorpusQualityAssurance.CompareAction - Class in gate.gui
Update document table.
CorpusQualityAssurance.ExportToHtmlAction - Class in gate.gui
CorpusQualityAssurance.ExtendedListModel - Class in gate.gui
CorpusQualityAssurance.HelpAction - Class in gate.gui
CorpusQualityAssurance.SetBdmFileAction - Class in gate.gui
CorpusQualityAssurance.ToggleSelectionABModel - Class in gate.gui
Add a suffix A and B for the first and second selected item.
CorpusQualityAssurance.ToggleSelectionModel - Class in gate.gui
CorpusTransIcon - Class in gate.resources.img.svg
This class has been automatically generated using SVGRoundTrip.
CorpusTransIcon() - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.CorpusTransIcon
Creates a new transcoded SVG image.
CorpusTransIcon(boolean) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.CorpusTransIcon
CorpusTransIcon(Dimension) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.CorpusTransIcon
Creates a new transcoded SVG image with the given dimensions.
CorpusTransIcon(Dimension, boolean) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.CorpusTransIcon
CorpusTransIcon(int, int) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.CorpusTransIcon
CorpusTransIcon(int, int, boolean) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.CorpusTransIcon
CORRECT_TYPE - Static variable in class gate.annotation.CorpusAnnotationDiff
A correct type when all annotation are corect represented by Green color
CORRECT_TYPE - Static variable in class gate.util.AnnotationDiffer
Type for correct pairings (when the key and response match completely)
correctAnnotations - Variable in class gate.util.AnnotationDiffer
correctInformation(long, long, long) - Method in class gate.corpora.RepositioningInfo
Correct the RepositioningInfo structure for shrink/expand changes.
correctInformationOriginalMove(long, long) - Method in class gate.corpora.RepositioningInfo
Correct the original position information in the records.
correctLbl - Variable in class gate.gui.AnnotationDiffGUI
correctMatches - Variable in class gate.util.AnnotationDiffer
The number of correct matches.
CORSICAN - Static variable in interface gate.creole.ontology.OConstants
Language code used "co"
count() - Method in class gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.util.BitVector
Returns the total number of one bits in this vector.
countWords(Document) - Method in class gate.util.CorpusBenchmarkTool
Count all Token.kind=word annotations in the document
create() - Method in interface gate.DataStore
Create a new data store.
create() - Method in class gate.persist.SerialDataStore
Create a new data store.
CREATE_TOKENS_AUTOMATICALLY - Static variable in class gate.creole.annic.Constants
create tokens automatically parameter name
createAndAddFeatureSchemaObject(Element, Namespace) - Method in class gate.creole.AnnotationSchema
This method creates and adds a FeatureSchema object to the current AnnotationSchema one.
createAnnotationEditor(TextualDocumentView, AnnotationSetsView) - Method in class gate.gui.docview.AnnotationSetsView
Create the annotation editor (responsible for creating the window used to edit individual annotations).
createAnnotationInSet(AnnotationSet, Integer, Node, Node, String, FeatureMap) - Method in interface gate.annotation.AnnotationFactory
Adds a new AnnotationImpl to the given set.
createAnnotationInSet(AnnotationSet, Integer, Node, Node, String, FeatureMap) - Method in class gate.annotation.DefaultAnnotationFactory
createBenchmarkId(String, String) - Static method in class gate.util.Benchmark
Helper method to generate the benchmark ID.
createBooleanQuery(String, OConstants.QueryLanguage) - Method in interface gate.creole.ontology.Ontology
This method creates a OntologyBooleanQuery object and passes on the specified query string and the specified query language.
createDataStore(String, String) - Static method in class gate.Factory
Create a new DataStore and open it.
createDocuments(String, Document, String, List<String>, List<String>, List<String>, List<String>, String, String, Boolean, String) - Method in class gate.creole.annic.lucene.LuceneDocument
Given an instance of Gate Document, it converts it into the format that lucene can understand and can store in its indexes.
createFile(String) - Method in class
Creates a new, empty file in the directory with the given name.
createFile(String) - Method in class
Creates a new, empty file in the directory with the given name.
createFile(String) - Method in class
Creates a new, empty file in the directory with the given name.
createHint() - Method in class gate.util.ant.packager.PackageGappTask
Create and add the representation for a nested <hint from="X" to="Y" /> element.
createImmutableAnnotationSet(Document, Collection<Annotation>) - Static method in class gate.Factory
Utility method to create an immutable annotation set.
createIndex(Map<String, Object>) - Method in interface gate.creole.annic.Indexer
Create a Index
createIndex(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class gate.creole.annic.lucene.LuceneIndexer
Creates index directory and indexing all documents in the corpus.
createIndex() - Method in interface
Creates index directory and indexing all documents in the corpus.
CreateIndexGUI - Class in gate.gui
Provides a gui for creating a IR index on a corpus.
CreateIndexGUI() - Constructor for class gate.gui.CreateIndexGUI
CreateIndexGUI.EditFeatureListAction - Class in gate.gui
CreateIndexGUI.SelectDirAction - Class in gate.gui
createListener(String...) - Method in class gate.gui.docview.AnnotationStack.StackMouseListener
There is 3 cases for the parameters of createListener: first line of text -> createListener(word) first column, header -> createListener(type), createListener(type, feature) annotation -> createListener(set, type, annotationId), createListener(set, type, feature, value, annotationId)
createListener(String...) - Method in class gate.gui.docview.AnnotationStackView.HeaderMouseListener
createListener(String...) - Method in class gate.gui.LuceneDataStoreSearchGUI.AnnotationMouseListener
createListener(String...) - Method in class gate.gui.LuceneDataStoreSearchGUI.HeaderMouseListener
createListener(String...) - Method in class gate.gui.LuceneDataStoreSearchGUI.TextMouseListener
createNames(String, String, String, String, String) - Method in class gate.creole.BootStrap
create the map with variants of the names...
createObject() - Method in class gate.util.persistence.AnalyserRunningStrategyPersistence
createObject() - Method in class gate.util.persistence.CollectionPersistence
Creates a new object from the data contained.
createObject() - Method in class gate.util.persistence.ConditionalControllerPersistence
Creates a new object from the data contained.
createObject() - Method in class gate.util.persistence.ConditionalSerialAnalyserControllerPersistence
Creates a new object from the data contained.
createObject() - Method in class gate.util.persistence.ControllerPersistence
Creates a new object from the data contained.
createObject() - Method in class gate.util.persistence.CorpusPersistence
Creates a new object from the data contained.
createObject() - Method in class gate.util.persistence.DSPersistence
Creates a new object from the data contained.
createObject() - Method in class gate.util.persistence.LanguageAnalyserPersistence
Creates a new object from the data contained.
createObject() - Method in class gate.util.persistence.LRPersistence
Creates a new object from the data contained.
createObject() - Method in class gate.util.persistence.MapPersistence
Creates a new object from the data contained.
createObject() - Method in interface gate.util.persistence.Persistence
Creates a new object from the data contained.
createObject() - Method in class gate.util.persistence.PersistenceManager.RRPersistence
createObject() - Method in class gate.util.persistence.PersistenceManager.SlashDevSlashNull
Returns null
createObject() - Method in class gate.util.persistence.PersistenceManager.URLHolder
Creates a new object from the data contained.
createObject() - Method in class gate.util.persistence.PRPersistence
Creates a new object from the data contained.
createObject() - Method in class gate.util.persistence.SerialAnalyserControllerPersistence
Creates a new object from the data contained.
createObject() - Method in class gate.util.persistence.UnconditionalRunningStrategyPersistence
createOURI(String) - Method in interface gate.creole.ontology.Ontology
Create an ORUI object from the given URI string.
createOURIForName(String) - Method in interface gate.creole.ontology.Ontology
Create an OURI from the given resource name, using the ontology base URI (default name space).
createOutputFactory() - Method in class gate.util.xml.XML11StaxDriver
createResource(String, String, String, String, Set<String>, String) - Method in class gate.creole.BootStrap
Creates the resource and dumps out a project structure using the structure from gate/resource/creole/bootstrap/Template and the information provided by the user
createResource(String) - Static method in class gate.Factory
Create an instance of a resource using default parameter values.
createResource(String, FeatureMap) - Static method in class gate.Factory
Create an instance of a resource, and return it.
createResource(String, FeatureMap, FeatureMap) - Static method in class gate.Factory
Create an instance of a resource, and return it.
createResource(String, FeatureMap, FeatureMap, String) - Static method in class gate.Factory
Create an instance of a resource, and return it.
createResourceElementsForDirInfo(Document) - Method in class gate.creole.CreoleAnnotationHandler
Fetches the directory information for this handler's creole plugin and adds additional RESOURCE elements to the given JDOM document so that it contains a RESOURCE for every resource type defined in the plugin's directory info.
createSearchableDataStore() - Method in class gate.gui.MainFrame
Method is used in NewDSAction
createSerialDataStore() - Method in class gate.gui.MainFrame
Method is used in NewDSAction
createTerms(String) - Method in class gate.creole.annic.lucene.QueryParser
createToolTipFromColumnName(String) - Method in class gate.gui.CorpusQualityAssurance
Create a table header tool tips from the column name.
createTupleQuery(String, OConstants.QueryLanguage) - Method in interface gate.creole.ontology.Ontology
This method creates a OntologyTupleQuery object and passes on the specified query string in the specified query language.
createURI(Ontology, String, boolean) - Static method in class gate.creole.ontology.OntologyUtilities
- use Ontology.createOURI(String) and related methods instead.
createWeight(Searcher) - Method in class
createWeight(Searcher) - Method in class
createWeight(Searcher) - Method in class
Expert: Constructs an appropriate Weight implementation for this query.
createWeight(Searcher) - Method in class
createXMLEventWriter(Result) - Method in class gate.util.xml.XML11OutputFactory
createXMLEventWriter(OutputStream) - Method in class gate.util.xml.XML11OutputFactory
createXMLEventWriter(OutputStream, String) - Method in class gate.util.xml.XML11OutputFactory
createXMLEventWriter(Writer) - Method in class gate.util.xml.XML11OutputFactory
createXMLStreamWriter(Writer) - Method in class gate.util.xml.XML11OutputFactory
createXMLStreamWriter(OutputStream) - Method in class gate.util.xml.XML11OutputFactory
createXMLStreamWriter(OutputStream, String) - Method in class gate.util.xml.XML11OutputFactory
createXMLStreamWriter(Result) - Method in class gate.util.xml.XML11OutputFactory
CreoleAnnotationHandler - Class in gate.creole
Class to take a creole.xml file (as a JDOM tree) and add elements corresponding to the CREOLE annotations on the RESOURCE classes it declares.
CreoleAnnotationHandler(Plugin) - Constructor for class gate.creole.CreoleAnnotationHandler
Create an annotation handler for the given plugin
CreoleEvent - Class in gate.event
Events related to the gate.creole package.
CreoleEvent(Resource, int) - Constructor for class gate.event.CreoleEvent
CreoleEvent(DataStore, int) - Constructor for class gate.event.CreoleEvent
CreoleListener - Interface in gate.event
A listener for events fired by the CreoleRegister (CreoleEvent).
CreoleParameter - Annotation Type in gate.creole.metadata
Annotation used to define a parameter to a CREOLE resource.
CreoleParameter.NoElementType - Interface in gate.creole.metadata
Dummy type used to signify that no value has been supplied for CreoleParameter.collectionElementType().
CreolePluginIcon - Class in gate.resources.img.svg
This class has been automatically generated using SVGRoundTrip.
CreolePluginIcon() - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.CreolePluginIcon
Creates a new transcoded SVG image.
CreolePluginIcon(boolean) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.CreolePluginIcon
CreolePluginIcon(Dimension) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.CreolePluginIcon
Creates a new transcoded SVG image with the given dimensions.
CreolePluginIcon(Dimension, boolean) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.CreolePluginIcon
CreolePluginIcon(int, int) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.CreolePluginIcon
CreolePluginIcon(int, int, boolean) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.CreolePluginIcon
CreoleRegister - Interface in gate
The CREOLE register records the set of resources that are currently known to the system.
CreoleRegisterImpl - Class in gate.creole
This class implements the CREOLE register interface.
CreoleRegisterImpl() - Constructor for class gate.creole.CreoleRegisterImpl
Default constructor.
CreoleResource - Annotation Type in gate.creole.metadata
Annotates a CREOLE resource type.
CreoleXmlHandler - Class in gate.creole
This is a SAX handler for processing creole.xml files.
CreoleXmlHandler(CreoleRegister, Plugin) - Constructor for class gate.creole.CreoleXmlHandler
CreoleXmlUpperCaseFilter - Class in gate.util
SAX XMLFilter implementation used when reading a creole.xml file to ensure that all the standard creole elements and their attribute names are converted to upper case.
CreoleXmlUpperCaseFilter() - Constructor for class gate.util.CreoleXmlUpperCaseFilter
CROATIAN - Static variable in interface gate.creole.ontology.OConstants
Language code used "hr"
crop(String, int) - Static method in class gate.util.Strings
Crop the text in the middle if too long.
CROP_END - Static variable in class gate.gui.docview.AnnotationStack
CROP_MIDDLE - Static variable in class gate.gui.docview.AnnotationStack
CROP_START - Static variable in class gate.gui.docview.AnnotationStack
CTRL_SHIFT_INCREMENT - Static variable in class gate.gui.docview.AnnotationEditor
Constant for the number of characters when changing annotation boundary with Ctrl+Shift keys pressed.
curChar - Variable in class gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.analysis.standard.StandardTokenizerTokenManager
currentFlattenedDisjunction() - Method in class gate.creole.CreoleXmlHandler
Flatten the currentParamDisjunction map into a single list ordered by priority.
currentOrientation - Variable in class gate.gui.docview.AnnotationSetsView
currentPersistenceFile() - Static method in class gate.util.persistence.PersistenceManager
Get the file currently being saved by this thread.
currentPersistenceFileStack() - Static method in class gate.util.persistence.PersistenceManager
currentPersistenceURL() - Static method in class gate.util.persistence.PersistenceManager
Get the URL currently being loaded by this thread.
currentPersistenceURLStack() - Static method in class gate.util.persistence.PersistenceManager
currentProtocolVersion - Variable in class gate.persist.SerialDataStore
The protocol version of the currently open data store
currentTasks - Variable in class gate.persist.LuceneDataStoreImpl
Map keeping track of the most recent indexing task for each LR ID.
currentToken - Variable in exception gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.analysis.standard.ParseException
This is the last token that has been consumed successfully.
currentWorkingThread - Variable in class gate.creole.RealtimeCorpusController
The tread currently running the document processing.
CUSTOM - Static variable in class
Sort using a custom Comparator.
CustomDuplication - Interface in gate.creole
Interface which should be implemented by any Resource type which cannot be duplicated in the standard way (see Factory.duplicate).
customizeAppearanceOfDocumentWithEndTag(HTML.Tag) - Method in class gate.html.HtmlDocumentHandler
This method analizes the tag t and adds some \n chars and spaces to the tmpDocContent.The reason behind is that we need to have a readable form for the final document.
customizeAppearanceOfDocumentWithEndTag(String) - Method in class gate.html.NekoHtmlDocumentHandler
This method analizes the tag t and adds some \n chars and spaces to the tmpDocContent.The reason behind is that we need to have a readable form for the final document.
customizeAppearanceOfDocumentWithSimpleTag(HTML.Tag) - Method in class gate.html.HtmlDocumentHandler
This method analizes the tag t and adds some \n chars and spaces to the tmpDocContent.The reason behind is that we need to have a readable form for the final document.
customizeAppearanceOfDocumentWithStartTag(HTML.Tag) - Method in class gate.html.HtmlDocumentHandler
This method analizes the tag t and adds some \n chars and spaces to the tmpDocContent.The reason behind is that we need to have a readable form for the final document.
customizeAppearanceOfDocumentWithStartTag(String) - Method in class gate.html.NekoHtmlDocumentHandler
This method analizes the tag t and adds some \n chars and spaces to the tmpDocContent.The reason behind is that we need to have a readable form for the final document.
customObjectsId - Variable in class gate.html.HtmlDocumentHandler
customObjectsId - Variable in class gate.html.NekoHtmlDocumentHandler
customObjectsId - Variable in class gate.xml.XmlDocumentHandler
This is used to generate unique Ids for the CustomObjects read
CZECH - Static variable in interface gate.creole.ontology.OConstants
Language code used "cs"


DANISH - Static variable in interface gate.creole.ontology.OConstants
Language code used "da"
dataStore - Variable in class gate.creole.AbstractLanguageResource
The data store this LR lives in.
DataStore - Interface in gate
Models all sorts of data storage.
DATASTORE_CLOSED - Static variable in class gate.event.CreoleEvent
Event type that mark the closing of a datastore
DATASTORE_CREATED - Static variable in class gate.event.CreoleEvent
Event type that marks the creation of a new datastore
DATASTORE_FEATURE_NAME - Static variable in interface gate.DataStore
DATASTORE_OPENED - Static variable in class gate.event.CreoleEvent
Event type that mark the opening of a datastore
datastoreClosed(CreoleEvent) - Method in class gate.corpora.CorpusImpl
datastoreClosed(CreoleEvent) - Method in class gate.corpora.DocumentImpl
datastoreClosed(CreoleEvent) - Method in class gate.corpora.SerialCorpusImpl
datastoreClosed(CreoleEvent) - Method in class gate.creole.CreoleRegisterImpl
datastoreClosed(CreoleEvent) - Method in class gate.creole.SerialController
datastoreClosed(CreoleEvent) - Method in interface gate.event.CreoleListener
Called when a DataStore has been closed
datastoreClosed(CreoleEvent) - Method in class gate.gui.DocumentExportMenu
datastoreClosed(CreoleEvent) - Method in class gate.gui.MainFrame
Called when a DataStore has been closed
datastoreClosed(CreoleEvent) - Method in class gate.gui.ParameterDisjunction
datastoreClosed(CreoleEvent) - Method in class gate.gui.ResourceHelper
datastoreClosed(CreoleEvent) - Method in class gate.gui.ResourceParametersEditor
datastoreClosed(CreoleEvent) - Method in class gate.gui.SerialControllerEditor
datastoreClosed(CreoleEvent) - Method in class gate.persist.LuceneDataStoreImpl
dataStoreClosing - Variable in class gate.persist.LuceneDataStoreImpl
Indicates if the datastore is being closed.
datastoreCreated(CreoleEvent) - Method in class gate.corpora.CorpusImpl
datastoreCreated(CreoleEvent) - Method in class gate.corpora.DocumentImpl
datastoreCreated(CreoleEvent) - Method in class gate.corpora.SerialCorpusImpl
datastoreCreated(CreoleEvent) - Method in class gate.creole.CreoleRegisterImpl
datastoreCreated(CreoleEvent) - Method in class gate.creole.SerialController
datastoreCreated(CreoleEvent) - Method in interface gate.event.CreoleListener
Called when a DataStore has been created
datastoreCreated(CreoleEvent) - Method in class gate.gui.DocumentExportMenu
datastoreCreated(CreoleEvent) - Method in class gate.gui.MainFrame
Called when a DataStore has been created
datastoreCreated(CreoleEvent) - Method in class gate.gui.ParameterDisjunction
datastoreCreated(CreoleEvent) - Method in class gate.gui.ResourceHelper
datastoreCreated(CreoleEvent) - Method in class gate.gui.ResourceParametersEditor
datastoreCreated(CreoleEvent) - Method in class gate.gui.SerialControllerEditor
datastoreCreated(CreoleEvent) - Method in class gate.persist.LuceneDataStoreImpl
DatastoreEvent - Class in gate.event
This class models events fired by datastores.
DatastoreEvent(DataStore, int, Resource, Object) - Constructor for class gate.event.DatastoreEvent
DatastoreIcon - Class in gate.resources.img.svg
This class has been automatically generated using SVGRoundTrip.
DatastoreIcon() - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.DatastoreIcon
Creates a new transcoded SVG image.
DatastoreIcon(boolean) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.DatastoreIcon
DatastoreIcon(Dimension) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.DatastoreIcon
Creates a new transcoded SVG image with the given dimensions.
DatastoreIcon(Dimension, boolean) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.DatastoreIcon
DatastoreIcon(int, int) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.DatastoreIcon
DatastoreIcon(int, int, boolean) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.DatastoreIcon
DatastoreListener - Interface in gate.event
A listener for DatastoreEvents.
datastoreOpened(CreoleEvent) - Method in class gate.corpora.CorpusImpl
datastoreOpened(CreoleEvent) - Method in class gate.corpora.DocumentImpl
datastoreOpened(CreoleEvent) - Method in class gate.corpora.SerialCorpusImpl
datastoreOpened(CreoleEvent) - Method in class gate.creole.CreoleRegisterImpl
datastoreOpened(CreoleEvent) - Method in class gate.creole.SerialController
datastoreOpened(CreoleEvent) - Method in interface gate.event.CreoleListener
Called when a DataStore has been opened
datastoreOpened(CreoleEvent) - Method in class gate.gui.DocumentExportMenu
datastoreOpened(CreoleEvent) - Method in class gate.gui.MainFrame
Called when a DataStore has been opened
datastoreOpened(CreoleEvent) - Method in class gate.gui.ParameterDisjunction
datastoreOpened(CreoleEvent) - Method in class gate.gui.ResourceHelper
datastoreOpened(CreoleEvent) - Method in class gate.gui.ResourceParametersEditor
datastoreOpened(CreoleEvent) - Method in class gate.gui.SerialControllerEditor
datastoreOpened(CreoleEvent) - Method in class gate.persist.LuceneDataStoreImpl
DataStoreRegister - Class in gate
Records all the open DataStores.
DataStoreRegister() - Constructor for class gate.DataStoreRegister
DatastoresIcon - Class in gate.resources.img.svg
This class has been automatically generated using SVGRoundTrip.
DatastoresIcon() - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.DatastoresIcon
Creates a new transcoded SVG image.
DatastoresIcon(boolean) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.DatastoresIcon
DatastoresIcon(Dimension) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.DatastoresIcon
Creates a new transcoded SVG image with the given dimensions.
DatastoresIcon(Dimension, boolean) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.DatastoresIcon
DatastoresIcon(int, int) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.DatastoresIcon
DatastoresIcon(int, int, boolean) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.DatastoresIcon
datastoresRoot - Variable in class gate.gui.MainFrame
DataType - Class in gate.creole.ontology
This class provides a list of datatypes, supported by the ontology API.
DataType(OURI) - Constructor for class gate.creole.ontology.DataType
DataType(String) - Constructor for class gate.creole.ontology.DataType
DATATYPE - Static variable in class gate.creole.ontology.OConstants.RDFS
DATATYPE_PROPERTY - Static variable in interface gate.creole.ontology.OConstants
denotes the datatype property.
DATATYPE_PROPERTY_ADDED_EVENT - Static variable in interface gate.creole.ontology.OConstants
denotes the event when a new datatype property is added
DATATYPE_PROPERTY_VALUE_ADDED_EVENT - Static variable in interface gate.creole.ontology.OConstants
denotes the event when a datatype property is assigned to a resource with some compatible value
DATATYPE_PROPERTY_VALUE_REMOVED_EVENT - Static variable in interface gate.creole.ontology.OConstants
denotes the event when a datatype property value is removed from the resource
DatatypeProperty - Interface in gate.creole.ontology
Interface for datatype properties.
DATATYPEPROPERTY - Static variable in class gate.creole.ontology.OConstants.OWL
DATE - Static variable in class gate.creole.ontology.OConstants.XMLSchema
DATE_ANNOTATION_TYPE - Static variable in interface gate.creole.ANNIEConstants
DATE_POSTED_ANNOTATION_TYPE - Static variable in interface gate.creole.ANNIEConstants
DateField - Class in gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.document
Provides support for converting dates to strings and vice-versa.
DATETIME - Static variable in class gate.creole.ontology.OConstants.XMLSchema
dateToString(Date) - Static method in class gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.document.DateField
Converts a Date to a string suitable for indexing.
deadlockDetected(ThreadInfo) - Method in interface gate.util.ThreadWarningSystem.Listener
DEBUG - Static variable in class gate.config.ConfigDataProcessor
Debug flag
DEBUG - Variable in class gate.creole.annic.lucene.LuceneIndexer
DEBUG - Static variable in class gate.creole.CreoleRegisterImpl
Debug flag
DEBUG - Static variable in class gate.creole.ResourceData
Debug flag
DEBUG - Static variable in class gate.Main
Debug flag
debugStream - Variable in class gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.analysis.standard.StandardTokenizerTokenManager
decideBetweenThreeMimeTypes(MimeType, MimeType, MimeType) - Static method in class gate.DocumentFormat
This method decides what mimeType is in majority
decideBetweenTwoMimeTypes(MimeType, MimeType) - Static method in class gate.DocumentFormat
Decide between two mimeTypes.
DECIMAL - Static variable in class gate.creole.ontology.OConstants.XMLSchema
decodeNorm(byte) - Static method in class
Decodes a normalization factor stored in an index.
DEFAULT - Static variable in interface gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.analysis.standard.StandardTokenizerConstants
DEFAULT - Static variable in interface
Expert: The cache used internally by sorting and range query classes.
DEFAULT_ANNOTATION_SET_NAME - Static variable in class gate.creole.annic.Constants
Default annotation set name
DEFAULT_COMPILER - Static variable in class gate.util.Javac
The default compiler to use.
DEFAULT_EXPORTER_ICON - Static variable in class gate.creole.ResourceData
DEFAULT_FILE - Static variable in interface gate.creole.ANNIEConstants
DEFAULT_GLOBAL_SETTINGS_FILE - Static variable in class gate.util.maven.Utils
DEFAULT_LR_ICON - Static variable in class gate.creole.ResourceData
DEFAULT_MAX_FAST_CHOICES - Static variable in class gate.swing.JChoice
The default value for the JChoice.maximumFastChoices parameter.
DEFAULT_MAX_FIELD_LENGTH - Static variable in class gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.index.IndexWriter
Default value is 10000.
DEFAULT_MAX_MERGE_DOCS - Static variable in class gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.index.IndexWriter
Default value is Integer.MAX_VALUE.
DEFAULT_MAX_WIDTH - Static variable in class gate.swing.JChoice
The default value for the JChoice.maximumWidth parameter.
DEFAULT_MERGE_FACTOR - Static variable in class gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.index.IndexWriter
Default value is 10.
DEFAULT_MIN_MERGE_DOCS - Static variable in class gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.index.IndexWriter
Default value is 10.
DEFAULT_OTHER_ICON - Static variable in class gate.creole.ResourceData
DEFAULT_PLUGINS_URL_PATTERN - Static variable in class gate.gui.creole.manager.PluginUpdateManager
Location of the default plugins list online - this is a String.format(java.lang.String, java.lang.Object...) pattern with one %s placeholder, which will be replaced with the current GATE version number.
DEFAULT_PR_ICON - Static variable in class gate.creole.ResourceData
DEFAULT_PRIORITY - Static variable in annotation type gate.creole.metadata.CreoleParameter
The default priority value assumed if no explicit priority is set.
DEFAULT_TYPE - Static variable in class gate.annotation.CorpusAnnotationDiff
A default type when all annotation are the same represented by White color
DEFAULT_USER_SETTINGS_FILE - Static variable in class gate.util.maven.Utils
DefaultAnnotationFactory - Class in gate.annotation
The default Annotation factory that creates instances of AnnotationImpl.
DefaultAnnotationFactory() - Constructor for class gate.annotation.DefaultAnnotationFactory
Creates a new DefaultAnnotationFactory.
defaultAnnots - Variable in class gate.corpora.DocumentImpl
The default annotation set
defaultComparator - Variable in class gate.swing.XJTable
defaultDuplicate(Resource, Factory.DuplicationContext) - Static method in class gate.Factory
Implementation of the default duplication algorithm described in the comment for Factory.duplicate(Resource).
defaultExtension - Variable in class gate.DocumentExporter
DefaultIndexDefinition - Class in
DefaultIndexDefinition() - Constructor for class
DefaultSimilarity - Class in
Expert: Default scoring implementation.
DefaultSimilarity() - Constructor for class
defineGateClass(String, byte[], int, int) - Method in class gate.util.GateClassLoader
Forward a call to super.defineClass, which is protected and final in super.
delButton - Variable in class gate.gui.docview.AnnotationEditor
delete(int) - Method in class gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.index.IndexReader
Deletes the document numbered docNum.
delete(Term) - Method in class gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.index.IndexReader
Deletes all documents containing term.
delete() - Method in interface gate.DataStore
Delete the data store.
delete(String, Object) - Method in interface gate.DataStore
Delete a resource from the data store.
delete(String, Object) - Method in class gate.persist.LuceneDataStoreImpl
Delete a resource from the data store.
delete() - Method in class gate.persist.SerialDataStore
Delete the data store.
delete(String, Object) - Method in class gate.persist.SerialDataStore
Delete a resource from the data store.
DeleteAction() - Constructor for class gate.gui.docview.AnnotationListView.DeleteAction
deleteAction - Variable in class gate.gui.SerialDatastoreViewer
Action used to delete selected resources
DeleteAnnotationAction(String, Icon, String, int) - Constructor for class gate.gui.docview.AnnotationEditor.DeleteAnnotationAction
deleteFile(String) - Method in class
Removes an existing file in the directory.
deleteFile(String) - Method in class
Removes an existing file in the directory.
deleteFile(String) - Method in class
Removes an existing file in the directory.
DeleteIcon - Class in gate.resources.img.svg
This class has been automatically generated using SVGRoundTrip.
DeleteIcon() - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.DeleteIcon
Creates a new transcoded SVG image.
DeleteIcon(boolean) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.DeleteIcon
DeleteIcon(Dimension) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.DeleteIcon
Creates a new transcoded SVG image with the given dimensions.
DeleteIcon(Dimension, boolean) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.DeleteIcon
DeleteIcon(int, int) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.DeleteIcon
DeleteIcon(int, int, boolean) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.DeleteIcon
deleteIndex() - Method in interface gate.creole.annic.Indexer
Delete all index files and directories in index location.
deleteIndex() - Method in class gate.creole.annic.lucene.LuceneIndexer
Deletes the index.
deleteIndex() - Method in interface
Delete all index files and directories in index location.
deleteRelation(Relation) - Method in class gate.relations.RelationSet
Deletes the specified relation.
deleteResource(Resource) - Static method in class gate.Factory
Delete an instance of a resource.
DeleteSelectedAnnotationsAction(String) - Constructor for class gate.gui.docview.AnnotationSetsView.DeleteSelectedAnnotationsAction
deleteStackRow(int) - Method in class gate.gui.LuceneDataStoreSearchGUI
Delete a row in the stackRows array by shifting the following rows to avoid empty row.
DEPRECATEDCLASS - Static variable in class gate.creole.ontology.OConstants.OWL
DEPRECATEDPROPERTY - Static variable in class gate.creole.ontology.OConstants.OWL
description - Variable in class gate.creole.Plugin
destroyProcess() - Method in class gate.util.ProcessManager
If a process is currently running then this method destroys it so that the ProcessManager instance can be used to start another process
determinePath(String) - Method in class gate.creole.BootStrap
determines the name of the packages and adds them to a list
determineTypePackage(String) - Method in class gate.creole.BootStrap
determines the package of the main class
diffAction - Variable in class gate.gui.AnnotationDiffGUI
DiffAction() - Constructor for class gate.gui.AnnotationDiffGUI.DiffAction
differ - Variable in class gate.gui.AnnotationDiffGUI
differByTypeMap - Variable in class gate.util.OntologyMeasures
DIFFERENT_INSTANCE_EVENT - Static variable in interface gate.creole.ontology.OConstants
denotes the event when two instances are set to be different from each other
DIFFERENTFROM - Static variable in class gate.creole.ontology.OConstants.OWL
differsByDocThenType - Variable in class gate.gui.CorpusQualityAssurance
ordered by document as in the corpus then contains (annotation type * AnnotationDiffer)
DiffSetElement() - Constructor for class gate.annotation.CorpusAnnotationDiff.DiffSetElement
Constructor for DiffSetlement
DiffSetElement(Annotation, Annotation, int, int) - Constructor for class gate.annotation.CorpusAnnotationDiff.DiffSetElement
Constructor for DiffSetlement
DiffSetElement(Annotation, Annotation, int, int, Document, Document) - Constructor for class gate.annotation.CorpusAnnotationDiff.DiffSetElement
Constructor for DiffSetlement with document name
diffTable - Variable in class gate.gui.AnnotationDiffGUI
DiffTableCellRenderer() - Constructor for class gate.gui.AnnotationDiffGUI.DiffTableCellRenderer
diffTableModel - Variable in class gate.gui.AnnotationDiffGUI
DiffTableModel() - Constructor for class gate.gui.AnnotationDiffGUI.DiffTableModel
DIGIT - Static variable in interface gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.analysis.standard.StandardTokenizerConstants
DIRECT_CLOSURE - Static variable in interface gate.creole.ontology.OConstants
use OConstants.Closure instead.
directory() - Method in class gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.index.IndexReader
Returns the directory this index resides in.
Directory - Class in
A Directory is a flat list of files.
Directory() - Constructor for class
Directory(URL) - Constructor for class gate.creole.Plugin.Directory
dirtyGUI - Variable in class gate.gui.OptionsDialog
This flag becomes true when an GUI related option has been changed
disable() - Method in class gate.persist.LuceneDataStoreImpl.IndexingTask
disable_tracing() - Method in class gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.analysis.standard.StandardTokenizer
DISJOINTWITH - Static variable in class gate.creole.ontology.OConstants.OWL
DismissAction(String, Icon, String, int) - Constructor for class gate.gui.docview.AnnotationEditor.DismissAction
dismissButton - Variable in class gate.gui.docview.AnnotationEditor
displayMethodsAndFields(List<String>, Map<Integer, String>) - Method in class gate.creole.BootStrap
write the methods and the fields in the right form
dispose() - Method in class gate.gui.creole.manager.PluginUpdateManager
dispose() - Method in class gate.gui.NewResourceDialog
dispose() - Method in class gate.gui.OkCancelDialog
DISTINCTMEMBERS - Static variable in class gate.creole.ontology.OConstants.OWL
doBody() - Method in class
Code to execute with exclusive access.
doc() - Method in class gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.index.FilterIndexReader.FilterTermDocs
doc() - Method in class gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.index.MultipleTermPositions
Describe doc method here.
doc() - Method in interface gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.index.TermDocs
Returns the current document number.
doc(int) - Method in class
Returns the stored fields of the nth document in this set.
doc(int) - Method in class
doc - Variable in class
Expert: A hit document's number.
doc() - Method in class
Returns the current document number.
doc(int) - Method in interface
Expert: Returns the stored fields of document i.
DOC - Static variable in class
Sort by document number (index order).
DOC_ID - Static variable in class gate.creole.annic.Parser
DOC_ID XML Element
DOC_RTOL_ORIENTATION - Static variable in interface gate.GateConstants
Orientation of the document from right to left
DOC_SIZE_MULTIPLICATION_FACTOR - Static variable in class gate.corpora.DocumentXmlUtils
This field is used when creating StringBuffers for toXml() methods.
docCount() - Method in class gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.index.IndexWriter
Returns the number of documents currently in this index.
docDataList - Variable in class gate.corpora.SerialCorpusImpl
DOCEDIT_INSERT_APPEND - Static variable in interface gate.GateConstants
The key used for document editor inser behaviour
DOCEDIT_INSERT_PREPEND - Static variable in interface gate.GateConstants
The key used for document editor inser behaviour
DOCEDIT_READ_ONLY - Static variable in interface gate.GateConstants
docFreq(Term) - Method in class gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.index.FilterIndexReader
docFreq() - Method in class gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.index.FilterIndexReader.FilterTermEnum
docFreq(Term) - Method in class gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.index.IndexReader
Returns the number of documents containing the term t.
docFreq(Term) - Method in class gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.index.MultiReader
docFreq() - Method in class gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.index.TermEnum
Returns the docFreq of the current Term in the enumeration.
docFreq(Term) - Method in class
docFreq(Term) - Method in interface
Expert: Returns the number of documents containing term.
docList - Variable in class gate.util.persistence.CorpusPersistence
doClose() - Method in class gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.index.FilterIndexReader
doClose() - Method in class gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.index.IndexReader
Implements close.
doClose() - Method in class gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.index.MultiReader
doCommit() - Method in class gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.index.FilterIndexReader
doCommit() - Method in class gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.index.IndexReader
Implements commit.
doCommit() - Method in class gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.index.MultiReader
DocRunner(Document) - Constructor for class gate.creole.RealtimeCorpusController.DocRunner
docsSetsTypesFeatures - Variable in class gate.gui.CorpusQualityAssurance
cache for document*set*type*feature names
docTable - Variable in class gate.gui.CorpusEditor
docTableModel - Variable in class gate.gui.CorpusEditor
DocTimeReporter - Class in gate.util.reporting
A reporter class to generate a report on time taken by each document within given corpus.
DocTimeReporter() - Constructor for class gate.util.reporting.DocTimeReporter
No argument constructor.
doctypeDecl(String, String, String, Augmentations) - Method in class gate.html.NekoHtmlDocumentHandler
document - Variable in class gate.creole.AbstractLanguageAnalyser
The document property for this analyser.
Document - Class in gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.document
Documents are the unit of indexing and search.
Document() - Constructor for class gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.document.Document
Constructs a new document with no fields.
document(int) - Method in class gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.index.FilterIndexReader
document(int) - Method in class gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.index.IndexReader
Returns the stored fields of the nth Document in this index.
document(int) - Method in class gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.index.MultiReader
document - Variable in class gate.creole.ConditionalSerialAnalyserController
The document being processed.
document - Variable in class gate.creole.SerialAnalyserController
The document being processed.
Document - Interface in gate
Represents the commonalities between all sorts of documents.
document - Variable in class gate.gui.docview.AbstractDocumentView
The document this view displays.
document - Variable in class gate.gui.docview.DocumentEditor
document - Variable in class gate.util.persistence.LanguageAnalyserPersistence
document2Table - Variable in class gate.gui.CorpusQualityAssurance
document2TableModel - Variable in class gate.gui.CorpusQualityAssurance
DOCUMENT_ADD_SPACE_ON_UNPACK_FEATURE_NAME - Static variable in interface gate.GateConstants
DOCUMENT_ADDED - Static variable in class gate.event.CorpusEvent
Event type that is fired when a new document is added to a corpus
DOCUMENT_COLUMN - Static variable in class gate.gui.LuceneDataStoreSearchGUI.ResultTableModel
DOCUMENT_COREF_FEATURE_NAME - Static variable in interface gate.creole.ANNIEConstants
The name of the feature on Documents that holds coreference matches.
DOCUMENT_ENCODING_PARAMETER_NAME - Static variable in interface gate.Document
DOCUMENT_END_OFFSET_PARAMETER_NAME - Static variable in interface gate.Document
DOCUMENT_ID - Static variable in class gate.creole.annic.Constants
Name of the document_id_field that is stored in index.
DOCUMENT_ID_FOR_SERIALIZED_FILE - Static variable in class gate.creole.annic.Constants
Name of the document_id_field that is stored in index.
DOCUMENT_LOADED - Static variable in class gate.util.Benchmark
DOCUMENT_MARKUP_AWARE_PARAMETER_NAME - Static variable in interface gate.Document
The parameter name that determines whether or not a document is markup aware
DOCUMENT_MIME_TYPE_PARAMETER_NAME - Static variable in interface gate.Document
DOCUMENT_NAME_FEATURE - Static variable in class gate.util.Benchmark
document name feature
DOCUMENT_NEW_LINE_TYPE - Static variable in interface gate.GateConstants
Property for document new line type.
DOCUMENT_PRESERVE_CONTENT_PARAMETER_NAME - Static variable in interface gate.Document
DOCUMENT_REMOVED - Static variable in class gate.event.CorpusEvent
Event type that is fired when a document is removed from a corpus
DOCUMENT_REPOSITIONING_INFO_FEATURE_NAME - Static variable in interface gate.GateConstants
The key for the feature keeping the repositioning information between original and displayed content of the document
DOCUMENT_REPOSITIONING_PARAMETER_NAME - Static variable in interface gate.Document
DOCUMENT_SAVED - Static variable in class gate.util.Benchmark
DOCUMENT_START_OFFSET_PARAMETER_NAME - Static variable in interface gate.Document
DOCUMENT_STRING_CONTENT_PARAMETER_NAME - Static variable in interface gate.Document
DOCUMENT_TYPE_PARAMETER_NAME - Static variable in interface gate.Document
DOCUMENT_URL_PARAMETER_NAME - Static variable in interface gate.SimpleDocument
The parameter name for the document URL
documentAdded(CorpusEvent) - Method in interface gate.event.CorpusListener
Called when a document has been added
documentAdded(CorpusEvent) - Method in class gate.gui.CorpusEditor
documentAdded(CorpusEvent) - Method in class gate.gui.CorpusQualityAssurance
documentAdded(CorpusEvent) - Method in class gate.persist.LuceneDataStoreImpl
This method is invoked whenever a document is added to a particular corpus
DocumentContent - Interface in gate
The content of Documents.
DocumentContentImpl - Class in gate.corpora
Represents the commonalities between all sorts of document contents.
DocumentContentImpl() - Constructor for class gate.corpora.DocumentContentImpl
Default construction
DocumentContentImpl(URL, String, Long, Long) - Constructor for class gate.corpora.DocumentContentImpl
Contruction from URL and offsets.
DocumentContentImpl(String) - Constructor for class gate.corpora.DocumentContentImpl
For ranges
DocumentContentReader - Class in
A property reader for the document content
DocumentContentReader() - Constructor for class
DocumentData - Class in gate.corpora
DocumentData(String, Object, String) - Constructor for class gate.corpora.DocumentData
DocumentData(String, Object) - Constructor for class gate.corpora.DocumentData
DocumentEditor - Class in gate.gui.docview
This is the GATE Document viewer/editor.
DocumentEditor() - Constructor for class gate.gui.docview.DocumentEditor
DocumentEditor.SearchAction - Class in gate.gui.docview
Dialog to search an expression in the document.
DocumentEditor.SearchDialog - Class in gate.gui.docview
DocumentEditor.ViewButton - Class in gate.gui.docview
DocumentEvent - Class in gate.event
This class models events fired by an Document.
DocumentEvent(Document, int, String) - Constructor for class gate.event.DocumentEvent
DocumentEvent(Document, int, Long, Long) - Constructor for class gate.event.DocumentEvent
DocumentExporter - Class in gate
Adds support for exporting documents from GATE.
DocumentExporter(String, String, String) - Constructor for class gate.DocumentExporter
Creates a new exporter instance for a given file type with default extension.
DocumentExporterIcon - Class in gate.resources.img.svg
This class has been automatically generated using SVGRoundTrip.
DocumentExporterIcon() - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.DocumentExporterIcon
Creates a new transcoded SVG image.
DocumentExporterIcon(boolean) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.DocumentExporterIcon
DocumentExporterIcon(Dimension) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.DocumentExporterIcon
Creates a new transcoded SVG image with the given dimensions.
DocumentExporterIcon(Dimension, boolean) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.DocumentExporterIcon
DocumentExporterIcon(int, int) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.DocumentExporterIcon
DocumentExporterIcon(int, int, boolean) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.DocumentExporterIcon
DocumentExportMenu - Class in gate.gui
A menu which updates as plugins are (un)loaded to allow the export of documents and corpora to any of the supported output formats.
DocumentExportMenu(NameBearerHandle) - Constructor for class gate.gui.DocumentExportMenu
DocumentFormat - Class in gate
The format of Documents.
DocumentFormat() - Constructor for class gate.DocumentFormat
Default construction
DocumentFormatException - Exception in gate.util
This exception can be used to catch any internal exception thrown by the DocumentFormat class and its subbclasses.
DocumentFormatException() - Constructor for exception gate.util.DocumentFormatException
DocumentFormatException(String, Exception) - Constructor for exception gate.util.DocumentFormatException
DocumentFormatException(String) - Constructor for exception gate.util.DocumentFormatException
DocumentFormatException(Exception) - Constructor for exception gate.util.DocumentFormatException
DocumentIcon - Class in gate.resources.img.svg
This class has been automatically generated using SVGRoundTrip.
DocumentIcon() - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.DocumentIcon
Creates a new transcoded SVG image.
DocumentIcon(boolean) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.DocumentIcon
DocumentIcon(Dimension) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.DocumentIcon
Creates a new transcoded SVG image with the given dimensions.
DocumentIcon(Dimension, boolean) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.DocumentIcon
DocumentIcon(int, int) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.DocumentIcon
DocumentIcon(int, int, boolean) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.DocumentIcon
documentID - Variable in class gate.creole.annic.Hit
Document ID - the document this Hit belongs to
DocumentImpl - Class in gate.corpora
Represents the commonalities between all sorts of documents.
DocumentImpl() - Constructor for class gate.corpora.DocumentImpl
Default construction.
DocumentJsonUtils - Class in gate.corpora
This class contains utility methods to output GATE documents in a JSON format which is (deliberately) close to the format used by Twitter to represent entities such as user mentions and hashtags in Tweets.
DocumentJsonUtils() - Constructor for class gate.corpora.DocumentJsonUtils
DocumentListener - Interface in gate.event
A listener for document events (DocumentEvent).
documentNames - Variable in class gate.gui.CorpusQualityAssurance
DocumentProcessor - Interface in gate.util
Very simple interface for a component that processes GATE documents.
documentRemoved(CorpusEvent) - Method in interface gate.event.CorpusListener
Called when a document has been removed
documentRemoved(CorpusEvent) - Method in class gate.gui.CorpusEditor
documentRemoved(CorpusEvent) - Method in class gate.gui.CorpusQualityAssurance
documentRemoved(CorpusEvent) - Method in class gate.persist.LuceneDataStoreImpl
This method is invoked whenever a document is removed from a corpus
DocumentResetIcon - Class in gate.resources.img.svg
This class has been automatically generated using SVGRoundTrip.
DocumentResetIcon() - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.DocumentResetIcon
Creates a new transcoded SVG image.
DocumentResetIcon(boolean) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.DocumentResetIcon
DocumentResetIcon(Dimension) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.DocumentResetIcon
Creates a new transcoded SVG image with the given dimensions.
DocumentResetIcon(Dimension, boolean) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.DocumentResetIcon
DocumentResetIcon(int, int) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.DocumentResetIcon
DocumentResetIcon(int, int, boolean) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.DocumentResetIcon
documents - Variable in class gate.corpora.SerialCorpusImpl
documents - Variable in class gate.gui.AnnotationDiffGUI
documentsList - Variable in class gate.corpora.CorpusImpl
documentsLoadedCount - Variable in class gate.gui.CorpusEditor
DocumentStaxUtils - Class in gate.corpora
This class provides support for reading and writing GATE XML format using StAX (the Streaming API for XML).
DocumentStaxUtils() - Constructor for class gate.corpora.DocumentStaxUtils
documentTable - Variable in class gate.gui.CorpusQualityAssurance
documentTableModel - Variable in class gate.gui.CorpusQualityAssurance
DocumentView - Interface in gate.gui.docview
A document viewer is composed out of several views (like the one showing the text, the one showing the annotation sets, the on showing the annotations table, etc.).
DocumentXmlUtils - Class in gate.corpora
This class is contains useful static methods for working with the GATE XML format.
DocumentXmlUtils() - Constructor for class gate.corpora.DocumentXmlUtils
doDelete(int) - Method in class gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.index.FilterIndexReader
doDelete(int) - Method in class gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.index.IndexReader
Implements deletion of the document numbered docNum.
doDelete(int) - Method in class gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.index.MultiReader
doDiff(List<Annotation>, List<Annotation>) - Method in class gate.annotation.CorpusAnnotationDiff
This method is the brain of the AnnotationSet diff and creates a set with diffSetElement objects.
doDiffBtn - Variable in class gate.gui.AnnotationDiffGUI
doLayout() - Method in class gate.swing.XJTable
DOMAIN - Static variable in class gate.creole.ontology.OConstants.RDFS
Done() - Method in interface gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.analysis.standard.CharStream
The lexer calls this function to indicate that it is done with the stream and hence implementations can free any resources held by this class.
Done() - Method in class gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.analysis.standard.FastCharStream
doSetNorm(int, String, byte) - Method in class gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.index.FilterIndexReader
doSetNorm(int, String, byte) - Method in class gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.index.IndexReader
Implements setNorm in subclass.
doSetNorm(int, String, byte) - Method in class gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.index.MultiReader
DOUBLE - Static variable in class gate.creole.ontology.OConstants.XMLSchema
doubleComparator - Variable in class gate.gui.CorpusQualityAssurance
doUndeleteAll() - Method in class gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.index.FilterIndexReader
doUndeleteAll() - Method in class gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.index.IndexReader
Implements actual undeleteAll() in subclass.
doUndeleteAll() - Method in class gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.index.MultiReader
DownIcon - Class in gate.resources.img.svg
This class has been automatically generated using SVGRoundTrip.
DownIcon() - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.DownIcon
Creates a new transcoded SVG image.
DownIcon(boolean) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.DownIcon
DownIcon(Dimension) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.DownIcon
Creates a new transcoded SVG image with the given dimensions.
DownIcon(Dimension, boolean) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.DownIcon
DownIcon(int, int) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.DownIcon
DownIcon(int, int, boolean) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.DownIcon
downloadFailed(String, Throwable) - Method in interface gate.creole.Plugin.DownloadListener
downloadFailed(String, Throwable) - Method in class gate.gui.creole.manager.ProgressPanel
DownloadIcon - Class in gate.resources.img.svg
This class has been automatically generated using SVGRoundTrip.
DownloadIcon() - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.DownloadIcon
Creates a new transcoded SVG image.
DownloadIcon(boolean) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.DownloadIcon
DownloadIcon(Dimension) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.DownloadIcon
Creates a new transcoded SVG image with the given dimensions.
DownloadIcon(Dimension, boolean) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.DownloadIcon
DownloadIcon(int, int) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.DownloadIcon
DownloadIcon(int, int, boolean) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.DownloadIcon
downloadListeners - Variable in class gate.creole.Plugin
downloadProgressed(String, long, long) - Method in interface gate.creole.Plugin.DownloadListener
downloadProgressed(String, long, long) - Method in class gate.gui.creole.manager.ProgressPanel
downloadStarted(String) - Method in interface gate.creole.Plugin.DownloadListener
downloadStarted(String) - Method in class gate.gui.creole.manager.ProgressPanel
downloadSucceeded(String) - Method in interface gate.creole.Plugin.DownloadListener
downloadSucceeded(String) - Method in class gate.gui.creole.manager.ProgressPanel
downloadWithCache(String) - Method in class gate.gui.MainFrame
drawStack() - Method in class gate.gui.docview.AnnotationStack
Draw the annotation stack in a JPanel with a GridBagLayout.
dsData - Variable in class gate.util.persistence.LRPersistence
DSPersistence - Class in gate.util.persistence
DSPersistence() - Constructor for class gate.util.persistence.DSPersistence
dssPopup - Variable in class gate.gui.MainFrame
Popup used for right click actions on the Datastores node.
duplicate(Factory.DuplicationContext) - Method in class gate.corpora.CorpusImpl
Custom duplication for a corpus - duplicate this corpus in the usual way, then duplicate the documents in this corpus and add them to the duplicate.
duplicate(Factory.DuplicationContext) - Method in class gate.corpora.SerialCorpusImpl
SerialCorpusImpl does not support duplication.
duplicate(Factory.DuplicationContext) - Method in class gate.creole.ConditionalSerialController
Custom duplication method for conditional controllers to handle duplicating the running strategies.
duplicate(Factory.DuplicationContext) - Method in interface gate.creole.CustomDuplication
Create a duplicate of this resource.
duplicate(Factory.DuplicationContext) - Method in class gate.creole.SerialController
Duplicate this controller.
duplicate(Resource) - Static method in class gate.Factory
Create a duplicate of the given resource.
duplicate(Resource, Factory.DuplicationContext) - Static method in class gate.Factory
Create a duplicate of the given resource, using the provided context.
duplicate(FeatureMap, Factory.DuplicationContext) - Static method in class gate.Factory
Construct a feature map that is a copy of the one provided except that any Resource values in the map are replaced by their duplicates.
DURATION - Static variable in class gate.creole.ontology.OConstants.XMLSchema
DUTCH - Static variable in interface gate.creole.ontology.OConstants
Language code used "nl"


edit(Long, Long, DocumentContent) - Method in class gate.annotation.AnnotationSetImpl
Propagate document content changes to this AnnotationSet.
edit(Long, Long, DocumentContent) - Method in class gate.corpora.DocumentImpl
Propagate edit changes to the document content and annotations.
edit(Long, Long, DocumentContent) - Method in interface gate.Document
Make changes to the document content and adapt affected annotations.
editable - Variable in class gate.gui.ResourceParametersEditor
editAnnotation(Annotation, AnnotationSet) - Method in interface gate.creole.AnnotationVisualResource
Changes the annotation currently being edited.
editAnnotation(Annotation, AnnotationSet) - Method in class gate.gui.docview.AnnotationEditor
EditAnnotationAction(AnnotationSet, Annotation, AnnotationVisualResource) - Constructor for class gate.gui.docview.AnnotationListView.EditAnnotationAction
EditAnnotationAction(AnnotationData) - Constructor for class gate.gui.docview.AnnotationSetsView.EditAnnotationAction
EditFeatureListAction() - Constructor for class gate.gui.CreateIndexGUI.EditFeatureListAction
EditIcon - Class in gate.resources.img.svg
This class has been automatically generated using SVGRoundTrip.
EditIcon() - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.EditIcon
Creates a new transcoded SVG image.
EditIcon(boolean) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.EditIcon
EditIcon(Dimension) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.EditIcon
Creates a new transcoded SVG image with the given dimensions.
EditIcon(Dimension, boolean) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.EditIcon
EditIcon(int, int) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.EditIcon
EditIcon(int, int, boolean) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.EditIcon
editingFinished() - Method in interface gate.creole.AnnotationVisualResource
Checks whether the annotation currently being edited can be considered complete.
editingFinished() - Method in class gate.gui.docview.AnnotationEditor
EditListIcon - Class in gate.resources.img.svg
This class has been automatically generated using SVGRoundTrip.
EditListIcon() - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.EditListIcon
Creates a new transcoded SVG image.
EditListIcon(boolean) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.EditListIcon
EditListIcon(Dimension) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.EditListIcon
Creates a new transcoded SVG image with the given dimensions.
EditListIcon(Dimension, boolean) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.EditListIcon
EditListIcon(int, int) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.EditListIcon
EditListIcon(int, int, boolean) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.EditListIcon
editor - Variable in class gate.gui.PRViewer
editorsCache - Variable in class gate.gui.docview.AnnotationListView
A map that stores instantiated annotations editors in order to avoid the delay of building them at each request;
element2StringMap - Variable in class gate.DocumentFormat
This map is used inside uppackMarkup() method...
ELEMENT_NAMESPACE_PREFIX - Static variable in interface gate.GateConstants
ELEMENT_NAMESPACE_URI - Static variable in interface gate.GateConstants
EMAIL - Static variable in interface gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.analysis.standard.StandardTokenizerConstants
EmailDocumentFormat - Class in gate.corpora
The format of Documents.
EmailDocumentFormat() - Constructor for class gate.corpora.EmailDocumentFormat
Default construction
EmailDocumentHandler - Class in
This class implements the behaviour of the Email reader It takes the Gate Document representing a list with e-mails and creates Gate annotations on it.
EmailDocumentHandler() - Constructor for class
Constructor used in tests mostly
EmailDocumentHandler(Document, Map<String, String>, Map<String, String>) - Constructor for class
Constructor initialises some private fields
emptyAS() - Method in class gate.annotation.AnnotationSetImpl
emptyElement(QName, XMLAttributes, Augmentations) - Method in class gate.html.NekoHtmlDocumentHandler
Called to signal an empty element.
EmptyVisitor - Class in gate.util.asm.commons
EmptyVisitor() - Constructor for class gate.util.asm.commons.EmptyVisitor
enable(boolean) - Method in class gate.util.profile.Profiler
Switches the profiler ON and OFF.
ENABLE_BENCHMARKING_FEATURE_NAME - Static variable in class gate.Gate
Feature name that should be used to set if the benchmarking logging should be enabled or disabled.
enable_tracing() - Method in class gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.analysis.standard.StandardTokenizer
enableGCCalling(boolean) - Method in class gate.util.profile.Profiler
Tell's the profiler whether to call the garbage collector when detecting memory usage or not.
encodeNorm(float) - Static method in class
Encodes a normalization factor for storage in an index.
encoding - Variable in class gate.corpora.DocumentImpl
The encoding of the source of the document content
end - Variable in class gate.annotation.AnnotationImpl
The end node
END - Static variable in class gate.creole.annic.Parser
END XML Element
end - Variable in class gate.gui.LuceneDataStoreSearchGUI.QueryTextArea
offset of the last completion character
end(SimpleAnnotation) - Static method in class gate.Utils
Get the end offset of an annotation.
end(AnnotationSet) - Static method in class gate.Utils
Get the end offset of an annotation set.
end(SimpleDocument) - Static method in class gate.Utils
Get the end offset of a document.
END_OFFSET - Static variable in class gate.creole.annic.Parser
endCDATA(Augmentations) - Method in class gate.html.NekoHtmlDocumentHandler
endCDATA() - Method in class gate.xml.XmlDocumentHandler
This method is called when the SAX parser encounts the end of a CDATA section.
endColumn - Variable in class gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.analysis.standard.Token
beginLine and beginColumn describe the position of the first character of this token; endLine and endColumn describe the position of the last character of this token.
endDocument() - Method in class gate.config.ConfigXmlHandler
Called when the SAX parser encounts the end of the XML document
endDocument() - Method in class gate.creole.CreoleXmlHandler
Called when the SAX parser encounts the end of the XML document
endDocument(Augmentations) - Method in class gate.html.NekoHtmlDocumentHandler
Called when the parser reaches the end of the document.
endDocument() - Method in class gate.xml.XmlDocumentHandler
This method is called when the SAX parser encounts the end of the XML document.
endElement(String, String, String) - Method in class gate.config.ConfigXmlHandler
Called when the SAX parser encounts the end of an XML element.
endElement(String, String, String) - Method in class gate.creole.CreoleXmlHandler
Called when the SAX parser encounts the end of an XML element.
endElement(QName, Augmentations) - Method in class gate.html.NekoHtmlDocumentHandler
Called when the parser encounters the end of an element.
endElement(QName, Augmentations, boolean) - Method in class gate.html.NekoHtmlDocumentHandler
Called when the parser encounters the end of an HTML element.
endElement(String, String, String) - Method in class gate.util.CreoleXmlUpperCaseFilter
Process the end of an element.
endElement(String, String, String) - Method in class gate.xml.XmlDocumentHandler
endGeneralEntity(String, Augmentations) - Method in class gate.html.NekoHtmlDocumentHandler
endLine - Variable in class gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.analysis.standard.Token
beginLine and beginColumn describe the position of the first character of this token; endLine and endColumn describe the position of the last character of this token.
endOffset() - Method in class gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.analysis.Token
Returns this Token's ending offset, one greater than the position of the last character corresponding to this token in the source text.
endOffset - Variable in class gate.creole.annic.Hit
End Offset of the found pattern
EndOffsetLeftAction(String, Icon, String, int) - Constructor for class gate.gui.docview.AnnotationEditor.EndOffsetLeftAction
EndOffsetRightAction(String, Icon, String, int) - Constructor for class gate.gui.docview.AnnotationEditor.EndOffsetRightAction
endParsedEntity(String, boolean) - Method in class gate.xml.XmlDocumentHandler
This method is called when the SAX parser encounts a parsed entity and informs the application if that entity was parsed or not It's working only if the CustomDocumentHandler implements a com.sun.parser.LexicalEventListener
endPos - Variable in class gate.gui.LogArea
End position from the document.
ENGLISH - Static variable in interface gate.creole.ontology.OConstants
Language code used "en"
ensureFileIsVisible(File) - Method in class gate.swing.XJFileChooser
Overriden to test first if the file exists
ENTIRE_DATASTORE - Static variable in class gate.creole.annic.Constants
Contains the entire datastore.
ENTITIES - Static variable in class gate.creole.ontology.OConstants.XMLSchema
entitiesMap - Static variable in class gate.corpora.DocumentXmlUtils
A map initialized in init() containing entities that needs to be replaced in strings
ENTITY - Static variable in class gate.creole.ontology.OConstants.XMLSchema
entrySet() - Method in class gate.util.RBTreeMap
Returns a set view of the mappings contained in this map.
envM2Home - Static variable in class gate.util.maven.Utils
EOF - Static variable in interface gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.analysis.standard.StandardTokenizerConstants
eol - Variable in exception gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.analysis.standard.ParseException
The end of line string for this machine.
eolButton - Variable in class gate.gui.docview.AnnotationEditor
eorButton - Variable in class gate.gui.docview.AnnotationEditor
equals(Object) - Method in class gate.annotation.AnnotationImpl
Returns true if two annotation are Equals.
equals(Object) - Method in class gate.corpora.CorpusImpl
equals(Object) - Method in class gate.corpora.DocumentContentImpl
Two documents are the same if their contents is the same
equals(Object) - Method in class gate.corpora.MimeType
Two MIME Types are equal if their types and subtypes coincide.
equals(Object) - Method in class gate.corpora.SerialCorpusImpl
equals(Object) - Method in class gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.index.Term
Compares two terms, returning true iff they have the same field and text.
equals(Object) - Method in class
Returns true iff o is equal to this.
equals(Object) - Method in class
Returns true iff o is equal to this.
equals(Object) - Method in class
Returns true iff o is equal to this.
equals(Object) - Method in class
Returns true iff o is equal to this.
equals(Object) - Method in class gate.creole.ontology.DataType
Compares if the two objects are same, i.e.
equals(Object) - Method in class gate.creole.ontology.Literal
equals(Object) - Method in interface gate.creole.ontology.LiteralOrONodeID
equals(Object) - Method in interface gate.creole.ontology.ONodeID
equals(Object) - Method in interface gate.creole.ontology.OValue
equals(Object) - Method in class gate.creole.ontology.URI
equals(Object) - Method in class gate.creole.Plugin
equals(Object) - Method in class gate.creole.Plugin.Maven
equals(Object) - Method in class gate.creole.ResourceData
Equality: two resource data objects are the same if they have the same name
equals(Object) - Method in class gate.creole.ResourceReference
equals(Object) - Method in class gate.gui.annedit.AnnotationDataImpl
equals(Object) - Method in class gate.persist.SerialDataStore
Equality: based on storage dir of other.
equals(Object) - Method in class gate.relations.SimpleRelation
equals(Object) - Method in class gate.util.BomStrippingInputStreamReader
equals(Object) - Method in class gate.util.Pair
equals(Object) - Method in class gate.util.persistence.PersistenceManager.ObjectHolder
equals(Object) - Method in class gate.util.SimpleFeatureMapImpl
EQUIVALENT_CLASS_EVENT - Static variable in interface gate.creole.ontology.OConstants
denotes the event of two classes set as equivalent
EQUIVALENT_PROPERTY_EVENT - Static variable in interface gate.creole.ontology.OConstants
denotes the event when two properties are set to be equivalent
EQUIVALENTCLASS - Static variable in class gate.creole.ontology.OConstants.OWL
EQUIVALENTPROPERTY - Static variable in class gate.creole.ontology.OConstants.OWL
Err - Class in gate.util
Shorthand for the System.err.print and println methods.
error(SAXParseException) - Method in class gate.config.ConfigXmlHandler
Called for parse errors.
error(SAXParseException) - Method in class gate.creole.CreoleXmlHandler
Called for parse errors.
error(String, String, XMLParseException) - Method in class gate.html.NekoHtmlDocumentHandler
Non-fatal error, print the stack trace but continue processing.
error(SAXParseException) - Method in class gate.xml.SimpleErrorHandler
This error method is called by the SAX parser when it encounts a recoverable(can continue parsing) error.
error(SAXParseException) - Method in class gate.xml.XmlDocumentHandler
Error method.We deal with this exception inside SimpleErrorHandler class
ESPERANTO - Static variable in interface gate.creole.ontology.OConstants
Language code used "eo"
ESTONIAN - Static variable in interface gate.creole.ontology.OConstants
Language code used "et"
evaluate() - Method in interface gate.creole.ontology.OntologyBooleanQuery
Evaluate the boolean query and return whether it evaluates to true or false;
evaluate() - Method in interface gate.creole.ontology.OntologyTupleQuery
Evaluate the tuple query (again).
evaluateAllThree(Document, Document, Document, File) - Method in class gate.util.CorpusBenchmarkTool
evaluateCorpus(File, File, File, File) - Method in class gate.util.CorpusBenchmarkTool
evaluateDocuments(Document, Document, Document, File) - Method in class gate.util.CorpusBenchmarkTool
evaluateMarkedClean(File, File, File) - Method in class gate.util.CorpusBenchmarkTool
evaluateMarkedStored(File, File, File) - Method in class gate.util.CorpusBenchmarkTool
evaluateTwoDocs(Document, Document, File) - Method in class gate.util.CorpusBenchmarkTool
EVALUATION - Static variable in class gate.util.Benchmark
eventHandler - Variable in class gate.annotation.AnnotationImpl
The listener for the events coming from the features.
eventMinder - Variable in class gate.gui.docview.AnnotationSetsView
Timer used to handle events coming from the document
Executable - Interface in gate
Describes entities that can be executed such as ProcessingResources or Controllers.
executableFile(String) - Method in class gate.creole.BootStrap
execute() - Method in interface gate.Controller
Executes this controller.
execute() - Method in class gate.creole.AbstractController
Execute this controller.
execute() - Method in class gate.creole.AbstractProcessingResource
Run the resource.
execute() - Method in class gate.creole.ConditionalSerialAnalyserController
execute() - Method in class gate.creole.SerialAnalyserController
execute() - Method in interface gate.Executable
Starts the execution of this executable
execute() - Method in class gate.util.ant.packager.PackageGappTask
execute() - Method in class gate.util.CorpusBenchmarkTool
execute(File) - Method in class gate.util.CorpusBenchmarkTool
executeImpl() - Method in class gate.creole.AbstractController
Executes the PRs in this controller, according to the execution strategy of the particular controller type (simple pipeline, parallel execution, once-per-document in a corpus, etc.).
executeImpl() - Method in class gate.creole.ConditionalSerialAnalyserController
Run the Processing Resources in sequence.
executeImpl() - Method in class gate.creole.RealtimeCorpusController
Run the Processing Resources in sequence.
executeImpl() - Method in class gate.creole.SerialAnalyserController
Run the Processing Resources in sequence.
executeImpl() - Method in class gate.creole.SerialController
Run the Processing Resources in sequence.
executeQuery(String) - Method in interface gate.creole.ontology.Ontology
ExecuteQueryAction() - Constructor for class gate.gui.LuceneDataStoreSearchGUI.ExecuteQueryAction
executeReport() - Method in interface gate.util.reporting.BenchmarkReportable
A single method to execute report (A command line counter part API ).
executeReport() - Method in class gate.util.reporting.DocTimeReporter
executeReport() - Method in class gate.util.reporting.PRTimeReporter
executeWithBenchmarking(Executable, String, Object, Map<Object, Object>) - Static method in class gate.util.Benchmark
Executes the given Executable, logging its runtime under the given benchmark ID (which is propagated to the Executable if it is itself Benchmarkable).
ExecutionException - Exception in gate.creole
Exception used to signal problems during the execution of GATE controllers and Processing Resources.
ExecutionException() - Constructor for exception gate.creole.ExecutionException
ExecutionException(String) - Constructor for exception gate.creole.ExecutionException
ExecutionException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception gate.creole.ExecutionException
ExecutionException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception gate.creole.ExecutionException
ExecutionInterruptedException - Exception in gate.creole
Thrown by Executables after they have stopped their execution as a result of a call to their interrupt() method.
ExecutionInterruptedException(String) - Constructor for exception gate.creole.ExecutionInterruptedException
ExecutionInterruptedException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception gate.creole.ExecutionInterruptedException
ExecutionInterruptedException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception gate.creole.ExecutionInterruptedException
ExecutionInterruptedException() - Constructor for exception gate.creole.ExecutionInterruptedException
executor - Variable in class gate.persist.LuceneDataStoreImpl
Executor to run the indexing tasks
ExitIcon - Class in gate.resources.img.svg
This class has been automatically generated using SVGRoundTrip.
ExitIcon() - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.ExitIcon
Creates a new transcoded SVG image.
ExitIcon(boolean) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.ExitIcon
ExitIcon(Dimension) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.ExitIcon
Creates a new transcoded SVG image with the given dimensions.
ExitIcon(Dimension, boolean) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.ExitIcon
ExitIcon(int, int) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.ExitIcon
ExitIcon(int, int, boolean) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.ExitIcon
ExpandedIcon - Class in gate.resources.img.svg
This class has been automatically generated using SVGRoundTrip.
ExpandedIcon() - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.ExpandedIcon
Creates a new transcoded SVG image.
ExpandedIcon(boolean) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.ExpandedIcon
ExpandedIcon(Dimension) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.ExpandedIcon
Creates a new transcoded SVG image with the given dimensions.
ExpandedIcon(Dimension, boolean) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.ExpandedIcon
ExpandedIcon(int, int) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.ExpandedIcon
ExpandedIcon(int, int, boolean) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.ExpandedIcon
expandPath(TreePath) - Method in class gate.swing.JTreeTable
expandRow(int) - Method in class gate.swing.JTreeTable
expandUriString(String, Map<String, String>) - Static method in class gate.Utils
Expand both namespace prefixes and base-uris, if possible.
expectedTokenSequences - Variable in exception gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.analysis.standard.ParseException
Each entry in this array is an array of integers.
explain(Query, int) - Method in class
explain(int) - Method in class
Returns an explanation of the score for doc.
explain(Query, int) - Method in interface
Returns an Explanation that describes how doc scored against query.
explain(IndexReader, int) - Method in interface
An explanation of the score computation for the named document.
Explanation - Class in
Expert: Describes the score computation for document and query.
Explanation() - Constructor for class
Explanation(float, String) - Constructor for class
export(Document, File, FeatureMap) - Method in class gate.corpora.export.GateXMLExporter
export(Document, OutputStream, FeatureMap) - Method in class gate.corpora.export.GateXMLExporter
export(Document, OutputStream, FeatureMap) - Method in class gate.corpora.export.InlineXMLExporter
export(Corpus, File) - Method in class gate.CorpusExporter
Equivalent to CorpusExporter.export(Corpus,File,FeatureMap) with an empty map of options.
export(Corpus, File, FeatureMap) - Method in class gate.CorpusExporter
Equivalent to CorpusExporter.export(Corpus,OutputStream,FeatureMap) using a FileOutputStream instance constructed from the File param.
export(Corpus, OutputStream) - Method in class gate.CorpusExporter
Equivalent to CorpusExporter.export(Corpus,OutputStream) with an empty map of options.
export(Corpus, OutputStream, FeatureMap) - Method in class gate.CorpusExporter
Exports the provided Corpus instance to the specified OutputStream using the specified options.
export(Document, File) - Method in class gate.DocumentExporter
Equivalent to DocumentExporter.export(Document,File,FeatureMap) with an empty map of options.
export(Document, File, FeatureMap) - Method in class gate.DocumentExporter
Equivalent to DocumentExporter.export(Document,OutputStream,FeatureMap) using a FileOutputStream instance constructed from the File param.
export(Document, OutputStream) - Method in class gate.DocumentExporter
Equivalent to DocumentExporter.export(Document,OutputStream) with an empty map of options.
export(Document, OutputStream, FeatureMap) - Method in class gate.DocumentExporter
Exports the provided Document instance to the specified OutputStream using the specified options.
exportResults(File) - Method in class gate.creole.annic.lucene.LuceneSearcher
This method allow exporting results in to the provided file.
exportResults(File) - Method in interface gate.creole.annic.Searcher
This method can be used for exporting results
ExportResultsAction() - Constructor for class gate.gui.LuceneDataStoreSearchGUI.ExportResultsAction
exportToHtmlAction - Variable in class gate.gui.CorpusQualityAssurance
ExportToHtmlAction() - Constructor for class gate.gui.CorpusQualityAssurance.ExportToHtmlAction
ExtendedListModel() - Constructor for class gate.gui.CorpusQualityAssurance.ExtendedListModel
ExtendedListModel(Object[]) - Constructor for class gate.gui.CorpusQualityAssurance.ExtendedListModel
ExtendLeftIcon - Class in gate.resources.img.svg
This class has been automatically generated using SVGRoundTrip.
ExtendLeftIcon() - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.ExtendLeftIcon
Creates a new transcoded SVG image.
ExtendLeftIcon(boolean) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.ExtendLeftIcon
ExtendLeftIcon(Dimension) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.ExtendLeftIcon
Creates a new transcoded SVG image with the given dimensions.
ExtendLeftIcon(Dimension, boolean) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.ExtendLeftIcon
ExtendLeftIcon(int, int) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.ExtendLeftIcon
ExtendLeftIcon(int, int, boolean) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.ExtendLeftIcon
ExtendRightIcon - Class in gate.resources.img.svg
This class has been automatically generated using SVGRoundTrip.
ExtendRightIcon() - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.ExtendRightIcon
Creates a new transcoded SVG image.
ExtendRightIcon(boolean) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.ExtendRightIcon
ExtendRightIcon(Dimension) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.ExtendRightIcon
Creates a new transcoded SVG image with the given dimensions.
ExtendRightIcon(Dimension, boolean) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.ExtendRightIcon
ExtendRightIcon(int, int) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.ExtendRightIcon
ExtendRightIcon(int, int, boolean) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.ExtendRightIcon
ExtensionFileFilter - Class in gate.util
Implementation of a file name filter.
ExtensionFileFilter() - Constructor for class gate.util.ExtensionFileFilter
Builds a new ExtensionFileFilter.
ExtensionFileFilter(String, String...) - Constructor for class gate.util.ExtensionFileFilter
Creates a FileNameExtensionFilter with the specified description and file name extensions.
extractDataFromSource(Object) - Method in class gate.util.persistence.AnalyserRunningStrategyPersistence
extractDataFromSource(Object) - Method in class gate.util.persistence.CollectionPersistence
Populates this Persistence with the data that needs to be stored from the original source object.
extractDataFromSource(Object) - Method in class gate.util.persistence.ConditionalControllerPersistence
Populates this Persistence with the data that needs to be stored from the original source object.
extractDataFromSource(Object) - Method in class gate.util.persistence.ConditionalSerialAnalyserControllerPersistence
Populates this Persistence with the data that needs to be stored from the original source object.
extractDataFromSource(Object) - Method in class gate.util.persistence.ControllerPersistence
Populates this Persistence with the data that needs to be stored from the original source object.
extractDataFromSource(Object) - Method in class gate.util.persistence.CorpusPersistence
Populates this Persistence with the data that needs to be stored from the original source object.
extractDataFromSource(Object) - Method in class gate.util.persistence.DSPersistence
Populates this Persistence with the data that needs to be stored from the original source object.
extractDataFromSource(Object) - Method in class gate.util.persistence.LanguageAnalyserPersistence
Populates this Persistence with the data that needs to be stored from the original source object.
extractDataFromSource(Object) - Method in class gate.util.persistence.LRPersistence
Populates this Persistence with the data that needs to be stored from the original source object.
extractDataFromSource(Object) - Method in class gate.util.persistence.MapPersistence
Populates this Persistence with the data that needs to be stored from the original source object.
extractDataFromSource(Object) - Method in interface gate.util.persistence.Persistence
Populates this Persistence with the data that needs to be stored from the original source object.
extractDataFromSource(Object) - Method in class gate.util.persistence.PersistenceManager.RRPersistence
extractDataFromSource(Object) - Method in class gate.util.persistence.PersistenceManager.SlashDevSlashNull
Does nothing
extractDataFromSource(Object) - Method in class gate.util.persistence.PersistenceManager.URLHolder
extractDataFromSource(Object) - Method in class gate.util.persistence.PRPersistence
Populates this Persistence with the data that needs to be stored from the original source object.
extractDataFromSource(Object) - Method in class gate.util.persistence.SerialAnalyserControllerPersistence
Populates this Persistence with the data that needs to be stored from the original source object.
extractDataFromSource(Object) - Method in class gate.util.persistence.UnconditionalRunningStrategyPersistence


Factory - Class in gate
Provides static methods for the creation of Resources.
Factory() - Constructor for class gate.Factory
Factory.DuplicationContext - Class in gate
Opaque memo object passed to CustomDuplication.duplicate methods to encapsulate the state of the current duplication run.
FALSE_POSITIVE_BG - Static variable in class gate.gui.AnnotationDiffGUI
falsePozLbl - Variable in class gate.gui.AnnotationDiffGUI
FAROESE - Static variable in interface gate.creole.ontology.OConstants
Language code used "fo"
FastCharStream - Class in gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.analysis.standard
An efficient implementation of JavaCC's CharStream interface.
FastCharStream(Reader) - Constructor for class gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.analysis.standard.FastCharStream
Constructs from a Reader.
fatalError(SAXParseException) - Method in class gate.config.ConfigXmlHandler
Called for fatal errors.
fatalError(SAXParseException) - Method in class gate.creole.CreoleXmlHandler
Called for fatal errors.
fatalError(String, String, XMLParseException) - Method in class gate.html.NekoHtmlDocumentHandler
fatalError(SAXParseException) - Method in class gate.xml.SimpleErrorHandler
This fatalError method is called by the SAX parser when it encounts a fatal(can't continue parsing) error.
fatalError(SAXParseException) - Method in class gate.xml.XmlDocumentHandler
FatalError method.
FEATURE - Static variable in class gate.creole.annic.Parser
Feature(String, Object) - Constructor for class gate.gui.FeaturesSchemaEditor.Feature
FeatureBearer - Interface in gate.util
Classes whose instances each have a FeatureMap.
featureByTypeMap - Variable in class gate.gui.LuceneDataStoreSearchGUI.ResultTableModel
featureCheck - Variable in class gate.gui.CorpusQualityAssurance
FeatureEditorRenderer() - Constructor for class gate.gui.FeaturesSchemaEditor.FeatureEditorRenderer
featureList - Variable in class gate.gui.CorpusQualityAssurance
FeatureMap - Interface in gate
An attribute-value matrix.
featureMap(Object...) - Static method in class gate.Utils
Create a feature map from an array of values.
FeatureMapEditorDialog - Class in gate.gui
A simple editor for List values.
FeatureMapEditorDialog(Component, FeatureMap) - Constructor for class gate.gui.FeatureMapEditorDialog
Contructs a new FeatureMapEditorDialog.
FeatureMapListener - Interface in gate.event
The listenre for the toplevel events generated by the Gate system.
featureMapUpdated() - Method in interface gate.event.FeatureMapListener
Called when a feature map has been updated
featureMapUpdated() - Method in class gate.gui.docview.CorefEditor
Called when features are changed outside the co-refEditor
featureMapUpdated() - Method in class gate.gui.FeaturesSchemaEditor
featureName - Variable in class gate.creole.AnalyserRunningStrategy
featureName - Variable in class gate.util.persistence.AnalyserRunningStrategyPersistence
featureNameTextField - Variable in class gate.gui.SerialControllerEditor
Text field for the feature name for conditional run.
FeatureReader - Class in
A property reader for a document feature
FeatureReader(String) - Constructor for class
features - Variable in class gate.creole.AbstractVisualResource
FEATURES - Static variable in class gate.creole.annic.Parser
features - Variable in class gate.gui.FeaturesSchemaEditor
features - Variable in class gate.gui.SerialDatastoreViewer
features - Variable in class gate.relations.SimpleRelation
features - Variable in class gate.util.AbstractFeatureBearer
The feature set
FEATURES_COLUMN - Static variable in class gate.gui.LuceneDataStoreSearchGUI.ResultTableModel
FEATURES_TO_EXCLUDE - Static variable in class gate.creole.annic.Constants
Name of the features_to_exclude parameter.
FEATURES_TO_INCLUDE - Static variable in class gate.creole.annic.Constants
Name of the features_to_include parameter.
FEATURES_UPDATED - Static variable in class gate.event.GateEvent
FeatureSchema - Class in gate.creole
This class describes a schema for a feature.
FeatureSchema(String, Class<?>, String, String, Set<? extends Object>) - Constructor for class gate.creole.FeatureSchema
Construction given a name of an feature and a feature value class name
featureSchemaSet - Variable in class gate.creole.AnnotationSchema
Schemas for the attributes
featuresClass(Class<?>, List<FeatureMethod>) - Method in class gate.creole.BootStrap
go through all methods and determines return type, parameters, exceptions
featuresEditor - Variable in class gate.gui.docview.AnnotationEditor
Component for features editing.
featuresList - Variable in class gate.gui.AnnotationDiffGUI
featureslistModel - Variable in class gate.gui.AnnotationDiffGUI
FeaturesSchemaEditor - Class in gate.gui
FeaturesSchemaEditor() - Constructor for class gate.gui.FeaturesSchemaEditor
FeaturesSchemaEditor.Feature - Class in gate.gui
FeaturesSchemaEditor.FeatureEditorRenderer - Class in gate.gui
FeaturesSchemaEditor.FeaturesTableModel - Class in gate.gui
featuresScroller - Variable in class gate.gui.docview.AnnotationEditor
featuresSelected - Variable in class gate.gui.CorpusQualityAssurance
FeaturesTableModel() - Constructor for class gate.gui.FeaturesSchemaEditor.FeaturesTableModel
featuresToXml(FeatureMap, Map<String, StringBuffer>) - Static method in class gate.corpora.DocumentXmlUtils
This method saves a FeatureMap as XML elements.
featureValue - Variable in class gate.creole.AnalyserRunningStrategy
featureValue - Variable in class gate.util.persistence.AnalyserRunningStrategyPersistence
featureValueTextField - Variable in class gate.gui.SerialControllerEditor
Text field for the feature value for conditional run.
Field - Class in gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.document
A field is a section of a Document.
Field(String, String, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.document.Field
Create a field by specifying all parameters except for storeTermVector, which is set to false.
Field(String, String, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.document.Field
field() - Method in class gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.index.Term
Returns the field of this term, an interned string.
FIELD_DOC - Static variable in class
Represents sorting by document number (index order).
FIELD_SCORE - Static variable in class
Represents sorting by document score (relevancy).
FieldCache - Interface in
Expert: Maintains caches of term values.
FieldCache.StringIndex - Class in
Expert: Stores term text values and document ordering data.
FieldDoc - Class in
Expert: A ScoreDoc which also contains information about how to sort the referenced document.
FieldDoc(int, float) - Constructor for class
Expert: Creates one of these objects with empty sort information.
FieldDoc(int, float, Comparable[]) - Constructor for class
Expert: Creates one of these objects with the given sort information.
fields() - Method in class gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.document.Document
Returns an Enumeration of all the fields in a document.
fields - Variable in class
Expert: The values which are used to sort the referenced document.
fields - Variable in class
The fields which were used to sort results by.
fields - Variable in class gate.creole.BootStrap
the enumeration of the variables from main class
FIJI - Static variable in interface gate.creole.ontology.OConstants
Language code used "fj"
FILE_URL_PARAM_NAME - Static variable in class gate.creole.AnnotationSchema
fileChooser - Static variable in class gate.gui.MainFrame
fileExists(String) - Method in class
Returns true iff a file with the given name exists.
fileExists(String) - Method in class
Returns true iff a file with the given name exists.
fileExists(String) - Method in class
Returns true iff the named file exists in this directory.
fileFromURL(URL) - Static method in class gate.util.Files
Convert a file: URL to a
fileLength(String) - Method in class
Returns the length of a file in the directory.
fileLength(String) - Method in class
Returns the length in bytes of a file in the directory.
fileLength(String) - Method in class
Returns the length in bytes of a file in the directory.
fileModified(String) - Method in class
Returns the time the named file was last modified.
fileModified(String) - Method in class
Returns the time the named file was last modified.
fileModified(File, String) - Static method in class
Returns the time the named file was last modified.
fileModified(String) - Method in class
Returns the time the named file was last modified.
Files - Class in gate.util
Some utilities for use with Files and with resources.
Files() - Constructor for class gate.util.Files
fileType - Variable in class gate.DocumentExporter
fillInResInfos(List<Gate.ResourceInfo>, List<String>) - Method in class gate.creole.Plugin
Filter - Class in
Abstract base class providing a mechanism to restrict searches to a subset of an index.
Filter() - Constructor for class
filter - Variable in class gate.DocumentExporter
filterIgnoredFileNames(String[]) - Method in class gate.persist.SerialDataStore
This removes the names of all files from a list of file names for which we know that we want to ignore them.
FilterIndexReader - Class in gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.index
A FilterIndexReader contains another IndexReader, which it uses as its basic source of data, possibly transforming the data along the way or providing additional functionality.
FilterIndexReader(IndexReader) - Constructor for class gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.index.FilterIndexReader
Construct a FilterIndexReader based on the specified base reader.
FilterIndexReader.FilterTermDocs - Class in gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.index
Base class for filtering TermDocs implementations.
FilterIndexReader.FilterTermEnum - Class in gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.index
Base class for filtering TermEnum implementations.
FilterIndexReader.FilterTermPositions - Class in gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.index
Base class for filtering TermPositions implementations.
FILTERING - Static variable in class gate.util.Benchmark
filterNonXmlChars(StringBuffer) - Static method in class gate.corpora.DocumentXmlUtils
This method filters any non XML char see: All non XML chars will be replaced with 0x20 (space char) This assures that the next time the document is loaded there won't be any problems.
FilterTermDocs(TermDocs) - Constructor for class gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.index.FilterIndexReader.FilterTermDocs
FilterTermEnum(TermEnum) - Constructor for class gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.index.FilterIndexReader.FilterTermEnum
FilterTermPositions(TermPositions) - Constructor for class gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.index.FilterIndexReader.FilterTermPositions
filterTextField - Variable in class gate.gui.docview.AnnotationListView
finalChoices - Variable in class gate.util.AnnotationDiffer
A list with the choices selected for the best result.
finalize() - Method in class gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.index.IndexReader
Release the write lock, if needed.
finalize() - Method in class gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.index.IndexWriter
Release the write lock, if needed.
Find(String, String) - Static method in class gate.util.Files
This method takes a regular expression and a directory name and returns the set of Files that match the pattern under that directory.
findArtifact(Artifact) - Method in class gate.util.maven.SimpleMavenCache
findDocument(Document) - Method in class gate.corpora.SerialCorpusImpl
findExistingClass(String) - Method in class gate.util.GateClassLoader
Given a fully qualified class name, this method returns the instance of Class if it is already loaded using the ClassLoader or it returns null.
findFirstAction - Variable in class gate.gui.annedit.SearchAndAnnotatePanel
FindFirstAction() - Constructor for class gate.gui.annedit.SearchAndAnnotatePanel.FindFirstAction
findGraphicsConfiguration(Component) - Method in class gate.swing.MenuLayout
Find the graphics configuration for the target popup (useful in case of multiple screens).
findHandleForResource(Resource) - Method in class gate.gui.MainFrame
Locates the handle for a given resource.
findLrIds(List) - Method in interface gate.DataStore
Get a list of LRs that satisfy some set or restrictions
findLrIds(List, String) - Method in interface gate.DataStore
Get a list of LRs that satisfy some set or restrictions and are of a particular type
findLrIds(List) - Method in class gate.persist.SerialDataStore
Get a list of LRs that satisfy some set or restrictions
findLrIds(List, String) - Method in class gate.persist.SerialDataStore
Get a list of LRs that satisfy some set or restrictions and are of a particular type
findNextAction - Variable in class gate.gui.annedit.SearchAndAnnotatePanel
FindNextAction() - Constructor for class gate.gui.annedit.SearchAndAnnotatePanel.FindNextAction
findOrTokens(String) - Static method in class gate.creole.annic.lucene.SubQueryParser
This method given a query identifies the OR Tokens for eg.
findOutChainNode(String, String) - Method in class gate.gui.docview.CorefEditor
findOutTheLongestAnnotation(List<Integer>, AnnotationSet) - Method in class gate.gui.docview.CorefEditor
Given arrayList containing Ids of the annotations, and an annotationSet, this method returns the annotations that has longest string among the matches
findPreviousAction - Variable in class gate.gui.annedit.SearchAndAnnotatePanel
FindPreviousAction() - Constructor for class gate.gui.annedit.SearchAndAnnotatePanel.FindPreviousAction
findStackRow(Object...) - Method in class gate.gui.LuceneDataStoreSearchGUI
Find the first stack row satisfying all the parameters.
findSubclasses(Class<?>) - Static method in class gate.util.Tools
Finds all subclasses of a given class or interface.
findTokens(String) - Method in class gate.creole.annic.lucene.QueryParser
Given a query this method returns tokens.
findVersions(Artifact) - Method in class gate.util.maven.SimpleMavenCache
finish() - Method in class gate.util.ant.packager.GappModel
Finish up processing of the gapp file ready for writing.
finished - Variable in class gate.creole.annic.lucene.LuceneSearchThread
Indicates if searching process is finished.
FINNISH - Static variable in interface gate.creole.ontology.OConstants
Language code used "fi"
fireAnnotationAdded(AnnotationSetEvent) - Method in class gate.annotation.AnnotationSetImpl
fireAnnotationRemoved(AnnotationSetEvent) - Method in class gate.annotation.AnnotationSetImpl
fireAnnotationSetAdded(DocumentEvent) - Method in class gate.corpora.DocumentImpl
fireAnnotationSetRemoved(DocumentEvent) - Method in class gate.corpora.DocumentImpl
fireAnnotationUpdated(AnnotationEvent) - Method in class gate.annotation.AnnotationImpl
fireContentEdited(DocumentEvent) - Method in class gate.corpora.DocumentImpl
fireDatastoreClosed(CreoleEvent) - Method in class gate.creole.CreoleRegisterImpl
fireDatastoreClosed(CreoleEvent) - Method in class gate.DataStoreRegister
Notifies all registered CreoleListeners that a DataStore has been closed.
fireDatastoreCreated(CreoleEvent) - Method in class gate.creole.CreoleRegisterImpl
fireDatastoreCreated(CreoleEvent) - Method in class gate.DataStoreRegister
Notifies all registered CreoleListeners that a new DataStore has been created.
fireDatastoreOpened(CreoleEvent) - Method in class gate.creole.CreoleRegisterImpl
fireDatastoreOpened(CreoleEvent) - Method in class gate.DataStoreRegister
Notifies all registered CreoleListeners that a DataStore has been opened.
fireDocumentAdded(CorpusEvent) - Method in class gate.corpora.CorpusImpl
fireDocumentAdded(CorpusEvent) - Method in class gate.corpora.SerialCorpusImpl
fireDocumentRemoved(CorpusEvent) - Method in class gate.corpora.CorpusImpl
fireDocumentRemoved(CorpusEvent) - Method in class gate.corpora.SerialCorpusImpl
fireDownloadFailed(String, Throwable) - Method in class gate.creole.Plugin
fireDownloadProgressed(String, long, long) - Method in class gate.creole.Plugin
fireDownloadStarted(String) - Method in class gate.creole.Plugin
fireDownloadSucceeded(String) - Method in class gate.creole.Plugin
fireGateEvent(GateEvent) - Method in class gate.annotation.AnnotationSetImpl
fireMapUpdatedEvent() - Method in class gate.util.SimpleFeatureMapImpl
fireOntologyReset() - Method in interface gate.creole.ontology.Ontology
A method to invoke when the ontology is reset.
fireOntologyResourceAdded(OResource) - Method in interface gate.creole.ontology.Ontology
A Method to invoke an event for newly added ontology resource
fireOntologyResourcesRemoved(String[]) - Method in interface gate.creole.ontology.Ontology
A Method to invoke an event for a removed ontology resource
firePluginLoaded(Plugin) - Method in class gate.creole.CreoleRegisterImpl
firePluginUnloaded(Plugin) - Method in class gate.creole.CreoleRegisterImpl
fireProcessFinished() - Method in class gate.creole.AbstractController
Notifies all the ProgressListeners of a progress finished.
fireProcessFinished() - Method in class gate.creole.AbstractProcessingResource
Notifies all the ProgressListeners of a progress finished.
fireProcessFinished() - Method in class gate.gui.NameBearerHandle
fireProcessFinished() - Method in class gate.gui.SerialControllerEditor
fireProcessFinished() - Method in class gate.gui.SerialDatastoreViewer
fireProgressChanged(int) - Method in class gate.creole.AbstractController
Notifies all the ProgressListeners of a progress change event.
fireProgressChanged(int) - Method in class gate.creole.AbstractProcessingResource
Notifies all the ProgressListeners of a progress change event.
fireProgressChanged(int) - Method in class gate.gui.NameBearerHandle
fireProgressChanged(int) - Method in class gate.gui.SerialControllerEditor
fireProgressChanged(int) - Method in class gate.gui.SerialDatastoreViewer
fireRelationAdded(RelationSetEvent) - Method in class gate.relations.RelationSet
fireRelationRemoved(RelationSetEvent) - Method in class gate.relations.RelationSet
fireResourceAdded(ControllerEvent) - Method in class gate.creole.AbstractController
fireResourceAdopted(DatastoreEvent) - Method in class gate.persist.SerialDataStore
fireResourceDeleted(DatastoreEvent) - Method in class gate.persist.SerialDataStore
fireResourceLoaded(CreoleEvent) - Method in class gate.creole.CreoleRegisterImpl
fireResourcePropertyValueChanged(OResource, RDFProperty, Object, int) - Method in interface gate.creole.ontology.Ontology
A method to invoke when a resource's property value is changed
fireResourceRelationChanged(OResource, OResource, int) - Method in interface gate.creole.ontology.Ontology
A method to invoke when a resource's property value is changed
fireResourceRemoved(ControllerEvent) - Method in class gate.creole.AbstractController
fireResourceRenamed(Resource, String, String) - Method in class gate.creole.CreoleRegisterImpl
fireResourceUnloaded(CreoleEvent) - Method in class gate.creole.CreoleRegisterImpl
fireResourceWritten(DatastoreEvent) - Method in class gate.persist.SerialDataStore
fireStatusChanged(String) - Method in class gate.creole.AbstractController
Notifies all the StatusListeners of a change of status.
fireStatusChanged(String) - Method in class gate.creole.AbstractProcessingResource
Notifies all the StatusListeners of a change of status.
fireStatusChanged(String) - Method in class gate.DocumentFormat
fireStatusChanged(String) - Method in class gate.gui.NameBearerHandle
fireStatusChanged(String) - Method in class gate.gui.SerialControllerEditor
fireStatusChanged(String) - Method in class gate.gui.SerialDatastoreViewer
fireStatusChangedEvent(String) - Method in class
This methos is called whenever we need to inform the listener about an event.
fireStatusChangedEvent(String) - Method in class gate.html.HtmlDocumentHandler
fireStatusChangedEvent(String) - Method in class gate.html.NekoHtmlDocumentHandler
fireStatusChangedEvent(String) - Method in class gate.xml.XmlDocumentHandler
This methos is called whenever we need to inform the listener about an event.
fireTableDataChanged() - Method in class gate.gui.LuceneDataStoreSearchGUI.ResultTableModel
fireTreeNodesChanged(Object, Object[], int[], Object[]) - Method in class gate.swing.AbstractTreeTableModel
Notify all listeners that have registered interest for notification on this event type.
fireTreeNodesInserted(Object, Object[], int[], Object[]) - Method in class gate.swing.AbstractTreeTableModel
Notify all listeners that have registered interest for notification on this event type.
fireTreeNodesRemoved(Object, Object[], int[], Object[]) - Method in class gate.swing.AbstractTreeTableModel
Notify all listeners that have registered interest for notification on this event type.
fireTreeStructureChanged(Object, Object[], int[], Object[]) - Method in class gate.swing.AbstractTreeTableModel
Notify all listeners that have registered interest for notification on this event type.
FIRST - Static variable in class gate.creole.ontology.OConstants.RDF
first - Variable in class gate.util.Pair
first() - Method in class gate.util.SimpleSortedSet
retrive the smallest offset of the array.
firstKey() - Method in class gate.util.RBTreeMap
Returns the first (lowest) key currently in this sorted map.
firstNode() - Method in class gate.annotation.AnnotationSetImpl
Get the node with the smallest offset
firstNode() - Method in interface gate.AnnotationSet
Get the node with the smallest offset
firstSmallButton - Variable in class gate.gui.annedit.SearchAndAnnotatePanel
fKeyNumber - Variable in class gate.gui.docview.DocumentEditor
Used to know the last F-key used when adding a new view.
FLOAT - Static variable in class
Sort using term values as encoded Floats.
FLOAT - Static variable in class gate.creole.ontology.OConstants.XMLSchema
flush() - Method in class
Forces any buffered output to be written.
flush() - Method in class gate.html.HtmlDocumentHandler
This method is called once, when the HTML parser reaches the end of its input streamin order to notify the parserCallback that there is nothing more to parse.
flush() - Static method in class gate.util.Err
Flush the output stream.
flush() - Static method in class gate.util.Out
Flush the output stream.
flushBeanInfoCache() - Static method in class gate.creole.AbstractResource
flushBuffer(byte[], int) - Method in class
Expert: implements buffer write.
flushBuffer(byte[], int) - Method in class
fmeasureAveLbl - Variable in class gate.gui.AnnotationDiffGUI
fmeasureLenientLbl - Variable in class gate.gui.AnnotationDiffGUI
fmeasureStrictLbl - Variable in class gate.gui.AnnotationDiffGUI
focusGained(FocusEvent) - Method in class gate.gui.docview.TextualDocumentView.PermanentSelectionCaret
fontBG - Variable in class gate.gui.OptionsDialog
Button group for the font setting radio buttons
fontChooser - Variable in class gate.gui.OptionsDialog
The font chooser used for selecting fonts
forgetBeanInfo(Class<? extends Resource>) - Static method in class gate.creole.AbstractResource
forgetClassLoader(String) - Method in class gate.util.GateClassLoader
Causes the specified classloader to be forgotten, making it and all the class definitions loaded by it available for garbage collection
forgetClassLoader(GateClassLoader) - Method in class gate.util.GateClassLoader
Causes the specified classloader to be forgotten, making it and all the class definitions loaded by it available for garbage collection
forgetClassLoader(String, Plugin) - Method in class gate.util.GateClassLoader
frame - Static variable in class gate.Main
Main Frame of the GUI; null when no GUI running
FRENCH - Static variable in interface gate.creole.ontology.OConstants
Language code used "fr"
freq() - Method in class gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.index.FilterIndexReader.FilterTermDocs
freq() - Method in class gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.index.MultipleTermPositions
Describe freq method here.
freq() - Method in interface gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.index.TermDocs
Returns the frequency of the term within the current document.
freq(String, String, String, String, String) - Method in class gate.creole.annic.lucene.LuceneSearcher
freq(String, String, String) - Method in class gate.creole.annic.lucene.LuceneSearcher
freq(String, String, String, String) - Method in class gate.creole.annic.lucene.LuceneSearcher
freq(List<Hit>, String, String, String, boolean, boolean) - Method in class gate.creole.annic.lucene.LuceneSearcher
freq(List<Hit>, String, boolean, boolean) - Method in class gate.creole.annic.lucene.LuceneSearcher
freq(IndexSearcher, String, String, String, String, String) - Static method in class gate.creole.annic.lucene.StatsCalculator
Allows retriving frequencies for the given parameters.
freq(IndexSearcher, String, String, String) - Static method in class gate.creole.annic.lucene.StatsCalculator
freq(IndexSearcher, String, String, String, String) - Static method in class gate.creole.annic.lucene.StatsCalculator
freq(List<Hit>, String, String, String, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class gate.creole.annic.lucene.StatsCalculator
Allows retrieving frequencies for the given parameters.
freq(List<Hit>, String, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class gate.creole.annic.lucene.StatsCalculator
freq(String, String, String, String, String) - Method in interface gate.creole.annic.Searcher
freq(String, String, String) - Method in interface gate.creole.annic.Searcher
freq(String, String, String, String) - Method in interface gate.creole.annic.Searcher
freq(List<Hit>, String, String, String, boolean, boolean) - Method in interface gate.creole.annic.Searcher
freq(List<Hit>, String, boolean, boolean) - Method in interface gate.creole.annic.Searcher
freqForAllValues(List<Hit>, String, String, boolean, boolean) - Method in class gate.creole.annic.lucene.LuceneSearcher
freqForAllValues(List<Hit>, String, String, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class gate.creole.annic.lucene.StatsCalculator
Calculates frequencies for all possible values of the provided AT.feature
freqForAllValues(List<Hit>, String, String, boolean, boolean) - Method in interface gate.creole.annic.Searcher
FRISIAN - Static variable in interface gate.creole.ontology.OConstants
Language code used "fy"
fromXML(String) - Static method in class gate.creole.annic.Parser
Given xml representation of HIT converts them into an array of hits
fromXSchema(URL) - Method in class gate.creole.AnnotationSchema
Creates an AnnotationSchema object from an XSchema file
fromXSchema(InputStream) - Method in class gate.creole.AnnotationSchema
Creates an AnnotationSchema object from an XSchema file
FSCORE_MEASURES - Static variable in class gate.gui.CorpusQualityAssurance
FSDirectory - Class in
Straightforward implementation of Directory as a directory of files.
fullyDefaulted - Variable in class gate.creole.ParameterList
Status of the last run of getDefaults(List).
FUNCTIONALPROPERTY - Static variable in class gate.creole.ontology.OConstants.OWL


GALICIAN - Static variable in interface gate.creole.ontology.OConstants
Language code used "gl"
GappModel - Class in gate.util.ant.packager
GappModel(URL) - Constructor for class gate.util.ant.packager.GappModel
GappModel(URL, URL) - Constructor for class gate.util.ant.packager.GappModel
GappModel(URL, URL, URL) - Constructor for class gate.util.ant.packager.GappModel
Create a GappModel for a GAPP file.
GappModel.MavenPlugin - Class in gate.util.ant.packager
Very simple "struct" for a set of Maven co-ordinates.
gate - package gate
Gate - Class in gate
The class is responsible for initialising the GATE libraries, and providing access to singleton utility objects, such as the GATE class loader, CREOLE register and so on.
Gate() - Constructor for class gate.Gate
gate.annotation - package gate.annotation
gate.config - package gate.config
gate.corpora - package gate.corpora
gate.corpora.export - package gate.corpora.export
gate.creole - package gate.creole
gate.creole.annic - package gate.creole.annic
gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.analysis - package gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.analysis
API and code to convert text into indexable tokens.
gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.analysis.standard - package gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.analysis.standard
A grammar-based tokenizer constructed with JavaCC.
gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.document - package gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.document
The Document abstraction.
gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.index - package gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.index
Code to maintain and access indices. - package - package
Binary i/o API, used for all index data.
gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.util - package gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.util
Some utility classes.
gate.creole.annic.lucene - package gate.creole.annic.lucene - package
gate.creole.metadata - package gate.creole.metadata
This package contains Java 5 annotation types that can be used to annotate the classes that implement CREOLE resources as an alternative to writing a creole.xml file by hand.
gate.creole.ontology - package gate.creole.ontology
The GATE ontology API. - package
gate.event - package gate.event
gate.gui - package gate.gui
gate.gui.annedit - package gate.gui.annedit
gate.gui.creole.manager - package gate.gui.creole.manager
gate.gui.docview - package gate.gui.docview
gate.gui.persistence - package gate.gui.persistence
gate.gui.teamware - package gate.gui.teamware
gate.html - package gate.html
gate.persist - package gate.persist
gate.relations - package gate.relations
Gate.ResourceInfo - Class in gate
Stores information about a resource defined by a CREOLE directory.
gate.resources.img.svg - package gate.resources.img.svg
gate.sgml - package gate.sgml
gate.swing - package gate.swing
gate.util - package gate.util
gate.util.ant.packager - package gate.util.ant.packager
gate.util.asm.commons - package gate.util.asm.commons
gate.util.maven - package gate.util.maven
gate.util.persistence - package gate.util.persistence
gate.util.profile - package gate.util.profile
gate.util.reporting - package gate.util.reporting
gate.util.reporting.exceptions - package gate.util.reporting.exceptions
gate.util.xml - package gate.util.xml
gate.wordnet - package gate.wordnet
gate.xml - package gate.xml
GATE_CONFIG_PROPERTY - Static variable in interface gate.GateConstants
The name of the site config property (gate.config).
GATE_DOT_SER - Static variable in interface gate.GateConstants
The name of session state data files (gate.session).
GATE_DOT_XML - Static variable in interface gate.GateConstants
The name of config data files (gate.xml).
GATE_HOME_PROPERTY_NAME - Static variable in interface gate.GateConstants
The name of the GATE home system property
GATE_SITE_CONFIG_PROPERTY_NAME - Static variable in interface gate.GateConstants
The name of the GATE site config system property
GATE_USER_CONFIG_PROPERTY_NAME - Static variable in interface gate.GateConstants
The name of the GATE user config system property
GATE_USER_SESSION_PROPERTY_NAME - Static variable in interface gate.GateConstants
The name of the property for setting the user session file name
GATE_XML_VERSION - Static variable in class gate.corpora.DocumentStaxUtils
GateApplication - Class in gate.util.persistence
This class is used simply to pair together the URL list and an object itself so that they can be serialized as a single XML object.
GateApplication() - Constructor for class gate.util.persistence.GateApplication
GateAwareObjectInputStream - Class in gate.persist
An ObjectInputStream that attempts to resolve the classes of objects loaded from the stream via the GateClassLoader if they cannot be found by the usual means.
GateAwareObjectInputStream(InputStream) - Constructor for class gate.persist.GateAwareObjectInputStream
Creates a GATE aware object input stream to read from the given source.
GateClassLoader - Class in gate.util
GATE's class loader, which allows loading of classes over the net.
GateClassLoader(String) - Constructor for class gate.util.GateClassLoader
Default construction - use an empty URL list.
GateClassLoader(String, ClassLoader) - Constructor for class gate.util.GateClassLoader
Chaining constructor.
GateClassLoader(String, URL[]) - Constructor for class gate.util.GateClassLoader
Default construction with URLs list.
GateClassLoader(String, URL[], ClassLoader) - Constructor for class gate.util.GateClassLoader
Chaining constructor with URLs list.
GateClassLoader(String, URL[], ClassLoader, boolean) - Constructor for class gate.util.GateClassLoader
GateConstants - Interface in gate
Interface used to hold different GATE constants
gateDocListener - Variable in class gate.gui.docview.TextualDocumentView
GateDocumentListener() - Constructor for class gate.gui.docview.TextualDocumentView.GateDocumentListener
GateEvent - Class in gate.event
The top level event class for all the event types fired by the Gate system.
GateEvent(Object, int) - Constructor for class gate.event.GateEvent
Constructor from source and type.
GateException - Exception in gate.util
A superclass for exceptions in the GATE packages.
GateException() - Constructor for exception gate.util.GateException
GateException(String) - Constructor for exception gate.util.GateException
GateException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception gate.util.GateException
GateException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception gate.util.GateException
gateHome - Static variable in class gate.Gate
The top level directory of the GATE installation.
GATEIcon - Class in gate.resources.img.svg
This class has been automatically generated using SVGRoundTrip.
GATEIcon() - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.GATEIcon
Creates a new transcoded SVG image.
GATEIcon(boolean) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.GATEIcon
GATEIcon(Dimension) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.GATEIcon
Creates a new transcoded SVG image with the given dimensions.
GATEIcon(Dimension, boolean) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.GATEIcon
GATEIcon(int, int) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.GATEIcon
GATEIcon(int, int, boolean) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.GATEIcon
GateListener - Interface in gate.event
The listenre for the toplevel events generated by the Gate system.
GateOntologyException - Exception in gate.creole.ontology
Exception used to signal an gate ontology exception within Gate.
GateOntologyException() - Constructor for exception gate.creole.ontology.GateOntologyException
GateOntologyException(String) - Constructor for exception gate.creole.ontology.GateOntologyException
GateOntologyException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception gate.creole.ontology.GateOntologyException
GateOntologyException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception gate.creole.ontology.GateOntologyException
GateRuntimeException - Exception in gate.util
Exception used to signal a runtime exception within Gate.
GateRuntimeException() - Constructor for exception gate.util.GateRuntimeException
GateRuntimeException(String) - Constructor for exception gate.util.GateRuntimeException
GateRuntimeException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception gate.util.GateRuntimeException
GateRuntimeException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception gate.util.GateRuntimeException
GateSaxException - Exception in gate.util
An inherited class from SAX exception in the GATE packages.
GateSaxException(String, Exception) - Constructor for exception gate.util.GateSaxException
GateSaxException(String) - Constructor for exception gate.util.GateSaxException
GateSaxException(Exception) - Constructor for exception gate.util.GateSaxException
GATEUpdateSiteIcon - Class in gate.resources.img.svg
This class has been automatically generated using SVGRoundTrip.
GATEUpdateSiteIcon() - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.GATEUpdateSiteIcon
Creates a new transcoded SVG image.
GATEUpdateSiteIcon(boolean) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.GATEUpdateSiteIcon
GATEUpdateSiteIcon(Dimension) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.GATEUpdateSiteIcon
Creates a new transcoded SVG image with the given dimensions.
GATEUpdateSiteIcon(Dimension, boolean) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.GATEUpdateSiteIcon
GATEUpdateSiteIcon(int, int) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.GATEUpdateSiteIcon
GATEUpdateSiteIcon(int, int, boolean) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.GATEUpdateSiteIcon
GATEVersionIcon - Class in gate.resources.img.svg
This class has been automatically generated using SVGRoundTrip.
GATEVersionIcon() - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.GATEVersionIcon
Creates a new transcoded SVG image.
GATEVersionIcon(boolean) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.GATEVersionIcon
GATEVersionIcon(Dimension) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.GATEVersionIcon
Creates a new transcoded SVG image with the given dimensions.
GATEVersionIcon(Dimension, boolean) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.GATEVersionIcon
GATEVersionIcon(int, int) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.GATEVersionIcon
GATEVersionIcon(int, int, boolean) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.GATEVersionIcon
GateXMLExporter - Class in gate.corpora.export
GateXMLExporter() - Constructor for class gate.corpora.export.GateXMLExporter
GATEXMLIcon - Class in gate.resources.img.svg
This class has been automatically generated using SVGRoundTrip.
GATEXMLIcon() - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.GATEXMLIcon
Creates a new transcoded SVG image.
GATEXMLIcon(boolean) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.GATEXMLIcon
GATEXMLIcon(Dimension) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.GATEXMLIcon
Creates a new transcoded SVG image with the given dimensions.
GATEXMLIcon(Dimension, boolean) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.GATEXMLIcon
GATEXMLIcon(int, int) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.GATEXMLIcon
GATEXMLIcon(int, int, boolean) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.GATEXMLIcon
GazetteerIcon - Class in gate.resources.img.svg
This class has been automatically generated using SVGRoundTrip.
GazetteerIcon() - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.GazetteerIcon
Creates a new transcoded SVG image.
GazetteerIcon(boolean) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.GazetteerIcon
GazetteerIcon(Dimension) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.GazetteerIcon
Creates a new transcoded SVG image with the given dimensions.
GazetteerIcon(Dimension, boolean) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.GazetteerIcon
GazetteerIcon(int, int) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.GazetteerIcon
GazetteerIcon(int, int, boolean) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.GazetteerIcon
GazetteerLists - Class in gate.util.ant.packager
Class that extracts the list of gazetteer .lst files from a .def.
GazetteerLists() - Constructor for class gate.util.ant.packager.GazetteerLists
GDAY - Static variable in class gate.creole.ontology.OConstants.XMLSchema
generateCorpus(File, File) - Method in class gate.util.CorpusBenchmarkTool
generateHTMLTable(Pattern) - Static method in class gate.creole.annic.HTMLGenerator
This method exports the annic pattern to HTML.
generateOURI(String) - Method in interface gate.creole.ontology.Ontology
Generate a new unique OURI for this ontology.
generateOURI(String, String) - Method in interface gate.creole.ontology.Ontology
Generate a new unique OURI for this ontology.
generateParseException() - Method in class gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.analysis.standard.StandardTokenizer
genSym() - Static method in class gate.Gate
Returns a new unique string
gensym() - Static method in class gate.util.Tools
Returns a Long wich is unique during the current run.
genTime() - Static method in class gate.util.Tools
GEORGIAN - Static variable in interface gate.creole.ontology.OConstants
Language code used "ka"
GERMAN - Static variable in interface gate.creole.ontology.OConstants
Language code used "de"
get(Integer) - Method in class gate.annotation.AnnotationSetImpl
Find annotations by id
get() - Method in class gate.annotation.AnnotationSetImpl
Get all annotations.
get(String) - Method in class gate.annotation.AnnotationSetImpl
Select annotations by type
get(Set<String>) - Method in class gate.annotation.AnnotationSetImpl
Select annotations by a set of types.
get(String, FeatureMap) - Method in class gate.annotation.AnnotationSetImpl
Select annotations by type and features This will return an annotation set containing just those annotations of a particular type (i.e.
get(String, Set<? extends Object>) - Method in class gate.annotation.AnnotationSetImpl
Select annotations by type and feature names
get(Long) - Method in class gate.annotation.AnnotationSetImpl
Select annotations by offset.
get(Long, Long) - Method in class gate.annotation.AnnotationSetImpl
Select annotations by offset.
get(String, Long, Long) - Method in class gate.annotation.AnnotationSetImpl
Select annotations by offset.
get(String, FeatureMap, Long) - Method in class gate.annotation.AnnotationSetImpl
Select annotations by type, features and offset
get(String, FeatureMap) - Method in interface gate.AnnotationSet
Select annotations by type and feature values.
get(String, Set<? extends Object>) - Method in interface gate.AnnotationSet
Select annotations by type and feature names It returns all annotations of the given type that have the given set of features, regardless of their concrete values If the type == null, then select regardless of type
get(String, FeatureMap, Long) - Method in interface gate.AnnotationSet
Select annotations by type, features and offset.
get(Long) - Method in interface gate.AnnotationSet
Select annotations by offset.
get(Long, Long) - Method in interface gate.AnnotationSet
Select annotations by offset.
get(String, Long, Long) - Method in interface gate.AnnotationSet
Select annotations by offset and type.
get(int) - Method in class gate.corpora.CorpusImpl
get(int) - Method in class gate.corpora.CorpusImpl.VerboseList
get(int) - Method in class gate.corpora.SerialCorpusImpl
get(String) - Method in class gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.document.Document
Returns the string value of the field with the given name if any exist in this document, or null.
get(int) - Method in class gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.util.BitVector
Returns true if bit is one and false if it is zero.
get() - Method in class gate.relations.RelationSet
An unmodifiable view of the contents of this RelationSet.
get(Integer) - Method in class gate.relations.RelationSet
get(Integer) - Method in interface gate.SimpleAnnotationSet
Find annotations by id
get() - Method in interface gate.SimpleAnnotationSet
Get a copy of this annotation set.
get(String) - Method in interface gate.SimpleAnnotationSet
Select annotations by type.
get(Set<String>) - Method in interface gate.SimpleAnnotationSet
Select annotations by a set of types.
get(long) - Method in class gate.util.HashMapLong
get() - Method in class gate.util.ObjectPool
Pulls out an object from the pool.
get(Object) - Method in class gate.util.RBTreeMap
Returns the value to which this map maps the specified key.
get(long) - Method in class gate.util.SimpleSortedSet
the get method retrive the List element by offset key given as argument
getActions() - Method in interface gate.gui.ActionsPublisher
Returns a list of Action objects.
getActions() - Method in class gate.gui.docview.AbstractDocumentView
getActions() - Method in class gate.gui.docview.DocumentEditor
The document view is just an empty shell.
getActions(NameBearerHandle) - Method in class gate.gui.ResourceHelper
Get the right-click menu items that this tool will add to the specified resource.
getActions() - Method in class gate.gui.SerialControllerEditor
getAdjectivePosition() - Method in interface gate.wordnet.Adjective
returns the syntactic position of the adjective in relation to noun that it modifies
getAgreedTrials() - Method in class gate.util.ClassificationMeasures
Gets the number of annotations for which the two annotation sets are in agreement with regards to the annotation type.
getAllAnnotations() - Method in class gate.gui.docview.AnnotationListView
Returns the tags for all the annotations currently displayed
getAllInstances(String) - Method in class gate.creole.CreoleRegisterImpl
getAllInstances(String, boolean) - Method in class gate.creole.CreoleRegisterImpl
getAllInstances(String) - Method in interface gate.CreoleRegister
Get a list of all the known Resource instances in the register that are of the specified (class or interface) type or one of its sub-types.
getAllResources() - Method in interface gate.creole.ontology.Ontology
getAllSetProperties() - Method in interface gate.creole.ontology.OResource
This method returns all the set properties set on this resource.
getAllTypes() - Method in class gate.annotation.AnnotationSetImpl
Get a set of java.lang.String objects representing all the annotation types present in this annotation set.
getAllTypes() - Method in interface gate.SimpleAnnotationSet
Get a set of java.lang.String objects representing all the annotation types present in this annotation set.
getAmpCodingInfo() - Method in class gate.html.HtmlDocumentHandler
Return current RepositioningInfo object for ampersand coding.
getAmpCodingInfo() - Method in class gate.html.NekoHtmlDocumentHandler
Return current RepositioningInfo object for ampersand coding.
getAmpCodingInfo() - Method in class gate.xml.XmlDocumentHandler
Return current RepositioningInfo object for ampersand coding.
getAnalyser() - Method in class gate.util.LanguageAnalyserDocumentProcessor
getAnalyzer() - Method in class gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.index.IndexWriter
Returns the analyzer used by this index.
getAnnotation() - Method in class gate.event.AnnotationSetEvent
Gets the annotation that has been added or removed
getAnnotation() - Method in interface gate.gui.annedit.AnnotationData
Gets the Annotation object represented by this structure.
getAnnotation() - Method in class gate.gui.annedit.AnnotationDataImpl
getAnnotationAtRow(int) - Method in interface gate.gui.docview.AnnotationList
Provides the annotation
getAnnotationAtRow(int) - Method in class gate.gui.docview.AnnotationListView
getAnnotationCurrentlyEdited() - Method in interface gate.creole.AnnotationVisualResource
getAnnotationCurrentlyEdited() - Method in class gate.gui.docview.AnnotationEditor
getAnnotationName() - Method in class gate.creole.AnnotationSchema
Returns the value of annotation name
getAnnotationProperties() - Method in interface gate.creole.ontology.Ontology
Gets the set of Annotation Properties in the ontology where for a property there exists a statement .
getAnnotationProperty(OURI) - Method in interface gate.creole.ontology.Ontology
Returns the annotation property for the given URI or null if there is no annotation property with that URI.
getAnnotationPropertyValues(AnnotationProperty) - Method in interface gate.creole.ontology.OResource
Gets the list of values for a given property name.
getAnnotations() - Method in class gate.corpora.DocumentImpl
Get the default set of annotations.
getAnnotations(String) - Method in class gate.corpora.DocumentImpl
Get a named set of annotations.
getAnnotations() - Method in interface gate.SimpleDocument
Get the default set of annotations.
getAnnotations(String) - Method in interface gate.SimpleDocument
Get a named set of annotations.
getAnnotationsAtOffset(AnnotationSet, Long) - Static method in class gate.Utils
Return a the subset of annotations from the given annotation set that start exactly at the given offset.
getAnnotationSchema() - Method in class gate.annotation.CorpusAnnotationDiff
getAnnotationSet() - Method in interface gate.gui.annedit.AnnotationData
Gets the AnnotationSet object containing the annotation stored by this structure.
getAnnotationSet() - Method in class gate.gui.annedit.AnnotationDataImpl
getAnnotationSet() - Method in class gate.relations.RelationSet
The AnnotationSet which this instance belongs to.
getAnnotationSetCurrentlyEdited() - Method in interface gate.creole.AnnotationVisualResource
getAnnotationSetCurrentlyEdited() - Method in class gate.gui.docview.AnnotationEditor
getAnnotationSetName() - Method in class gate.corpora.export.InlineXMLExporter
getAnnotationSetName() - Method in class gate.creole.annic.Hit
Returns the annotation set this pattern belongs to.
getAnnotationSetName() - Method in class gate.creole.annic.lucene.LuceneQueryResult
Gets the annotation set Name for this result
getAnnotationSetName() - Method in class
getAnnotationSetName() - Method in class gate.event.DocumentEvent
Gets the name of the AnnotationSet that has been added or removed.
getAnnotationSetNames() - Method in class gate.corpora.DocumentImpl
getAnnotationSetNames(String) - Method in class gate.gui.LuceneDataStoreSearchGUI
getAnnotationSetNames() - Method in interface gate.SimpleDocument
getAnnotationsOfType(int) - Method in class gate.annotation.CorpusAnnotationDiff
Returns a set with all annotations of a specific type
getAnnotationsOfType(int) - Method in class gate.util.AnnotationDiffer
A method that returns specific type of annotations
getAnnotationType() - Method in class gate.util.AnnotationDiffer
getAnnotationTypeDisplayed() - Method in class gate.creole.ResourceData
A simple accessor for annotationTypeDisplayed field
getAnnotationTypeForFalsePositive() - Method in class gate.annotation.CorpusAnnotationDiff
Gets the annotation type needed to calculate the falsePossitive measure
getAnnotationTypes() - Method in class gate.corpora.export.InlineXMLExporter
getAnnotationTypesMap() - Method in class gate.creole.annic.lucene.LuceneSearcher
Gets the map of found annotation types and annotation features.
getAnnotationTypesMap() - Method in interface gate.creole.annic.Searcher
Returns the Map containing all possible values of AnnotationTypes and Feature Values for each of this annotationType.
getAnnotationVRs() - Method in class gate.creole.CreoleRegisterImpl
Returns a list of strings representing class names for annotation VRs that are able to display/edit all types of annotations.
getAnnotationVRs(String) - Method in class gate.creole.CreoleRegisterImpl
Returns a list of strings representing class names for annotation VRs that are able to display/edit a given annotation type The default VR will be the first in the returned list.
getAnnotationVRs() - Method in interface gate.CreoleRegister
Returns a list of strings representing class names for annotation VRs that are able to display/edit all types of annotations.
getAnnotationVRs(String) - Method in interface gate.CreoleRegister
Returns a list of strings representing class names for annotation VRs that are able to display/edit a given annotation type The default VR will be the first in the returned list.
getApplicationTypes() - Method in class gate.creole.CreoleRegisterImpl
Get the list of types of packaged application resources in the register.
getApplicationTypes() - Method in interface gate.CreoleRegister
Get the list of packaged application types in the register.
getArtifact() - Method in class gate.creole.Plugin.Maven
Get the Maven artifact ID of this plugin.
getArtifact() - Method in class gate.util.maven.Utils
getArtifactID() - Method in class gate.util.persistence.UpgradeXGAPP.UpgradePath
getArtifactURL() - Method in class gate.creole.Plugin.Maven
getAuto(IndexReader, String) - Method in interface
Checks the internal cache for an appropriate entry, and if none is found reads field to see if it contains integers, floats or strings, and then calls one of the other methods in this class to get the values.
getAutoloadPlugins() - Static method in class gate.Gate
Returns the list of CREOLE directories the system loads automatically at start-up.
getBackgroundAt(int, int) - Method in class gate.gui.AnnotationDiffGUI.DiffTableModel
getBaseTokenAnnotationType() - Method in class
getBaseURI() - Method in class gate.creole.Plugin
getBaseURI() - Method in class gate.creole.Plugin.Maven
getBaseURL() - Method in class gate.creole.Plugin
getBeanInfo(Class<? extends Resource>) - Static method in class gate.creole.AbstractResource
getBeginColumn() - Method in interface gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.analysis.standard.CharStream
Returns the column number of the first character for current token (being matched after the last call to BeginTOken).
getBeginColumn() - Method in class gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.analysis.standard.FastCharStream
getBeginLine() - Method in interface gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.analysis.standard.CharStream
Returns the line number of the first character for current token (being matched after the last call to BeginTOken).
getBeginLine() - Method in class gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.analysis.standard.FastCharStream
getBenchmarkFile() - Method in class gate.util.reporting.DocTimeReporter
getBenchmarkFile() - Method in class gate.util.reporting.PRTimeReporter
getBenchmarkId() - Method in class gate.creole.AbstractController
Returns the benchmark ID of this controller.
getBenchmarkId() - Method in interface gate.util.Benchmarkable
Returns the benchmark ID of this resource.
getBoolean(Object) - Method in class gate.util.OptionsMap
If the object stored under key is a Boolean then returns its value otherwise returns false.
getBoolean(Object, Boolean) - Method in class gate.util.OptionsMap
getBooleanDataType() - Static method in class gate.creole.ontology.DataType
denotes the "" datatype.
getBoost() - Method in class gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.document.Document
Returns the boost factor for hits on any field of this document.
getBoost() - Method in class gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.document.Field
Returns the boost factor for hits on any field of this document.
getBoost() - Method in class
Gets the boost for this clause.
getBottomView() - Method in class gate.gui.docview.DocumentEditor
Gets the currently showing bottom view
getBuiltinCreoleDir() - Static method in class gate.Gate
Get the URL to the "builtin" creole directory, i.e.
getByteArray(File) - Static method in class gate.util.Files
Get a byte array representing the contents of a binary file.
getByteDataType() - Static method in class gate.creole.ontology.DataType
denotes the "" datatype.
getCategoryTimeLast(String) - Method in class gate.util.profile.Profiler
Returns 0 if the category was not found
getCategoryTimeSum(String) - Method in class gate.util.profile.Profiler
Returns 0 if the category was not found
getCellEditorValue() - Method in class gate.gui.AlternatingTableCellEditor
getCellEditorValue() - Method in class gate.gui.creole.manager.JTextPaneTableCellRenderer
getCellEditorValue() - Method in class gate.gui.docview.AnnotationSetsView.SetsTableCellEditor
getCellEditorValue() - Method in class gate.gui.persistence.XgappUpgradeSelector.PluginCoordinatesEditor
getCentralView() - Method in class gate.gui.docview.DocumentEditor
Gets the currently showing central view
getCentralViews() - Method in class gate.gui.docview.DocumentEditor
getChild(Object, int) - Method in class gate.swing.AbstractTreeTableModel
getChildCount(Object) - Method in class gate.swing.AbstractTreeTableModel
getChildren() - Method in class gate.util.GateClassLoader
Get the child classloaders in creation order.
getClassForURIOrName(Ontology, String) - Method in class gate.util.SimpleFeatureMapImpl
Look up the given name in the given ontology.
getClassLoader() - Static method in class gate.Gate
Get the GATE class loader.
getClassName() - Method in class gate.creole.ResourceData
Get method for the resource class name
getClassType() - Method in class gate.corpora.DocumentData
getClauses() - Method in class
Returns the set of clauses in this query.
getCloseAction() - Method in class gate.gui.NameBearerHandle
getCloseRecursivelyAction() - Method in class gate.gui.NameBearerHandle
getClosestMatch(K) - Method in class gate.util.RBTreeMap
Returns a pair of values: (glb,lub).
getCoextensiveAnnotations(AnnotationSet, AnnotationSet) - Static method in class gate.Utils
Get all the annotations from the source annotation set that start and end at exactly the same offsets as the given annotation set.
getCoextensiveAnnotations(AnnotationSet, AnnotationSet, String) - Static method in class gate.Utils
Get all the annotations from the source annotation set that start and end at exactly the same offsets as the given annotation set and are of the specified type.
getCoextensiveAnnotations(AnnotationSet, Annotation) - Static method in class gate.Utils
Get all the annotations from the source annotation set that start and end at exactly the same offsets as the given annotation.
getCoextensiveAnnotations(AnnotationSet, Annotation, String) - Static method in class gate.Utils
Get all the annotations from the source annotation set that start and end at exactly the same offsets as the given annotation and have the specified type.
getCollectRepositioningInfo() - Method in class gate.corpora.DocumentImpl
Get the collectiong and preserving of repositioning information for the Document.
getCollectRepositioningInfo() - Method in interface gate.Document
Get the collectiong and preserving of repositioning information for the Document.
getColor(String, String) - Static method in class gate.gui.docview.AnnotationSetsView
Get the saved colour for this annotation type or create a new one and save it.
getColour() - Method in class gate.gui.docview.AnnotationSetsView.TypeHandler
getColumn() - Method in interface gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.analysis.standard.CharStream
getColumn() - Method in class gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.analysis.standard.FastCharStream
getColumnClass(int) - Method in class gate.annotation.CorpusAnnotationDiff.AnnotationDiffTableModel
Return the class type for each column.
getColumnClass(int) - Method in class gate.gui.AnnotationDiffGUI.DiffTableModel
getColumnClass(int) - Method in class gate.gui.LuceneDataStoreSearchGUI.ConfigureStackViewTableModel
getColumnClass(int) - Method in class gate.gui.LuceneDataStoreSearchGUI.ResultTableModel
getColumnClass(int) - Method in class gate.gui.persistence.XgappUpgradeSelector.UpgradePathTableModel
getColumnClass(int) - Method in class gate.gui.ResourceParametersEditor.ParametersTableModel
getColumnClass(int) - Method in class gate.swing.AbstractTreeTableModel
getColumnClass(int) - Method in interface gate.swing.TreeTableModel
Returns the type for column number column.
getColumnClass(int) - Method in class gate.swing.XJTable.SortingModel
getColumnCount() - Method in class gate.annotation.CorpusAnnotationDiff.AnnotationDiffTableModel
Return the number of columns.
getColumnCount() - Method in class gate.gui.AnnotationDiffGUI.DiffTableModel
getColumnCount() - Method in class gate.gui.docview.AnnotationSetsView.SetsTableModel
getColumnCount() - Method in class gate.gui.FeaturesSchemaEditor.FeaturesTableModel
getColumnCount() - Method in class gate.gui.LuceneDataStoreSearchGUI.ConfigureStackViewTableModel
getColumnCount() - Method in class gate.gui.LuceneDataStoreSearchGUI.ResultTableModel
getColumnCount() - Method in class gate.gui.persistence.XgappUpgradeSelector.UpgradePathTableModel
getColumnCount() - Method in class gate.gui.ResourceParametersEditor.ParametersTableModel
getColumnCount() - Method in class gate.swing.AbstractTreeTableModel
getColumnCount() - Method in interface gate.swing.TreeTableModel
Returns the number ofs availible column.
getColumnCount() - Method in class gate.swing.XJTable.SortingModel
getColumnForComponentIndex(int) - Method in class gate.swing.MenuLayout
getColumnName(int) - Method in class gate.annotation.CorpusAnnotationDiff.AnnotationDiffTableModel
Returns the name of each column in the model
getColumnName(int) - Method in class gate.gui.AnnotationDiffGUI.DiffTableModel
getColumnName(int) - Method in class gate.gui.FeaturesSchemaEditor.FeaturesTableModel
getColumnName(int) - Method in class gate.gui.LuceneDataStoreSearchGUI.ConfigureStackViewTableModel
getColumnName(int) - Method in class gate.gui.LuceneDataStoreSearchGUI.ResultTableModel
getColumnName(int) - Method in class gate.gui.persistence.XgappUpgradeSelector.UpgradePathTableModel
getColumnName(int) - Method in class gate.gui.ResourceParametersEditor.ParametersTableModel
getColumnName(int) - Method in class gate.swing.AbstractTreeTableModel
getColumnName(int) - Method in interface gate.swing.TreeTableModel
Returns the name for column number column.
getColumnName(int) - Method in class gate.swing.XJTable.SortingModel
getComment(Locale) - Method in interface gate.creole.ontology.OResource
getComment() - Method in class gate.creole.Parameter
Get the comment for this parameter
getComment() - Method in class gate.creole.ResourceData
Get method for the resource comment
getComment() - Method in interface gate.DataStore
Returns the comment displayed by the GUI for this DataStore
getComment() - Method in class gate.gui.ParameterDisjunction
returns the comment for the curently selected parameter.
getComment() - Method in class gate.persist.SerialDataStore
Returns the comment displayed by the GUI for this DataStore
getComments() - Method in interface gate.creole.ontology.OResource
getComparable(String) - Method in class
Returns an object which, when sorted according to natural order, will order the Term values in the correct order.
getComparator() - Method in class gate.swing.XJTable.SortingModel.ValueHolderComparator
getComponentToDisplay() - Method in class gate.gui.LogArea
getCompositeSize(Container, Dimension[]) - Method in class gate.swing.MenuLayout
Calculates the size of the target container given the sizes of the components.
getConfusionMatrix() - Method in class gate.util.ClassificationMeasures
To understand exactly which types are being confused with which other types you will need to view this array in conjunction with featureValues, which gives the class labels (annotation types) in the correct order.
getConfusionMatrix(String) - Method in class gate.util.ClassificationMeasures
getContained(Long, Long) - Method in class gate.annotation.AnnotationSetImpl
Select annotations contained within an interval, i.e.
getContained(Long, Long) - Method in interface gate.AnnotationSet
Select annotations by offset.
getContainedAnnotations(AnnotationSet, Annotation) - Static method in class gate.Utils
Get all the annotations from the source annotation set that lie within the range of the containing annotation.
getContainedAnnotations(AnnotationSet, Annotation, String) - Static method in class gate.Utils
Get all the annotations of type targetType from the source annotation set that lie within the range of the containing annotation.
getContainedAnnotations(AnnotationSet, AnnotationSet) - Static method in class gate.Utils
Get all the annotations from the source annotation set that lie within the range of the containing annotation set, i.e.
getContainedAnnotations(AnnotationSet, AnnotationSet, String) - Static method in class gate.Utils
Get all the annotations from the source annotation set with a type equal to targetType that lie within the range of the containing annotation set, i.e.
getContent(Long, Long) - Method in class gate.corpora.DocumentContentImpl
getContent() - Method in class gate.corpora.DocumentImpl
The content of the document: a String for text; MPEG for video; etc.
getContent(Long, Long) - Method in interface gate.DocumentContent
Return the contents under a particular span.
getContent() - Method in interface gate.SimpleDocument
getContextWindow() - Method in class gate.creole.annic.lucene.LuceneSearcher
Gets the number of base token annotations to show in the context.
getControllerAwarePRs() - Method in class gate.creole.AbstractController
Get the set of PRs from this controller that implement ControllerAwarePR.
getControllerTypes() - Method in class gate.creole.CreoleRegisterImpl
Get the list of types of Controller in the register.
getControllerTypes() - Method in interface gate.CreoleRegister
Get the list of types of VR in the register.
getCorpus() - Method in interface gate.CorpusController
Returns the Corpus used by this controller.
getCorpus() - Method in class gate.creole.AbstractLanguageAnalyser
Get the corpus property for this analyser.
getCorpus() - Method in interface gate.creole.annic.Indexer
Corpus to be indexed
getCorpus() - Method in class gate.creole.annic.lucene.LuceneIndexer
Returns the corpus.
getCorpus() - Method in class gate.creole.ConditionalSerialAnalyserController
getCorpus() - Method in interface
Gets the corpus this index manages will index.
getCorpus() - Method in class gate.creole.SerialAnalyserController
getCorpus() - Method in interface gate.LanguageAnalyser
Get the corpus property for this analyser.
getCorrectMatches() - Method in class gate.util.AnnotationDiffer
Gets the number of correct matches.
getCovering(String, Long, Long) - Method in class gate.annotation.AnnotationSetImpl
Select annotations of the given type that completely span the range.
getCovering(String, Long, Long) - Method in interface gate.AnnotationSet
Select annotations of the given type that completely span the range.
getCoveringAnnotations(AnnotationSet, Annotation) - Static method in class gate.Utils
Get all the annotations from the source annotation set that cover the range of the specified annotation.
getCoveringAnnotations(AnnotationSet, Annotation, String) - Static method in class gate.Utils
Get all the annotations of type targetType from the source annotation set that cover the range of the specified annotation.
getCoveringAnnotations(AnnotationSet, AnnotationSet) - Static method in class gate.Utils
Get all the annotations from the source annotation set that cover the range of the specified annotation set.
getCoveringAnnotations(AnnotationSet, AnnotationSet, String) - Static method in class gate.Utils
Get all the annotations from the source annotation set with a type equal to targetType that cover the range of the specified annotation set.
getCreoleRegister() - Static method in class gate.Gate
Get the CREOLE register.
getCreoleXML() - Method in class gate.creole.Plugin.Component
getCreoleXML() - Method in class gate.creole.Plugin.Directory
getCreoleXML() - Method in class gate.creole.Plugin
Returns a fully expanded creole.xml file that can be used for loading the plugin into GATE
getCreoleXML() - Method in class gate.creole.Plugin.Maven
getCurrentLength() - Method in class gate.corpora.RepositioningInfo.PositionInfo
Length of peace of text in the extracted content
getCurrentPosition() - Method in class gate.corpora.RepositioningInfo.PositionInfo
Position in the extracted (and probably changed) content
getCurrentVersion(String) - Static method in class gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.index.IndexReader
Reads version number from segments files.
getCurrentVersion(File) - Static method in class gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.index.IndexReader
Reads version number from segments files.
getCurrentVersion(Directory) - Static method in class gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.index.IndexReader
Reads version number from segments files.
getCurrentVersion() - Method in class gate.util.persistence.UpgradeXGAPP.UpgradePath
getCustom(IndexReader, String, SortComparator) - Method in interface
Checks the internal cache for an appropriate entry, and if none is found reads the terms out of field and calls the given SortComparator to get the sort values.
getCustomObjectsId() - Method in class gate.html.NekoHtmlDocumentHandler
getCustomObjectsId() - Method in class gate.xml.XmlDocumentHandler
Accesor method for the customObjectsId field
getDataStore() - Method in class gate.corpora.TextualDocumentFormat
getDataStore() - Method in class gate.creole.AbstractLanguageResource
Get the data store that this LR lives in.
getDatastore() - Method in class gate.event.CreoleEvent
Gets the DataStore that has been created/loaded/closed.
getDataStore() - Method in interface gate.LanguageResource
Get the data store that this LR lives in.
getDataStoreClassNames() - Static method in class gate.DataStoreRegister
All the DataStore classes available.
getDataStoreRegister() - Static method in class gate.Gate
Get the DataStore register.
getDataType() - Method in interface gate.creole.ontology.CardinalityRestriction
This method returns the datatype uri.
getDataType(String) - Static method in class gate.creole.ontology.DataType
Gets the respective datatype for the given datatype URI.
getDataType() - Method in interface gate.creole.ontology.DatatypeProperty
This method returns the DataType set for this property
getDataType() - Method in class gate.creole.ontology.Literal
Gets the datatype of the literal.
getDataType() - Method in interface gate.creole.ontology.MaxCardinalityRestriction
This method returns the datatype associated to the restriction.
getDataType() - Method in interface gate.creole.ontology.MinCardinalityRestriction
This method returns the datatype associated to the restriction.
getDataType(String) - Static method in class gate.creole.ontology.OntologyUtilities
getDatatypeProperties() - Method in interface gate.creole.ontology.Ontology
Gets the set of Datatype Properties in the ontology.
getDatatypeProperty(OURI) - Method in interface gate.creole.ontology.Ontology
Returns the datatype property for the given URI or null if there is no datatype property with that URI.
getDatatypePropertyValues(DatatypeProperty) - Method in interface gate.creole.ontology.OInstance
Gets a list of values for the given Property.
getDateDataType() - Static method in class gate.creole.ontology.DataType
denotes the "" datatype.
getDateTimeDataType() - Static method in class gate.creole.ontology.DataType
denotes the "" datatype.
getDecimalDataType() - Static method in class gate.creole.ontology.DataType
denotes the "" datatype.
getDefault() - Static method in class
Return the default Similarity implementation used by indexing and search code.
getDefaultButtonMargin() - Method in class gate.swing.JChoice
getDefaultExtension() - Method in class gate.DocumentExporter
The default extension added to files saved in this format
getDefaultNameSpace() - Method in interface gate.creole.ontology.Ontology
Gets the default name space for this ontology.
getDefaultPlugins() - Static method in class gate.gui.creole.manager.PluginUpdateManager
Returns the list of default plugins for this version of GATE.
getDefaults(List<List<Parameter>>) - Method in class gate.creole.ParameterList
Get default parameter value set.
getDefaultSelection(VersionRangeResult) - Static method in class gate.util.persistence.UpgradeXGAPP
getDefaultUserConfigFileName() - Static method in class gate.Gate
Get the default path to the user's config file, which is used unless an alternative name has been specified via system properties or Gate.setUserConfigFile(
getDefaultUserSessionFileName() - Static method in class gate.Gate
Get the default path to the user's session file, which is used unless an alternative name has been specified via system properties or Gate.setUserSessionFile(File)
getDefaultValue() - Method in class gate.creole.Parameter
Get the default value for this parameter.
getDefaultValueString() - Method in class gate.creole.Parameter
Get the default value string (unprocessed, from the metadata) for the parameter
getDescription() - Method in class
A description of this explanation node.
getDescription() - Method in class gate.creole.Plugin
getDescription() - Method in class gate.util.ExtensionFileFilter
Returns the user-frielndly description for the files, e.g.
getDestFile() - Method in class gate.util.ant.packager.PackageGappTask
Get the destination file to which the modified gapp will be written.
getDetails() - Method in class
The sub-nodes of this explanation node.
getDifferByTypeMap() - Method in class gate.util.OntologyMeasures
Be careful, don't modify it.
getDifferentInstances() - Method in interface gate.creole.ontology.OInstance
Returns a set of OInstance objects which are explicitly specified as being different from the current instance.
getDiffFeaturesList() - Method in class gate.util.CorpusBenchmarkTool
getDirectories() - Method in class gate.creole.CreoleRegisterImpl
getDirectories() - Method in interface gate.CreoleRegister
getDirectory(String, boolean) - Static method in class
Returns the directory instance for the named location.
getDirectory(File, boolean) - Static method in class
Returns the directory instance for the named location.
getDisposableClassLoader(String) - Method in class gate.util.GateClassLoader
Returns a classloader that can, at some point in the future, be forgotton which allows the class definitions to be garbage collected.
getDisposableClassLoader(String, boolean) - Method in class gate.util.GateClassLoader
getDisposableClassLoader(String, ClassLoader, boolean) - Method in class gate.util.GateClassLoader
getDistance(OClass, OClass) - Method in interface gate.creole.ontology.Ontology
Gets the taxonomic distance between 2 classes.
getDocument() - Method in class gate.annotation.AnnotationSetImpl
Get the document this set is attached to.
getDocument() - Method in class gate.creole.AbstractLanguageAnalyser
Get the document property for this analyser.
getDocument() - Method in class gate.creole.annic.lucene.LuceneReader
Gets the document object
getDocument() - Method in class gate.creole.ConditionalSerialAnalyserController
getDocument() - Method in class gate.creole.SerialAnalyserController
getDocument() - Method in class gate.event.CorpusEvent
Gets the dcument this event refers to
getDocument() - Method in interface gate.gui.annedit.AnnotationEditorOwner
Gets the document currently being edited.
getDocument() - Method in class gate.gui.docview.AbstractDocumentView
Gets the document this view displays.
getDocument() - Method in interface gate.LanguageAnalyser
Get the document property for this analyser.
getDocument() - Method in interface gate.SimpleAnnotationSet
Get the document this set is attached to.
getDocumentClassType(int) - Method in class gate.corpora.SerialCorpusImpl
getDocumentClassTypes() - Method in class gate.corpora.SerialCorpusImpl
Gets the persistent IDs of the documents in this corpus.
getDocumentFormat(Document, MimeType) - Static method in class gate.DocumentFormat
Find a DocumentFormat implementation that deals with a particular MIME type, given that type.
getDocumentFormat(Document, String) - Static method in class gate.DocumentFormat
Find a DocumentFormat implementation that deals with a particular MIME type, given the file suffix (e.g.
getDocumentFormat(MimeType) - Static method in class gate.DocumentFormat
Find the DocumentFormat implementation that deals with the given MIME type.
getDocumentFormat(Document, URL) - Static method in class gate.DocumentFormat
Find a DocumentFormat implementation that deals with a particular MIME type, given the URL of the Document.
getDocumentID() - Method in class gate.creole.annic.Hit
Returns the document ID
getDocumentID() - Method in class gate.creole.annic.lucene.LuceneQueryResult
getDocumentID() - Method in class
getDocumentIndex() - Method in class gate.event.CorpusEvent
Gets the index of the document this event refers to
getDocumentLRID() - Method in class gate.event.CorpusEvent
Gets the persistence ID of the document to which this event refers.
getDocumentMimeType() - Method in class gate.gui.SingleConcatenatedFileInputDialog
Gets the selected document type.
getDocumentName(int) - Method in class gate.corpora.CorpusImpl
Gets the name of a document in this corpus.
getDocumentName() - Method in class gate.corpora.DocumentData
getDocumentName(int) - Method in class gate.corpora.SerialCorpusImpl
Gets the name of a document in this corpus.
getDocumentName(int) - Method in interface gate.SimpleCorpus
Gets the name of a document in this corpus.
getDocumentNamePrefix() - Method in class gate.gui.SingleConcatenatedFileInputDialog
Gets the document name prefix set by user
getDocumentNames() - Method in class gate.corpora.CorpusImpl
Gets the names of the documents in this corpus.
getDocumentNames() - Method in class gate.corpora.SerialCorpusImpl
Gets the names of the documents in this corpus.
getDocumentNames() - Method in interface gate.SimpleCorpus
Gets the names of the documents in this corpus.
getDocumentPersistentID(int) - Method in class gate.corpora.SerialCorpusImpl
Gets the persistent ID of a document in this corpus.
getDocumentPersistentIDs() - Method in class gate.corpora.SerialCorpusImpl
Gets the persistent IDs of the documents in this corpus.
getDocumentRootElement() - Method in class gate.gui.SingleConcatenatedFileInputDialog
Gets the document root element set by user
getDocumentsList() - Method in class gate.corpora.CorpusImpl
getDocumentSource() - Method in class gate.html.NekoHtmlDocumentHandler
getDomain() - Method in interface gate.creole.ontology.DatatypeProperty
Returns the set of domain restrictions for this property.
getDomain() - Method in interface gate.creole.ontology.ObjectProperty
Returns the set of domain restrictions for this property.
getDomain() - Method in interface gate.creole.ontology.RDFProperty
getDouble(Object) - Method in class gate.util.OptionsMap
If the object stored under key is an Double then returns its value otherwise returns null.
getDoubleDataType() - Static method in class gate.creole.ontology.DataType
denotes the "" datatype.
getDurationDataType() - Static method in class gate.creole.ontology.DataType
denotes the "" datatype.
getEditEnd() - Method in class gate.event.DocumentEvent
getEditStart() - Method in class gate.event.DocumentEvent
getElement2StringMap() - Method in class gate.DocumentFormat
Get the element 2 string map
getElementAt(int) - Method in class gate.gui.ListEditorDialog.ResourceComboModel
getElementAt(int) - Method in class gate.gui.SerialControllerEditor.CorporaComboModel
getElementAt(int) - Method in class gate.swing.JChoice
getEmptyConfigFile() - Static method in class gate.Gate
Get an empty config file.
getEncoding() - Method in class gate.corpora.DocumentImpl
Get the encoding of the document content source
getEncoding() - Method in class gate.corpora.export.InlineXMLExporter
getEncoding() - Method in class gate.gui.CorpusFillerComponent
Gets the encoding selected by the user.
getEncoding() - Method in class gate.gui.SingleConcatenatedFileInputDialog
Gets the encoding selected by the user.
getEncoding() - Method in interface gate.TextualDocument
Gets the encoding used for this document.
getEndColumn() - Method in interface gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.analysis.standard.CharStream
Returns the column number of the last character for current token (being matched after the last call to BeginTOken).
getEndColumn() - Method in class gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.analysis.standard.FastCharStream
getEndLine() - Method in interface gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.analysis.standard.CharStream
Returns the line number of the last character for current token (being matched after the last call to BeginTOken).
getEndLine() - Method in class gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.analysis.standard.FastCharStream
getEndNode() - Method in class gate.annotation.AnnotationImpl
The end node.
getEndNode() - Method in interface gate.SimpleAnnotation
The end node.
getEndOffset() - Method in class gate.creole.annic.Hit
Returns the end offset of the matching part (query matched part)
getEndOffset() - Method in class gate.creole.annic.PatternAnnotation
Gets the end offset
getEquivalentClasses() - Method in interface gate.creole.ontology.OClass
Returns a set of all classes that are equivalent as this one.
getEquivalentPropertyAs() - Method in interface gate.creole.ontology.RDFProperty
Returns a set of all RDFProperty instances that are in EquivalentPropertyAs relation with this property.
getExecutable() - Static method in class gate.Gate
Returns the curently set executable.
getExhaustivity(Long, String) - Method in interface
getExtensions() - Method in class gate.gui.CorpusFillerComponent
Gets the current list of permitted extensions
getExtensions() - Method in class gate.util.ExtensionFileFilter
getExtraCacheDirectories() - Static method in class gate.util.maven.Utils
A list of extra workspace cache directories that should be used when resolving Maven plugins.
getExtractedPos(long) - Method in class gate.corpora.RepositioningInfo
Compute position in extracted content by position in the original content.
getExtractedPosFlow(long) - Method in class gate.corpora.RepositioningInfo
Not finished yet
getFactory() - Method in class
getFalsePositiveAverage() - Method in class gate.annotation.CorpusAnnotationDiff
getFalsePositiveLenient() - Method in class gate.annotation.CorpusAnnotationDiff
getFalsePositivesLenient() - Method in class gate.util.AnnotationDiffer
Gets the number of responses that aren't either correct or partially correct.
getFalsePositivesStrict() - Method in class gate.util.AnnotationDiffer
Gets the number of pairings of type AnnotationDiffer.SPURIOUS_TYPE.
getFalsePositiveStrict() - Method in class gate.annotation.CorpusAnnotationDiff
getFeature(String) - Method in class gate.creole.annic.PatternAnnotation
Gets the value of a feature
getFeatureName() - Method in class gate.creole.AnalyserRunningStrategy
getFeatureName() - Method in class gate.creole.FeatureSchema
Get the feature name
getFeatures() - Method in class gate.corpora.DocumentImpl
Cover unpredictable Features creation
getFeatures() - Method in class gate.creole.AbstractVisualResource
Accessor for features.
getFeatures() - Method in class gate.creole.annic.PatternAnnotation
Gets the Features
getFeatures() - Method in class gate.DocumentFormat
Get the feature set
getFeatures() - Method in class gate.gui.FeaturesSchemaEditor
Accessor for features.
getFeatures() - Method in class gate.gui.SerialDatastoreViewer
Accessor for features.
getFeatures() - Method in class gate.relations.SimpleRelation
getFeatures() - Method in class gate.util.AbstractFeatureBearer
Get the feature set
getFeatures() - Method in interface gate.util.FeatureBearer
Get the feature set.
getFeatureSchema(String) - Method in class gate.creole.AnnotationSchema
getFeatureSchemaSet() - Method in class gate.creole.AnnotationSchema
Returns the feature schema set
getFeaturesList() - Method in class gate.gui.CreateIndexGUI
getFeaturesToExclude() - Method in class
getFeatureValue() - Method in class gate.creole.AnalyserRunningStrategy
getFeatureValue() - Method in class gate.creole.FeatureSchema
This method returns the value of the feature.
getFeatureValueClass() - Method in class gate.creole.FeatureSchema
getFeatureValues() - Method in class gate.util.ClassificationMeasures
This is necessary to make sense of the confusion matrix.
getField(String) - Method in class gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.document.Document
Returns a field with the given name if any exist in this document, or null.
getField() - Method in interface gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.index.TermFreqVector
getField() - Method in class
Returns the name of the field.
getFieldNames() - Method in class gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.index.FilterIndexReader
getFieldNames(boolean) - Method in class gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.index.FilterIndexReader
getFieldNames() - Method in class gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.index.IndexReader
Returns a list of all unique field names that exist in the index pointed to by this IndexReader.
getFieldNames(boolean) - Method in class gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.index.IndexReader
Returns a list of all unique field names that exist in the index pointed to by this IndexReader.
getFieldNames() - Method in class gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.index.MultiReader
getFieldNames(boolean) - Method in class gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.index.MultiReader
getFields(String) - Method in class gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.document.Document
Returns an array of Fields with the given name.
getFields() - Method in class
returns certain document fields (if specified) from the search() call
getFile() - Method in class
getFile(Object) - Method in class gate.util.OptionsMap
getFileChooser() - Static method in class gate.gui.MainFrame
Get the file chooser.
getFileFilter() - Method in class gate.DocumentExporter
A filter used in the file chooser to restrict the view to files of this type.
getFilePointer() - Method in class
Returns the current position in this file, where the next read will occur.
getFilePointer() - Method in class
Returns the current position in this file, where the next write will occur.
getFileSep() - Static method in class gate.util.Strings
Get local fashion for file separators (e.g.
getFileType() - Method in class gate.DocumentExporter
The name of the file type exported
getFirstTermPositions() - Method in class
Returns an array of arrayLists where the first list contains document numbers, second list contains first term positions, third list contains the pattern lengths and the fourth one contains the query type for each pattern.
getFirstTermPositions() - Method in class gate.creole.annic.lucene.LuceneQueryResult
getFloatDataType() - Static method in class gate.creole.ontology.DataType
denotes the "" datatype.
getFloats(IndexReader, String) - Method in interface
Checks the internal cache for an appropriate entry, and if none is found, reads the terms in field as floats and returns an array of size reader.maxDoc() of the value each document has in the given field.
getFMeasureAverage() - Method in class gate.annotation.CorpusAnnotationDiff
getFMeasureAverage(double) - Method in class gate.util.AnnotationDiffer
Gets the average of strict and lenient F-Measure values.
getFMeasureAverage() - Method in class gate.util.CorpusBenchmarkTool
getFMeasureAverageBdm(String, double) - Method in class gate.util.OntologyMeasures
getFMeasureAverageBdm(double) - Method in class gate.util.OntologyMeasures
Gets the average of strict and lenient F-Measure values.
getFmeasureAverageCalc() - Method in class gate.util.CorpusBenchmarkTool
getFMeasureAverageProc() - Method in class gate.util.CorpusBenchmarkTool
getFMeasureLenient() - Method in class gate.annotation.CorpusAnnotationDiff
getFMeasureLenient(double) - Method in class gate.util.AnnotationDiffer
Gets the lenient F-Measure (F-Measure where the lenient precision and recall values are used) using the provided parameter as relative weight.
getFMeasureLenientBdm(String, double) - Method in class gate.util.OntologyMeasures
getFMeasureLenientBdm(double) - Method in class gate.util.OntologyMeasures
getFMeasureStrict() - Method in class gate.annotation.CorpusAnnotationDiff
getFMeasureStrict(double) - Method in class gate.util.AnnotationDiffer
Gets the strict F-Measure (the harmonic weighted mean of the strict precision and the strict recall) using the provided parameter as relative weight.
getFMeasureStrictBdm(String, double) - Method in class gate.util.OntologyMeasures
getFMeasureStrictBdm(double) - Method in class gate.util.OntologyMeasures
getFont(Object) - Method in class gate.util.OptionsMap
If the object stored under key is a Font then returns its value otherwise returns null.
getFontValue() - Method in class gate.swing.JFontChooser
getFrame() - Method in interface gate.wordnet.VerbFrame
getGappDocument() - Method in class gate.util.ant.packager.GappModel
Get the JDOM Document representing this GAPP file.
getGappFileURL() - Method in class gate.util.ant.packager.GappModel
Get the URL at which the GAPP file resides.
getGateAnnotations() - Method in class gate.creole.annic.lucene.LuceneQueryResult
Gets the GateAnnotations for each pattern.
getGateHome() - Static method in class gate.Gate
Gets the GATE home location.
getGateHome() - Method in class gate.util.ant.packager.PackageGappTask
Get the location of the GATE home directory, used to resolve $gatehome$ relative paths in the GAPP file.
getGateResource(String) - Static method in class gate.util.Files
Get a resource from the GATE resources directory.
getGateResourceAsByteArray(String) - Static method in class gate.util.Files
Get a resource from the GATE resources directory as a byte array.
getGateResourceAsStream(String) - Static method in class gate.util.Files
Get a resource from the GATE resources directory as an InputStream.
getGateResourceAsString(String) - Static method in class gate.util.Files
Get a resource from the GATE resources directory as a String.
getGenerateMode() - Method in class gate.util.CorpusBenchmarkTool
getGenericEditorActions(AnnotationSet, Annotation) - Method in class gate.gui.docview.AnnotationListView
getGloss() - Method in interface gate.wordnet.Synset
textual description of the synset
getGracefulTimeout() - Method in class gate.creole.RealtimeCorpusController
Gets the timeout in milliseconds before execution on a document is gracefully stopped.
getGroup() - Method in class gate.creole.Plugin.Maven
Get the Maven group ID of this plugin.
getGroupID() - Method in class gate.util.persistence.UpgradeXGAPP.UpgradePath
getGUI() - Method in class gate.gui.docview.AnnotationListView
getGUI() - Method in class gate.gui.docview.AnnotationSetsView
getGUI() - Method in class gate.gui.docview.AnnotationStackView
getGUI() - Method in class gate.gui.docview.CorefEditor
getGUI() - Method in interface gate.gui.docview.DocumentView
Returns the actual UI component this view represents.
getGUI() - Method in class gate.gui.docview.TextualDocumentView
getGuiRoots() - Static method in class gate.gui.MainFrame
getGuiType() - Method in class gate.creole.ResourceData
A simple accessor for guiType field
getHandle() - Method in class gate.gui.docview.AbstractDocumentView
getHasValue() - Method in interface gate.creole.ontology.AllValuesFromRestriction
Returns the resource which is set as a restricted value.
getHasValue() - Method in interface gate.creole.ontology.HasValueRestriction
Returns the resource which is set as a value * @return
getHasValue() - Method in interface gate.creole.ontology.SomeValuesFromRestriction
Returns the resource which is set as a value
getHelpURL() - Method in class gate.creole.Parameter
Get the helpURL for this parameter
getHelpURL() - Method in class gate.creole.ResourceData
Get method for the resource helpURL
getHiddenAttribute(FeatureMap) - Static method in class gate.Gate
Returns the value for the HIDDEN attribute of a feature map
getHits() - Method in class gate.creole.annic.lucene.LuceneSearcher
Gets the found hits (annic patterns).
getHits() - Method in interface gate.creole.annic.Searcher
return the last seen hits once again
getHorizontalViews() - Method in class gate.gui.docview.DocumentEditor
getIcon() - Method in class gate.creole.ResourceData
Get method for the resource icon
getIcon() - Method in interface gate.gui.Handle
getIcon(String) - Static method in class gate.gui.MainFrame
getIcon(String, ClassLoader) - Static method in class gate.gui.MainFrame
getIcon() - Method in class gate.gui.NameBearerHandle
getIconHeight() - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.AddDocumentIcon
getIconHeight() - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.AddIcon
getIconHeight() - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.AdvancedIcon
getIconHeight() - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.AnnieApplicationIcon
getIconHeight() - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.AnnotationDiffIcon
getIconHeight() - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.ApplicationIcon
getIconHeight() - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.ApplicationRealtimeIcon
getIconHeight() - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.ApplicationsIcon
getIconHeight() - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.AvailableIcon
getIconHeight() - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.CIcon
getIconHeight() - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.ClearLogIcon
getIconHeight() - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.ClosedIcon
getIconHeight() - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.CorpusBenchmarkIcon
getIconHeight() - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.CorpusIcon
getIconHeight() - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.CorpusTransIcon
getIconHeight() - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.CreolePluginIcon
getIconHeight() - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.DatastoreIcon
getIconHeight() - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.DatastoresIcon
getIconHeight() - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.DeleteIcon
getIconHeight() - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.DocumentExporterIcon
getIconHeight() - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.DocumentIcon
getIconHeight() - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.DocumentResetIcon
getIconHeight() - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.DownIcon
getIconHeight() - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.DownloadIcon
getIconHeight() - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.EditIcon
getIconHeight() - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.EditListIcon
getIconHeight() - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.ExitIcon
getIconHeight() - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.ExpandedIcon
getIconHeight() - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.ExtendLeftIcon
getIconHeight() - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.ExtendRightIcon
getIconHeight() - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.GATEIcon
getIconHeight() - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.GATEUpdateSiteIcon
getIconHeight() - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.GATEVersionIcon
getIconHeight() - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.GATEXMLIcon
getIconHeight() - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.GazetteerIcon
getIconHeight() - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.GreenBallIcon
getIconHeight() - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.HelpIcon
getIconHeight() - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.InlineXMLIcon
getIconHeight() - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.InvalidIcon
getIconHeight() - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.JapeIcon
getIconHeight() - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.LeftArrowIcon
getIconHeight() - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.LRIcon
getIconHeight() - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.lrsIcon
getIconHeight() - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.MavenIcon
getIconHeight() - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.NeTransducerIcon
getIconHeight() - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.NominalCoreferencerIcon
getIconHeight() - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.OIcon
getIconHeight() - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.OntologyIcon
getIconHeight() - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.OpenApplicationIcon
getIconHeight() - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.OpenFileIcon
getIconHeight() - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.OrthoMatcherIcon
getIconHeight() - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.ParamIcon
getIconHeight() - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.PinIcon
getIconHeight() - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.PinInIcon
getIconHeight() - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.PosTaggerIcon
getIconHeight() - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.PRIcon
getIconHeight() - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.ProgressIcon
getIconHeight() - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.PronominalCoreferencerIcon
getIconHeight() - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.prsIcon
getIconHeight() - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.ReadyMadeIcon
getIconHeight() - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.RedBallIcon
getIconHeight() - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.RefreshIcon
getIconHeight() - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.RemotePluginIcon
getIconHeight() - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.RemoveAnnotationIcon
getIconHeight() - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.RemoveDocumentIcon
getIconHeight() - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.RemoveIcon
getIconHeight() - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.RIcon
getIconHeight() - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.RightArrowIcon
getIconHeight() - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.RunIcon
getIconHeight() - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.SaveIcon
getIconHeight() - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.ScrollLockIcon
getIconHeight() - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.SearchIcon
getIconHeight() - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.SentenceSplitterIcon
getIconHeight() - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.TickIcon
getIconHeight() - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.TokeniserIcon
getIconHeight() - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.UpdatesIcon
getIconHeight() - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.UpdateSiteIcon
getIconHeight() - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.UpIcon
getIconHeight() - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.UserPluginIcon
getIconHeight() - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.WindowNewIcon
getIconHeight() - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.YellowBallIcon
getIconHeight() - Method in class gate.swing.VerticalTextIcon
Returns the icon's height.
getIconName() - Method in interface gate.DataStore
Returns the name of the icon to be used when this datastore is displayed in the GUI
getIconName() - Method in class gate.persist.SerialDataStore
Returns the name of the icon to be used when this datastore is displayed in the GUI
getIconWidth() - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.AddDocumentIcon
getIconWidth() - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.AddIcon
getIconWidth() - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.AdvancedIcon
getIconWidth() - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.AnnieApplicationIcon
getIconWidth() - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.AnnotationDiffIcon
getIconWidth() - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.ApplicationIcon
getIconWidth() - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.ApplicationRealtimeIcon
getIconWidth() - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.ApplicationsIcon
getIconWidth() - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.AvailableIcon
getIconWidth() - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.CIcon
getIconWidth() - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.ClearLogIcon
getIconWidth() - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.ClosedIcon
getIconWidth() - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.CorpusBenchmarkIcon
getIconWidth() - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.CorpusIcon
getIconWidth() - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.CorpusTransIcon
getIconWidth() - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.CreolePluginIcon
getIconWidth() - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.DatastoreIcon
getIconWidth() - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.DatastoresIcon
getIconWidth() - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.DeleteIcon
getIconWidth() - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.DocumentExporterIcon
getIconWidth() - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.DocumentIcon
getIconWidth() - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.DocumentResetIcon
getIconWidth() - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.DownIcon
getIconWidth() - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.DownloadIcon
getIconWidth() - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.EditIcon
getIconWidth() - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.EditListIcon
getIconWidth() - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.ExitIcon
getIconWidth() - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.ExpandedIcon
getIconWidth() - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.ExtendLeftIcon
getIconWidth() - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.ExtendRightIcon
getIconWidth() - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.GATEIcon
getIconWidth() - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.GATEUpdateSiteIcon
getIconWidth() - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.GATEVersionIcon
getIconWidth() - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.GATEXMLIcon
getIconWidth() - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.GazetteerIcon
getIconWidth() - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.GreenBallIcon
getIconWidth() - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.HelpIcon
getIconWidth() - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.InlineXMLIcon
getIconWidth() - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.InvalidIcon
getIconWidth() - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.JapeIcon
getIconWidth() - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.LeftArrowIcon
getIconWidth() - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.LRIcon
getIconWidth() - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.lrsIcon
getIconWidth() - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.MavenIcon
getIconWidth() - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.NeTransducerIcon
getIconWidth() - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.NominalCoreferencerIcon
getIconWidth() - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.OIcon
getIconWidth() - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.OntologyIcon
getIconWidth() - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.OpenApplicationIcon
getIconWidth() - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.OpenFileIcon
getIconWidth() - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.OrthoMatcherIcon
getIconWidth() - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.ParamIcon
getIconWidth() - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.PinIcon
getIconWidth() - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.PinInIcon
getIconWidth() - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.PosTaggerIcon
getIconWidth() - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.PRIcon
getIconWidth() - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.ProgressIcon
getIconWidth() - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.PronominalCoreferencerIcon
getIconWidth() - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.prsIcon
getIconWidth() - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.ReadyMadeIcon
getIconWidth() - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.RedBallIcon
getIconWidth() - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.RefreshIcon
getIconWidth() - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.RemotePluginIcon
getIconWidth() - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.RemoveAnnotationIcon
getIconWidth() - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.RemoveDocumentIcon
getIconWidth() - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.RemoveIcon
getIconWidth() - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.RIcon
getIconWidth() - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.RightArrowIcon
getIconWidth() - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.RunIcon
getIconWidth() - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.SaveIcon
getIconWidth() - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.ScrollLockIcon
getIconWidth() - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.SearchIcon
getIconWidth() - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.SentenceSplitterIcon
getIconWidth() - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.TickIcon
getIconWidth() - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.TokeniserIcon
getIconWidth() - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.UpdatesIcon
getIconWidth() - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.UpdateSiteIcon
getIconWidth() - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.UpIcon
getIconWidth() - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.UserPluginIcon
getIconWidth() - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.WindowNewIcon
getIconWidth() - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.YellowBallIcon
getIconWidth() - Method in class gate.swing.VerticalTextIcon
Returns the icon's width.
getId() - Method in class gate.annotation.AnnotationImpl
The ID of the annotation.
getId() - Method in class gate.annotation.NodeImpl
Returns the Id of the Node.
getId() - Method in class gate.relations.SimpleRelation
getID() - Method in class gate.util.GateClassLoader
getId() - Method in interface gate.util.IdBearer
The ID.
getIgnorableTags() - Method in class gate.corpora.NekoHtmlDocumentFormat
getIgnorableTags() - Method in class gate.html.NekoHtmlDocumentHandler
Get the set of tag names whose content is ignored by this handler.
GetImage() - Method in interface gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.analysis.standard.CharStream
Returns a string made up of characters from the marked token beginning to the current buffer position.
GetImage() - Method in class gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.analysis.standard.FastCharStream
getImage() - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.AddDocumentIcon
getImage() - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.AddIcon
getImage() - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.AdvancedIcon
getImage() - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.AnnieApplicationIcon
getImage() - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.AnnotationDiffIcon
getImage() - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.ApplicationIcon
getImage() - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.ApplicationRealtimeIcon
getImage() - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.ApplicationsIcon
getImage() - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.AvailableIcon
getImage() - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.CIcon
getImage() - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.ClearLogIcon
getImage() - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.ClosedIcon
getImage() - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.CorpusBenchmarkIcon
getImage() - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.CorpusIcon
getImage() - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.CorpusTransIcon
getImage() - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.CreolePluginIcon
getImage() - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.DatastoreIcon
getImage() - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.DatastoresIcon
getImage() - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.DeleteIcon
getImage() - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.DocumentExporterIcon
getImage() - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.DocumentIcon
getImage() - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.DocumentResetIcon
getImage() - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.DownIcon
getImage() - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.DownloadIcon
getImage() - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.EditIcon
getImage() - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.EditListIcon
getImage() - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.ExitIcon
getImage() - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.ExpandedIcon
getImage() - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.ExtendLeftIcon
getImage() - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.ExtendRightIcon
getImage() - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.GATEIcon
getImage() - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.GATEUpdateSiteIcon
getImage() - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.GATEVersionIcon
getImage() - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.GATEXMLIcon
getImage() - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.GazetteerIcon
getImage() - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.GreenBallIcon
getImage() - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.HelpIcon
getImage() - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.InlineXMLIcon
getImage() - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.InvalidIcon
getImage() - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.JapeIcon
getImage() - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.LeftArrowIcon
getImage() - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.LRIcon
getImage() - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.lrsIcon
getImage() - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.MavenIcon
getImage() - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.NeTransducerIcon
getImage() - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.NominalCoreferencerIcon
getImage() - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.OIcon
getImage() - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.OntologyIcon
getImage() - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.OpenApplicationIcon
getImage() - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.OpenFileIcon
getImage() - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.OrthoMatcherIcon
getImage() - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.ParamIcon
getImage() - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.PinIcon
getImage() - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.PinInIcon
getImage() - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.PosTaggerIcon
getImage() - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.PRIcon
getImage() - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.ProgressIcon
getImage() - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.PronominalCoreferencerIcon
getImage() - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.prsIcon
getImage() - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.ReadyMadeIcon
getImage() - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.RedBallIcon
getImage() - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.RefreshIcon
getImage() - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.RemotePluginIcon
getImage() - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.RemoveAnnotationIcon
getImage() - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.RemoveDocumentIcon
getImage() - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.RemoveIcon
getImage() - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.RIcon
getImage() - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.RightArrowIcon
getImage() - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.RunIcon
getImage() - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.SaveIcon
getImage() - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.ScrollLockIcon
getImage() - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.SearchIcon
getImage() - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.SentenceSplitterIcon
getImage() - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.TickIcon
getImage() - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.TokeniserIcon
getImage() - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.UpdatesIcon
getImage() - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.UpdateSiteIcon
getImage() - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.UpIcon
getImage() - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.UserPluginIcon
getImage() - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.WindowNewIcon
getImage() - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.YellowBallIcon
getIncludeFeatures() - Method in class gate.corpora.export.InlineXMLExporter
getIncludeOriginalMarkups() - Method in class gate.corpora.export.InlineXMLExporter
getIndexAt(Point) - Method in class gate.swing.XJTabbedPane
Gets the tab index for a given location
getIndexByOriginalPosition(long) - Method in class gate.corpora.RepositioningInfo
Return the position info index containing @param absPos If there is no such position info return -1.
getIndexByOriginalPositionFlow(long) - Method in class gate.corpora.RepositioningInfo
Return the position info index containing @param absPos or the index of record before this position.
getIndexDefinition() - Method in class gate.corpora.SerialCorpusImpl
getIndexDefinition() - Method in interface
getIndexDefinition() - Method in interface
Gets the index definition for this index manager.
getIndexDelay() - Method in class gate.persist.LuceneDataStoreImpl
getIndexedAnnotationSetNames() - Method in class gate.creole.annic.lucene.LuceneSearcher
This method returns a set of annotation set names that are indexed.
getIndexedAnnotationSetNames() - Method in interface gate.creole.annic.Searcher
Returns an containing names of the indexed annotation sets * Each entry has the following format:
getIndexedFieldNames(boolean) - Method in class gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.index.FilterIndexReader
getIndexedFieldNames(boolean) - Method in class gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.index.IndexReader
getIndexedFieldNames(boolean) - Method in class gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.index.MultiReader
getIndexer() - Method in interface gate.creole.annic.Searchable
Returns the Indexer
getIndexer() - Method in class gate.persist.LuceneDataStoreImpl
getIndexFields() - Method in class
getIndexFields() - Method in interface
getIndexLocation() - Method in class
getIndexLocation() - Method in interface
getIndexLocation() - Method in class gate.gui.CreateIndexGUI
getIndexManager() - Method in class gate.corpora.SerialCorpusImpl
getIndexManager() - Method in interface
getIndexmanager() - Method in interface
Gets the index manager component of this IR engine.
getIndexOfChild(Object, Object) - Method in class gate.swing.AbstractTreeTableModel
This method is not called by the current implementation of JTree.
getIndexParameters() - Method in class gate.creole.annic.lucene.LuceneIndexer
Returns the indexing parameters
getIndexStatistics() - Method in class gate.corpora.SerialCorpusImpl
getIndexStatistics() - Method in interface
getInitimeDefaults() - Method in class gate.creole.ParameterList
Get default initime parameter value set.
getInitimeParameters() - Method in class gate.creole.ParameterList
Get the list of initialisation-time parameters (as a list of parameter disjunctions).
getInitParameterValues(Resource) - Static method in class gate.creole.AbstractResource
Get the current values for all of a specified resource's registered init-time parameters.
getInitParameterValues() - Method in class gate.creole.AbstractResource
Get the current values for all this resource's registered init-time parameters.
getInitParameterValues() - Method in class gate.creole.AbstractVisualResource
Get the current values for all this resource's registered init-time parameters.
getInputAnnotationSets(Controller) - Static method in class gate.gui.teamware.TeamwareUtils
Get the set of annotation set names that an application requires for input.
getInputStream() - Method in class gate.util.ObjectWriter
Returns a PipedInputStream from which the object given as parameter for the constructor can be read.
getInstance(String) - Static method in class gate.DocumentExporter
getInstance() - Static method in class gate.gui.MainFrame
getInstance(GraphicsConfiguration) - Static method in class gate.gui.MainFrame
getInstantiations() - Method in class gate.creole.ResourceData
Get the list of instantiations of resources
getInt(Object) - Method in class gate.util.OptionsMap
If the object stored under key is an Integer then returns its value otherwise returns null.
getInt(Object, Integer) - Method in class gate.util.OptionsMap
getIntDataType() - Static method in class gate.creole.ontology.DataType
denotes the "" datatype.
getIntegerDataType() - Static method in class gate.creole.ontology.DataType
denotes the "" datatype.
getInterfaceName() - Method in class gate.creole.ResourceData
Get method for the resource interface name
getInterfacesAndClass(String, Set<String>) - Method in class gate.creole.BootStrap
returns the string with the interfaces that implement the main class and the class that extends it
getInts(IndexReader, String) - Method in interface
Checks the internal cache for an appropriate entry, and if none is found, reads the terms in field as integers and returns an array of size reader.maxDoc() of the value each document has in the given field.
getInverseProperties() - Method in interface gate.creole.ontology.ObjectProperty
Returns the set of inverse properties for this property.
getInverseType() - Method in interface gate.wordnet.Relation
returns the inverse relation (Hyponym <-> Hypernym, etc)
getIREngine() - Method in class gate.gui.CreateIndexGUI
getIrEngineClassName() - Method in class
Gets the fully qualified class name for the IR engine to be used.
getIrEngineClassName() - Method in interface
Gets the type of IR engine to be used for indexing
getItemClassName() - Method in class gate.creole.Parameter
If this parameter is a List type this will return the type of the items in the list.
getItemCount() - Method in class gate.swing.JChoice
getJarFileName() - Method in class gate.creole.ResourceData
Get method for the resource jar file name
getJarFileUrl() - Method in class gate.creole.ResourceData
Get method for the resource jar file URL
getKappaCohen() - Method in class gate.util.ClassificationMeasures
Kappa is defined as the observed agreements minus the agreement expected by chance.
getKappaPi() - Method in class gate.util.ClassificationMeasures
Kappa is defined as the observed agreements minus the agreement expected by chance.
getKey() - Method in interface gate.util.AnnotationDiffer.Pairing
Gets the key annotation of the pairing.
getKey() - Method in class gate.util.AnnotationDiffer.PairingImpl
getKey() - Method in class gate.util.OrderByRestriction
getKeyAnnotationSetName() - Method in class gate.annotation.CorpusAnnotationDiff
Gets the keyAnnotationSetName.
getKeyCorpus() - Method in class gate.annotation.CorpusAnnotationDiff
getKeyDocument() - Method in class gate.annotation.CorpusAnnotationDiff.DiffSetElement
Get Key document
getKeyFeatureNamesSet() - Method in class gate.annotation.CorpusAnnotationDiff
Gets the keyFeatureNamesSet in AnnotDiff.
getKeyIndex() - Method in interface gate.util.AnnotationDiffer.Pairing
getKeyIndex() - Method in class gate.util.AnnotationDiffer.PairingImpl
getKeysCount() - Method in class gate.util.AnnotationDiffer
Gets the number of keys provided.
getKnownPlugins() - Static method in class gate.Gate
Returns the list of CREOLE directories the system knows about (either pre-installed plugins in the plugins directory or CREOLE directories that have previously been loaded manually).
getLabel(Locale) - Method in interface gate.creole.ontology.OResource
getLabel() - Method in interface gate.wordnet.Relation
returns a label for the relation, e.g.
getLabels() - Method in interface gate.creole.ontology.OResource
This method returns a set of labels specified on this resource.
getLanguage() - Method in class gate.creole.ontology.Literal
Use the method getLanguageTag() instead.
getLanguageTag() - Method in class gate.creole.ontology.Literal
The language tag of the literal as a two-character lowercase language code or null if no language tag is associated.
getLargeView() - Method in interface gate.gui.Handle
Returns the large view for this resource.
getLargeView() - Method in class gate.gui.NameBearerHandle
Returns the large view for this resource.
getLargeVRsForResource(String) - Method in class gate.creole.CreoleRegisterImpl
Returns a list of strings representing class names for large VRs valid for a given type of language/processing resource.
getLargeVRsForResource(String) - Method in interface gate.CreoleRegister
Returns a list of strings representing class names for large VRs valid for a given type of language/processing resource.
getLastDuration() - Method in class gate.util.profile.Profiler
getLastPathComponent(String) - Static method in class gate.util.Files
It returns the last component in a file path.
getLeftAnnotation() - Method in class gate.annotation.CorpusAnnotationDiff.DiffSetElement
Gets the left annotation
getLeftContextStartOffset() - Method in class gate.creole.annic.Pattern
Returns the start offset of the left context
getLeftType() - Method in class gate.annotation.CorpusAnnotationDiff.DiffSetElement
Get the left type
getLemma() - Method in interface gate.wordnet.Word
returns the lemma of this word
getLexicalRelations() - Method in interface gate.wordnet.WordSense
return the Lex relations this sense participates in
getLexicalRelations(int) - Method in interface gate.wordnet.WordSense
return the Lex relations (of the specified type) this sense participates in
getLikelyInputAnnotationSets(Controller) - Static method in class gate.gui.teamware.TeamwareUtils
Analyse the given controller and return a list of likely candidate input annotation sets.
getLikelyOutputAnnotationSets(Controller) - Static method in class gate.gui.teamware.TeamwareUtils
Analyse the given controller and return a list of likely candidate output annotation sets.
getLine() - Method in interface gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.analysis.standard.CharStream
getLine() - Method in class gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.analysis.standard.FastCharStream
getListCellRendererComponent(JList, Object, int, boolean, boolean) - Method in class gate.gui.ResourceRenderer
getListComponent() - Method in class gate.gui.docview.AnnotationSetsView
getListeners() - Static method in class gate.Gate
Returns the listeners map, a map that holds all the listeners that are singletons (e.g.
getLiteral() - Method in interface gate.creole.ontology.LiteralOrONodeID
Get the Literal object if this object represents a literal.
getLiteral() - Method in interface gate.creole.ontology.OValue
Get the Literal object if this object represents a literal.
getLocale() - Method in class
Returns the Locale by which term values are interpreted.
getLocale(String) - Static method in class gate.creole.ontology.DataType
Gets the respective locale for the given 2 character language code.
getLocale(String) - Static method in class gate.creole.ontology.OntologyUtilities
getLocationForResource(String) - Method in class gate.swing.XJFileChooser
getLocations() - Method in class gate.swing.XJFileChooser
Useful to modify the locations used by this file chooser.
getLogicalStart() - Method in class gate.util.reporting.DocTimeReporter
Returns the marker indicating logical start of a run.
getLogicalStart() - Method in class gate.util.reporting.PRTimeReporter
Returns the marker indicating logical start of a run.
getLongDataType() - Static method in class gate.creole.ontology.DataType
denotes the "" datatype.
getLr(String, Object) - Method in interface gate.DataStore
Get a resource from the persistent store.
getLr(String, Object) - Method in class gate.persist.LuceneDataStoreImpl
getLr(String, Object) - Method in class gate.persist.SerialDataStore
getLrIds(String) - Method in interface gate.DataStore
Get a list of the IDs of LRs of a particular type that are present.
getLrIds(String) - Method in class gate.persist.SerialDataStore
Get a list of the IDs of LRs of a particular type that are present.
getLrInstances() - Method in class gate.creole.CreoleRegisterImpl
Get a list of all instantiations of LR in the register.
getLrInstances(String) - Method in class gate.creole.CreoleRegisterImpl
getLrInstances() - Method in interface gate.CreoleRegister
Get a list of all instantiations of LR in the register.
getLrInstances(String) - Method in interface gate.CreoleRegister
Get a list of all the known Language Resource instances in the register whose class is resourceTypeName.
getLrName(Object) - Method in interface gate.DataStore
Get the name of an LR from its ID.
getLrName(Object) - Method in class gate.persist.SerialDataStore
Get the name of an LR from its ID.
getLrNames(String) - Method in interface gate.DataStore
Get a list of the names of LRs of a particular type that are present.
getLrNames(String) - Method in class gate.persist.SerialDataStore
Get a list of the names of LRs of a particular type that are present.
getLRPersistenceId() - Method in class gate.creole.AbstractLanguageResource
Returns the persistence id of this LR, if it has been stored in a datastore.
getLRPersistenceId() - Method in interface gate.LanguageResource
Returns the persistence id of this LR, if it has been stored in a datastore.
getLrTypes() - Method in class gate.creole.CreoleRegisterImpl
Get the list of types of LR in the register.
getLrTypes() - Method in interface gate.CreoleRegister
Get the list of types of LR in the register.
getLrTypes() - Method in interface gate.DataStore
Get a list of the types of LR that are present in the data store.
getLrTypes() - Method in class gate.persist.SerialDataStore
Get a list of the types of LR that are present in the data store.
getMainFrame() - Static method in class gate.Main
Get the main frame of the GUI.
getMap(Object) - Method in class gate.util.OptionsMap
If the object stored under key is a map then returns its value otherwise returns an empty map.
getMarkedClean() - Method in class gate.util.CorpusBenchmarkTool
getMarkedDS() - Method in class gate.util.CorpusBenchmarkTool
getMarkedStored() - Method in class gate.util.CorpusBenchmarkTool
getMarkupAware() - Method in class gate.corpora.DocumentImpl
Get the markup awareness status of the Document.
getMarkupAware() - Method in interface gate.Document
Get the markup awareness status of the Document.
getMarkupElementsMap() - Method in class gate.DocumentFormat
Get the markup elements map
getMavenCache() - Method in class gate.util.ant.packager.PackageGappTask
Location where the task should create a local cache of any referenced Maven plugins and their dependencies.
getMavenPlugins() - Method in class gate.util.ant.packager.GappModel
Get the Maven plugins referenced by this GAPP file.
getMaxClauseCount() - Static method in class
Return the maximum number of clauses permitted, 1024 by default.
getMaxDocumentInReport() - Method in class gate.util.reporting.DocTimeReporter
Returns the maximum no of documents to be shown in the report.
getMaximumArity() - Method in class gate.relations.RelationSet
Returns the maximum arity for any relation in this RelationSet.
getMaximumFastChoices() - Method in class gate.swing.JChoice
getMaximumSize() - Method in class gate.gui.ResourceRenderer
getMaximumWidth() - Method in class gate.swing.JChoice
getMeasuresRow(Object[], String) - Method in class gate.util.AnnotationDiffer
getMeasuresRow(Object[], String) - Method in class gate.util.ClassificationMeasures
getMeasuresRow(Object[], String) - Method in class gate.util.OntologyMeasures
getMembers() - Method in interface gate.relations.Relation
Gets the members of the relation.
getMembers() - Method in class gate.relations.SimpleRelation
getMenu() - Method in class gate.creole.PackagedController
getMessage() - Method in exception gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.analysis.standard.ParseException
This method has the standard behavior when this object has been created using the standard constructors.
getMessage() - Method in error gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.analysis.standard.TokenMgrError
You can also modify the body of this method to customize your error messages.
getMetadataArtifactURL() - Method in class gate.creole.Plugin.Maven
getMetadataXML() - Method in class gate.creole.Plugin
Returns a creole.xml file which is only guaranteed to contain information about the resources within the plugin and not dependency requirements.
getMetadataXML() - Method in class gate.creole.Plugin.Maven
getMethodsAndFields(List<FeatureMethod>, List<FeatureMethod>) - Method in class gate.creole.BootStrap
create the form for the methods from the class that create the resource
getMimeType() - Method in class gate.corpora.DocumentImpl
Get the specific MIME type for this document, if set
getMimeType() - Method in class gate.DocumentExporter
getMimeType() - Method in class gate.DocumentFormat
Gets the mime Type
getMimeType() - Method in class gate.gui.CorpusFillerComponent
Gets the mime type selected by the user.
getMimeTypeForString(String) - Static method in class gate.DocumentFormat
Utility method to get a MimeType given the type string.
getMinimumGateVersion() - Method in class gate.creole.Plugin
getMinimumSize() - Method in class gate.gui.persistence.XgappUpgradeSelector.UpgradeStrategyRenderer
getMinimumSize() - Method in class gate.gui.ResourceRenderer
getMinJdkVersion() - Static method in class gate.Gate
Get the minimum supported version of the JDK
getMissing() - Method in class gate.util.AnnotationDiffer
Gets the number of pairings of type AnnotationDiffer.MISSING_TYPE.
getModel() - Method in class gate.swing.JChoice
getMoreInfo() - Method in class gate.util.CorpusBenchmarkTool
getMostSpecificConstructor(Class<?>, Class<?>) - Static method in class gate.util.Tools
Find the constructor to use to create an instance of targetClass from one of paramClass.
getMostSpecificPersistentType(Class<?>) - Static method in class gate.util.persistence.PersistenceManager
Finds the most specific persistent replacement type for a given class.
getName() - Method in class gate.annotation.AnnotationSetImpl
Get the name of this set.
getName() - Method in class gate.creole.AbstractResource
Returns the name of this resource
getName() - Method in class gate.creole.annic.Term
getName() - Method in class
getName() - Method in interface
Gets the name for this IR engine.
getName() - Method in class
getName() - Method in interface gate.creole.ontology.OResource
Gets resource name.
getName() - Method in class gate.creole.Parameter
Get the name for this parameter
getName() - Method in class gate.creole.Plugin.Component
getName() - Method in class gate.creole.Plugin.Directory
getName() - Method in class gate.creole.Plugin
getName() - Method in class gate.creole.Plugin.Maven
getName() - Method in class gate.creole.ResourceData
Get method for the resource name
getName() - Method in class gate.DocumentExporter
getName() - Method in class gate.gui.ParameterDisjunction
returns the name of the curently selected parameter.
getName() - Method in class gate.persist.SerialDataStore
Returns the name of this resource
getName() - Method in interface gate.SimpleAnnotationSet
Get the name of this set.
getName() - Method in class gate.util.AbstractNameBearer
Returns the name of this resource
getName() - Method in interface gate.util.NameBearer
Returns the name of this resource
getNamedAnnotationSets() - Method in class gate.corpora.DocumentImpl
Returns a map (possibly empty) with the named annotation sets.
getNamedAnnotationSets() - Method in interface gate.Document
Returns a map with the named annotation sets
getNames() - Method in class gate.gui.ParameterDisjunction
Returns the names of the parameters in this disjunction.
getNamesOfSerializedFiles(String) - Method in class gate.creole.annic.lucene.LuceneIndexer
This method returns a set of annotation set names that are indexed.
getNameSpace() - Method in interface gate.creole.ontology.ONodeID
getNameSpace() - Method in class gate.creole.ontology.URI
Retrieves the name space part from the URI.
getNegativeIntegerDataType() - Static method in class gate.creole.ontology.DataType
denotes the "" datatype.
getNetRunTime() - Method in class gate.util.profile.Profiler
Returns the time spend in the last run without the time spend by the profiler.
getNewElement() - Method in class gate.util.persistence.UpgradeXGAPP.UpgradePath
getNewPath() - Method in class gate.util.persistence.UpgradeXGAPP.UpgradePath
getNextAnnotation() - Method in interface gate.gui.annedit.AnnotationEditorOwner
Called by the editor for obtaining the next annotation to be edited.
getNextAnnotation() - Method in class gate.gui.docview.AnnotationListView
getNextAnnotation() - Method in class gate.gui.docview.AnnotationSetsView
getNextAnnotationId() - Method in class gate.corpora.DocumentImpl
Generate and return the next annotation ID
getNextColor() - Method in class gate.swing.ColorGenerator
Gets the next random colour
getNextNodeId() - Method in class gate.corpora.DocumentImpl
Generate and return the next node ID
getNextOf(K) - Method in class gate.util.RBTreeMap
Returns the value associated to the next key in the map if an exact match doesn't exist.
getNextToken() - Method in class gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.analysis.standard.StandardTokenizer
getNextToken() - Method in class gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.analysis.standard.StandardTokenizerTokenManager
getNl() - Static method in class gate.util.Strings
Get local fashion for newlines.
getNonNegativeIntegerDataType() - Static method in class gate.creole.ontology.DataType
denotes the "" datatype.
getNonPositiveIntegerDataType() - Static method in class gate.creole.ontology.DataType
denotes the "" datatype.
getNumOfDocumentsToFetch() - Method in class gate.gui.SingleConcatenatedFileInputDialog
Returns the number of documents to fetch
getObject() - Method in interface gate.creole.ontology.Triple
getObjectProperties() - Method in interface gate.creole.ontology.Ontology
Gets the set of Object Properties in the ontology.
getObjectProperty(OURI) - Method in interface gate.creole.ontology.Ontology
Returns the object property for the given URI or null if there is no object property with that URI.
getObjectPropertyValues(ObjectProperty) - Method in interface gate.creole.ontology.OInstance
Gets a list of values for the given Property (Object, Symmetric and Transitive).
getObservedAgreement() - Method in class gate.util.ClassificationMeasures
Portion of the instances on which the annotators agree.
getOClass(ONodeID) - Method in interface gate.creole.ontology.Ontology
Retrieves a both named classes and anonymous classes and retrictions that match either the URI or the blank node identifier represented by ONodeID
getOClasses(byte) - Method in interface gate.creole.ontology.OInstance
getOClasses(OConstants.Closure) - Method in interface gate.creole.ontology.OInstance
getOClasses(boolean) - Method in interface gate.creole.ontology.Ontology
Retrieves all ontology classes in a set.
getOClassesIterator(boolean) - Method in interface gate.creole.ontology.Ontology
Return an iterator to retrieve all ontology classes in the ontology.
getOffendingPocessingResources() - Method in class gate.creole.AbstractController
Checks whether all the contained PRs have all the required runtime parameters set.
getOffendingPocessingResources() - Method in class gate.creole.ConditionalSerialAnalyserController
Checks whether all the contained PRs have all the required runtime parameters set.
getOffendingPocessingResources() - Method in class gate.creole.SerialAnalyserController
Checks whether all the contained PRs have all the required runtime parameters set.
getOffset() - Method in class gate.annotation.NodeImpl
Offset (will be null when the node is not anchored)
getOffset() - Method in interface gate.Node
Offset (will be null when the node is not anchored)
getOffset() - Method in interface gate.wordnet.Synset
offset in index files
getOInstance(OURI) - Method in interface gate.creole.ontology.Ontology
Gets the instance with the given URI.
getOInstances() - Method in interface gate.creole.ontology.Ontology
Gets all instances in the ontology.
getOInstances(OClass, byte) - Method in interface gate.creole.ontology.Ontology
getOInstances(OClass, OConstants.Closure) - Method in interface gate.creole.ontology.Ontology
Gets instances in the ontology, which belong to this class.
getOInstancesIterator() - Method in interface gate.creole.ontology.Ontology
getOInstancesIterator(OClass, OConstants.Closure) - Method in interface gate.creole.ontology.Ontology
getOldElement() - Method in class gate.util.persistence.UpgradeXGAPP.UpgradePath
getOldPath() - Method in class gate.util.persistence.UpgradeXGAPP.UpgradePath
getOnlyAnn(AnnotationSet) - Static method in class gate.Utils
Returns the only annotation that annset is expected to contains, throws an exception if there is not exactly one annotation.
getONodeID() - Method in interface gate.creole.ontology.LiteralOrONodeID
Get the ONodeID object if this object represents a node ID.
getONodeID() - Method in interface gate.creole.ontology.OResource
getOnPropertyValue() - Method in interface gate.creole.ontology.Restriction
Return the property on which the restriction is specified
getOntology(URL) - Static method in class gate.creole.ontology.OntologyUtilities
- this method should be avoided
getOntology() - Method in interface gate.creole.ontology.OResource
Gets the ontology to which the resource belongs.
getOntologyAnnotationValues(AnnotationProperty) - Method in interface gate.creole.ontology.Ontology
Get the values of an ontology annotation property.
getOntologyData(byte) - Method in interface gate.creole.ontology.Ontology
not supported any more - throws UnsupportedOperationException
getOntologyTripleStore() - Method in interface gate.creole.ontology.Ontology
Return an object representing the triple store which backs the ontology.
getOntologyURI() - Method in interface gate.creole.ontology.Ontology
Get the URI of this ontology.
getOnUnresolved() - Method in class gate.util.ant.packager.PackageGappTask
Get the action performed when there are unresolved resources.
getOperator() - Method in class gate.util.OrderByRestriction
getOrderingString() - Method in class gate.corpora.DocumentImpl
Utility method to produce a string for comparison in ordering.
getOrderInSynset() - Method in interface gate.wordnet.WordSense
order of this sense relative to the synset- i.e.
getOResource() - Method in interface gate.creole.ontology.OValue
Get the OResource object if this object represents a resource.
getOResourceByName(String) - Method in interface gate.creole.ontology.Ontology
getOResourceFromMap(String) - Method in interface gate.creole.ontology.Ontology
getOResourcesByName(String) - Method in interface gate.creole.ontology.Ontology
This method checks in its cache to find out the OResources for the given resource name.
getOResourcesWith(RDFProperty, Literal) - Method in interface gate.creole.ontology.Ontology
This method given a property (either an annotation or datatype), retrieves a list of resources which have the provided literal set as a value.
getOResourcesWith(RDFProperty, OResource) - Method in interface gate.creole.ontology.Ontology
This method given a property (either object, transitive, symmetric or rdf), retrieves a list of resources which have the provided resource set as a value.
getOrigHeight() - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.AddDocumentIcon
Returns the height of the bounding box of the original SVG image.
getOrigHeight() - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.AddIcon
Returns the height of the bounding box of the original SVG image.
getOrigHeight() - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.AdvancedIcon
Returns the height of the bounding box of the original SVG image.
getOrigHeight() - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.AnnieApplicationIcon
Returns the height of the bounding box of the original SVG image.
getOrigHeight() - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.AnnotationDiffIcon
Returns the height of the bounding box of the original SVG image.
getOrigHeight() - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.ApplicationIcon
Returns the height of the bounding box of the original SVG image.
getOrigHeight() - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.ApplicationRealtimeIcon
Returns the height of the bounding box of the original SVG image.
getOrigHeight() - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.ApplicationsIcon
Returns the height of the bounding box of the original SVG image.
getOrigHeight() - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.AvailableIcon
Returns the height of the bounding box of the original SVG image.
getOrigHeight() - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.CIcon
Returns the height of the bounding box of the original SVG image.
getOrigHeight() - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.ClearLogIcon
Returns the height of the bounding box of the original SVG image.
getOrigHeight() - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.ClosedIcon
Returns the height of the bounding box of the original SVG image.
getOrigHeight() - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.CorpusBenchmarkIcon
Returns the height of the bounding box of the original SVG image.
getOrigHeight() - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.CorpusIcon
Returns the height of the bounding box of the original SVG image.
getOrigHeight() - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.CorpusTransIcon
Returns the height of the bounding box of the original SVG image.
getOrigHeight() - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.CreolePluginIcon
Returns the height of the bounding box of the original SVG image.
getOrigHeight() - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.DatastoreIcon
Returns the height of the bounding box of the original SVG image.
getOrigHeight() - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.DatastoresIcon
Returns the height of the bounding box of the original SVG image.
getOrigHeight() - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.DeleteIcon
Returns the height of the bounding box of the original SVG image.
getOrigHeight() - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.DocumentExporterIcon
Returns the height of the bounding box of the original SVG image.
getOrigHeight() - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.DocumentIcon
Returns the height of the bounding box of the original SVG image.
getOrigHeight() - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.DocumentResetIcon
Returns the height of the bounding box of the original SVG image.
getOrigHeight() - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.DownIcon
Returns the height of the bounding box of the original SVG image.
getOrigHeight() - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.DownloadIcon
Returns the height of the bounding box of the original SVG image.
getOrigHeight() - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.EditIcon
Returns the height of the bounding box of the original SVG image.
getOrigHeight() - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.EditListIcon
Returns the height of the bounding box of the original SVG image.
getOrigHeight() - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.ExitIcon
Returns the height of the bounding box of the original SVG image.
getOrigHeight() - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.ExpandedIcon
Returns the height of the bounding box of the original SVG image.
getOrigHeight() - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.ExtendLeftIcon
Returns the height of the bounding box of the original SVG image.
getOrigHeight() - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.ExtendRightIcon
Returns the height of the bounding box of the original SVG image.
getOrigHeight() - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.GATEIcon
Returns the height of the bounding box of the original SVG image.
getOrigHeight() - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.GATEUpdateSiteIcon
Returns the height of the bounding box of the original SVG image.
getOrigHeight() - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.GATEVersionIcon
Returns the height of the bounding box of the original SVG image.
getOrigHeight() - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.GATEXMLIcon
Returns the height of the bounding box of the original SVG image.
getOrigHeight() - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.GazetteerIcon
Returns the height of the bounding box of the original SVG image.
getOrigHeight() - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.GreenBallIcon
Returns the height of the bounding box of the original SVG image.
getOrigHeight() - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.HelpIcon
Returns the height of the bounding box of the original SVG image.
getOrigHeight() - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.InlineXMLIcon
Returns the height of the bounding box of the original SVG image.
getOrigHeight() - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.InvalidIcon
Returns the height of the bounding box of the original SVG image.
getOrigHeight() - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.JapeIcon
Returns the height of the bounding box of the original SVG image.
getOrigHeight() - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.LeftArrowIcon
Returns the height of the bounding box of the original SVG image.
getOrigHeight() - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.LRIcon
Returns the height of the bounding box of the original SVG image.
getOrigHeight() - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.lrsIcon
Returns the height of the bounding box of the original SVG image.
getOrigHeight() - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.MavenIcon
Returns the height of the bounding box of the original SVG image.
getOrigHeight() - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.NeTransducerIcon
Returns the height of the bounding box of the original SVG image.
getOrigHeight() - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.NominalCoreferencerIcon
Returns the height of the bounding box of the original SVG image.
getOrigHeight() - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.OIcon
Returns the height of the bounding box of the original SVG image.
getOrigHeight() - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.OntologyIcon
Returns the height of the bounding box of the original SVG image.
getOrigHeight() - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.OpenApplicationIcon
Returns the height of the bounding box of the original SVG image.
getOrigHeight() - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.OpenFileIcon
Returns the height of the bounding box of the original SVG image.
getOrigHeight() - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.OrthoMatcherIcon
Returns the height of the bounding box of the original SVG image.
getOrigHeight() - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.ParamIcon
Returns the height of the bounding box of the original SVG image.
getOrigHeight() - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.PinIcon
Returns the height of the bounding box of the original SVG image.
getOrigHeight() - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.PinInIcon
Returns the height of the bounding box of the original SVG image.
getOrigHeight() - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.PosTaggerIcon
Returns the height of the bounding box of the original SVG image.
getOrigHeight() - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.PRIcon
Returns the height of the bounding box of the original SVG image.
getOrigHeight() - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.ProgressIcon
Returns the height of the bounding box of the original SVG image.
getOrigHeight() - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.PronominalCoreferencerIcon
Returns the height of the bounding box of the original SVG image.
getOrigHeight() - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.prsIcon
Returns the height of the bounding box of the original SVG image.
getOrigHeight() - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.ReadyMadeIcon
Returns the height of the bounding box of the original SVG image.
getOrigHeight() - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.RedBallIcon
Returns the height of the bounding box of the original SVG image.
getOrigHeight() - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.RefreshIcon
Returns the height of the bounding box of the original SVG image.
getOrigHeight() - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.RemotePluginIcon
Returns the height of the bounding box of the original SVG image.
getOrigHeight() - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.RemoveAnnotationIcon
Returns the height of the bounding box of the original SVG image.
getOrigHeight() - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.RemoveDocumentIcon
Returns the height of the bounding box of the original SVG image.
getOrigHeight() - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.RemoveIcon
Returns the height of the bounding box of the original SVG image.
getOrigHeight() - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.RIcon
Returns the height of the bounding box of the original SVG image.
getOrigHeight() - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.RightArrowIcon
Returns the height of the bounding box of the original SVG image.
getOrigHeight() - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.RunIcon
Returns the height of the bounding box of the original SVG image.
getOrigHeight() - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.SaveIcon
Returns the height of the bounding box of the original SVG image.
getOrigHeight() - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.ScrollLockIcon
Returns the height of the bounding box of the original SVG image.
getOrigHeight() - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.SearchIcon
Returns the height of the bounding box of the original SVG image.
getOrigHeight() - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.SentenceSplitterIcon
Returns the height of the bounding box of the original SVG image.
getOrigHeight() - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.TickIcon
Returns the height of the bounding box of the original SVG image.
getOrigHeight() - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.TokeniserIcon
Returns the height of the bounding box of the original SVG image.
getOrigHeight() - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.UpdatesIcon
Returns the height of the bounding box of the original SVG image.
getOrigHeight() - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.UpdateSiteIcon
Returns the height of the bounding box of the original SVG image.
getOrigHeight() - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.UpIcon
Returns the height of the bounding box of the original SVG image.
getOrigHeight() - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.UserPluginIcon
Returns the height of the bounding box of the original SVG image.
getOrigHeight() - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.WindowNewIcon
Returns the height of the bounding box of the original SVG image.
getOrigHeight() - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.YellowBallIcon
Returns the height of the bounding box of the original SVG image.
getOriginalContent() - Method in class gate.corpora.DocumentContentImpl
Return the original content of the document received during the loading phase or on construction from string.
getOriginalErr() - Method in class gate.gui.LogArea
Returns the original printstream on System.err
getOriginalErr() - Method in class gate.gui.MainFrame
Gets the original system error output stream, which was later redirected to the messages pane.
getOriginalLength() - Method in class gate.corpora.RepositioningInfo.PositionInfo
Length of peace of text in the original content
getOriginalOut() - Method in class gate.gui.LogArea
Returns the original printstream on System.out
getOriginalOut() - Method in class gate.gui.MainFrame
Gets the original system output stream, which was later redirected to the messages pane.
getOriginalPos(long) - Method in class gate.corpora.RepositioningInfo
getOriginalPos(long, boolean) - Method in class gate.corpora.RepositioningInfo
Compute position in original content by position in the extracted content.
getOriginalPosFlow(long) - Method in class gate.corpora.RepositioningInfo
Not finished yet
getOriginalPosition() - Method in class gate.corpora.RepositioningInfo.PositionInfo
Position in the original content
getOriginalUserConfig() - Static method in class gate.Gate
Get the original, initialisation-time, GATE development environment configuration data (initialised from gate.xml).
getOrigWidth() - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.AddDocumentIcon
Returns the width of the bounding box of the original SVG image.
getOrigWidth() - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.AddIcon
Returns the width of the bounding box of the original SVG image.
getOrigWidth() - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.AdvancedIcon
Returns the width of the bounding box of the original SVG image.
getOrigWidth() - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.AnnieApplicationIcon
Returns the width of the bounding box of the original SVG image.
getOrigWidth() - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.AnnotationDiffIcon
Returns the width of the bounding box of the original SVG image.
getOrigWidth() - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.ApplicationIcon
Returns the width of the bounding box of the original SVG image.
getOrigWidth() - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.ApplicationRealtimeIcon
Returns the width of the bounding box of the original SVG image.
getOrigWidth() - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.ApplicationsIcon
Returns the width of the bounding box of the original SVG image.
getOrigWidth() - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.AvailableIcon
Returns the width of the bounding box of the original SVG image.
getOrigWidth() - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.CIcon
Returns the width of the bounding box of the original SVG image.
getOrigWidth() - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.ClearLogIcon
Returns the width of the bounding box of the original SVG image.
getOrigWidth() - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.ClosedIcon
Returns the width of the bounding box of the original SVG image.
getOrigWidth() - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.CorpusBenchmarkIcon
Returns the width of the bounding box of the original SVG image.
getOrigWidth() - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.CorpusIcon
Returns the width of the bounding box of the original SVG image.
getOrigWidth() - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.CorpusTransIcon
Returns the width of the bounding box of the original SVG image.
getOrigWidth() - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.CreolePluginIcon
Returns the width of the bounding box of the original SVG image.
getOrigWidth() - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.DatastoreIcon
Returns the width of the bounding box of the original SVG image.
getOrigWidth() - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.DatastoresIcon
Returns the width of the bounding box of the original SVG image.
getOrigWidth() - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.DeleteIcon
Returns the width of the bounding box of the original SVG image.
getOrigWidth() - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.DocumentExporterIcon
Returns the width of the bounding box of the original SVG image.
getOrigWidth() - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.DocumentIcon
Returns the width of the bounding box of the original SVG image.
getOrigWidth() - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.DocumentResetIcon
Returns the width of the bounding box of the original SVG image.
getOrigWidth() - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.DownIcon
Returns the width of the bounding box of the original SVG image.
getOrigWidth() - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.DownloadIcon
Returns the width of the bounding box of the original SVG image.
getOrigWidth() - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.EditIcon
Returns the width of the bounding box of the original SVG image.
getOrigWidth() - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.EditListIcon
Returns the width of the bounding box of the original SVG image.
getOrigWidth() - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.ExitIcon
Returns the width of the bounding box of the original SVG image.
getOrigWidth() - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.ExpandedIcon
Returns the width of the bounding box of the original SVG image.
getOrigWidth() - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.ExtendLeftIcon
Returns the width of the bounding box of the original SVG image.
getOrigWidth() - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.ExtendRightIcon
Returns the width of the bounding box of the original SVG image.
getOrigWidth() - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.GATEIcon
Returns the width of the bounding box of the original SVG image.
getOrigWidth() - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.GATEUpdateSiteIcon
Returns the width of the bounding box of the original SVG image.
getOrigWidth() - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.GATEVersionIcon
Returns the width of the bounding box of the original SVG image.
getOrigWidth() - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.GATEXMLIcon
Returns the width of the bounding box of the original SVG image.
getOrigWidth() - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.GazetteerIcon
Returns the width of the bounding box of the original SVG image.
getOrigWidth() - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.GreenBallIcon
Returns the width of the bounding box of the original SVG image.
getOrigWidth() - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.HelpIcon
Returns the width of the bounding box of the original SVG image.
getOrigWidth() - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.InlineXMLIcon
Returns the width of the bounding box of the original SVG image.
getOrigWidth() - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.InvalidIcon
Returns the width of the bounding box of the original SVG image.
getOrigWidth() - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.JapeIcon
Returns the width of the bounding box of the original SVG image.
getOrigWidth() - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.LeftArrowIcon
Returns the width of the bounding box of the original SVG image.
getOrigWidth() - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.LRIcon
Returns the width of the bounding box of the original SVG image.
getOrigWidth() - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.lrsIcon
Returns the width of the bounding box of the original SVG image.
getOrigWidth() - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.MavenIcon
Returns the width of the bounding box of the original SVG image.
getOrigWidth() - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.NeTransducerIcon
Returns the width of the bounding box of the original SVG image.
getOrigWidth() - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.NominalCoreferencerIcon
Returns the width of the bounding box of the original SVG image.
getOrigWidth() - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.OIcon
Returns the width of the bounding box of the original SVG image.
getOrigWidth() - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.OntologyIcon
Returns the width of the bounding box of the original SVG image.
getOrigWidth() - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.OpenApplicationIcon
Returns the width of the bounding box of the original SVG image.
getOrigWidth() - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.OpenFileIcon
Returns the width of the bounding box of the original SVG image.
getOrigWidth() - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.OrthoMatcherIcon
Returns the width of the bounding box of the original SVG image.
getOrigWidth() - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.ParamIcon
Returns the width of the bounding box of the original SVG image.
getOrigWidth() - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.PinIcon
Returns the width of the bounding box of the original SVG image.
getOrigWidth() - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.PinInIcon
Returns the width of the bounding box of the original SVG image.
getOrigWidth() - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.PosTaggerIcon
Returns the width of the bounding box of the original SVG image.
getOrigWidth() - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.PRIcon
Returns the width of the bounding box of the original SVG image.
getOrigWidth() - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.ProgressIcon
Returns the width of the bounding box of the original SVG image.
getOrigWidth() - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.PronominalCoreferencerIcon
Returns the width of the bounding box of the original SVG image.
getOrigWidth() - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.prsIcon
Returns the width of the bounding box of the original SVG image.
getOrigWidth() - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.ReadyMadeIcon
Returns the width of the bounding box of the original SVG image.
getOrigWidth() - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.RedBallIcon
Returns the width of the bounding box of the original SVG image.
getOrigWidth() - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.RefreshIcon
Returns the width of the bounding box of the original SVG image.
getOrigWidth() - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.RemotePluginIcon
Returns the width of the bounding box of the original SVG image.
getOrigWidth() - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.RemoveAnnotationIcon
Returns the width of the bounding box of the original SVG image.
getOrigWidth() - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.RemoveDocumentIcon
Returns the width of the bounding box of the original SVG image.
getOrigWidth() - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.RemoveIcon
Returns the width of the bounding box of the original SVG image.
getOrigWidth() - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.RIcon
Returns the width of the bounding box of the original SVG image.
getOrigWidth() - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.RightArrowIcon
Returns the width of the bounding box of the original SVG image.
getOrigWidth() - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.RunIcon
Returns the width of the bounding box of the original SVG image.
getOrigWidth() - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.SaveIcon
Returns the width of the bounding box of the original SVG image.
getOrigWidth() - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.ScrollLockIcon
Returns the width of the bounding box of the original SVG image.
getOrigWidth() - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.SearchIcon
Returns the width of the bounding box of the original SVG image.
getOrigWidth() - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.SentenceSplitterIcon
Returns the width of the bounding box of the original SVG image.
getOrigWidth() - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.TickIcon
Returns the width of the bounding box of the original SVG image.
getOrigWidth() - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.TokeniserIcon
Returns the width of the bounding box of the original SVG image.
getOrigWidth() - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.UpdatesIcon
Returns the width of the bounding box of the original SVG image.
getOrigWidth() - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.UpdateSiteIcon
Returns the width of the bounding box of the original SVG image.
getOrigWidth() - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.UpIcon
Returns the width of the bounding box of the original SVG image.
getOrigWidth() - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.UserPluginIcon
Returns the width of the bounding box of the original SVG image.
getOrigWidth() - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.WindowNewIcon
Returns the width of the bounding box of the original SVG image.
getOrigWidth() - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.YellowBallIcon
Returns the width of the bounding box of the original SVG image.
getOrigX() - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.AddDocumentIcon
Returns the X of the bounding box of the original SVG image.
getOrigX() - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.AddIcon
Returns the X of the bounding box of the original SVG image.
getOrigX() - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.AdvancedIcon
Returns the X of the bounding box of the original SVG image.
getOrigX() - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.AnnieApplicationIcon
Returns the X of the bounding box of the original SVG image.
getOrigX() - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.AnnotationDiffIcon
Returns the X of the bounding box of the original SVG image.
getOrigX() - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.ApplicationIcon
Returns the X of the bounding box of the original SVG image.
getOrigX() - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.ApplicationRealtimeIcon
Returns the X of the bounding box of the original SVG image.
getOrigX() - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.ApplicationsIcon
Returns the X of the bounding box of the original SVG image.
getOrigX() - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.AvailableIcon
Returns the X of the bounding box of the original SVG image.
getOrigX() - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.CIcon
Returns the X of the bounding box of the original SVG image.
getOrigX() - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.ClearLogIcon
Returns the X of the bounding box of the original SVG image.
getOrigX() - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.ClosedIcon
Returns the X of the bounding box of the original SVG image.
getOrigX() - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.CorpusBenchmarkIcon
Returns the X of the bounding box of the original SVG image.
getOrigX() - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.CorpusIcon
Returns the X of the bounding box of the original SVG image.
getOrigX() - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.CorpusTransIcon
Returns the X of the bounding box of the original SVG image.
getOrigX() - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.CreolePluginIcon
Returns the X of the bounding box of the original SVG image.
getOrigX() - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.DatastoreIcon
Returns the X of the bounding box of the original SVG image.
getOrigX() - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.DatastoresIcon
Returns the X of the bounding box of the original SVG image.
getOrigX() - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.DeleteIcon
Returns the X of the bounding box of the original SVG image.
getOrigX() - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.DocumentExporterIcon
Returns the X of the bounding box of the original SVG image.
getOrigX() - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.DocumentIcon
Returns the X of the bounding box of the original SVG image.
getOrigX() - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.DocumentResetIcon
Returns the X of the bounding box of the original SVG image.
getOrigX() - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.DownIcon
Returns the X of the bounding box of the original SVG image.
getOrigX() - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.DownloadIcon
Returns the X of the bounding box of the original SVG image.
getOrigX() - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.EditIcon
Returns the X of the bounding box of the original SVG image.
getOrigX() - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.EditListIcon
Returns the X of the bounding box of the original SVG image.
getOrigX() - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.ExitIcon
Returns the X of the bounding box of the original SVG image.
getOrigX() - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.ExpandedIcon
Returns the X of the bounding box of the original SVG image.
getOrigX() - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.ExtendLeftIcon
Returns the X of the bounding box of the original SVG image.
getOrigX() - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.ExtendRightIcon
Returns the X of the bounding box of the original SVG image.
getOrigX() - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.GATEIcon
Returns the X of the bounding box of the original SVG image.
getOrigX() - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.GATEUpdateSiteIcon
Returns the X of the bounding box of the original SVG image.
getOrigX() - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.GATEVersionIcon
Returns the X of the bounding box of the original SVG image.
getOrigX() - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.GATEXMLIcon
Returns the X of the bounding box of the original SVG image.
getOrigX() - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.GazetteerIcon
Returns the X of the bounding box of the original SVG image.
getOrigX() - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.GreenBallIcon
Returns the X of the bounding box of the original SVG image.
getOrigX() - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.HelpIcon
Returns the X of the bounding box of the original SVG image.
getOrigX() - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.InlineXMLIcon
Returns the X of the bounding box of the original SVG image.
getOrigX() - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.InvalidIcon
Returns the X of the bounding box of the original SVG image.
getOrigX() - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.JapeIcon
Returns the X of the bounding box of the original SVG image.
getOrigX() - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.LeftArrowIcon
Returns the X of the bounding box of the original SVG image.
getOrigX() - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.LRIcon
Returns the X of the bounding box of the original SVG image.
getOrigX() - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.lrsIcon
Returns the X of the bounding box of the original SVG image.
getOrigX() - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.MavenIcon
Returns the X of the bounding box of the original SVG image.
getOrigX() - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.NeTransducerIcon
Returns the X of the bounding box of the original SVG image.
getOrigX() - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.NominalCoreferencerIcon
Returns the X of the bounding box of the original SVG image.
getOrigX() - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.OIcon
Returns the X of the bounding box of the original SVG image.
getOrigX() - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.OntologyIcon
Returns the X of the bounding box of the original SVG image.
getOrigX() - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.OpenApplicationIcon
Returns the X of the bounding box of the original SVG image.
getOrigX() - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.OpenFileIcon
Returns the X of the bounding box of the original SVG image.
getOrigX() - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.OrthoMatcherIcon
Returns the X of the bounding box of the original SVG image.
getOrigX() - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.ParamIcon
Returns the X of the bounding box of the original SVG image.
getOrigX() - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.PinIcon
Returns the X of the bounding box of the original SVG image.
getOrigX() - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.PinInIcon
Returns the X of the bounding box of the original SVG image.
getOrigX() - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.PosTaggerIcon
Returns the X of the bounding box of the original SVG image.
getOrigX() - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.PRIcon
Returns the X of the bounding box of the original SVG image.
getOrigX() - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.ProgressIcon
Returns the X of the bounding box of the original SVG image.
getOrigX() - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.PronominalCoreferencerIcon
Returns the X of the bounding box of the original SVG image.
getOrigX() - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.prsIcon
Returns the X of the bounding box of the original SVG image.
getOrigX() - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.ReadyMadeIcon
Returns the X of the bounding box of the original SVG image.
getOrigX() - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.RedBallIcon
Returns the X of the bounding box of the original SVG image.
getOrigX() - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.RefreshIcon
Returns the X of the bounding box of the original SVG image.
getOrigX() - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.RemotePluginIcon
Returns the X of the bounding box of the original SVG image.
getOrigX() - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.RemoveAnnotationIcon
Returns the X of the bounding box of the original SVG image.
getOrigX() - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.RemoveDocumentIcon
Returns the X of the bounding box of the original SVG image.
getOrigX() - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.RemoveIcon
Returns the X of the bounding box of the original SVG image.
getOrigX() - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.RIcon
Returns the X of the bounding box of the original SVG image.
getOrigX() - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.RightArrowIcon
Returns the X of the bounding box of the original SVG image.
getOrigX() - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.RunIcon
Returns the X of the bounding box of the original SVG image.
getOrigX() - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.SaveIcon
Returns the X of the bounding box of the original SVG image.
getOrigX() - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.ScrollLockIcon
Returns the X of the bounding box of the original SVG image.
getOrigX() - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.SearchIcon
Returns the X of the bounding box of the original SVG image.
getOrigX() - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.SentenceSplitterIcon
Returns the X of the bounding box of the original SVG image.
getOrigX() - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.TickIcon
Returns the X of the bounding box of the original SVG image.
getOrigX() - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.TokeniserIcon
Returns the X of the bounding box of the original SVG image.
getOrigX() - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.UpdatesIcon
Returns the X of the bounding box of the original SVG image.
getOrigX() - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.UpdateSiteIcon
Returns the X of the bounding box of the original SVG image.
getOrigX() - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.UpIcon
Returns the X of the bounding box of the original SVG image.
getOrigX() - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.UserPluginIcon
Returns the X of the bounding box of the original SVG image.
getOrigX() - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.WindowNewIcon
Returns the X of the bounding box of the original SVG image.
getOrigX() - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.YellowBallIcon
Returns the X of the bounding box of the original SVG image.
getOrigY() - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.AddDocumentIcon
Returns the Y of the bounding box of the original SVG image.
getOrigY() - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.AddIcon
Returns the Y of the bounding box of the original SVG image.
getOrigY() - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.AdvancedIcon
Returns the Y of the bounding box of the original SVG image.
getOrigY() - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.AnnieApplicationIcon
Returns the Y of the bounding box of the original SVG image.
getOrigY() - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.AnnotationDiffIcon
Returns the Y of the bounding box of the original SVG image.
getOrigY() - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.ApplicationIcon
Returns the Y of the bounding box of the original SVG image.
getOrigY() - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.ApplicationRealtimeIcon
Returns the Y of the bounding box of the original SVG image.
getOrigY() - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.ApplicationsIcon
Returns the Y of the bounding box of the original SVG image.
getOrigY() - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.AvailableIcon
Returns the Y of the bounding box of the original SVG image.
getOrigY() - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.CIcon
Returns the Y of the bounding box of the original SVG image.
getOrigY() - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.ClearLogIcon
Returns the Y of the bounding box of the original SVG image.
getOrigY() - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.ClosedIcon
Returns the Y of the bounding box of the original SVG image.
getOrigY() - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.CorpusBenchmarkIcon
Returns the Y of the bounding box of the original SVG image.
getOrigY() - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.CorpusIcon
Returns the Y of the bounding box of the original SVG image.
getOrigY() - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.CorpusTransIcon
Returns the Y of the bounding box of the original SVG image.
getOrigY() - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.CreolePluginIcon
Returns the Y of the bounding box of the original SVG image.
getOrigY() - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.DatastoreIcon
Returns the Y of the bounding box of the original SVG image.
getOrigY() - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.DatastoresIcon
Returns the Y of the bounding box of the original SVG image.
getOrigY() - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.DeleteIcon
Returns the Y of the bounding box of the original SVG image.
getOrigY() - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.DocumentExporterIcon
Returns the Y of the bounding box of the original SVG image.
getOrigY() - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.DocumentIcon
Returns the Y of the bounding box of the original SVG image.
getOrigY() - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.DocumentResetIcon
Returns the Y of the bounding box of the original SVG image.
getOrigY() - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.DownIcon
Returns the Y of the bounding box of the original SVG image.
getOrigY() - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.DownloadIcon
Returns the Y of the bounding box of the original SVG image.
getOrigY() - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.EditIcon
Returns the Y of the bounding box of the original SVG image.
getOrigY() - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.EditListIcon
Returns the Y of the bounding box of the original SVG image.
getOrigY() - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.ExitIcon
Returns the Y of the bounding box of the original SVG image.
getOrigY() - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.ExpandedIcon
Returns the Y of the bounding box of the original SVG image.
getOrigY() - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.ExtendLeftIcon
Returns the Y of the bounding box of the original SVG image.
getOrigY() - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.ExtendRightIcon
Returns the Y of the bounding box of the original SVG image.
getOrigY() - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.GATEIcon
Returns the Y of the bounding box of the original SVG image.
getOrigY() - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.GATEUpdateSiteIcon
Returns the Y of the bounding box of the original SVG image.
getOrigY() - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.GATEVersionIcon
Returns the Y of the bounding box of the original SVG image.
getOrigY() - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.GATEXMLIcon
Returns the Y of the bounding box of the original SVG image.
getOrigY() - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.GazetteerIcon
Returns the Y of the bounding box of the original SVG image.
getOrigY() - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.GreenBallIcon
Returns the Y of the bounding box of the original SVG image.
getOrigY() - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.HelpIcon
Returns the Y of the bounding box of the original SVG image.
getOrigY() - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.InlineXMLIcon
Returns the Y of the bounding box of the original SVG image.
getOrigY() - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.InvalidIcon
Returns the Y of the bounding box of the original SVG image.
getOrigY() - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.JapeIcon
Returns the Y of the bounding box of the original SVG image.
getOrigY() - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.LeftArrowIcon
Returns the Y of the bounding box of the original SVG image.
getOrigY() - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.LRIcon
Returns the Y of the bounding box of the original SVG image.
getOrigY() - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.lrsIcon
Returns the Y of the bounding box of the original SVG image.
getOrigY() - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.MavenIcon
Returns the Y of the bounding box of the original SVG image.
getOrigY() - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.NeTransducerIcon
Returns the Y of the bounding box of the original SVG image.
getOrigY() - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.NominalCoreferencerIcon
Returns the Y of the bounding box of the original SVG image.
getOrigY() - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.OIcon
Returns the Y of the bounding box of the original SVG image.
getOrigY() - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.OntologyIcon
Returns the Y of the bounding box of the original SVG image.
getOrigY() - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.OpenApplicationIcon
Returns the Y of the bounding box of the original SVG image.
getOrigY() - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.OpenFileIcon
Returns the Y of the bounding box of the original SVG image.
getOrigY() - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.OrthoMatcherIcon
Returns the Y of the bounding box of the original SVG image.
getOrigY() - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.ParamIcon
Returns the Y of the bounding box of the original SVG image.
getOrigY() - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.PinIcon
Returns the Y of the bounding box of the original SVG image.
getOrigY() - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.PinInIcon
Returns the Y of the bounding box of the original SVG image.
getOrigY() - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.PosTaggerIcon
Returns the Y of the bounding box of the original SVG image.
getOrigY() - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.PRIcon
Returns the Y of the bounding box of the original SVG image.
getOrigY() - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.ProgressIcon
Returns the Y of the bounding box of the original SVG image.
getOrigY() - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.PronominalCoreferencerIcon
Returns the Y of the bounding box of the original SVG image.
getOrigY() - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.prsIcon
Returns the Y of the bounding box of the original SVG image.
getOrigY() - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.ReadyMadeIcon
Returns the Y of the bounding box of the original SVG image.
getOrigY() - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.RedBallIcon
Returns the Y of the bounding box of the original SVG image.
getOrigY() - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.RefreshIcon
Returns the Y of the bounding box of the original SVG image.
getOrigY() - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.RemotePluginIcon
Returns the Y of the bounding box of the original SVG image.
getOrigY() - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.RemoveAnnotationIcon
Returns the Y of the bounding box of the original SVG image.
getOrigY() - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.RemoveDocumentIcon
Returns the Y of the bounding box of the original SVG image.
getOrigY() - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.RemoveIcon
Returns the Y of the bounding box of the original SVG image.
getOrigY() - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.RIcon
Returns the Y of the bounding box of the original SVG image.
getOrigY() - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.RightArrowIcon
Returns the Y of the bounding box of the original SVG image.
getOrigY() - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.RunIcon
Returns the Y of the bounding box of the original SVG image.
getOrigY() - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.SaveIcon
Returns the Y of the bounding box of the original SVG image.
getOrigY() - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.ScrollLockIcon
Returns the Y of the bounding box of the original SVG image.
getOrigY() - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.SearchIcon
Returns the Y of the bounding box of the original SVG image.
getOrigY() - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.SentenceSplitterIcon
Returns the Y of the bounding box of the original SVG image.
getOrigY() - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.TickIcon
Returns the Y of the bounding box of the original SVG image.
getOrigY() - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.TokeniserIcon
Returns the Y of the bounding box of the original SVG image.
getOrigY() - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.UpdatesIcon
Returns the Y of the bounding box of the original SVG image.
getOrigY() - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.UpdateSiteIcon
Returns the Y of the bounding box of the original SVG image.
getOrigY() - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.UpIcon
Returns the Y of the bounding box of the original SVG image.
getOrigY() - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.UserPluginIcon
Returns the Y of the bounding box of the original SVG image.
getOrigY() - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.WindowNewIcon
Returns the Y of the bounding box of the original SVG image.
getOrigY() - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.YellowBallIcon
Returns the Y of the bounding box of the original SVG image.
getOURI() - Method in interface gate.creole.ontology.OInstance
getOURI() - Method in interface gate.creole.ontology.RDFProperty
Get the URI of the property.
getOutputAnnotationSets(Controller) - Static method in class gate.gui.teamware.TeamwareUtils
Get the set of annotation set names that an application uses for output.
getOverlappingAnnotations(AnnotationSet, Annotation) - Static method in class gate.Utils
Get all the annotations from the source annotation set that partly or totally overlap the range of the specified annotation.
getOverlappingAnnotations(AnnotationSet, Annotation, String) - Static method in class gate.Utils
Get all the annotations of type targetType from the source annotation set that partly or totally overlap the range of the specified annotation.
getOverlappingAnnotations(AnnotationSet, AnnotationSet) - Static method in class gate.Utils
Get all the annotations from the source annotation set that overlap the range of the specified annotation set.
getOverlappingAnnotations(AnnotationSet, AnnotationSet, String) - Static method in class gate.Utils
Get all the annotations from the source annotation set with a type equal to targetType that partly or completely overlap the range of the specified annotation set.
getOwner() - Method in interface gate.gui.annedit.OwnedAnnotationEditor
getOwner() - Method in class gate.gui.annedit.SearchAndAnnotatePanel
getOwner() - Method in class gate.gui.docview.AbstractDocumentView
getOwner() - Method in class gate.gui.docview.AnnotationEditor
getPadChar() - Static method in class gate.util.Err
An accesor method for padChar
getPadChar() - Static method in class gate.util.Out
An accesor method for padChar
getParameter() - Method in class gate.gui.ParameterDisjunction
getParameterClass() - Method in class gate.creole.Parameter
Find the class for this parameter type.
getParameterList() - Method in class gate.creole.ResourceData
Get the parameter list
getParameters() - Method in interface gate.creole.annic.Indexer
Returns the parameters
getParameters() - Method in class gate.creole.annic.lucene.LuceneIndexer
Returns the set parameters
getParameters() - Method in class gate.creole.annic.lucene.LuceneSearcher
Gets the search parameters set by user.
getParameters() - Method in interface gate.creole.annic.Searcher
Returns the recently set parameters
getParameters() - Method in class gate.gui.ParameterDisjunction
getParameterValue(String) - Method in class gate.annotation.CorpusAnnotationDiff
Gets the value of a parameter of this resource.
getParameterValue(String) - Method in class gate.corpora.MimeType
Gets the value for a particular parameter.
getParameterValue(Resource, String) - Static method in class gate.creole.AbstractResource
Gets the value of a parameter for a resource.
getParameterValue(String) - Method in class gate.creole.AbstractResource
Gets the value of a parameter of this resource.
getParameterValue(String) - Method in class gate.creole.AbstractVisualResource
Gets the value of a parameter of this resource.
getParameterValue(String) - Method in class gate.gui.FeaturesSchemaEditor
Gets the value of a parameter of this resource.
getParameterValue(String) - Method in class gate.gui.SerialDatastoreViewer
Gets the value of a parameter of this resource.
getParameterValue(String) - Method in interface gate.Resource
Gets the value of a parameter of this resource.
getParameterValues(Resource, List<List<Parameter>>) - Static method in class gate.creole.AbstractResource
Get the current values of the given parameters from the given resource.
getParameterValues() - Method in class gate.gui.ResourceParametersEditor
Gets the current values for the parameters.
getParent() - Method in class gate.creole.AbstractLanguageResource
Returns the parent LR of this LR.
getParent() - Method in interface gate.LanguageResource
Returns the parent LR of this LR.
getPartiallyCorrectMatches() - Method in class gate.util.AnnotationDiffer
Gets the number of partially correct matches.
getPathSep() - Static method in class gate.util.Strings
Get local fashion for path separators (e.g.
getPatternAnnotations(int, int) - Method in class gate.creole.annic.Pattern
Returns the annotations lying between the start and the end offsets
getPatternAnnotations() - Method in class gate.creole.annic.Pattern
Returns all annotations underlying the pattern
getPatternAnnotations(String) - Method in class gate.creole.annic.Pattern
Returns the annotations with the given type
getPatternAnnotations(String, String) - Method in class gate.creole.annic.Pattern
Returns the annotations with the given type and the feature
getPatternLength() - Method in class gate.creole.annic.lucene.PatternValidator
Gets the length of the pattern.
getPatternText() - Method in class gate.creole.annic.Pattern
Returns the text of the pattern
getPatternText(int, int) - Method in class gate.creole.annic.Pattern
Returns the text of the pattern between the given offsets
getPermittedValues() - Method in class gate.creole.FeatureSchema
Returns the permissible values as a Set
getPersistentID() - Method in class gate.corpora.DocumentData
getPersistentRepresentation(Object) - Static method in class gate.util.persistence.PersistenceManager
Recursively traverses the provided object and replaces it and all its contents with the appropriate persistent equivalent classes.
getPipelineURL() - Method in class gate.creole.PackagedController
getPlugin(Class<?>) - Static method in class gate.creole.Plugin
Given a class return the Plugin instance from which it was loaded.
getPlugin() - Method in class gate.creole.ResourceData
getPlugins() - Method in class gate.creole.CreoleRegisterImpl
getPlugins() - Method in interface gate.CreoleRegister
getPlugins(String) - Static method in class gate.Gate
Returns information about plugin directories which provide the requested resource
getPluginsHome() - Static method in class gate.Gate
Get the location of the plugins directory.
getPluginURLs() - Method in class gate.util.ant.packager.GappModel
Get the plugin URLs that are referenced by relative paths in this GAPP file.
getPluginVersions(String, String) - Static method in class gate.util.persistence.UpgradeXGAPP
getPopup() - Method in interface gate.gui.Handle
getPopup() - Method in class gate.gui.NameBearerHandle
getPopupMenuOrigin() - Method in class gate.swing.JMenuButton
Method largely borrowed from Swing's JMenu.
getPOS() - Method in interface gate.wordnet.Synset
returns the part-of-speech for this synset, see WordNet::POS_XXX constants
getPOS() - Method in interface gate.wordnet.WordSense
part-of-speech for this sense (inherited from the containing synset)
getPosition() - Method in class gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.analysis.Token
getPosition() - Method in class gate.creole.annic.PatternAnnotation
Gets the position of this annotation in the token stream.
getPositionIncrement() - Method in class gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.analysis.Token
Returns the position increment of this Token.
getPositiveIntegerDataType() - Static method in class gate.creole.ontology.DataType
denotes the "" datatype.
getPR() - Method in class gate.creole.AnalyserRunningStrategy
getPR() - Method in interface gate.creole.RunningStrategy
Gets the associated ProcessingResource.
getPR() - Method in class gate.creole.RunningStrategy.UnconditionalRunningStrategy
getPr() - Method in class gate.event.ControllerEvent
getPrecisionAverage() - Method in class gate.annotation.CorpusAnnotationDiff
getPrecisionAverage() - Method in class gate.util.AnnotationDiffer
Gets the average of the strict and lenient precision values.
getPrecisionAverage() - Method in class gate.util.CorpusBenchmarkTool
Returns the average precision over the entire set of processed documents.
getPrecisionAverageBdm(String) - Method in class gate.util.OntologyMeasures
getPrecisionAverageBdm() - Method in class gate.util.OntologyMeasures
Gets the average of the strict and lenient precision values.
getPrecisionAverageCalc() - Method in class gate.util.CorpusBenchmarkTool
getPrecisionAverageProc() - Method in class gate.util.CorpusBenchmarkTool
For processed documents
getPrecisionLenient() - Method in class gate.annotation.CorpusAnnotationDiff
getPrecisionLenient() - Method in class gate.util.AnnotationDiffer
Gets the lenient precision (where the partial matches are considered as correct).
getPrecisionLenientBdm(String) - Method in class gate.util.OntologyMeasures
getPrecisionLenientBdm() - Method in class gate.util.OntologyMeasures
getPrecisionStrict() - Method in class gate.annotation.CorpusAnnotationDiff
getPrecisionStrict() - Method in class gate.util.AnnotationDiffer
Gets the strict precision (the ratio of correct responses out of all the provided responses).
getPrecisionStrictBdm(String) - Method in class gate.util.OntologyMeasures
AP = (sum of BDMs for BDM-matching pair spurious/missing + Correct) / (Correct + Spurious)
getPrecisionStrictBdm() - Method in class gate.util.OntologyMeasures
getPredicate() - Method in interface gate.creole.ontology.Triple
getPreferredScrollableViewportSize() - Method in class gate.annotation.CorpusAnnotationDiff
getPreferredScrollableViewportSize() - Method in class gate.swing.XJTable
getPreferredSize() - Method in class gate.swing.JChoice
getPreferredSize() - Method in class gate.swing.XJTable
getPreferredWidthForColumn(int) - Method in class gate.swing.MenuLayout
getPreserveOriginalContent() - Method in class gate.corpora.DocumentImpl
Get the preserving of content status of the Document.
getPreserveOriginalContent() - Method in interface gate.Document
Get the preserving of content status of the Document.
getPreviousAnnotation() - Method in interface gate.gui.annedit.AnnotationEditorOwner
Called by the editor for obtaining the previous annotation to be edited.
getPreviousAnnotation() - Method in class gate.gui.docview.AnnotationListView
getPreviousAnnotation() - Method in class gate.gui.docview.AnnotationSetsView
getPrInstances() - Method in class gate.creole.CreoleRegisterImpl
Get a list of all instantiations of PR in the register.
getPrInstances(String) - Method in class gate.creole.CreoleRegisterImpl
getPrInstances() - Method in interface gate.CreoleRegister
Get a list of all instantiations of PR in the register.
getPrInstances(String) - Method in interface gate.CreoleRegister
Get a list of all the known Processing Resource instances in the register whose class is resourceTypeName.
getPrintMedia() - Method in class gate.util.reporting.DocTimeReporter
Returns the name of the media on which report will be generated.
getPrintMedia() - Method in class gate.util.reporting.PRTimeReporter
Returns the name of the media on which report will be generated.
getPrintWriter() - Static method in class gate.util.Err
This sets a new printWriter
getPrintWriter() - Static method in class gate.util.Out
This sets a new printWriter
getPRMatchingRegex() - Method in class gate.util.reporting.DocTimeReporter
Returns the search string to be matched to PR names present in the log entries.
getProfilerTime() - Method in class gate.util.profile.Profiler
Returns the time spend by the profiler during the last run.
getPropertiesWithResourceAsDomain() - Method in interface gate.creole.ontology.OResource
This method returns a set of all properties where the current resource has been specified as one of the domain resources.
getPropertiesWithResourceAsRange() - Method in interface gate.creole.ontology.OResource
This method returns a set of all properties where the current resource has been specified as one of the range resources.
getProperty(OURI) - Method in interface gate.creole.ontology.Ontology
Returns the property for a given URI or null if there is no property with that URI.
getProperty(String) - Method in class gate.util.xml.XML11OutputFactory
getPropertyDefinitions() - Method in interface gate.creole.ontology.Ontology
Gets the set of RDF, Object, Datatype, Symmetric and Transitive property definitions in this ontology.
getPropertyUrl() - Method in interface gate.wordnet.WordNet
getPropertyValue(Document) - Method in class
getPropertyValue(Document) - Method in class
getPropertyValue(Document) - Method in interface
getProxy(RemoteRepository) - Method in class gate.util.maven.ChainedProxySelector
getPRs() - Method in interface gate.Controller
Returns all the ProcessingResources contained by this controller.
getPRs() - Method in class gate.creole.SerialController
Returns all the ProcessingResources contained by thisFeature controller as an unmodifiable list.
getPrTimeMap() - Method in class gate.creole.SerialController
Returns the HashMap that lists the total time taken by each PR
getPrTypes() - Method in class gate.creole.CreoleRegisterImpl
Get the list of types of PR in the register.
getPrTypes() - Method in interface gate.CreoleRegister
Get the list of types of PR in the register.
getPublicControllerTypes() - Method in class gate.creole.CreoleRegisterImpl
Get a list of all non-private types of controller in the register.
getPublicControllerTypes() - Method in interface gate.CreoleRegister
Get a list of all non-private types of Controller in the register.
getPublicLrInstances() - Method in class gate.creole.CreoleRegisterImpl
Get a list of all non-private instantiations of LR in the register.
getPublicLrInstances() - Method in interface gate.CreoleRegister
Get a list of all non-private instantiations of LR in the register.
getPublicLrTypes() - Method in class gate.creole.CreoleRegisterImpl
Get a list of all non-private types of LR in the register.
getPublicLrTypes() - Method in interface gate.CreoleRegister
Get a list of all non-private types of LR in the register.
getPublicPrInstances() - Method in class gate.creole.CreoleRegisterImpl
Get a list of all non-private instantiations of PR in the register.
getPublicPrInstances() - Method in interface gate.CreoleRegister
Get a list of all non-private instantiations of PR in the register.
getPublicPrTypes() - Method in class gate.creole.CreoleRegisterImpl
Get a list of all non-private types of PR in the register.
getPublicPrTypes() - Method in interface gate.CreoleRegister
Get a list of all non-private types of PR in the register.
getPublics(List<T>) - Method in class gate.creole.CreoleRegisterImpl
Get a list of all non-private instantiations.
getPublicTypes(Collection<String>) - Method in class gate.creole.CreoleRegisterImpl
Gets a list of all non private types from alist of types
getPublicVrInstances() - Method in class gate.creole.CreoleRegisterImpl
Get a list of all non-private instantiations of VR in the register.
getPublicVrInstances() - Method in interface gate.CreoleRegister
Get a list of all non-private instantiations of VR in the register.
getPublicVrTypes() - Method in class gate.creole.CreoleRegisterImpl
Get a list of all non-private types of VR in the register.
getPublicVrTypes() - Method in interface gate.CreoleRegister
Get a list of all non-private types of VR in the register.
getQuery() - Method in interface
The query that this concerns.
getQuery() - Method in class gate.creole.annic.lucene.LuceneQueryResult
Returns the main query.
getQuery() - Method in class gate.creole.annic.lucene.LuceneSearcher
Gets the submitted query.
getQuery() - Method in class gate.creole.annic.lucene.LuceneSearchThread
Gets the query.
getQuery() - Method in interface gate.creole.annic.Searcher
Query to search
getQueryCorpus() - Method in class
getQueryResults() - Method in class
getQueryResultsList() - Method in class gate.creole.annic.lucene.LuceneQueryResultList
getQueryString() - Method in class gate.creole.annic.Hit
Returns the query for which the current pattern was matched
getQueryString() - Method in class gate.creole.annic.lucene.LuceneQueryResultList
getQueryString(int) - Method in class gate.creole.annic.lucene.QueryParser
When user submits an ANNIC query, one or more instances of lucene queries are created and returned.
getQueryString() - Method in class
getQueryTokens(String) - Method in class gate.creole.annic.lucene.LuceneSearcher
Gets the query tokens for the given query.
getQueryType() - Method in class gate.creole.annic.lucene.LuceneQueryResult
getRange() - Method in interface gate.creole.ontology.ObjectProperty
Gets the set of range restrictions for this property.
getRange() - Method in interface gate.creole.ontology.RDFProperty
getRawFeatureValue() - Method in class gate.creole.FeatureSchema
This method returns the value of the feature regardless of the current value of featureUse.
getRawObject(int) - Method in class gate.annotation.CorpusAnnotationDiff.AnnotationDiffTableModel
getRDFProperties() - Method in interface gate.creole.ontology.Ontology
Gets the set of RDF Properties in the ontology where for a property there exists a statement .
getRDFPropertyOValues(RDFProperty) - Method in interface gate.creole.ontology.OInstance
getRDFPropertyValues(RDFProperty) - Method in interface gate.creole.ontology.OInstance
getReader() - Method in class
getRealOffset() - Method in class gate.xml.XmlPositionCorrectionHandler
Return corrected offset for last characters() call
getRecallAverage() - Method in class gate.annotation.CorpusAnnotationDiff
getRecallAverage() - Method in class gate.util.AnnotationDiffer
Gets the average of the strict and lenient recall values.
getRecallAverage() - Method in class gate.util.CorpusBenchmarkTool
Returns the average recall over the entire set of processed documents.
getRecallAverageBdm(String) - Method in class gate.util.OntologyMeasures
getRecallAverageBdm() - Method in class gate.util.OntologyMeasures
Gets the average of the strict and lenient recall values.
getRecallAverageCalc() - Method in class gate.util.CorpusBenchmarkTool
getRecallAverageProc() - Method in class gate.util.CorpusBenchmarkTool
getRecallLenient() - Method in class gate.annotation.CorpusAnnotationDiff
getRecallLenient() - Method in class gate.util.AnnotationDiffer
Gets the lenient recall (where the partial matches are considered as correct).
getRecallLenientBdm(String) - Method in class gate.util.OntologyMeasures
getRecallLenientBdm() - Method in class gate.util.OntologyMeasures
getRecallStrict() - Method in class gate.annotation.CorpusAnnotationDiff
getRecallStrict() - Method in class gate.util.AnnotationDiffer
Gets the strict recall (the ratio of key matched to a response out of all the keys).
getRecallStrictBdm(String) - Method in class gate.util.OntologyMeasures
getRecallStrictBdm() - Method in class gate.util.OntologyMeasures
getReferenceCount() - Method in class gate.creole.ResourceData
getReferencing(Integer) - Method in class gate.relations.RelationSet
Returns a collection of all Relation instances within this set which include the specified Annotation or Relation
getRegisteredIREngines() - Static method in class gate.Gate
Gets the set of registered IR engines.
getRelation() - Method in class gate.event.RelationSetEvent
Gets the relation that has been added or removed
getRelations() - Method in class gate.annotation.AnnotationSetImpl
getRelations(String) - Method in class gate.relations.RelationSet
Finds relations based on their type.
getRelations(int...) - Method in class gate.relations.RelationSet
Finds relations based on their members.
getRelations(String, int...) - Method in class gate.relations.RelationSet
getRelations() - Method in interface gate.SimpleAnnotationSet
getRelativePath(URL, URL) - Static method in class gate.util.persistence.PersistenceManager
Calculates the relative path for a file: URL starting from a given context which is also a file: URL.
getRelativeUri(URI, URI) - Static method in class gate.util.persistence.PersistenceManager.URLHolder
getReportFile() - Method in class gate.util.reporting.DocTimeReporter
getReportFile() - Method in class gate.util.reporting.PRTimeReporter
getRepositioningInfo() - Method in class gate.html.HtmlDocumentHandler
Return current RepositioningInfo object
getRepositioningInfo() - Method in class gate.html.NekoHtmlDocumentHandler
Return current RepositioningInfo object
getRepositioningInfo() - Method in class gate.xml.XmlDocumentHandler
Return current RepositioningInfo object
getRepository() - Method in class gate.util.maven.SimpleMavenCache
getRepositoryList() - Static method in class gate.util.maven.Utils
getRepositorySession(RepositorySystem, WorkspaceReader) - Static method in class gate.util.maven.Utils
getRepositorySystem() - Static method in class gate.util.maven.Utils
getRequiredPlugins() - Method in class gate.creole.Plugin
getResource() - Method in class gate.event.CreoleEvent
Gets the resource that has been (un)loaded.
getResource() - Method in class gate.event.DatastoreEvent
Gets the resource involved in this event
getResource() - Method in class gate.gui.ResourceParametersEditor
Does this GUI component allow editing?
getResource() - Method in class gate.swing.ResourceReferenceChooser
getResource() - Method in class gate.swing.XJFileChooser
Get the resource associated to this file chooser.
getResource(String) - Static method in class gate.util.Files
Get a resource from the GATE ClassLoader.
getResource(String) - Method in class gate.util.GateClassLoader
getResourceAsByteArray(String) - Static method in class gate.util.Files
Get a resource from the GATE ClassLoader as a byte array.
getResourceAsStream(String) - Static method in class gate.util.Files
Get a resource from the GATE ClassLoader as an InputStream.
getResourceAsString(String) - Static method in class gate.util.Files
Get a resource from the GATE ClassLoader as a String.
getResourceAsString(String, String) - Static method in class gate.util.Files
Get a resource from the GATE ClassLoader as a String.
getResourceClass() - Method in class gate.creole.ResourceData
Get method for the resource class.
getResourceClassLoader() - Method in class gate.creole.ResourceData
getResourceClassName() - Method in class gate.Gate.ResourceInfo
getResourceComment() - Method in class gate.Gate.ResourceInfo
getResourceDisplayed() - Method in class gate.creole.ResourceData
A simple accessor for resourceDisplayed field
getResourceID() - Method in class gate.event.DatastoreEvent
Gets the ID of the resource involved in this event
getResourceInfoList() - Method in class gate.creole.Plugin
getResourceName() - Method in interface gate.creole.ontology.ONodeID
getResourceName(String) - Static method in class gate.creole.ontology.OntologyUtilities
getResourceName() - Method in class gate.creole.ontology.URI
Retrieves the resource name from the given URI.
getResourceName() - Method in class gate.Gate.ResourceInfo
getResourceName() - Method in class gate.gui.NewResourceDialog
Return the String entered into the resource name field of the dialog.
getResourcePath() - Static method in class gate.util.Files
Gets the path for the gate resources within the classpath
getResourceReferenceChooser() - Static method in class gate.gui.MainFrame
Get the ResourceReference chooser.
getResources(String) - Method in class gate.util.GateClassLoader
getResourcesHome() - Method in class gate.util.ant.packager.PackageGappTask
Get the location of the resources home directory, used to resolve $resourceshome$ relative paths in the GAPP file.
getResourceURLs() - Method in class gate.util.ant.packager.GappModel
Get the resource URLs that are referenced by relative paths in this GAPP file.
getResponse() - Method in interface gate.util.AnnotationDiffer.Pairing
Gets the response annotation of the pairing.
getResponse() - Method in class gate.util.AnnotationDiffer.PairingImpl
getResponseAnnotationSetName() - Method in class gate.annotation.CorpusAnnotationDiff
gets the responseAnnotationSetName.
getResponseAnnotationSetNameFalsePoz() - Method in class gate.annotation.CorpusAnnotationDiff
gets the responseAnnotationSetNameFalsePoz.
getResponseDocument() - Method in class gate.annotation.CorpusAnnotationDiff.DiffSetElement
Get Response document
getResponseIndex() - Method in interface gate.util.AnnotationDiffer.Pairing
getResponseIndex() - Method in class gate.util.AnnotationDiffer.PairingImpl
getResponsesCount() - Method in class gate.util.AnnotationDiffer
Gets the number of responses provided.
getRestrictionName(Restriction) - Static method in class gate.creole.ontology.Utils
getReverse() - Method in class
Returns whether the sort should be reversed.
getRightAnnotation() - Method in class gate.annotation.CorpusAnnotationDiff.DiffSetElement
Gets the right annotation
getRightContextEndOffset() - Method in class gate.creole.annic.Pattern
Returns the end offset of the right context
getRightType() - Method in class gate.annotation.CorpusAnnotationDiff.DiffSetElement
Get the right type
getRightView() - Method in class gate.gui.docview.DocumentEditor
Gets the currently showing right view
getRoot() - Method in class gate.swing.AbstractTreeTableModel
Default implementation.
getRootElement() - Method in class gate.corpora.export.InlineXMLExporter
getRowCount() - Method in class gate.annotation.CorpusAnnotationDiff.AnnotationDiffTableModel
Return the size of data.
getRowCount() - Method in class gate.gui.AnnotationDiffGUI.DiffTableModel
getRowCount() - Method in class gate.gui.docview.AnnotationSetsView.SetsTableModel
getRowCount() - Method in class gate.gui.FeaturesSchemaEditor.FeaturesTableModel
getRowCount() - Method in class gate.gui.LuceneDataStoreSearchGUI.ConfigureStackViewTableModel
getRowCount() - Method in class gate.gui.LuceneDataStoreSearchGUI.ResultTableModel
getRowCount() - Method in class gate.gui.persistence.XgappUpgradeSelector.UpgradePathTableModel
getRowCount() - Method in class gate.gui.ResourceParametersEditor.ParametersTableModel
getRowCount() - Method in class gate.swing.XJTable.SortingModel
getRowForAnnotation(AnnotationData) - Method in interface gate.gui.docview.AnnotationList
Returns the display row for a given annotation.
getRowForAnnotation(AnnotationData) - Method in class gate.gui.docview.AnnotationListView
getRunDuration() - Method in class gate.util.profile.Profiler
Returns the time spend in the current run until the last check-point inclusive the time spend by the profiler.
getRunMode() - Method in class gate.creole.AnalyserRunningStrategy
getRunMode() - Method in interface gate.creole.RunningStrategy
getRunMode() - Method in class gate.creole.RunningStrategy.UnconditionalRunningStrategy
getRunningStrategies() - Method in interface gate.creole.ConditionalController
Gets the collection of running strategies for the contained PRs.
getRunningStrategies() - Method in class gate.creole.ConditionalSerialController
getRunningStrategy(Controller, ProcessingResource) - Static method in class gate.Utils
Return the running strategy of the PR in the controller, if the controller is a conditional controller.
getRuntimeDefaults() - Method in class gate.creole.ParameterList
Get default runtime parameter value set.
getRuntimeParameters() - Method in class gate.creole.ParameterList
Get the list of runtime parameters (as a list of parameter disjunctions).
getRuntimeParameterValues(Resource) - Static method in class gate.creole.AbstractProcessingResource
Get the current values for all of a specified resource's registered runtime parameters.
getRuntimeParameterValues() - Method in class gate.creole.AbstractProcessingResource
Get the current values for all this resource's registered init-time parameters.
getSameInstance() - Method in interface gate.creole.ontology.OInstance
Returns a set of OInstance objects which are explicitly specified as being same as the current instance.
getScore() - Method in class
getScore() - Method in interface gate.util.AnnotationDiffer.Pairing
getScore() - Method in class gate.util.AnnotationDiffer.PairingImpl
getScrollableBlockIncrement(Rectangle, int, int) - Method in class gate.annotation.CorpusAnnotationDiff
getScrollableTracksViewportHeight() - Method in class gate.annotation.CorpusAnnotationDiff
getScrollableTracksViewportHeight() - Method in class gate.swing.XJTable
Track parent viewport's size if it's larger than the current preferred height of the table (causes empty tables to fill in the whole area of a JScrollPane).
getScrollableTracksViewportWidth() - Method in class gate.annotation.CorpusAnnotationDiff
getScrollableTracksViewportWidth() - Method in class gate.swing.XJTable
Overridden to ignore requests for this table to track the width of its containing viewport in cases where the viewport is narrower than the minimum size of the table.
getScrollableUnitIncrement(Rectangle, int, int) - Method in class gate.annotation.CorpusAnnotationDiff
getSearch() - Method in interface
Gets the search component of this IR engine.
getSearcher() - Method in interface gate.creole.annic.Searchable
Returns the Searcher
getSearcher() - Method in class gate.persist.LuceneDataStoreImpl
getSelectedAnnotations() - Method in class gate.gui.docview.DocumentEditor
Gets the current set of selected annotations.
getSelectedCollection() - Method in class gate.gui.CollectionSelectionDialog
Returns the target collection
getSelectedIndex() - Method in class gate.gui.ParameterDisjunction
Gets the currently selected parameter for this disjunction.
getSelectedInterfaces() - Method in class gate.gui.BootStrapDialog
It returns the interfaces the resource implements
getSelectedItem() - Method in class gate.gui.ListEditorDialog.ResourceComboModel
getSelectedItem() - Method in class gate.gui.SerialControllerEditor.CorporaComboModel
getSelectedItem() - Method in class gate.swing.JChoice
getSelectedObjects() - Method in class gate.swing.JChoice
getSelectedParameters() - Method in class gate.gui.NewResourceDialog
Returns the selected params for the resource or null if none was selected or the user pressed cancel
getSelectedValueA() - Method in class gate.gui.CorpusQualityAssurance.ToggleSelectionABModel
getSelectedValueB() - Method in class gate.gui.CorpusQualityAssurance.ToggleSelectionABModel
getSelectedVersion() - Method in class gate.util.persistence.UpgradeXGAPP.UpgradePath
getSelectionModel() - Method in interface gate.gui.docview.AnnotationList
Obtains the selection model used by this list view.
getSelectionModel() - Method in class gate.gui.docview.AnnotationListView
getSemanticRelations() - Method in interface gate.wordnet.Synset
get the SemanticRelation-s of this synset
getSemanticRelations(int) - Method in interface gate.wordnet.Synset
get the SemanticRelation-s of specific type (HYPERNYm) for this synset
getSenseCount() - Method in interface gate.wordnet.Word
returns the number of senses of this word (not necessarily loading them from storage)
getSenseNumber() - Method in interface gate.wordnet.WordSense
order of this sense relative to the word - i.e.
getSesameRepository() - Method in interface gate.creole.ontology.Ontology
getSesameRepositoryID() - Method in interface gate.creole.ontology.Ontology
getSet(Object) - Method in class gate.util.OptionsMap
If the object stored under key is a set then returns its value otherwise returns an empty set.
getSetAnnotationProperties() - Method in interface gate.creole.ontology.OResource
This method returns the annotation properties set on this resource.
getSetDatatypeProperties() - Method in interface gate.creole.ontology.OInstance
This method returns the datatype properties set on this resource.
getSetHandler(String) - Method in class gate.gui.docview.AnnotationSetsView
Get an annotation set handler in this annotation set view.
getSetObjectProperties() - Method in interface gate.creole.ontology.OInstance
This method returns the object properties set on this resource.
getSetRDFProperties() - Method in interface gate.creole.ontology.OInstance
This method returns the RDF properties set on this resource.
getSharableProperties() - Method in class gate.creole.ResourceData
Get the collection of property names that should be treated as sharable state when duplicating resources of this type.
getShortDataType() - Static method in class gate.creole.ontology.DataType
denotes the "" datatype.
getShouldCollectRepositioning() - Method in class gate.DocumentFormat
getSignificantFeaturesSet() - Method in class gate.util.AnnotationDiffer
Gets the set of features considered significant for the matching algorithm.
getSimilarity() - Method in class gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.index.IndexWriter
Expert: Return the Similarity implementation used by this IndexWriter.
getSimilarity(Searcher) - Method in class
Expert: Returns the Similarity implementation to be used for this query.
getSimilarity() - Method in class
Returns the Similarity implementation used by this scorer.
getSimilarity() - Method in class
Expert: Return the Similarity implementation used by this Searcher.
getSiteConfigFile() - Static method in class gate.Gate
Get the site config file (generally set during command-line processing or as a gate.config property).
getSize() - Method in class gate.gui.ListEditorDialog.ResourceComboModel
getSize() - Method in class gate.gui.SerialControllerEditor.CorporaComboModel
getSize() - Method in class gate.util.ObjectWriter
Obtains the object size.
getSlop() - Method in class
Returns the slop.
getSmallView() - Method in interface gate.gui.Handle
Returns a GUI component to be used as a small viewer/editor, e.g.
getSmallView() - Method in class gate.gui.NameBearerHandle
Returns a GUI component to be used as a small viewer/editor, e.g.
getSmallVRsForResource(String) - Method in class gate.creole.CreoleRegisterImpl
Returns a list of strings representing class names for small VRs valid for a given type of language/processing resource The default VR will be the first in the returned list.
getSmallVRsForResource(String) - Method in interface gate.CreoleRegister
Returns a list of strings representing class names for small VRs valid for a given type of language/processing resource The default VR will be the first in the returned list.
getSortedColumn() - Method in class gate.swing.XJTable
getSortOrder() - Method in class gate.util.reporting.PRTimeReporter
Returns the sorting order specified for the report (EXEC_ORDER or TIME_TAKEN).
getSource() - Method in interface gate.wordnet.LexicalRelation
returns the source (WordSense) of this lexical relation
getSource() - Method in interface gate.wordnet.SemanticRelation
returns the source (Synset) of this lexical relation
getSourceDocument() - Method in class gate.event.AnnotationSetEvent
Gets the document that has had an annotation added or removed.
getSourceDocument() - Method in class gate.event.RelationSetEvent
Gets the document that has had an annotation added or removed.
getSourceUrl() - Method in class gate.corpora.DocumentImpl
Documents are identified by URLs
getSourceUrl() - Method in interface gate.SimpleDocument
Documents are identified by URLs
getSourceUrlEndOffset() - Method in class gate.corpora.DocumentImpl
Documents may be packed within files; in this case an optional pair of offsets refer to the location of the document.
getSourceUrlEndOffset() - Method in interface gate.Document
Documents may be packed within files; in this case an optional pair of offsets refer to the location of the document.
getSourceUrlOffsets() - Method in class gate.corpora.DocumentImpl
Documents may be packed within files; in this case an optional pair of offsets refer to the location of the document.
getSourceUrlOffsets() - Method in interface gate.Document
Documents may be packed within files; in this case an optional pair of offsets refer to the location of the document.
getSourceUrlStartOffset() - Method in class gate.corpora.DocumentImpl
Documents may be packed within files; in this case an optional pair of offsets refer to the location of the document.
getSourceUrlStartOffset() - Method in interface gate.Document
Documents may be packed within files; in this case an optional pair of offsets refer to the location of the document.
getSpecificEditorActions(AnnotationSet, Annotation) - Method in class gate.gui.docview.AnnotationListView
getSpecificity(String) - Method in interface
getSpurious() - Method in class gate.util.AnnotationDiffer
Gets the number of pairings of type AnnotationDiffer.SPURIOUS_TYPE.
getSrc() - Method in class gate.util.ant.packager.PackageGappTask
Get the original gapp file that is to be modified.
getStartDirectory() - Method in class gate.util.CorpusBenchmarkTool
getStartingAt(long) - Method in class gate.annotation.AnnotationSetImpl
Select annotations by offset.
getStartNode() - Method in class gate.annotation.AnnotationImpl
The start node.
getStartNode() - Method in interface gate.SimpleAnnotation
The start node.
getStartOffset() - Method in class gate.creole.annic.Hit
Returns the start offset of the matching part (query matched part)
getStartOffset() - Method in class gate.creole.annic.PatternAnnotation
Gets the start offset
getStorageDir() - Method in class gate.persist.SerialDataStore
Get method for storage URL
getStorageUrl() - Method in interface gate.DataStore
Get the URL as String for the underlying storage mechanism.
getStorageUrl() - Method in class gate.persist.SerialDataStore
Get the URL for the underlying storage mechanism.
getStrict(Long, Long) - Method in class gate.annotation.AnnotationSetImpl
Select annotations by offset.
getString(Annotation) - Method in class gate.gui.docview.CorefEditor
Given an annotation, this method returns the string of that annotation
getString(String) - Static method in class gate.util.Files
Get a string representing the contents of a text file.
getString(File) - Static method in class gate.util.Files
Get a string representing the contents of a text file.
getString(Object) - Method in class gate.util.OptionsMap
If the object stored under key is a String then returns its value otherwise returns null.
getStringContent() - Method in class gate.corpora.DocumentImpl
The stringContent of a document is a property of the document that will be set when the user wants to create the document from a string, as opposed to from a URL.
getStringDataType() - Static method in class gate.creole.ontology.DataType
denotes the "" datatype.
getStringIndex(IndexReader, String) - Method in interface
Checks the internal cache for an appropriate entry, and if none is found reads the term values in field and returns an array of them in natural order, along with an array telling which element in the term array each document uses.
getStringMap() - Method in class gate.util.OptionsMap
Returns a String based view of the data.
getStrings(IndexReader, String) - Method in interface
Checks the internal cache for an appropriate entry, and if none is found, reads the term values in field and returns an array of size reader.maxDoc() containing the value each document has in the given field.
getSubClasses(byte) - Method in interface gate.creole.ontology.OClass
getSubClasses(OConstants.Closure) - Method in interface gate.creole.ontology.OClass
getSubClassesIterator(OConstants.Closure) - Method in interface gate.creole.ontology.OClass
getSubClassesVsDistance() - Method in interface gate.creole.ontology.OClass
Gets the sub classes, and returns them in an array list where on each index there is a collection of the sub classes at distance - the index.
getSubject() - Method in interface gate.creole.ontology.Triple
getSubProperties(byte) - Method in interface gate.creole.ontology.RDFProperty
getSubProperties(OConstants.Closure) - Method in interface gate.creole.ontology.RDFProperty
Gets the set of sub-properties for this property.
getSubtype() - Method in class gate.corpora.MimeType
Returns the subtype component of this MIME Type.
GetSuffix(int) - Method in interface gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.analysis.standard.CharStream
Returns an array of characters that make up the suffix of length 'len' for the currently matched token.
GetSuffix(int) - Method in class gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.analysis.standard.FastCharStream
getSuffixes() - Method in class gate.creole.Parameter
Get the suffixes atached with this param.
getSuperClasses(byte) - Method in interface gate.creole.ontology.OClass
getSuperClasses(OConstants.Closure) - Method in interface gate.creole.ontology.OClass
getSuperClassesVSDistance() - Method in interface gate.creole.ontology.OClass
Gets the super classes, and returns them in an array list where on each index there is a collection of the super classes at distance - the index.
getSuperProperties(byte) - Method in interface gate.creole.ontology.RDFProperty
getSuperProperties(OConstants.Closure) - Method in interface gate.creole.ontology.RDFProperty
Gets the set of super-properties for this property.
getSupportedFileSuffixes() - Static method in class gate.DocumentFormat
Utility method to get the set of all file suffixes that are registered with this class.
getSupportedMimeTypes() - Static method in class gate.DocumentFormat
getSuppressExceptions() - Method in class gate.creole.RealtimeCorpusController
getSymbol() - Method in interface gate.wordnet.Relation
returns a symbol for the relation, e.g.
getSymmetricProperties() - Method in interface gate.creole.ontology.Ontology
Gets the set of Symmetric Properties in the ontology.
getSynset() - Method in interface gate.wordnet.WordSense
synset of this sense
getSynsets(int) - Method in interface gate.wordnet.WordNet
returns all synsets for specific POS
getTable() - Method in class gate.gui.LuceneDataStoreSearchGUI.ConfigureStackViewFrame
getTableCellEditorComponent(JTable, Object, boolean, int, int) - Method in class gate.gui.AlternatingTableCellEditor
Switches focus to the next cell editor in the provided list, and then passes on the call to that editor.
getTableCellEditorComponent(JTable, Object, boolean, int, int) - Method in class gate.gui.creole.manager.JTextPaneTableCellRenderer
getTableCellEditorComponent(JTable, Object, boolean, int, int) - Method in class gate.gui.docview.AnnotationSetsView.SetsTableCellEditor
getTableCellEditorComponent(JTable, Object, boolean, int, int) - Method in class gate.gui.FeaturesSchemaEditor.FeatureEditorRenderer
getTableCellEditorComponent(JTable, Object, boolean, int, int) - Method in class gate.gui.persistence.XgappUpgradeSelector.PluginCoordinatesEditor
getTableCellEditorComponent(JTable, Object, boolean, int, int) - Method in class gate.gui.persistence.XgappUpgradeSelector.UpgradeStrategyEditor
getTableCellEditorComponent(JTable, Object, boolean, int, int) - Method in class gate.gui.persistence.XgappUpgradeSelector.UpgradeVersionEditor
getTableCellRendererComponent(JTable, Object, boolean, boolean, int, int) - Method in class gate.annotation.CorpusAnnotationDiff.AnnotationDiffCellRenderer
This method is called by JTable
getTableCellRendererComponent(JTable, Object, boolean, boolean, int, int) - Method in class gate.gui.AnnotationDiffGUI.DiffTableCellRenderer
getTableCellRendererComponent(JTable, Object, boolean, boolean, int, int) - Method in class gate.gui.BooleanRenderer
getTableCellRendererComponent(JTable, Object, boolean, boolean, int, int) - Method in class gate.gui.docview.AnnotationSetsView.SetsTableCellRenderer
getTableCellRendererComponent(JTable, Object, boolean, boolean, int, int) - Method in class gate.gui.FeaturesSchemaEditor.FeatureEditorRenderer
getTableCellRendererComponent(JTable, Object, boolean, boolean, int, int) - Method in class gate.gui.LuceneDataStoreSearchGUI.ResultTableCellRenderer
getTableCellRendererComponent(JTable, Object, boolean, boolean, int, int) - Method in class gate.gui.persistence.XgappUpgradeSelector.UpgradeStrategyRenderer
getTableCellRendererComponent(JTable, Object, boolean, boolean, int, int) - Method in class gate.gui.ResourceRenderer
getTableCellRendererComponent(JTable, Object, boolean, boolean, int, int) - Method in class gate.swing.CheckBoxTableCellRenderer
getTableCellRendererComponent(JTable, Object, boolean, boolean, int, int) - Method in class gate.swing.IconTableCellRenderer
getTableCellRendererComponent(JTable, Object, boolean, boolean, int, int) - Method in class gate.swing.JTreeTable.TreeTableCellRenderer
getTableRow(int) - Method in class gate.swing.XJTable
Get the row in the table for a row in the model.
getTarget() - Method in interface gate.gui.Handle
getTarget() - Method in class gate.gui.NameBearerHandle
getTarget() - Method in class gate.util.persistence.PersistenceManager.ObjectHolder
getTarget() - Method in interface gate.wordnet.LexicalRelation
returns the target (WordSense) of this lexical relation
getTarget() - Method in interface gate.wordnet.SemanticRelation
returns the source (Synset) of this lexical relation
getTerm() - Method in class
Returns the term of this query.
getTermCount() - Method in interface
getTermFrequencies() - Method in interface gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.index.TermFreqVector
Array of term frequencies.
getTermFrequency(Long, String) - Method in interface
getTermFreqVector(int, String) - Method in class gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.index.FilterIndexReader
getTermFreqVector(int, String) - Method in class gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.index.IndexReader
Return a term frequency vector for the specified document and field.
getTermFreqVector(int, String) - Method in class gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.index.MultiReader
getTermFreqVectors(int) - Method in class gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.index.FilterIndexReader
getTermFreqVectors(int) - Method in class gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.index.IndexReader
Return an array of term frequency vectors for the specified document.
getTermFreqVectors(int) - Method in class gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.index.MultiReader
Return an array of term frequency vectors for the specified document.
getTermPositions(int) - Method in interface gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.index.TermPositionVector
Returns an array of positions in which the term is found.
getTerms() - Method in interface gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.index.TermFreqVector
getTerms() - Method in class
Returns the set of terms in this phrase.
getText() - Method in class gate.creole.annic.PatternAnnotation
Gets the text of the annotation
getTextComponent() - Method in interface gate.gui.annedit.AnnotationEditorOwner
Gets the UI component used to display the document text.
getTextComponent() - Method in class gate.gui.docview.AnnotationListView
getTextComponent() - Method in class gate.gui.docview.AnnotationSetsView
getTextComponent() - Method in class gate.gui.docview.DocumentEditor
getTextView() - Method in class gate.gui.docview.TextualDocumentView
getThreshold() - Method in class gate.util.CorpusBenchmarkTool
getTimeDataType() - Static method in class gate.creole.ontology.DataType
denotes the "" datatype.
getTimeout() - Method in class gate.creole.RealtimeCorpusController
Gets the timeout in milliseconds before execution on a document is forcibly stopped (forcibly stopping execution may result in memory leaks and/or unexpected behaviour).
getTitle() - Method in interface gate.gui.Handle
getTitle() - Method in class gate.gui.NameBearerHandle
getToken(int) - Method in class gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.analysis.standard.StandardTokenizer
getTokenStream() - Method in class gate.creole.annic.lucene.LuceneReader
Gets the token stream associated with this reader
getTooltipText() - Method in interface gate.gui.Handle
getTooltipText() - Method in class gate.gui.NameBearerHandle
getToolTypes() - Method in class gate.creole.CreoleRegisterImpl
Get the list of types of TOOL resources in the register.
getToolTypes() - Method in interface gate.CreoleRegister
Get the list of types of tool in the register.
getTopView() - Method in class gate.gui.docview.DocumentEditor
Gets the currently showing top view
getTotalNumberOfPatterns() - Method in class gate.creole.annic.lucene.LuceneQueryResultList
getTotalTrials() - Method in class gate.util.ClassificationMeasures
Gets the total number of annotations in the two sets.
getTransientRepresentation(Object) - Static method in class gate.util.persistence.PersistenceManager
getTransientRepresentation(Object, String, Map<String, Map<String, Object>>) - Static method in class gate.util.persistence.PersistenceManager
getTransientSource() - Method in class gate.corpora.SerialCorpusImpl
getTransitiveProperties() - Method in interface gate.creole.ontology.Ontology
Gets the set of Transitive Properties in the ontology.
getTree() - Method in class gate.swing.JTreeTable
getTreeCellEditorComponent(JTree, Object, boolean, boolean, boolean, int) - Method in class gate.gui.MainFrame.ResourcesTreeCellEditor
This is the original implementation from the super class with some changes (i.e.
getTreeCellRendererComponent(JTree, Object, boolean, boolean, boolean, int, boolean) - Method in class gate.gui.docview.CorefEditor.CorefTreeCellRenderer
Renderer class
getTreeCellRendererComponent(JTree, Object, boolean, boolean, boolean, int, boolean) - Method in class gate.gui.MainFrame.ResourcesTreeCellRenderer
getTreeCellRendererComponent(JTree, Object, boolean, boolean, boolean, int, boolean) - Method in class gate.gui.ResourceRenderer
getType() - Method in class gate.annotation.AnnotationImpl
The type of the annotation (corresponds to TIPSTER "name").
getType() - Method in class gate.corpora.MimeType
Returns the type component of this MIME Type.
getType() - Method in class
Returns the type of contents in the field.
getType() - Method in class gate.creole.annic.PatternAnnotation
Gets the type of the annotation
getType() - Method in class gate.event.GateEvent
Gets the type of the event.
getType() - Method in class gate.gui.docview.AnnotationListView
getType() - Method in class gate.gui.docview.AnnotationSetsView
getType() - Method in class gate.gui.docview.AnnotationStackView
getType() - Method in class gate.gui.docview.CorefEditor.CorefTreeNode
getType() - Method in class gate.gui.docview.CorefEditor
getType() - Method in interface gate.gui.docview.DocumentView
Returns the type of this view.
getType() - Method in class gate.gui.docview.TextualDocumentView
getType() - Method in class gate.gui.ParameterDisjunction
returns the type for the curently selected parameter.
getType() - Method in interface gate.relations.Relation
Get the type of the relation (e.g.
getType() - Method in class gate.relations.SimpleRelation
getType() - Method in interface gate.SimpleAnnotation
The type of the annotation (corresponds to TIPSTER "name").
getType() - Method in interface gate.util.AnnotationDiffer.Pairing
getType() - Method in class gate.util.AnnotationDiffer.PairingImpl
getType() - Method in interface gate.wordnet.Relation
returns the type of the relation - one of REL_XXX
getTypeHandler(String, String) - Method in class gate.gui.docview.AnnotationSetsView
Get an annotation type handler in this annotation set view.
getTypeHandler(String) - Method in class gate.gui.docview.AnnotationSetsView.SetHandler
getTypeName() - Method in class gate.creole.Parameter
Get the type name for this parameter
getTypesAndFeatures(String, String) - Method in class gate.gui.LuceneDataStoreSearchGUI
getUniqueBeginners() - Method in interface gate.wordnet.WordNet
returns all unique beginners
getUniqueTermCount() - Method in interface
getUnsignedByteDataType() - Static method in class gate.creole.ontology.DataType
denotes the "" datatype.
getUnsignedIntDataType() - Static method in class gate.creole.ontology.DataType
denotes the "" datatype.
getUnsignedLongDataType() - Static method in class gate.creole.ontology.DataType
denotes the "" datatype.
getUnsignedShortDataType() - Static method in class gate.creole.ontology.DataType
denotes the "" datatype.
getUpgradeStrategy() - Method in class gate.util.persistence.UpgradeXGAPP.UpgradePath
getURI() - Method in interface gate.creole.ontology.OResource
getURL() - Method in interface gate.creole.ontology.Ontology
Gets the URL of this ontology.
getUrlString() - Method in class gate.gui.CorpusFillerComponent
Gets the current text in the URL text field.
getUrlString() - Method in class gate.gui.SingleConcatenatedFileInputDialog
Gets the current text in the URL text field.
getUseCompoundFile() - Method in class gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.index.IndexWriter
Setting to turn on usage of a compound file.
getUseDocumentContent() - Method in class gate.gui.CreateIndexGUI
getUserConfig() - Static method in class gate.Gate
Get the GATE development environment configuration data (initialised from gate.xml).
getUserConfigElement() - Static method in class gate.Gate
Gate the name of the XML element for GATE development environment config data.
getUserConfigFile() - Static method in class gate.Gate
Get the location of the user's config file.
getUserData() - Method in interface gate.relations.Relation
Gets the arbitrary data associated with this relation
getUserData() - Method in class gate.relations.SimpleRelation
getUserSessionFile() - Static method in class gate.Gate
Get the user session file.
getUseXMLSerialization() - Static method in class gate.Gate
Should we use XML serialization for applications.
getValidityMessage() - Method in class gate.creole.ResourceData
Get validity statues message.
getValue() - Method in class gate.corpora.ObjectWrapper
Gets the wrapped value.
getValue() - Method in class
The value assigned to this explanation node.
getValue() - Method in interface
The weight for this query.
getValue() - Method in class gate.creole.annic.Term
getValue() - Method in class
getValue() - Method in interface gate.creole.ontology.CardinalityRestriction
This method returns the cardinality value.
getValue() - Method in class gate.creole.ontology.Literal
Returns the value (lexical form) associated with this instance of literal.
getValue() - Method in interface gate.creole.ontology.MaxCardinalityRestriction
This method returns the maximum cardinality value allowed for this value.
getValue() - Method in interface gate.creole.ontology.MinCardinalityRestriction
This method returns the minimum cardinality value allowed for this value.
getValue() - Method in class gate.gui.ParameterDisjunction
getValue() - Method in interface gate.util.AnnotationDiffer.Pairing
getValue() - Method in class gate.util.AnnotationDiffer.PairingImpl
getValueAt(int, int) - Method in class gate.annotation.CorpusAnnotationDiff.AnnotationDiffTableModel
Returns a value from the table model
getValueAt(int, int) - Method in class gate.gui.AnnotationDiffGUI.DiffTableModel
getValueAt(int, int) - Method in class gate.gui.docview.AnnotationSetsView.SetsTableModel
getValueAt(int, int) - Method in class gate.gui.FeaturesSchemaEditor.FeaturesTableModel
getValueAt(int, int) - Method in class gate.gui.LuceneDataStoreSearchGUI.ConfigureStackViewTableModel
getValueAt(int, int) - Method in class gate.gui.LuceneDataStoreSearchGUI.ResultTableModel
getValueAt(int, int) - Method in class gate.gui.persistence.XgappUpgradeSelector.UpgradePathTableModel
getValueAt(int, int) - Method in class gate.gui.ResourceParametersEditor.ParametersTableModel
getValueAt(Object, int) - Method in class gate.swing.AbstractTreeTableModel
getValueAt(Object, int) - Method in interface gate.swing.TreeTableModel
Returns the value to be displayed for node node, at column number column.
getValueAt(int, int) - Method in class gate.swing.XJTable.SortingModel
getValues(String) - Method in class gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.document.Document
Returns an array of values of the field specified as the method parameter.
getVerbFrames() - Method in interface gate.wordnet.Verb
returns the verb frames associated with this synset
getVerboseMode() - Method in class gate.util.CorpusBenchmarkTool
getVersion() - Method in interface gate.creole.ontology.Ontology
use method getOntologyAnnotationValues instead
getVersion() - Method in class gate.creole.Plugin
Get the version of this plugin.
getVersion() - Method in interface gate.wordnet.WordNet
returns the WordNet version
getVersionFile() - Method in class gate.persist.SerialDataStore
Get a File for the protocol version file.
getVersions() - Method in class gate.util.persistence.UpgradeXGAPP.UpgradePath
getVerticalViews() - Method in class gate.gui.docview.DocumentEditor
getVREnabledAnnotationTypes() - Method in class gate.creole.CreoleRegisterImpl
Returns a list of strings representing annotations types for which there are custom viewers/editor registered.
getVREnabledAnnotationTypes() - Method in interface gate.CreoleRegister
Returns a list of strings representing annotations types for which there are custom viewers/editor registered.
getVrInstances() - Method in class gate.creole.CreoleRegisterImpl
Get a list of all instantiations of VR in the register.
getVrInstances(String) - Method in class gate.creole.CreoleRegisterImpl
getVrInstances() - Method in interface gate.CreoleRegister
Get a list of all instantiations of VR in the register.
getVrInstances(String) - Method in interface gate.CreoleRegister
Get a list of all the known Visual Resource instances in the register whose class is resourceTypeName.
getVrTypes() - Method in class gate.creole.CreoleRegisterImpl
Get the list of types of VR in the register.
getVrTypes() - Method in interface gate.CreoleRegister
Get the list of types of VR in the register.
getWindow() - Method in interface gate.gui.Handle
Returns the top level GUI component that is a parent to all other GUI components
getWindow() - Method in class gate.gui.NameBearerHandle
getWord() - Method in interface gate.wordnet.WordSense
returns the Word of this WordSense
getWordSense(int) - Method in interface gate.wordnet.Synset
get specific WordSense according to its order in the synset - most important senses come first
getWordSenses() - Method in interface gate.wordnet.Synset
WordSenses contained in this synset
getWordSenses() - Method in interface gate.wordnet.Word
returns the senses of this word
getXmlFileUrl() - Method in class gate.creole.AnnotationSchema
Get method for the resource xml file URL
getXmlFileUrl() - Method in class gate.creole.ResourceData
Get the URL to the creole.xml file that defines this resource
getXmlSchemaURI() - Method in class gate.creole.ontology.DataType
getXmlSchemaURIString() - Method in class gate.creole.ontology.DataType
globalProgressBar - Variable in class gate.gui.MainFrame
GMONTH - Static variable in class gate.creole.ontology.OConstants.XMLSchema
GMONTHDAY - Static variable in class gate.creole.ontology.OConstants.XMLSchema
goAway() - Method in class gate.swing.WaitDialog
Hides the window.
graceful - Variable in class gate.creole.RealtimeCorpusController
The timeout in milliseconds before execution on a document is gracefully stopped.
GREEK - Static variable in interface gate.creole.ontology.OConstants
Language code used "el"
GreenBallIcon - Class in gate.resources.img.svg
This class has been automatically generated using SVGRoundTrip.
GreenBallIcon() - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.GreenBallIcon
Creates a new transcoded SVG image.
GreenBallIcon(boolean) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.GreenBallIcon
GreenBallIcon(Dimension) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.GreenBallIcon
Creates a new transcoded SVG image with the given dimensions.
GreenBallIcon(Dimension, boolean) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.GreenBallIcon
GreenBallIcon(int, int) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.GreenBallIcon
GreenBallIcon(int, int, boolean) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.GreenBallIcon
GREENLANDIC - Static variable in interface gate.creole.ontology.OConstants
Language code used "kl"
group - Variable in class gate.util.ant.packager.GappModel.MavenPlugin
GUARANI - Static variable in interface gate.creole.ontology.OConstants
Language code used "gn"
guessIcon() - Method in class gate.creole.ResourceData
Makes the best attempt of guessing an appropriate icon for this resource type based on whether it is a Language Resource, a Processing Resource, or something else.
guessTypeUsingMagicNumbers(InputStream, String) - Static method in class gate.DocumentFormat
This method tries to guess the mime Type using some magic numbers.
guiInitialised - Variable in class gate.gui.docview.AbstractDocumentView
Has the UI been initialised yet?
GuiType - Enum in gate.creole.metadata
Enumeration defining the allowable GUI types for CreoleResource.guiType().
guiType - Variable in class gate.creole.ResourceData
A filed which can have one of the 3 predefined values.
GUJARATI - Static variable in interface gate.creole.ontology.OConstants
Language code used "gu"
GYEAR - Static variable in class gate.creole.ontology.OConstants.XMLSchema
GYEARMONTH - Static variable in class gate.creole.ontology.OConstants.XMLSchema


handle - Variable in class gate.creole.AbstractVisualResource
The handle for this visual resource
handle - Variable in class gate.gui.docview.AbstractDocumentView
Stores the handle of this view.
handle - Variable in class gate.gui.FeaturesSchemaEditor
The handle for this visual resource
Handle - Interface in gate.gui
Interface for classes used to store the information about an open resource.
handleComment(char[], int) - Method in class gate.html.HtmlDocumentHandler
This method is called when the HTML parser encounts a comment
HandleDocumentEventsAction() - Constructor for class gate.gui.docview.AnnotationSetsView.HandleDocumentEventsAction
handleEndTag(HTML.Tag, int) - Method in class gate.html.HtmlDocumentHandler
This method is called when the HTML parser encounts the end of a tag that means that the tag is paired by a beginning tag
handleError(String, int) - Method in class gate.html.HtmlDocumentHandler
This method is called when the HTML parser encounts an error it depends on the programmer if he wants to deal with that error
handleSimpleTag(HTML.Tag, MutableAttributeSet, int) - Method in class gate.html.HtmlDocumentHandler
This method is called when the HTML parser encounts an empty tag
handleStartTag(HTML.Tag, MutableAttributeSet, int) - Method in class gate.html.HtmlDocumentHandler
This method is called when the HTML parser encounts the beginning of a tag that means that the tag is paired by an end tag and it's not an empty one.
handleText(char[], int) - Method in class gate.html.HtmlDocumentHandler
This method is called when the HTML parser encounts text (PCDATA)
HAS_DIGIT - Static variable in interface gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.analysis.standard.StandardTokenizerConstants
HAS_VALUE_RESTRICTION - Static variable in interface gate.creole.ontology.OConstants
specifies that the value of y in the x rdf:type is owl:restriction and that it is a hasValue restriction
HAS_VALUE_RESTRICTION_ADDED_EVENT - Static variable in interface gate.creole.ontology.OConstants
denotes the event when a new has_value_restriction is added
hasAMeaning(String) - Method in class
This method tests a token if is Day, Month, Zone, Time, Year
hasAnnotationPropertyWithValue(AnnotationProperty, Literal) - Method in interface gate.creole.ontology.OResource
Checks if the resource has the provided annotation property set on it with the specified value.
hasContentButNoValidUrl(Document) - Static method in class gate.corpora.TextualDocumentFormat
This is a test to see if the GATE document has a valid URL or a valid content.
hasDatatypePropertyWithValue(DatatypeProperty, Literal) - Method in interface gate.creole.ontology.OInstance
Checks if the resource has the provided datatype property set on it with the specified value.
hasDeletions() - Method in class gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.index.FilterIndexReader
hasDeletions() - Method in class gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.index.IndexReader
Returns true if any documents have been deleted
hasDeletions() - Method in class gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.index.MultiReader
HASH_STH_SIZE - Static variable in class gate.Gate
The default size to be used for Hashtable, HashMap and HashSet.
hashCode() - Method in class gate.annotation.AnnotationImpl
When equals called on two annotations returns true, is REQUIRED that the value hashCode for each annotation to be the same.
hashCode() - Method in class gate.corpora.CorpusImpl
hashCode() - Method in class gate.corpora.DocumentContentImpl
Calculate the hash value for the object.
hashCode() - Method in class gate.corpora.MimeType
The hashcode is composed (by addition) from the hashcodes for the type and subtype.
hashCode() - Method in class gate.corpora.SerialCorpusImpl
hashCode() - Method in class gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.index.Term
Combines the hashCode() of the field and the text.
hashCode() - Method in class
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in class
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in class
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in class
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in class gate.creole.ontology.DataType
hashCode() - Method in class gate.creole.ontology.Literal
hashCode() - Method in interface gate.creole.ontology.LiteralOrONodeID
hashCode() - Method in interface gate.creole.ontology.ONodeID
hashCode() - Method in interface gate.creole.ontology.OValue
hashCode() - Method in class gate.creole.ontology.URI
hashCode() - Method in class gate.creole.Plugin
hashCode() - Method in class gate.creole.Plugin.Maven
hashCode() - Method in class gate.creole.ResourceData
Hashing, based on the name field of the object
hashCode() - Method in class gate.creole.ResourceReference
hashCode() - Method in class gate.gui.annedit.AnnotationDataImpl
hashCode() - Method in class gate.persist.SerialDataStore
Calculate a hash code based on the class and the storage dir.
hashCode() - Method in class gate.relations.SimpleRelation
hashCode() - Method in class gate.util.BomStrippingInputStreamReader
hashCode() - Method in class gate.util.Pair
hashCode() - Method in class gate.util.persistence.PersistenceManager.ObjectHolder
HashMapLong - Class in gate.util
simple cut-off version of the hashmap with native long's as keys only get,put and isEmpty methods are implemented().
HashMapLong(int, float) - Constructor for class gate.util.HashMapLong
the main constructor.
HashMapLong(int) - Constructor for class gate.util.HashMapLong
HashMapLong() - Constructor for class gate.util.HashMapLong
hasNext() - Method in interface gate.creole.ontology.OntologyTupleQuery
Test if more results are available.
hasObjectPropertyWithValue(ObjectProperty, OInstance) - Method in interface gate.creole.ontology.OInstance
Checks if the resource has the provided object property set on it with the specified value.
hasParameter(String) - Method in class gate.corpora.MimeType
Checks to see if this MIME type has a particular parameter.
hasRDFPropertyWithValue(RDFProperty, OResource) - Method in interface gate.creole.ontology.OInstance
hasResources() - Method in class gate.creole.Plugin
hasResources() - Method in class gate.creole.Plugin.Maven
hasSystemNameSpace(String) - Static method in class gate.creole.ontology.Utils
hasTriple(ONodeID, OURI, ONodeID) - Method in interface gate.creole.ontology.OntologyTripleStore
Check if a given triple with an URI object is part of the ontology.
hasTriple(ONodeID, OURI, Literal) - Method in interface gate.creole.ontology.OntologyTripleStore
Check if a given triple with a literal object is part of the ontology.
HASVALUE - Static variable in class gate.creole.ontology.OConstants.OWL
HasValueRestriction - Interface in gate.creole.ontology
A HasValueRestriction.
HAUSA - Static variable in interface gate.creole.ontology.OConstants
Language code used "ha"
HeaderMouseListener() - Constructor for class gate.gui.docview.AnnotationStackView.HeaderMouseListener
HeaderMouseListener(String, String) - Constructor for class gate.gui.docview.AnnotationStackView.HeaderMouseListener
HeaderMouseListener(String) - Constructor for class gate.gui.docview.AnnotationStackView.HeaderMouseListener
HeaderMouseListener() - Constructor for class gate.gui.LuceneDataStoreSearchGUI.HeaderMouseListener
HeaderMouseListener(String, String) - Constructor for class gate.gui.LuceneDataStoreSearchGUI.HeaderMouseListener
HeaderMouseListener(String) - Constructor for class gate.gui.LuceneDataStoreSearchGUI.HeaderMouseListener
headerMouseListener - Variable in class gate.swing.XJTable
HeaderMouseListener() - Constructor for class gate.swing.XJTable.HeaderMouseListener
headMap(K) - Method in class gate.util.RBTreeMap
Returns a view of the portion of this map whose keys are strictly less than toKey.
HEBREW - Static variable in interface gate.creole.ontology.OConstants
Language code used "he"
help() - Static method in class gate.Main
Display a help message
HelpAction() - Constructor for class gate.gui.AnnotationDiffGUI.HelpAction
HelpAction() - Constructor for class gate.gui.CorpusQualityAssurance.HelpAction
HelpIcon - Class in gate.resources.img.svg
This class has been automatically generated using SVGRoundTrip.
HelpIcon() - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.HelpIcon
Creates a new transcoded SVG image.
HelpIcon(boolean) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.HelpIcon
HelpIcon(Dimension) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.HelpIcon
Creates a new transcoded SVG image with the given dimensions.
HelpIcon(Dimension, boolean) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.HelpIcon
HelpIcon(int, int) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.HelpIcon
HelpIcon(int, int, boolean) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.HelpIcon
helpRegExpButton - Variable in class gate.gui.annedit.SearchAndAnnotatePanel
Help button that gives predefined regular expressions.
helpURL - Variable in class gate.creole.ResourceData
The helpURL string
HEXBINARY - Static variable in class gate.creole.ontology.OConstants.XMLSchema
HIDDEN_FEATURE_KEY - Static variable in interface gate.GateConstants
Key used in resource features for hiding the resource fromthe GUI.
hiddenColumns - Variable in class gate.swing.XJTable
Contains the hidden columns in no particular order.
HiddenCreoleParameter - Annotation Type in gate.creole.metadata
Annotation used to mark parameters that should not be inherited from superclasses.
HIDE_DELAY - Static variable in class gate.gui.docview.AnnotationEditor
Constant for delay before hiding the popup window (in milliseconds).
hideColumn(int) - Method in class gate.swing.XJTable
Hide a column.
hideTimer - Variable in class gate.gui.docview.AnnotationEditor
highlight() - Method in class gate.gui.TabHighlighter
Highlights the tab unless is selected
HIGHLIGHT_DELAY - Static variable in class gate.gui.docview.TextualDocumentView
The delay used by the highlights minder.
highlightAnnotations() - Method in class gate.gui.docview.CorefEditor
This methods highlights the annotations
HighlightData(AnnotationData, Color) - Constructor for class gate.gui.docview.TextualDocumentView.HighlightData
HighlightMenuItem(Action, int, int, JPopupMenu) - Constructor for class gate.gui.docview.AnnotationSetsView.HighlightMenuItem
highlightsMinder - Variable in class gate.gui.docview.TextualDocumentView
highlightsShown - Variable in class gate.gui.docview.TextualDocumentView.UpdateHighlightsAction
highlightsToAdd - Variable in class gate.gui.docview.TextualDocumentView
This list stores the TextualDocumentView.HighlightData values for annotations pending highlighting
highlightsToRemove - Variable in class gate.gui.docview.TextualDocumentView
This list stores the TextualDocumentView.HighlightData values for highlights that need to be removed
HINDI - Static variable in interface gate.creole.ontology.OConstants
Language code used "hi"
Hit - Class in gate.creole.annic
Hit is a unit of result that is returned when user searches the annic index.
Hit(String, String, int, int, String) - Constructor for class gate.creole.annic.Hit
HIT - Static variable in class gate.creole.annic.Parser
HIT XML Element
HitCollector - Class in
Lower-level search API.
HitCollector() - Constructor for class
Hits - Class in
A ranked list of documents, used to hold search results.
HITS - Static variable in class gate.creole.annic.Parser
HITS XML Element
HORIZONTAL - Static variable in interface gate.gui.docview.DocumentView
Constant for the HORIZONTAL type of the view inside the document editor.
horizontalSplit - Variable in class gate.gui.docview.DocumentEditor
horizontalViews - Variable in class gate.gui.docview.DocumentEditor
A list of DocumentView objects of type DocumentView.HORIZONTAL
HOST - Static variable in interface gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.analysis.standard.StandardTokenizerConstants
HtmlDocumentHandler - Class in gate.html
Implements the behaviour of the HTML reader.
HtmlDocumentHandler(Document, Map<String, String>) - Constructor for class gate.html.HtmlDocumentHandler
Constructor initialises all the private memeber data.
HtmlDocumentHandler(Document, Map<String, String>, AnnotationSet) - Constructor for class gate.html.HtmlDocumentHandler
Constructor initialises all the private memeber data
htmlExportAction - Variable in class gate.gui.AnnotationDiffGUI
HTMLExportAction() - Constructor for class gate.gui.AnnotationDiffGUI.HTMLExportAction
htmlExportBtn - Variable in class gate.gui.AnnotationDiffGUI
HTMLGenerator - Class in gate.creole.annic
This class provides methods to export the annic patterns to HTML.
HTMLGenerator() - Constructor for class gate.creole.annic.HTMLGenerator
httpCache - Variable in class gate.gui.MainFrame
humanReadableByteCount(long, boolean) - Static method in class gate.util.Strings
Converts a size given as a number of bytes (e.g.
HUNGARIAN - Static variable in interface gate.creole.ontology.OConstants
Language code used "hu"


ICELANDIC - Static variable in interface gate.creole.ontology.OConstants
Language code used "is"
icon - Variable in class gate.creole.ResourceData
Location of an icon for the resource
ICON_DIMENSION - Static variable in class gate.gui.MainFrame
ICON_EXTENSIONS - Static variable in class gate.gui.MainFrame
Extensions for icon files to be tried in this order.
IconTableCellRenderer - Class in gate.swing
IconTableCellRenderer() - Constructor for class gate.swing.IconTableCellRenderer
id(int) - Method in class
Returns the id for the nth document in this set.
ID - Static variable in class gate.creole.ontology.OConstants.XMLSchema
id - Variable in class gate.relations.SimpleRelation
IdBearer - Interface in gate.util
Classes that have Ids.
idf(int, int) - Method in class
Implemented as log(numDocs/(docFreq+1)) + 1.
idf(Term, Searcher) - Method in class
Computes a score factor for a simple term.
idf(Collection, Searcher) - Method in class
Computes a score factor for a phrase.
idf(int, int) - Method in class
Computes a score factor based on a term's document frequency (the number of documents which contain the term).
IDREF - Static variable in class gate.creole.ontology.OConstants.XMLSchema
IDREFS - Static variable in class gate.creole.ontology.OConstants.XMLSchema
ignorableWhitespace(char[], int, int) - Method in class gate.config.ConfigXmlHandler
Called when the SAX parser encounts white space
ignorableWhitespace(char[], int, int) - Method in class gate.creole.CreoleXmlHandler
Called when the SAX parser encounts white space
ignorableWhitespace(XMLString, Augmentations) - Method in class gate.html.NekoHtmlDocumentHandler
ignorableWhitespace(char[], int, int) - Method in class gate.xml.XmlDocumentHandler
This method is called when the SAX parser encounts white spaces
image - Variable in class gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.analysis.standard.Token
The string image of the token.
ImmutableAnnotationSetImpl - Class in gate.annotation
ImmutableAnnotationSetImpl(Document, Collection<Annotation>) - Constructor for class gate.annotation.ImmutableAnnotationSetImpl
Constructs an ImmutableAnnotationSet.
IMPORTS - Static variable in class gate.creole.ontology.OConstants.OWL
in - Variable in class gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.index.FilterIndexReader.FilterTermDocs
in - Variable in class gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.index.FilterIndexReader.FilterTermEnum
in - Variable in class gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.index.FilterIndexReader
includeRootElement() - Method in class gate.gui.SingleConcatenatedFileInputDialog
INCOMPATIBLEWITH - Static variable in class gate.creole.ontology.OConstants.OWL
increaseReferenceCount() - Method in class gate.creole.ResourceData
INDEX_LOCATION_URL - Static variable in class gate.creole.annic.Constants
name of the index_location_url parameter.
INDEX_LOCATIONS - Static variable in class gate.creole.annic.Constants
Name of the index_locations parameter.
INDEX_UNIT_ANNOTATION_TYPE - Static variable in class gate.creole.annic.Constants
Name of the index_unit_annotation_type parameter.
indexById - Variable in class gate.relations.RelationSet
Index for relations by id.
indexByStartOffset() - Method in class gate.annotation.AnnotationSetImpl
Construct the positional indices for annotation start
indexByType() - Method in class gate.annotation.AnnotationSetImpl
Construct the positional index.
indexByType - Variable in class gate.relations.RelationSet
Index for relations by type.
indexCompareTo(Term) - Method in class gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.index.Term
IndexDefinition - Interface in
indexDelay - Variable in class gate.persist.LuceneDataStoreImpl
Number of milliseconds we should wait after a sync before attempting to re-index a document.
INDEXED_FEATURES - Static variable in class gate.creole.annic.Constants
Indexed features
IndexedCorpus - Interface in
Indexer - Interface in gate.creole.annic
Base interface that declares methods for the Indexer.
indexer - Variable in class gate.persist.LuceneDataStoreImpl
Indexer to be used for indexing documents
indexesByMember - Variable in class gate.relations.RelationSet
Indexes for relations by member.
indexesOf(String[], int, int) - Method in interface gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.index.TermFreqVector
Just like indexOf(int) but searches for a number of terms at the same time.
IndexException - Exception in gate.creole.annic
Exception that should be thrown should something unexpected happens during creating/updating/deleting index.
IndexException(String) - Constructor for exception gate.creole.annic.IndexException
Consructor of the class.
IndexException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception gate.creole.annic.IndexException
IndexException - Exception in
IndexException(String) - Constructor for exception
Consructor of the class.
indexExists(String) - Static method in class gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.index.IndexReader
Returns true if an index exists at the specified directory.
indexExists(File) - Static method in class gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.index.IndexReader
Returns true if an index exists at the specified directory.
indexExists(Directory) - Static method in class gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.index.IndexReader
Returns true if an index exists at the specified directory.
IndexField - Class in
IndexField(String, PropertyReader, boolean) - Constructor for class
Constructor of the class.
IndexingTask(Object) - Constructor for class gate.persist.LuceneDataStoreImpl.IndexingTask
indexManager - Variable in class gate.corpora.SerialCorpusImpl
IndexManager - Interface in
indexOf(Object) - Method in class gate.corpora.CorpusImpl
indexOf(Object) - Method in class gate.corpora.SerialCorpusImpl
indexOf(String) - Method in interface gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.index.TermFreqVector
Return an index in the term numbers array returned from getTerms at which the term with the specified term appears.
INDEXORDER - Static variable in interface
Special comparator for sorting hits according to index order (document number).
INDEXORDER - Static variable in class
Represents sorting by index order.
indexParameters - Variable in class gate.persist.LuceneDataStoreImpl
Index Parameters
IndexReader - Class in gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.index
IndexReader is an abstract class, providing an interface for accessing an index.
IndexReader(Directory) - Constructor for class gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.index.IndexReader
Constructor used if IndexReader is not owner of its directory.
IndexSearcher - Class in
Implements search over a single IndexReader.
IndexSearcher(String) - Constructor for class
Creates a searcher searching the index in the named directory.
IndexSearcher(Directory) - Constructor for class
Creates a searcher searching the index in the provided directory.
IndexSearcher(IndexReader) - Constructor for class
Creates a searcher searching the provided index.
IndexStatistics - Interface in
indexURL - Variable in class gate.persist.LuceneDataStoreImpl
URL of the index
IndexWriter - Class in gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.index
An IndexWriter creates and maintains an index.
IndexWriter(String, Analyzer, boolean) - Constructor for class gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.index.IndexWriter
Constructs an IndexWriter for the index in path.
IndexWriter(File, Analyzer, boolean) - Constructor for class gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.index.IndexWriter
Constructs an IndexWriter for the index in path.
IndexWriter(Directory, Analyzer, boolean) - Constructor for class gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.index.IndexWriter
Constructs an IndexWriter for the index in d.
INDIVIDUAL - Static variable in class gate.creole.ontology.OConstants.OWL
inDocumentOrder() - Method in class gate.annotation.AnnotationSetImpl
Return a list of annotations sorted by increasing start offset, i.e.
inDocumentOrder() - Method in interface gate.AnnotationSet
Return a list of annotations sorted by increasing start offset, i.e.
inDocumentOrder(AnnotationSet) - Static method in class gate.Utils
Return a List containing the annotations in the given annotation set, in document order (i.e.
INDONESIAN - Static variable in interface gate.creole.ontology.OConstants
Language code used "id"
infoStream - Variable in class gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.index.IndexWriter
If non-null, information about merges will be printed to this.
init() - Method in class gate.annotation.CorpusAnnotationDiff
This method does the diff, Precision,Recall,FalsePositive calculation and so on.
init() - Method in class gate.corpora.ConllDocumentFormat
Initialise this resource, and return it.
init() - Method in class gate.corpora.CorpusImpl
Initialise this resource, and return it.
init() - Method in class gate.corpora.DocumentImpl
Initialise this resource, and return it.
init() - Method in class gate.corpora.EmailDocumentFormat
Initialise this resource, and return it.
init() - Method in class gate.corpora.NekoHtmlDocumentFormat
Initialise this resource, and return it.
init() - Method in class gate.corpora.SerialCorpusImpl
init() - Method in class gate.corpora.SgmlDocumentFormat
Initialise this resource, and return it.
init() - Method in class gate.corpora.TextualDocumentFormat
Initialise this resource, and return it.
init() - Method in class gate.corpora.TikaFormat
init() - Method in class gate.corpora.UimaDocumentFormat
init() - Method in class gate.corpora.XmlDocumentFormat
Initialise this resource, and return it.
init() - Method in class gate.creole.AbstractController
Initialise this resource, and return it.
init() - Method in class gate.creole.AbstractProcessingResource
Initialise this resource, and return it.
init() - Method in class gate.creole.AbstractResource
Initialise this resource, and return it.
init() - Method in class gate.creole.AbstractVisualResource
Initialise this resource, and return it.
init() - Method in class gate.creole.AnnotationSchema
Initialise this resource, and return it.
init() - Method in class gate.creole.RealtimeCorpusController
init() - Method in class gate.creole.ResourceData
Initialize this ResourceData.
init() - Static method in class gate.Gate
Initialisation - must be called by all clients before using any other parts of the library.
init() - Method in class gate.gui.ControllerMetadataViewer
init() - Method in class gate.gui.CorpusEditor
init() - Method in class gate.gui.CorpusQualityAssurance
init() - Method in class gate.gui.docview.AnnotationEditor
init() - Method in class gate.gui.docview.DocumentEditor
init() - Method in class gate.gui.docview.RelationSetView
init() - Method in class gate.gui.FeaturesSchemaEditor
Initialise this resource, and return it.
init() - Method in class gate.gui.LuceneDataStoreSearchGUI
Called when a View is loaded in GATE.
init(Component) - Method in class gate.gui.OkCancelDialog
init() - Method in class gate.gui.PRViewer
init() - Method in class gate.gui.ResourceHelper
init(Resource, ResourceData, List<List<Parameter>>) - Method in class gate.gui.ResourceParametersEditor
init(Resource, List<List<Parameter>>) - Method in class gate.gui.ResourceParametersEditor
Initialises this GUI component.
init() - Method in class gate.gui.SerialControllerEditor
init() - Method in class gate.gui.SerialDatastoreViewer
Initialise this resource, and return it.
init() - Method in interface gate.Resource
Initialise this resource, and return it.
init(TableModel) - Method in class gate.swing.XJTable.SortingModel
init() - Method in class gate.util.CorpusBenchmarkTool
initConfigData() - Static method in class gate.Gate
Reads config data (gate.xml files).
initCreoleRegister() - Static method in class gate.Gate
Initialise the CREOLE register.
initCreoleRepositories() - Static method in class gate.Gate
Loads the CREOLE repositories (aka plugins) that the user has selected for automatic loading.
initData() - Method in class gate.gui.docview.AnnotationEditor
initDataStoreRegister() - Static method in class gate.Gate
Initialise the DataStore register.
initFinished - Static variable in class gate.Gate
Records initialisation status.
initGui(Color) - Method in class gate.gui.annedit.SearchAndAnnotatePanel
Build the GUI with JPanels and Boxes.
initGUI() - Method in class gate.gui.AnnotationDiffGUI
initGUI() - Method in class gate.gui.docview.AbstractDocumentView
Implementers should override this method and use it for populating the GUI.
initGUI() - Method in class gate.gui.docview.AnnotationEditor
initGUI() - Method in class gate.gui.docview.AnnotationListView
initGUI() - Method in class gate.gui.docview.AnnotationSetsView
initGUI() - Method in class gate.gui.docview.AnnotationStackView
initGUI() - Method in class gate.gui.docview.CorefEditor
This method intiates the GUI for co-reference editor
initGUI() - Method in class gate.gui.docview.TextualDocumentView
initGUI() - Method in class gate.gui.FeaturesSchemaEditor
initGui() - Method in class gate.gui.LuceneDataStoreSearchGUI
Initialize the GUI.
initGuiComponents() - Method in class gate.gui.BootStrapDialog
This method initializes the GUI components
initGuiComponents() - Method in class gate.gui.CollectionSelectionDialog
This method creates the GUI components and paces them into the layout
initGuiComponents() - Method in class gate.gui.CorpusEditor
initGUIComponents() - Method in class gate.gui.CorpusFillerComponent
Creates the UI
initGuiComponents() - Method in class gate.gui.CorpusQualityAssurance
initGUIComponents() - Method in class gate.gui.CreateIndexGUI
initGuiComponents() - Method in class gate.gui.docview.DocumentEditor.SearchDialog
initGuiComponents() - Method in class gate.gui.FeatureMapEditorDialog
initGuiComponents() - Method in class gate.gui.ListEditorDialog
initGuiComponents() - Method in class gate.gui.MainFrame
initGuiComponents() - Method in class gate.gui.NewResourceDialog
initGuiComponents() - Method in class gate.gui.OptionsDialog
initGuiComponents() - Method in class gate.gui.PRViewer
initGuiComponents() - Method in class gate.gui.ResourceParametersEditor
initGuiComponents() - Method in class gate.gui.SerialControllerEditor
initGuiComponents() - Method in class gate.gui.SerialDatastoreViewer
initGUIComponents() - Method in class gate.gui.SingleConcatenatedFileInputDialog
Creates the UI
initGuiComponents() - Method in class gate.gui.teamware.InputOutputAnnotationSetsDialog
Set up the GUI.
initGuiComponents() - Method in class gate.swing.JFontChooser
initGuiComponents() - Method in class gate.swing.JTreeTable
initialize(int) - Method in class gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.util.PriorityQueue
Subclass constructors must call this.
initializeTermPositions() - Method in class
Initializes all local variables
initimeParameters - Variable in class gate.creole.ParameterList
The initialisation time parameters
initListeners() - Method in class gate.gui.annedit.SearchAndAnnotatePanel
initListeners() - Method in class gate.gui.AnnotationDiffGUI
initListeners() - Method in class gate.gui.BootStrapDialog
This one initializes the listeners fot the GUI components
initListeners() - Method in class gate.gui.CollectionSelectionDialog
Init all the listeners
initListeners() - Method in class gate.gui.CorpusEditor
initListeners() - Method in class gate.gui.CorpusFillerComponent
Adds listeners for UI components
initListeners() - Method in class gate.gui.CorpusQualityAssurance
initListeners() - Method in class gate.gui.CreateIndexGUI
initListeners() - Method in class gate.gui.docview.AnnotationEditor
initListeners() - Method in class gate.gui.docview.AnnotationListView
initListeners() - Method in class gate.gui.docview.AnnotationSetsView
initListeners() - Method in class gate.gui.docview.AnnotationStackView
initListeners() - Method in class gate.gui.docview.DocumentEditor.SearchDialog
initListeners() - Method in class gate.gui.docview.TextualDocumentView
initListeners() - Method in class gate.gui.FeatureMapEditorDialog
initListeners() - Method in class gate.gui.ListEditorDialog
initListeners() - Method in class gate.gui.LogArea
Init all listeners for this object
initListeners() - Method in class gate.gui.MainFrame
initListeners() - Method in class gate.gui.NewResourceDialog
initListeners() - Method in class gate.gui.OptionsDialog
initListeners() - Method in class gate.gui.PRViewer
initListeners() - Method in class gate.gui.ResourceParametersEditor
initListeners() - Method in class gate.gui.SerialControllerEditor
initListeners() - Method in class gate.gui.SerialDatastoreViewer
initListeners() - Method in class gate.gui.SingleConcatenatedFileInputDialog
Adds listeners for UI components
initListeners() - Method in class gate.swing.JFontChooser
initListeners() - Method in class gate.swing.JMenuButton
initListeners() - Method in class gate.swing.JTreeTable
initListeners() - Method in class gate.swing.XJMenu
initListeners() - Method in class gate.swing.XJMenuItem
initListeners() - Method in class gate.swing.XJTextPane
initLocalData() - Method in class gate.gui.AnnotationDiffGUI
initLocalData() - Method in class gate.gui.BootStrapDialog
Initialises the data (the loaded resources)
initLocalData(Collection) - Method in class gate.gui.CollectionSelectionDialog
Init local data from a source collection
initLocalData() - Method in class gate.gui.CorpusEditor
initLocalData() - Method in class gate.gui.CorpusFillerComponent
Inits local variables to default values
initLocalData() - Method in class gate.gui.CorpusQualityAssurance
initLocalData() - Method in class gate.gui.CreateIndexGUI
initLocalData() - Method in class gate.gui.docview.DocumentEditor.SearchDialog
initLocalData(FeatureMap) - Method in class gate.gui.FeatureMapEditorDialog
initLocalData(Collection<?>, Class<?>) - Method in class gate.gui.ListEditorDialog
initLocalData() - Method in class gate.gui.MainFrame
initLocalData() - Method in class gate.gui.NewResourceDialog
initLocalData() - Method in class gate.gui.OptionsDialog
initLocalData() - Method in class gate.gui.PRViewer
initLocalData() - Method in class gate.gui.ResourceParametersEditor
initLocalData() - Method in class gate.gui.SerialControllerEditor
initLocalData() - Method in class gate.gui.SerialDatastoreViewer
initLocalData() - Method in class gate.swing.JFontChooser
initLocalData() - Method in class gate.swing.JTreeTable
initLocalPaths() - Static method in class gate.Gate
Initialises the paths to local files of interest like the GATE home, the installed plugins home and site and user configuration files.
initMacListeners() - Method in class gate.gui.MainFrame
Set up the handlers to support the Macintosh Application menu.
initParamOverrides - Variable in class gate.util.persistence.AbstractPersistence
A map that contains init parameter overrides for controllerName+resourecName keys.
initPRs() - Method in class gate.util.CorpusBenchmarkTool
initRun(String) - Method in class gate.util.profile.Profiler
Inialises the profiler for a new run
initViews() - Method in class gate.gui.docview.DocumentEditor
InlineXMLExporter - Class in gate.corpora.export
InlineXMLExporter() - Constructor for class gate.corpora.export.InlineXMLExporter
InlineXMLIcon - Class in gate.resources.img.svg
This class has been automatically generated using SVGRoundTrip.
InlineXMLIcon() - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.InlineXMLIcon
Creates a new transcoded SVG image.
InlineXMLIcon(boolean) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.InlineXMLIcon
InlineXMLIcon(Dimension) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.InlineXMLIcon
Creates a new transcoded SVG image with the given dimensions.
InlineXMLIcon(Dimension, boolean) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.InlineXMLIcon
InlineXMLIcon(int, int) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.InlineXMLIcon
InlineXMLIcon(int, int, boolean) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.InlineXMLIcon
input - Variable in class gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.analysis.Tokenizer
The text source for this Tokenizer.
INPUT_ANNOTATION_SETS_FEATURE - Static variable in class gate.gui.teamware.TeamwareUtils
input_stream - Variable in class gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.analysis.standard.StandardTokenizerTokenManager
InputOutputAnnotationSetsDialog - Class in gate.gui.teamware
Dialog box to edit the lists of input and output annotation set names for the "export to teamware" option.
InputOutputAnnotationSetsDialog(Controller) - Constructor for class gate.gui.teamware.InputOutputAnnotationSetsDialog
InputOutputAnnotationSetsDialog.NaturalComparator - Class in gate.gui.teamware
A comparator for strings that uses their natural order, treating null as less than anything non-null.
InputStream - Class in
Abstract base class for input from a file in a Directory.
InputStream() - Constructor for class
insert(Object) - Method in class gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.util.PriorityQueue
Adds element to the PriorityQueue in log(size) time if either the PriorityQueue is not full, or not lessThan(element, top()).
INSERT - Static variable in class gate.gui.LuceneDataStoreSearchGUI.QueryTextArea
insertTab(String, Icon, Component, String, int) - Method in class gate.swing.XJTabbedPane
insertUpdate(DocumentEvent) - Method in class gate.gui.docview.TextualDocumentView.SwingDocumentListener
insertUpdate(DocumentEvent) - Method in class gate.gui.LuceneDataStoreSearchGUI.QueryTextArea
INSTANCE - Static variable in interface gate.creole.ontology.OConstants
specifies that it is an instance
instantiateDataStore(String, String) - Static method in class gate.Factory
Instantiate a DataStore (not open or created).
instantiationStack - Variable in class gate.creole.ResourceData
The stack of instantiations
INT - Static variable in class
Sort using term values as encoded Integers.
INT - Static variable in class gate.creole.ontology.OConstants.XMLSchema
INTEGER - Static variable in class gate.creole.ontology.OConstants.XMLSchema
interfaceName - Variable in class gate.creole.ResourceData
The interface name of the resource
INTERLINGUA - Static variable in interface gate.creole.ontology.OConstants
Language code used "ia"
INTERLINGUE - Static variable in interface gate.creole.ontology.OConstants
Language code used "ie"
InternalProgressListener() - Constructor for class gate.gui.SerialControllerEditor.InternalProgressListener
InternalStatusListener() - Constructor for class gate.creole.AbstractController.InternalStatusListener
InternalStatusListener() - Constructor for class gate.creole.AbstractProcessingResource.InternalStatusListener
InternalStatusListener() - Constructor for class gate.gui.SerialControllerEditor.InternalStatusListener
interrupt() - Method in class gate.creole.AbstractController
Notifies all the PRs in this controller that they should stop their execution as soon as possible.
interrupt() - Method in class gate.creole.AbstractProcessingResource
Notifies this PR that it should stop its execution as soon as possible.
interrupt() - Method in interface gate.Executable
Notifies this executable that it should stop its execution as soon as possible.
interrupted - Variable in class gate.creole.AbstractController
interrupted - Variable in class gate.creole.AbstractProcessingResource
intersect(AnnotationSet, Annotation...) - Static method in class gate.Utils
Return the subset from the original set that matches one of the given annotations.
intersect(AnnotationSet, Collection<Annotation>) - Static method in class gate.Utils
intersection(BitSet...) - Method in class gate.relations.RelationSet
Calculates the intersection of a set of lists containing relation IDs
INTERSECTIONOF - Static variable in class gate.creole.ontology.OConstants.OWL
IntervalProgressListener(int, int) - Constructor for class gate.creole.AbstractController.IntervalProgressListener
IntervalProgressListener(int, int) - Constructor for class gate.creole.AbstractProcessingResource.IntervalProgressListener
INUKTITUT - Static variable in interface gate.creole.ontology.OConstants
Language code used "iu"
INUPIAK - Static variable in interface gate.creole.ontology.OConstants
Language code used "ik"
INVALID_CHARACTER_REPLACEMENT - Static variable in class gate.corpora.DocumentStaxUtils
The char used to replace characters in text content that are illegal in XML.
invalidate() - Method in class gate.gui.ResourceRenderer
Overridden for performance reasons.
InvalidIcon - Class in gate.resources.img.svg
This class has been automatically generated using SVGRoundTrip.
InvalidIcon() - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.InvalidIcon
Creates a new transcoded SVG image.
InvalidIcon(boolean) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.InvalidIcon
InvalidIcon(Dimension) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.InvalidIcon
Creates a new transcoded SVG image with the given dimensions.
InvalidIcon(Dimension, boolean) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.InvalidIcon
InvalidIcon(int, int) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.InvalidIcon
InvalidIcon(int, int, boolean) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.InvalidIcon
InvalidOffsetException - Exception in gate.util
Used to signal an attempt to create a node with an invalid offset.
InvalidOffsetException() - Constructor for exception gate.util.InvalidOffsetException
InvalidOffsetException(String) - Constructor for exception gate.util.InvalidOffsetException
InvalidURIException - Exception in gate.creole.ontology
This exception is thrown when a URI is not valid.
InvalidURIException() - Constructor for exception gate.creole.ontology.InvalidURIException
InvalidURIException(String) - Constructor for exception gate.creole.ontology.InvalidURIException
InvalidURIException(Exception) - Constructor for exception gate.creole.ontology.InvalidURIException
Constructor - behaves like a wrapper to the provided exception
InvalidValueException - Exception in gate.creole.ontology
This exception should be thrown when a property value is not compatible with the property.
InvalidValueException() - Constructor for exception gate.creole.ontology.InvalidValueException
InvalidValueException(String) - Constructor for exception gate.creole.ontology.InvalidValueException
InvalidValueException(Exception) - Constructor for exception gate.creole.ontology.InvalidValueException
Constructor - behaves like a wrapper to the provided exception
INVERSEFUNCTIONALPROPERTY - Static variable in class gate.creole.ontology.OConstants.OWL
INVERSEOF - Static variable in class gate.creole.ontology.OConstants.OWL
invokeControllerExecutionAborted(Throwable) - Method in class gate.creole.AbstractController
Invoke the controllerExecutionAborted method on this controller and all nested PRs and controllers.
invokeControllerExecutionAborted(Throwable) - Method in class gate.creole.ConditionalSerialAnalyserController
Invoke the controllerExecutionAborted method on this controller and all nested PRs and controllers.
invokeControllerExecutionAborted(Throwable) - Method in class gate.creole.SerialAnalyserController
Invoke the controllerExecutionAborted method on this controller and all nested PRs and controllers.
invokeControllerExecutionFinished() - Method in class gate.creole.AbstractController
Invoke the controllerExecutionFinished method on this controller and all nested PRs and controllers.
invokeControllerExecutionFinished() - Method in class gate.creole.ConditionalSerialAnalyserController
Invoke the controllerExecutionFinished method on this controller and all nested PRs and controllers.
invokeControllerExecutionFinished() - Method in class gate.creole.SerialAnalyserController
Invoke the controllerExecutionFinished method on this controller and all nested PRs and controllers.
invokeControllerExecutionStarted() - Method in class gate.creole.AbstractController
Invoke the controllerExecutionStarted method on this controller and all nested PRs and controllers.
invokeControllerExecutionStarted() - Method in class gate.creole.ConditionalSerialAnalyserController
Invoke the controllerExecutionStarted method on this controller and all nested PRs and controllers.
invokeControllerExecutionStarted() - Method in class gate.creole.SerialAnalyserController
Invoke the controllerExecutionStarted method on this controller and all nested PRs and controllers.
IREngine - Interface in
Defines an information retrieval engine which needs to supply a IndexManager and a Search.
IRISH - Static variable in interface gate.creole.ontology.OConstants
Language code used "ga"
isActive() - Method in interface gate.creole.AnnotationVisualResource
Checks whether the annotation editor is active (shown on screen and ready to edit annotations.
isActive() - Method in class gate.gui.docview.AbstractDocumentView
Returns the active state of this view.
isActive() - Method in class gate.gui.docview.AnnotationEditor
isActive() - Method in interface gate.gui.docview.DocumentView
Returns the active state of this view.
isAnnotationProperty(OURI) - Method in interface gate.creole.ontology.Ontology
Checkes whether there exists a statement in the ontology or not.
isAnonymousResource() - Method in interface gate.creole.ontology.ONodeID
Return if this represents a blank node or a named resource.
isAnonymousResource - Variable in class gate.creole.ontology.URI
Denotes whether the OResource this URI belongs to is an anonymous or not.
isAnonymousResource() - Method in class gate.creole.ontology.URI
Indicates whether the URI refers to an anonymous resource
isApplicableTo(int) - Method in interface gate.wordnet.Relation
checks if the relation is applicab;le to specific POS - see REL_XXX comments
isAscending() - Method in class gate.swing.XJTable
isAutoLoading() - Method in class gate.creole.ResourceData
Is the resource autoloading?
isAutoSaving() - Method in interface gate.DataStore
Get the autosaving behaviour of the LR.
isAutoSaving() - Method in class gate.persist.SerialDataStore
Get the autosaving behaviour of the LR.
isBenchmarkingEnabled() - Static method in class gate.util.Benchmark
Returns if the logging is enabled.
isBlocked() - Method in class gate.swing.BlockingGlassPane
Test if this glasspane is blocked.
isCellEditable(EventObject) - Method in class gate.gui.AlternatingTableCellEditor
isCellEditable(int, int) - Method in class gate.gui.AnnotationDiffGUI.DiffTableModel
isCellEditable(EventObject) - Method in class gate.gui.docview.AnnotationSetsView.SetsTableCellEditor
isCellEditable(int, int) - Method in class gate.gui.docview.AnnotationSetsView.SetsTableModel
isCellEditable(int, int) - Method in class gate.gui.FeaturesSchemaEditor.FeaturesTableModel
isCellEditable(int, int) - Method in class gate.gui.LuceneDataStoreSearchGUI.ConfigureStackViewTableModel
isCellEditable(int, int) - Method in class gate.gui.LuceneDataStoreSearchGUI.ResultTableModel
isCellEditable(EventObject) - Method in class gate.gui.persistence.XgappUpgradeSelector.PluginCoordinatesEditor
isCellEditable(int, int) - Method in class gate.gui.persistence.XgappUpgradeSelector.UpgradePathTableModel
isCellEditable(int, int) - Method in class gate.gui.ResourceParametersEditor.ParametersTableModel
isCellEditable(Object, int) - Method in class gate.swing.AbstractTreeTableModel
isCellEditable(Object, int) - Method in interface gate.swing.TreeTableModel
Indicates whether the the value for node node, at column number column is editable.
isCellEditable(int, int) - Method in class gate.swing.XJTable.SortingModel
isColumnHidden(int) - Method in class gate.swing.XJTable
Gets the hidden state for a column
isCompatible(Annotation) - Method in class gate.annotation.AnnotationImpl
This verifies if this annotation is compatible with another one.
isCompatible(Annotation, Set<? extends Object>) - Method in class gate.annotation.AnnotationImpl
This verifies if this annotation is compatible with another one, given a set with certain keys.
isCompatible(Annotation) - Method in interface gate.Annotation
This verifies if this annotation is compatible with another one.
isCompatible(Annotation, Set<? extends Object>) - Method in interface gate.Annotation
This verifies if this annotation is compatible with another one, given a set with certain keys.
isCompatible(String, String) - Static method in class gate.util.VersionComparator
Checks to see if the version of GATE falls between the two specified versions (this is an inclusive check).
isContainedWithin(File, File) - Static method in class gate.util.persistence.PersistenceManager
This method can be used to determine if a specified file (or directory) is contained within a given directory.
isCopyPlugins() - Method in class gate.util.ant.packager.PackageGappTask
Will the task copy the complete contents of referenced plugins into the target location?
isCopyResourceDirs() - Method in class gate.util.ant.packager.PackageGappTask
Will the task copy the complete contents of directories containing referenced resources into the target location or just the referenced resources themselves?
isCreoleResource() - Method in class gate.creole.Plugin.ResourceInfoVisitor
isDatatypeProperty(OURI) - Method in interface gate.creole.ontology.Ontology
Checkes whether the ontology contains a datatype property with the given URI.
isDefault() - Method in class gate.creole.FeatureSchema
This method is used to check if the feature is default.
ISDEFINEDBY - Static variable in class gate.creole.ontology.OConstants.RDFS
isDeleted(int) - Method in class gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.index.FilterIndexReader
isDeleted(int) - Method in class gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.index.IndexReader
Returns true if document n has been deleted
isDeleted(int) - Method in class gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.index.MultiReader
isDifferentFrom(OInstance) - Method in interface gate.creole.ontology.OInstance
Checks whether the instance is different from the given instance
isDocumentLoaded(int) - Method in class gate.corpora.CorpusImpl
This method returns true when the document is already loaded in memory
isDocumentLoaded(int) - Method in class gate.corpora.SerialCorpusImpl
This method returns true when the document is already loaded in memory
isDocumentLoaded(int) - Method in interface gate.Corpus
This method returns true when the document is already loaded in memory.
isEditable() - Method in class gate.gui.ResourceParametersEditor
isEditCellAsSoonAsFocus() - Method in class gate.swing.XJTable
Returns the state for editing a cell as soon as it gets the focus.
isEmpty() - Method in class gate.corpora.CorpusImpl
isEmpty() - Method in class gate.corpora.SerialCorpusImpl
isEmpty() - Method in class gate.relations.RelationSet
isEmpty() - Method in class gate.util.HashMapLong
isEmpty() - Method in class gate.util.SimpleSortedSet
is the map is empty
isEnabled() - Method in class gate.util.profile.Profiler
Answers is the profiler switched ON or OFF.
isEnabled(Controller, ProcessingResource) - Static method in class gate.Utils
This method can be used to check if a ProcessingResource has a chance to be run in the given controller with the current settings.
isEnableHidingColumns() - Method in class gate.swing.XJTable
Returns the state for hiding a column.
isEnumeration() - Method in class gate.creole.FeatureSchema
Tests whether the values are an enumeration or not.
isEquivalentClassAs(OClass) - Method in interface gate.creole.ontology.OClass
Checks whether the class is equivalent as the given class.
isEquivalentPropertyAs(RDFProperty) - Method in interface gate.creole.ontology.RDFProperty
Checks whether the property is Equivalent as the one provide.
isExpanded() - Method in class gate.gui.docview.AnnotationSetsView.SetHandler
isFilesystemOnly() - Method in class gate.util.ant.packager.GazetteerLists
ResourceCollection interface: returns true (this collection always exposes only filesystem resources).
isFixed() - Method in class gate.creole.FeatureSchema
This method is used to check if the feature, is fixed.
isFullyDefaulted() - Method in class gate.creole.ParameterList
Get the status of the last run of getDefaults(List).
isFunctional() - Method in interface gate.creole.ontology.RDFProperty
Answers whether this property is a functional property.
isGATENewEnough(String) - Static method in class gate.util.VersionComparator
Returns true if the specified version is the same or newer than the version of GATE being used.
isGATEOldEnough(String) - Static method in class gate.util.VersionComparator
Returns true if the specified version is the same or older than the version of GATE being used.
isGateType(String) - Static method in class gate.Gate
Checks whether a particular class is a Gate defined type
isGateXmlFormat(String) - Static method in class gate.corpora.XmlDocumentFormat
Determine whether the given document content string represents a GATE custom format XML document.
isGCCallingEnabled() - Method in class gate.util.profile.Profiler
isGenerateMode() - Method in class gate.util.CorpusBenchmarkTool
isIndexed() - Method in class gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.document.Field
True iff the value of the field is to be indexed, so that it may be searched on.
isInitialised() - Static method in class gate.Gate
Have we successfully run Gate.init() before?
isInstanceOf(OClass, byte) - Method in interface gate.creole.ontology.OInstance
isInstanceOf(OClass, OConstants.Closure) - Method in interface gate.creole.ontology.OInstance
isInterrupted() - Method in class gate.creole.AbstractController
isInterrupted() - Method in class gate.creole.AbstractProcessingResource
Checks whether this PR has been interrupted since the last time its AbstractProcessingResource.execute() method was called.
isInterrupted() - Method in interface gate.Executable
Returns true if this executable has been interrupted via the Executable.interrupt() method since the last time its Executable.execute() method was called
isInverseFunctional() - Method in interface gate.creole.ontology.RDFProperty
Answers whether this property is an inverse functional property.
isIsolated() - Method in class gate.util.GateClassLoader
isLeaf(Object) - Method in class gate.swing.AbstractTreeTableModel
Is this node a leaf?
isLiteral() - Method in interface gate.creole.ontology.LiteralOrONodeID
Check if the object represents a literal.
isLiteral() - Method in interface gate.creole.ontology.OValue
Check if the object represents a literal.
isLocked(Directory) - Static method in class gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.index.IndexReader
Returns true iff the index in the named directory is currently locked.
isLocked(String) - Static method in class gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.index.IndexReader
Returns true iff the index in the named directory is currently locked.
isLocked() - Method in class
Returns true if the resource is currently locked.
isLoggedOnce(String) - Static method in class gate.Utils
Check if a message has already been logged or shown.
isMainView - Variable in class gate.creole.ResourceData
Whether or not this viewer will be the default one
isMainView() - Method in class gate.creole.ResourceData
A simple accessor for isMainView field
isModified() - Method in class gate.creole.AbstractLanguageResource
Returns true of an LR has been modified since the last sync.
isModified() - Method in interface gate.creole.ontology.Ontology
Checks the modified flag.
isModified() - Method in interface gate.LanguageResource
Returns true of an LR has been modified since the last sync.
isObjectProperty(OURI) - Method in interface gate.creole.ontology.Ontology
Checks if there exists an object property with the given URI
isONodeID() - Method in interface gate.creole.ontology.LiteralOrONodeID
Check if the object represents a node ID.
isOpaque() - Method in class gate.gui.ResourceRenderer
Overridden for performance reasons.
isOptional() - Method in class gate.creole.FeatureSchema
This method is used to check if the feature is optional.
isOptional() - Method in class gate.creole.Parameter
Is the parameter optional?
isOResource() - Method in interface gate.creole.ontology.OValue
Check if the object represents a OResource
isPartiallyCompatible(Annotation) - Method in class gate.annotation.AnnotationImpl
This method verifies if two annotation and are partially compatible.
isPartiallyCompatible(Annotation, Set<? extends Object>) - Method in class gate.annotation.AnnotationImpl
This method verifies if two annotation and are partially compatible, given a set with certain keys.
isPartiallyCompatible(Annotation) - Method in interface gate.Annotation
This method verifies if two annotation and are partially compatible.
isPartiallyCompatible(Annotation, Set<? extends Object>) - Method in interface gate.Annotation
This method verifies if two annotation and are partially compatible, given a set with certain keys.
isPersistentDocument(int) - Method in class gate.corpora.SerialCorpusImpl
This method returns true when the document is already stored on disk i.e., is not transient
isPreseved() - Method in class
isPrivate() - Method in class gate.creole.ResourceData
Is the resource private?
isProcessRunning() - Method in class gate.util.ProcessManager
isProhibited() - Method in class gate.creole.FeatureSchema
This method is used to check if the feature is prohibited.
isPropertySupported(String) - Method in class gate.util.xml.XML11OutputFactory
isRDFProperty(OURI) - Method in interface gate.creole.ontology.Ontology
Checkes whether there exists a statement in the ontology or not.
isRecurseDirectories() - Method in class gate.gui.CorpusFillerComponent
Should the directory parsed recursively?
isRequired() - Method in class gate.creole.FeatureSchema
This method is used to check if the feature is required.
isRequired() - Method in class gate.gui.ParameterDisjunction
is the currently selected parameter required?
isRuntime() - Method in class gate.creole.Parameter
Is the parameter runtime?
isSameInstanceAs(OInstance) - Method in interface gate.creole.ontology.OInstance
Checks whether the instance is same as the given instance
isSameInstancesForAnnotators(AnnotationSet[], int) - Static method in class gate.util.AnnotationMerging
Check if the annotation sets contain the same annotations.
isSandboxed() - Static method in class gate.Gate
Find out if GATE is to be run in a sandbox or not.
isSelected() - Method in class gate.gui.docview.AnnotationSetsView.TypeHandler
isSemcor() - Method in interface gate.wordnet.WordSense
appears in SEMCOR?
isShowing() - Method in class gate.gui.docview.AnnotationEditor
isSortable() - Method in class gate.swing.XJTable
isStandalone - Variable in class gate.gui.AnnotationDiffGUI
Is this GUI standalone or embedded in GATE?
isStored() - Method in class gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.document.Field
True iff the value of the field is to be stored in the index for return with search hits.
isStringDataType() - Method in class gate.creole.ontology.DataType
isSubClassOf(OClass, byte) - Method in interface gate.creole.ontology.OClass
isSubClassOf(OClass, OConstants.Closure) - Method in interface gate.creole.ontology.OClass
isSubPropertyOf(RDFProperty, byte) - Method in interface gate.creole.ontology.RDFProperty
isSubPropertyOf(RDFProperty, OConstants.Closure) - Method in interface gate.creole.ontology.RDFProperty
isSuperClassOf(OClass, byte) - Method in interface gate.creole.ontology.OClass
Checks whether the class is a super class of the given class.
isSuperClassOf(OClass, OConstants.Closure) - Method in interface gate.creole.ontology.OClass
isSuperPropertyOf(RDFProperty, byte) - Method in interface gate.creole.ontology.RDFProperty
isSuperPropertyOf(RDFProperty, OConstants.Closure) - Method in interface gate.creole.ontology.RDFProperty
isSuppressZeroTimeEntries() - Method in class gate.util.reporting.PRTimeReporter
Returns the flag indicating whether or not to suppress the processing elements from the report which took 0 milliseconds.
isSymmetricProperty(OURI) - Method in interface gate.creole.ontology.Ontology
Checkes whether there exists a statement in the ontology or not.
isTabSkipUneditableCell() - Method in class gate.swing.XJTable
Returns the state for enabling tab key to skip uneditable cells.
isTermVectorStored() - Method in class gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.document.Field
True iff the term or terms used to index this field are stored as a term vector, available from IndexReader.getTermFreqVector(int,String).
isTextMode() - Method in class gate.annotation.CorpusAnnotationDiff
Gets the annot diff textmode.True means that the text mode is activated.
isTime(String) - Method in class
Tests a token if is in time format HH:MM:SS
isTokenized() - Method in class gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.document.Field
True iff the value of the field should be tokenized as text prior to indexing.
isTool() - Method in class gate.creole.ResourceData
Is the resource a tool?
isTopClass() - Method in interface gate.creole.ontology.OClass
Checks whether this class is a top.
isTransitiveProperty(OURI) - Method in interface gate.creole.ontology.Ontology
Checkes whether there exists a statement in the ontology or not.
isUnicodeEnabled() - Static method in class gate.util.Tools
Checks wheter Gate is Unicode enabled
isUniqueBeginner() - Method in interface gate.wordnet.Synset
is this synset a UB - i.e.
isValid() - Method in class gate.creole.Plugin
isValid() - Method in class gate.creole.ResourceData
Is this a valid resource data configuration? If not, leave an error message that can be returned by getValidityMessage().
isValidDataTypeValue(String) - Method in interface gate.creole.ontology.DatatypeProperty
Checks whether the provided datatype value is compatible with the DataType restrictions on the property.
isValidDomain(OInstance) - Method in interface gate.creole.ontology.DatatypeProperty
Checks whether the provided instance is compatible with the domain restrictions on the property.
isValidDomain(OInstance) - Method in interface gate.creole.ontology.ObjectProperty
Checks whether the provided instance is compatible with the domain restrictions on the property.
isValidDomain(OResource) - Method in interface gate.creole.ontology.RDFProperty
isValidOffset(Long) - Method in class gate.corpora.DocumentImpl
Check that an offset is valid, i.e.
isValidOffsetRange(Long, Long) - Method in class gate.corpora.DocumentImpl
Check that both start and end are valid offsets and that they constitute a valid offset range, i.e.
isValidProtocolVersion(String) - Static method in class gate.persist.SerialDataStore
Check a version number for validity.
isValidQuery(String) - Static method in class gate.creole.annic.lucene.QueryParser
Returns true if the submitted query is valid.
isValidRange(OInstance) - Method in interface gate.creole.ontology.ObjectProperty
Checks whether the provided instance is compatible with the range restrictions on the property.
isValidRange(OResource) - Method in interface gate.creole.ontology.RDFProperty
isValidRegularExpression() - Method in class gate.gui.docview.DocumentEditor.SearchDialog
Builds and validates the regular expression before use.
isValidValue(String) - Method in class gate.creole.ontology.DataType
Checks whether the provided value is a valid value for the datatype (e.g.
isXmlChar(char) - Static method in class gate.corpora.DocumentXmlUtils
This method decide if a char is a valid XML one or not
ITALIAN - Static variable in interface gate.creole.ontology.OConstants
Language code used "it"
itemByResource - Variable in class gate.gui.DocumentExportMenu
iterator() - Method in class gate.annotation.AnnotationSetImpl
Get an iterator for this set
iterator() - Method in class gate.corpora.CorpusImpl
iterator() - Method in class gate.corpora.SerialCorpusImpl
iterator() - Method in class gate.relations.RelationSet
iterator() - Method in interface gate.SimpleAnnotationSet
Get an iterator for this set
iterator() - Method in class gate.util.ant.packager.GazetteerLists
ResourceCollection interface: returns an iterator over the list files.
iterator() - Method in class gate.util.SimpleArraySet


JAPANESE - Static variable in interface gate.creole.ontology.OConstants
Language code used "ja"
JapeIcon - Class in gate.resources.img.svg
This class has been automatically generated using SVGRoundTrip.
JapeIcon() - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.JapeIcon
Creates a new transcoded SVG image.
JapeIcon(boolean) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.JapeIcon
JapeIcon(Dimension) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.JapeIcon
Creates a new transcoded SVG image with the given dimensions.
JapeIcon(Dimension, boolean) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.JapeIcon
JapeIcon(int, int) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.JapeIcon
JapeIcon(int, int, boolean) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.JapeIcon
jarFileName - Variable in class gate.creole.ResourceData
The jar file name of the resource
jarFileUrl - Variable in class gate.creole.ResourceData
The jar file URL of the resource
JAVA_1_1 - Static variable in class gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.util.Constants
True iff this is Java version 1.1.
JAVA_1_2 - Static variable in class gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.util.Constants
True iff this is Java version 1.2.
JAVA_1_3 - Static variable in class gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.util.Constants
True iff this is Java version 1.3.
JAVA_VERSION - Static variable in class gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.util.Constants
The value of System.getProperty("java.version").
Javac - Class in gate.util
This class compiles a set of java sources using the user's preferred Java compiler.
Javac() - Constructor for class gate.util.Javac
JAVANESE - Static variable in interface gate.creole.ontology.OConstants
Language code used "jw"
JChoice<E> - Class in gate.swing
A GUI component intended to allow quick selection from a set of options.
JChoice() - Constructor for class gate.swing.JChoice
Creates a FastChoice with a default empty data model.
JChoice(ComboBoxModel<E>) - Constructor for class gate.swing.JChoice
Creates a FastChoice with the given data model.
JChoice(E[]) - Constructor for class gate.swing.JChoice
Creates a FastChoice with a default data model populated from the provided array of objects.
jdomBuilder - Variable in class gate.creole.CreoleRegisterImpl
The parser for the CREOLE directory files
JFontChooser - Class in gate.swing
JFontChooser() - Constructor for class gate.swing.JFontChooser
JFontChooser(Font) - Constructor for class gate.swing.JFontChooser
jj_nt - Variable in class gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.analysis.standard.StandardTokenizer
jjFillToken() - Method in class gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.analysis.standard.StandardTokenizerTokenManager
jjstrLiteralImages - Static variable in class gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.analysis.standard.StandardTokenizerTokenManager
JMenuButton - Class in gate.swing
A toggle button that shows a pop-up menu.
JMenuButton(JMenu) - Constructor for class gate.swing.JMenuButton
JMenuButton(JPopupMenu) - Constructor for class gate.swing.JMenuButton
JOB_ID_ANNOTATION_TYPE - Static variable in interface gate.creole.ANNIEConstants
JTextPaneTableCellRenderer - Class in gate.gui.creole.manager
JTextPaneTableCellRenderer() - Constructor for class gate.gui.creole.manager.JTextPaneTableCellRenderer
JTreeTable - Class in gate.swing
A TreeTable component.
JTreeTable(TreeTableModel) - Constructor for class gate.swing.JTreeTable
Constructs a JTreeTable from a model
JTreeTable.TreeTableCellRenderer - Class in gate.swing
The renderer used to display the table cells containing tree nodes.


KANNADA - Static variable in interface gate.creole.ontology.OConstants
Language code used "kn"
KASHMIRI - Static variable in interface gate.creole.ontology.OConstants
Language code used "ks"
KAZAKH - Static variable in interface gate.creole.ontology.OConstants
Language code used "kk"
KEY - Static variable in class gate.creole.annic.Parser
KEY XML Element
keyChoices - Variable in class gate.util.AnnotationDiffer
A list of lists representing all possible choices for each key
keyCopyValueRows - Variable in class gate.gui.AnnotationDiffGUI
keyDoc - Variable in class gate.gui.AnnotationDiffGUI
keyDocCombo - Variable in class gate.gui.AnnotationDiffGUI
keyList - Variable in class gate.util.AnnotationDiffer
A list with all the key annotations
keySet - Variable in class gate.gui.AnnotationDiffGUI
keySet() - Method in class gate.util.RBTreeMap
Returns a Set view of the keys contained in this map.
keySetCombo - Variable in class gate.gui.AnnotationDiffGUI
keySetName - Variable in class gate.gui.CorpusQualityAssurance
keySets - Variable in class gate.gui.AnnotationDiffGUI
Keyword(String, String) - Static method in class gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.document.Field
Constructs a String-valued Field that is not tokenized, but is indexed and stored.
Keyword(String, Date) - Static method in class gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.document.Field
Constructs a Date-valued Field that is not tokenized and is indexed, and stored in the index, for return with hits.
kind - Variable in class gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.analysis.standard.Token
An integer that describes the kind of this token.
KINYARWANDA - Static variable in interface gate.creole.ontology.OConstants
Language code used "rw"
KIRGHIZ - Static variable in interface gate.creole.ontology.OConstants
Language code used "ky"
KIRUNDI - Static variable in interface gate.creole.ontology.OConstants
Language code used "rn"
KNOWN_PLUGIN_PATH_KEY - Static variable in interface gate.GateConstants
The key for the known plugins path option in the GATE config map
KOREAN - Static variable in interface gate.creole.ontology.OConstants
Language code used "ko"
KURDISH - Static variable in interface gate.creole.ontology.OConstants
Language code used "ku"


LABEL - Static variable in class gate.creole.ontology.OConstants.RDFS
label - Variable in enum gate.util.persistence.UpgradeXGAPP.UpgradePath.UpgradeStrategy
LANGUAGE - Static variable in class gate.creole.ontology.OConstants.XMLSchema
LanguageAnalyser - Interface in gate
A special type of ProcessingResource that processes Documents
LanguageAnalyserDocumentProcessor - Class in gate.util
DocumentProcessor that processes documents using a LanguageAnalyser.
LanguageAnalyserDocumentProcessor() - Constructor for class gate.util.LanguageAnalyserDocumentProcessor
LanguageAnalyserPersistence - Class in gate.util.persistence
Provides a persistent equivalent for LanguageAnalysers.
LanguageAnalyserPersistence() - Constructor for class gate.util.persistence.LanguageAnalyserPersistence
LanguageResource - Interface in gate
Models all sorts of language resources.
languageResourcesRoot - Variable in class gate.gui.MainFrame
LAOTHIAN - Static variable in interface gate.creole.ontology.OConstants
Language code used "lo"
LARGE_GUI - Static variable in class gate.creole.ResourceData
This type indicates that the resource goes into the large area of GATE GUI
lastAnnotationType - Variable in class gate.gui.docview.AnnotationSetsView
lastIndexOf(Object) - Method in class gate.corpora.CorpusImpl
lastIndexOf(Object) - Method in class gate.corpora.SerialCorpusImpl
lastKey() - Method in class gate.util.RBTreeMap
Returns the last (highest) key currently in this sorted map.
lastModified(String) - Static method in class gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.index.IndexReader
lastModified(File) - Static method in class gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.index.IndexReader
lastModified(Directory) - Static method in class gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.index.IndexReader
lastNode() - Method in class gate.annotation.AnnotationSetImpl
Get the node with the largest offset
lastNode() - Method in interface gate.AnnotationSet
Get the node with the largest offset
LATIN - Static variable in interface gate.creole.ontology.OConstants
Language code used "la"
LATVIAN - Static variable in interface gate.creole.ontology.OConstants
Language code used "lv"
layoutContainer(Container) - Method in class gate.swing.MenuLayout
LEFT_CONTEXT_COLUMN - Static variable in class gate.gui.LuceneDataStoreSearchGUI.ResultTableModel
LEFT_CONTEXT_START_OFFSET - Static variable in class gate.creole.annic.Parser
LeftArrowIcon - Class in gate.resources.img.svg
This class has been automatically generated using SVGRoundTrip.
LeftArrowIcon() - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.LeftArrowIcon
Creates a new transcoded SVG image.
LeftArrowIcon(boolean) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.LeftArrowIcon
LeftArrowIcon(Dimension) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.LeftArrowIcon
Creates a new transcoded SVG image with the given dimensions.
LeftArrowIcon(Dimension, boolean) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.LeftArrowIcon
LeftArrowIcon(int, int) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.LeftArrowIcon
LeftArrowIcon(int, int, boolean) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.LeftArrowIcon
leftContextStartOffset - Variable in class gate.creole.annic.Pattern
Left context start offset
leftSplit - Variable in class gate.gui.MainFrame
length() - Method in class
Returns the total number of hits available in this set.
length - Variable in class
length() - Method in class
The number of bytes in the file.
length() - Method in class
The number of bytes in the file.
length() - Method in class
length(SimpleAnnotation) - Static method in class gate.Utils
Return the length of the document content covered by an Annotation as an int -- if the content is too long for an int, the method will throw a GateRuntimeException.
length(Document) - Static method in class gate.Utils
Return the length of the document as an int -- if the content is too long for an int, the method will throw a GateRuntimeException.
lengthLong(SimpleAnnotation) - Static method in class gate.Utils
Return the length of the document content covered by an Annotation as a long.
lengthLong(Document) - Static method in class gate.Utils
Return the length of the document as a long.
lengthNorm(String, int) - Method in class
Implemented as 1/sqrt(numTerms).
lengthNorm(String, int) - Method in class
Computes the normalization value for a field given the total number of terms contained in a field.
lessThan(Object, Object) - Method in class gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.util.PriorityQueue
Determines the ordering of objects in this priority queue.
LETTER - Static variable in interface gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.analysis.standard.StandardTokenizerConstants
LexicalError(boolean, int, int, int, String, char) - Static method in error gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.analysis.standard.TokenMgrError
Returns a detailed message for the Error when it is thrown by the token manager to indicate a lexical error.
LexicalRelation - Interface in gate.wordnet
Represents WordNet lexical relation.
lexStateNames - Static variable in class gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.analysis.standard.StandardTokenizerTokenManager
LI - Static variable in class gate.creole.ontology.OConstants.RDF
lineBeginsMessage(String) - Method in class
Tests if the line begins an e-mail message
lineBeginsWithField(String) - Method in class
Tests if the line begins with a field from the e-mail header If the answer is true then it also sets the member fieldName with the value of this e-mail header field.
LINGALA - Static variable in interface gate.creole.ontology.OConstants
Language code used "ln"
LINUX - Static variable in class gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.util.Constants
True iff running on Linux.
list() - Method in class
Returns an array of strings, one for each file in the directory.
list() - Method in class
Returns an array of strings, one for each file in the directory.
list() - Method in class
Returns an array of strings, one for each file in the directory.
LIST - Static variable in class gate.creole.ontology.OConstants.RDF
ListEditorDialog - Class in gate.gui
A simple editor for Collection values.
ListEditorDialog(Component, Collection<?>, String) - Constructor for class gate.gui.ListEditorDialog
Contructs a new ListEditorDialog.
ListEditorDialog(Component, Collection<?>, Class<?>, String) - Constructor for class gate.gui.ListEditorDialog
Contructs a new ListEditorDialog.
ListEditorDialog.AddAction - Class in gate.gui
Adds an element to the list from the editing component located at the top of this dialog.
ListEditorDialog.NaturalComparator - Class in gate.gui
A comparator that uses the objects' natural order if the item class of the collection implements Comparable, and compares their toString representations if not.
ListEditorDialog.RemoveAction - Class in gate.gui
Removes the selected element(s) from the list
ListEditorDialog.ResourceComboModel - Class in gate.gui
A model for a combobox containing the loaded corpora in the system
listener - Variable in class gate.swing.XJMenu
listenerList - Variable in class gate.swing.AbstractTreeTableModel
The list of listeners.
listFilesRecursively(File, FileFilter) - Static method in class gate.util.Files
Same as File.listFiles( but recursive on directories.
listIterator() - Method in class gate.corpora.CorpusImpl
listIterator(int) - Method in class gate.corpora.CorpusImpl
listIterator() - Method in class gate.corpora.SerialCorpusImpl
listIterator(int) - Method in class gate.corpora.SerialCorpusImpl
listMethodsResource - Variable in class gate.creole.BootStrap
the methods from the class that implements the resource
listPackages - Variable in class gate.creole.BootStrap
the list with the packages name where the main class can be find
Literal - Class in gate.creole.ontology
The class Literal represents a literal value as defined in section 6.5 of .
Literal(String) - Constructor for class gate.creole.ontology.Literal
Create a plain literal (i.e an untyped literal) without a language tag (the language is null).
Literal(String, Locale) - Constructor for class gate.creole.ontology.Literal
Use the constructor Literal(String value, String languagetag) instead
Literal(String, String) - Constructor for class gate.creole.ontology.Literal
Create a plain literal associated with a language tag.
Literal(String, DataType) - Constructor for class gate.creole.ontology.Literal
Create a typed literal.
LITERAL - Static variable in class gate.creole.ontology.OConstants.RDFS
LiteralOrONodeID - Interface in gate.creole.ontology
A class representing something that is either a literal or a node ID.
LITHUANIAN - Static variable in interface gate.creole.ontology.OConstants
Language code used "lt"
lnfCombo - Variable in class gate.gui.OptionsDialog
The combobox for the look and feel selection
LNFData(String, String) - Constructor for class gate.gui.OptionsDialog.LNFData
loadAction - Variable in class gate.gui.SerialDatastoreViewer
Action object for loading resources.
loadClass(String) - Method in class gate.util.GateClassLoader
loadClass(String, boolean) - Method in class gate.util.GateClassLoader
Delegate loading to the super class (loadClass has protected access there).
loadClasses(Map<String, String>, GateClassLoader) - Static method in class gate.util.Javac
Compiles a set of java sources and loads the compiled classes in the gate class loader.
loadDefaultPlugins() - Static method in class gate.gui.creole.manager.PluginUpdateManager
loadedPRsTable - Variable in class gate.gui.SerialControllerEditor
Contains all the PRs loaded in the sytem that are not already part of the serial controller
loadedPRsTableModel - Variable in class gate.gui.SerialControllerEditor
loadMavenSettings() - Static method in class gate.util.maven.Utils
loadObjectFromFile(File) - Static method in class gate.util.persistence.PersistenceManager
loadObjectFromUri(URI) - Static method in class gate.util.persistence.PersistenceManager
loadObjectFromUrl(URL) - Static method in class gate.util.persistence.PersistenceManager
loadPlugin(String) - Static method in class gate.Utils
loadPlugin(File) - Static method in class gate.Utils
Load a plugin from the specified directory.
loadRequiredPlugins(Document) - Method in class gate.creole.CreoleAnnotationHandler
loadUpgradePaths(List<UpgradeXGAPP.UpgradePath>, URI, File) - Static method in class gate.util.persistence.UpgradeXGAPP
Load a saved upgrade definition TSV file (such as would be written by UpgradeXGAPP.saveUpgradePaths(java.util.List<gate.util.persistence.UpgradeXGAPP.UpgradePath>,, and apply its instructions to the given list of upgrade paths extracted from another xgapp.
localList - Variable in class gate.util.persistence.CollectionPersistence
localMap - Variable in class gate.util.persistence.MapPersistence
localSelectionUpdating - Variable in class gate.gui.docview.AnnotationListView
Flag used to mark the fact that the table selection is currently being updated, to synchronise it with the global selection.
LOCATION_ANNOTATION_TYPE - Static variable in interface gate.creole.ANNIEConstants
Lock - Class in
An interprocess mutex lock.
Lock() - Constructor for class
Lock.With - Class in
Utility class for executing code with exclusive access.
LOCK_DIR - Static variable in class
Directory specified by gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.lockdir or system property
LOCK_POLL_INTERVAL - Static variable in class
lockGUI(String) - Static method in class gate.gui.MainFrame
This method will lock all input to the gui by means of a modal dialog.
lockLr(LanguageResource) - Method in interface gate.DataStore
Try to acquire exlusive lock on a resource from the persistent store.
lockLr(LanguageResource) - Method in class gate.persist.SerialDataStore
Try to acquire exlusive lock on a resource from the persistent store.
lockObjects - Variable in class gate.persist.LuceneDataStoreImpl
To store canonical lock objects for each LR ID.
log - Static variable in class gate.corpora.ObjectWrapper
log - Static variable in class gate.creole.CreoleRegisterImpl
A logger to use instead of sending messages to Out or Err
log - Static variable in class gate.creole.Plugin
log - Static variable in class gate.creole.ResourceReference
log - Static variable in class gate.creole.SerialController
log - Static variable in class gate.Gate
A logger to use instead of sending messages to Out or Err
log - Static variable in class gate.gui.MainFrame
log - Static variable in class gate.util.GateClassLoader
log - Static variable in class gate.util.profile.Profiler
LogArea - Class in gate.gui
This class is used to log all messages from GATE.
LogArea() - Constructor for class gate.gui.LogArea
Constructs a LogArea object and captures the output from Err and Out.
logArea - Variable in class gate.gui.MainFrame
LogArea.ClearAllAction - Class in gate.gui
Inner class that defines the behaviour of clear all action.
LogArea.CopyAction - Class in gate.gui
Inner class that defines the behaviour of copy action.
LogArea.SelectAllAction - Class in gate.gui
Inner class that defines the behaviour of SelectAll action.
LogArea.SwingWriter - Class in gate.gui
A runnable that adds a bit of text to the area; needed so we can write from the Swing thread.
LogArea.UTF8PrintStream - Class in gate.gui
A print writer that uses UTF-8 to convert from char[] to byte[]
LogArea.UTF8PrintWriter - Class in gate.gui
A print writer that uses UTF-8 to convert from char[] to byte[]
logger - Static variable in class gate.util.Benchmark
Static shared logger used for logging.
LoggingRepositoryListener - Class in gate.util.maven
LoggingRepositoryListener() - Constructor for class gate.util.maven.LoggingRepositoryListener
LoggingTransferListener - Class in gate.util.maven
LoggingTransferListener() - Constructor for class gate.util.maven.LoggingTransferListener
logHighlighter - Variable in class gate.gui.MainFrame
logOnce(Logger, Level, String) - Static method in class gate.Utils
Issue a message to the log but only if the same message has not been logged already in the same GATE session.
LONG - Static variable in class gate.creole.ontology.OConstants.XMLSchema
LONGEST_FIRST_OFFSET_COMPARATOR - Static variable in class gate.corpora.DocumentStaxUtils
Comparator that compares annotations based on their offsets; when two annotations start at the same location, the longer one is considered to come first in the ordering.
longestAnnot - Variable in class gate.annotation.AnnotationSetImpl
A caching value that greatly improves the performance of get methods that have a defined beginning and end.
LOOK_AND_FEEL - Static variable in interface gate.GateConstants
The look and feel option name
lookAndFeelClassName - Variable in class gate.gui.OptionsDialog
The name of the look and feel class
lookup - Variable in class
All the term values, in natural order.
LOOKUP_ANNOTATION_TYPE - Static variable in interface gate.creole.ANNIEConstants
LOOKUP_CLASS_FEATURE_NAME - Static variable in interface gate.creole.ANNIEConstants
LOOKUP_INSTANCE_FEATURE_NAME - Static variable in interface gate.creole.ANNIEConstants
LOOKUP_LANGUAGE_FEATURE_NAME - Static variable in interface gate.creole.ANNIEConstants
LOOKUP_MAJOR_TYPE_FEATURE_NAME - Static variable in interface gate.creole.ANNIEConstants
LOOKUP_MINOR_TYPE_FEATURE_NAME - Static variable in interface gate.creole.ANNIEConstants
LOOKUP_ONTOLOGY_FEATURE_NAME - Static variable in interface gate.creole.ANNIEConstants
lookupWord(String) - Method in interface gate.wordnet.WordNet
returns list of WordSense-s for specific lemma
lookupWord(String, int) - Method in interface gate.wordnet.WordNet
returns list of WordSense-s for specific lemma of the specified POS
lowerScroll - Variable in class gate.gui.MainFrame
LR_ID_FEATURE_NAME - Static variable in interface gate.DataStore
LRIcon - Class in gate.resources.img.svg
This class has been automatically generated using SVGRoundTrip.
LRIcon() - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.LRIcon
Creates a new transcoded SVG image.
LRIcon(boolean) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.LRIcon
LRIcon(Dimension) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.LRIcon
Creates a new transcoded SVG image with the given dimensions.
LRIcon(Dimension, boolean) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.LRIcon
LRIcon(int, int) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.LRIcon
LRIcon(int, int, boolean) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.LRIcon
LRPersistence - Class in gate.util.persistence
LRPersistence() - Constructor for class gate.util.persistence.LRPersistence
lrPersistentId - Variable in class gate.creole.AbstractLanguageResource
The persistence ID of this LR.
lrsIcon - Class in gate.resources.img.svg
This class has been automatically generated using SVGRoundTrip.
lrsIcon() - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.lrsIcon
Creates a new transcoded SVG image.
lrsIcon(boolean) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.lrsIcon
lrsIcon(Dimension) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.lrsIcon
Creates a new transcoded SVG image with the given dimensions.
lrsIcon(Dimension, boolean) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.lrsIcon
lrsIcon(int, int) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.lrsIcon
lrsIcon(int, int, boolean) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.lrsIcon
lrsPopup - Variable in class gate.gui.MainFrame
Popup used for right click actions on the LRs node.
lrTypes - Variable in class gate.creole.CreoleRegisterImpl
A list of the types of LR in the register.
LT_THRESHOLD - Static variable in class gate.corpora.DocumentStaxUtils
The number of < signs after which we encode a string using CDATA rather than writeCharacters.
LuceneAnalyzer - Class in gate.creole.annic.lucene
This class provides an implementation for Analyzer which is used internally by ANNIC resources.
LuceneAnalyzer() - Constructor for class gate.creole.annic.lucene.LuceneAnalyzer
LuceneDataStoreImpl - Class in gate.persist
LuceneDataStoreImpl() - Constructor for class gate.persist.LuceneDataStoreImpl
LuceneDataStoreImpl.IndexingTask - Class in gate.persist
LuceneDataStoreSearchGUI - Class in gate.gui
GUI allowing to write a query with a JAPE derived syntax for querying a Lucene Datastore and display the results with a stacked view of the annotations and their values.
LuceneDataStoreSearchGUI() - Constructor for class gate.gui.LuceneDataStoreSearchGUI
LuceneDataStoreSearchGUI.AnnotationMouseListener - Class in gate.gui
Modifies the query or displays statistics according to the annotation rectangle clicked.
LuceneDataStoreSearchGUI.ButtonBorder - Class in gate.gui
A button with a nice etched border that changes when mouse over, select or press it.
LuceneDataStoreSearchGUI.ClearQueryAction - Class in gate.gui
Clear the queryTextArea text box.
LuceneDataStoreSearchGUI.ConfigureStackViewAction - Class in gate.gui
Show the configuration window for the annotation stack view.
LuceneDataStoreSearchGUI.ConfigureStackViewFrame - Class in gate.gui
Panel that shows a table of shortcut, annotation type and feature to display in the central view of the GUI.
LuceneDataStoreSearchGUI.ConfigureStackViewTableModel - Class in gate.gui
Table model for the stack view configuration.
LuceneDataStoreSearchGUI.ExecuteQueryAction - Class in gate.gui
Finds out the newly created query and execute it.
LuceneDataStoreSearchGUI.ExportResultsAction - Class in gate.gui
Exports results and statistics to a HTML File.
LuceneDataStoreSearchGUI.HeaderMouseListener - Class in gate.gui
Displays statistics according to the stack row header right-clicked.
LuceneDataStoreSearchGUI.NextResultsAction - Class in gate.gui
Finds out the next few results.
LuceneDataStoreSearchGUI.QueryTextArea - Class in gate.gui
JtextArea with autocompletion for the annotation types and features, context menu and undo/redo.
LuceneDataStoreSearchGUI.RefreshAnnotationSetsAndFeaturesAction - Class in gate.gui
Refresh annotations sets and features.
LuceneDataStoreSearchGUI.ResultTableCellRenderer - Class in gate.gui
LuceneDataStoreSearchGUI.ResultTableModel - Class in gate.gui
Table model for the Result Tables.
LuceneDataStoreSearchGUI.TextMouseListener - Class in gate.gui
Add at the caret position or replace the selection in the query according to the text row value left clicked.
LuceneDocument - Class in gate.creole.annic.lucene
Given an instance of Gate Document, this class provides a method to convert it into the format that lucene can understand and can store in its indexes.
LuceneDocument() - Constructor for class gate.creole.annic.lucene.LuceneDocument
LuceneIndexer - Class in gate.creole.annic.lucene
This class provides a Lucene based implementation for the Indexer interface.
LuceneIndexer(URL) - Constructor for class gate.creole.annic.lucene.LuceneIndexer
LuceneIndexSearcher - Class in gate.creole.annic.lucene
This class provides an implementation that searches within the lucene index to retrieve the results of a query submitted by user.
LuceneIndexSearcher(String) - Constructor for class gate.creole.annic.lucene.LuceneIndexSearcher
Creates a searcher searching the index in the named directory.
LuceneIndexSearcher(Directory) - Constructor for class gate.creole.annic.lucene.LuceneIndexSearcher
Creates a searcher searching the index in the provided directory.
LuceneIndexSearcher(IndexReader) - Constructor for class gate.creole.annic.lucene.LuceneIndexSearcher
Creates a searcher searching the provided index.
LuceneQueryResult - Class in gate.creole.annic.lucene
This class
LuceneQueryResult(Object, String, List<?>, List<Integer>, int, List<List<PatternAnnotation>>, String) - Constructor for class gate.creole.annic.lucene.LuceneQueryResult
LuceneQueryResultList - Class in gate.creole.annic.lucene
A List of QueryResults
LuceneQueryResultList(String, List<LuceneQueryResult>) - Constructor for class gate.creole.annic.lucene.LuceneQueryResultList
Constructor of the class.
LuceneReader - Class in gate.creole.annic.lucene
A Reader that stores the document to read and the token stream associated with it.
LuceneReader(Document, List<Token>) - Constructor for class gate.creole.annic.lucene.LuceneReader
LuceneSearcher - Class in gate.creole.annic.lucene
This class provides the Searching functionality for annic.
LuceneSearcher() - Constructor for class gate.creole.annic.lucene.LuceneSearcher
LuceneSearchThread - Class in gate.creole.annic.lucene
Given a boolean query, it is translated into one or more AND normalized queries.
LuceneSearchThread() - Constructor for class gate.creole.annic.lucene.LuceneSearchThread
LuceneTokenizer - Class in gate.creole.annic.lucene
Implementation of token stream.
LuceneTokenizer(List<Token>) - Constructor for class gate.creole.annic.lucene.LuceneTokenizer
LuckyException - Exception in gate.util
serves no purpose over and above either GateRuntimeException or just plain RuntimeException and one of those should be used instead.
LuckyException() - Constructor for exception gate.util.LuckyException
Default constructor, creates a new execption with the default message
LuckyException(String) - Constructor for exception gate.util.LuckyException
Creates a new exception with the provided message prepended to the default one on a separate line.
LuckyException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception gate.util.LuckyException
LuckyException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception gate.util.LuckyException


m_realOffset - Variable in class gate.xml.XmlPositionCorrectionHandler
Variables for correction of 16K parser limit for offset
MACEDONIAN - Static variable in interface gate.creole.ontology.OConstants
Language code used "mk"
magic2mimeTypeMap - Static variable in class gate.DocumentFormat
Map of Set of magic numbers to MimeType.
main(String[]) - Static method in class gate.creole.annic.lucene.QueryParser
main(String[]) - Static method in class gate.creole.annic.lucene.SubQueryParser
main(String[]) - Static method in class gate.creole.BootStrap
main(String[]) - Static method in class gate.gui.CorpusFillerComponent
Test code
main(String[]) - Static method in class gate.gui.FeatureMapEditorDialog
test code
main(String[]) - Static method in class gate.gui.ListEditorDialog
test code
main(String[]) - Static method in class gate.gui.OptionsDialog
main(String[]) - Static method in class gate.gui.SingleConcatenatedFileInputDialog
Test code
main(String[]) - Static method in class gate.gui.TextAttributesChooser
Test code
Main - Class in gate
Top-level entry point for the GATE command-line and GUI interfaces.
Main() - Constructor for class gate.Main
main(String[]) - Static method in class gate.Main
Main routine for GATE.
main(String[]) - Static method in class gate.swing.JChoice
main(String[]) - Static method in class gate.swing.JFontChooser
Test code
main(String...) - Static method in class gate.swing.ResourceReferenceChooser
main(String[]) - Static method in class gate.util.CorpusBenchmarkTool
main(String[]) - Static method in class gate.util.maven.SimpleMavenCache
main(String[]) - Static method in class gate.util.persistence.UpgradeXGAPP
main(String[]) - Static method in class gate.util.reporting.DocTimeReporter
A main method which acts as a entry point while executing a report via command line
main(String[]) - Static method in class gate.util.reporting.PRTimeReporter
A main method which acts as a entry point while executing a report via command line.
MAIN_FRAME_HEIGHT - Static variable in interface gate.GateConstants
The key for the main window height
MAIN_FRAME_MAXIMIZED - Static variable in interface gate.GateConstants
The key for determining if the main window should be maximized
MAIN_FRAME_WIDTH - Static variable in interface gate.GateConstants
The key for the main window width
MainFrame - Class in gate.gui
The main Gate GUI frame.
MainFrame.ResourcesTreeCellEditor - Class in gate.gui
MainFrame.ResourcesTreeCellRenderer - Class in gate.gui
MainFrame.ResourcesTreeModel - Class in gate.gui
mainPanel - Variable in class gate.gui.docview.AnnotationListView
mainSplit - Variable in class gate.gui.MainFrame
mainTabbedPane - Variable in class gate.gui.MainFrame
mainTabbedPane - Variable in class gate.gui.OptionsDialog
The main tabbed pane
makeCompactGrid(Container, int, int, int, int, int, int) - Static method in class gate.swing.SpringUtilities
Aligns the first rows * cols components of parent in a grid.
makeGrid(Container, int, int, int, int, int, int) - Static method in class gate.swing.SpringUtilities
Aligns the first rows * cols components of parent in a grid.
makeLock(String) - Method in class
Construct a Lock.
makeLock(String) - Method in class
Constructs a Lock with the specified name.
makeLock(String) - Method in class
Construct a Lock.
MALAGASY - Static variable in interface gate.creole.ontology.OConstants
Language code used "mg"
MALAY - Static variable in interface gate.creole.ontology.OConstants
Language code used "ms"
MALAYALAM - Static variable in interface gate.creole.ontology.OConstants
Language code used "ml"
MALTESE - Static variable in interface gate.creole.ontology.OConstants
Language code used "mt"
MAORI - Static variable in interface gate.creole.ontology.OConstants
Language code used "mi"
mapDirectoryNameToPlugin(String) - Static method in class gate.util.persistence.UpgradeXGAPP
Attempts to map an old-style name of an 8.4 plugin under the GATE plugins folder into the corresponding Maven artifact ID under
MapPersistence - Class in gate.util.persistence
MapPersistence() - Constructor for class gate.util.persistence.MapPersistence
MappingHint() - Constructor for class gate.util.ant.packager.PackageGappTask.MappingHint
mapType - Variable in class gate.util.persistence.MapPersistence
MARATHI - Static variable in interface gate.creole.ontology.OConstants
Language code used "mr"
mark(int) - Method in class gate.util.BomStrippingInputStreamReader
markSupported() - Method in class gate.util.BomStrippingInputStreamReader
markupAware - Variable in class gate.corpora.DocumentImpl
Is the document markup-aware?
markupElementsMap - Variable in class gate.DocumentFormat
Map of markup elements to annotation types.
MATCH_ALL_PR_REGEX - Static variable in class gate.util.reporting.DocTimeReporter
The default value for search string matching PRs for given run.
matchedIndexes - Variable in class gate.gui.annedit.SearchAndAnnotatePanel
Start and end index of the all the matches.
matcher - Variable in class gate.gui.annedit.SearchAndAnnotatePanel
Shared instance of the matcher.
matchLabel - Static variable in class gate.gui.AnnotationDiffGUI
Maven(String, String, String) - Constructor for class gate.creole.Plugin.Maven
MavenIcon - Class in gate.resources.img.svg
This class has been automatically generated using SVGRoundTrip.
MavenIcon() - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.MavenIcon
Creates a new transcoded SVG image.
MavenIcon(boolean) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.MavenIcon
MavenIcon(Dimension) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.MavenIcon
Creates a new transcoded SVG image with the given dimensions.
MavenIcon(Dimension, boolean) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.MavenIcon
MavenIcon(int, int) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.MavenIcon
MavenIcon(int, int, boolean) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.MavenIcon
MAX_CARDINALITY_RESTRICTION - Static variable in interface gate.creole.ontology.OConstants
specifies that the value of y in the x rdf:type is owl:restriction and that it is a max cardinality restriction
MAX_CARDINALITY_RESTRICTION_ADDED_EVENT - Static variable in interface gate.creole.ontology.OConstants
denotes the event when a new max_cardinality_restriction is added
MAX_COL_WIDTH - Static variable in class gate.gui.LuceneDataStoreSearchGUI.ResultTableModel
Maximum number of characters for the result column.
MAX_DATE_STRING() - Static method in class gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.document.DateField
MAX_TYPES - Static variable in class gate.annotation.CorpusAnnotationDiff
Field designated to represent the max nr of annot types and coolors for each type
MAXCARDINALITY - Static variable in class gate.creole.ontology.OConstants.OWL
MaxCardinalityRestriction - Interface in gate.creole.ontology
A MaxCardinalityRestriction.
maxCellLength - Variable in class gate.gui.AnnotationDiffGUI
Maximum number of characters for Key, Response and Features columns.
maxClauseCount - Static variable in class
Default value is 1024.
maxDoc() - Method in class gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.index.FilterIndexReader
maxDoc() - Method in class gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.index.IndexReader
Returns one greater than the largest possible document number.
maxDoc() - Method in class gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.index.MultiReader
maxDoc() - Method in class
maxDoc() - Method in interface
Expert: Returns one greater than the largest possible document number.
maxFieldLength - Variable in class gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.index.IndexWriter
The maximum number of terms that will be indexed for a single field in a document.
maxMergeDocs - Variable in class gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.index.IndexWriter
Determines the largest number of documents ever merged by addDocument().
maxUnitIncrement - Variable in class gate.annotation.CorpusAnnotationDiff
measure2List - Variable in class gate.gui.CorpusQualityAssurance
measureDocs(Document, Document, String) - Method in class gate.util.CorpusBenchmarkTool
measureList - Variable in class gate.gui.CorpusQualityAssurance
measuresType - Variable in class gate.gui.CorpusQualityAssurance
measureTabbedPane - Variable in class gate.gui.CorpusQualityAssurance
MEDIA_HTML - Static variable in class gate.util.reporting.DocTimeReporter
This string constant when set as print media indicates that the report is printed in HTML format.
MEDIA_HTML - Static variable in class gate.util.reporting.PRTimeReporter
This string constant when set as print media indicates that the report is printed in HTML format.
MEDIA_TEXT - Static variable in class gate.util.reporting.DocTimeReporter
This string constant when set as print media indicates that the report is printed in TEXT format.
MEDIA_TEXT - Static variable in class gate.util.reporting.PRTimeReporter
This string constant when set as print media indicates that the report is printed in TEXT format.
MEMBER - Static variable in class gate.creole.ontology.OConstants.RDFS
memberPRsTable - Variable in class gate.gui.SerialControllerEditor
Displays the PRs in the controller
memberPRsTableModel - Variable in class gate.gui.SerialControllerEditor
members - Variable in class gate.relations.SimpleRelation
menu - Variable in class gate.swing.JMenuButton
MENU_PATH_KEY - Static variable in interface gate.GateConstants
Key used in TOOL actions to store the 'menu path' under which the action should be placed in the Tools menu.
menuBar - Variable in class gate.gui.MainFrame
menuBtn - Variable in class gate.gui.OptionsDialog
Radio button used to set the font for menu components
menuKeys - Static variable in class gate.gui.OptionsDialog
MenuLayout - Class in gate.swing
A layout designed to allow Java menus to make better use of the screen real-estate.
MenuLayout() - Constructor for class gate.swing.MenuLayout
MENUS_FONT - Static variable in interface gate.GateConstants
The key for the font used for menus
menusFont - Variable in class gate.gui.OptionsDialog
The font to be used for the menus; cached value for the one in the user config map.
mergeAnnotation(AnnotationSet[], String, HashMap<Annotation, String>, int, boolean) - Static method in class gate.util.AnnotationMerging
Merge all annotationset from an array.
mergeAnnotationMajority(AnnotationSet[], String, HashMap<Annotation, String>, boolean) - Static method in class gate.util.AnnotationMerging
Merge all annotationset from an array.
mergeBooleanQueries(Query[]) - Static method in class
Expert: merges the clauses of a set of BooleanQuery's into a single BooleanQuery.
mergeFactor - Variable in class gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.index.IndexWriter
Determines how often segment indices are merged by addDocument().
MESSAGE_FEATURE - Static variable in class gate.util.Benchmark
message feature
messageChanged(String) - Method in class gate.gui.creole.manager.ProgressPanel
messageLabel - Variable in class gate.gui.CorpusEditor
metadataDeployed(RepositoryEvent) - Method in class gate.util.maven.LoggingRepositoryListener
metadataDeploying(RepositoryEvent) - Method in class gate.util.maven.LoggingRepositoryListener
metadataDownloaded(RepositoryEvent) - Method in class gate.util.maven.LoggingRepositoryListener
metadataDownloading(RepositoryEvent) - Method in class gate.util.maven.LoggingRepositoryListener
metadataInstalled(RepositoryEvent) - Method in class gate.util.maven.LoggingRepositoryListener
metadataInstalling(RepositoryEvent) - Method in class gate.util.maven.LoggingRepositoryListener
metadataInvalid(RepositoryEvent) - Method in class gate.util.maven.LoggingRepositoryListener
metadataResolved(RepositoryEvent) - Method in class gate.util.maven.LoggingRepositoryListener
metadataResolving(RepositoryEvent) - Method in class gate.util.maven.LoggingRepositoryListener
MethodNotImplementedException - Exception in gate.util
What to throw in a method that hasn't been implemented yet.
MethodNotImplementedException() - Constructor for exception gate.util.MethodNotImplementedException
MethodNotImplementedException(String) - Constructor for exception gate.util.MethodNotImplementedException
mimeString2ClassHandlerMap - Static variable in class gate.DocumentFormat
Map of MimeTypeString to ClassHandler class.
mimeString2mimeTypeMap - Static variable in class gate.DocumentFormat
Map of MimeType to DocumentFormat Class.
mimeType - Variable in class gate.corpora.DocumentImpl
The document's MIME type.
MimeType - Class in gate.corpora
A very basic implementation for a MIME Type.
MimeType(String, String) - Constructor for class gate.corpora.MimeType
Constructor from type and subtype.
MimeType(String) - Constructor for class gate.corpora.MimeType
mimeType - Variable in class gate.DocumentExporter
MIN_CARDINALITY_RESTRICTION - Static variable in interface gate.creole.ontology.OConstants
specifies that the value of y in the x rdf:type is owl:restriction and that it is a min cardinality restriction
MIN_CARDINALITY_RESTRICTION_ADDED_EVENT - Static variable in interface gate.creole.ontology.OConstants
denotes the event when a new min_cardinality_restriction is added
MIN_DATE_STRING() - Static method in class gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.document.DateField
MIN_JDK_VERSION - Static variable in class gate.Gate
Minimum version of JDK we support
MINCARDINALITY - Static variable in class gate.creole.ontology.OConstants.OWL
MinCardinalityRestriction - Interface in gate.creole.ontology
A MinCardinalityRestriction.
minGateVersion - Variable in class gate.creole.Plugin
minimumLayoutSize(Container) - Method in class gate.swing.MenuLayout
Returns the minimum dimensions needed to layout the components contained in the specified target container.
minMergeDocs - Variable in class gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.index.IndexWriter
Determines the minimal number of documents required before the buffered in-memory documents are merging and a new Segment is created.
minus(AnnotationSet, Annotation...) - Static method in class gate.Utils
Return the given set with the given annotations removed.
minus(AnnotationSet, Collection<Annotation>) - Static method in class gate.Utils
Return the given set with the given annotations removed.
MISMATCH_TYPE - Static variable in class gate.util.AnnotationDiffer
Type for mismatched pairings (where the key and response are co-extensive but they don't match).
missing - Variable in class gate.util.AnnotationDiffer
The number of missing matches.
MISSING_BG - Static variable in class gate.gui.AnnotationDiffGUI
MISSING_TYPE - Static variable in class gate.annotation.CorpusAnnotationDiff
A missing type when annotations in key were not present in response Represented by Yellow color
MISSING_TYPE - Static variable in class gate.util.AnnotationDiffer
Type for missing pairings (where the key was not matched to a response).
missingAnnotations - Variable in class gate.util.AnnotationDiffer
missingLbl - Variable in class gate.gui.AnnotationDiffGUI
mode - Variable in class gate.gui.LuceneDataStoreSearchGUI.QueryTextArea
MODEL_APPLICATION - Static variable in class gate.util.Benchmark
MODEL_TRAINING - Static variable in class gate.util.Benchmark
modelAdapter - Variable in class gate.swing.JTreeTable
The adapter used internally to convert a tree model into a table model.
MOLDAVIAN - Static variable in interface gate.creole.ontology.OConstants
Language code used "mo"
MONEY_ANNOTATION_TYPE - Static variable in interface gate.creole.ANNIEConstants
MONGOLIAN - Static variable in interface gate.creole.ontology.OConstants
Language code used "mn"
mouseClicked(MouseEvent) - Method in class gate.gui.docview.AnnotationSetsView.TextMouseListener
mouseClicked(MouseEvent) - Method in class gate.gui.docview.AnnotationStackView.HeaderMouseListener
mouseClicked(MouseEvent) - Method in class gate.gui.docview.CorefEditor.CorefTreeMouseListener
mouseClicked(MouseEvent) - Method in class gate.gui.docview.CorefEditor
mouseClicked(MouseEvent) - Method in class gate.gui.LuceneDataStoreSearchGUI.HeaderMouseListener
mouseClicked(MouseEvent) - Method in class gate.gui.LuceneDataStoreSearchGUI.QueryTextArea
mouseClicked(MouseEvent) - Method in class gate.gui.LuceneDataStoreSearchGUI.TextMouseListener
mouseClicked(MouseEvent) - Method in class gate.swing.XJTable.HeaderMouseListener
mouseDragged(MouseEvent) - Method in class gate.gui.docview.AnnotationSetsView.TextMouseListener
mouseEntered(MouseEvent) - Method in class gate.gui.docview.AnnotationSetsView.TextMouseListener
mouseEntered(MouseEvent) - Method in class gate.gui.docview.AnnotationStackView.HeaderMouseListener
mouseEntered(MouseEvent) - Method in class gate.gui.LuceneDataStoreSearchGUI.AnnotationMouseListener
mouseEntered(MouseEvent) - Method in class gate.gui.LuceneDataStoreSearchGUI.HeaderMouseListener
mouseEntered(MouseEvent) - Method in class gate.gui.LuceneDataStoreSearchGUI.QueryTextArea
mouseEntered(MouseEvent) - Method in class gate.gui.LuceneDataStoreSearchGUI.TextMouseListener
mouseExited(MouseEvent) - Method in class gate.gui.docview.AnnotationSetsView.TextMouseListener
mouseExited(MouseEvent) - Method in class gate.gui.LuceneDataStoreSearchGUI.AnnotationMouseListener
mouseExited(MouseEvent) - Method in class gate.gui.LuceneDataStoreSearchGUI.QueryTextArea
mouseMoved(MouseEvent) - Method in class gate.gui.docview.AnnotationSetsView.TextMouseListener
mouseMoved(MouseEvent) - Method in class gate.gui.docview.CorefEditor.TextPaneMouseListener
mouseMovementTimer - Variable in class gate.gui.docview.AnnotationSetsView
mousePopup - Variable in class gate.gui.LuceneDataStoreSearchGUI.QueryTextArea
mousePressed(MouseEvent) - Method in class gate.gui.docview.AnnotationSetsView.TextMouseListener
mousePressed(MouseEvent) - Method in class gate.gui.docview.CorefEditor.CorefTreeMouseListener
mousePressed(MouseEvent) - Method in class gate.gui.LuceneDataStoreSearchGUI.AnnotationMouseListener
mousePressed(MouseEvent) - Method in class gate.gui.LuceneDataStoreSearchGUI.HeaderMouseListener
mousePressed(MouseEvent) - Method in class gate.gui.LuceneDataStoreSearchGUI.QueryTextArea
mousePressed(MouseEvent) - Method in class gate.swing.XJTable.HeaderMouseListener
mouseReleased(MouseEvent) - Method in class gate.gui.docview.AnnotationSetsView.TextMouseListener
mouseReleased(MouseEvent) - Method in class gate.gui.docview.CorefEditor.CorefTreeMouseListener
mouseReleased(MouseEvent) - Method in class gate.gui.LuceneDataStoreSearchGUI.AnnotationMouseListener
mouseReleased(MouseEvent) - Method in class gate.gui.LuceneDataStoreSearchGUI.HeaderMouseListener
mouseReleased(MouseEvent) - Method in class gate.gui.LuceneDataStoreSearchGUI.QueryTextArea
mouseReleased(MouseEvent) - Method in class gate.swing.XJTable.HeaderMouseListener
mouseStoppedMovingAction - Variable in class gate.gui.docview.AnnotationSetsView
MouseStoppedMovingAction() - Constructor for class gate.gui.docview.AnnotationSetsView.MouseStoppedMovingAction
moveAnnotation(AnnotationSet, Annotation, Long, Long) - Method in class gate.gui.docview.AnnotationEditor
Changes the span of an existing annotation by creating a new annotation with the same ID, type and features but with the new start and end offsets.
moveDownAction - Variable in class gate.gui.CorpusEditor
moveDownButton - Variable in class gate.gui.SerialControllerEditor
Moves the module down in the controller list
moveHighlight(Object, int, int) - Method in class gate.gui.docview.TextualDocumentView
Gives access to the highliter's change highlight operation.
moveUpAction - Variable in class gate.gui.CorpusEditor
moveUpButton - Variable in class gate.gui.SerialControllerEditor
Moves the module up in the controller list
MultipleTermPositions - Class in gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.index
Describe class MultipleTermPositions here.
MultipleTermPositions(IndexReader, Term[]) - Constructor for class gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.index.MultipleTermPositions
Creates a new MultipleTermPositions instance.
MultiReader - Class in gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.index
An IndexReader which reads multiple indexes, appending their content.
MultiReader(IndexReader[]) - Constructor for class gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.index.MultiReader
Construct a MultiReader aggregating the named set of (sub)readers.
myStatusListeners - Variable in class
myStatusListeners - Variable in class gate.html.HtmlDocumentHandler
myStatusListeners - Variable in class gate.html.NekoHtmlDocumentHandler
myStatusListeners - Variable in class gate.xml.XmlDocumentHandler
Listeners for status report


name - Variable in class gate.creole.AbstractResource
name() - Method in class gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.document.Field
The name of the field (e.g., "date", "subject", "title", or "body") as an interned string.
NAME - Static variable in class gate.creole.ontology.OConstants.XMLSchema
name - Variable in class gate.creole.Plugin
name - Variable in class gate.creole.ResourceData
The name of the resource
name - Static variable in class gate.Main
name - Variable in class gate.persist.SerialDataStore
The name of the datastore
name - Variable in class gate.util.AbstractNameBearer
NameBearer - Interface in gate.util
Classes whose instances each have a name.
NameBearerHandle - Class in gate.gui
Class used to store the GUI information about an open entity (resource, controller, datastore).
NameBearerHandle(NameBearer, Window) - Constructor for class gate.gui.NameBearerHandle
NameComparator - Class in gate.util
Compares NameBearers by name (string comparation)
NameComparator() - Constructor for class gate.util.NameComparator
namedAnnotSets - Variable in class gate.corpora.DocumentImpl
Named sets of annotations
nameProject - Static variable in class gate.creole.BootStrap
the name of jar resource
names - Variable in class gate.creole.BootStrap
a map from the variants of the names of the files and the directories of the empty project to the variants of the names of the files and the directories the new project
NAMESPACE - Static variable in class gate.creole.ontology.OConstants.OWL
NAMESPACE - Static variable in class gate.creole.ontology.OConstants.RDF
NAMESPACE - Static variable in class gate.creole.ontology.OConstants.RDFS
NAMESPACE - Static variable in class gate.creole.ontology.OConstants.XMLSchema
The XML Schema namespace
namespace - Variable in class gate.creole.ontology.URI
Namespace for this URI (in current version - a value before the last occurance of '#' or '/')
namesPackages(Set<String>) - Method in class gate.creole.BootStrap
determine all the packages
NaturalComparator() - Constructor for class gate.gui.ListEditorDialog.NaturalComparator
NaturalComparator() - Constructor for class gate.gui.teamware.InputOutputAnnotationSetsDialog.NaturalComparator
NAURU - Static variable in interface gate.creole.ontology.OConstants
Language code used "na"
NCNAME - Static variable in class gate.creole.ontology.OConstants.XMLSchema
needValidation() - Method in class gate.creole.annic.lucene.QueryParser
NEGATIVE_INTEGER - Static variable in class gate.creole.ontology.OConstants.XMLSchema
NekoHtmlDocumentFormat - Class in gate.corpora
DocumentFormat that uses Andy Clark's NekoHTML parser to parse HTML documents.
NekoHtmlDocumentFormat() - Constructor for class gate.corpora.NekoHtmlDocumentFormat
Default construction
NekoHtmlDocumentHandler - Class in gate.html
The XNI document handler used with NekoHTML to parse HTML documents.
NekoHtmlDocumentHandler(Document, AnnotationSet, Set<String>) - Constructor for class gate.html.NekoHtmlDocumentHandler
Constructor initialises all the private memeber data
NEPALI - Static variable in interface gate.creole.ontology.OConstants
Language code used "ne"
NeTransducerIcon - Class in gate.resources.img.svg
This class has been automatically generated using SVGRoundTrip.
NeTransducerIcon() - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.NeTransducerIcon
Creates a new transcoded SVG image.
NeTransducerIcon(boolean) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.NeTransducerIcon
NeTransducerIcon(Dimension) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.NeTransducerIcon
Creates a new transcoded SVG image with the given dimensions.
NeTransducerIcon(Dimension, boolean) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.NeTransducerIcon
NeTransducerIcon(int, int) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.NeTransducerIcon
NeTransducerIcon(int, int, boolean) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.NeTransducerIcon
NewAnnotationAction(String) - Constructor for class gate.gui.docview.AnnotationSetsView.NewAnnotationAction
NewAnnotationSetAction() - Constructor for class gate.gui.docview.AnnotationSetsView.NewAnnotationSetAction
newColumns() - Method in class gate.swing.XJTable
Called when the columns have changed.
newComparator(IndexReader, String) - Method in class
newComparator(IndexReader, String) - Method in interface
Creates a comparator for the field in the given index.
newCopy() - Method in class gate.util.maven.SimpleModelResolver
NewCorefAction() - Constructor for class gate.gui.docview.CorefEditor.NewCorefAction
newCorpus(String) - Static method in class gate.Factory
Create a new transient Corpus.
newDocument(URL) - Static method in class gate.Factory
Create a new transient Document from a URL.
newDocument(URL, String) - Static method in class gate.Factory
Create a new transient Document from a URL and an encoding.
newDocument(String) - Static method in class gate.Factory
Create a new transient textual Document from a string.
newDocumentAction - Variable in class gate.gui.CorpusEditor
newFeatureMap() - Static method in class gate.Factory
Create a new FeatureMap.
newLine - Static variable in class gate.creole.BootStrap
new line for different platforms
newPathFor(String) - Method in class gate.util.persistence.UpgradeXGAPP.UpgradePath
newResourceDialog - Variable in class gate.gui.MainFrame
NewResourceDialog - Class in gate.gui
NewResourceDialog(Frame, String, boolean) - Constructor for class gate.gui.NewResourceDialog
newToken(int) - Static method in class gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.analysis.standard.Token
Returns a new Token object, by default.
newType(String) - Method in class gate.gui.docview.AnnotationSetsView.SetHandler
Notifies this set handler that a new type of annotations has been created
next() - Method in class gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.analysis.standard.StandardTokenizer
Returns the next token in the stream, or null at EOS.
next - Variable in class gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.analysis.standard.Token
A reference to the next regular (non-special) token from the input stream.
next() - Method in class gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.analysis.TokenStream
Returns the next token in the stream, or null at EOS.
next() - Method in class gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.index.FilterIndexReader.FilterTermDocs
next() - Method in class gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.index.FilterIndexReader.FilterTermEnum
next() - Method in class gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.index.MultipleTermPositions
Describe next method here.
next() - Method in interface gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.index.TermDocs
Moves to the next pair in the enumeration.
next() - Method in class gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.index.TermEnum
Increments the enumeration to the next element.
next(Searcher) - Method in class
Advance to the next document matching the query.
next(int) - Method in class gate.creole.annic.lucene.LuceneSearcher
Return the next numberOfHits -1 indicates all
next(int) - Method in class gate.creole.annic.lucene.LuceneSearchThread
This method returns a list containing instances of Pattern
next() - Method in class gate.creole.annic.lucene.LuceneTokenizer
Returns the next token in the token stream.
next(int) - Method in interface gate.creole.annic.Searchable
next(int) - Method in interface gate.creole.annic.Searcher
Return the next numberOfHits -1 indicates all
next() - Method in interface gate.creole.ontology.OntologyTupleQuery
Retrieve the next tuple from the query object.
next(int) - Method in class gate.persist.LuceneDataStoreImpl
Returns the next numberOfPatterns
nextAnnotationId - Variable in class gate.corpora.DocumentImpl
The id of the next new annotation
nextAsString() - Method in interface gate.creole.ontology.OntologyTupleQuery
Retrieve the next tuple from the query object as a vector of strings.
nextFirst() - Method in interface gate.creole.ontology.OntologyTupleQuery
Return just the first variable of a tuple.
nextFirstAsString() - Method in interface gate.creole.ontology.OntologyTupleQuery
Return just the first variable of a tuple as a String.
nextMatchStartsFrom - Variable in class gate.gui.annedit.SearchAndAnnotatePanel
nextNode(Node) - Method in class gate.annotation.AnnotationSetImpl
Get the first node that is relevant for this annotation set and which has the offset larger than the one of the node provided.
nextNode(Node) - Method in interface gate.AnnotationSet
Get the first node that is relevant for this annotation set and which has the offset larger than the one of the node provided.
nextNodeId - Variable in class gate.corpora.DocumentImpl
The id of the next new node
nextPosition() - Method in class gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.index.FilterIndexReader.FilterTermPositions
nextPosition() - Method in class gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.index.MultipleTermPositions
Describe nextPosition method here.
nextPosition() - Method in interface gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.index.TermPositions
Returns next position in the current document.
NextResultsAction() - Constructor for class gate.gui.LuceneDataStoreSearchGUI.NextResultsAction
NIL - Static variable in class gate.creole.ontology.OConstants.RDF
NLP_FEATURES_TO_FVS - Static variable in class gate.util.Benchmark
NLP_LABELS_TO_DATA_LABELS - Static variable in class gate.util.Benchmark
NMTOKEN - Static variable in class gate.creole.ontology.OConstants.XMLSchema
NMTOKENS - Static variable in class gate.creole.ontology.OConstants.XMLSchema
NO_DEFAULT_VALUE - Static variable in annotation type gate.creole.metadata.CreoleParameter
Special value used to signify the absence of a default value for a parameter.
no_RunRBtn - Variable in class gate.gui.SerialControllerEditor
Button for never run.
Node - Interface in gate
Nodes in AnnotationSets.
NodeImpl - Class in gate.annotation
Provides an implementation for the interface gate.Node.
NodeImpl(Integer) - Constructor for class gate.annotation.NodeImpl
Construction from id.
NodeImpl(Integer, Long) - Constructor for class gate.annotation.NodeImpl
Construction from id and offset.
noFeaturesBtn - Variable in class gate.gui.AnnotationDiffGUI
NOISE - Static variable in interface gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.analysis.standard.StandardTokenizerConstants
NominalCoreferencerIcon - Class in gate.resources.img.svg
This class has been automatically generated using SVGRoundTrip.
NominalCoreferencerIcon() - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.NominalCoreferencerIcon
Creates a new transcoded SVG image.
NominalCoreferencerIcon(boolean) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.NominalCoreferencerIcon
NominalCoreferencerIcon(Dimension) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.NominalCoreferencerIcon
Creates a new transcoded SVG image with the given dimensions.
NominalCoreferencerIcon(Dimension, boolean) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.NominalCoreferencerIcon
NominalCoreferencerIcon(int, int) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.NominalCoreferencerIcon
NominalCoreferencerIcon(int, int, boolean) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.NominalCoreferencerIcon
NON_NEGATIVE_INTEGER - Static variable in class gate.creole.ontology.OConstants.XMLSchema
NON_POSITIVE_INTEGER - Static variable in class gate.creole.ontology.OConstants.XMLSchema
normalBorder - Variable in class gate.gui.docview.AnnotationSetsView.SetsTableCellRenderer
normaliseCreoleUrl(URL) - Static method in class gate.Gate
Makes sure the provided URL ends with "/" (CREOLE URLs always point to directories so thry should always end with a slash.
normalize(float) - Method in interface
Assigns the query normalization factor to this.
NORMALIZEDSTRING - Static variable in class gate.creole.ontology.OConstants.XMLSchema
norms(String) - Method in class gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.index.FilterIndexReader
norms(String, byte[], int) - Method in class gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.index.FilterIndexReader
norms(String) - Method in class gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.index.IndexReader
Returns the byte-encoded normalization factor for the named field of every document.
norms(String, byte[], int) - Method in class gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.index.IndexReader
Reads the byte-encoded normalization factor for the named field of every document.
norms(String) - Method in class gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.index.MultiReader
norms(String, byte[], int) - Method in class gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.index.MultiReader
NORWEGIAN - Static variable in interface gate.creole.ontology.OConstants
Language code used "no"
NOTATION - Static variable in class gate.creole.ontology.OConstants.XMLSchema
NotComparableException(String) - Constructor for exception gate.util.persistence.PersistenceManager.NotComparableException
NotComparableException() - Constructor for exception gate.util.persistence.PersistenceManager.NotComparableException
NULL_GUI - Static variable in class gate.creole.ResourceData
This type indicates that the resource is not a GUI
NUM - Static variable in interface gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.analysis.standard.StandardTokenizerConstants
numDocs() - Method in class gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.index.FilterIndexReader
numDocs() - Method in class gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.index.IndexReader
Returns the number of documents in this index.
numDocs() - Method in class gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.index.MultiReader


OBJECT - Static variable in class gate.creole.ontology.OConstants.RDF
OBJECT_PROPERTY - Static variable in interface gate.creole.ontology.OConstants
denotes the object property.
OBJECT_PROPERTY_ADDED_EVENT - Static variable in interface gate.creole.ontology.OConstants
denotes the event when a new object property is added
OBJECT_PROPERTY_VALUE_ADDED_EVENT - Static variable in interface gate.creole.ontology.OConstants
denotes the event when an object property is assigned to a resource with some compatible value
OBJECT_PROPERTY_VALUE_REMOVED_EVENT - Static variable in interface gate.creole.ontology.OConstants
denotes the event when an object property value is removed from the resource
ObjectComparator - Class in gate.util
A Comparator implementation for Object values.
ObjectComparator() - Constructor for class gate.util.ObjectComparator
ObjectPool - Class in gate.util
A generic implementation of pool of references to objects of any kind.
ObjectPool(int) - Constructor for class gate.util.ObjectPool
Constructs and object pool with specified size.
ObjectProperty - Interface in gate.creole.ontology
ObjectProperty is a sub type of the RDFProperty.
OBJECTPROPERTY - Static variable in class gate.creole.ontology.OConstants.OWL
ObjectWrapper - Class in gate.corpora
Class used to wrap arbitrary values prior to saving as GATE XML.
ObjectWrapper(Object) - Constructor for class gate.corpora.ObjectWrapper
Wraps an arbitrary value, which must be serialisable by XStream.
ObjectWrapper(String) - Constructor for class gate.corpora.ObjectWrapper
De-serialises an ObjectWrapper instance from a string previously obtained by calling ObjectWrapper.toString().
ObjectWriter - Class in gate.util
Writes an object to an PipedOutputStream wich can be connected to a PipedInputStream.
ObjectWriter(Object) - Constructor for class gate.util.ObjectWriter
OBNodeID - Interface in gate.creole.ontology
An object representing an ontology node ID.
obtain() - Method in class
Attempts to obtain exclusive access and immediately return upon success or failure.
obtain(long) - Method in class
Attempts to obtain an exclusive lock within amount of time given.
OCCITAN - Static variable in interface gate.creole.ontology.OConstants
Language code used "oc"
OClass - Interface in gate.creole.ontology
Each OClass (Ontology Class) represents a concept/class in ontology.
OCLASS_ADDED_EVENT - Static variable in interface gate.creole.ontology.OConstants
denotes the event when a new class is added
OConstants - Interface in gate.creole.ontology
This interface holds some constants used by several other intrfaces and classes in the GATE ontology API.
OConstants.Closure - Enum in gate.creole.ontology
Closure constants.
OConstants.OntologyFormat - Enum in gate.creole.ontology
A list of serialization formats for ontologies.
OConstants.OWL - Class in gate.creole.ontology
All predefined URIs from the OWL1 namespace.
OConstants.QueryLanguage - Enum in gate.creole.ontology
OConstants.RDF - Class in gate.creole.ontology
All predefined URIs from the RDF name space.
OConstants.RDFS - Class in gate.creole.ontology
All predefined URIs from the RDFS name space.
OConstants.XMLSchema - Class in gate.creole.ontology
OFFSET_COMPARATOR - Static variable in class gate.Utils
A single instance of OffsetComparator that can be used by any code that requires one.
OffsetComparator - Class in gate.util
Compares annotations by start offsets first, then by end offset if the start offsets are equal.
OffsetComparator() - Constructor for class gate.util.OffsetComparator
OIcon - Class in gate.resources.img.svg
This class has been automatically generated using SVGRoundTrip.
OIcon() - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.OIcon
Creates a new transcoded SVG image.
OIcon(boolean) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.OIcon
OIcon(Dimension) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.OIcon
Creates a new transcoded SVG image with the given dimensions.
OIcon(Dimension, boolean) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.OIcon
OIcon(int, int) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.OIcon
OIcon(int, int, boolean) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.OIcon
OInstance - Interface in gate.creole.ontology
OInstance (Ontology Instance) represents an instance in the ontology/knowledge base.
OINSTANCE_ADDED_EVENT - Static variable in interface gate.creole.ontology.OConstants
denotes the event when a new instance is added
okAction() - Method in interface gate.creole.AnnotationVisualResource
Called by the GUI when the user has pressed the "OK" button.
okAction() - Method in class gate.gui.docview.AnnotationEditor
Does nothing as this editor works in auto-commit mode (changes are implemented immediately).
okButton - Variable in class gate.gui.OkCancelDialog
okButton - Variable in class gate.gui.OptionsDialog
The OK button for the dialog.
OkCancelDialog - Class in gate.gui
A simple modal dialog that displays a component provided by the user along with two buttons ("OK" and "Cancel").
OkCancelDialog(Frame, String, Component) - Constructor for class gate.gui.OkCancelDialog
OkCancelDialog(Dialog, String, Component) - Constructor for class gate.gui.OkCancelDialog
OkCancelDialog(String, Component) - Constructor for class gate.gui.OkCancelDialog
oldNames - Variable in class gate.creole.BootStrap
oldResource - Static variable in class gate.creole.BootStrap
the name of the resource of the template project from the gate resources
ONEOF - Static variable in class gate.creole.ontology.OConstants.OWL
ONodeID - Interface in gate.creole.ontology
An ONodeID represents the id of either a blank node or a resource.
ONPROPERTY - Static variable in class gate.creole.ontology.OConstants.OWL
ONTOLOGY - Static variable in class gate.creole.ontology.OConstants.OWL
Ontology - Interface in gate.creole.ontology
Interface for ontology language resources.
ONTOLOGY_DEFAULT_BASE_URI - Static variable in interface gate.creole.ontology.OConstants
ONTOLOGY_EVENT_LOG_FEATURE_NAME - Static variable in interface gate.creole.ontology.OConstants
denotes the name of the features for ontology event log
ONTOLOGY_FORMAT_N3 - Static variable in interface gate.creole.ontology.OConstants
denotes the N3 ontology format
ONTOLOGY_FORMAT_NTRIPLES - Static variable in interface gate.creole.ontology.OConstants
denotes the NTRIPLES ontology format
ONTOLOGY_FORMAT_RDFXML - Static variable in interface gate.creole.ontology.OConstants
denotes the RDFXML ontology format
ONTOLOGY_FORMAT_TURTLE - Static variable in interface gate.creole.ontology.OConstants
denotes the TURTLE ontology format
OntologyBooleanQuery - Interface in gate.creole.ontology
This represents a boolean query of the triple store for the ontology.
OntologyIcon - Class in gate.resources.img.svg
This class has been automatically generated using SVGRoundTrip.
OntologyIcon() - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.OntologyIcon
Creates a new transcoded SVG image.
OntologyIcon(boolean) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.OntologyIcon
OntologyIcon(Dimension) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.OntologyIcon
Creates a new transcoded SVG image with the given dimensions.
OntologyIcon(Dimension, boolean) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.OntologyIcon
OntologyIcon(int, int) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.OntologyIcon
OntologyIcon(int, int, boolean) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.OntologyIcon
OntologyMeasures - Class in gate.util
Modified version of Precision and Recall called BDM that takes into account the distance of two concepts in an ontology.
OntologyMeasures() - Constructor for class gate.util.OntologyMeasures
OntologyMeasures(Collection<OntologyMeasures>) - Constructor for class gate.util.OntologyMeasures
Constructor to be used when you have a collection of OntologyMeasures and want to consider it as only one OntologyMeasures.
OntologyModificationListener - Interface in gate.creole.ontology
Objects wishing to listen to various ontology events, must implement this interface (using implements java keyword) and the methods of this interface.
ONTOLOGYPROPERTY - Static variable in class gate.creole.ontology.OConstants.OWL
ontologyReset(Ontology) - Method in interface gate.creole.ontology.OntologyModificationListener
This method is called whenever ontology is reset.
OntologyTripleStore - Interface in gate.creole.ontology
An OntologyTripleStore object can be used to directly manipulate the triples that represent an ontology, if the ontology implementation supports this.
OntologyTripleStoreListener - Interface in gate.creole.ontology
An OntologyTripleStoreListener is noticed whenever a triple is added to or removed from the ontology store.
OntologyTupleQuery - Interface in gate.creole.ontology
This represents a tuple query of the triple store for the ontology.
OntologyUtilities - Class in gate.creole.ontology
the use of this class and all its methods should be avoided in the future. See the individual methods for replacements.
OntologyUtilities() - Constructor for class gate.creole.ontology.OntologyUtilities
open(String) - Static method in class gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.index.IndexReader
Returns an IndexReader reading the index in an FSDirectory in the named path.
open(File) - Static method in class gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.index.IndexReader
Returns an IndexReader reading the index in an FSDirectory in the named path.
open(Directory) - Static method in class gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.index.IndexReader
Returns an IndexReader reading the index in the given Directory.
open() - Method in interface gate.DataStore
Open a connection to the data store.
open() - Method in class gate.persist.LuceneDataStoreImpl
Open a connection to the data store.
open() - Method in class gate.persist.SerialDataStore
Open a connection to the data store.
openAnnotationDiffAction - Variable in class gate.gui.CorpusQualityAssurance
OpenApplicationIcon - Class in gate.resources.img.svg
This class has been automatically generated using SVGRoundTrip.
OpenApplicationIcon() - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.OpenApplicationIcon
Creates a new transcoded SVG image.
OpenApplicationIcon(boolean) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.OpenApplicationIcon
OpenApplicationIcon(Dimension) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.OpenApplicationIcon
Creates a new transcoded SVG image with the given dimensions.
OpenApplicationIcon(Dimension, boolean) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.OpenApplicationIcon
OpenApplicationIcon(int, int) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.OpenApplicationIcon
OpenApplicationIcon(int, int, boolean) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.OpenApplicationIcon
openConnection() - Method in class gate.creole.ResourceReference
Returns a URLConnection instance that represents a connection to the resource referred to by this ResourceReference.
openDataStore(String, String) - Static method in class gate.Factory
Open an existing DataStore.
openDocServiceDataStore() - Method in class gate.gui.MainFrame
Method is used in ....OpenDSAction
openDocumentAction - Variable in class gate.gui.CorpusQualityAssurance
openDocumentsAction - Variable in class gate.gui.CorpusEditor
openFile(String) - Method in class
Returns a stream reading an existing file.
openFile(String) - Method in class
Returns a stream reading an existing file.
openFile(String) - Method in class
Returns a stream reading an existing file.
OpenFileIcon - Class in gate.resources.img.svg
This class has been automatically generated using SVGRoundTrip.
OpenFileIcon() - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.OpenFileIcon
Creates a new transcoded SVG image.
OpenFileIcon(boolean) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.OpenFileIcon
OpenFileIcon(Dimension) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.OpenFileIcon
Creates a new transcoded SVG image with the given dimensions.
OpenFileIcon(Dimension, boolean) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.OpenFileIcon
OpenFileIcon(int, int) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.OpenFileIcon
OpenFileIcon(int, int, boolean) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.OpenFileIcon
openSearchableDataStore() - Method in class gate.gui.MainFrame
Method is used in OpenDSAction
openSerialDataStore() - Method in class gate.gui.MainFrame
Method is used in OpenDSAction
openStream() - Method in class gate.creole.ResourceReference
Opens a connection to this ResourceReference and returns an InputStream for reading from that connection.
OPERATOR_ASCENDING - Static variable in class gate.util.OrderByRestriction
OPERATOR_DESCENDING - Static variable in class gate.util.OrderByRestriction
optimize() - Method in class gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.index.IndexWriter
Merges all segments together into a single segment, optimizing an index for search.
optimizeIndex() - Method in interface gate.creole.annic.Indexer
Optimize the existing index
optimizeIndex() - Method in class gate.creole.annic.lucene.LuceneIndexer
Optimize existing index.
optimizeIndex() - Method in interface
Optimize the existing index
Optional - Annotation Type in gate.creole.metadata
Marker annotation used in conjunction with CreoleParameter to mark parameters that are optional.
optionsButton - Variable in class gate.gui.CorpusQualityAssurance
optionsDialog - Variable in class gate.gui.MainFrame
OptionsDialog - Class in gate.gui
The options dialog for Gate.
OptionsDialog(Frame) - Constructor for class gate.gui.OptionsDialog
OptionsDialog.CancelAction - Class in gate.gui
OptionsDialog.LNFData - Class in gate.gui
OptionsMap - Class in gate.util
A map that stores values as strings and provides support for converting some frequently used types to and from string.
Not very efficient as there is a lot of conversions from/to String.
OptionsMap() - Constructor for class gate.util.OptionsMap
order - Variable in class
For each document, an index into the lookup array.
OrderByRestriction - Class in gate.util
OrderByRestriction(String, int) - Constructor for class gate.util.OrderByRestriction
OResource - Interface in gate.creole.ontology
This is the top level interface for all ontology resources such as classes, instances and properties.
ORGANIZATION_ANNOTATION_TYPE - Static variable in interface gate.creole.ANNIEConstants
ORIGINAL_DOCUMENT_CONTENT_FEATURE_NAME - Static variable in interface gate.GateConstants
The key for the feature keeping the original content of the document
ORIGINAL_MARKUPS_ANNOT_SET_NAME - Static variable in interface gate.GateConstants
The name of the annotation set storing original markups in a document
originalErr - Variable in class gate.gui.LogArea
The original printstream on System.err
originalOut - Variable in class gate.gui.LogArea
The original printstream on System.out
ORIYA - Static variable in interface gate.creole.ontology.OConstants
Language code used "or"
OROMO - Static variable in interface gate.creole.ontology.OConstants
Language code used "om"
OrthoMatcherIcon - Class in gate.resources.img.svg
This class has been automatically generated using SVGRoundTrip.
OrthoMatcherIcon() - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.OrthoMatcherIcon
Creates a new transcoded SVG image.
OrthoMatcherIcon(boolean) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.OrthoMatcherIcon
OrthoMatcherIcon(Dimension) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.OrthoMatcherIcon
Creates a new transcoded SVG image with the given dimensions.
OrthoMatcherIcon(Dimension, boolean) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.OrthoMatcherIcon
OrthoMatcherIcon(int, int) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.OrthoMatcherIcon
OrthoMatcherIcon(int, int, boolean) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.OrthoMatcherIcon
OS_NAME - Static variable in class gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.util.Constants
The value of System.getProperty("").
OTHER_COMPONENTS_FONT - Static variable in interface gate.GateConstants
The key for the font used for other GUI components
otherCompsBtn - Variable in class gate.gui.OptionsDialog
Radio button used to set the font for other components
OURI - Interface in gate.creole.ontology
Interface for objects representing an URI.
Out - Class in gate.util
Shorthand for the System.out.print and println methods.
OUtils - Class in gate.creole.ontology
OUTPUT_ANNOTATION_SETS_FEATURE - Static variable in class gate.gui.teamware.TeamwareUtils
OutputStream - Class in
Abstract class for output to a file in a Directory.
OutputStream() - Constructor for class
OValue - Interface in gate.creole.ontology
A class representing something that is either a literal or a OResource.
overlaps(Annotation) - Method in class gate.annotation.AnnotationImpl
overlaps(Annotation) - Method in interface gate.Annotation
This method determines if this overlaps aAnnot, i.e.
OWL() - Constructor for class gate.creole.ontology.OConstants.OWL
OWL_CLASS - Static variable in interface gate.creole.ontology.OConstants
specifies that the value of y in the x rdf:type y is owl:class
OwnedAnnotationEditor - Interface in gate.gui.annedit
Interface for all annotation editor components
owner - Variable in class gate.gui.docview.AbstractDocumentView
The DocumentEditor this view is part of.


P - Static variable in interface gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.analysis.standard.StandardTokenizerConstants
pack() - Method in class gate.gui.AnnotationDiffGUI
PackagedController - Class in gate.creole
PackagedController() - Constructor for class gate.creole.PackagedController
PackageGappTask - Class in gate.util.ant.packager
Ant task to copy a gapp file, rewriting any relative paths it contains to point within the same directory as the target file location and copy the referenced files into the right locations.
PackageGappTask() - Constructor for class gate.util.ant.packager.PackageGappTask
PackageGappTask.MappingHint - Class in gate.util.ant.packager
Class to represent a nested hint element.
PackageGappTask.UnresolvedAction - Enum in gate.util.ant.packager
Enumeration of the actions to take when there are unresolved resources.
padPr(String, int) - Static method in class gate.util.Err
Print padding followed by String s.
padPr(String, int) - Static method in class gate.util.Out
Print padding followed by String s.
paint(Graphics2D, boolean) - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.AddDocumentIcon
Paints the transcoded SVG image on the specified graphics context.
paint(Graphics2D, boolean) - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.AddIcon
Paints the transcoded SVG image on the specified graphics context.
paint(Graphics2D, boolean) - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.AdvancedIcon
Paints the transcoded SVG image on the specified graphics context.
paint(Graphics2D, boolean) - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.AnnieApplicationIcon
Paints the transcoded SVG image on the specified graphics context.
paint(Graphics2D, boolean) - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.AnnotationDiffIcon
Paints the transcoded SVG image on the specified graphics context.
paint(Graphics2D, boolean) - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.ApplicationIcon
Paints the transcoded SVG image on the specified graphics context.
paint(Graphics2D, boolean) - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.ApplicationRealtimeIcon
Paints the transcoded SVG image on the specified graphics context.
paint(Graphics2D, boolean) - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.ApplicationsIcon
Paints the transcoded SVG image on the specified graphics context.
paint(Graphics2D, boolean) - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.AvailableIcon
Paints the transcoded SVG image on the specified graphics context.
paint(Graphics2D, boolean) - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.CIcon
Paints the transcoded SVG image on the specified graphics context.
paint(Graphics2D, boolean) - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.ClearLogIcon
Paints the transcoded SVG image on the specified graphics context.
paint(Graphics2D, boolean) - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.ClosedIcon
Paints the transcoded SVG image on the specified graphics context.
paint(Graphics2D, boolean) - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.CorpusBenchmarkIcon
Paints the transcoded SVG image on the specified graphics context.
paint(Graphics2D, boolean) - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.CorpusIcon
Paints the transcoded SVG image on the specified graphics context.
paint(Graphics2D, boolean) - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.CorpusTransIcon
Paints the transcoded SVG image on the specified graphics context.
paint(Graphics2D, boolean) - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.CreolePluginIcon
Paints the transcoded SVG image on the specified graphics context.
paint(Graphics2D, boolean) - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.DatastoreIcon
Paints the transcoded SVG image on the specified graphics context.
paint(Graphics2D, boolean) - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.DatastoresIcon
Paints the transcoded SVG image on the specified graphics context.
paint(Graphics2D, boolean) - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.DeleteIcon
Paints the transcoded SVG image on the specified graphics context.
paint(Graphics2D, boolean) - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.DocumentExporterIcon
Paints the transcoded SVG image on the specified graphics context.
paint(Graphics2D, boolean) - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.DocumentIcon
Paints the transcoded SVG image on the specified graphics context.
paint(Graphics2D, boolean) - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.DocumentResetIcon
Paints the transcoded SVG image on the specified graphics context.
paint(Graphics2D, boolean) - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.DownIcon
Paints the transcoded SVG image on the specified graphics context.
paint(Graphics2D, boolean) - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.DownloadIcon
Paints the transcoded SVG image on the specified graphics context.
paint(Graphics2D, boolean) - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.EditIcon
Paints the transcoded SVG image on the specified graphics context.
paint(Graphics2D, boolean) - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.EditListIcon
Paints the transcoded SVG image on the specified graphics context.
paint(Graphics2D, boolean) - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.ExitIcon
Paints the transcoded SVG image on the specified graphics context.
paint(Graphics2D, boolean) - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.ExpandedIcon
Paints the transcoded SVG image on the specified graphics context.
paint(Graphics2D, boolean) - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.ExtendLeftIcon
Paints the transcoded SVG image on the specified graphics context.
paint(Graphics2D, boolean) - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.ExtendRightIcon
Paints the transcoded SVG image on the specified graphics context.
paint(Graphics2D, boolean) - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.GATEIcon
Paints the transcoded SVG image on the specified graphics context.
paint(Graphics2D, boolean) - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.GATEUpdateSiteIcon
Paints the transcoded SVG image on the specified graphics context.
paint(Graphics2D, boolean) - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.GATEVersionIcon
Paints the transcoded SVG image on the specified graphics context.
paint(Graphics2D, boolean) - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.GATEXMLIcon
Paints the transcoded SVG image on the specified graphics context.
paint(Graphics2D, boolean) - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.GazetteerIcon
Paints the transcoded SVG image on the specified graphics context.
paint(Graphics2D, boolean) - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.GreenBallIcon
Paints the transcoded SVG image on the specified graphics context.
paint(Graphics2D, boolean) - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.HelpIcon
Paints the transcoded SVG image on the specified graphics context.
paint(Graphics2D, boolean) - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.InlineXMLIcon
Paints the transcoded SVG image on the specified graphics context.
paint(Graphics2D, boolean) - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.InvalidIcon
Paints the transcoded SVG image on the specified graphics context.
paint(Graphics2D, boolean) - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.JapeIcon
Paints the transcoded SVG image on the specified graphics context.
paint(Graphics2D, boolean) - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.LeftArrowIcon
Paints the transcoded SVG image on the specified graphics context.
paint(Graphics2D, boolean) - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.LRIcon
Paints the transcoded SVG image on the specified graphics context.
paint(Graphics2D, boolean) - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.lrsIcon
Paints the transcoded SVG image on the specified graphics context.
paint(Graphics2D, boolean) - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.MavenIcon
Paints the transcoded SVG image on the specified graphics context.
paint(Graphics2D, boolean) - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.NeTransducerIcon
Paints the transcoded SVG image on the specified graphics context.
paint(Graphics2D, boolean) - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.NominalCoreferencerIcon
Paints the transcoded SVG image on the specified graphics context.
paint(Graphics2D, boolean) - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.OIcon
Paints the transcoded SVG image on the specified graphics context.
paint(Graphics2D, boolean) - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.OntologyIcon
Paints the transcoded SVG image on the specified graphics context.
paint(Graphics2D, boolean) - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.OpenApplicationIcon
Paints the transcoded SVG image on the specified graphics context.
paint(Graphics2D, boolean) - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.OpenFileIcon
Paints the transcoded SVG image on the specified graphics context.
paint(Graphics2D, boolean) - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.OrthoMatcherIcon
Paints the transcoded SVG image on the specified graphics context.
paint(Graphics2D, boolean) - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.ParamIcon
Paints the transcoded SVG image on the specified graphics context.
paint(Graphics2D, boolean) - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.PinIcon
Paints the transcoded SVG image on the specified graphics context.
paint(Graphics2D, boolean) - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.PinInIcon
Paints the transcoded SVG image on the specified graphics context.
paint(Graphics2D, boolean) - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.PosTaggerIcon
Paints the transcoded SVG image on the specified graphics context.
paint(Graphics2D, boolean) - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.PRIcon
Paints the transcoded SVG image on the specified graphics context.
paint(Graphics2D, boolean) - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.ProgressIcon
Paints the transcoded SVG image on the specified graphics context.
paint(Graphics2D, boolean) - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.PronominalCoreferencerIcon
Paints the transcoded SVG image on the specified graphics context.
paint(Graphics2D, boolean) - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.prsIcon
Paints the transcoded SVG image on the specified graphics context.
paint(Graphics2D, boolean) - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.ReadyMadeIcon
Paints the transcoded SVG image on the specified graphics context.
paint(Graphics2D, boolean) - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.RedBallIcon
Paints the transcoded SVG image on the specified graphics context.
paint(Graphics2D, boolean) - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.RefreshIcon
Paints the transcoded SVG image on the specified graphics context.
paint(Graphics2D, boolean) - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.RemotePluginIcon
Paints the transcoded SVG image on the specified graphics context.
paint(Graphics2D, boolean) - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.RemoveAnnotationIcon
Paints the transcoded SVG image on the specified graphics context.
paint(Graphics2D, boolean) - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.RemoveDocumentIcon
Paints the transcoded SVG image on the specified graphics context.
paint(Graphics2D, boolean) - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.RemoveIcon
Paints the transcoded SVG image on the specified graphics context.
paint(Graphics2D, boolean) - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.RIcon
Paints the transcoded SVG image on the specified graphics context.
paint(Graphics2D, boolean) - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.RightArrowIcon
Paints the transcoded SVG image on the specified graphics context.
paint(Graphics2D, boolean) - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.RunIcon
Paints the transcoded SVG image on the specified graphics context.
paint(Graphics2D, boolean) - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.SaveIcon
Paints the transcoded SVG image on the specified graphics context.
paint(Graphics2D, boolean) - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.ScrollLockIcon
Paints the transcoded SVG image on the specified graphics context.
paint(Graphics2D, boolean) - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.SearchIcon
Paints the transcoded SVG image on the specified graphics context.
paint(Graphics2D, boolean) - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.SentenceSplitterIcon
Paints the transcoded SVG image on the specified graphics context.
paint(Graphics2D, boolean) - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.TickIcon
Paints the transcoded SVG image on the specified graphics context.
paint(Graphics2D, boolean) - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.TokeniserIcon
Paints the transcoded SVG image on the specified graphics context.
paint(Graphics2D, boolean) - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.UpdatesIcon
Paints the transcoded SVG image on the specified graphics context.
paint(Graphics2D, boolean) - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.UpdateSiteIcon
Paints the transcoded SVG image on the specified graphics context.
paint(Graphics2D, boolean) - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.UpIcon
Paints the transcoded SVG image on the specified graphics context.
paint(Graphics2D, boolean) - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.UserPluginIcon
Paints the transcoded SVG image on the specified graphics context.
paint(Graphics2D, boolean) - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.WindowNewIcon
Paints the transcoded SVG image on the specified graphics context.
paint(Graphics2D, boolean) - Static method in class gate.resources.img.svg.YellowBallIcon
Paints the transcoded SVG image on the specified graphics context.
paintIcon(Component, Graphics, int, int) - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.AddDocumentIcon
paintIcon(Component, Graphics, int, int) - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.AddIcon
paintIcon(Component, Graphics, int, int) - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.AdvancedIcon
paintIcon(Component, Graphics, int, int) - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.AnnieApplicationIcon
paintIcon(Component, Graphics, int, int) - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.AnnotationDiffIcon
paintIcon(Component, Graphics, int, int) - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.ApplicationIcon
paintIcon(Component, Graphics, int, int) - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.ApplicationRealtimeIcon
paintIcon(Component, Graphics, int, int) - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.ApplicationsIcon
paintIcon(Component, Graphics, int, int) - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.AvailableIcon
paintIcon(Component, Graphics, int, int) - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.CIcon
paintIcon(Component, Graphics, int, int) - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.ClearLogIcon
paintIcon(Component, Graphics, int, int) - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.ClosedIcon
paintIcon(Component, Graphics, int, int) - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.CorpusBenchmarkIcon
paintIcon(Component, Graphics, int, int) - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.CorpusIcon
paintIcon(Component, Graphics, int, int) - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.CorpusTransIcon
paintIcon(Component, Graphics, int, int) - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.CreolePluginIcon
paintIcon(Component, Graphics, int, int) - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.DatastoreIcon
paintIcon(Component, Graphics, int, int) - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.DatastoresIcon
paintIcon(Component, Graphics, int, int) - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.DeleteIcon
paintIcon(Component, Graphics, int, int) - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.DocumentExporterIcon
paintIcon(Component, Graphics, int, int) - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.DocumentIcon
paintIcon(Component, Graphics, int, int) - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.DocumentResetIcon
paintIcon(Component, Graphics, int, int) - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.DownIcon
paintIcon(Component, Graphics, int, int) - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.DownloadIcon
paintIcon(Component, Graphics, int, int) - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.EditIcon
paintIcon(Component, Graphics, int, int) - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.EditListIcon
paintIcon(Component, Graphics, int, int) - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.ExitIcon
paintIcon(Component, Graphics, int, int) - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.ExpandedIcon
paintIcon(Component, Graphics, int, int) - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.ExtendLeftIcon
paintIcon(Component, Graphics, int, int) - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.ExtendRightIcon
paintIcon(Component, Graphics, int, int) - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.GATEIcon
paintIcon(Component, Graphics, int, int) - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.GATEUpdateSiteIcon
paintIcon(Component, Graphics, int, int) - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.GATEVersionIcon
paintIcon(Component, Graphics, int, int) - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.GATEXMLIcon
paintIcon(Component, Graphics, int, int) - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.GazetteerIcon
paintIcon(Component, Graphics, int, int) - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.GreenBallIcon
paintIcon(Component, Graphics, int, int) - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.HelpIcon
paintIcon(Component, Graphics, int, int) - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.InlineXMLIcon
paintIcon(Component, Graphics, int, int) - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.InvalidIcon
paintIcon(Component, Graphics, int, int) - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.JapeIcon
paintIcon(Component, Graphics, int, int) - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.LeftArrowIcon
paintIcon(Component, Graphics, int, int) - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.LRIcon
paintIcon(Component, Graphics, int, int) - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.lrsIcon
paintIcon(Component, Graphics, int, int) - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.MavenIcon
paintIcon(Component, Graphics, int, int) - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.NeTransducerIcon
paintIcon(Component, Graphics, int, int) - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.NominalCoreferencerIcon
paintIcon(Component, Graphics, int, int) - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.OIcon
paintIcon(Component, Graphics, int, int) - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.OntologyIcon
paintIcon(Component, Graphics, int, int) - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.OpenApplicationIcon
paintIcon(Component, Graphics, int, int) - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.OpenFileIcon
paintIcon(Component, Graphics, int, int) - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.OrthoMatcherIcon
paintIcon(Component, Graphics, int, int) - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.ParamIcon
paintIcon(Component, Graphics, int, int) - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.PinIcon
paintIcon(Component, Graphics, int, int) - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.PinInIcon
paintIcon(Component, Graphics, int, int) - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.PosTaggerIcon
paintIcon(Component, Graphics, int, int) - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.PRIcon
paintIcon(Component, Graphics, int, int) - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.ProgressIcon
paintIcon(Component, Graphics, int, int) - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.PronominalCoreferencerIcon
paintIcon(Component, Graphics, int, int) - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.prsIcon
paintIcon(Component, Graphics, int, int) - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.ReadyMadeIcon
paintIcon(Component, Graphics, int, int) - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.RedBallIcon
paintIcon(Component, Graphics, int, int) - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.RefreshIcon
paintIcon(Component, Graphics, int, int) - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.RemotePluginIcon
paintIcon(Component, Graphics, int, int) - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.RemoveAnnotationIcon
paintIcon(Component, Graphics, int, int) - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.RemoveDocumentIcon
paintIcon(Component, Graphics, int, int) - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.RemoveIcon
paintIcon(Component, Graphics, int, int) - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.RIcon
paintIcon(Component, Graphics, int, int) - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.RightArrowIcon
paintIcon(Component, Graphics, int, int) - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.RunIcon
paintIcon(Component, Graphics, int, int) - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.SaveIcon
paintIcon(Component, Graphics, int, int) - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.ScrollLockIcon
paintIcon(Component, Graphics, int, int) - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.SearchIcon
paintIcon(Component, Graphics, int, int) - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.SentenceSplitterIcon
paintIcon(Component, Graphics, int, int) - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.TickIcon
paintIcon(Component, Graphics, int, int) - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.TokeniserIcon
paintIcon(Component, Graphics, int, int) - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.UpdatesIcon
paintIcon(Component, Graphics, int, int) - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.UpdateSiteIcon
paintIcon(Component, Graphics, int, int) - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.UpIcon
paintIcon(Component, Graphics, int, int) - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.UserPluginIcon
paintIcon(Component, Graphics, int, int) - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.WindowNewIcon
paintIcon(Component, Graphics, int, int) - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.YellowBallIcon
paintIcon(Component, Graphics, int, int) - Method in class gate.swing.VerticalTextIcon
Draw the icon at the specified location.
Pair - Class in gate.util
Pair(Object, Object) - Constructor for class gate.util.Pair
Pair() - Constructor for class gate.util.Pair
Pair(Pair) - Constructor for class gate.util.Pair
PairingOffsetComparator() - Constructor for class gate.util.AnnotationDiffer.PairingOffsetComparator
pairings - Variable in class gate.gui.AnnotationDiffGUI
PairingScoreComparator() - Constructor for class gate.util.AnnotationDiffer.PairingScoreComparator
paramClass - Variable in class gate.creole.Parameter
The Class for the parameter type
Parameter - Class in gate.creole
Models a resource parameter.
Parameter(Plugin) - Constructor for class gate.creole.Parameter
Construct a new Parameter for a resource in a given plugin.
ParameterDisjunction - Class in gate.gui
Represents a list of Parameters which are alternative to each other.
ParameterDisjunction(Resource, List<Parameter>) - Constructor for class gate.gui.ParameterDisjunction
Creation from a resources and a list of names.
parameterDisjunctions - Variable in class gate.gui.ResourceParametersEditor
ParameterException - Exception in gate.creole
This exception indicates failure to set a resource parameter.
ParameterException() - Constructor for exception gate.creole.ParameterException
ParameterException(String) - Constructor for exception gate.creole.ParameterException
ParameterException(Exception) - Constructor for exception gate.creole.ParameterException
ParameterException(String, Exception) - Constructor for exception gate.creole.ParameterException
ParameterList - Class in gate.creole
Models resource parameters lists as described in their creole.xml metadata.
ParameterList() - Constructor for class gate.creole.ParameterList
parameterList - Variable in class gate.creole.ResourceData
The set of parameter lists
parameters - Variable in class gate.corpora.MimeType
The parameters map.
parameters - Variable in class gate.creole.annic.lucene.LuceneIndexer
Various parameters such as location of the Index etc.
parametersBorder - Variable in class gate.gui.SerialControllerEditor
parametersEditor - Variable in class gate.gui.SerialControllerEditor
A component for editing the parameters of the currently selected PR
parametersPanel - Variable in class gate.gui.SerialControllerEditor
ParametersTableModel() - Constructor for class gate.gui.ResourceParametersEditor.ParametersTableModel
ParamIcon - Class in gate.resources.img.svg
This class has been automatically generated using SVGRoundTrip.
ParamIcon() - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.ParamIcon
Creates a new transcoded SVG image.
ParamIcon(boolean) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.ParamIcon
ParamIcon(Dimension) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.ParamIcon
Creates a new transcoded SVG image with the given dimensions.
ParamIcon(Dimension, boolean) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.ParamIcon
ParamIcon(int, int) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.ParamIcon
ParamIcon(int, int, boolean) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.ParamIcon
parse(String, String, String, String, String) - Method in class gate.creole.annic.lucene.QueryParser
Given a query, this method parses it to convert it into one or more lucene queries.
parseArguments(String[]) - Method in interface gate.util.reporting.BenchmarkReportable
Parses the command line arguments.
parseArguments(String[]) - Method in class gate.util.reporting.DocTimeReporter
Parses the report command lime arguments.
parseArguments(String[]) - Method in class gate.util.reporting.PRTimeReporter
Parses the report arguments.
parseConfigFile(InputStream, URL) - Method in class gate.config.ConfigDataProcessor
Parse a config file (represented as an open stream).
parseCreole() - Method in class gate.creole.Plugin
parseDirectory(Plugin, Document, URL, URL) - Method in class gate.creole.CreoleRegisterImpl
Parse a directory file (represented as an open stream), adding resource data objects to the CREOLE register as they occur.
ParseException - Exception in gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.analysis.standard
This exception is thrown when parse errors are encountered.
ParseException(Token, int[][], String[]) - Constructor for exception gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.analysis.standard.ParseException
This constructor is used by the method "generateParseException" in the generated parser.
ParseException() - Constructor for exception gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.analysis.standard.ParseException
The following constructors are for use by you for whatever purpose you can think of.
ParseException(String) - Constructor for exception gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.analysis.standard.ParseException
parseQuery(String) - Static method in class gate.creole.annic.lucene.SubQueryParser
this method parses the query and returns the different queries converted into the OR normalized form for e.g.
parser - Variable in class gate.config.ConfigDataProcessor
The parser for the CREOLE directory files
Parser - Class in gate.creole.annic
This class provides utility methods to export the Hits to XML and read them back from XML to HIT objects.
Parser() - Constructor for class gate.creole.annic.Parser
PARTIALLY_CORRECT_BG - Static variable in class gate.gui.AnnotationDiffGUI
PARTIALLY_CORRECT_TYPE - Static variable in class gate.annotation.CorpusAnnotationDiff
A partially correct type when all annotation are corect represented by Blue color
PARTIALLY_CORRECT_TYPE - Static variable in class gate.util.AnnotationDiffer
Type for partially correct pairings (when the key and response match in type and significant features but the spans are just overlapping and not identical.
partiallyCorrectAnnotations - Variable in class gate.util.AnnotationDiffer
partiallyCorrectLbl - Variable in class gate.gui.AnnotationDiffGUI
partiallyCorrectMatches - Variable in class gate.util.AnnotationDiffer
The number of partially correct matches.
PASHTO - Static variable in interface gate.creole.ontology.OConstants
Language code used "ps"
PASSWORD_DECRYPTER - Static variable in class gate.util.maven.Utils
Utility used to decrypt encrypted proxy passwords in settings.xml
PATH_COMPARATOR - Static variable in class gate.util.ant.packager.PackageGappTask
Comparator to compare URLs by lexicographic ordering of their getPath() values.
Pattern - Class in gate.creole.annic
Pattern is an extension of the HIT class.
Pattern(String, String, String, int, int, int, int, List<PatternAnnotation>, String) - Constructor for class gate.creole.annic.Pattern
PATTERN_ANNOTATION - Static variable in class gate.creole.annic.Parser
PATTERN_ANNOTATIONS - Static variable in class gate.creole.annic.Parser
PATTERN_TEXT - Static variable in class gate.creole.annic.Parser
PatternAnnotation - Class in gate.creole.annic
Pattern Annotation is similar to a GATE Annotation except that it doesn't have any annotation ID but it contains its position in the token stream that is created when indexing documents.
PatternAnnotation() - Constructor for class gate.creole.annic.PatternAnnotation
patternLength() - Method in class gate.creole.annic.lucene.LuceneQueryResult
Returns an arraylist which for each pattern contains a number of annotation in it.
patternText - Variable in class gate.creole.annic.Pattern
pattern text
PatternValidator - Class in gate.creole.annic.lucene
Pattern Validator that given a position of first term, retrieves the entire pattern from the token stream.
PatternValidator() - Constructor for class gate.creole.annic.lucene.PatternValidator
PAUM_MODEL_APPLICATION - Static variable in class gate.util.Benchmark
PAUM_MODEL_TRAINING - Static variable in class gate.util.Benchmark
peakAtNextAnnotationId() - Method in class gate.corpora.DocumentImpl
look at the next annotation ID without incrementing it
pendingCreoleUrls - Static variable in class gate.Main
The list of pending URLs to add to the CREOLE register
pendingEvents - Variable in class gate.gui.docview.AnnotationSetsView
PermanentSelectionCaret() - Constructor for class gate.gui.docview.TextualDocumentView.PermanentSelectionCaret
PERSIAN - Static variable in interface gate.creole.ontology.OConstants
Language code used "fa"
Persistence - Interface in gate.util.persistence
Defines an object that holds persistent data about another object.
PersistenceException - Exception in gate.persist
This exception indicates failure during persistence operations.
PersistenceException() - Constructor for exception gate.persist.PersistenceException
Default construction
PersistenceException(String) - Constructor for exception gate.persist.PersistenceException
Construction from string
PersistenceException(Exception) - Constructor for exception gate.persist.PersistenceException
Construction from exception
PersistenceException(String, Exception) - Constructor for exception gate.persist.PersistenceException
Construction from both string and exception
persistenceID - Variable in class gate.util.persistence.LRPersistence
PersistenceManager - Class in gate.util.persistence
This class provides utility methods for saving resources through serialisation via static methods.
PersistenceManager() - Constructor for class gate.util.persistence.PersistenceManager
PersistenceManager.ClassComparator - Class in gate.util.persistence
PersistenceManager.NotComparableException - Exception in gate.util.persistence
Thrown by a comparator when the values provided for comparison are not comparable.
PersistenceManager.ObjectHolder - Class in gate.util.persistence
A reference to an object; it uses the identity hashcode and the equals defined by object identity.
PersistenceManager.RRPersistence - Class in gate.util.persistence
PersistenceManager.SlashDevSlashNull - Class in gate.util.persistence
This class is used as a marker for types that should NOT be serialised when saving the state of a gate object.
PersistenceManager.URLHolder - Class in gate.util.persistence
URLs get upset when serialised and deserialised so we need to convert them to strings for storage.
PERSON_ANNOTATION_TYPE - Static variable in interface gate.creole.ANNIEConstants
PERSON_GENDER_FEATURE_NAME - Static variable in interface gate.creole.ANNIEConstants
PhraseQuery - Class in
A Query that matches documents containing a particular sequence of terms.
PhraseQuery() - Constructor for class
Constructs an empty phrase query.
PinIcon - Class in gate.resources.img.svg
This class has been automatically generated using SVGRoundTrip.
PinIcon() - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.PinIcon
Creates a new transcoded SVG image.
PinIcon(boolean) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.PinIcon
PinIcon(Dimension) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.PinIcon
Creates a new transcoded SVG image with the given dimensions.
PinIcon(Dimension, boolean) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.PinIcon
PinIcon(int, int) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.PinIcon
PinIcon(int, int, boolean) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.PinIcon
PinInIcon - Class in gate.resources.img.svg
This class has been automatically generated using SVGRoundTrip.
PinInIcon() - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.PinInIcon
Creates a new transcoded SVG image.
PinInIcon(boolean) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.PinInIcon
PinInIcon(Dimension) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.PinInIcon
Creates a new transcoded SVG image with the given dimensions.
PinInIcon(Dimension, boolean) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.PinInIcon
PinInIcon(int, int) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.PinInIcon
PinInIcon(int, int, boolean) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.PinInIcon
pinnedButton - Variable in class gate.gui.docview.AnnotationEditor
Toggle button used to pin down the dialog.
pipelineNames - Variable in class gate.util.reporting.PRTimeReporter
Names of the given pipeline for which the entries are present in given benchmark file.
placeDialog(int, int) - Method in interface gate.gui.annedit.OwnedAnnotationEditor
Finds the best location for the editor dialog for a given span of text
placeDialog(int, int) - Method in class gate.gui.docview.AnnotationEditor
Finds the best location for the editor dialog for a given span of text.
plugin - Variable in class gate.creole.Parameter
The URL to the creole.xml file that defines the resource this parameter belongs to.
Plugin - Class in gate.creole
Plugin() - Constructor for class gate.creole.Plugin
plugin - Variable in class gate.creole.ResourceData
The plugin defining this resource type
Plugin.Component - Class in gate.creole
Plugin.Directory - Class in gate.creole
Plugin.DownloadListener - Interface in gate.creole
Plugin.Maven - Class in gate.creole
Plugin.ResourceInfoVisitor - Class in gate.creole
ClassVisitor that uses information from a CreoleResource annotation on the visited class (if such exists) to fill in the name and comment in the corresponding ResourceInfo.
PLUGIN_DIR - Static variable in interface gate.creole.ANNIEConstants
PLUGIN_NAMES_MAPPING_FILE - Static variable in class gate.creole.CreoleRegisterImpl
Name of the plugin-mappings file
PluginCoordinates(String, String) - Constructor for class gate.gui.persistence.XgappUpgradeSelector.PluginCoordinates
PluginListener - Interface in gate.event
pluginLoaded(Plugin) - Method in interface gate.event.PluginListener
pluginLoaded(Plugin) - Method in class gate.gui.MainFrame
pluginLoaded(Plugin) - Method in class gate.swing.ResourceReferenceChooser
pluginManager - Variable in class gate.gui.MainFrame
pluginNamesMappings - Variable in class gate.creole.CreoleRegisterImpl
maps previous plugin names to new plugin names
plugins - Variable in class gate.creole.CreoleRegisterImpl
PLUGINS - Static variable in interface gate.GateConstants
The name of the installed plug-ins directory
PLUGINS_HOME_PROPERTY_NAME - Static variable in interface gate.GateConstants
The name of the GATE plugins home system property
pluginsHome - Static variable in class gate.Gate
The top level directory for GATE installed plugins.
pluginUnloaded(Plugin) - Method in interface gate.event.PluginListener
pluginUnloaded(Plugin) - Method in class gate.gui.MainFrame
pluginUnloaded(Plugin) - Method in class gate.swing.ResourceReferenceChooser
PluginUpdateManager - Class in gate.gui.creole.manager
The CREOLE plugin manager
PluginUpdateManager(JFrame) - Constructor for class gate.gui.creole.manager.PluginUpdateManager
plus(AnnotationSet, Annotation...) - Static method in class gate.Utils
Return the given set with the given annotations added.
plus(AnnotationSet, Collection<Annotation>) - Static method in class gate.Utils
Return the given set with the given annotations added.
POLISH - Static variable in interface gate.creole.ontology.OConstants
Language code used "pl"
pop() - Method in class gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.util.PriorityQueue
Removes and returns the least element of the PriorityQueue in log(size) time.
populate(Corpus, URL, FileFilter, String, boolean) - Static method in class gate.corpora.CorpusImpl
Fills the provided corpus with documents created on the fly from selected files in a directory.
populate(Corpus, URL, FileFilter, String, String, boolean) - Static method in class gate.corpora.CorpusImpl
Fills the provided corpus with documents created on the fly from selected files in a directory.
populate(URL, FileFilter, String, boolean) - Method in class gate.corpora.CorpusImpl
Fills this corpus with documents created from files in a directory.
populate(URL, FileFilter, String, String, boolean) - Method in class gate.corpora.CorpusImpl
Fills this corpus with documents created from files in a directory.
populate(Corpus, URL, String, String, int, String, String, boolean) - Static method in class gate.corpora.CorpusImpl
Fills the provided corpus with documents extracted from the provided trec file.
populate(URL, String, String, int, String, String, boolean) - Method in class gate.corpora.CorpusImpl
Fills the provided corpus with documents extracted from the provided single concatenated file.
populate(URL, FileFilter, String, boolean) - Method in class gate.corpora.SerialCorpusImpl
Fills this corpus with documents created from files in a directory.
populate(URL, FileFilter, String, String, boolean) - Method in class gate.corpora.SerialCorpusImpl
Fills this corpus with documents created from files in a directory.
populate(URL, String, String, int, String, String, boolean) - Method in class gate.corpora.SerialCorpusImpl
Fills the provided corpus with documents extracted from the provided single concatenated file.
populate() - Method in class gate.gui.FeaturesSchemaEditor
Called internally whenever the data represented changes.
populate(URL, FileFilter, String, boolean) - Method in interface gate.SimpleCorpus
Fills this corpus with documents created on the fly from selected files in a directory.
populate(URL, FileFilter, String, String, boolean) - Method in interface gate.SimpleCorpus
Fills this corpus with documents created on the fly from selected files in a directory.
populate(URL, String, String, int, String, String, boolean) - Method in interface gate.SimpleCorpus
Fills the provided corpus with documents extracted from the provided trec file.
populateGUI() - Method in class gate.gui.AnnotationDiffGUI
populateUI() - Method in class gate.gui.docview.AnnotationSetsView
popup - Variable in class gate.gui.LogArea
The popup menu with various actions
popup - Variable in class gate.gui.SerialDatastoreViewer
The popup used for actions.
popup - Variable in class gate.swing.JMenuButton
POPUP_FEATURES - Static variable in class gate.gui.LuceneDataStoreSearchGUI.QueryTextArea
POPUP_TYPES - Static variable in class gate.gui.LuceneDataStoreSearchGUI.QueryTextArea
popupWindow - Variable in class gate.gui.docview.AnnotationEditor
The popup window used by the editor.
PORTUGUESE - Static variable in interface gate.creole.ontology.OConstants
Language code used "pt"
POS_ADJECTIVE - Static variable in interface gate.wordnet.WordNet
POS_ADVERB - Static variable in interface gate.wordnet.WordNet
POS_NOUN - Static variable in interface gate.wordnet.WordNet
POS_VERB - Static variable in interface gate.wordnet.WordNet
position - Variable in class gate.creole.annic.lucene.QueryParser
POSITION - Static variable in class gate.creole.annic.Parser
PositionInfo(long, long, long, long) - Constructor for class gate.corpora.RepositioningInfo.PositionInfo
The only constructor.
POSITIVE_INTEGER - Static variable in class gate.creole.ontology.OConstants.XMLSchema
possibleChoices - Variable in class gate.util.AnnotationDiffer
All the posible choices are added to this list for easy iteration.
POST_PROCESSING - Static variable in class gate.util.Benchmark
PosTaggerIcon - Class in gate.resources.img.svg
This class has been automatically generated using SVGRoundTrip.
PosTaggerIcon() - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.PosTaggerIcon
Creates a new transcoded SVG image.
PosTaggerIcon(boolean) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.PosTaggerIcon
PosTaggerIcon(Dimension) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.PosTaggerIcon
Creates a new transcoded SVG image with the given dimensions.
PosTaggerIcon(Dimension, boolean) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.PosTaggerIcon
PosTaggerIcon(int, int) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.PosTaggerIcon
PosTaggerIcon(int, int, boolean) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.PosTaggerIcon
pr - Variable in class gate.creole.AnalyserRunningStrategy
pr - Variable in class gate.event.ControllerEvent
pr(boolean) - Static method in class gate.util.Err
pr(char) - Static method in class gate.util.Err
pr(int) - Static method in class gate.util.Err
pr(long) - Static method in class gate.util.Err
pr(float) - Static method in class gate.util.Err
pr(double) - Static method in class gate.util.Err
pr(char[]) - Static method in class gate.util.Err
pr(String) - Static method in class gate.util.Err
pr(Object) - Static method in class gate.util.Err
pr(boolean) - Static method in class gate.util.Out
pr(char) - Static method in class gate.util.Out
pr(int) - Static method in class gate.util.Out
pr(long) - Static method in class gate.util.Out
pr(float) - Static method in class gate.util.Out
pr(double) - Static method in class gate.util.Out
pr(char[]) - Static method in class gate.util.Out
pr(String) - Static method in class gate.util.Out
pr(Object) - Static method in class gate.util.Out
pr - Variable in class gate.util.persistence.AnalyserRunningStrategyPersistence
pr - Variable in class gate.util.persistence.UnconditionalRunningStrategyPersistence
PR_NAME_FEATURE - Static variable in class gate.util.Benchmark
processing resource name feature
PR_PREFIX - Static variable in class gate.util.Benchmark
precisionAveLbl - Variable in class gate.gui.AnnotationDiffGUI
precisionLenientLbl - Variable in class gate.gui.AnnotationDiffGUI
precisionStrictLbl - Variable in class gate.gui.AnnotationDiffGUI
PREDICATE - Static variable in class gate.creole.ontology.OConstants.RDF
preferredLayoutSize(Container) - Method in class gate.swing.MenuLayout
Returns the preferred dimensions for this layout given the components in the specified target container.
prepareCombo(JComboBox, int, int) - Method in class gate.gui.FeaturesSchemaEditor.FeatureEditorRenderer
pressed - Variable in class gate.gui.docview.AnnotationEditor
previousChunkEndedWithWS - Variable in class gate.html.NekoHtmlDocumentHandler
During parsing, keeps track of whether the previous chunk of character data ended with a whitespace character.
PRIcon - Class in gate.resources.img.svg
This class has been automatically generated using SVGRoundTrip.
PRIcon() - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.PRIcon
Creates a new transcoded SVG image.
PRIcon(boolean) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.PRIcon
PRIcon(Dimension) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.PRIcon
Creates a new transcoded SVG image with the given dimensions.
PRIcon(Dimension, boolean) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.PRIcon
PRIcon(int, int) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.PRIcon
PRIcon(int, int, boolean) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.PRIcon
print(String) - Method in class gate.gui.LogArea.UTF8PrintStream
Overriden so it uses UTF-8 when converting a string to byte[]
print(char[]) - Method in class gate.gui.LogArea.UTF8PrintStream
Overriden so it uses UTF-8 when converting a char[] to byte[]
print(boolean) - Static method in class gate.util.Err
print(char) - Static method in class gate.util.Err
print(int) - Static method in class gate.util.Err
print(long) - Static method in class gate.util.Err
print(float) - Static method in class gate.util.Err
print(double) - Static method in class gate.util.Err
print(char[]) - Static method in class gate.util.Err
print(String) - Static method in class gate.util.Err
print(Object) - Static method in class gate.util.Err
print(boolean) - Static method in class gate.util.Out
print(char) - Static method in class gate.util.Out
print(int) - Static method in class gate.util.Out
print(long) - Static method in class gate.util.Out
print(float) - Static method in class gate.util.Out
print(double) - Static method in class gate.util.Out
print(char[]) - Static method in class gate.util.Out
print(String) - Static method in class gate.util.Out
print(Object) - Static method in class gate.util.Out
printAnnotations(AnnotationDiffer, Document, Document) - Method in class gate.util.CorpusBenchmarkTool
printAnnotations(Set<Annotation>, Document) - Method in class gate.util.CorpusBenchmarkTool
printCategAvg(String, long, double, String) - Method in class gate.util.profile.Profiler
An auxiliary routine printing time, avg.
println() - Static method in class gate.util.Err
println(boolean) - Static method in class gate.util.Err
println(char) - Static method in class gate.util.Err
println(int) - Static method in class gate.util.Err
println(long) - Static method in class gate.util.Err
println(float) - Static method in class gate.util.Err
println(double) - Static method in class gate.util.Err
println(char[]) - Static method in class gate.util.Err
println(String) - Static method in class gate.util.Err
println(Object) - Static method in class gate.util.Err
println() - Static method in class gate.util.Out
println(boolean) - Static method in class gate.util.Out
println(char) - Static method in class gate.util.Out
println(int) - Static method in class gate.util.Out
println(long) - Static method in class gate.util.Out
println(float) - Static method in class gate.util.Out
println(double) - Static method in class gate.util.Out
println(char[]) - Static method in class gate.util.Out
println(String) - Static method in class gate.util.Out
println(Object) - Static method in class gate.util.Out
printMissmatches() - Method in class gate.util.AnnotationDiffer
Prints to System.out the pairings that are not correct.
printReport(Object, File) - Method in interface gate.util.reporting.BenchmarkReportable
Prints a report in text or HTML format.
printReport(Object, File) - Method in class gate.util.reporting.DocTimeReporter
Prints a report as per the value provided for print media option.
printReport(Object, File) - Method in class gate.util.reporting.PRTimeReporter
Prints a report as per the value provided for print media option.
printSizes(Component) - Static method in class gate.swing.SpringUtilities
A debugging utility that prints to stdout the component's minimum, preferred, and maximum sizes.
printSpeed(long, double, String) - Method in class gate.util.profile.Profiler
An auxiliary routine printing in a string speed
printStackTrace() - Method in exception gate.creole.ontology.InvalidURIException
Overriden so we can print the enclosed exception's stacktrace too.
printStackTrace(PrintStream) - Method in exception gate.creole.ontology.InvalidURIException
Overriden so we can print the enclosed exception's stacktrace too.
printStackTrace(PrintWriter) - Method in exception gate.creole.ontology.InvalidURIException
Overriden so we can print the enclosed exception's stacktrace too.
printStackTrace() - Method in exception gate.creole.ontology.InvalidValueException
Overriden so we can print the enclosed exception's stacktrace too.
printStackTrace(PrintStream) - Method in exception gate.creole.ontology.InvalidValueException
Overriden so we can print the enclosed exception's stacktrace too.
printStackTrace(PrintWriter) - Method in exception gate.creole.ontology.InvalidValueException
Overriden so we can print the enclosed exception's stacktrace too.
printStackTrace() - Method in exception gate.persist.PersistenceException
Overridden so we can print the enclosed exception's stacktrace too.
printStackTrace(PrintStream) - Method in exception gate.persist.PersistenceException
Overridden so we can print the enclosed exception's stacktrace too.
printStackTrace(PrintWriter) - Method in exception gate.persist.PersistenceException
Overridden so we can print the enclosed exception's stacktrace too.
printStackTrace(PrintStream) - Static method in class gate.util.Tools
Prints the stack trace of the current thread to the specified print stream.
printStatistics() - Method in class gate.util.CorpusBenchmarkTool
printStatsForType(String) - Method in class gate.util.CorpusBenchmarkTool
printStructure(Set<CorpusAnnotationDiff.DiffSetElement>) - Method in class gate.annotation.CorpusAnnotationDiff
Used internally for debugging
printSummary(Object, DefaultTableModel, int, int, Object[]) - Method in class gate.gui.CorpusQualityAssurance
printTableHeader() - Method in class gate.util.CorpusBenchmarkTool
printTime(long) - Method in class gate.util.profile.Profiler
An auxiliary routine printing time in "nnn.nns" format
printToSystemOut(boolean) - Method in class gate.util.profile.Profiler
Sets the profiler to print (or not) to the standard output.
PriorityQueue - Class in gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.util
A PriorityQueue maintains a partial ordering of its elements such that the least element can always be found in constant time.
PriorityQueue() - Constructor for class gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.util.PriorityQueue
PRIORVERSION - Static variable in class gate.creole.ontology.OConstants.OWL
priv - Variable in class gate.creole.ResourceData
Private flag
prList - Variable in class gate.creole.SerialController
The list of contained PRs
prList - Variable in class gate.util.persistence.ControllerPersistence
prln() - Static method in class gate.util.Err
prln(boolean) - Static method in class gate.util.Err
prln(char) - Static method in class gate.util.Err
prln(int) - Static method in class gate.util.Err
prln(long) - Static method in class gate.util.Err
prln(float) - Static method in class gate.util.Err
prln(double) - Static method in class gate.util.Err
prln(char[]) - Static method in class gate.util.Err
prln(String) - Static method in class gate.util.Err
prln(Object) - Static method in class gate.util.Err
prln() - Static method in class gate.util.Out
prln(boolean) - Static method in class gate.util.Out
prln(char) - Static method in class gate.util.Out
prln(int) - Static method in class gate.util.Out
prln(long) - Static method in class gate.util.Out
prln(float) - Static method in class gate.util.Out
prln(double) - Static method in class gate.util.Out
prln(char[]) - Static method in class gate.util.Out
prln(String) - Static method in class gate.util.Out
prln(Object) - Static method in class gate.util.Out
process(MouseEvent) - Method in class gate.swing.XJTable.HeaderMouseListener
processAnnotations(Document) - Method in class gate.creole.CreoleAnnotationHandler
Processes annotations for resource classes named in the given creole.xml document, adding the relevant XML elements to the document as appropriate.
processArgs(String[]) - Static method in class gate.Main
Process arguments and set up member fields appropriately.
processCreoleResourceAnnotations(Element, Class<?>) - Method in class gate.creole.CreoleAnnotationHandler
processDocument(Document) - Method in class gate.util.CorpusBenchmarkTool
processDocument(Document) - Method in interface gate.util.DocumentProcessor
Process the given GATE document.
processDocument(Document) - Method in class gate.util.LanguageAnalyserDocumentProcessor
processFinished() - Method in class gate.creole.AbstractController.IntervalProgressListener
processFinished() - Method in class gate.creole.AbstractProcessingResource.IntervalProgressListener
processFinished() - Method in interface gate.event.ProgressListener
Called when the process is finished.
processFinished() - Method in class gate.event.ProgressListenerAdaptor
processFinished() - Method in class gate.gui.MainFrame
Called when the process is finished.
processFinished() - Method in class gate.gui.NameBearerHandle
processFinished() - Method in class gate.gui.SerialControllerEditor.InternalProgressListener
processGateEvent(GateEvent) - Method in interface gate.event.GateListener
Called when a Gate event has occured
processingInstruction(String, XMLString, Augmentations) - Method in class gate.html.NekoHtmlDocumentHandler
ProcessingResource - Interface in gate
Models all sorts of processing resources.
processingResourcesRoot - Variable in class gate.gui.MainFrame
ProcessManager - Class in gate.util
Class that supports running an external process and either silently consuming its standard output and error streams, or copying them to Java's stdout and stderr.
ProcessManager() - Constructor for class gate.util.ProcessManager
Construct a ProcessManager object and start the gobbler threads.
processWindowEvent(WindowEvent) - Method in class gate.gui.MainFrame
Overridden so we can exit when window is closed
prof - Variable in class gate.creole.RealtimeCorpusController
Profiler to track PR execute time
prof - Variable in class gate.creole.SerialController
Profiler to track PR execute time
Profiler - Class in gate.util.profile
Profiler() - Constructor for class gate.util.profile.Profiler
PROGRAMMATIC - Static variable in class gate.gui.LuceneDataStoreSearchGUI.QueryTextArea
progressBar - Variable in class gate.gui.AnnotationDiffGUI
progressBar - Variable in class gate.gui.CorpusQualityAssurance
progressBar - Variable in class gate.gui.MainFrame
progressChanged(int) - Method in class gate.creole.AbstractController.IntervalProgressListener
progressChanged(int) - Method in class gate.creole.AbstractProcessingResource.IntervalProgressListener
progressChanged(int) - Method in interface gate.event.ProgressListener
Called when the progress has changed
progressChanged(int) - Method in class gate.event.ProgressListenerAdaptor
progressChanged(int) - Method in class gate.gui.MainFrame
progressChanged(int) - Method in class gate.gui.NameBearerHandle
progressChanged(int) - Method in class gate.gui.SerialControllerEditor.InternalProgressListener
ProgressIcon - Class in gate.resources.img.svg
This class has been automatically generated using SVGRoundTrip.
ProgressIcon() - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.ProgressIcon
Creates a new transcoded SVG image.
ProgressIcon(boolean) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.ProgressIcon
ProgressIcon(Dimension) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.ProgressIcon
Creates a new transcoded SVG image with the given dimensions.
ProgressIcon(Dimension, boolean) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.ProgressIcon
ProgressIcon(int, int) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.ProgressIcon
ProgressIcon(int, int, boolean) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.ProgressIcon
ProgressListener - Interface in gate.event
This interface describes objects that can register themselves as listeners to ProcessProgressReporters.
ProgressListenerAdaptor - Class in gate.event
Convenience class for implementing ProgressListener
ProgressListenerAdaptor() - Constructor for class gate.event.ProgressListenerAdaptor
ProgressPanel - Class in gate.gui.creole.manager
ProgressPanel() - Constructor for class gate.gui.creole.manager.ProgressPanel
prohibited - Variable in class
If true, documents documents which do match this sub-query will not match the boolean query.
PronominalCoreferencerIcon - Class in gate.resources.img.svg
This class has been automatically generated using SVGRoundTrip.
PronominalCoreferencerIcon() - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.PronominalCoreferencerIcon
Creates a new transcoded SVG image.
PronominalCoreferencerIcon(boolean) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.PronominalCoreferencerIcon
PronominalCoreferencerIcon(Dimension) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.PronominalCoreferencerIcon
Creates a new transcoded SVG image with the given dimensions.
PronominalCoreferencerIcon(Dimension, boolean) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.PronominalCoreferencerIcon
PronominalCoreferencerIcon(int, int) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.PronominalCoreferencerIcon
PronominalCoreferencerIcon(int, int, boolean) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.PronominalCoreferencerIcon
PROPERTY - Static variable in class gate.creole.ontology.OConstants.RDF
propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent) - Method in class gate.swing.VerticalTextIcon
Checks for changes to the font on the fComponent so that it can invalidate the layout if the size changes
PropertyReader - Interface in
protocolVersionNumbers - Static variable in class gate.persist.SerialDataStore
List of valid protocol version numbers.
PRPersistence - Class in gate.util.persistence
PRPersistence() - Constructor for class gate.util.persistence.PRPersistence
prsIcon - Class in gate.resources.img.svg
This class has been automatically generated using SVGRoundTrip.
prsIcon() - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.prsIcon
Creates a new transcoded SVG image.
prsIcon(boolean) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.prsIcon
prsIcon(Dimension) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.prsIcon
Creates a new transcoded SVG image with the given dimensions.
prsIcon(Dimension, boolean) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.prsIcon
prsIcon(int, int) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.prsIcon
prsIcon(int, int, boolean) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.prsIcon
prsPopup - Variable in class gate.gui.MainFrame
Popup used for right click actions on the PRs node.
prTimeMap - Variable in class gate.creole.SerialController
PRTimeReporter - Class in gate.util.reporting
A reporter class to generate a report on total time taken by each processing element across corpus.
PRTimeReporter() - Constructor for class gate.util.reporting.PRTimeReporter
No Argument constructor.
prTypes - Variable in class gate.creole.CreoleRegisterImpl
A list of the types of PR in the register.
PRViewer - Class in gate.gui
PRViewer() - Constructor for class gate.gui.PRViewer
PRViewer.CopyValueAction - Class in gate.gui
PUNJABI - Static variable in interface gate.creole.ontology.OConstants
Language code used "pa"
put(Object) - Method in class gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.util.PriorityQueue
Adds an Object to a PriorityQueue in log(size) time.
put(String, ResourceData) - Method in class gate.creole.CreoleRegisterImpl
Overide HashMap's put method to maintain a list of all the types of LR in the register, and a list of tool types.
put(long, Object) - Method in class gate.util.HashMapLong
put(Object) - Method in class gate.util.ObjectPool
Puts an object in the pool, those stating that it's "free" or available for use by another processes and routines.
put(Object, Object) - Method in class gate.util.OptionsMap
Converts the value to string using Strings.toString(Object) method and then stores it.
put(Object, LinkedHashSet<String>) - Method in class gate.util.OptionsMap
put(Object, Map<String, String>) - Method in class gate.util.OptionsMap
put(K, V) - Method in class gate.util.RBTreeMap
Associates the specified value with the specified key in this map.
put(Object, Object) - Method in class gate.util.SimpleFeatureMapImpl
Overriden to fire events, so that the persistent objects can keep track of what's updated
putAll(Map<? extends K, ? extends V>) - Method in class gate.util.RBTreeMap
Copies all of the mappings from the specified map to this map.


QNAME - Static variable in class gate.creole.ontology.OConstants.XMLSchema
QUECHUA - Static variable in interface gate.creole.ontology.OConstants
Language code used "qu"
query - Variable in class
The query whose matching documents are combined by the boolean query.
Query - Class in
The abstract base class for queries.
Query() - Constructor for class
QUERY - Static variable in class gate.creole.annic.Parser
QUERY_COLUMN - Static variable in class gate.gui.LuceneDataStoreSearchGUI.ResultTableModel
queryList - Variable in class gate.gui.LuceneDataStoreSearchGUI.QueryTextArea
queryListModel - Variable in class gate.gui.LuceneDataStoreSearchGUI.QueryTextArea
queryNorm(float) - Method in class
Implemented as 1/sqrt(sumOfSquaredWeights).
queryNorm(float) - Method in class
Computes the normalization value for a query given the sum of the squared weights of each of the query terms.
QueryParser - Class in gate.creole.annic.lucene
QueryParser parses the provided ANNIC Query and converts it into the format understood to Lucene.
QueryParser() - Constructor for class gate.creole.annic.lucene.QueryParser
queryPopupWindow - Variable in class gate.gui.LuceneDataStoreSearchGUI.QueryTextArea
QueryResult - Class in
QueryResult(Object, float, List<Term>) - Constructor for class
Constructor of the class.
QueryResultList - Class in
QueryResultList() - Constructor for class
QueryResultList(String, IndexedCorpus, List<QueryResult>) - Constructor for class
Constructor of the class.
queryString - Variable in class gate.creole.annic.Hit
Query that matches with this instance of Hit.
QueryTextArea() - Constructor for class gate.gui.LuceneDataStoreSearchGUI.QueryTextArea
queueForIndexing(Object) - Method in class gate.persist.LuceneDataStoreImpl
Submits the given LR ID for indexing.


RAMDirectory - Class in
A memory-resident Directory implementation.
RAMDirectory() - Constructor for class
Constructs an empty Directory.
RAMDirectory(Directory) - Constructor for class
Creates a new RAMDirectory instance from a different Directory implementation.
RAMDirectory(File) - Constructor for class
Creates a new RAMDirectory instance from the FSDirectory.
RAMDirectory(String) - Constructor for class
Creates a new RAMDirectory instance from the FSDirectory.
RAMOutputStream - Class in
A memory-resident OutputStream implementation.
RAMOutputStream() - Constructor for class
Construct an empty output buffer.
random() - Static method in class gate.persist.SerialDataStore
Generate a random integer between 0 and 9999 for file naming.
RANGE - Static variable in class gate.creole.ontology.OConstants.RDFS
rangeChanged(int, int) - Method in class gate.gui.creole.manager.ProgressPanel
RawEditorKit - Class in gate.util
This class provides an editor kit that does not change \n\r to \n but instead it leaves the original text as is.
RawEditorKit() - Constructor for class gate.util.RawEditorKit
RBTreeMap<K,V> - Class in gate.util
Slightly modified implementation of java.util.TreeMap in order to return the closest neighbours in the case of a failed search.
RBTreeMap() - Constructor for class gate.util.RBTreeMap
Constructs a new, empty map, sorted according to the keys' natural order.
RBTreeMap(Comparator<? super K>) - Constructor for class gate.util.RBTreeMap
Constructs a new, empty map, sorted according to the given comparator.
RBTreeMap(Map<? extends K, ? extends V>) - Constructor for class gate.util.RBTreeMap
Constructs a new map containing the same mappings as the given map, sorted according to the keys' natural order.
RBTreeMap(SortedMap<K, ? extends V>) - Constructor for class gate.util.RBTreeMap
Constructs a new map containing the same mappings as the given SortedMap, sorted according to the same ordering.
RDF() - Constructor for class gate.creole.ontology.OConstants.RDF
RDF_PROPERTY - Static variable in interface gate.creole.ontology.OConstants
denotes the rdf property
RDF_PROPERTY_VALUE_ADDED_EVENT - Static variable in interface gate.creole.ontology.OConstants
denotes the event when an rdf property is assigned to a resource with some compatible value
RDF_PROPERTY_VALUE_REMOVED_EVENT - Static variable in interface gate.creole.ontology.OConstants
denotes the event when an rdf property value is removed from the resource
RDFProperty - Interface in gate.creole.ontology
RDFProperty is the top level property.
RDFS() - Constructor for class gate.creole.ontology.OConstants.RDFS
read(int[], int[]) - Method in class gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.index.FilterIndexReader.FilterTermDocs
read(int[], int[]) - Method in class gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.index.MultipleTermPositions
Describe read method here.
read(int[], int[]) - Method in interface gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.index.TermDocs
Attempts to read multiple entries from the enumeration, up to length of docs.
read(CharBuffer) - Method in class gate.util.BomStrippingInputStreamReader
read(char[]) - Method in class gate.util.BomStrippingInputStreamReader
read() - Method in class gate.util.BomStrippingInputStreamReader
read(char[], int, int) - Method in class gate.util.BomStrippingInputStreamReader
read(URL) - Method in class gate.util.OntologyMeasures
Read the BDM scores from a file.
read(Reader, Document, int) - Method in class gate.util.RawEditorKit
Inserts content from the given stream, which will be treated as plain text.
readAnnotationSet(XMLStreamReader, AnnotationSet, Map<Integer, Long>, Set<Integer>, Boolean) - Static method in class gate.corpora.DocumentStaxUtils
Processes an AnnotationSet element from the given reader and fills the given annotation set with the corresponding annotations.
readByte() - Method in class
Reads and returns a single byte.
readBytes(byte[], int, int) - Method in class
Reads a specified number of bytes into an array at the specified offset.
readChar() - Method in interface gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.analysis.standard.CharStream
Returns the next character from the selected input.
readChar() - Method in class gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.analysis.standard.FastCharStream
readChars(char[], int, int) - Method in class
Reads UTF-8 encoded characters into an array.
readerValue() - Method in class gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.document.Field
The value of the field as a Reader, or null.
readFeatureMap(XMLStreamReader) - Static method in class gate.corpora.DocumentStaxUtils
Processes a GateDocumentFeatures or Annotation element to build a feature map.
readGateXmlDocument(XMLStreamReader, Document) - Static method in class gate.corpora.DocumentStaxUtils
Reads GATE XML format data from the given XMLStreamReader and puts the content and annotation sets into the given Document, replacing its current content.
readGateXmlDocument(XMLStreamReader, Document, StatusListener) - Static method in class gate.corpora.DocumentStaxUtils
Reads GATE XML format data from the given XMLStreamReader and puts the content and annotation sets into the given Document, replacing its current content.
READING_CHUNK_LEARNING_DATA - Static variable in class gate.util.Benchmark
READING_FVS - Static variable in class gate.util.Benchmark
READING_LEARNING_INFO - Static variable in class gate.util.Benchmark
READING_NLP_FEATURES - Static variable in class gate.util.Benchmark
readInt() - Method in class
Reads four bytes and returns an int.
readInternal(byte[], int, int) - Method in class
Expert: implements buffer refill.
readLine() - Method in class gate.util.BomStrippingInputStreamReader
readLong() - Method in class
Reads eight bytes and returns a long.
readOntologyData(InputStream, String, OConstants.OntologyFormat, boolean) - Method in interface gate.creole.ontology.Ontology
Read ontology data from the specified stream in the specified format and load it into the ontology.
readOntologyData(Reader, String, OConstants.OntologyFormat, boolean) - Method in interface gate.creole.ontology.Ontology
Read ontology data from the specified reader in the specified format and load it into the ontology.
readRelationSet(XMLStreamReader, RelationSet, Set<Integer>) - Static method in class gate.corpora.DocumentStaxUtils
readSetsTypesFeatures(int) - Method in class gate.gui.CorpusQualityAssurance
Update set lists.
readSetsTypesFeaturesThread - Variable in class gate.gui.CorpusQualityAssurance
readString() - Method in class
Reads a string.
readTextWithNodes(XMLStreamReader, Map<Integer, Long>) - Static method in class gate.corpora.DocumentStaxUtils
Processes the TextWithNodes element from this XMLStreamReader, returning the text content of the document.
readVInt() - Method in class
Reads an int stored in variable-length format.
readVLong() - Method in class
Reads a long stored in variable-length format.
readXces(InputStream, AnnotationSet) - Static method in class gate.corpora.DocumentStaxUtils
Read XML data in XCES format from the given stream and add the corresponding annotations to the given annotation set.
readXces(XMLStreamReader, AnnotationSet) - Static method in class gate.corpora.DocumentStaxUtils
Read XML data in XCES format from the given reader and add the corresponding annotations to the given annotation set.
readXcesFeatureMap(XMLStreamReader) - Static method in class gate.corpora.DocumentStaxUtils
Processes a struct element to build a feature map.
ready() - Method in class gate.util.BomStrippingInputStreamReader
ReadyMadeIcon - Class in gate.resources.img.svg
This class has been automatically generated using SVGRoundTrip.
ReadyMadeIcon() - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.ReadyMadeIcon
Creates a new transcoded SVG image.
ReadyMadeIcon(boolean) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.ReadyMadeIcon
ReadyMadeIcon(Dimension) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.ReadyMadeIcon
Creates a new transcoded SVG image with the given dimensions.
ReadyMadeIcon(Dimension, boolean) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.ReadyMadeIcon
ReadyMadeIcon(int, int) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.ReadyMadeIcon
ReadyMadeIcon(int, int, boolean) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.ReadyMadeIcon
RealtimeCorpusController - Class in gate.creole
A custom GATE controller that interrupts the execution over a document when a specified amount of time has elapsed.
RealtimeCorpusController() - Constructor for class gate.creole.RealtimeCorpusController
RealtimeCorpusController.DocRunner - Class in gate.creole
rebuildDisplay() - Method in class gate.gui.docview.AnnotationSetsView.HandleDocumentEventsAction
This method is used to update the display by reading the associated document when it is considered that doing so would be cheaper than acting on the events queued
recallAveLbl - Variable in class gate.gui.AnnotationDiffGUI
recallLenientLbl - Variable in class gate.gui.AnnotationDiffGUI
recallStrictLbl - Variable in class gate.gui.AnnotationDiffGUI
RedBallIcon - Class in gate.resources.img.svg
This class has been automatically generated using SVGRoundTrip.
RedBallIcon() - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.RedBallIcon
Creates a new transcoded SVG image.
RedBallIcon(boolean) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.RedBallIcon
RedBallIcon(Dimension) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.RedBallIcon
Creates a new transcoded SVG image with the given dimensions.
RedBallIcon(Dimension, boolean) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.RedBallIcon
RedBallIcon(int, int) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.RedBallIcon
RedBallIcon(int, int, boolean) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.RedBallIcon
redoAction - Variable in class gate.gui.LuceneDataStoreSearchGUI.QueryTextArea
reduceReferenceCount() - Method in class gate.creole.ResourceData
refQueue - Variable in class gate.persist.LuceneDataStoreImpl
Reference queue with which the soft references in the lockObjects map will be registered.
refresh() - Method in class gate.gui.docview.DocumentEditor.SearchDialog
RefreshAnnotationSetsAndFeaturesAction() - Constructor for class gate.gui.LuceneDataStoreSearchGUI.RefreshAnnotationSetsAndFeaturesAction
RefreshIcon - Class in gate.resources.img.svg
This class has been automatically generated using SVGRoundTrip.
RefreshIcon() - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.RefreshIcon
Creates a new transcoded SVG image.
RefreshIcon(boolean) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.RefreshIcon
RefreshIcon(Dimension) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.RefreshIcon
Creates a new transcoded SVG image with the given dimensions.
RefreshIcon(Dimension, boolean) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.RefreshIcon
RefreshIcon(int, int) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.RefreshIcon
RefreshIcon(int, int, boolean) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.RefreshIcon
registerBuiltins() - Method in class gate.creole.CreoleRegisterImpl
Register resources that are built in to the GATE distribution.
registerBuiltins() - Method in interface gate.CreoleRegister
Register resources that are built in to the GATE distribution.
registerComponent(Class<? extends Resource>) - Method in class gate.creole.CreoleRegisterImpl
registerComponent(Class<? extends Resource>) - Method in interface gate.CreoleRegister
registerCreoleUrls() - Static method in class gate.Main
Register any CREOLE URLs that we got on the command line
registerDirectories(URL, boolean) - Method in class gate.creole.CreoleRegisterImpl
Register a single CREOLE directory.
registerDirectories(URL) - Method in class gate.creole.CreoleRegisterImpl
Register a single CREOLE directory.
registerDirectories(URL) - Method in interface gate.CreoleRegister
registerDirectories(URL, boolean) - Method in interface gate.CreoleRegister
registerHooks() - Method in class gate.gui.docview.AbstractDocumentView
This method will be called whenever the view becomes active.
registerHooks() - Method in class gate.gui.docview.AnnotationListView
registerHooks() - Method in class gate.gui.docview.AnnotationSetsView
This method will be called whenever the view becomes active.
registerHooks() - Method in class gate.gui.docview.AnnotationStackView
registerHooks() - Method in class gate.gui.docview.CorefEditor
registerHooks() - Method in class gate.gui.docview.TextualDocumentView
registerIREngine(String) - Static method in class gate.Gate
Registers a new IR engine.
registerPersistentEquivalent(Class<?>, Class<?>) - Static method in class gate.util.persistence.PersistenceManager
Sets the persistent equivalent type to be used to (re)store a given type of transient objects.
registerPlugin(Plugin) - Method in class gate.creole.CreoleRegisterImpl
registerPlugin(Plugin, boolean) - Method in class gate.creole.CreoleRegisterImpl
registerPlugin(Plugin) - Method in interface gate.CreoleRegister
registerPlugin(Plugin, boolean) - Method in interface gate.CreoleRegister
reInit() - Method in class gate.creole.AbstractController
reInit() - Method in class gate.creole.AbstractProcessingResource
Reinitialises the processing resource.
ReInit(CharStream) - Method in class gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.analysis.standard.StandardTokenizer
ReInit(StandardTokenizerTokenManager) - Method in class gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.analysis.standard.StandardTokenizer
ReInit(CharStream) - Method in class gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.analysis.standard.StandardTokenizerTokenManager
ReInit(CharStream, int) - Method in class gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.analysis.standard.StandardTokenizerTokenManager
reInit() - Method in class gate.gui.creole.manager.AvailablePlugins
reInit() - Method in interface gate.ProcessingResource
Reinitialises the processing resource.
reinitAllVariables() - Method in class gate.gui.docview.CorefEditor
REL_ANTONYM - Static variable in interface gate.wordnet.Relation
! Antonym (noun,verb,adjective,adverb)
REL_ATTRIBUTE - Static variable in interface gate.wordnet.Relation
= Attribute (noun,adjective)
REL_CAUSE - Static variable in interface gate.wordnet.Relation
> Cause (verb)
REL_DERIVED_FROM_ADJECTIVE - Static variable in interface gate.wordnet.Relation
\ Derived from adjective (adverb)
REL_ENTAILMENT - Static variable in interface gate.wordnet.Relation
Entailment (verb)
REL_HYPERNYM - Static variable in interface gate.wordnet.Relation
Hypernym (noun,verb)
REL_HYPONYM - Static variable in interface gate.wordnet.Relation
~ Hyponym (noun,verb)
REL_MEMBER_HOLONYM - Static variable in interface gate.wordnet.Relation
#m Member holonym (noun)
REL_MEMBER_MERONYM - Static variable in interface gate.wordnet.Relation
%m Member meronym (noun)
REL_PART_HOLONYM - Static variable in interface gate.wordnet.Relation
#p Part holonym (noun)
REL_PART_MERONYM - Static variable in interface gate.wordnet.Relation
%p Part meronym (noun)
REL_PARTICIPLE_OF_VERB - Static variable in interface gate.wordnet.Relation
< Participle of verb (adjective)
REL_PERTAINYM - Static variable in interface gate.wordnet.Relation
\ Pertainym - pertains to noun (adjective)
REL_SEE_ALSO - Static variable in interface gate.wordnet.Relation
^ Also see (verb,adjective)
REL_SIMILAR_TO - Static variable in interface gate.wordnet.Relation
& Similar to (adjective)
REL_SUBSTANCE_HOLONYM - Static variable in interface gate.wordnet.Relation
#s Substance holonym (noun)
REL_SUBSTANCE_MERONYM - Static variable in interface gate.wordnet.Relation
%s Substance meronym (noun)
REL_VERB_GROUP - Static variable in interface gate.wordnet.Relation
$ Verb Group (verb)
Relation - Interface in gate.relations
Interface representing a relation between GATE annotations.
Relation - Interface in gate.wordnet
Represents WordNet relation.
RELATION_ADDED - Static variable in class gate.event.RelationSetEvent
Event type used for situations when a new annotation has been added
RELATION_REMOVED - Static variable in class gate.event.RelationSetEvent
Event type used for situations when an annotation has been removed
relationAdded(RelationSetEvent) - Method in interface gate.event.RelationSetListener
Called when a new Relation has been added
relationAdded(RelationSetEvent) - Method in class gate.gui.docview.RelationSetView
relationRemoved(RelationSetEvent) - Method in interface gate.event.RelationSetListener
Called when an Relation has been removed
relationRemoved(RelationSetEvent) - Method in class gate.gui.docview.RelationSetView
relations - Variable in class gate.annotation.AnnotationSetImpl
RelationSet - Class in gate.relations
Utility class for managing a set of GATE relations (usually each annotation set of a document will have one set of associated relations).
RelationSet(AnnotationSet) - Constructor for class gate.relations.RelationSet
You should never create a RelationSet directly, instead get if via the AnnotationSet
RelationSetEvent - Class in gate.event
This class models events fired by an RelationSet.
RelationSetEvent(RelationSet, int, Relation) - Constructor for class gate.event.RelationSetEvent
RelationSetListener - Interface in gate.event
A listener for events fired by an RelationSet (RelationSetEvent)
RelationSetView - Class in gate.gui.docview
RelationSetView() - Constructor for class gate.gui.docview.RelationSetView
RelationsUtils - Class in gate.relations
Utilities for working with relations.
RelationsUtils() - Constructor for class gate.relations.RelationsUtils
relativize(File, File) - Static method in class gate.util.persistence.PersistenceManager.URLHolder
release() - Method in class
Releases exclusive access.
RELEVANCE - Static variable in interface
Special comparator for sorting hits according to computed relevance (document score).
RELEVANCE - Static variable in class
Represents sorting by computed relevance.
reloadCacheAction - Variable in class gate.gui.CorpusQualityAssurance
RemotePluginIcon - Class in gate.resources.img.svg
This class has been automatically generated using SVGRoundTrip.
RemotePluginIcon() - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.RemotePluginIcon
Creates a new transcoded SVG image.
RemotePluginIcon(boolean) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.RemotePluginIcon
RemotePluginIcon(Dimension) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.RemotePluginIcon
Creates a new transcoded SVG image with the given dimensions.
RemotePluginIcon(Dimension, boolean) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.RemotePluginIcon
RemotePluginIcon(int, int) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.RemotePluginIcon
RemotePluginIcon(int, int, boolean) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.RemotePluginIcon
remove(Object) - Method in class gate.annotation.AnnotationSetImpl
Remove an element from this set.
remove(Object) - Method in class gate.annotation.ImmutableAnnotationSetImpl
remove(Object) - Method in class gate.corpora.CorpusImpl
remove(int) - Method in class gate.corpora.CorpusImpl
remove(int) - Method in class gate.corpora.CorpusImpl.VerboseList
remove(Object) - Method in class gate.corpora.SerialCorpusImpl
remove(int) - Method in class gate.corpora.SerialCorpusImpl
remove(List<Object>) - Method in interface gate.creole.annic.Indexer
remove documents from the Index
remove(List<Object>) - Method in class gate.creole.annic.lucene.LuceneIndexer
remove documents from the Index
remove(int) - Method in class gate.creole.ConditionalSerialController
remove(ProcessingResource) - Method in class gate.creole.ConditionalSerialController
remove(Object) - Method in class gate.creole.CreoleRegisterImpl
Overide HashMap's delete method to update the lists of types in the register.
remove(int) - Method in class gate.creole.SerialController
remove(ProcessingResource) - Method in class gate.creole.SerialController
remove(Object) - Method in class gate.DataStoreRegister
Removes the given element from this set if it is present.
remove(Object) - Method in class gate.relations.RelationSet
remove(Object) - Method in interface gate.SimpleAnnotationSet
Remove an element from this set.
remove() - Method in interface gate.util.AnnotationDiffer.Pairing
remove() - Method in class gate.util.AnnotationDiffer.PairingImpl
Removes this choice from the two lists it belongs to
remove(Object) - Method in class gate.util.RBTreeMap
Removes the mapping for this key from this RBTreeMap if present.
remove(Object) - Method in class gate.util.SimpleFeatureMapImpl
Overriden to fire events, so that the persistent objects can keep track of what's updated
removeActionListener(ActionListener) - Method in class gate.swing.JChoice
removeAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class gate.annotation.ImmutableAnnotationSetImpl
removeAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class gate.corpora.CorpusImpl
removeAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class gate.corpora.SerialCorpusImpl
removeAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class gate.relations.RelationSet
removeAnnotation(AnnotationData) - Method in class gate.gui.docview.AnnotationListView
RemoveAnnotationIcon - Class in gate.resources.img.svg
This class has been automatically generated using SVGRoundTrip.
RemoveAnnotationIcon() - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.RemoveAnnotationIcon
Creates a new transcoded SVG image.
RemoveAnnotationIcon(boolean) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.RemoveAnnotationIcon
RemoveAnnotationIcon(Dimension) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.RemoveAnnotationIcon
Creates a new transcoded SVG image with the given dimensions.
RemoveAnnotationIcon(Dimension, boolean) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.RemoveAnnotationIcon
RemoveAnnotationIcon(int, int) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.RemoveAnnotationIcon
RemoveAnnotationIcon(int, int, boolean) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.RemoveAnnotationIcon
removeAnnotationListener(AnnotationListener) - Method in class gate.annotation.AnnotationImpl
Removes an annotation listener
removeAnnotationListener(AnnotationListener) - Method in interface gate.Annotation
Removes an annotation listener
removeAnnotationPropertyValue(AnnotationProperty, Literal) - Method in interface gate.creole.ontology.OResource
For the current resource, the method removes the given literal for the given property.
removeAnnotationPropertyValues(AnnotationProperty) - Method in interface gate.creole.ontology.OResource
Removes all values for a named property.
removeAnnotations(Collection<AnnotationData>) - Method in class gate.gui.docview.AnnotationListView
removeAnnotationSet(String) - Method in class gate.corpora.DocumentImpl
Removes one of the named annotation sets.
removeAnnotationSet(String) - Method in interface gate.SimpleDocument
Removes one of the named annotation sets.
removeAnnotationSetListener(AnnotationSetListener) - Method in class gate.annotation.AnnotationSetImpl
removeAnnotationSetListener(AnnotationSetListener) - Method in interface gate.AnnotationSet
removeAutoloadPlugin(Plugin) - Static method in class gate.Gate
Tells the system to remove a plugin URL from the list of plugins that are loaded automatically at system start-up.
removeButton - Variable in class gate.gui.SerialControllerEditor
Removes one or more PR(s) from the controller
removeCacheDirectory(File) - Static method in class gate.util.maven.Utils
Remove a directory from the list of extra caches to be used when resolving Maven plugins.
removeCellEditorListener(CellEditorListener) - Method in class gate.gui.AlternatingTableCellEditor
Remove the specified listener from all the delegate editors.
removeChainReference(Annotation, CorefEditor.CorefTreeNode) - Method in class gate.gui.docview.CorefEditor
Removes the reference of this annotation from the current chain.
removeControllerListener(ControllerListener) - Method in class gate.creole.AbstractController
removeCorpusListener(CorpusListener) - Method in class gate.corpora.CorpusImpl
removeCorpusListener(CorpusListener) - Method in class gate.corpora.SerialCorpusImpl
removeCorpusListener(CorpusListener) - Method in interface gate.Corpus
Removes one of the listeners registered with this corpus.
removeCreoleListener(CreoleListener) - Method in class gate.creole.CreoleRegisterImpl
removeCreoleListener(CreoleListener) - Method in interface gate.CreoleRegister
Removes a CreoleListener previously registered with this CreoleRegister.
removeCreoleListener(CreoleListener) - Method in class gate.DataStoreRegister
Removes a previously registered CreoleListener from the list of listeners for this DataStoreRegister.
removeDatastoreListener(DatastoreListener) - Method in interface gate.DataStore
Removes a a previously registered DatastoreListener from the list listeners for this datastore
removeDatastoreListener(DatastoreListener) - Method in class gate.persist.SerialDataStore
removeDatatypePropertyValue(DatatypeProperty, Literal) - Method in interface gate.creole.ontology.OInstance
Remove the provided value for the given property.
removeDatatypePropertyValues(DatatypeProperty) - Method in interface gate.creole.ontology.OInstance
Removes all property values set for the current property.
removedDocIDs - Variable in class gate.corpora.SerialCorpusImpl
removeDirectory(URL) - Method in class gate.creole.CreoleRegisterImpl
removeDirectory(URL) - Method in interface gate.CreoleRegister
RemoveDocumentIcon - Class in gate.resources.img.svg
This class has been automatically generated using SVGRoundTrip.
RemoveDocumentIcon() - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.RemoveDocumentIcon
Creates a new transcoded SVG image.
RemoveDocumentIcon(boolean) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.RemoveDocumentIcon
RemoveDocumentIcon(Dimension) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.RemoveDocumentIcon
Creates a new transcoded SVG image with the given dimensions.
RemoveDocumentIcon(Dimension, boolean) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.RemoveDocumentIcon
RemoveDocumentIcon(int, int) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.RemoveDocumentIcon
RemoveDocumentIcon(int, int, boolean) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.RemoveDocumentIcon
removeDocumentListener(DocumentListener) - Method in class gate.corpora.DocumentImpl
removeDocumentListener(DocumentListener) - Method in interface gate.Document
Removes one of the previously registered document listeners.
removeDocumentsAction - Variable in class gate.gui.CorpusEditor
removeDownloadListener(Plugin.DownloadListener) - Method in class gate.creole.Plugin
removeFeatureMapListener(FeatureMapListener) - Method in interface gate.FeatureMap
Removes a gate listener
removeFeatureMapListener(FeatureMapListener) - Method in class gate.util.SimpleFeatureMapImpl
Removes a gate listener
removeField(String) - Method in class gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.document.Document
Removes field with the specified name from the document.
removeFields(String) - Method in class gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.document.Document
Removes all fields with the given name from the document.
removeFromIdIndex(Annotation) - Method in class gate.annotation.AnnotationSetImpl
Remove from the ID index.
removeFromOffsetIndex(Annotation) - Method in class gate.annotation.AnnotationSetImpl
Remove from the offset indices.
removeFromTypeIndex(Annotation) - Method in class gate.annotation.AnnotationSetImpl
Remove from the type index.
removeGateListener(GateListener) - Method in class gate.annotation.AnnotationSetImpl
removeGateListener(GateListener) - Method in interface gate.AnnotationSet
removeHighlight() - Method in class gate.gui.docview.AnnotationSetsView.HighlightMenuItem
removeHighlight(TextualDocumentView.HighlightData) - Method in class gate.gui.docview.TextualDocumentView
removeHighlight() - Method in class gate.gui.TabHighlighter
Restores the tab to the normal colour
removeHighlights(Collection<TextualDocumentView.HighlightData>) - Method in class gate.gui.docview.TextualDocumentView
Removes several highlights in one go.
RemoveIcon - Class in gate.resources.img.svg
This class has been automatically generated using SVGRoundTrip.
RemoveIcon() - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.RemoveIcon
Creates a new transcoded SVG image.
RemoveIcon(boolean) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.RemoveIcon
RemoveIcon(Dimension) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.RemoveIcon
Creates a new transcoded SVG image with the given dimensions.
RemoveIcon(Dimension, boolean) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.RemoveIcon
RemoveIcon(int, int) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.RemoveIcon
RemoveIcon(int, int, boolean) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.RemoveIcon
removeInstantiation(Resource) - Method in class gate.creole.ResourceData
Remove an instantiation of the resource from the register of these.
removeItemListener(ItemListener) - Method in class gate.swing.JChoice
removeKnownPlugin(Plugin) - Static method in class gate.Gate
Tells the system to "forget" about one previously known directory.
removeLayoutComponent(Component) - Method in class gate.swing.MenuLayout
Removes the specified component from the layout.
removeListDataListener(ListDataListener) - Method in class gate.swing.JChoice
removeListener(ThreadWarningSystem.Listener) - Method in class gate.util.ThreadWarningSystem
removeObjectPropertyValue(ObjectProperty, OInstance) - Method in interface gate.creole.ontology.OInstance
Remove the provided value for the given property (Object, Symmetric and Transitive).
removeObjectPropertyValues(ObjectProperty) - Method in interface gate.creole.ontology.OInstance
Removes all property values set for the current property (Object, Symmetric and Transitive).
removeOClass(OClass) - Method in interface gate.creole.ontology.Ontology
Removes a class from this ontology.
removeOInstance(OInstance) - Method in interface gate.creole.ontology.Ontology
Removes the instance from the ontology.
removeOntologyModificationListener(OntologyModificationListener) - Method in interface gate.creole.ontology.Ontology
Removed the registered ontology modification listeners
removeOntologyTripleStoreListener(OntologyTripleStoreListener) - Method in interface gate.creole.ontology.OntologyTripleStore
Remove an existing listener for ontology triple store additions and removals.
removeOResourceFromMap(String) - Method in interface gate.creole.ontology.Ontology
removePluginListener(PluginListener) - Method in class gate.creole.CreoleRegisterImpl
removePluginListener(PluginListener) - Method in interface gate.CreoleRegister
removeProgressListener(ProgressListener) - Method in class gate.creole.AbstractController
Removes a ProgressListener from the list of listeners for this processing resource.
removeProgressListener(ProgressListener) - Method in class gate.creole.AbstractProcessingResource
Removes a ProgressListener from the list of listeners for this processing resource.
removeProgressListener(ProgressListener) - Method in class gate.gui.NameBearerHandle
removeProgressListener(ProgressListener) - Method in class gate.gui.SerialControllerEditor
removeProperty(RDFProperty) - Method in interface gate.creole.ontology.Ontology
A method to remove the existing propertyDefinition (exclusive of Annotation Property).
removeRDFPropertyValue(RDFProperty, OResource) - Method in interface gate.creole.ontology.OInstance
removeRDFPropertyValues(RDFProperty) - Method in interface gate.creole.ontology.OInstance
removeRelationSetListener(RelationSetListener) - Method in class gate.relations.RelationSet
removeResourceListeners(Resource, Map<String, ? extends Object>) - Static method in class gate.creole.AbstractResource
Removes listeners from a resource.
removeStatusListener(StatusListener) - Method in class gate.creole.AbstractController
Removes a StatusListener from the list of listeners for this processing resource
removeStatusListener(StatusListener) - Method in class gate.creole.AbstractProcessingResource
Removes a StatusListener from the list of listeners for this processing resource
removeStatusListener(StatusListener) - Method in class gate.DocumentFormat
removeStatusListener(StatusListener) - Method in class
This methos is called when a listener is removed
removeStatusListener(StatusListener) - Method in class gate.gui.NameBearerHandle
removeStatusListener(StatusListener) - Method in class gate.gui.SerialControllerEditor
removeStatusListener(StatusListener) - Method in class gate.html.HtmlDocumentHandler
removeStatusListener(StatusListener) - Method in class gate.html.NekoHtmlDocumentHandler
removeStatusListener(StatusListener) - Method in class gate.xml.XmlDocumentHandler
This methos is called when a listener is removed
removeSubClass(OClass) - Method in interface gate.creole.ontology.OClass
Removes a sub class.
removeSubProperty(RDFProperty) - Method in interface gate.creole.ontology.RDFProperty
Removes a SuperPropertyOf relation between the given property and this.
removeTreeModelListener(TreeModelListener) - Method in class gate.swing.AbstractTreeTableModel
Removes a TreeModelListener from the list of listeners registered with this model.
removeTriple(ONodeID, OURI, ONodeID) - Method in interface gate.creole.ontology.OntologyTripleStore
Remove a statement(triple) with a non-literal triple object from the ontology triple store.
removeTriple(ONodeID, OURI, Literal) - Method in interface gate.creole.ontology.OntologyTripleStore
Remove a statement(triple) with a literal triple object from the ontology triple store.
removeType(AnnotationSetsView.TypeHandler) - Method in class gate.gui.docview.AnnotationSetsView.SetHandler
removeType(String) - Method in class gate.gui.docview.AnnotationSetsView.SetHandler
removeUpdate(DocumentEvent) - Method in class gate.gui.docview.TextualDocumentView.SwingDocumentListener
removeUpdate(DocumentEvent) - Method in class gate.gui.LuceneDataStoreSearchGUI.QueryTextArea
removeViews() - Method in interface gate.gui.Handle
A call to this method will cause the handle to destroy all the views built for the target resource.
removeViews() - Method in class gate.gui.NameBearerHandle
renameFile(String, String) - Method in class
Renames an existing file in the directory.
renameFile(String, String) - Method in class
Renames an existing file in the directory.
renameFile(String, String) - Method in class
Removes an existing file in the directory.
renderer - Variable in class gate.gui.CorpusEditor
repaint(long, int, int, int, int) - Method in class gate.gui.ResourceRenderer
Overridden for performance reasons.
repaint(Rectangle) - Method in class gate.gui.ResourceRenderer
Overridden for performance reasons.
repaint() - Method in class gate.gui.ResourceRenderer
Overridden for performance reasons.
repairHighlights(int, int) - Method in class gate.gui.docview.AnnotationSetsView.TypeHandler
replaceAmpChars(String) - Static method in class gate.creole.annic.Parser
This method replaces all the special characters (invalid xml characters) with their respective legal sequences.
replaceCharsWithEntities(String) - Static method in class gate.corpora.DocumentXmlUtils
This method replace all chars that appears in the anInputString and also that are in the entitiesMap with their corresponding entity
replaceVariablesInString(String, Object...) - Static method in class gate.Utils
This will replace all occurrences of variables of the form $env{name}, $prop{name}, $doc{featname}, $pr_parm{inputAS} or $$env{name} etc in a String.
RepositioningInfo - Class in gate.corpora
RepositioningInfo keep information about correspondence of positions between the original and extracted document content.
RepositioningInfo() - Constructor for class gate.corpora.RepositioningInfo
Default constructor
RepositioningInfo.PositionInfo - Class in gate.corpora
Just information keeper inner class.
required - Variable in class
If true, documents documents which do not match this sub-query will not match the boolean query.
requiredPlugins - Variable in class gate.creole.Plugin
The set of other plugins that must be loaded prior to the loading of this plugin
resCopyValueRows - Variable in class gate.gui.AnnotationDiffGUI
resData - Variable in class gate.creole.Parameter
The resource data that this parameter is part of.
resDoc - Variable in class gate.gui.AnnotationDiffGUI
resDocCombo - Variable in class gate.gui.AnnotationDiffGUI
reset() - Method in class
Resets this to an empty buffer.
reset() - Method in class gate.gui.creole.manager.ProgressPanel
reset() - Method in class gate.gui.SingleConcatenatedFileInputDialog
reset() - Method in class gate.util.BomStrippingInputStreamReader
resetPrTimeMap() - Method in class gate.creole.SerialController
Resets the Time taken by various PRs
ResizableVisualResource - Interface in gate.gui
This interface denotes visual resources that can be resized.
resolveClass(ObjectStreamClass) - Method in class gate.persist.GateAwareObjectInputStream
Resolve the class of an object read from the stream.
resolveGateClass(Class<?>) - Method in class gate.util.GateClassLoader
Forward a call to super.resolveClass, which is protected and final in super.
resolveImports(Map<String, String>) - Method in interface gate.creole.ontology.Ontology
Loads all imported ontologies.
resolveModel(String, String, String) - Method in class gate.util.maven.SimpleModelResolver
resolveModel(Parent) - Method in class gate.util.maven.SimpleModelResolver
resolveModel(Dependency) - Method in class gate.util.maven.SimpleModelResolver
resolveProxyClass(String[]) - Method in class gate.persist.GateAwareObjectInputStream
Resolve a proxy class that implements the given interfaces.
RESOURCE - Static variable in class gate.creole.ontology.OConstants.RDFS
resource - Variable in class gate.event.DatastoreEvent
Resource - Interface in gate
Models all sorts of resources.
RESOURCE_ADDED - Static variable in class gate.event.ControllerEvent
RESOURCE_ADOPTED - Static variable in class gate.event.DatastoreEvent
The type of events fired when a resource has been adopted
RESOURCE_DELETED - Static variable in class gate.event.DatastoreEvent
The type of events fired when a resource has been deleted from a datastore
RESOURCE_LOADED - Static variable in class gate.event.CreoleEvent
Event type that marks the loading of a new resource into the Gate system
RESOURCE_REMOVED - Static variable in class gate.event.ControllerEvent
RESOURCE_REMOVED_EVENT - Static variable in interface gate.creole.ontology.OConstants
when a resource is removed
RESOURCE_UNLOADED - Static variable in class gate.event.CreoleEvent
Event type that marks the unloading of a resource from the Gate system
RESOURCE_WRITTEN - Static variable in class gate.event.DatastoreEvent
The type of events fired when a resource has wrote into the datastore
resourceAdded(Ontology, OResource) - Method in interface gate.creole.ontology.OntologyModificationListener
This method is invoked whenever a resource (class/property/instance) is added to the ontology.
resourceAdded(ControllerEvent) - Method in interface gate.event.ControllerListener
Called by the controller when a new PR has been added.
resourceAdded(ControllerEvent) - Method in class gate.gui.SerialControllerEditor
resourceAdopted(DatastoreEvent) - Method in class gate.corpora.DocumentImpl
resourceAdopted(DatastoreEvent) - Method in class gate.corpora.SerialCorpusImpl
Called by a datastore when a new resource has been adopted
resourceAdopted(DatastoreEvent) - Method in interface gate.event.DatastoreListener
Called by a datastore when a new resource has been adopted
resourceAdopted(DatastoreEvent) - Method in class gate.gui.LuceneDataStoreSearchGUI
This method is called by datastore when a new resource is adopted
resourceAdopted(DatastoreEvent) - Method in class gate.gui.SerialDatastoreViewer
resourceClass - Variable in class gate.creole.ResourceData
The class of the resource
resourceClassName - Variable in class gate.Gate.ResourceInfo
The class for the resource.
ResourceComboModel() - Constructor for class gate.gui.ListEditorDialog.ResourceComboModel
resourceComment - Variable in class gate.Gate.ResourceInfo
The comment for the resource.
ResourceData - Class in gate.creole
Models an individual CREOLE resource metadata, plus configuration data, plus the instantiations of the resource current within the system.
ResourceData() - Constructor for class gate.creole.ResourceData
resourceDeleted(DatastoreEvent) - Method in class gate.corpora.DocumentImpl
resourceDeleted(DatastoreEvent) - Method in class gate.corpora.SerialCorpusImpl
Called by a datastore when a resource has been deleted
resourceDeleted(DatastoreEvent) - Method in interface gate.event.DatastoreListener
Called by a datastore when a resource has been deleted
resourceDeleted(DatastoreEvent) - Method in class gate.gui.LuceneDataStoreSearchGUI
This method is called by datastore when an existing resource is deleted
resourceDeleted(DatastoreEvent) - Method in class gate.gui.SerialDatastoreViewer
resourceDisplayed - Variable in class gate.creole.ResourceData
The full class name of the resource displayed by this viewer.
ResourceHelper - Class in gate.gui
ResourceHelper() - Constructor for class gate.gui.ResourceHelper
resourceID - Variable in class gate.event.DatastoreEvent
ResourceInfo(String, String, String) - Constructor for class gate.Gate.ResourceInfo
resourceInfoList - Variable in class gate.creole.Plugin
The list of Gate.ResourceInfo objects within this plugin
ResourceInfoVisitor(Gate.ResourceInfo) - Constructor for class gate.creole.Plugin.ResourceInfoVisitor
ResourceInstantiationException - Exception in gate.creole
This exception indicates failure during instantiation of resources, which may be due to a number of causes: the resource metadata contains parameters that aren't available on the resource; the class for the resource cannot be found (e.g.
ResourceInstantiationException() - Constructor for exception gate.creole.ResourceInstantiationException
ResourceInstantiationException(String) - Constructor for exception gate.creole.ResourceInstantiationException
ResourceInstantiationException(Exception) - Constructor for exception gate.creole.ResourceInstantiationException
ResourceInstantiationException(String, Exception) - Constructor for exception gate.creole.ResourceInstantiationException
resourceLoaded(CreoleEvent) - Method in class gate.corpora.CorpusImpl
resourceLoaded(CreoleEvent) - Method in class gate.corpora.DocumentImpl
resourceLoaded(CreoleEvent) - Method in class gate.corpora.SerialCorpusImpl
resourceLoaded(CreoleEvent) - Method in class gate.creole.CreoleRegisterImpl
resourceLoaded(CreoleEvent) - Method in class gate.creole.SerialController
resourceLoaded(CreoleEvent) - Method in interface gate.event.CreoleListener
Called when a new Resource has been loaded into the system
resourceLoaded(CreoleEvent) - Method in class gate.gui.DocumentExportMenu
If the resource just loaded is a tool (according to the creole register) then see if it publishes any actions and if so, add them to the menu in the appropriate places.
resourceLoaded(CreoleEvent) - Method in class gate.gui.MainFrame
resourceLoaded(CreoleEvent) - Method in class gate.gui.ParameterDisjunction
resourceLoaded(CreoleEvent) - Method in class gate.gui.ResourceHelper
resourceLoaded(CreoleEvent) - Method in class gate.gui.ResourceParametersEditor
resourceLoaded(CreoleEvent) - Method in class gate.gui.SerialControllerEditor
resourceLoaded(CreoleEvent) - Method in class gate.persist.LuceneDataStoreImpl
resourceName - Variable in class gate.Gate.ResourceInfo
The resource name.
ResourceParametersEditor - Class in gate.gui
Allows the editing of a set of parameters for a resource.
ResourceParametersEditor() - Constructor for class gate.gui.ResourceParametersEditor
ResourceParametersEditor.ParametersTableModel - Class in gate.gui
resourcePath - Static variable in class gate.util.Files
Where on the classpath the gate resources are to be found
resourcePropertyValueChanged(Ontology, OResource, RDFProperty, Object, int) - Method in interface gate.creole.ontology.OntologyModificationListener
This method should be invoked when a property value is added or removed (specified by the event type).
ResourceReference - Class in gate.creole
This class provides a common way of referencing a resource regardless of where it is located.
ResourceReference(URL) - Constructor for class gate.creole.ResourceReference
Create a new instance that references a resource accessible via a known URL.
ResourceReference(URI) - Constructor for class gate.creole.ResourceReference
Create a new instance that references a resource described by a URI.
ResourceReference(Plugin, String) - Constructor for class gate.creole.ResourceReference
Creates a new instance that references a resource within a given Plugin.
ResourceReference(ResourceReference, String) - Constructor for class gate.creole.ResourceReference
Creates a new instance that references a resource identified by resolving the path against an existing ResourceReference.
resourceReferenceChooser - Static variable in class gate.gui.MainFrame
ResourceReferenceChooser - Class in gate.swing
ResourceReferenceChooser() - Constructor for class gate.swing.ResourceReferenceChooser
resourceRelationChanged(Ontology, OResource, OResource, int) - Method in interface gate.creole.ontology.OntologyModificationListener
This method is invoked whenever a relation between two objects of the same class (e.g.
resourceRemoved(ControllerEvent) - Method in interface gate.event.ControllerListener
Called by the controller when a new PR has been removed.
resourceRemoved(ControllerEvent) - Method in class gate.gui.SerialControllerEditor
resourceRenamed(Resource, String, String) - Method in class gate.corpora.CorpusImpl
resourceRenamed(Resource, String, String) - Method in class gate.corpora.DocumentImpl
resourceRenamed(Resource, String, String) - Method in class gate.corpora.SerialCorpusImpl
resourceRenamed(Resource, String, String) - Method in class gate.creole.CreoleRegisterImpl
resourceRenamed(Resource, String, String) - Method in class gate.creole.SerialController
resourceRenamed(Resource, String, String) - Method in interface gate.event.CreoleListener
Called when the creole register has renamed a resource.1
resourceRenamed(Resource, String, String) - Method in class gate.gui.DocumentExportMenu
resourceRenamed(Resource, String, String) - Method in class gate.gui.MainFrame
resourceRenamed(Resource, String, String) - Method in class gate.gui.ParameterDisjunction
resourceRenamed(Resource, String, String) - Method in class gate.gui.ResourceHelper
resourceRenamed(Resource, String, String) - Method in class gate.gui.ResourceParametersEditor
resourceRenamed(Resource, String, String) - Method in class gate.gui.SerialControllerEditor
resourceRenamed(Resource, String, String) - Method in class gate.persist.LuceneDataStoreImpl
ResourceRenderer - Class in gate.gui
Renders a Resource for tables, trees and lists.
ResourceRenderer() - Constructor for class gate.gui.ResourceRenderer
resourcesRemoved(Ontology, String[]) - Method in interface gate.creole.ontology.OntologyModificationListener
This method is invoked whenever a resource (class/property/instance) is removed from the ontology.
resourcesTree - Variable in class gate.gui.MainFrame
ResourcesTreeCellRenderer() - Constructor for class gate.gui.MainFrame.ResourcesTreeCellRenderer
resourcesTreeModel - Variable in class gate.gui.MainFrame
resourcesTreeRoot - Variable in class gate.gui.MainFrame
resourcesTreeScroll - Variable in class gate.gui.MainFrame
resourceUnloaded(CreoleEvent) - Method in class gate.corpora.CorpusImpl
resourceUnloaded(CreoleEvent) - Method in class gate.corpora.DocumentImpl
resourceUnloaded(CreoleEvent) - Method in class gate.corpora.SerialCorpusImpl
resourceUnloaded(CreoleEvent) - Method in class gate.creole.ConditionalSerialAnalyserController
Overridden to also clean up the corpus value.
resourceUnloaded(CreoleEvent) - Method in class gate.creole.CreoleRegisterImpl
resourceUnloaded(CreoleEvent) - Method in class gate.creole.SerialAnalyserController
Overridden to also clean up the corpus value.
resourceUnloaded(CreoleEvent) - Method in class gate.creole.SerialController
resourceUnloaded(CreoleEvent) - Method in interface gate.event.CreoleListener
Called when a Resource has been removed from the system
resourceUnloaded(CreoleEvent) - Method in class gate.gui.DocumentExportMenu
resourceUnloaded(CreoleEvent) - Method in class gate.gui.MainFrame
resourceUnloaded(CreoleEvent) - Method in class gate.gui.ParameterDisjunction
resourceUnloaded(CreoleEvent) - Method in class gate.gui.ResourceHelper
resourceUnloaded(CreoleEvent) - Method in class gate.gui.ResourceParametersEditor
resourceUnloaded(CreoleEvent) - Method in class gate.gui.SerialControllerEditor
resourceUnloaded(CreoleEvent) - Method in class gate.persist.LuceneDataStoreImpl
resourceWritten(DatastoreEvent) - Method in class gate.corpora.DocumentImpl
resourceWritten(DatastoreEvent) - Method in class gate.corpora.SerialCorpusImpl
Called by a datastore when a resource has been wrote into the datastore
resourceWritten(DatastoreEvent) - Method in interface gate.event.DatastoreListener
Called by a datastore when a resource has been wrote into the datastore
resourceWritten(DatastoreEvent) - Method in class gate.gui.LuceneDataStoreSearchGUI
This method is called when a resource is written into the datastore
resourceWritten(DatastoreEvent) - Method in class gate.gui.SerialDatastoreViewer
responseChoices - Variable in class gate.util.AnnotationDiffer
A list of lists representing all possible choices for each response
responseList - Variable in class gate.util.AnnotationDiffer
A list with all the response annotations
responseSetName - Variable in class gate.gui.CorpusQualityAssurance
resSet - Variable in class gate.gui.AnnotationDiffGUI
resSetCombo - Variable in class gate.gui.AnnotationDiffGUI
resSets - Variable in class gate.gui.AnnotationDiffGUI
REST - Static variable in class gate.creole.ontology.OConstants.RDF
restoreSavedSelectedTypes() - Method in class gate.gui.docview.AnnotationSetsView
Restore previously selected types from the preferences.
restoreSelectedTypes() - Method in class gate.gui.docview.AnnotationSetsView
Restores the selected types based on the state saved in the AnnotationSetsView.visibleAnnotationTypes data structure.
restoreSettings() - Method in class gate.gui.docview.DocumentEditor
Restore the layout of the views and selected annotations.
RESTRICTION - Static variable in class gate.creole.ontology.OConstants.OWL
Restriction - Interface in gate.creole.ontology
This interface defines a restriction in the ontology.
RESTRICTION_ON_PROPERTY_VALUE_CHANGED - Static variable in interface gate.creole.ontology.OConstants
when restriction's on property value is changed
RESULT_COLUMN - Static variable in class gate.gui.LuceneDataStoreSearchGUI.ResultTableModel
ResultTableCellRenderer() - Constructor for class gate.gui.LuceneDataStoreSearchGUI.ResultTableCellRenderer
ResultTableModel() - Constructor for class gate.gui.LuceneDataStoreSearchGUI.ResultTableModel
retainAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class gate.annotation.ImmutableAnnotationSetImpl
retainAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class gate.corpora.CorpusImpl
retainAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class gate.corpora.SerialCorpusImpl
retainAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class gate.relations.RelationSet
revalidate() - Method in class gate.gui.ResourceRenderer
Overridden for performance reasons.
rewrite(IndexReader) - Method in class
rewrite(Query) - Method in class
rewrite(IndexReader) - Method in class
Expert: called to re-write queries into primitive queries.
rewrite(Query) - Method in interface
Expert: called to re-write queries into primitive queries.
RHAETO_ROMANCE - Static variable in interface gate.creole.ontology.OConstants
Language code used "rm"
RIcon - Class in gate.resources.img.svg
This class has been automatically generated using SVGRoundTrip.
RIcon() - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.RIcon
Creates a new transcoded SVG image.
RIcon(boolean) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.RIcon
RIcon(Dimension) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.RIcon
Creates a new transcoded SVG image with the given dimensions.
RIcon(Dimension, boolean) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.RIcon
RIcon(int, int) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.RIcon
RIcon(int, int, boolean) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.RIcon
RIGHT_CONTEXT_COLUMN - Static variable in class gate.gui.LuceneDataStoreSearchGUI.ResultTableModel
RIGHT_CONTEXT_END_OFFSET - Static variable in class gate.creole.annic.Parser
RightArrowIcon - Class in gate.resources.img.svg
This class has been automatically generated using SVGRoundTrip.
RightArrowIcon() - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.RightArrowIcon
Creates a new transcoded SVG image.
RightArrowIcon(boolean) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.RightArrowIcon
RightArrowIcon(Dimension) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.RightArrowIcon
Creates a new transcoded SVG image with the given dimensions.
RightArrowIcon(Dimension, boolean) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.RightArrowIcon
RightArrowIcon(int, int) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.RightArrowIcon
RightArrowIcon(int, int, boolean) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.RightArrowIcon
rightContextEndOffset - Variable in class gate.creole.annic.Pattern
right context end offset
rightViewIdx - Variable in class gate.gui.docview.DocumentEditor
The index in DocumentEditor.verticalViews of the currently active right view.
rmdir(File) - Static method in class gate.util.Files
Recursively remove a directory even if it contains other files or directories.
ROMANIAN - Static variable in interface gate.creole.ontology.OConstants
Language code used "ro"
root - Variable in class gate.swing.AbstractTreeTableModel
The root of the tree.
ROOT_NODE - Static variable in class gate.gui.docview.CorefEditor.CorefTreeNode
ROTATE_DEFAULT - Static variable in class gate.swing.VerticalTextIcon
ROTATE_LEFT - Static variable in class gate.swing.VerticalTextIcon
ROTATE_NONE - Static variable in class gate.swing.VerticalTextIcon
ROTATE_RIGHT - Static variable in class gate.swing.VerticalTextIcon
rowAtPoint(Point) - Method in class gate.swing.XJTable
rowModelToView(int) - Method in class gate.swing.XJTable
Converts a row number from the model co-ordinates system to the view's.
rowViewToModel(int) - Method in class gate.swing.XJTable
Converts a row number from the view co-ordinates system to the model's.
RRPersistence() - Constructor for class gate.util.persistence.PersistenceManager.RRPersistence
run() - Method in class
Calls Lock.With.doBody() while lock is obtained.
run() - Method in class gate.gui.LogArea.SwingWriter
run() - Method in class gate.gui.TabBlinker
run() - Method in class gate.persist.LuceneDataStoreImpl.IndexingTask
run() - Method in class gate.swing.WaitDialog
run() - Method in class gate.util.ObjectWriter
Writes all the buffers to the output stream
RUN_ALWAYS - Static variable in interface gate.creole.RunningStrategy
Run mode constant meaning the associated PR should be run regardless of what the RunningStrategy.shouldRun() method returns.
RUN_CONDITIONAL - Static variable in interface gate.creole.RunningStrategy
Run mode constant meaning the associated PR should be run only if the RunningStrategy.shouldRun() method returns true.
RUN_NEVER - Static variable in interface gate.creole.RunningStrategy
Run mode constant meaning the associated PR should NOT be run regardless of what the RunningStrategy.shouldRun() method returns.
runAction - Variable in class gate.gui.SerialControllerEditor
Action that runs the application
runBtnGrp - Variable in class gate.gui.SerialControllerEditor
The group for run strategy buttons;
runComponent(int) - Method in class gate.creole.ConditionalSerialController
Executes a ProcessingResource.
runComponent(int) - Method in class gate.creole.SerialController
Executes a ProcessingResource.
runGui() - Static method in class gate.Main
Run the user interface.
RunIcon - Class in gate.resources.img.svg
This class has been automatically generated using SVGRoundTrip.
RunIcon() - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.RunIcon
Creates a new transcoded SVG image.
RunIcon(boolean) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.RunIcon
RunIcon(Dimension) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.RunIcon
Creates a new transcoded SVG image with the given dimensions.
RunIcon(Dimension, boolean) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.RunIcon
RunIcon(int, int) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.RunIcon
RunIcon(int, int, boolean) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.RunIcon
runInSandbox(boolean) - Static method in class gate.Gate
Method to tell GATE if it is being run inside a JVM sandbox.
runMagicNumbers(Reader) - Static method in class gate.DocumentFormat
Performs magic over Gate Document
runMode - Variable in class gate.creole.AnalyserRunningStrategy
runMode - Variable in class gate.util.persistence.AnalyserRunningStrategyPersistence
runningAsSubPipeline - Variable in class gate.creole.ConditionalSerialAnalyserController
runningAsSubPipeline - Variable in class gate.creole.SerialAnalyserController
runningOnMac() - Static method in class gate.Gate
This method tries to guess if we are on a Mac OS X system.
runningOnUnix() - Static method in class gate.Gate
This method tries to guess if we are on a UNIX system.
RunningStrategy - Interface in gate.creole
Base interface for objects that are used to decide whether a PR member of a ConditionalController needs to be run.
RunningStrategy.UnconditionalRunningStrategy - Class in gate.creole
RunningStrateguy implementation that unconditionally either runs or doesn't run a given PR.
runProcess(String[], boolean) - Method in class gate.util.ProcessManager
Run the given external process.
runProcess(String[], OutputStream, OutputStream) - Method in class gate.util.ProcessManager
runProcess(String[], File, OutputStream, OutputStream) - Method in class gate.util.ProcessManager
Run the given external process.
RunTime - Annotation Type in gate.creole.metadata
Marker annotation used in conjunction with CreoleParameter to mark parameters that are runtime parameters as opposed to init-time ones.
runtimeParameters - Variable in class gate.creole.ParameterList
The runtime parameters
runtimeParams - Variable in class gate.util.persistence.PRPersistence
RUSSIAN - Static variable in interface gate.creole.ontology.OConstants
Language code used "ru"


SAME_INSTANCE_EVENT - Static variable in interface gate.creole.ontology.OConstants
denotes the event when two instances are set to be same instances
SAMEAS - Static variable in class gate.creole.ontology.OConstants.OWL
SAMOAN - Static variable in interface gate.creole.ontology.OConstants
Language code used "sm"
SANGHO - Static variable in interface gate.creole.ontology.OConstants
Language code used "sg"
SANSKRIT - Static variable in interface gate.creole.ontology.OConstants
Language code used "sa"
SAVE_FEATURES_WHEN_PRESERVING_FORMAT - Static variable in interface gate.GateConstants
SAVE_OPTIONS_ON_EXIT - Static variable in interface gate.GateConstants
The key for the save options on exit value
SAVE_SESSION_ON_EXIT - Static variable in interface gate.GateConstants
The key for the save session on exit value
saveColor(String, String, Color) - Method in class gate.gui.docview.AnnotationSetsView
SaveIcon - Class in gate.resources.img.svg
This class has been automatically generated using SVGRoundTrip.
SaveIcon() - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.SaveIcon
Creates a new transcoded SVG image.
SaveIcon(boolean) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.SaveIcon
SaveIcon(Dimension) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.SaveIcon
Creates a new transcoded SVG image with the given dimensions.
SaveIcon(Dimension, boolean) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.SaveIcon
SaveIcon(int, int) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.SaveIcon
SaveIcon(int, int, boolean) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.SaveIcon
saveObjectToFile(Object, File) - Static method in class gate.util.persistence.PersistenceManager
Save the given object to the file, without using $gatehome$.
saveObjectToFile(Object, File, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class gate.util.persistence.PersistenceManager
Save the given object to the given file.
saveOptionsChk - Variable in class gate.gui.OptionsDialog
The "Save Options on close" checkbox
saveSessionChk - Variable in class gate.gui.OptionsDialog
The "Save Session on close" checkbox
saveSettings() - Method in class gate.gui.docview.DocumentEditor
Save the layout of the views and selected annotations.
saveStackViewConfiguration() - Method in class gate.gui.LuceneDataStoreSearchGUI
Save the user config data.
saveType(String, String, boolean) - Method in class gate.gui.docview.AnnotationSetsView
Save type or remove unselected type in the preferences.
saveUpgradePaths(List<UpgradeXGAPP.UpgradePath>, URI, File) - Static method in class gate.util.persistence.UpgradeXGAPP
Save details of the given set of upgrade paths to a TSV file that can be re-used later when upgrading other apps.
scanJar(URL, Map<String, Gate.ResourceInfo>) - Method in class gate.creole.Plugin
scanQueryForOrOrBracket(String) - Static method in class gate.creole.annic.lucene.SubQueryParser
This method checks if query has either | or ( in it.
scfInputDialog - Variable in class gate.gui.NameBearerHandle
schemasByType - Variable in class gate.gui.docview.AnnotationEditor
Stores the Annotation schema objects available in the system.
score(int) - Method in class
Returns the score for the nth document in this set.
score - Variable in class
Expert: The score of this document for the query.
score(HitCollector, Searcher) - Method in class
Scores all documents and passes them to a collector.
score(Searcher) - Method in class
Returns the score of the current document.
SCORE - Static variable in class
Sort by document score (relevancy).
ScoreDoc - Class in
Expert: Returned by low-level search implementations.
ScoreDoc(int, float) - Constructor for class
Expert: Constructs a ScoreDoc.
ScoreDocComparator - Interface in
Expert: Compares two ScoreDoc objects for sorting.
scoreDocs - Variable in class
Expert: The top hits for the query.
Scorer - Class in
Expert: Implements scoring for a class of queries.
Scorer(Similarity) - Constructor for class
Constructs a Scorer.
scorer(IndexReader, Searcher) - Method in interface
Constructs a scorer for this.
SCOTS - Static variable in interface gate.creole.ontology.OConstants
Language code used "gd"
scrollAnnotationToVisible(Annotation) - Method in class gate.gui.docview.TextualDocumentView
scroller - Variable in class gate.gui.AnnotationDiffGUI
scroller - Variable in class gate.gui.docview.AnnotationListView
scroller - Variable in class gate.gui.docview.TextualDocumentView
The scroll pane holding the text
ScrollLockIcon - Class in gate.resources.img.svg
This class has been automatically generated using SVGRoundTrip.
ScrollLockIcon() - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.ScrollLockIcon
Creates a new transcoded SVG image.
ScrollLockIcon(boolean) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.ScrollLockIcon
ScrollLockIcon(Dimension) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.ScrollLockIcon
Creates a new transcoded SVG image with the given dimensions.
ScrollLockIcon(Dimension, boolean) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.ScrollLockIcon
ScrollLockIcon(int, int) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.ScrollLockIcon
ScrollLockIcon(int, int, boolean) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.ScrollLockIcon
search(Query, Filter, int) - Method in class
search(Query, Filter, int, Sort) - Method in class
search(Query, Filter, HitCollector) - Method in class
search(Query, Filter, HitCollector) - Method in interface
Lower-level search API.
search(Query, Filter, int) - Method in interface
Expert: Low-level search implementation.
search(Query, Filter, int, Sort) - Method in interface
Expert: Low-level search implementation with arbitrary sorting.
search(Query) - Method in class
Returns the documents matching query.
search(Query, Filter) - Method in class
Returns the documents matching query and filter.
search(Query, Sort) - Method in class
Returns documents matching query sorted by sort.
search(Query, Filter, Sort) - Method in class
Returns documents matching query and filter, sorted by sort.
search(Query, HitCollector) - Method in class
Lower-level search API.
search(Query, Filter, int) - Method in class gate.creole.annic.lucene.LuceneIndexSearcher
Searches through the lucene index and returns an instance of TopDocs.
search(String, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class gate.creole.annic.lucene.LuceneSearcher
Method retunrs true/false indicating whether results were found or not.
search(String, int, String, String, String, LuceneSearcher) - Method in class gate.creole.annic.lucene.LuceneSearchThread
This method collects the necessary information from lucene and uses it when the next method is called
search(String, Map<String, Object>) - Method in interface gate.creole.annic.Searchable
search(String, Map<String, Object>) - Method in interface gate.creole.annic.Searcher
Search method that allows searching
Search - Interface in
search(String) - Method in interface
Search in corpus with this query.
search(String, int) - Method in interface
Search in corpus with this query.
search(String, List<String>) - Method in interface
Search in corpus with this query.
search(String, int, List<String>) - Method in interface
Search in corpus with this query.
search(String, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class gate.persist.LuceneDataStoreImpl
Search the datastore
Searchable - Interface in
The interface for search implementations.
Searchable - Interface in gate.creole.annic
The interface declares methods which should be implemented by an object wishing to get indexed and being searchable.
SearchableDataStore - Interface in gate.creole.annic
Datastores want to become indexable and searchable should implement this interface.
searchAction - Variable in class gate.gui.docview.DocumentEditor
SearchAction() - Constructor for class gate.gui.docview.DocumentEditor.SearchAction
SearchAndAnnotatePanel - Class in gate.gui.annedit
Build a GUI for searching and annotating annotations in a text.
SearchAndAnnotatePanel(Color, OwnedAnnotationEditor, Window) - Constructor for class gate.gui.annedit.SearchAndAnnotatePanel
SearchAndAnnotatePanel.AnnotateAllMatchesAction - Class in gate.gui.annedit
SearchAndAnnotatePanel.AnnotateMatchAction - Class in gate.gui.annedit
SearchAndAnnotatePanel.FindFirstAction - Class in gate.gui.annedit
SearchAndAnnotatePanel.FindNextAction - Class in gate.gui.annedit
SearchAndAnnotatePanel.FindPreviousAction - Class in gate.gui.annedit
SearchAndAnnotatePanel.SmallButton - Class in gate.gui.annedit
A smaller JButton with less margins.
SearchAndAnnotatePanel.UndoAnnotateAllMatchesAction - Class in gate.gui.annedit
Remove the annotations added by the last action that annotate all matches.
searchBox - Variable in class gate.gui.annedit.SearchAndAnnotatePanel
The box used to host the search pane.
searchCaseSensChk - Variable in class gate.gui.annedit.SearchAndAnnotatePanel
Checkbox for enabling case sensitive searching.
searchEnabledCheck - Variable in class gate.gui.annedit.SearchAndAnnotatePanel
Checkbox for showing the search UI.
searcher - Variable in class
Searcher - Class in
An abstract base class for search implementations.
Searcher() - Constructor for class
Searcher - Interface in gate.creole.annic
Searcher interface.
searcher - Variable in class gate.persist.LuceneDataStoreImpl
Searcher to be used for searching the indexed documents
SearchException - Exception in gate.creole.annic
This exception should be thrown should anything unexpectable happens during search.
SearchException(String) - Constructor for exception gate.creole.annic.SearchException
Consructor of the class.
SearchException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception gate.creole.annic.SearchException
SearchException - Exception in
SearchException(String) - Constructor for exception
SearchException(String, String, String) - Constructor for exception
SearchException(String, String, String, int) - Constructor for exception
SearchExpressionsAction - Class in gate.gui.annedit
Dialog for building a regular expression.
SearchExpressionsAction(JTextField, Window, JCheckBox) - Constructor for class gate.gui.annedit.SearchExpressionsAction
Shows a dialog with a list of predefined search expressions to modified the current search expression.
searchHighlightsChk - Variable in class gate.gui.annedit.SearchAndAnnotatePanel
Checkbox for enabling whole word searching.
SearchIcon - Class in gate.resources.img.svg
This class has been automatically generated using SVGRoundTrip.
SearchIcon() - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.SearchIcon
Creates a new transcoded SVG image.
SearchIcon(boolean) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.SearchIcon
SearchIcon(Dimension) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.SearchIcon
Creates a new transcoded SVG image with the given dimensions.
SearchIcon(Dimension, boolean) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.SearchIcon
SearchIcon(int, int) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.SearchIcon
SearchIcon(int, int, boolean) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.SearchIcon
searchPane - Variable in class gate.gui.annedit.SearchAndAnnotatePanel
The pane containing the UI for search and annotate functionality.
searchParameters - Variable in class gate.persist.LuceneDataStoreImpl
This is where we store the search parameters
searchRegExpChk - Variable in class gate.gui.annedit.SearchAndAnnotatePanel
Checkbox for enabling RegEx searching.
searchTextField - Variable in class gate.gui.annedit.SearchAndAnnotatePanel
Text field for searching
searchWholeWordsChk - Variable in class gate.gui.annedit.SearchAndAnnotatePanel
Checkbox for enabling whole word searching.
second - Variable in class gate.util.Pair
SEEALSO - Static variable in class gate.creole.ontology.OConstants.RDFS
seek(Term) - Method in class gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.index.FilterIndexReader.FilterTermDocs
seek(TermEnum) - Method in class gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.index.FilterIndexReader.FilterTermDocs
seek(Term) - Method in class gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.index.MultipleTermPositions
Describe seek method here.
seek(TermEnum) - Method in class gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.index.MultipleTermPositions
seek(Term) - Method in interface gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.index.TermDocs
Sets this to the data for a term.
seek(TermEnum) - Method in interface gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.index.TermDocs
Sets this to the data for the current term in a TermEnum.
seek(long) - Method in class
Sets current position in this file, where the next read will occur.
seek(long) - Method in class
Sets current position in this file, where the next write will occur.
seek(long) - Method in class
seekInternal(long) - Method in class
Expert: implements seek.
select(Resource) - Method in class gate.gui.MainFrame
Selects a resource if loaded in the system and not invisible.
select(Handle) - Method in class gate.gui.MainFrame
selectAllAction - Variable in class gate.gui.LogArea
This fields defines the Select all behaviour
SelectAllAction() - Constructor for class gate.gui.LogArea.SelectAllAction
selectAnnotation(AnnotationData) - Method in interface gate.gui.annedit.AnnotationEditorOwner
Called by the editor when a new annotation needs to be selected.
selectAnnotation(AnnotationData) - Method in class gate.gui.docview.AnnotationListView
selectAnnotation(AnnotationData) - Method in class gate.gui.docview.AnnotationSetsView
Queues an an action for selecting the provided annotation
selectAnnotation(Annotation, AnnotationSet) - Method in class gate.gui.docview.AnnotationSetsView
Sets a particular annotation as selected.
selectAnnotationForTag(Object) - Method in class gate.gui.docview.AnnotationListView
Selects the annotation for the given tag.
SelectDirAction() - Constructor for class gate.gui.CreateIndexGUI.SelectDirAction
selectedBorder - Variable in class gate.gui.docview.AnnotationSetsView.SetsTableCellRenderer
selectedFontBtn - Variable in class gate.gui.OptionsDialog
which text is currently being edited; values are: "text", "menu", "other"
selectedFontChanged() - Method in class gate.gui.OptionsDialog
selectedPR - Variable in class gate.gui.SerialControllerEditor
The PR currently selected (having its parameters set)
selectedPRRunStrategy - Variable in class gate.gui.SerialControllerEditor
The running strategy for the selected PR.
selectPR(int) - Method in class gate.gui.SerialControllerEditor
Called when a PR has been selected in the member PRs table;
SemanticRelation - Interface in gate.wordnet
Represents WordNet sem relation.
SENTENCE_ANNOTATION_TYPE - Static variable in interface gate.creole.ANNIEConstants
SentenceSplitterIcon - Class in gate.resources.img.svg
This class has been automatically generated using SVGRoundTrip.
SentenceSplitterIcon() - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.SentenceSplitterIcon
Creates a new transcoded SVG image.
SentenceSplitterIcon(boolean) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.SentenceSplitterIcon
SentenceSplitterIcon(Dimension) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.SentenceSplitterIcon
Creates a new transcoded SVG image with the given dimensions.
SentenceSplitterIcon(Dimension, boolean) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.SentenceSplitterIcon
SentenceSplitterIcon(int, int) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.SentenceSplitterIcon
SentenceSplitterIcon(int, int, boolean) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.SentenceSplitterIcon
SEQ - Static variable in class gate.creole.ontology.OConstants.RDF
SERBIAN - Static variable in interface gate.creole.ontology.OConstants
Language code used "sr"
SERBO_CROATIAN - Static variable in interface gate.creole.ontology.OConstants
Language code used "sh"
SerialAnalyserController - Class in gate.creole
This class implements a SerialController that only contains LanguageAnalysers.
SerialAnalyserController() - Constructor for class gate.creole.SerialAnalyserController
SerialAnalyserControllerPersistence - Class in gate.util.persistence
Persistence handler for SerialAnalyserController.
SerialAnalyserControllerPersistence() - Constructor for class gate.util.persistence.SerialAnalyserControllerPersistence
SerialController - Class in gate.creole
Execute a list of PRs serially.
SerialController() - Constructor for class gate.creole.SerialController
SerialControllerEditor - Class in gate.gui
SerialControllerEditor() - Constructor for class gate.gui.SerialControllerEditor
SerialControllerEditor.CorporaComboModel - Class in gate.gui
A model for a combobox containing the loaded corpora in the system
SerialControllerEditor.InternalProgressListener - Class in gate.gui
A simple progress listener used to forward the events upstream.
SerialControllerEditor.InternalStatusListener - Class in gate.gui
A simple status listener used to forward the events upstream.
SerialCorpusImpl - Class in gate.corpora
SerialCorpusImpl() - Constructor for class gate.corpora.SerialCorpusImpl
SerialCorpusImpl(Corpus) - Constructor for class gate.corpora.SerialCorpusImpl
Constructor to create a SerialCorpus from a transient one.
SerialDataStore - Class in gate.persist
A data store based on Java serialisation.
SerialDataStore(String) - Constructor for class gate.persist.SerialDataStore
Construction requires a file protocol URL pointing to the storage directory used for the serialised classes.
SerialDataStore() - Constructor for class gate.persist.SerialDataStore
Default construction.
SerialDatastoreViewer - Class in gate.gui
SerialDatastoreViewer() - Constructor for class gate.gui.SerialDatastoreViewer
SERIALIZED_FOLDER_NAME - Static variable in class gate.creole.annic.Constants
folder name used for creating a folder which is then used for serializing the files
serialVersionUID - Static variable in interface
serialVersionUID - Static variable in interface
SESOTHO - Static variable in interface gate.creole.ontology.OConstants
Language code used "st"
set(int, Document) - Method in class gate.corpora.CorpusImpl
set(int, Document) - Method in class gate.corpora.CorpusImpl.VerboseList
set(int, Document) - Method in class gate.corpora.SerialCorpusImpl
set(int) - Method in class gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.util.BitVector
Sets the value of bit to one.
set(int, ProcessingResource) - Method in class gate.creole.SerialController
set - Variable in class gate.gui.docview.AnnotationEditor
The parent set of the current annotation.
SET_COLUMN - Static variable in class gate.gui.LuceneDataStoreSearchGUI.ResultTableModel
setAbsolute(boolean) - Method in class gate.util.ant.packager.PackageGappTask.MappingHint
Should files matching this hint be made absolute? If true, the "to" value is ignored.
setActive(boolean) - Method in class gate.gui.docview.AbstractDocumentView
Notifies this view that it has become active or inactive.
setActive(boolean) - Method in interface gate.gui.docview.DocumentView
Notifies this view that it has become active or inactive.
setAmpCodingInfo(RepositioningInfo) - Method in class gate.html.HtmlDocumentHandler
Set repositioning information structure refference for ampersand coding.
setAmpCodingInfo(RepositioningInfo) - Method in class gate.html.NekoHtmlDocumentHandler
Set repositioning information structure refference for ampersand coding.
setAmpCodingInfo(RepositioningInfo) - Method in class gate.xml.XmlDocumentHandler
Set repositioning information structure refference for ampersand coding.
setAnalyser(LanguageAnalyser) - Method in class gate.util.LanguageAnalyserDocumentProcessor
Set the controller used to process documents.
setAnnotationFactory(AnnotationFactory) - Static method in class gate.annotation.AnnotationSetImpl
Set the annotation factory used to create annotation objects.
setAnnotationMouseListener(AnnotationStack.StackMouseListener) - Method in class gate.gui.docview.AnnotationStack
setAnnotationName(String) - Method in class gate.creole.AnnotationSchema
Sets the annotation name
setAnnotationSchema(AnnotationSchema) - Method in class gate.annotation.CorpusAnnotationDiff
setAnnotationSetName(String) - Method in class gate.corpora.export.InlineXMLExporter
setAnnotationSetName(String) - Method in class
setAnnotationTypeDisplayed(String) - Method in class gate.creole.ResourceData
A simple mutator for annotationTypeDisplayed field
setAnnotationTypeForFalsePositive(String) - Method in class gate.annotation.CorpusAnnotationDiff
Sets the annotation type needed to calculate the falsePossitive measure
setAnnotationTypes(List<String>) - Method in class gate.corpora.export.InlineXMLExporter
setApplicationFile(File) - Method in class gate.util.CorpusBenchmarkTool
setArtifactID(String) - Method in class gate.util.persistence.UpgradeXGAPP.UpgradePath
setAscending(boolean) - Method in class gate.swing.XJTable
setAutoLoading(boolean) - Method in class gate.creole.ResourceData
Set method for resource autoloading flag
setAutoSaving(boolean) - Method in interface gate.DataStore
Set method for the autosaving behaviour of the data store.
setAutoSaving(boolean) - Method in class gate.persist.SerialDataStore
Set method for the autosaving behaviour of the data store.
setBaseTokenAnnotationType(String) - Method in class
setBdmFile(URL) - Method in class gate.util.OntologyMeasures
SetBdmFileAction() - Constructor for class gate.gui.CorpusQualityAssurance.SetBdmFileAction
setBenchmarkFile(File) - Method in class gate.util.reporting.DocTimeReporter
Sets the input benchmark file from which the report is generated.
setBenchmarkFile(File) - Method in class gate.util.reporting.PRTimeReporter
Sets the input benchmark file from which the report is generated.
setBenchmarkId(String) - Method in class gate.creole.AbstractController
Sets the benchmark ID of this controller.
setBenchmarkId(String) - Method in interface gate.util.Benchmarkable
This method sets the benchmarkID for this resource.
setBenchmarkingEnabled(boolean) - Static method in class gate.util.Benchmark
Enables or disables the logging.
setBinding(String, LiteralOrONodeID) - Method in interface gate.creole.ontology.OntologyBooleanQuery
Re-assign a query variable to a new value.
setBinding(String, ONodeID) - Method in interface gate.creole.ontology.OntologyBooleanQuery
Re-assign a query variable to a new value.
setBinding(String, Literal) - Method in interface gate.creole.ontology.OntologyBooleanQuery
Re-assign a query variable to a new value.
setBinding(String, Literal) - Method in interface gate.creole.ontology.OntologyTupleQuery
Set the binding of a query variable to a new value.
setBinding(String, ONodeID) - Method in interface gate.creole.ontology.OntologyTupleQuery
Set the binding of a query variable to a new value.
setBoost(float) - Method in class gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.document.Document
Sets a boost factor for hits on any field of this document.
setBoost(float) - Method in class gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.document.Field
Sets the boost factor hits on this field.
setBoost(float) - Method in class
Sets the boost for this query clause to b.
setBottomView(int) - Method in class gate.gui.docview.DocumentEditor
Shows a new bottom view based on an index in the DocumentEditor.horizontalViews list.
setBottomView(DocumentView) - Method in class gate.gui.docview.DocumentEditor
Sets a new UI component in the top location.
setBuiltinCreoleDir(URL) - Static method in class gate.Gate
Set the URL to the "builtin" creole directory.
setCentralView(int) - Method in class gate.gui.docview.DocumentEditor
Shows a new central view based on an index in the DocumentEditor.centralViews list.
setCentralView(DocumentView) - Method in class gate.gui.docview.DocumentEditor
Sets a new UI component in the central location.
setCheck - Variable in class gate.gui.CorpusQualityAssurance
setChk - Variable in class gate.gui.docview.AnnotationSetsView.SetsTableCellRenderer
setClassName(String) - Method in class gate.creole.ResourceData
Set method for the resource class name
setClassType(String) - Method in class gate.corpora.DocumentData
setCollectRepositioningInfo(Boolean) - Method in class gate.corpora.DocumentImpl
Allow/disallow collecting of repositioning information.
setCollectRepositioningInfo(Boolean) - Method in interface gate.Document
Allow/disallow collecting of repositioning information.
setColour(Color) - Method in class gate.gui.docview.AnnotationSetsView.TypeHandler
setComment(String, Locale) - Method in interface gate.creole.ontology.OResource
setComment(String) - Method in class gate.creole.Parameter
Set the comment for this parameter
setComment(String) - Method in class gate.creole.ResourceData
Set method for the resource comment
setComparator(int, Comparator<?>) - Method in class gate.swing.XJTable
Sets the custom comparator to be used for a particular column.
setComparator(Comparator) - Method in class gate.swing.XJTable.SortingModel.ValueHolderComparator
setComponentsFont(Font) - Static method in class gate.gui.OptionsDialog
Updates the Swing defaults table with the provided font to be used for various compoents that neither text or menu components
setContent(DocumentContent) - Method in class gate.corpora.DocumentImpl
Set method for the document content
setContent(DocumentContent) - Method in interface gate.SimpleDocument
Set method for the document content
setContextAfterSize(int) - Method in class gate.gui.docview.AnnotationStack
setContextBeforeSize(int) - Method in class gate.gui.docview.AnnotationStack
setControllerCallbacksEnabled(boolean) - Method in class gate.creole.AbstractController
Enable or disable the automatic invocation of the controller callbacks.
setCopyPlugins(boolean) - Method in class gate.util.ant.packager.PackageGappTask
Will the task copy the complete contents of referenced plugins into the target location? If false, only the bare minimum will be copied (the creole.xml files, any JARs referenced therein, and any directly referenced resource files).
setCopyResourceDirs(boolean) - Method in class gate.util.ant.packager.PackageGappTask
Will the task copy the complete contents of directories containing referenced resources into the target location? By default it does not do this, but only includes the directly-referenced resource files - for example, if the gapp refers to a .def file defining gazetteer lists, the lists themselves will not be included.
setCorpus(Corpus) - Method in interface gate.CorpusController
Sets the Corpus which contains the data on which the controller is going to run.
setCorpus(Corpus) - Method in class gate.creole.AbstractLanguageAnalyser
Set the corpus property for this analyser.
setCorpus(Corpus) - Method in interface gate.creole.annic.Indexer
Set the corpus to be indexed
setCorpus(Corpus) - Method in class gate.creole.annic.lucene.LuceneIndexer
Sets the corpus.
setCorpus(Corpus) - Method in class gate.creole.ConditionalSerialAnalyserController
setCorpus(Corpus) - Method in interface
Sets the corpus this index manages will index.
setCorpus(IndexedCorpus) - Method in interface
Sets coprus in which will doing search operations.
setCorpus(Corpus) - Method in class gate.creole.SerialAnalyserController
setCorpus(Corpus) - Method in interface gate.LanguageAnalyser
Set the corpus property for this analyser.
setDataStore(DataStore) - Method in class gate.corpora.DocumentImpl
setDataStore(DataStore) - Method in class gate.corpora.SerialCorpusImpl
setDataStore(DataStore) - Method in class gate.creole.AbstractLanguageResource
Set the data store that this LR lives in.
setDataStore(DataStore) - Method in interface gate.LanguageResource
Set the data store that this LR lives in.
setDebugStream(PrintStream) - Method in class gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.analysis.standard.StandardTokenizerTokenManager
setDefault(Similarity) - Static method in class
Set the default Similarity implementation used by indexing and search code.
setDefaultAnnotations(AnnotationSet) - Method in class gate.corpora.DocumentImpl
This method added by Shafirin Andrey, to allow access to protected member DocumentImpl.defaultAnnots Required for JAPE-Debugger.
setDefaultButtonMargin(Insets) - Method in class gate.swing.JChoice
setDefaultNameSpace(String) - Method in interface gate.creole.ontology.Ontology
Sets the default name space/base URI for the ontology.
setDefaultValueString(String) - Method in class gate.creole.Parameter
Set the default value string (from the metadata) for the parameter
setDefinition(File) - Method in class gate.util.ant.packager.GazetteerLists
Set the location of the definition file from which the lists should be extracted.
setDescription(String) - Method in class
Sets the description of this explanation node.
setDescription(String) - Method in class gate.util.ExtensionFileFilter
Sets the user friendly description for the accepted files.
setDestFile(File) - Method in class gate.util.ant.packager.PackageGappTask
Set the destination file to which the modified gapp will be written.
setDifferentFrom(OInstance) - Method in interface gate.creole.ontology.OInstance
Sets the instance being different from the provided instance.
setDiffFeaturesList(Set<String>) - Method in class gate.util.CorpusBenchmarkTool
setDimension(Dimension) - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.AddDocumentIcon
setDimension(Dimension) - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.AddIcon
setDimension(Dimension) - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.AdvancedIcon
setDimension(Dimension) - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.AnnieApplicationIcon
setDimension(Dimension) - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.AnnotationDiffIcon
setDimension(Dimension) - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.ApplicationIcon
setDimension(Dimension) - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.ApplicationRealtimeIcon
setDimension(Dimension) - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.ApplicationsIcon
setDimension(Dimension) - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.AvailableIcon
setDimension(Dimension) - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.CIcon
setDimension(Dimension) - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.ClearLogIcon
setDimension(Dimension) - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.ClosedIcon
setDimension(Dimension) - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.CorpusBenchmarkIcon
setDimension(Dimension) - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.CorpusIcon
setDimension(Dimension) - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.CorpusTransIcon
setDimension(Dimension) - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.CreolePluginIcon
setDimension(Dimension) - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.DatastoreIcon
setDimension(Dimension) - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.DatastoresIcon
setDimension(Dimension) - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.DeleteIcon
setDimension(Dimension) - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.DocumentExporterIcon
setDimension(Dimension) - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.DocumentIcon
setDimension(Dimension) - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.DocumentResetIcon
setDimension(Dimension) - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.DownIcon
setDimension(Dimension) - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.DownloadIcon
setDimension(Dimension) - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.EditIcon
setDimension(Dimension) - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.EditListIcon
setDimension(Dimension) - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.ExitIcon
setDimension(Dimension) - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.ExpandedIcon
setDimension(Dimension) - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.ExtendLeftIcon
setDimension(Dimension) - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.ExtendRightIcon
setDimension(Dimension) - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.GATEIcon
setDimension(Dimension) - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.GATEUpdateSiteIcon
setDimension(Dimension) - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.GATEVersionIcon
setDimension(Dimension) - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.GATEXMLIcon
setDimension(Dimension) - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.GazetteerIcon
setDimension(Dimension) - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.GreenBallIcon
setDimension(Dimension) - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.HelpIcon
setDimension(Dimension) - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.InlineXMLIcon
setDimension(Dimension) - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.InvalidIcon
setDimension(Dimension) - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.JapeIcon
setDimension(Dimension) - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.LeftArrowIcon
setDimension(Dimension) - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.LRIcon
setDimension(Dimension) - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.lrsIcon
setDimension(Dimension) - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.MavenIcon
setDimension(Dimension) - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.NeTransducerIcon
setDimension(Dimension) - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.NominalCoreferencerIcon
setDimension(Dimension) - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.OIcon
setDimension(Dimension) - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.OntologyIcon
setDimension(Dimension) - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.OpenApplicationIcon
setDimension(Dimension) - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.OpenFileIcon
setDimension(Dimension) - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.OrthoMatcherIcon
setDimension(Dimension) - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.ParamIcon
setDimension(Dimension) - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.PinIcon
setDimension(Dimension) - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.PinInIcon
setDimension(Dimension) - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.PosTaggerIcon
setDimension(Dimension) - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.PRIcon
setDimension(Dimension) - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.ProgressIcon
setDimension(Dimension) - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.PronominalCoreferencerIcon
setDimension(Dimension) - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.prsIcon
setDimension(Dimension) - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.ReadyMadeIcon
setDimension(Dimension) - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.RedBallIcon
setDimension(Dimension) - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.RefreshIcon
setDimension(Dimension) - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.RemotePluginIcon
setDimension(Dimension) - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.RemoveAnnotationIcon
setDimension(Dimension) - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.RemoveDocumentIcon
setDimension(Dimension) - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.RemoveIcon
setDimension(Dimension) - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.RIcon
setDimension(Dimension) - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.RightArrowIcon
setDimension(Dimension) - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.RunIcon
setDimension(Dimension) - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.SaveIcon
setDimension(Dimension) - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.ScrollLockIcon
setDimension(Dimension) - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.SearchIcon
setDimension(Dimension) - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.SentenceSplitterIcon
setDimension(Dimension) - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.TickIcon
setDimension(Dimension) - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.TokeniserIcon
setDimension(Dimension) - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.UpdatesIcon
setDimension(Dimension) - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.UpdateSiteIcon
setDimension(Dimension) - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.UpIcon
setDimension(Dimension) - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.UserPluginIcon
setDimension(Dimension) - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.WindowNewIcon
setDimension(Dimension) - Method in class gate.resources.img.svg.YellowBallIcon
setDocToPrs(Document) - Method in class gate.creole.ConditionalSerialAnalyserController
Sets the current document to the memeber PRs
setDocToPrs(Document) - Method in class gate.creole.SerialAnalyserController
Sets the current document to the memeber PRs
setDocument(Document) - Method in class gate.creole.AbstractLanguageAnalyser
Set the document property for this analyser.
setDocument(Document) - Method in class gate.creole.ConditionalSerialAnalyserController
setDocument(Document) - Method in class gate.creole.SerialAnalyserController
setDocument(Document) - Method in class gate.gui.LogArea
Overridden to fetch new start and end Positions when the document is changed.
setDocument(Document) - Method in interface gate.LanguageAnalyser
Set the document property for this analyser.
setDocumentMimeType(String) - Method in class gate.gui.SingleConcatenatedFileInputDialog
Sets the document type
setDocumentNamePrefix(String) - Method in class gate.gui.SingleConcatenatedFileInputDialog
Sets the value for document name prefix
setDocumentPersistentID(int, Object) - Method in class gate.corpora.SerialCorpusImpl
This method should only be used by the Serial Datastore to set
setDocumentRootElement(String) - Method in class gate.gui.SingleConcatenatedFileInputDialog
Sets the value for documentRootElement field
setDocumentsList(List<Document>) - Method in class gate.corpora.CorpusImpl
setDocumentSource(XMLDocumentSource) - Method in class gate.html.NekoHtmlDocumentHandler
setEditable(boolean) - Method in class gate.gui.docview.DocumentEditor
Set the document as editable or readonly.
setEditable(boolean) - Method in class gate.gui.docview.TextualDocumentView
setEditable(boolean) - Method in class gate.gui.ResourceParametersEditor
setEditCellAsSoonAsFocus(boolean) - Method in class gate.swing.XJTable
Set the possibility for a cell to be in editing mode as soon as it gets the focus.
setEditingEnabled(boolean) - Method in interface gate.gui.annedit.OwnedAnnotationEditor
Enable or disable the editing GUI components.
setEditingEnabled(boolean) - Method in class gate.gui.docview.AnnotationEditor
setElement2StringMap(Map<String, String>) - Method in class gate.DocumentFormat
Set the element 2 string map
setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class gate.gui.CorpusQualityAssurance.CompareAction
setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class gate.gui.CorpusQualityAssurance.ExportToHtmlAction
setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class gate.gui.CorpusQualityAssurance.HelpAction
setEnableHidingColumns(boolean) - Method in class gate.swing.XJTable
Set the possibility for the user to hide/show a column by right-clicking on a column header.
setEncoding(String) - Method in class gate.corpora.DocumentImpl
Set the encoding of the document content source
setEncoding(String) - Method in class gate.corpora.export.InlineXMLExporter
setEncoding(String) - Method in class gate.gui.CorpusFillerComponent
Sets the initila value for the encoding field.
setEncoding(String) - Method in class gate.gui.SingleConcatenatedFileInputDialog
Sets the initila value for the encoding field.
setEncoding(String) - Method in class gate.util.ant.packager.GazetteerLists
Set the encoding used to read the definition file.
setEnOffset(int) - Method in class gate.creole.annic.PatternAnnotation
Sets the end offset
setEquivalentClassAs(OClass) - Method in interface gate.creole.ontology.OClass
Indicates that these classes are the equivalent
setEquivalentPropertyAs(RDFProperty) - Method in interface gate.creole.ontology.RDFProperty
Add an equivalentPropertyAs relation between the two properties.
setExecutable(Executable) - Static method in class gate.Gate
Sets the Executable currently under execution.
setExpanded(boolean) - Method in class gate.gui.docview.AnnotationSetsView.SetHandler
setExpressionEndOffset(int) - Method in class gate.gui.docview.AnnotationStack
setExpressionStartOffset(int) - Method in class gate.gui.docview.AnnotationStack
setExpressionTooltip(String) - Method in class gate.gui.docview.AnnotationStack
setExtensions(List<String>) - Method in class gate.gui.CorpusFillerComponent
Sets the current value for the list of permitted extensions.
setFeatureName(String) - Method in class gate.creole.AnalyserRunningStrategy
setFeatures(FeatureMap) - Method in class gate.annotation.AnnotationImpl
Set the feature set.
setFeatures(FeatureMap) - Method in class gate.creole.AbstractVisualResource
Mutator for features
setFeatures(FeatureMap) - Method in class gate.DocumentFormat
Set the features map
setFeatures(FeatureMap) - Method in class gate.gui.FeaturesSchemaEditor
Mutator for features
setFeatures(FeatureMap) - Method in class gate.gui.SerialDatastoreViewer
Mutator for features
setFeatures(FeatureMap) - Method in class gate.relations.SimpleRelation
setFeatures(FeatureMap) - Method in class gate.util.AbstractFeatureBearer
Set the feature set
setFeatures(FeatureMap) - Method in interface gate.util.FeatureBearer
Set the feature set
setFeatureSchemaSet(Set<FeatureSchema>) - Method in class gate.creole.AnnotationSchema
Sets the feature schema set
setFeaturesToExclude(List<?>) - Method in class
setFeatureValue(String) - Method in class gate.creole.AnalyserRunningStrategy
setFeatureValue(String) - Method in class gate.creole.FeatureSchema
This method sets the value of the feature.
setFileName(String) - Method in class gate.swing.XJFileChooser
Set the file name to be used instead of the one saved in the preferences.
setFirstTermPositions(int, int, ArrayList, int, int) - Method in class
Sets the firstTermPositions.
setFontValue(Font) - Method in class gate.swing.JFontChooser
setFrom(File) - Method in class gate.util.ant.packager.PackageGappTask.MappingHint
setFunctional(boolean) - Method in interface gate.creole.ontology.RDFProperty
Sets the functional property flag on this property.
setGappFileURL(URL) - Method in class gate.util.ant.packager.GappModel
Set the URL at which the GAPP file resides.
setGateHome(File) - Static method in class gate.Gate
Set the location of the GATE home directory.
setGateHome(File) - Method in class gate.util.ant.packager.PackageGappTask
Set the location of the GATE home directory, used to resolve $gatehome$ relative paths in the GAPP file.
setGenerateMode(boolean) - Method in class gate.util.CorpusBenchmarkTool
setGracefulTimeout(Long) - Method in class gate.creole.RealtimeCorpusController
Sets the timeout in milliseconds before execution on a document is gracefully stopped.
setGroupID(String) - Method in class gate.util.persistence.UpgradeXGAPP.UpgradePath
setGuiType(int) - Method in class gate.creole.ResourceData
A simple mutator for guiType field
setHandle(Handle) - Method in class gate.creole.AbstractVisualResource
Used by the main GUI to tell this VR what handle created it.
setHandle(Handle) - Method in class gate.gui.docview.AbstractDocumentView
setHandle(Handle) - Method in class gate.gui.FeaturesSchemaEditor
Used by the main GUI to tell this VR what handle created it.
setHandle(Handle) - Method in class gate.gui.SerialControllerEditor
setHandle(Handle) - Method in class gate.gui.SerialDatastoreViewer
setHandle(Handle) - Method in interface gate.VisualResource
Used by the main GUI to tell this VR what handle created it.
setHasValue(OResource) - Method in interface gate.creole.ontology.AllValuesFromRestriction
setHasValue(OClass) - Method in interface gate.creole.ontology.AllValuesFromRestriction
Sets the value of the the restiction to the specified OClass.
setHasValue(OResource) - Method in interface gate.creole.ontology.HasValueRestriction
Sets the resource as a restricted value.
setHasValue(Literal) - Method in interface gate.creole.ontology.HasValueRestriction
Sets the literal as a restricted value.
setHasValue(OResource) - Method in interface gate.creole.ontology.SomeValuesFromRestriction
Sets the resource as a restricted value.
setHeaderMouseListener(AnnotationStack.StackMouseListener) - Method in class gate.gui.docview.AnnotationStack
setHelpURL(String) - Method in class gate.creole.Parameter
Set the helpURL for this parameter
setHelpURL(String) - Method in class gate.creole.ResourceData
Set method for the resource helpURL
setHiddenAttribute(FeatureMap, boolean) - Static method in class gate.Gate
Sets the value for the HIDDEN attribute of a feature map
setIcon(String) - Method in class gate.creole.ResourceData
Set method for the resource icon
setIcon(Icon) - Method in class gate.gui.NameBearerHandle
setIgnorableTags(Set<String>) - Method in class gate.corpora.NekoHtmlDocumentFormat
setIgnorableTags(Set<String>) - Method in class gate.html.NekoHtmlDocumentHandler
Set the set of tag names whose text content will be ignored.
setIncludeFeatures(Boolean) - Method in class gate.corpora.export.InlineXMLExporter
setIncludeOriginalMarkups(Boolean) - Method in class gate.corpora.export.InlineXMLExporter
setIndexDefinition(IndexDefinition) - Method in class gate.corpora.SerialCorpusImpl
setIndexDefinition(IndexDefinition) - Method in interface
Sets the definition to this corpus.
setIndexDefinition(IndexDefinition) - Method in interface
Sets the index definition for this index manager.
setIndexDelay(long) - Method in class gate.persist.LuceneDataStoreImpl
Sets the delay in milliseconds that we should wait after a sync before attempting to re-index a document.
setIndexer(Indexer, Map<String, Object>) - Method in interface gate.creole.annic.Searchable
This method is used to specify the indexer which is used to index documents
setIndexer(Indexer, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class gate.persist.LuceneDataStoreImpl
Sets the Indexer to be used for indexing Datastore
setIndexLocation(String) - Method in class
Sets the location of index
setInterfaceName(String) - Method in class gate.creole.ResourceData
Set method for the resource interface name
setInverseFunctional(boolean) - Method in interface gate.creole.ontology.RDFProperty
Sets the inverse functional property flag on this property.
setInverseOf(ObjectProperty) - Method in interface gate.creole.ontology.ObjectProperty
Set theInverse as inverse property to this property.
setIrEngineClassName(String) - Method in class
Sets the fully qualified class name for the IR engine to be used.
setIsMainView(boolean) - Method in class gate.creole.ResourceData
A simple mutator for isMainView field
setJarFileName(String) - Method in class gate.creole.ResourceData
Set method for the resource jar file name
setJarFileUrl(URL) - Method in class gate.creole.ResourceData
Set method for the resource jar file URL
setKeyAnnotationSetName(String) - Method in class gate.annotation.CorpusAnnotationDiff
Sets the keyAnnotationSetName in AnnotDiff
setKeyCorpus(Corpus) - Method in class gate.annotation.CorpusAnnotationDiff
Sets the keyCorpus in AnnotDiff
setKeyDocument(Document) - Method in class gate.annotation.CorpusAnnotationDiff.DiffSetElement
Set Key document
setKeyFeatureNamesSet(Set<?>) - Method in class gate.annotation.CorpusAnnotationDiff
Sets the keyFeatureNamesSet in AnnotDiff.
setLabel(String, Locale) - Method in interface gate.creole.ontology.OResource
Sets the label for the resource with the specified language.
setLabel - Variable in class gate.gui.docview.AnnotationSetsView.SetsTableCellRenderer
setLabel(String) - Method in class gate.swing.VerticalTextIcon
sets the label to the given string, updating the orientation as needed and invalidating the layout if the size changes
setLastRowButton(JButton) - Method in class gate.gui.docview.AnnotationStack
setLeftAnnotation(Annotation) - Method in class gate.annotation.CorpusAnnotationDiff.DiffSetElement
Sets the left annotation
setLeftType(int) - Method in class gate.annotation.CorpusAnnotationDiff.DiffSetElement
Sets the left type
setLineOffsets(int[]) - Method in class gate.html.NekoHtmlDocumentHandler
Set the array of line offsets.
setList - Variable in class gate.gui.CorpusQualityAssurance
setLocations(Map<String, String>) - Method in class gate.swing.XJFileChooser
Useful to modify the locations used by this file chooser.
setLogicalStart(String) - Method in class gate.util.reporting.DocTimeReporter
Sets optionally a string indicating the logical start of a run.
setLogicalStart(String) - Method in class gate.util.reporting.PRTimeReporter
Sets optionally a string indicating the logical start of a run.
setLRPersistenceId(Object) - Method in class gate.corpora.DocumentImpl
setLRPersistenceId(Object) - Method in class gate.creole.AbstractLanguageResource
Sets the persistence id of this LR.
setLRPersistenceId(Object) - Method in interface gate.LanguageResource
Sets the persistence id of this LR.
setLuceneDatastore(LuceneDataStoreImpl) - Method in class gate.creole.annic.lucene.LuceneSearcher
setMarkedClean(boolean) - Method in class gate.util.CorpusBenchmarkTool
setMarkedDS(boolean) - Method in class gate.util.CorpusBenchmarkTool
setMarkedStored(boolean) - Method in class gate.util.CorpusBenchmarkTool
setMarkupAware(Boolean) - Method in class gate.corpora.DocumentImpl
Make the document markup-aware.
setMarkupAware(Boolean) - Method in interface gate.Document
Make the document markup-aware.
setMarkupElementsMap(Map<String, String>) - Method in class gate.DocumentFormat
Set the markup elements map
setMavenCache(File) - Method in class gate.util.ant.packager.PackageGappTask
Set the location where the task should create a local cache of any referenced Maven plugins and their dependencies.
setMaxClauseCount(int) - Static method in class
Set the maximum number of clauses permitted.
setMaxDocumentInReport(int) - Method in class gate.util.reporting.DocTimeReporter
Maximum number of documents contained in the report.
setMaximumFastChoices(int) - Method in class gate.swing.JChoice
setMaximumWidth(int) - Method in class gate.swing.JChoice
setMenu(List<String>) - Method in class gate.creole.PackagedController
setMenuComponentsFont(Font) - Static method in class gate.gui.OptionsDialog
Updates the Swing defaults table with the provided font to be used for the menu components
setMimeType(String) - Method in class gate.corpora.DocumentImpl
Set the specific MIME type for this document
setMimeType(MimeType) - Method in class gate.DocumentFormat
Set the mime type
setMimeType(String) - Method in class gate.gui.CorpusFillerComponent
Sets the initial value for the mime type field.
setModel(ComboBoxModel<E>) - Method in class gate.swing.JChoice
setModel(TableModel) - Method in class gate.swing.XJTable
setModified(boolean) - Method in interface gate.creole.ontology.Ontology
Sets the modified flag.
setMoreInfo(boolean) - Method in class gate.util.CorpusBenchmarkTool
setMousePointer(Point) - Method in class gate.gui.docview.CorefEditor.ChainToolTipAction
setMousePointer(Point) - Method in class gate.gui.docview.CorefEditor.NewCorefAction
setName(String) - Method in class gate.creole.AbstractResource
Sets the name of this resource
setName(String) - Method in class gate.creole.Parameter
Set the name for this parameter
setName(String) - Method in class gate.creole.ResourceData
Set method for the resource name
setName(String) - Method in class gate.persist.SerialDataStore
Sets the name of this resource
setName(String) - Method in class gate.util.AbstractNameBearer
Sets the name of this resource
setName(String) - Method in interface gate.util.NameBearer
Sets the name of this resource
setNewAnnSetCreationEnabled(boolean) - Method in class gate.gui.docview.AnnotationSetsView
Enables or disables creation of the new annotation set.
setNewLineProperty(Document) - Method in class gate.corpora.TextualDocumentFormat
Check the new line sequence and set document property.
setNextAnnotationId(int) - Method in class gate.corpora.DocumentImpl
Sets the nextAnnotationId
setNorm(int, String, byte) - Method in class gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.index.IndexReader
Expert: Resets the normalization factor for the named field of the named document.
setNorm(int, String, float) - Method in class gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.index.IndexReader
Expert: Resets the normalization factor for the named field of the named document.
setNumOfDocumentsToFetch(int) - Method in class gate.gui.SingleConcatenatedFileInputDialog
Sets the number of documents to fetch
setOnPropertyValue(ObjectProperty) - Method in interface gate.creole.ontology.AllValuesFromRestriction
Specify the object property for which to set the allValuesFromRestriction.
setOnPropertyValue(RDFProperty) - Method in interface gate.creole.ontology.Restriction
Sets the property on which the restriction is specified
setOntologyAnnotation(AnnotationProperty, Literal) - Method in interface gate.creole.ontology.Ontology
Set an annotation property for the ontology to the specified literal value.
setOntologyURI(OURI) - Method in interface gate.creole.ontology.Ontology
Set the ontology URI of the current ontology.
setOnUnresolved(PackageGappTask.UnresolvedAction) - Method in class gate.util.ant.packager.PackageGappTask
What should we do if there are unresolved relpaths within the gapp file? By default the build will fail, but instead you can opt to have the relative paths replaced by absolute paths to the same URL, or to have the task recover by putting the files into an "application-resources" directory.
setOptional(boolean) - Method in class gate.creole.Parameter
Set optionality of this parameter
setOwner(AnnotationEditorOwner) - Method in interface gate.gui.annedit.OwnedAnnotationEditor
Sets the owner (i.e.
setOwner(DocumentEditor) - Method in class gate.gui.docview.AbstractDocumentView
Stores the owner of this view into the AbstractDocumentView.owner field.
setOwner(AnnotationEditorOwner) - Method in class gate.gui.docview.AnnotationEditor
setOwner(DocumentEditor) - Method in interface gate.gui.docview.DocumentView
Notifies this view of its owner.
setPadChar(char) - Static method in class gate.util.Err
A mutator method for padChar
setPadChar(char) - Static method in class gate.util.Out
A mutator method for padChar
setParameterList(ParameterList) - Method in class gate.creole.ResourceData
Set the parameter list
setParameters() - Method in class gate.gui.ResourceParametersEditor
Sets the parameters for the resource to their new values as resulted from the user's edits.
setParameterValue(String, Object) - Method in class gate.annotation.CorpusAnnotationDiff
Sets the value for a specified parameter.
setParameterValue(Resource, BeanInfo, String, Object) - Static method in class gate.creole.AbstractResource
Sets the value for a specified parameter for a resource.
setParameterValue(String, Object) - Method in class gate.creole.AbstractResource
Sets the value for a specified parameter for this resource.
setParameterValue(String, Object) - Method in class gate.creole.AbstractVisualResource
Sets the value for a specified parameter.
setParameterValue(String, Object) - Method in class gate.gui.FeaturesSchemaEditor
Sets the value for a specified parameter.
setParameterValue(String, Object) - Method in class gate.gui.SerialDatastoreViewer
Sets the value for a specified parameter.
setParameterValue(String, Object) - Method in interface gate.Resource
Sets the value for a specified parameter.
setParameterValues(FeatureMap) - Method in class gate.annotation.CorpusAnnotationDiff
Sets the values for more parameters in one step.
setParameterValues(Resource, FeatureMap) - Static method in class gate.creole.AbstractResource
Sets the values for more parameters for a resource in one step.
setParameterValues(FeatureMap) - Method in class gate.creole.AbstractResource
Sets the values for more parameters for this resource in one step.
setParameterValues(FeatureMap) - Method in class gate.creole.AbstractVisualResource
Sets the values for more parameters in one step.
setParameterValues(FeatureMap) - Method in class gate.gui.FeaturesSchemaEditor
Sets the values for more parameters in one step.
setParameterValues(FeatureMap) - Method in class gate.gui.SerialDatastoreViewer
Sets the values for more parameters in one step.
setParameterValues(FeatureMap) - Method in interface gate.Resource
Sets the values for more parameters in one step.
setParent(LanguageResource) - Method in class gate.creole.AbstractLanguageResource
Sets the parent LR of this LR.
setParent(LanguageResource) - Method in interface gate.LanguageResource
Sets the parent LR of this LR.
setPermissibleValues(Set<? extends Object>) - Method in class gate.creole.FeatureSchema
Adds all values from the given set as permissible values for the given feature.
setPersistentID(Object) - Method in class gate.corpora.DocumentData
setPinnedMode(boolean) - Method in interface gate.gui.annedit.OwnedAnnotationEditor
setPinnedMode(boolean) - Method in class gate.gui.docview.AnnotationEditor
setPipelineURL(ResourceReference) - Method in class gate.creole.PackagedController
setPlugin(Plugin) - Method in class gate.creole.ResourceData
setPluginsHome(File) - Static method in class gate.Gate
Set the location of the plugins directory.
setPopupMenuVisible(boolean) - Method in class gate.swing.XJMenu
Force separators to be the same width as the JPopupMenu.
setPosition(int) - Method in class gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.analysis.Token
setPosition(int) - Method in class gate.creole.annic.PatternAnnotation
Sets the position
setPositionIncrement(int) - Method in class gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.analysis.Token
Set the position increment.
setPr(ProcessingResource) - Method in class gate.event.ControllerEvent
setPreserveOriginalContent(Boolean) - Method in class gate.corpora.DocumentImpl
Allow/disallow preserving of the original document content.
setPreserveOriginalContent(Boolean) - Method in interface gate.Document
Allow/disallow preserving of the original document content.
setPrintMedia(String) - Method in class gate.util.reporting.DocTimeReporter
Sets the media on which report will be generated.
setPrintMedia(String) - Method in class gate.util.reporting.PRTimeReporter
Sets the media on which report will be generated.
setPrintWriter(PrintWriter) - Static method in class gate.util.Err
This sets a new printWriter
setPrintWriter(PrintWriter) - Static method in class gate.util.Out
This sets a new printWriter
setPrivate(boolean) - Method in class gate.creole.ResourceData
Set method for resource private flag
setPRMatchingRegex(String) - Method in class gate.util.reporting.DocTimeReporter
Search string to match PR names present in the benchmark file.
setProcessingResource(ProcessingResource) - Method in class gate.creole.AnalyserRunningStrategy
setProperty(String, Object) - Method in class gate.util.xml.XML11OutputFactory
setPropertyUrl(URL) - Method in interface gate.wordnet.WordNet
setPRs(Collection<? extends ProcessingResource>) - Method in interface gate.Controller
Populates this controller from a collection of ProcessingResources (optional operation).
setPRs(Collection<? extends ProcessingResource>) - Method in class gate.creole.AbstractController
Populates this controller from a collection of ProcessingResources (optional operation).
setPRs(Collection<? extends ProcessingResource>) - Method in class gate.creole.SerialController
Populates this controller from a collection of ProcessingResources (optional operation).
setRecurseDirectories(boolean) - Method in class gate.gui.CorpusFillerComponent
Should the directory parsed recursively?
setReportFile(File) - Method in class gate.util.reporting.DocTimeReporter
If not set, the default is the file name "report.txt/html" in the system temporary directory.
setReportFile(File) - Method in class gate.util.reporting.PRTimeReporter
If not set, the default is the file name "report.txt/html" in the system temporary directory.
setRepositioningInfo(RepositioningInfo) - Method in class gate.html.HtmlDocumentHandler
Set repositioning information structure refference.
setRepositioningInfo(RepositioningInfo) - Method in class gate.html.NekoHtmlDocumentHandler
Set repositioning information structure refference.
setRepositioningInfo(RepositioningInfo) - Method in class gate.xml.XmlDocumentHandler
Set repositioning information structure refference.
setResource(String) - Method in class gate.swing.ResourceReferenceChooser
setResource(String) - Method in class gate.swing.XJFileChooser
Set the resource to remember the path.
setResourceClass(Class<? extends Resource>) - Method in class gate.creole.ResourceData
Set method for the resource class
setResourceComment(String) - Method in class gate.Gate.ResourceInfo
setResourceDisplayed(String) - Method in class gate.creole.ResourceData
A simple mutator for resourceDisplayed field
setResourceListeners(Resource, Map<String, ? extends Object>) - Static method in class gate.creole.AbstractResource
Adds listeners to a resource.
setResourceName(Resource, String) - Method in class gate.creole.CreoleRegisterImpl
Renames an existing resource.
setResourceName(Resource, String) - Method in interface gate.CreoleRegister
Renames an existing resource.
setResourceName(String) - Method in class gate.Gate.ResourceInfo
setResourcesHome(File) - Method in class gate.util.ant.packager.PackageGappTask
Set the location of the resources home directory, used to resolve $resourceshome$ relative paths in the GAPP file.
setResponseAnnotationSetName(String) - Method in class gate.annotation.CorpusAnnotationDiff
Sets the responseAnnotationSetName in AnnotDiff
setResponseAnnotationSetNameFalsePoz(String) - Method in class gate.annotation.CorpusAnnotationDiff
Sets the responseAnnotationSetNameFalsePoz in AnnotDiff
setResponseCorpus(Corpus) - Method in class gate.annotation.CorpusAnnotationDiff
setResponseDocument(Document) - Method in class gate.annotation.CorpusAnnotationDiff.DiffSetElement
Set Response document
setRightAnnotation(Annotation) - Method in class gate.annotation.CorpusAnnotationDiff.DiffSetElement
Sets the right annotation
setRightToLeftOrientation(boolean) - Method in class gate.gui.docview.DocumentEditor
Set the text orientation in the document.
setRightType(int) - Method in class gate.annotation.CorpusAnnotationDiff.DiffSetElement
Sets the right type
setRightView(int) - Method in class gate.gui.docview.DocumentEditor
Shows a new right view based on an index in the DocumentEditor.verticalViews list.
setRightView(DocumentView) - Method in class gate.gui.docview.DocumentEditor
Sets a new UI component in the right hand side location.
setRootElement(String) - Method in class gate.corpora.export.InlineXMLExporter
setRunMode(int) - Method in class gate.creole.AnalyserRunningStrategy
setRunningStrategies(Collection<RunningStrategy>) - Method in interface gate.creole.ConditionalController
Populates this controller with the appropiate running strategies from a collection of running strategies (optional operation).
setRunningStrategies(Collection<RunningStrategy>) - Method in class gate.creole.ConditionalSerialController
Populates this controller with the appropiate running strategies from a collection of running strategies (optional operation).
setRunningStrategy(int, AnalyserRunningStrategy) - Method in class gate.creole.ConditionalSerialController
setRuntime(boolean) - Method in class gate.creole.Parameter
Set runtime status of this parameter
setSameInstanceAs(OInstance) - Method in interface gate.creole.ontology.OInstance
Sets the instance being same as the provided instance.
setSchema(AnnotationSchema) - Method in class gate.gui.FeaturesSchemaEditor
setSearcher(Searcher) - Method in interface gate.creole.annic.Searchable
This method is used to specify the searcher which is used for searchering the index
setSearcher(Searcher) - Method in class gate.persist.LuceneDataStoreImpl
setSelected(boolean) - Method in class gate.gui.docview.AnnotationSetsView.TypeHandler
setSelectedAnnotations(List<AnnotationData>) - Method in class gate.gui.docview.AbstractDocumentView
setSelectedAnnotations(List<AnnotationData>) - Method in class gate.gui.docview.AnnotationListView
setSelectedAnnotations(List<AnnotationData>) - Method in class gate.gui.docview.AnnotationSetsView
setSelectedAnnotations(List<AnnotationData>) - Method in class gate.gui.docview.DocumentEditor
Change the set of selected annotations.
setSelectedAnnotations(List<AnnotationData>) - Method in interface gate.gui.docview.DocumentView
Some document views can use the concept of selected annotations.
setSelectedAnnotations(List<AnnotationData>) - Method in class gate.gui.docview.TextualDocumentView
Removes all blinking highlights and shows the new ones, corresponding to the new set of selected annotations
SetSelectedAnnotationsAction(boolean) - Constructor for class gate.gui.docview.AnnotationSetsView.SetSelectedAnnotationsAction
setSelectedFile(File) - Method in class gate.swing.XJFileChooser
Overriden to test first if the file exists
setSelectedFileFromPreferences() - Method in class gate.swing.XJFileChooser
If possible, select the last directory/file used for the resource otherwise use the last file chooser selection directory or if null use the user home directory.
setSelectedIndex(int) - Method in class gate.gui.ParameterDisjunction
Sets the currently selected parameter for this disjunction.
setSelectedItem(Object) - Method in class gate.gui.ListEditorDialog.ResourceComboModel
setSelectedItem(Object) - Method in class gate.gui.SerialControllerEditor.CorporaComboModel
setSelectedItem(Object) - Method in class gate.swing.JChoice
setSelectedResource(String) - Method in class gate.swing.ResourceReferenceChooser
setSelectedVersion(Version) - Method in class gate.util.persistence.UpgradeXGAPP.UpgradePath
setSelectionInterval(int, int) - Method in class gate.gui.CorpusQualityAssurance.ToggleSelectionABModel
setSelectionInterval(int, int) - Method in class gate.gui.CorpusQualityAssurance.ToggleSelectionModel
setSelectionVisible(boolean) - Method in class gate.gui.docview.TextualDocumentView.PermanentSelectionCaret
setShouldCollectRepositioning(Boolean) - Method in class gate.DocumentFormat
setSignificantFeaturesSet(Set<String>) - Method in class gate.util.AnnotationDiffer
Set the set of features considered significant for the matching algorithm.
setSimilarity(Similarity) - Method in class gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.index.IndexWriter
Expert: Set the Similarity implementation used by this IndexWriter.
setSimilarity(Similarity) - Method in class
Expert: Set the Similarity implementation used by this Searcher.
setSiteConfigFile(File) - Static method in class gate.Gate
Set the site config file (e.g.
setSlop(int) - Method in class
Sets the number of other words permitted between words in query phrase.
setSort(String) - Method in class
Sets the sort to the terms in field then by index order (document number).
setSort(String, boolean) - Method in class
Sets the sort to the terms in field possibly in reverse, then by index order (document number).
setSort(String[]) - Method in class
Sets the sort to the terms in each field in succession.
setSort(SortField) - Method in class
Sets the sort to the given criteria.
setSort(SortField[]) - Method in class
Sets the sort to the given criteria in succession.
setSortable(boolean) - Method in class gate.swing.JTreeTable
Overrides the setSortable() method from XJTable so the table is NOT sortable.
setSortable(boolean) - Method in class gate.swing.XJTable
setSortedColumn(int) - Method in class gate.swing.XJTable
setSortOrder(String) - Method in class gate.util.reporting.PRTimeReporter
Sets the sorting order of the report.
setSourceUrl(URL) - Method in class gate.corpora.DocumentImpl
Set method for the document's URL
setSourceUrl(URL) - Method in interface gate.SimpleDocument
Set method for the document's URL
setSourceUrlEndOffset(Long) - Method in class gate.corpora.DocumentImpl
Documents may be packed within files; in this case an optional pair of offsets refer to the location of the document.
setSourceUrlEndOffset(Long) - Method in interface gate.Document
Documents may be packed within files; in this case an optional pair of offsets refer to the location of the document.
setSourceUrlStartOffset(Long) - Method in class gate.corpora.DocumentImpl
Documents may be packed within files; in this case an optional pair of offsets refer to the location of the document.
setSourceUrlStartOffset(Long) - Method in interface gate.Document
Documents may be packed within files; in this case an optional pair of offsets refer to the location of the document.
setSrc(File) - Method in class gate.util.ant.packager.PackageGappTask
Set the location of the original gapp file which is to be modified.
SetsTableCellEditor() - Constructor for class gate.gui.docview.AnnotationSetsView.SetsTableCellEditor
SetsTableCellRenderer() - Constructor for class gate.gui.docview.AnnotationSetsView.SetsTableCellRenderer
SetsTableModel() - Constructor for class gate.gui.docview.AnnotationSetsView.SetsTableModel
setStartDirectory(File) - Method in class gate.util.CorpusBenchmarkTool
setStOffset(int) - Method in class gate.creole.annic.PatternAnnotation
Sets the start offset
setStorageDir(File) - Method in class gate.persist.SerialDataStore
Set method for storage URL
setStorageUrl(String) - Method in interface gate.DataStore
Set the URL as string for the underlying storage mechanism.
setStorageUrl(String) - Method in class gate.persist.SerialDataStore
Set the URL for the underlying storage mechanism.
setStringContent(String) - Method in class gate.corpora.DocumentImpl
The stringContent of a document is a property of the document that will be set when the user wants to create the document from a string, as opposed to from a URL.
setStyledDocument(StyledDocument) - Method in class gate.gui.LogArea
setSubtype(String) - Method in class gate.corpora.MimeType
Sets the subtype component of this MIME type.
setSuffixes(Collection<String>) - Method in class gate.swing.ResourceReferenceChooser
setSuffixes(String, Collection<String>) - Method in class gate.swing.ResourceReferenceChooser
setSuppressExceptions(Boolean) - Method in class gate.creole.RealtimeCorpusController
If true, suppresses all exceptions.
setSuppressZeroTimeEntries(boolean) - Method in class gate.util.reporting.PRTimeReporter
Allow to suppress the processing elements from the report which took 0 milliseconds.
SETSWANA - Static variable in interface gate.creole.ontology.OConstants
Language code used "tn"
setTableHeader(JTableHeader) - Method in class gate.swing.XJTable
setTabSkipUneditableCell(boolean) - Method in class gate.swing.XJTable
Set the possibility for the tab key to skip uneditable cells.
setTarget(Object) - Method in class gate.creole.AbstractVisualResource
Called by the GUI when this viewer/editor has to initialise itself for a specific object.
setTarget(Object) - Method in class gate.gui.ControllerMetadataViewer
setTarget(Object) - Method in class gate.gui.CorpusEditor
setTarget(Object) - Method in class gate.gui.CorpusQualityAssurance
setTarget(Object) - Method in class gate.gui.docview.AbstractDocumentView
Stores the target (which should always be a Document) into the AbstractDocumentView.document field.
setTarget(Object) - Method in class gate.gui.docview.DocumentEditor
setTarget(Object) - Method in class gate.gui.docview.RelationSetView
setTarget(Object) - Method in class gate.gui.docview.TextualDocumentView
Stores the target (which should always be a Document) into the AbstractDocumentView.document field.
setTarget(Object) - Method in class gate.gui.FeaturesSchemaEditor
setTarget(Object) - Method in class gate.gui.LuceneDataStoreSearchGUI
Called by the GUI when this viewer/editor has to initialise itself for a specific object.
setTarget(Object) - Method in class gate.gui.PRViewer
setTarget(Object) - Method in class gate.gui.SerialControllerEditor
setTarget(Object) - Method in class gate.gui.SerialDatastoreViewer
setTarget(Object) - Method in interface gate.VisualResource
Called by the GUI when this viewer/editor has to initialise itself for a specific object.
setTargetFeatures(FeatureMap) - Method in class gate.gui.FeaturesSchemaEditor
setText(String) - Method in class gate.creole.annic.PatternAnnotation
Sets the TExt
setText(String) - Method in class gate.gui.docview.AnnotationStack
setTextComponentsFont(Font) - Static method in class gate.gui.OptionsDialog
Updates the Swing defaults table with the provided font to be used for the text components
setTextLocation(int) - Method in class gate.gui.docview.AnnotationSetsView.MouseStoppedMovingAction
setTextLocation(int) - Method in class gate.gui.docview.CorefEditor.ChainToolTipAction
setTextLocation(int) - Method in class gate.gui.docview.CorefEditor.NewCorefAction
setTextMode(Boolean) - Method in class gate.annotation.CorpusAnnotationDiff
Sets the annot diff to work in the text mode.This would not initiate the GUI part of annot diff but it would calculate precision etc
setTextMouseListener(AnnotationStack.StackMouseListener) - Method in class gate.gui.docview.AnnotationStack
setThreshold(double) - Method in class gate.util.CorpusBenchmarkTool
setTimeout(Long) - Method in class gate.creole.RealtimeCorpusController
Sets the timeout in milliseconds before execution on a document is forcibly stopped (forcibly stopping execution may result in memory leaks and/or unexpected behaviour).
settingsXml - Static variable in class gate.util.maven.Utils
setTitle(String) - Method in class gate.gui.MainFrame
Override to avoid Protege to change Frame title
setTitleAt(int, String) - Method in class gate.swing.XJTabbedPane
setTitleChangable(boolean) - Method in class gate.gui.MainFrame
setTo(String) - Method in class gate.util.ant.packager.PackageGappTask.MappingHint
setTool(boolean) - Method in class gate.creole.ResourceData
Set method for resource tool flag
setTooltipText(String) - Method in class gate.gui.NameBearerHandle
setTopView(int) - Method in class gate.gui.docview.DocumentEditor
Shows a new top view based on an index in the DocumentEditor.horizontalViews list.
setTopView(DocumentView) - Method in class gate.gui.docview.DocumentEditor
Sets a new UI component in the top location.
setTotalTerms(int) - Method in class
setTransientSource(Object) - Method in class gate.corpora.SerialCorpusImpl
setType(String) - Method in class gate.corpora.MimeType
Sets the type component of this MIME type.
setType(String) - Method in class gate.creole.annic.PatternAnnotation
Sets the Type
setType(int) - Method in interface gate.util.AnnotationDiffer.Pairing
setType(int) - Method in class gate.util.AnnotationDiffer.PairingImpl
setTypeName(String) - Method in class gate.creole.Parameter
Set the type name for this parameter
setTypeSelected(String, String, boolean) - Method in class gate.gui.docview.AnnotationSetsView
Un/select an annotation type in this annotation set view and indirectly highlight it in the document view.
setUIDefaults(Object[], Object) - Static method in class gate.gui.OptionsDialog
setUnicodeEnabled(boolean) - Static method in class gate.util.Tools
Specifies whether Gate should or shouldn't know about Unicode
setUpgradeStrategy(UpgradeXGAPP.UpgradePath.UpgradeStrategy) - Method in class gate.util.persistence.UpgradeXGAPP.UpgradePath
setURI(URI) - Method in interface gate.creole.ontology.OResource
setURL(URL) - Method in interface gate.creole.ontology.Ontology
Set the URL of this ontology.
setUrlString(String) - Method in class gate.gui.CorpusFillerComponent
Sets the values for the URL string.
setUrlString(String) - Method in class gate.gui.SingleConcatenatedFileInputDialog
Sets the values for the URL string.
setUseCompoundFile(boolean) - Method in class gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.index.IndexWriter
Setting to turn on usage of a compound file.
setUserConfigFile(File) - Static method in class gate.Gate
Set the location of the user's config file.
setUserData(Object) - Method in interface gate.relations.Relation
Sets the arbitrary data associated with this relation
setUserData(Object) - Method in class gate.relations.SimpleRelation
setUserSessionFile(File) - Static method in class gate.Gate
Set the user session file.
setUseXMLSerialization(boolean) - Static method in class gate.Gate
Tell GATE whether to use XML serialization for applications.
setValue(float) - Method in class
Sets the value assigned to this explanation node.
setValue(String, DataType) - Method in interface gate.creole.ontology.CardinalityRestriction
Sets the cardinality value.
setValue(String, DataType) - Method in interface gate.creole.ontology.MaxCardinalityRestriction
Sets the cardinality value.
setValue(String, DataType) - Method in interface gate.creole.ontology.MinCardinalityRestriction
Sets the cardinality value.
setValue(Object) - Method in class gate.gui.ParameterDisjunction
setValueAt(Object, int, int) - Method in class gate.gui.AnnotationDiffGUI.DiffTableModel
setValueAt(Object, int, int) - Method in class gate.gui.docview.AnnotationSetsView.SetsTableModel
setValueAt(Object, int, int) - Method in class gate.gui.FeaturesSchemaEditor.FeaturesTableModel
setValueAt(Object, int, int) - Method in class gate.gui.LuceneDataStoreSearchGUI.ConfigureStackViewTableModel
setValueAt(Object, int, int) - Method in class gate.gui.persistence.XgappUpgradeSelector.UpgradePathTableModel
setValueAt(Object, int, int) - Method in class gate.gui.ResourceParametersEditor.ParametersTableModel
setValueAt(Object, Object, int) - Method in class gate.swing.AbstractTreeTableModel
Default implementation.
setValueAt(Object, Object, int) - Method in interface gate.swing.TreeTableModel
Sets the value for node node, at column number column.
setValueAt(Object, int, int) - Method in class gate.swing.XJTable.SortingModel
setValueIsAdjusting(boolean) - Method in class gate.gui.CorpusQualityAssurance.ToggleSelectionModel
setVerboseMode(boolean) - Method in class gate.util.CorpusBenchmarkTool
setVersion(String) - Method in interface gate.creole.ontology.Ontology
use method setOntologyAnnotation instead
setVersionRangeResult(VersionRangeResult) - Method in class gate.util.persistence.UpgradeXGAPP.UpgradePath
setVisible(boolean) - Method in class gate.gui.creole.manager.PluginUpdateManager
setVisible(boolean) - Method in class gate.gui.docview.AnnotationEditor
Shows/Hides the UI(s) involved in annotation editing.
setVisible(boolean) - Method in class gate.swing.XJPopupMenu
Force separators to be the same width as the JPopupMenu.
setXmlFileUrl(URL) - Method in class gate.creole.AnnotationSchema
Set method for the resource xml file URL
setXmlFileUrl(URL) - Method in class gate.creole.ResourceData
Set the URL to the creole.xml file that defines this resource
Sgml2Xml - Class in gate.sgml
Not so fast...
Sgml2Xml(String) - Constructor for class gate.sgml.Sgml2Xml
The constructor initialises some member fields
Sgml2Xml(Document) - Constructor for class gate.sgml.Sgml2Xml
The other constructor
SgmlDocumentFormat - Class in gate.corpora
The format of Documents.
SgmlDocumentFormat() - Constructor for class gate.corpora.SgmlDocumentFormat
Default construction
Sharable - Annotation Type in gate.creole.metadata
Marker interface used to mark the setter methods of JavaBean properties that are sharable.
sharableProperties - Variable in class gate.creole.ResourceData
SHIFT_INCREMENT - Static variable in class gate.gui.docview.AnnotationEditor
Constant for the number of characters when changing annotation boundary with Shift key pressed.
SHONA - Static variable in interface gate.creole.ontology.OConstants
Language code used "sn"
SHORT - Static variable in class gate.creole.ontology.OConstants.XMLSchema
shortenUriString(String, Map<String, String>) - Static method in class gate.Utils
Compact an URI String using base URI and namespace prefixes.
shouldRun() - Method in class gate.creole.AnalyserRunningStrategy
If the runMode is RunningStrategy.RUN_ALWAYS returns true.
shouldRun() - Method in interface gate.creole.RunningStrategy
Returns true if the associated PR should be run.
shouldRun() - Method in class gate.creole.RunningStrategy.UnconditionalRunningStrategy
shouldRun(boolean) - Method in class gate.creole.RunningStrategy.UnconditionalRunningStrategy
shouldRun - Variable in class gate.util.persistence.UnconditionalRunningStrategyPersistence
shouldSelectCell(EventObject) - Method in class gate.gui.AlternatingTableCellEditor
shouldSelectCell(EventObject) - Method in class gate.gui.docview.AnnotationSetsView.SetsTableCellEditor
show(String, Collection) - Method in class gate.gui.CollectionSelectionDialog
This method displays the CollectionSelectionDialog
show(ResourceData, String) - Method in class gate.gui.NewResourceDialog
This method is intended to be used in conjunction with getSelectedParameters().
show(ResourceData) - Method in class gate.gui.NewResourceDialog
show(AttributeSet) - Method in class gate.gui.TextAttributesChooser
Initialises all the values for the attributes from the provided attribute set and displays the dialog allowing the user to make changes.
showCategoryTime(String) - Method in class gate.util.profile.Profiler
Prints the time for certain category of activities
showCategoryTimes() - Method in class gate.util.profile.Profiler
Prints the time for all the categories of activities
showColumn(int, int) - Method in class gate.swing.XJTable
Show a column.
showDialog() - Method in class gate.gui.FeatureMapEditorDialog
Make this dialog visible allowing the editing of the list.
showDialog() - Method in class gate.gui.ListEditorDialog
Make this dialog visible allowing the editing of the collection.
showDialog(Component, Component, String) - Static method in class gate.gui.OkCancelDialog
showDialog() - Method in class gate.gui.OptionsDialog
showDialog(Window) - Method in class gate.gui.persistence.XgappUpgradeSelector
showDialog(Component) - Method in class gate.gui.teamware.InputOutputAnnotationSetsDialog
Show the dialog.
showDialog(Component, String, Font) - Static method in class gate.swing.JFontChooser
showDialog(Window, String) - Method in class gate.swing.ResourceReferenceChooser
showDialog(String[]) - Method in class gate.swing.WaitDialog
Shows the window containing labels for the texts provided as attributes.
showDialog(Component[]) - Method in class gate.swing.WaitDialog
Shows the window containing the components provided as attributes.
showDialog(Component, String) - Method in class gate.swing.XJFileChooser
Overridden to make sure the shared MainFrame instance is used as a parent when no parent is specified
showDocumentAction - Variable in class gate.gui.AnnotationDiffGUI
ShowDocumentAction() - Constructor for class gate.gui.AnnotationDiffGUI.ShowDocumentAction
showDocumentBtn - Variable in class gate.gui.AnnotationDiffGUI
showHelpFrame(String, String) - Method in class gate.gui.MainFrame
showHighlight() - Method in class gate.gui.docview.AnnotationSetsView.HighlightMenuItem
showSplash() - Method in class gate.gui.Splash
Displays the splash screen centered in the owner's space or centered on the screen if no owner or owner not shown.
significantFeatures - Variable in class gate.gui.AnnotationDiffGUI
Similarity - Class in
Expert: Scoring API.
Similarity() - Constructor for class
SimpleAnnotation - Interface in gate
An Annotation is an arc in an AnnotationSet.
SimpleAnnotationSet - Interface in gate
A set of annotations on a document.
SimpleArraySet<T> - Class in gate.util
A specific *partial* implementation of the Set interface used for high performance and memory reduction on small sets.
SimpleArraySet() - Constructor for class gate.util.SimpleArraySet
SimpleCorpus - Interface in gate
Corpora are lists of Document.
SimpleDocument - Interface in gate
Represents the commonalities between all sorts of documents.
SimpleErrorHandler - Class in gate.xml
SimpleErrorHandler() - Constructor for class gate.xml.SimpleErrorHandler
SimpleErrorHandler constructor comment.
SimpleFeatureMap - Interface in gate
An attribute-value matrix.
SimpleFeatureMapImpl - Class in gate.util
Simple case of features.
SimpleFeatureMapImpl() - Constructor for class gate.util.SimpleFeatureMapImpl
SimpleMavenCache - Class in gate.util.maven
SimpleMavenCache(File...) - Constructor for class gate.util.maven.SimpleMavenCache
SimpleModelResolver - Class in gate.util.maven
SimpleModelResolver(RepositorySystem, RepositorySystemSession, List<RemoteRepository>) - Constructor for class gate.util.maven.SimpleModelResolver
Creates a model resolver to assist building of dependency POMs.
SimpleRelation - Class in gate.relations
A simple implementation for the Relation interface.
SimpleRelation(int, String, int[]) - Constructor for class gate.relations.SimpleRelation
You should never create instances of this class directly, you should create new relations via the appropriate methods of RelationSet.
SimpleSortedSet - Class in gate.util
The purpose of this Map is to combine the functionality found in TreeSet, especially first() and tailSet() with the hashcode driven map using native long as key to hold the annotations ordered by their offset.
SimpleSortedSet() - Constructor for class gate.util.SimpleSortedSet
the Contructor.
SINDHI - Static variable in interface gate.creole.ontology.OConstants
Language code used "sd"
SingleConcatenatedFileInputDialog - Class in gate.gui
A simple component that allows the user to select a trec web file and encoding
SingleConcatenatedFileInputDialog() - Constructor for class gate.gui.SingleConcatenatedFileInputDialog
SINHALESE - Static variable in interface gate.creole.ontology.OConstants
Language code used "si"
SISWATI - Static variable in interface gate.creole.ontology.OConstants
Language code used "ss"
SITE_CONFIG_PROPERTY_NAME - Static variable in interface gate.GateConstants
The name of the GATE site config system property
size() - Method in class gate.annotation.AnnotationSetImpl
The size of this set
size() - Method in class gate.corpora.CorpusImpl
size() - Method in class gate.corpora.CorpusImpl.VerboseList
size() - Method in class gate.corpora.DocumentContentImpl
The size of this content (e.g.
size() - Method in class gate.corpora.SerialCorpusImpl
size() - Method in interface gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.index.TermFreqVector
size() - Method in class gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.util.BitVector
Returns the number of bits in this vector.
size() - Method in class gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.util.PriorityQueue
Returns the number of elements currently stored in the PriorityQueue.
size() - Method in interface gate.DocumentContent
The size of this content (e.g.
size() - Method in class gate.gui.ParameterDisjunction
gets the number of parameters in this disjunction.
size() - Method in class gate.relations.RelationSet
The number of relations in this set.
size() - Method in interface gate.SimpleAnnotationSet
Get the size of (i.e.
size() - Method in class gate.util.ant.packager.GazetteerLists
ResourceCollection interface: returns the number of list files referenced by this definition.
size() - Method in class gate.util.RBTreeMap
Returns the number of key-value mappings in this map.
size() - Method in class gate.util.SimpleArraySet
size() - Method in class gate.util.SimpleSortedSet
skip(long) - Method in class gate.util.BomStrippingInputStreamReader
skipTo(int) - Method in class gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.index.FilterIndexReader.FilterTermDocs
skipTo(int) - Method in class gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.index.MultipleTermPositions
Describe skipTo method here.
skipTo(int) - Method in interface gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.index.TermDocs
Skips entries to the first beyond the current whose document number is greater than or equal to target.
skipTo(Term) - Method in class gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.index.TermEnum
Skips terms to the first beyond the current whose value is greater or equal to target.
skipTo(int) - Method in class
Skips to the first match beyond the current whose document number is greater than or equal to target.
SlashDevSlashNull() - Constructor for class gate.util.persistence.PersistenceManager.SlashDevSlashNull
sListener - Variable in class gate.creole.SerialController
A proxy for status events
sloppyFreq(int) - Method in class
Implemented as 1 / (distance + 1).
sloppyFreq(int) - Method in class
Computes the amount of a sloppy phrase match, based on an edit distance.
SLOVAK - Static variable in interface gate.creole.ontology.OConstants
Language code used "sk"
SLOVENIAN - Static variable in interface gate.creole.ontology.OConstants
Language code used "sl"
SMALL_GUI - Static variable in class gate.creole.ResourceData
This type indicates that the resource goes into the small area of GATE GUI
SmallButton(Action) - Constructor for class gate.gui.annedit.SearchAndAnnotatePanel.SmallButton
solButton - Variable in class gate.gui.docview.AnnotationEditor
SOMALI - Static variable in interface gate.creole.ontology.OConstants
Language code used "so"
SOME_VALUES_FROM_RESTRICTION - Static variable in interface gate.creole.ontology.OConstants
specifies that the value of y in the x rdf:type is owl:restriction and that it is a someValuesFrom restriction
SOME_VALUES_FROM_RESTRICTION_ADDED_EVENT - Static variable in interface gate.creole.ontology.OConstants
denotes the event when a new some_values_from_restriction is added
someFeaturesBtn - Variable in class gate.gui.AnnotationDiffGUI
SOMEVALUESFROM - Static variable in class gate.creole.ontology.OConstants.OWL
SomeValuesFromRestriction - Interface in gate.creole.ontology
A SomeValuesFromRestriction.
sorButton - Variable in class gate.gui.docview.AnnotationEditor
Sort - Class in
Encapsulates sort criteria for returned hits.
Sort() - Constructor for class
Sorts by computed relevance.
Sort(String) - Constructor for class
Sorts by the terms in field then by index order (document number).
Sort(String, boolean) - Constructor for class
Sorts possibly in reverse by the terms in field then by index order (document number).
Sort(String[]) - Constructor for class
Sorts in succession by the terms in each field.
Sort(SortField) - Constructor for class
Sorts by the criteria in the given SortField.
Sort(SortField[]) - Constructor for class
Sorts in succession by the criteria in each SortField.
sort() - Method in class gate.swing.XJTable.SortingModel
Sorts the table using the values in the specified column and sorting order.
sort() - Method in class gate.util.SimpleSortedSet
sort the offset's array in ascending way
SORT_EXEC_ORDER - Static variable in class gate.util.reporting.PRTimeReporter
This string constant when set as sort order indicates that the processing elements are sorted in the order of their execution.
SORT_TIME_TAKEN - Static variable in class gate.util.reporting.PRTimeReporter
This string constant when set as sort order indicates that the processing elements are sorted in the descending order of processing time taken by a particular element.
sortable - Variable in class gate.swing.XJTable
Should this table be sortable.
SortComparator - Class in
Abstract base class for sorting hits returned by a Query.
SortComparator() - Constructor for class
SortComparatorSource - Interface in
Expert: returns a comparator for sorting ScoreDocs.
sortedColumn - Variable in class gate.swing.XJTable
The column currently being sorted.
SortField - Class in
Stores information about how to sort documents by terms in an individual field.
SortField(String) - Constructor for class
Creates a sort by terms in the given field where the type of term value is determined dynamically (AUTO).
SortField(String, boolean) - Constructor for class
Creates a sort, possibly in reverse, by terms in the given field where the type of term value is determined dynamically (AUTO).
SortField(String, int) - Constructor for class
Creates a sort by terms in the given field with the type of term values explicitly given.
SortField(String, int, boolean) - Constructor for class
Creates a sort, possibly in reverse, by terms in the given field with the type of term values explicitly given.
SortField(String, Locale) - Constructor for class
Creates a sort by terms in the given field sorted according to the given locale.
SortField(String, Locale, boolean) - Constructor for class
Creates a sort, possibly in reverse, by terms in the given field sorted according to the given locale.
SortField(String, SortComparatorSource) - Constructor for class
Creates a sort with a custom comparison function.
SortField(String, SortComparatorSource, boolean) - Constructor for class
Creates a sort, possibly in reverse, with a custom comparison function.
sortingModel - Variable in class gate.swing.XJTable
SortingModel(TableModel) - Constructor for class gate.swing.XJTable.SortingModel
sortType() - Method in interface
Returns the type of sort.
sortValue(ScoreDoc) - Method in interface
Returns the value used to sort the given document.
sourceModel - Variable in class gate.swing.XJTable.SortingModel
sourceToTarget - Variable in class gate.swing.XJTable.SortingModel
The direct index
sourceToTarget(int) - Method in class gate.swing.XJTable.SortingModel
Converts an index from the source coordinates to the target ones.
sourceUrl - Variable in class gate.corpora.DocumentImpl
The source URL
sourceUrlEndOffset - Variable in class gate.corpora.DocumentImpl
The end of the range that the content comes from at the source URL (or null if none).
sourceUrlStartOffset - Variable in class gate.corpora.DocumentImpl
The start of the range that the content comes from at the source URL (or null if none).
SPACE_TOKEN_ANNOTATION_TYPE - Static variable in interface gate.creole.ANNIEConstants
SPANISH - Static variable in interface gate.creole.ontology.OConstants
Language code used "es"
specialConstructor - Variable in exception gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.analysis.standard.ParseException
This variable determines which constructor was used to create this object and thereby affects the semantics of the "getMessage" method (see below).
specialToken - Variable in class gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.analysis.standard.Token
This field is used to access special tokens that occur prior to this token, but after the immediately preceding regular (non-special) token.
splash - Variable in class gate.gui.MainFrame
Splash - Class in gate.gui
A splash screen.
Splash(Window, GraphicsConfiguration, JComponent) - Constructor for class gate.gui.Splash
Constructor from owner, GraphicsConfiguration and content.
Splash(Window, JComponent) - Constructor for class gate.gui.Splash
Splash(String) - Constructor for class gate.gui.Splash
Constructor from image.
Splash(JComponent) - Constructor for class gate.gui.Splash
Constructor from content.
Splash(Window, String) - Constructor for class gate.gui.Splash
Constructor from owner and image.
SpringUtilities - Class in gate.swing
A 1.4 file that provides utility methods for creating form- or grid-style layouts with SpringLayout.
SpringUtilities() - Constructor for class gate.swing.SpringUtilities
spurious - Variable in class gate.util.AnnotationDiffer
The number of spurious matches.
SPURIOUS_TYPE - Static variable in class gate.annotation.CorpusAnnotationDiff
A spurious type when annotations in response were not present in key.
SPURIOUS_TYPE - Static variable in class gate.util.AnnotationDiffer
Type for spurious pairings (where the response is not matching any key).
spuriousAnnotations - Variable in class gate.util.AnnotationDiffer
StackMouseListener() - Constructor for class gate.gui.docview.AnnotationStack.StackMouseListener
StandardTokenizer - Class in gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.analysis.standard
A grammar-based tokenizer constructed with JavaCC.
StandardTokenizer(Reader) - Constructor for class gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.analysis.standard.StandardTokenizer
Constructs a tokenizer for this Reader.
StandardTokenizer(CharStream) - Constructor for class gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.analysis.standard.StandardTokenizer
StandardTokenizer(StandardTokenizerTokenManager) - Constructor for class gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.analysis.standard.StandardTokenizer
StandardTokenizerConstants - Interface in gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.analysis.standard
StandardTokenizerTokenManager - Class in gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.analysis.standard
StandardTokenizerTokenManager(CharStream) - Constructor for class gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.analysis.standard.StandardTokenizerTokenManager
StandardTokenizerTokenManager(CharStream, int) - Constructor for class gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.analysis.standard.StandardTokenizerTokenManager
start - Variable in class gate.annotation.AnnotationImpl
The start node
START - Static variable in class gate.creole.annic.Parser
start - Variable in class gate.gui.LuceneDataStoreSearchGUI.QueryTextArea
offset of the first completion character
start(SimpleAnnotation) - Static method in class gate.Utils
Get the start offset of an annotation.
start(AnnotationSet) - Static method in class gate.Utils
Get the start offset of an annotation set.
start(SimpleDocument) - Static method in class gate.Utils
Get the start offset of a document (i.e.
START_OFFSET - Static variable in class gate.creole.annic.Parser
startBlinking() - Method in class gate.gui.TabBlinker
startCDATA(Augmentations) - Method in class gate.html.NekoHtmlDocumentHandler
startCDATA() - Method in class gate.xml.XmlDocumentHandler
This method is called when the SAX parser encounts a start of a CDATA section It works only if the XmlDocumentHandler implements a com.sun.parser.LexicalEventListener
startDocument() - Method in class gate.config.ConfigXmlHandler
Called when the SAX parser encounts the beginning of the XML document
startDocument() - Method in class gate.creole.CreoleXmlHandler
Called when the SAX parser encounts the beginning of the XML document
startDocument(XMLLocator, String, NamespaceContext, Augmentations) - Method in class gate.html.NekoHtmlDocumentHandler
startDocument() - Method in class gate.xml.XmlDocumentHandler
This method is called when the SAX parser encounts the beginning of the XML document.
startDocument() - Method in class gate.xml.XmlPositionCorrectionHandler
Initialization of variables on start of document parsing
startEditingTimer() - Method in class gate.gui.MainFrame.ResourcesTreeCellEditor
This is the original implementation from the super class with some changes (i.e.
startElement(String, String, String, Attributes) - Method in class gate.config.ConfigXmlHandler
Called when the SAX parser encounts the beginning of an XML element
startElement(String, String, String, Attributes) - Method in class gate.creole.CreoleXmlHandler
Called when the SAX parser encounts the beginning of an XML element
startElement(QName, XMLAttributes, Augmentations) - Method in class gate.html.NekoHtmlDocumentHandler
Called when the parser encounters the start of an HTML element.
startElement(String, String, String, Attributes) - Method in class gate.util.CreoleXmlUpperCaseFilter
Process the start of an element.
startElement(String, String, String, Attributes) - Method in class gate.xml.XmlDocumentHandler
startGeneralEntity(String, XMLResourceIdentifier, String, Augmentations) - Method in class gate.html.NekoHtmlDocumentHandler
startOffset() - Method in class gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.analysis.Token
Returns this Token's starting offset, the position of the first character corresponding to this token in the source text.
startOffset - Variable in class gate.creole.annic.Hit
Start OFfset of the found pattern
StartOffsetLeftAction(String, Icon, String, int) - Constructor for class gate.gui.docview.AnnotationEditor.StartOffsetLeftAction
StartOffsetRightAction(String, Icon, String, int) - Constructor for class gate.gui.docview.AnnotationEditor.StartOffsetRightAction
startParsedEntity(String) - Method in class gate.xml.XmlDocumentHandler
This method is called when the SAX parser encounts a parsed Entity It works only if the XmlDocumentHandler implements a com.sun.parser.LexicalEventListener
startPoint() - Static method in class gate.util.Benchmark
This returns the current system time.
startPoint(String) - Static method in class gate.util.Benchmark
Like Benchmark.startPoint() but also logs a message with the starting time if benchmarking is enabled.
startPos - Variable in class gate.gui.LogArea
Start position from the document.
startProcess(String[], File, OutputStream, OutputStream) - Method in class gate.util.ProcessManager
Sometimes you want to start an external process and pass data to it at different intervals.
STATEMENT - Static variable in class gate.creole.ontology.OConstants.RDF
staticPopupItems - Variable in class gate.gui.NameBearerHandle
A list of menu items that constitute the static part of the popup.
statisticsPane - Variable in class gate.gui.AnnotationDiffGUI
StatsCalculator - Class in gate.creole.annic.lucene
StatsCalculator() - Constructor for class gate.creole.annic.lucene.StatsCalculator
STATUS_ERROR - Static variable in class gate.Main
Status flag for error exit.
STATUS_NORMAL - Static variable in class gate.Main
Status flag for normal exit.
statusBar - Variable in class gate.gui.MainFrame
statusChanged(String) - Method in class gate.creole.AbstractController.InternalStatusListener
statusChanged(String) - Method in class gate.creole.AbstractProcessingResource.InternalStatusListener
statusChanged(String) - Method in interface gate.event.StatusListener
Calleed when there a new status message.
statusChanged(String) - Method in class gate.gui.MainFrame
statusChanged(String) - Method in class gate.gui.NameBearerHandle
statusChanged(String) - Method in class gate.gui.SerialControllerEditor.InternalStatusListener
statusLabel - Variable in class gate.gui.AnnotationDiffGUI
statusLabel - Variable in class gate.gui.docview.AnnotationListView
StatusListener - Interface in gate.event
This interface describes a listener that is interested in status events.
stopBlinking(int) - Method in class gate.gui.TabBlinker
stopCellEditing() - Method in class gate.gui.AlternatingTableCellEditor
stopCellEditing() - Method in class gate.gui.docview.AnnotationSetsView.SetsTableCellEditor
stopCellEditing() - Method in class gate.gui.FeaturesSchemaEditor.FeatureEditorRenderer
storageDir - Variable in class gate.persist.SerialDataStore
The directory used for the serialised classes.
storageUrl - Variable in class gate.util.persistence.DSPersistence
storageUrlString - Variable in class gate.util.persistence.DSPersistence
store(File) - Method in interface gate.creole.ontology.Ontology
not implemented any more, throws UnsupportedOperationException
store(File) - Method in interface gate.util.reporting.BenchmarkReportable
Organizes the log entries in report specific data structure.
store(File) - Method in class gate.util.reporting.DocTimeReporter
Stores GATE processing elements and the time taken by them in an in-memory data structure for report generation.
store(File) - Method in class gate.util.reporting.PRTimeReporter
Stores GATE processing elements and the time taken by them in an in-memory data structure for report generation.
storeAnnotations(String, AnnotationDiffer, Document, Document, Writer) - Method in class gate.util.CorpusBenchmarkTool
storeAnnotations(String, Set<Annotation>, Document, Writer) - Method in class gate.util.CorpusBenchmarkTool
storeSelectedTypes() - Method in class gate.gui.docview.AnnotationSetsView
Populates the AnnotationSetsView.visibleAnnotationTypes structure based on the current selection
strategiesList - Variable in class gate.creole.ConditionalSerialController
The list of running strategies for the member PRs.
strategiesList - Variable in class gate.util.persistence.ConditionalControllerPersistence
strategyBorder - Variable in class gate.gui.SerialControllerEditor
A border for the running strategy options box
strategyPanel - Variable in class gate.gui.SerialControllerEditor
A JPanel containing the running strategy options
STRING - Static variable in class
Sort using term values as Strings.
STRING - Static variable in class gate.creole.ontology.OConstants.XMLSchema
STRING_INDEX - Static variable in interface
Indicator for StringIndex values in the cache.
STRINGBUFFER_SIZE - Static variable in class gate.Gate
The default StringBuffer size, it seems that we need longer string than the StringBuffer class default because of the high number of buffer expansions
stringDifference(String, String) - Static method in class gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.util.StringHelper
Compares two strings, character by character, and returns the first position where the two strings differ from one another.
stringFor(Document, SimpleAnnotation) - Static method in class gate.Utils
Return the document text as a String corresponding to the annotation.
stringFor(Document, Long, Long) - Static method in class gate.Utils
Returns the document text between the provided offsets.
stringFor(Document, AnnotationSet) - Static method in class gate.Utils
Return the document text as a String covered by the given annotation set.
StringHelper - Class in gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.util
Methods for manipulating strings.
StringIndex(int[], String[]) - Constructor for class
Creates one of these objects
Strings - Class in gate.util
Some utilities for use with Strings.
Strings() - Constructor for class gate.util.Strings
stringToDate(String) - Static method in class gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.document.DateField
Converts a string-encoded date into a Date object.
stringToTime(String) - Static method in class gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.document.DateField
Converts a string-encoded date into a millisecond time.
stringValue() - Method in class gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.document.Field
The value of the field as a String, or null.
SUB_CLASS_ADDED_EVENT - Static variable in interface gate.creole.ontology.OConstants
denotes the addition of sub class event
SUB_CLASS_REMOVED_EVENT - Static variable in interface gate.creole.ontology.OConstants
denotes the removal of sub class event
SUB_PROPERTY_ADDED_EVENT - Static variable in interface gate.creole.ontology.OConstants
denotes the addition of sub property event
SUB_PROPERTY_REMOVED_EVENT - Static variable in interface gate.creole.ontology.OConstants
denotes the removal of sub property event
SUBCLASSOF - Static variable in class gate.creole.ontology.OConstants.RDFS
SUBJECT - Static variable in class gate.creole.ontology.OConstants.RDF
subList(int, int) - Method in class gate.corpora.CorpusImpl
subList(int, int) - Method in class gate.corpora.SerialCorpusImpl
persistent Corpus does not support this method as all the documents might no be in memory
subMap(Object, Object) - Method in class gate.util.RBTreeMap
Returns a view of the portion of this map whose keys range from fromKey, inclusive, to toKey, exclusive.
SUBPROPERTYOF - Static variable in class gate.creole.ontology.OConstants.RDFS
SubQueryParser - Class in gate.creole.annic.lucene
This class behaves as a helper class to the QueryParser and provides various methods which are called from various methods of QueryParser.
SubQueryParser() - Constructor for class gate.creole.annic.lucene.SubQueryParser
subsumes(FeatureMap) - Method in interface gate.FeatureMap
Tests if this featureMap object includes aFeatureMap features.
subsumes(Ontology, FeatureMap) - Method in interface gate.FeatureMap
Tests if this featureMap object includes aFeatureMap features.
subsumes(FeatureMap, Set<? extends Object>) - Method in interface gate.FeatureMap
Tests if this featureMap object includes aFeatureMap but only for the features present in the aFeatureNamesSet.
subsumes(FeatureMap) - Method in class gate.util.SimpleFeatureMapImpl
Test if this featureMap includes all features from aFeatureMap However, if aFeatureMap contains a feature whose value is equal to gate.creole.ANNIEConstants.LOOKUP_CLASS_FEATURE_NAME (which is normally "class"), then GATE will attempt to match that feature using an ontology which it will try to retreive from a feature in both the feature map through which this method is called and in aFeatureMap.
subsumes(Ontology, FeatureMap) - Method in class gate.util.SimpleFeatureMapImpl
Tests if this featureMap object includes aFeatureMap features.
subsumes(FeatureMap, Set<? extends Object>) - Method in class gate.util.SimpleFeatureMapImpl
Tests if this featureMap object includes aFeatureMap but only for the those features present in the aFeatureNamesSet.
subtype - Variable in class gate.corpora.MimeType
The subtype component
suffixes2mimeTypeMap - Static variable in class gate.DocumentFormat
Map of Set of file suffixes to MimeType.
suggest(Document) - Static method in class gate.util.persistence.UpgradeXGAPP
sumOfSquaredWeights() - Method in interface
The sum of squared weights of contained query clauses.
SUN_OS - Static variable in class gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.util.Constants
True iff running on SunOS.
SUNDANESE - Static variable in interface gate.creole.ontology.OConstants
Language code used "su"
supportList - Variable in class gate.corpora.CorpusImpl
The underlying list that holds the documents in this corpus.
supportsCancel() - Method in interface gate.creole.AnnotationVisualResource
Checks whether this editor supports the cancel option
supportsCancel() - Method in class gate.gui.docview.AnnotationEditor
Returns false, as this editor does not support cancel operations.
supportsRepositioning() - Method in class gate.corpora.NekoHtmlDocumentFormat
We support repositioning info for HTML files.
supportsRepositioning() - Method in class gate.corpora.TikaFormat
supportsRepositioning() - Method in class gate.corpora.XmlDocumentFormat
We could collect repositioning information during XML parsing
supportsRepositioning() - Method in class gate.DocumentFormat
If the document format could collect repositioning information during the unpack phase this method will return true.
suppressExceptions - Variable in class gate.creole.RealtimeCorpusController
SWAHILI - Static variable in interface gate.creole.ontology.OConstants
Language code used "sw"
SWEDISH - Static variable in interface gate.creole.ontology.OConstants
Language code used "sv"
swingDocListener - Variable in class gate.gui.docview.TextualDocumentView
SwingDocumentListener() - Constructor for class gate.gui.docview.TextualDocumentView.SwingDocumentListener
SwitchTo(int) - Method in class gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.analysis.standard.StandardTokenizerTokenManager
SYMMETRIC_PROPERTY - Static variable in interface gate.creole.ontology.OConstants
denotes the symmetric property.
SYMMETRIC_PROPERTY_ADDED_EVENT - Static variable in interface gate.creole.ontology.OConstants
denotes the event when a new symmetric property is added
SYMMETRICPROPERTY - Static variable in class gate.creole.ontology.OConstants.OWL
SymmetricProperty - Interface in gate.creole.ontology
Every SymmetricProperty is ObjectProperty.
sync() - Method in class gate.creole.AbstractLanguageResource
Save: synchonise the in-memory image of the LR with the persistent image.
sync(List<Document>, List<String>, List<Document>) - Method in interface
Reindexing changed documents, removing removed documents and add to the index new corpus documents.
sync(LanguageResource) - Method in interface gate.DataStore
Save: synchonise the in-memory image of the LR with the persistent image.
sync() - Method in interface gate.LanguageResource
Save: synchonise the in-memory image of the LR with the persistent image.
sync(LanguageResource) - Method in class gate.persist.LuceneDataStoreImpl
Save: synchonise the in-memory image of the LR with the persistent image.
sync(LanguageResource) - Method in class gate.persist.SerialDataStore
Save: synchonise the in-memory image of the LR with the persistent image.
SynchronisationException - Exception in gate.corpora
SynchronisationException() - Constructor for exception gate.corpora.SynchronisationException
Default construction
SynchronisationException(String) - Constructor for exception gate.corpora.SynchronisationException
Construction from string
SynchronisationException(Exception) - Constructor for exception gate.corpora.SynchronisationException
Construction from exception
Synset - Interface in gate.wordnet
Represents WordNet synset.


TabBlinker - Class in gate.gui
TabBlinker(JTabbedPane, Component, Color) - Constructor for class gate.gui.TabBlinker
TabHighlighter - Class in gate.gui
Highligts a tab in a JTabbedPane.
TabHighlighter(JTabbedPane, Component, Color) - Constructor for class gate.gui.TabHighlighter
table - Variable in class gate.gui.docview.AnnotationListView
tableChanged(TableModelEvent) - Method in class gate.swing.XJTable.SortingModel
This gets events from the source model and forwards them to the UI
tableChanged(TableModelEvent) - Method in class gate.swing.XJTable
Overridden for efficiency reasons (provides a better calculation of the dirty region).
tableModel - Variable in class gate.gui.docview.AnnotationListView
tableTabbedPane - Variable in class gate.gui.CorpusQualityAssurance
TAGALOG - Static variable in interface gate.creole.ontology.OConstants
Language code used "tl"
tailMap(K) - Method in class gate.util.RBTreeMap
Returns a view of the portion of this map whose keys are greater than or equal to fromKey.
tailSet(long) - Method in class gate.util.SimpleSortedSet
calculate the index of the first element in the offset's array that is equal or not greater then the given one
TAJIK - Static variable in interface gate.creole.ontology.OConstants
Language code used "tg"
TAMIL - Static variable in interface gate.creole.ontology.OConstants
Language code used "ta"
targetReinitialised() - Method in interface gate.VisualResource
Used by the main GUI to tell this VR that the object it's displaying has been reinitialised and so the VR may need to update it's display.
targetToSource - Variable in class gate.swing.XJTable.SortingModel
The reverse index.
targetToSource(int) - Method in class gate.swing.XJTable.SortingModel
Converts an index from the target coordinates to the source ones.
TATAR - Static variable in interface gate.creole.ontology.OConstants
Language code used "tt"
TeamwareUtils - Class in gate.gui.teamware
Class containing utility methods for GATE teamware.
TELUGU - Static variable in interface gate.creole.ontology.OConstants
Language code used "te"
term() - Method in class gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.index.FilterIndexReader.FilterTermEnum
Term - Class in gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.index
A Term represents a word from text.
Term(String, String) - Constructor for class gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.index.Term
Constructs a Term with the given field and text.
Term(String, String, String) - Constructor for class gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.index.Term
term() - Method in class gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.index.TermEnum
Returns the current Term in the enumeration.
Term - Class in gate.creole.annic
This class represents pairs NAME-VALUE
Term(String, String) - Constructor for class gate.creole.annic.Term
Constructor of the class.
Term - Class in
This class represents pairs NAME-VALUE
Term(String, String) - Constructor for class
Constructor of the class.
TERM_DOC_STATS - Static variable in class gate.util.Benchmark
termDocs() - Method in class gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.index.FilterIndexReader
termDocs(Term) - Method in class gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.index.IndexReader
Returns an enumeration of all the documents which contain term.
termDocs() - Method in class gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.index.IndexReader
Returns an unpositioned TermDocs enumerator.
termDocs() - Method in class gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.index.MultiReader
TermDocs - Interface in gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.index
TermDocs provides an interface for enumerating <document, frequency> pairs for a term.
TermEnum - Class in gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.index
Abstract class for enumerating terms.
TermEnum() - Constructor for class gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.index.TermEnum
TermFreqVector - Interface in gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.index
Provides access to stored term vector of a document field.
termPositions() - Method in class gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.index.FilterIndexReader
termPositions(Term) - Method in class gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.index.IndexReader
Returns an enumeration of all the documents which contain term.
termPositions() - Method in class gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.index.IndexReader
Returns an unpositioned TermPositions enumerator.
termPositions() - Method in class gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.index.MultiReader
TermPositions - Interface in gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.index
TermPositions provides an interface for enumerating the <document, frequency, <position>* > tuples for a term.
TermPositionVector - Interface in gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.index
Extends TermFreqVector to provide additional information about positions in which each of the terms is found.
TermQuery - Class in
A Query that matches documents containing a term.
TermQuery(Term) - Constructor for class
Constructs a query for the term t.
terms() - Method in class gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.index.FilterIndexReader
terms(Term) - Method in class gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.index.FilterIndexReader
terms() - Method in class gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.index.IndexReader
Returns an enumeration of all the terms in the index.
terms(Term) - Method in class gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.index.IndexReader
Returns an enumeration of all terms after a given term.
terms() - Method in class gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.index.MultiReader
terms(Term) - Method in class gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.index.MultiReader
termText() - Method in class gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.analysis.Token
Returns the Token's term text.
Text(String, String) - Static method in class gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.document.Field
Constructs a String-valued Field that is tokenized and indexed, and is stored in the index, for return with hits.
Text(String, String, boolean) - Static method in class gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.document.Field
Constructs a String-valued Field that is tokenized and indexed, and is stored in the index, for return with hits.
Text(String, Reader) - Static method in class gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.document.Field
Constructs a Reader-valued Field that is tokenized and indexed, but is not stored in the index verbatim.
Text(String, Reader, boolean) - Static method in class gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.document.Field
Constructs a Reader-valued Field that is tokenized and indexed, but is not stored in the index verbatim.
text() - Method in class gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.index.Term
Returns the text of this term.
TEXT - Static variable in class gate.creole.annic.Parser
TEXT XML Element
TEXT_COMPONENTS_FONT - Static variable in interface gate.GateConstants
The key for the font used for text components
TextAttributesChooser - Class in gate.gui
A dialog used to set the attributes for text display.
TextAttributesChooser(Frame, String, boolean) - Constructor for class gate.gui.TextAttributesChooser
TextAttributesChooser(Dialog, String, boolean) - Constructor for class gate.gui.TextAttributesChooser
TextAttributesChooser() - Constructor for class gate.gui.TextAttributesChooser
textBtn - Variable in class gate.gui.OptionsDialog
Radio button used to set the font for text components
textChangeListener - Variable in class gate.gui.docview.AnnotationSetsView
Listener for property changes on the text pane.
textComponentsFont - Variable in class gate.gui.OptionsDialog
The font to be used for text components; cached value for the one in the user config map.
textComponentsKeys - Static variable in class gate.gui.OptionsDialog
textDecl(String, String, Augmentations) - Method in class gate.html.NekoHtmlDocumentHandler
textForFeatureMap(FeatureMap) - Method in class gate.gui.ResourceParametersEditor
Get a string representation for a FeatureMap value.
textForList(Collection<?>) - Method in class gate.gui.ResourceParametersEditor
Gets a string representation for a list value
textMouseListener - Variable in class gate.gui.docview.AnnotationSetsView
The listener for mouse and mouse motion events in the text view.
TextMouseListener() - Constructor for class gate.gui.docview.AnnotationSetsView.TextMouseListener
TextMouseListener() - Constructor for class gate.gui.LuceneDataStoreSearchGUI.TextMouseListener
TextMouseListener(String) - Constructor for class gate.gui.LuceneDataStoreSearchGUI.TextMouseListener
TextPaneMouseListener() - Constructor for class gate.gui.docview.CorefEditor.TextPaneMouseListener
TextualDocument - Interface in gate
Top interface for all types of textual documents (transient or persistent).
TextualDocumentFormat - Class in gate.corpora
The format of Documents.
TextualDocumentFormat() - Constructor for class gate.corpora.TextualDocumentFormat
Default construction
TextualDocumentView - Class in gate.gui.docview
This class provides a central view for a textual document.
TextualDocumentView() - Constructor for class gate.gui.docview.TextualDocumentView
TextualDocumentView.GateDocumentListener - Class in gate.gui.docview
TextualDocumentView.HighlightData - Class in gate.gui.docview
TextualDocumentView.PermanentSelectionCaret - Class in gate.gui.docview
TextualDocumentView.SwingDocumentListener - Class in gate.gui.docview
TextualDocumentView.UpdateHighlightsAction - Class in gate.gui.docview
Blinks the blinking highlights if any.
textView - Variable in class gate.gui.docview.AnnotationListView
textView - Variable in class gate.gui.docview.TextualDocumentView
textWithNodes(TextualDocument, String) - Static method in class gate.corpora.DocumentXmlUtils
Returns the document's text interspersed with <Node> elements at all points where the document has an annotation beginning or ending.
tf(float) - Method in class
Implemented as sqrt(freq).
tf(int) - Method in class
Computes a score factor based on a term or phrase's frequency in a document.
tf(float) - Method in class
Computes a score factor based on a term or phrase's frequency in a document.
THAI - Static variable in interface gate.creole.ontology.OConstants
Language code used "th"
thisLogArea - Variable in class gate.gui.LogArea
Field needed in inner classes
threadDying - Variable in class gate.creole.RealtimeCorpusController
threadSource - Variable in class gate.creole.RealtimeCorpusController
An executor service used to execute the PRs over the document .
ThreadWarningSystem - Class in gate.util
ThreadWarningSystem() - Constructor for class gate.util.ThreadWarningSystem
Monitor only deadlocks.
ThreadWarningSystem(int) - Constructor for class gate.util.ThreadWarningSystem
Monitor deadlocks and the number of threads.
ThreadWarningSystem.Listener - Interface in gate.util
This is called whenever a problem with threads is detected.
thresholdExceeded(ThreadInfo[]) - Method in interface gate.util.ThreadWarningSystem.Listener
THROWEX_FORMAT_PROPERTY_NAME - Static variable in interface gate.GateConstants
Document property to set throw of exception on parsing format error
TIBETAN - Static variable in interface gate.creole.ontology.OConstants
Language code used "bo"
TickIcon - Class in gate.resources.img.svg
This class has been automatically generated using SVGRoundTrip.
TickIcon() - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.TickIcon
Creates a new transcoded SVG image.
TickIcon(boolean) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.TickIcon
TickIcon(Dimension) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.TickIcon
Creates a new transcoded SVG image with the given dimensions.
TickIcon(Dimension, boolean) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.TickIcon
TickIcon(int, int) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.TickIcon
TickIcon(int, int, boolean) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.TickIcon
TIGRINYA - Static variable in interface gate.creole.ontology.OConstants
Language code used "ti"
TikaFormat - Class in gate.corpora
TikaFormat() - Constructor for class gate.corpora.TikaFormat
TIME - Static variable in class gate.creole.ontology.OConstants.XMLSchema
timeMap - Variable in class gate.creole.RealtimeCorpusController
timeMap - Variable in class gate.creole.SerialController
timeout - Variable in class gate.creole.RealtimeCorpusController
The timeout in milliseconds before execution on a document is forcibly stopped (forcibly stopping execution may result in memory leaks and/or unexpected behaviour).
timer - Variable in class gate.gui.CorpusQualityAssurance
timerTask - Variable in class gate.gui.CorpusQualityAssurance
timeToString(long) - Static method in class gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.document.DateField
Converts a millisecond time to a string suitable for indexing.
TITLE_JAVA_PROPERTY_NAME - Static variable in interface gate.GateConstants
Property to set title of application from command line
toArray() - Method in class gate.corpora.CorpusImpl
toArray(T[]) - Method in class gate.corpora.CorpusImpl
toArray() - Method in class gate.corpora.SerialCorpusImpl
toArray(T[]) - Method in class gate.corpora.SerialCorpusImpl
toArray() - Method in class gate.relations.RelationSet
toArray(T[]) - Method in class gate.relations.RelationSet
toASCIIString() - Method in interface gate.creole.ontology.ONodeID
Return the node ID as a pure ASCII string.
toASCIIString() - Method in class gate.creole.ontology.URI
toDisplayString() - Method in interface gate.creole.ontology.ONodeID
Return the node ID as a unicode string.
toDisplayString() - Method in class gate.creole.ontology.URI
toExternalForm() - Method in class gate.creole.ResourceReference
toFeatureMap(Map<?, ?>) - Static method in class gate.Utils
Create a feature map from an existing map (typically one that does not itself implement FeatureMap).
ToggleSelectionABModel(JList) - Constructor for class gate.gui.CorpusQualityAssurance.ToggleSelectionABModel
ToggleSelectionModel() - Constructor for class gate.gui.CorpusQualityAssurance.ToggleSelectionModel
toHtml() - Method in class
Render an explanation as HTML.
toJson(Document, Map<String, Collection<Annotation>>) - Static method in class gate.corpora.DocumentJsonUtils
Convert a GATE document to JSON representation and return it as a string.
token - Variable in class gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.analysis.standard.StandardTokenizer
Token - Class in gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.analysis.standard
Describes the input token stream.
Token() - Constructor for class gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.analysis.standard.Token
Token - Class in gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.analysis
Token(String, int, int) - Constructor for class gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.analysis.Token
Constructs a Token with the given term text, and start & end offsets.
Token(String, int, int, String) - Constructor for class gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.analysis.Token
Constructs a Token with the given text, start and end offsets, & type.
TOKEN - Static variable in class gate.creole.ontology.OConstants.XMLSchema
TOKEN_ANNOTATION_TYPE - Static variable in interface gate.creole.ANNIEConstants
TOKEN_CATEGORY_FEATURE_NAME - Static variable in interface gate.creole.ANNIEConstants
TOKEN_KIND_FEATURE_NAME - Static variable in interface gate.creole.ANNIEConstants
TOKEN_LENGTH_FEATURE_NAME - Static variable in interface gate.creole.ANNIEConstants
TOKEN_ORTH_FEATURE_NAME - Static variable in interface gate.creole.ANNIEConstants
token_source - Variable in class gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.analysis.standard.StandardTokenizer
TOKEN_STRING_FEATURE_NAME - Static variable in interface gate.creole.ANNIEConstants
tokenImage - Variable in exception gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.analysis.standard.ParseException
This is a reference to the "tokenImage" array of the generated parser within which the parse error occurred.
tokenImage - Static variable in interface gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.analysis.standard.StandardTokenizerConstants
TokeniserIcon - Class in gate.resources.img.svg
This class has been automatically generated using SVGRoundTrip.
TokeniserIcon() - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.TokeniserIcon
Creates a new transcoded SVG image.
TokeniserIcon(boolean) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.TokeniserIcon
TokeniserIcon(Dimension) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.TokeniserIcon
Creates a new transcoded SVG image with the given dimensions.
TokeniserIcon(Dimension, boolean) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.TokeniserIcon
TokeniserIcon(int, int) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.TokeniserIcon
TokeniserIcon(int, int, boolean) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.TokeniserIcon
Tokenizer - Class in gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.analysis
A Tokenizer is a TokenStream whose input is a Reader.
Tokenizer() - Constructor for class gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.analysis.Tokenizer
Construct a tokenizer with null input.
Tokenizer(Reader) - Constructor for class gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.analysis.Tokenizer
Construct a token stream processing the given input.
TokenMgrError - Error in gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.analysis.standard
TokenMgrError() - Constructor for error gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.analysis.standard.TokenMgrError
TokenMgrError(String, int) - Constructor for error gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.analysis.standard.TokenMgrError
TokenMgrError(boolean, int, int, int, String, char, int) - Constructor for error gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.analysis.standard.TokenMgrError
tokenStream(String, Reader) - Method in class gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.analysis.Analyzer
Creates a TokenStream which tokenizes all the text in the provided Reader.
tokenStream(Reader) - Method in class gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.analysis.Analyzer
use tokenStream(String, Reader) instead.
TokenStream - Class in gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.analysis
A TokenStream enumerates the sequence of tokens, either from fields of a document or from query text.
TokenStream() - Constructor for class gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.analysis.TokenStream
tokenStream(String, Reader) - Method in class gate.creole.annic.lucene.LuceneAnalyzer
Each analyzer is required to provide implementation of this method.
toMap(String) - Static method in class gate.util.Strings
Get back a Map of String*String from its String representation.
TONGA - Static variable in interface gate.creole.ontology.OConstants
Language code used "to"
tool - Variable in class gate.creole.ResourceData
Tool flag
toolbar - Variable in class gate.gui.CorpusEditor
toolbar - Variable in class gate.gui.MainFrame
TOOLBAR_TEXT - Static variable in interface gate.GateConstants
The toolbar text option name
Tools - Class in gate.util
Tools() - Constructor for class gate.util.Tools
tooltip - Variable in enum gate.util.persistence.UpgradeXGAPP.UpgradePath.UpgradeStrategy
toolTypes - Variable in class gate.creole.CreoleRegisterImpl
A list of the types of TOOL in the register.
TooManyClauses() - Constructor for exception
top() - Method in class gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.util.PriorityQueue
Returns the least element of the PriorityQueue in constant time.
topBar - Variable in class gate.gui.docview.DocumentEditor
TopDocs - Class in
Expert: Returned by low-level search implementations.
TopFieldDocs - Class in
Expert: Returned by low-level sorted search implementations.
topSplit - Variable in class gate.gui.docview.DocumentEditor
topViewIdx - Variable in class gate.gui.docview.DocumentEditor
The index in DocumentEditor.horizontalViews of the currently active top view.
toResourceName(String) - Static method in class gate.creole.ontology.OUtils
Converts a string to a form suitable for use as a resource name by the Ontology.createOURIForName(java.lang.String) method.
toSet(String, String) - Static method in class gate.util.Strings
Get back a Set of String from its String representation.
toString() - Method in class gate.annotation.AnnotationImpl
String representation of hte annotation
toString() - Method in class gate.annotation.NodeImpl
String representation
toString() - Method in class gate.corpora.DocumentContentImpl
Returns the String representing the content in case of a textual document.
toString() - Method in class gate.corpora.DocumentData
toString() - Method in class gate.corpora.DocumentImpl
String respresentation
toString() - Method in class gate.corpora.MimeType
toString() - Method in class gate.corpora.ObjectWrapper
Produces an XML serialisation of this ObjectWrapper instance, that can be deserialised by using the ObjectWrapper.ObjectWrapper(String) constructor.
toString() - Method in class gate.corpora.RepositioningInfo.PositionInfo
For debug purposes
toString() - Method in class gate.corpora.SerialCorpusImpl
toString() - Method in class gate.creole.AbstractResource
toString() - Method in class gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.analysis.standard.Token
Returns the image.
toString() - Method in class gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.document.Document
Prints the fields of a document for human consumption.
toString() - Method in class gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.document.Field
Prints a Field for human consumption.
toString() - Method in class gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.index.Term
toString(String) - Method in class
Prints a user-readable version of this query.
toString() - Method in class
Render an explanation as text.
toString(String) - Method in class
Prints a user-readable version of this query.
toString(String) - Method in class
Prints a query to a string, with field as the default field for terms.
toString() - Method in class
Prints a query to a string.
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString(String) - Method in class
Prints a user-readable version of this query.
toString() - Method in class
For debug output.
toString() - Method in class gate.creole.ontology.Literal
This method always returns the string representation of the literal value in the same way as getValue().
toString() - Method in interface gate.creole.ontology.LiteralOrONodeID
toString() - Method in interface gate.creole.ontology.ONodeID
Return the node ID as the string from which the ID was originally created.
toString() - Method in interface gate.creole.ontology.OValue
toString() - Method in interface gate.creole.ontology.Triple
Return a printable representation of the triple, this may be implementation dependent but should ideally adhere to Turtle syntax.
toString() - Method in class gate.creole.ontology.URI
Returns the string representation of the uri.
toString() - Method in class gate.creole.Parameter
String representation
toString() - Method in class gate.creole.ParameterList
String representation
toString() - Method in class gate.creole.Plugin
toString() - Method in class gate.creole.ResourceData
String representation
toString() - Method in class gate.creole.ResourceReference
toString() - Method in class gate.Gate.ResourceInfo
toString() - Method in class gate.gui.NameBearerHandle
toString() - Method in class gate.gui.OptionsDialog.LNFData
toString() - Method in class gate.gui.persistence.XgappUpgradeSelector.PluginCoordinates
toString() - Method in class gate.persist.SerialDataStore
String representation
toString() - Method in class gate.relations.RelationSet
toString() - Method in class gate.relations.SimpleRelation
toString() - Method in class gate.util.ExtensionFileFilter
toString() - Method in class gate.util.GateClassLoader
toString() - Method in class gate.util.Pair
toString() - Method in class gate.util.persistence.PersistenceManager.RRPersistence
toString() - Method in class gate.util.persistence.UpgradeXGAPP.UpgradePath
toString() - Method in enum gate.util.persistence.UpgradeXGAPP.UpgradePath.UpgradeStrategy
toString(Object) - Static method in class gate.util.Strings
Convert about any object to a human readable string.
Use Arrays.deepToString(Object[]) to convert an array or a collection.
toString(LinkedHashSet<String>) - Static method in class gate.util.Strings
Create a String representation of a Set of String with the format [value, value].
toString(Map<String, String>) - Static method in class gate.util.Strings
Create a String representation of a Map of String*String with the format {key=value, key=value}.
totalComparator - Variable in class gate.gui.CorpusQualityAssurance
totalHits - Variable in class
Expert: The total number of hits for the query.
toTurtle() - Method in class gate.creole.ontology.Literal
The representation of the literal in Turtle language (see Note that datatype URIs for typed literals will always be represented as full URIs and not use the xsd namespace.
toTurtle() - Method in interface gate.creole.ontology.LiteralOrONodeID
Create a String representation that conforms to Turtle language syntax.
toTurtle() - Method in interface gate.creole.ontology.ONodeID
Return a representation of the node that conforms to Turtle syntax.
toTurtle() - Method in interface gate.creole.ontology.OValue
Create a String representation that conforms to Turtle language syntax.
toTurtle() - Method in interface gate.creole.ontology.Triple
Return the Turtle representation of the triple
toTurtle() - Method in class gate.creole.ontology.URI
touchFile(String) - Method in class
Set the modified time of an existing file to now.
touchFile(String) - Method in class
Set the modified time of an existing file to now.
touchFile(String) - Method in class
Set the modified time of an existing file to now.
toURI() - Method in class gate.creole.ResourceReference
toURL() - Method in class gate.creole.ResourceReference
Creates a URL instance that can be used to access the underlying resource.
toXml(Set<Annotation>) - Method in class gate.corpora.DocumentImpl
Returns an XML document aming to preserve the original markups( the original markup will be in the same place and format as it was before processing the document) and include (if possible) the annotations specified in the aSourceAnnotationSet.
toXml(Set<Annotation>, boolean) - Method in class gate.corpora.DocumentImpl
Returns an XML document aming to preserve the original markups( the original markup will be in the same place and format as it was before processing the document) and include (if possible) the annotations specified in the aSourceAnnotationSet.
toXml() - Method in class gate.corpora.DocumentImpl
Returns a GateXml document that is a custom XML format for wich there is a reader inside GATE called gate.xml.GateFormatXmlHandler.
toXml(Document) - Static method in class gate.corpora.DocumentStaxUtils
Returns a string containing the specified document in GATE XML format.
toXml(TextualDocument) - Static method in class gate.corpora.DocumentXmlUtils
Returns a GateXml document that is a custom XML format for wich there is a reader inside GATE called gate.xml.GateFormatXmlHandler.
toXML(Hit[]) - Static method in class gate.creole.annic.Parser
Given an array of instances of Hit, this method returns an xml representation of the Hit
toXml() - Method in interface gate.Document
Returns a GateXml document.
toXml(Set<Annotation>, boolean) - Method in interface gate.Document
Returns an XML document aming to preserve the original markups( the original markup will be in the same place and format as it was before processing the document) and include (if possible) the annotations specified in the aSourceAnnotationSet.
toXml(Set<Annotation>) - Method in interface gate.Document
Equivalent to toXml(aSourceAnnotationSet, true).
toXSchema() - Method in class gate.creole.AnnotationSchema
toXSchema(Map<Class<?>, String>) - Method in class gate.creole.FeatureSchema
This method transforms a feature to its XSchema representation.
transationStarted() - Method in interface gate.creole.ontology.Ontology
transferCorrupted(TransferEvent) - Method in class gate.creole.Plugin.Maven
transferCorrupted(TransferEvent) - Method in class gate.util.maven.LoggingTransferListener
transferFailed(TransferEvent) - Method in class gate.creole.Plugin.Maven
transferFailed(TransferEvent) - Method in class gate.util.maven.LoggingTransferListener
transferInitiated(TransferEvent) - Method in class gate.creole.Plugin.Maven
transferInitiated(TransferEvent) - Method in class gate.util.maven.LoggingTransferListener
transferProgressed(TransferEvent) - Method in class gate.creole.Plugin.Maven
transferProgressed(TransferEvent) - Method in class gate.util.maven.LoggingTransferListener
transferStarted(TransferEvent) - Method in class gate.creole.Plugin.Maven
transferStarted(TransferEvent) - Method in class gate.util.maven.LoggingTransferListener
transferSucceeded(TransferEvent) - Method in class gate.creole.Plugin.Maven
transferSucceeded(TransferEvent) - Method in class gate.util.maven.LoggingTransferListener
TRANSITIVE_CLOSURE - Static variable in interface gate.creole.ontology.OConstants
use OConstants.Closure instead.
TRANSITIVE_PROPERTY - Static variable in interface gate.creole.ontology.OConstants
denotes the transitive property.
transitiveClosure(RelationSet, String, int) - Static method in class gate.relations.RelationsUtils
Computes the transitive closure for symmetric transitive relations (such as co-reference).
TRANSITIVEPROPERTY - Static variable in class gate.creole.ontology.OConstants.OWL
TransitiveProperty - Interface in gate.creole.ontology
Interface for transitive properties.
TRANSTIVE_PROPERTY_ADDED_EVENT - Static variable in interface gate.creole.ontology.OConstants
denotes the event when a new transitive property is added
tree - Variable in class gate.swing.JTreeTable
The tree used to render the first column
treeSelectViewChk - Variable in class gate.gui.OptionsDialog
TreeTableCellRenderer() - Constructor for class gate.swing.JTreeTable.TreeTableCellRenderer
treeTableModel - Variable in class gate.swing.JTreeTable
The model for this component
TreeTableModel - Interface in gate.swing
TreeTableModel is the model used by a JTreeTable.
treeWillCollapse(TreeExpansionEvent) - Method in class gate.swing.ResourceReferenceChooser
treeWillExpand(TreeExpansionEvent) - Method in class gate.swing.ResourceReferenceChooser
Triple - Interface in gate.creole.ontology
A Triple represents an RDF Triple from the underlying triple store and consists of a subject, predicate and object.
tripleAdded(ONodeID, OURI, ONodeID) - Method in interface gate.creole.ontology.OntologyTripleStoreListener
tripleAdded(ONodeID, OURI, Literal) - Method in interface gate.creole.ontology.OntologyTripleStoreListener
tripleRemoved(ONodeID, OURI, ONodeID) - Method in interface gate.creole.ontology.OntologyTripleStoreListener
tripleRemoved(ONodeID, OURI, Literal) - Method in interface gate.creole.ontology.OntologyTripleStoreListener
TSONGA - Static variable in interface gate.creole.ontology.OConstants
Language code used "ts"
TURKISH - Static variable in interface gate.creole.ontology.OConstants
Language code used "tr"
TURKMEN - Static variable in interface gate.creole.ontology.OConstants
Language code used "tk"
TWI - Static variable in interface gate.creole.ontology.OConstants
Language code used "tw"
type - Variable in class gate.corpora.MimeType
The type component
type() - Method in class gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.analysis.Token
Returns this Token's lexical type.
type() - Method in class gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.index.Term
TYPE - Static variable in class gate.creole.annic.Parser
TYPE XML Element
TYPE - Static variable in class gate.creole.ontology.OConstants.RDF
type - Variable in class gate.event.GateEvent
type - Variable in class gate.relations.SimpleRelation
typeCheck - Variable in class gate.gui.CorpusQualityAssurance
typeChk - Variable in class gate.gui.docview.AnnotationSetsView.SetsTableCellRenderer
typeCombo - Variable in class gate.gui.docview.AnnotationEditor
Combobox for annotation type.
typeLabel - Variable in class gate.gui.docview.AnnotationSetsView.SetsTableCellRenderer
typeList - Variable in class gate.gui.CorpusQualityAssurance
types - Variable in class gate.gui.CorpusQualityAssurance
typesSelected - Variable in class gate.gui.CorpusQualityAssurance


UIGHUR - Static variable in interface gate.creole.ontology.OConstants
Language code used "ug"
UimaDocumentFormat - Class in gate.corpora
UIMA XCAS and XMICAS document formats.
UimaDocumentFormat() - Constructor for class gate.corpora.UimaDocumentFormat
UKRAINIAN - Static variable in interface gate.creole.ontology.OConstants
Language code used "uk"
UnconditionalRunningStrategy(ProcessingResource, boolean) - Constructor for class gate.creole.RunningStrategy.UnconditionalRunningStrategy
UnconditionalRunningStrategyPersistence - Class in gate.util.persistence
UnconditionalRunningStrategyPersistence() - Constructor for class gate.util.persistence.UnconditionalRunningStrategyPersistence
undeleteAll() - Method in class gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.index.IndexReader
Undeletes all documents currently marked as deleted in this index.
undo - Variable in class gate.gui.LuceneDataStoreSearchGUI.QueryTextArea
undoAction - Variable in class gate.gui.LuceneDataStoreSearchGUI.QueryTextArea
undoAnnotateAllMatchesAction - Variable in class gate.gui.annedit.SearchAndAnnotatePanel
UndoAnnotateAllMatchesAction() - Constructor for class gate.gui.annedit.SearchAndAnnotatePanel.UndoAnnotateAllMatchesAction
unescape(String) - Static method in class gate.util.Strings
A method to unescape Java strings, returning a string containing escape sequences into the respective character.
UnIndexed(String, String) - Static method in class gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.document.Field
Constructs a String-valued Field that is not tokenized nor indexed, but is stored in the index, for return with hits.
UNIONOF - Static variable in class gate.creole.ontology.OConstants.OWL
unloadDocument(Document) - Method in class gate.corpora.CorpusImpl
This method does not make sense for transient corpora, so it does nothing.
unloadDocument(int, boolean) - Method in class gate.corpora.SerialCorpusImpl
Unloads a document from memory.
unloadDocument(Document, boolean) - Method in class gate.corpora.SerialCorpusImpl
Unloads a document from memory
unloadDocument(Document) - Method in class gate.corpora.SerialCorpusImpl
Unloads a document from memory, calling sync() first, to store the changes.
unloadDocument(int) - Method in class gate.corpora.SerialCorpusImpl
Unloads the document from memory, calling sync() first, to store the changes.
unloadDocument(Document) - Method in interface gate.Corpus
Unloads the document from memory.
unloadPRs() - Method in class gate.util.CorpusBenchmarkTool
unlock(Directory) - Static method in class gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.index.IndexReader
Forcibly unlocks the index in the named directory.
unlockGUI() - Static method in class gate.gui.MainFrame
unlockLr(LanguageResource) - Method in interface gate.DataStore
Releases the exlusive lock on a resource from the persistent store.
unlockLr(LanguageResource) - Method in class gate.persist.SerialDataStore
Releases the exlusive lock on a resource from the persistent store.
unmodifiableInstantiationStack - Variable in class gate.creole.ResourceData
Unmodifiable view of the instantiation stack, returned by getInstantiations to ensure that the only way to modify the list is through the add/removeInstantiation methods of this class.
unpackMarkup(Document) - Method in class gate.corpora.ConllDocumentFormat
unpackMarkup(Document) - Method in class gate.corpora.EmailDocumentFormat
Unpack the markup in the document.
unpackMarkup(Document) - Method in class gate.corpora.NekoHtmlDocumentFormat
Old-style unpackMarkup, without repositioning info.
unpackMarkup(Document, RepositioningInfo, RepositioningInfo) - Method in class gate.corpora.NekoHtmlDocumentFormat
Unpack the markup in the document.
unpackMarkup(Document) - Method in class gate.corpora.SgmlDocumentFormat
Unpack the markup in the document.
unpackMarkup(Document) - Method in class gate.corpora.TextualDocumentFormat
Unpack the markup in the document.
unpackMarkup(Document, RepositioningInfo, RepositioningInfo) - Method in class gate.corpora.TextualDocumentFormat
unpackMarkup(Document) - Method in class gate.corpora.TikaFormat
unpackMarkup(Document, RepositioningInfo, RepositioningInfo) - Method in class gate.corpora.TikaFormat
unpackMarkup(Document, RepositioningInfo, RepositioningInfo) - Method in class gate.corpora.UimaDocumentFormat
unpackMarkup(Document) - Method in class gate.corpora.XmlDocumentFormat
Old style of unpackMarkup (without collecting of RepositioningInfo)
unpackMarkup(Document, RepositioningInfo, RepositioningInfo) - Method in class gate.corpora.XmlDocumentFormat
Unpack the markup in the document.
unpackMarkup(Document) - Method in class gate.DocumentFormat
Unpack the markup in the document.
unpackMarkup(Document, RepositioningInfo, RepositioningInfo) - Method in class gate.DocumentFormat
unpackMarkup(Document, String) - Method in class gate.DocumentFormat
Unpack the markup in the document.
unpackPersistentRepresentation(URI, String) - Static method in class gate.util.persistence.PersistenceManager.URLHolder
unregisterHooks() - Method in class gate.gui.docview.AbstractDocumentView
This method will be called whenever this view becomes inactive.
unregisterHooks() - Method in class gate.gui.docview.AnnotationListView
unregisterHooks() - Method in class gate.gui.docview.AnnotationSetsView
This method will be called whenever this view becomes inactive.
unregisterHooks() - Method in class gate.gui.docview.AnnotationStackView
unregisterHooks() - Method in class gate.gui.docview.CorefEditor
unregisterHooks() - Method in class gate.gui.docview.TextualDocumentView
unregisterIREngine(String) - Static method in class gate.Gate
Unregisters a previously registered IR engine.
unregisterPlugin(Plugin) - Method in class gate.creole.CreoleRegisterImpl
unregisterPlugin(Plugin) - Method in interface gate.CreoleRegister
unsavedChanges() - Method in class gate.gui.creole.manager.AvailablePlugins
UNSIGNED_BYTE - Static variable in class gate.creole.ontology.OConstants.XMLSchema
UNSIGNED_INT - Static variable in class gate.creole.ontology.OConstants.XMLSchema
UNSIGNED_LONG - Static variable in class gate.creole.ontology.OConstants.XMLSchema
UNSIGNED_SHORT - Static variable in class gate.creole.ontology.OConstants.XMLSchema
UnStored(String, String) - Static method in class gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.document.Field
Constructs a String-valued Field that is tokenized and indexed, but that is not stored in the index.
UnStored(String, String, boolean) - Static method in class gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.document.Field
Constructs a String-valued Field that is tokenized and indexed, but that is not stored in the index.
updateAnnotationSetsList() - Method in class gate.gui.LuceneDataStoreSearchGUI
updateAnnotationTypesList() - Method in class gate.gui.LuceneDataStoreSearchGUI
updateAvailablePlugins(Plugin.DownloadListener) - Method in class gate.gui.creole.manager.AvailablePlugins
updateBar(JToolBar) - Method in class gate.gui.docview.DocumentEditor
Updates the selected state of the buttons on one of the toolbars.
updateBlinkingHighlights() - Method in class gate.gui.docview.TextualDocumentView.UpdateHighlightsAction
updateData() - Method in class gate.gui.TextAttributesChooser
Updates all the GUI components to show the values in the current attribute set.
updateFont() - Method in class gate.swing.JFontChooser
UpdateHighlightsAction() - Constructor for class gate.gui.docview.TextualDocumentView.UpdateHighlightsAction
updateNormalHighlights() - Method in class gate.gui.docview.TextualDocumentView.UpdateHighlightsAction
updatePathForURL(URL, URL, boolean) - Method in class gate.util.ant.packager.GappModel
Update the modelled content of the GAPP file to replace any relative paths referring to originalURL with those pointing to newURL.
updateSample() - Method in class gate.gui.TextAttributesChooser
Updates the sample text with the current attributes.
updateSelected() - Method in class gate.gui.docview.DocumentEditor.ViewButton
updateSetList() - Method in class gate.gui.CorpusQualityAssurance
updateSetsTypesAndFeatures() - Method in class gate.gui.LuceneDataStoreSearchGUI
UpdatesIcon - Class in gate.resources.img.svg
This class has been automatically generated using SVGRoundTrip.
UpdatesIcon() - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.UpdatesIcon
Creates a new transcoded SVG image.
UpdatesIcon(boolean) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.UpdatesIcon
UpdatesIcon(Dimension) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.UpdatesIcon
Creates a new transcoded SVG image with the given dimensions.
UpdatesIcon(Dimension, boolean) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.UpdatesIcon
UpdatesIcon(int, int) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.UpdatesIcon
UpdatesIcon(int, int, boolean) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.UpdatesIcon
UpdateSiteIcon - Class in gate.resources.img.svg
This class has been automatically generated using SVGRoundTrip.
UpdateSiteIcon() - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.UpdateSiteIcon
Creates a new transcoded SVG image.
UpdateSiteIcon(boolean) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.UpdateSiteIcon
UpdateSiteIcon(Dimension) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.UpdateSiteIcon
Creates a new transcoded SVG image with the given dimensions.
UpdateSiteIcon(Dimension, boolean) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.UpdateSiteIcon
UpdateSiteIcon(int, int) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.UpdateSiteIcon
UpdateSiteIcon(int, int, boolean) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.UpdateSiteIcon
updateSplitLocation(JSplitPane, int) - Method in class gate.gui.docview.DocumentEditor
TODO: to remove? doesn't seems to be used anywhere.
updateStackView() - Method in class gate.gui.docview.AnnotationStackView
updateStackView() - Method in class gate.gui.LuceneDataStoreSearchGUI
Updates the annotation stack in the central view.
updateStatistics(AnnotationDiffer, String) - Method in class gate.util.CorpusBenchmarkTool
updateStatisticsProc(AnnotationDiffer, String) - Method in class gate.util.CorpusBenchmarkTool
Update statistics for processed documents The same procedure as updateStatistics with different hashTables
updateStyle() - Method in class gate.swing.XJTextPane
updateValues(Resource) - Method in class gate.gui.ParameterDisjunction
Called when a resource has been unloaded from the system; If any of the parameters has this resource as value then the value will be deleted.
updateViews() - Method in class gate.gui.LuceneDataStoreSearchGUI
Update the result table and center view according to the result of the search contained in searcher.
updateXmlElement(BufferedReader, String, Map<String, String>) - Static method in class gate.util.Files
This method updates an XML element with a new set of attributes.
updateXmlElement(File, String, Map<String, String>) - Static method in class gate.util.Files
This method updates an XML element in an XML file with a new set of attributes.
upgrade(Document, List<UpgradeXGAPP.UpgradePath>) - Static method in class gate.util.persistence.UpgradeXGAPP
UpgradeAction() - Constructor for class gate.util.persistence.UpgradeXGAPP.UpgradeAction
UpgradePath(Element, String, String, String, VersionRangeResult, Version, Version) - Constructor for class gate.util.persistence.UpgradeXGAPP.UpgradePath
upgradePlugin - Variable in enum gate.util.persistence.UpgradeXGAPP.UpgradePath.UpgradeStrategy
upgradeResources - Variable in enum gate.util.persistence.UpgradeXGAPP.UpgradePath.UpgradeStrategy
UpgradeStrategyEditor() - Constructor for class gate.gui.persistence.XgappUpgradeSelector.UpgradeStrategyEditor
UpgradeStrategyRenderer() - Constructor for class gate.gui.persistence.XgappUpgradeSelector.UpgradeStrategyRenderer
UpgradeVersionEditor() - Constructor for class gate.gui.persistence.XgappUpgradeSelector.UpgradeVersionEditor
UpgradeXGAPP - Class in gate.util.persistence
UpgradeXGAPP() - Constructor for class gate.util.persistence.UpgradeXGAPP
UpgradeXGAPP.UpgradeAction - Class in gate.util.persistence
UpgradeXGAPP.UpgradePath - Class in gate.util.persistence
UpgradeXGAPP.UpgradePath.UpgradeStrategy - Enum in gate.util.persistence
UpIcon - Class in gate.resources.img.svg
This class has been automatically generated using SVGRoundTrip.
UpIcon() - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.UpIcon
Creates a new transcoded SVG image.
UpIcon(boolean) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.UpIcon
UpIcon(Dimension) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.UpIcon
Creates a new transcoded SVG image with the given dimensions.
UpIcon(Dimension, boolean) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.UpIcon
UpIcon(int, int) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.UpIcon
UpIcon(int, int, boolean) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.UpIcon
URDU - Static variable in interface gate.creole.ontology.OConstants
Language code used "ur"
URI - Class in gate.creole.ontology
Use OURI objects and the Ontology factory methods for creating them instead.
URI(String, boolean) - Constructor for class gate.creole.ontology.URI
uri - Variable in class gate.creole.ontology.URI
String representation of the URI
URI - Static variable in class gate.Gate
The GATE URI used to interpret custom GATE tags
uriDecode(String) - Static method in class gate.creole.ontology.OUtils
Convert a URI reference (URI or URI fragment), in US-ASCII, with escaped characters taken from UTF-8, to the corresponding Unicode string.
uriEncode(String) - Static method in class gate.creole.ontology.OUtils
Convert a Unicode string (which is assumed to represent a URI or URI fragment) to an RFC 2396-compliant URI reference by first converting it to bytes in UTF-8 and then encoding the resulting bytes as specified by the RFC.
url - Variable in class gate.creole.PackagedController
URLHolder() - Constructor for class gate.util.persistence.PersistenceManager.URLHolder
usage() - Static method in class gate.Main
Display a usage message
usage() - Static method in class gate.util.reporting.DocTimeReporter
Display a usage message
usage() - Static method in class gate.util.reporting.PRTimeReporter
Display a usage message
USER_CONFIG_PROPERTY_NAME - Static variable in interface gate.GateConstants
The name of the GATE user config system property
userConfig - Variable in class gate.gui.CorpusQualityAssurance
userData - Variable in class gate.relations.SimpleRelation
userHasPressedCancel - Variable in class gate.gui.OkCancelDialog
userHasPressedOK - Variable in class gate.gui.OkCancelDialog
userHome - Static variable in class gate.util.maven.Utils
userMavenConfigurationHome - Static variable in class gate.util.maven.Utils
UserPluginIcon - Class in gate.resources.img.svg
This class has been automatically generated using SVGRoundTrip.
UserPluginIcon() - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.UserPluginIcon
Creates a new transcoded SVG image.
UserPluginIcon(boolean) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.UserPluginIcon
UserPluginIcon(Dimension) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.UserPluginIcon
Creates a new transcoded SVG image with the given dimensions.
UserPluginIcon(Dimension, boolean) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.UserPluginIcon
UserPluginIcon(int, int) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.UserPluginIcon
UserPluginIcon(int, int, boolean) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.UserPluginIcon
userSessionFile - Static variable in class gate.Gate
The user session file to use.
UTF8PrintStream(OutputStream) - Constructor for class gate.gui.LogArea.UTF8PrintStream
UTF8PrintStream(OutputStream, boolean) - Constructor for class gate.gui.LogArea.UTF8PrintStream
UTF8PrintWriter(OutputStream) - Constructor for class gate.gui.LogArea.UTF8PrintWriter
UTF8PrintWriter(OutputStream, boolean) - Constructor for class gate.gui.LogArea.UTF8PrintWriter
Utils - Class in gate.creole.ontology
Utils() - Constructor for class gate.creole.ontology.Utils
Utils - Class in gate.util.maven
Utils() - Constructor for class gate.util.maven.Utils
Utils - Class in gate
Various utility methods to make often-needed tasks more easy and using up less code.
Utils() - Constructor for class gate.Utils
UZBEK - Static variable in interface gate.creole.ontology.OConstants
Language code used "uz"


valid - Variable in class gate.creole.Plugin
Is the plugin valid (i.e.
validate(List<String>, List<Token>, int, QueryParser) - Method in class gate.creole.annic.lucene.PatternValidator
This method takes two parameters the actual query issued and annotations in which it checks if the annotations exist that are validating for the given query
validate() - Method in interface gate.creole.ontology.ONodeID
Validate if the string that was passed on as a bnode id or as an URI/IRI to the constructor of the implementing class can be converted to a blank node identifier or and URI/IRI that conforms to the implementaion.
validate() - Method in class gate.creole.ontology.URI
validate() - Method in class gate.gui.ResourceRenderer
Overridden for performance reasons.
validEntries - Variable in class gate.util.reporting.DocTimeReporter
An integer containing the count of total valid log entries present in input file provided.
validEntries - Variable in class gate.util.reporting.PRTimeReporter
An integer containing the count of total valid log entries present in input file provided.
validityMessage - Variable in class gate.creole.ResourceData
Status message set by isValid()
value - Variable in class gate.corpora.ObjectWrapper
The value being wrapped.
VALUE - Static variable in class gate.creole.annic.Parser
VALUE - Static variable in class gate.creole.ontology.OConstants.RDF
valueForPathChanged(TreePath, Object) - Method in class gate.gui.MainFrame.ResourcesTreeModel
valueForPathChanged(TreePath, Object) - Method in class gate.swing.AbstractTreeTableModel
ValueHolder(Object, int) - Constructor for class gate.swing.XJTable.SortingModel.ValueHolder
ValueHolderComparator() - Constructor for class gate.swing.XJTable.SortingModel.ValueHolderComparator
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum gate.creole.metadata.GuiType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum gate.creole.ontology.OConstants.Closure
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum gate.creole.ontology.OConstants.OntologyFormat
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum gate.creole.ontology.OConstants.QueryLanguage
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum gate.util.ant.packager.PackageGappTask.UnresolvedAction
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum gate.util.persistence.UpgradeXGAPP.UpgradePath.UpgradeStrategy
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum gate.creole.metadata.GuiType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum gate.creole.ontology.OConstants.Closure
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum gate.creole.ontology.OConstants.OntologyFormat
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum gate.creole.ontology.OConstants.QueryLanguage
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum gate.util.ant.packager.PackageGappTask.UnresolvedAction
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum gate.util.persistence.UpgradeXGAPP.UpgradePath.UpgradeStrategy
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Method in class gate.util.RBTreeMap
Returns a collection view of the values contained in this map.
Verb - Interface in gate.wordnet
Represents WordNet verb.
VerbFrame - Interface in gate.wordnet
Represents WordNet verb frame.
verboseModeItem - Variable in class gate.gui.MainFrame
verboseOptionCheckBox - Variable in class gate.gui.CorpusQualityAssurance
verifyInput(String, String) - Method in class gate.creole.BootStrap
verify if the class name contains only letters and digits the path of the new project is a directory
verifyRotation(String, int) - Static method in class gate.swing.VerticalTextIcon
verifyRotation returns the best rotation for the string (ROTATE_NONE, ROTATE_LEFT, ROTATE_RIGHT) This is public static so you can use it to test a string without creating a VTextIcon from When setting text using the Arabic script in vertical lines, it is more common to employ a horizontal baseline that is rotated by 90� counterclockwise so that the characters are ordered from top to bottom.
version - Variable in class gate.creole.Plugin
VERSION - Static variable in class gate.Gate
The version of GATE that is currently running.
version - Static variable in class gate.Main
version - Variable in class gate.util.ant.packager.GappModel.MavenPlugin
VERSION_STRING - Static variable in class gate.Gate
The version of GATE that is currently running, as a string.
VersionComparator - Class in gate.util
A comparator that can be used for comparing GATE version strings.
VersionComparator() - Constructor for class gate.util.VersionComparator
VERSIONINFO - Static variable in class gate.creole.ontology.OConstants.OWL
versionNumber - Static variable in class gate.persist.SerialDataStore
Version number for variations in the storage protocol.
VERTICAL - Static variable in interface gate.gui.docview.DocumentView
Constant for the VERTICAL type of the view inside the document editor.
VerticalTextIcon - Class in gate.swing
VTextIcon is an Icon implementation which draws a short string vertically.
VerticalTextIcon(Component, String) - Constructor for class gate.swing.VerticalTextIcon
Creates a VTextIcon for the specified component with the specified label.
VerticalTextIcon(Component, String, int) - Constructor for class gate.swing.VerticalTextIcon
Creates a VTextIcon for the specified component with the specified label.
verticalViews - Variable in class gate.gui.docview.DocumentEditor
A list of DocumentView objects of type DocumentView.VERTICAL
VIETNAMESE - Static variable in interface gate.creole.ontology.OConstants
Language code used "vi"
ViewButton(DocumentView, String) - Constructor for class gate.gui.docview.DocumentEditor.ViewButton
viewsBuilt() - Method in interface gate.gui.Handle
Returns true if the views have already been built for this handle.
viewsBuilt - Variable in class gate.gui.NameBearerHandle
viewsBuilt() - Method in class gate.gui.NameBearerHandle
Returns true if the views have already been built for this handle.
viewSelectTreeChk - Variable in class gate.gui.OptionsDialog
viewsInited - Variable in class gate.gui.docview.DocumentEditor
visibleAnnotationTypes - Variable in class gate.gui.docview.AnnotationSetsView
Stores the list of visible annotation types when the view is inactivated so that the selection can be restored when the view is made active again.
visit(int, int, String, String, String, String[]) - Method in class gate.creole.Plugin.ResourceInfoVisitor
Visit the class header, checking whether this is an abstract class or interface and setting the isAbstract flag appropriately.
visitAnnotation(String, boolean) - Method in class gate.creole.Plugin.ResourceInfoVisitor
Visit an annotation on the class.
visitAnnotation(String, boolean) - Method in class gate.util.asm.commons.EmptyVisitor
visitField(int, String, String, String, Object) - Method in class gate.util.asm.commons.EmptyVisitor
visitMethod(int, String, String, String, String[]) - Method in class gate.util.asm.commons.EmptyVisitor
visitTypeAnnotation(int, TypePath, String, boolean) - Method in class gate.util.asm.commons.EmptyVisitor
VisualResource - Interface in gate
Models all sorts of visual resources.
VOLAPUK - Static variable in interface gate.creole.ontology.OConstants
Language code used "vo"
vrTypes - Variable in class gate.creole.CreoleRegisterImpl
A list of the types of VR in the register.


WaitDialog - Class in gate.swing
A small window used to show messages to the user during processing.
WaitDialog(Frame, String) - Constructor for class gate.swing.WaitDialog
walkResources(FileVisitor<? super Path>) - Method in class gate.creole.Plugin.Maven
warning(SAXParseException) - Method in class gate.config.ConfigXmlHandler
Called for warnings.
warning(SAXParseException) - Method in class gate.creole.CreoleXmlHandler
Called for warnings.
warning(String, String, XMLParseException) - Method in class gate.html.NekoHtmlDocumentHandler
warning(SAXParseException) - Method in class gate.xml.SimpleErrorHandler
This warning is called by the SAX parser when there is the danger of a confusion.
warning(SAXParseException) - Method in class gate.xml.XmlDocumentHandler
Warning method comment.
weight - Static variable in class gate.annotation.CorpusAnnotationDiff
The weight used in F-measure (see NLP Information Extraction)
weight(Searcher) - Method in class
Expert: Constructs an initializes a Weight for a top-level query.
Weight - Interface in
Expert: Calculate query weights and build query scorers.
weightTxt - Variable in class gate.gui.AnnotationDiffGUI
WEKA_MODEL_APPLICATION - Static variable in class gate.util.Benchmark
WEKA_MODEL_TRAINING - Static variable in class gate.util.Benchmark
WELSH - Static variable in interface gate.creole.ontology.OConstants
Language code used "cy"
WindowNewIcon - Class in gate.resources.img.svg
This class has been automatically generated using SVGRoundTrip.
WindowNewIcon() - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.WindowNewIcon
Creates a new transcoded SVG image.
WindowNewIcon(boolean) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.WindowNewIcon
WindowNewIcon(Dimension) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.WindowNewIcon
Creates a new transcoded SVG image with the given dimensions.
WindowNewIcon(Dimension, boolean) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.WindowNewIcon
WindowNewIcon(int, int) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.WindowNewIcon
WindowNewIcon(int, int, boolean) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.WindowNewIcon
WINDOWS - Static variable in class gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.util.Constants
True iff running on Windows.
With(Lock) - Constructor for class
Kept only to avoid breaking existing code.
With(Lock, long) - Constructor for class
Constructs an executor that will grab the named lock.
withinSpanOf(Annotation) - Method in class gate.annotation.AnnotationImpl
This method tells if this annotation's text range is fully contained within the text annotated by aAnnot's annotation.
withinSpanOf(Annotation) - Method in interface gate.Annotation
This method tells if this annotation's text range is fully contained within the text annotated by aAnnot's annotation.
WOLOF - Static variable in interface gate.creole.ontology.OConstants
Language code used "wo"
Word - Interface in gate.wordnet
Represents WordNet word.
WordNet - Interface in gate.wordnet
Represents WordNet LKB.
WORDNET_CONFIG_FILE - Static variable in interface gate.GateConstants
The key for the WordNet config file
WordNetException - Exception in gate.wordnet
WordNetException() - Constructor for exception gate.wordnet.WordNetException
WordNetException(String) - Constructor for exception gate.wordnet.WordNetException
WordNetException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception gate.wordnet.WordNetException
WordNetException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception gate.wordnet.WordNetException
WordSense - Interface in gate.wordnet
Represents WordNet word sense.
wrap(String, String) - Static method in class gate.creole.annic.Parser
wraps the element into the following format
wrap(String, int) - Static method in class gate.creole.annic.Parser
wraps the element into the following format
wrap(String, boolean) - Static method in class gate.creole.annic.Parser
wraps the element into the following format
wrap(XMLStreamWriter) - Method in class gate.util.xml.XML11OutputFactory
Wrap the supplied writer in a wrapper that prefers XML 1.1 over 1.0
write(Directory, String) - Method in class gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.util.BitVector
Writes this vector to the file name in Directory d, in a format that can be read by the constructor BitVector.BitVector(Directory, String).
write() - Method in class gate.util.ant.packager.GappModel
Write out the (possibly modified) GAPP file to its new location.
WRITE_LOCK_NAME - Static variable in class gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.index.IndexWriter
WRITE_LOCK_TIMEOUT - Static variable in class gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.index.IndexWriter
Default value is 1000.
writeAnnotationSet(AnnotationSet, XMLStreamWriter, String) - Static method in class gate.corpora.DocumentStaxUtils
Writes the given annotation set to an XMLStreamWriter as GATE XML format.
writeAnnotationSet(Collection<Annotation>, String, XMLStreamWriter, String) - Static method in class gate.corpora.DocumentStaxUtils
Writes the given annotation set to an XMLStreamWriter as GATE XML format.
writeAnnotationSet(AnnotationSet, String, XMLStreamWriter, String) - Static method in class gate.corpora.DocumentStaxUtils
Retained for binary compatibility, new code should call the Collection<Annotation> version instead.
writeByte(byte) - Method in class
Writes a single byte.
writeBytes(byte[], int) - Method in class
Writes an array of bytes.
writeChars(String, int, int) - Method in class
Writes a sequence of UTF-8 encoded characters from a string.
writeDocument(Document, Map<String, Collection<Annotation>>, OutputStream) - Static method in class gate.corpora.DocumentJsonUtils
Write a GATE document to the specified OutputStream.
writeDocument(Document, Map<String, Collection<Annotation>>, Writer) - Static method in class gate.corpora.DocumentJsonUtils
Write a GATE document to the specified Writer.
writeDocument(Document, Map<String, Collection<Annotation>>, File) - Static method in class gate.corpora.DocumentJsonUtils
Write a GATE document to the specified File.
writeDocument(Document, Map<String, Collection<Annotation>>, JsonGenerator) - Static method in class gate.corpora.DocumentJsonUtils
Write a GATE document to the specified JsonGenerator.
writeDocument(Document, Long, Long, Map<String, Collection<Annotation>>, JsonGenerator) - Static method in class gate.corpora.DocumentJsonUtils
Write a substring of a GATE document to the specified JsonGenerator.
writeDocument(Document, Long, Long, Map<String, Collection<Annotation>>, Map<?, ?>, JsonGenerator) - Static method in class gate.corpora.DocumentJsonUtils
Write a substring of a GATE document to the specified JsonGenerator.
writeDocument(Document, Long, Long, Map<String, Collection<Annotation>>, Map<?, ?>, String, JsonGenerator) - Static method in class gate.corpora.DocumentJsonUtils
Write a substring of a GATE document to the specified JsonGenerator.
writeDocument(Document, Long, Long, Map<String, Collection<Annotation>>, Map<?, ?>, String, String, JsonGenerator) - Static method in class gate.corpora.DocumentJsonUtils
Write a substring of a GATE document to the specified JsonGenerator.
writeDocument(Document, File) - Static method in class gate.corpora.DocumentStaxUtils
Write the specified GATE document to a File.
writeDocument(Document, File, String) - Static method in class gate.corpora.DocumentStaxUtils
Write the specified GATE document to a File, optionally putting the XML in a namespace.
writeDocument(Document, OutputStream, String) - Static method in class gate.corpora.DocumentStaxUtils
writeDocument(Document, Map<String, Collection<Annotation>>, XMLStreamWriter, String) - Static method in class gate.corpora.DocumentStaxUtils
Write the specified GATE Document to an XMLStreamWriter.
writeDocument(Document, XMLStreamWriter, String) - Static method in class gate.corpora.DocumentStaxUtils
Write the specified GATE Document to an XMLStreamWriter.
writeFeatures(FeatureMap, XMLStreamWriter, String) - Static method in class gate.corpora.DocumentStaxUtils
Write a feature map to the given XMLStreamWriter.
writeInt(int) - Method in class
Writes an int as four bytes.
writeLong(long) - Method in class
Writes a long as eight bytes.
writeOntologyData(OutputStream, byte) - Method in interface gate.creole.ontology.Ontology
not supported any more - throws UnsupportedOperationException
writeOntologyData(OutputStream, OConstants.OntologyFormat, boolean) - Method in interface gate.creole.ontology.Ontology
Write the ontology data to the provided output stream in the specified serialization format.
writeOntologyData(Writer, byte) - Method in interface gate.creole.ontology.Ontology
not supported any more and will throw and exception in the new implementation plugin
writeOntologyData(Writer, OConstants.OntologyFormat, boolean) - Method in interface gate.creole.ontology.Ontology
Write the ontology data to the provided writer in the specified serialization format.
writeRelationSet(RelationSet, XMLStreamWriter, String) - Static method in class gate.corpora.DocumentStaxUtils
writeString(String) - Method in class
Writes a string.
writeTempFile(InputStream) - Static method in class gate.util.Files
Writes a temporary file into the default temporary directory, form an InputStream a unique ID is generated and associated automaticaly with the file name...
writeTempFile(String, String) - Static method in class gate.util.Files
Writes aString into a temporary file located inside the default temporary directory defined by JVM, using the specific anEncoding.
writeTempFile(String) - Static method in class gate.util.Files
Writes aString into a temporary file located inside the default temporary directory defined by JVM, using the default encoding.
writeTextWithNodes(Document, Collection<Collection<Annotation>>, XMLStreamWriter, String) - Static method in class gate.corpora.DocumentStaxUtils
Writes the content of the given document to an XMLStreamWriter as a mixed content element called "TextWithNodes".
writeTextWithNodes(Document, XMLStreamWriter, String) - Static method in class gate.corpora.DocumentStaxUtils
Write a TextWithNodes section containing nodes for all annotations in the given document.
writeTo(OutputStream) - Method in class
Copy the current contents of this buffer to the named output.
writeUserConfig() - Static method in class gate.Gate
Update the GATE development environment configuration data in the user's gate.xml file (create one if it doesn't exist).
writeVInt(int) - Method in class
Writes an int in a variable-length format.
writeVLong(long) - Method in class
Writes an long in a variable-length format.
writeXcesAnnotations(Collection<Annotation>, OutputStream, String) - Static method in class gate.corpora.DocumentStaxUtils
Save annotations to the given output stream in XCES format, with their IDs included as the "n" attribute of each struct.
writeXcesAnnotations(Collection<Annotation>, XMLStreamWriter) - Static method in class gate.corpora.DocumentStaxUtils
Save annotations to the given XMLStreamWriter in XCES format, with their IDs included as the "n" attribute of each struct.
writeXcesAnnotations(Collection<Annotation>, XMLStreamWriter, boolean) - Static method in class gate.corpora.DocumentStaxUtils
Save annotations to the given XMLStreamWriter in XCES format.
writeXcesContent(Document, OutputStream, String) - Static method in class gate.corpora.DocumentStaxUtils
Save the content of a document to the given output stream.
WRITING_FVS_TO_DISK - Static variable in class gate.util.Benchmark
WRITING_NGRAM_MODEL - Static variable in class gate.util.Benchmark


XCES_NAMESPACE - Static variable in class gate.corpora.DocumentStaxUtils
XCES namespace URI.
XCES_VERSION - Static variable in class gate.corpora.DocumentStaxUtils
Version of XCES that this class can handle.
XgappUpgradeSelector - Class in gate.gui.persistence
XgappUpgradeSelector(URI, List<UpgradeXGAPP.UpgradePath>) - Constructor for class gate.gui.persistence.XgappUpgradeSelector
XgappUpgradeSelector.PluginCoordinates - Class in gate.gui.persistence
XgappUpgradeSelector.PluginCoordinatesEditor - Class in gate.gui.persistence
XgappUpgradeSelector.UpgradePathTableModel - Class in gate.gui.persistence
XgappUpgradeSelector.UpgradeStrategyEditor - Class in gate.gui.persistence
XgappUpgradeSelector.UpgradeStrategyRenderer - Class in gate.gui.persistence
XgappUpgradeSelector.UpgradeVersionEditor - Class in gate.gui.persistence
XHOSA - Static variable in interface gate.creole.ontology.OConstants
Language code used "xh"
XJFileChooser - Class in gate.swing
Extends JFileChooser to make sure the shared MainFrame instance is used as a parent when no parent is specified.
XJFileChooser() - Constructor for class gate.swing.XJFileChooser
XJMenu - Class in gate.swing
A modified version of JMenu that uses MenuLayout as its layout.
XJMenu() - Constructor for class gate.swing.XJMenu
XJMenu(Action) - Constructor for class gate.swing.XJMenu
XJMenu(Action, StatusListener) - Constructor for class gate.swing.XJMenu
XJMenu(String) - Constructor for class gate.swing.XJMenu
XJMenu(String, String, StatusListener) - Constructor for class gate.swing.XJMenu
XJMenu(String, boolean) - Constructor for class gate.swing.XJMenu
XJMenuItem - Class in gate.swing
Extension of a JMenuItem that adds a description and a StatusListener as parameters.
XJMenuItem(Icon, String, StatusListener) - Constructor for class gate.swing.XJMenuItem
XJMenuItem(String, String, StatusListener) - Constructor for class gate.swing.XJMenuItem
XJMenuItem(Action, StatusListener) - Constructor for class gate.swing.XJMenuItem
XJMenuItem(String, Icon, String, StatusListener) - Constructor for class gate.swing.XJMenuItem
XJMenuItem(String, int, String, StatusListener) - Constructor for class gate.swing.XJMenuItem
XJPopupMenu - Class in gate.swing
A modified version of JPopupMenu that uses MenuLayout as its layout.
XJPopupMenu() - Constructor for class gate.swing.XJPopupMenu
XJPopupMenu(String) - Constructor for class gate.swing.XJPopupMenu
XJTabbedPane - Class in gate.swing
An extended version of JTabbedPane.
XJTabbedPane(int) - Constructor for class gate.swing.XJTabbedPane
XJTable - Class in gate.swing
A "smarter" JTable.
XJTable() - Constructor for class gate.swing.XJTable
XJTable(TableModel) - Constructor for class gate.swing.XJTable
XJTable.ColumnData - Class in gate.swing
XJTable.HeaderMouseListener - Class in gate.swing
XJTable.SortingModel - Class in gate.swing
Handles translations between an indexed data source and a permutation of itself (like the translations between the rows in sorted table and the rows in the actual unsorted model).
XJTable.SortingModel.ValueHolder - Class in gate.swing
XJTable.SortingModel.ValueHolderComparator - Class in gate.swing
XJTextPane - Class in gate.swing
A custom JTextPane that reinitialises the default font style when th UI changes.
XJTextPane() - Constructor for class gate.swing.XJTextPane
XJTextPane(StyledDocument) - Constructor for class gate.swing.XJTextPane
XML11OutputFactory - Class in gate.util.xml
Simple delegating XMLOutputFactory that produces stream writers whose startDocument() method delegates to startDocument("1.1"), thus producing XML 1.1 instead of 1.0 by default.
XML11OutputFactory(XMLOutputFactory) - Constructor for class gate.util.xml.XML11OutputFactory
Create an output factory that generates stream writers that prefer XML 1.1 instead of 1.0 by default.
XML11StaxDriver - Class in gate.util.xml
Simple extension of the XStream StaxDriver to generate XML 1.1 rather than 1.0.
XML11StaxDriver() - Constructor for class gate.util.xml.XML11StaxDriver
xmlDecl(String, String, String, Augmentations) - Method in class gate.html.NekoHtmlDocumentHandler
XmlDocumentFormat - Class in gate.corpora
The format of Documents.
XmlDocumentFormat() - Constructor for class gate.corpora.XmlDocumentFormat
Default construction
XmlDocumentHandler - Class in gate.xml
Implements the behaviour of the XML reader Methods of an object of this class are called by the SAX parser when events will appear.
XmlDocumentHandler(Document, Map<String, String>, Map<String, String>) - Constructor for class gate.xml.XmlDocumentHandler
Constructs a XmlDocumentHandler object.
XmlDocumentHandler(Document, Map<String, String>, Map<String, String>, AnnotationSet) - Constructor for class gate.xml.XmlDocumentHandler
Constructs a XmlDocumentHandler object.
xmlFileName - Variable in class gate.creole.ResourceData
The xml file name of the resource
xmlFileUrl - Variable in class gate.creole.AnnotationSchema
The xml file URL of the resource
xmlFileUrl - Variable in class gate.creole.ResourceData
The xml file URL of the resource
XMLLITERAL - Static variable in class gate.creole.ontology.OConstants.RDF
XmlPositionCorrectionHandler - Class in gate.xml
This class correct a Xerces parser bug in reported position in file during the parsing process.
XmlPositionCorrectionHandler() - Constructor for class gate.xml.XmlPositionCorrectionHandler
Constructor for initialization of variables
XMLSchema() - Constructor for class gate.creole.ontology.OConstants.XMLSchema
xmlSchemaURIString - Variable in class gate.creole.ontology.DataType
for each datatype, there exists a XML Schema URI in ontology which is used to denote the specific datatype.


YellowBallIcon - Class in gate.resources.img.svg
This class has been automatically generated using SVGRoundTrip.
YellowBallIcon() - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.YellowBallIcon
Creates a new transcoded SVG image.
YellowBallIcon(boolean) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.YellowBallIcon
YellowBallIcon(Dimension) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.YellowBallIcon
Creates a new transcoded SVG image with the given dimensions.
YellowBallIcon(Dimension, boolean) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.YellowBallIcon
YellowBallIcon(int, int) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.YellowBallIcon
YellowBallIcon(int, int, boolean) - Constructor for class gate.resources.img.svg.YellowBallIcon
yes_RunRBtn - Variable in class gate.gui.SerialControllerEditor
Button for run always.
YIDDISH - Static variable in interface gate.creole.ontology.OConstants
Language code used "yi"
YORUBA - Static variable in interface gate.creole.ontology.OConstants
Language code used "yo"


ZHUANG - Static variable in interface gate.creole.ontology.OConstants
Language code used "za"
ZULU - Static variable in interface gate.creole.ontology.OConstants
Language code used "zu"
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 

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