Class LgbmDataset

All Implemented Interfaces:
ai.djl.ndarray.BytesSupplier, ai.djl.ndarray.NDArray, ai.djl.ndarray.NDResource, AutoCloseable

public class LgbmDataset extends ai.djl.ndarray.NDArrayAdapter
A special NDArray used by LightGBM for training models.
  • Nested Class Summary

    Nested Classes
    Modifier and Type
    static enum 
    The type of data used to create the LgbmDataset.
  • Field Summary

    Fields inherited from class ai.djl.ndarray.NDArrayAdapter

    alternativeManager, dataType, isClosed, manager, name, shape, uid
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Gets the native LightGBM Dataset pointer.
    Returns the array used to create this (if applicable).
    Returns the array used to create this (if applicable) converted into an LgbmNDArray.
    Returns the file used to create this (if applicable).
    Returns the type of source data for the LgbmDataset.
    intern(ai.djl.ndarray.NDArray replaced)

    Methods inherited from class ai.djl.ndarray.NDArrayAdapter

    abs, acos, acosh, add, add, addi, addi, argMax, argMax, argMin, argMin, argSort, asin, asinh, atan, atan2, atanh, attach, batchDot, batchMatMul, booleanMask, broadcast, cbrt, ceil, clip, complex, contentEquals, contentEquals, cos, cosh, cumProd, cumProd, cumSum, cumSum, div, div, divi, divi, dot, eq, eq, equals, erf, erfinv, exp, expandDims, fft, fft2, flatten, flatten, flip, floor, gammaln, gather, gatherNd, get, getDataType, getDevice, getGradient, getManager, getName, getNDArrayInternal, getSparseFormat, getUid, gt, gt, gte, gte, hasGradient, hashCode, ifft2, inverse, isInfinite, isNaN, isReleased, log, log10, log2, logicalAnd, logicalNot, logicalOr, logicalXor, logSoftmax, lt, lt, lte, lte, matMul, max, max, maximum, maximum, mean, mean, median, median, min, min, minimum, minimum, mod, mod, modi, modi, mul, mul, muli, muli, neg, negi, neq, neq, nonzero, norm, norm, normalize, oneHot, percentile, percentile, pow, pow, powi, powi, prod, prod, put, real, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, reshape, rotate90, round, scatter, sequenceMask, sequenceMask, set, set, set, set, set, setName, setRequiresGradient, setScalar, sign, signi, sin, sinh, softmax, sort, sort, split, split, sqrt, square, squeeze, stft, stopGradient, sub, sub, subi, subi, sum, sum, take, tan, tanh, tempAttach, tile, tile, tile, tile, toDegrees, toDense, toDevice, topK, toRadians, toSparse, toString, toStringArray, toType, trace, transpose, transpose, trunc, unique, xlogy

    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

    clone, finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

    Methods inherited from interface ai.djl.ndarray.BytesSupplier

    getAsBytes, getAsObject, getAsString

    Methods inherited from interface ai.djl.ndarray.NDArray

    all, allClose, allClose, any, argSort, argSort, booleanMask, broadcast, concat, concat, copyTo, countNonzero, countNonzero, duplicate, encode, fft, fft2, get, get, get, get, get, getBoolean, getByte, getDouble, getFloat, getInt, getLong, getResourceNDArrays, getScalar, getUint8, ifft2, isEmpty, isScalar, isSparse, like, max, mean, min, none, norm, norm, norm, normalize, normalize, oneHot, oneHot, onesLike, prod, reshape, scaleGradient, set, set, set, set, set, shapeEquals, size, size, split, split, squeeze, squeeze, stack, stack, stft, sum, swapAxes, take, toArray, toBooleanArray, toByteArray, toDebugString, toDebugString, toDebugString, toDoubleArray, toFloatArray, toIntArray, toLongArray, topK, toShortArray, toStringArray, toUint8Array, toUnsignedIntArray, toUnsignedShortArray, trace, trace, unique, unique, zerosLike

    Methods inherited from interface ai.djl.ndarray.NDResource

  • Method Details

    • getHandle

      public getHandle()
      Gets the native LightGBM Dataset pointer.
      the pointer
    • getShape

      public ai.djl.ndarray.types.Shape getShape()
      Specified by:
      getShape in interface ai.djl.ndarray.NDArray
      getShape in class ai.djl.ndarray.NDArrayAdapter
    • getSrcType

      public LgbmDataset.SrcType getSrcType()
      Returns the type of source data for the LgbmDataset.
      the type of source data for the LgbmDataset
    • getSrcFile

      public Path getSrcFile()
      Returns the file used to create this (if applicable).
      the file used to create this (if applicable)
    • getSrcArray

      public ai.djl.ndarray.NDArray getSrcArray()
      Returns the array used to create this (if applicable).
      the array used to create this (if applicable)
    • getSrcArrayConverted

      public LgbmNDArray getSrcArrayConverted()
      Returns the array used to create this (if applicable) converted into an LgbmNDArray.
      the array used to create this (if applicable) converted into an LgbmNDArray
    • intern

      public void intern(ai.djl.ndarray.NDArray replaced)
    • detach

      public void detach()
    • toByteBuffer

      public ByteBuffer toByteBuffer()
    • close

      public void close()
      Specified by:
      close in interface AutoCloseable
      Specified by:
      close in interface ai.djl.ndarray.NDArray
      Specified by:
      close in interface ai.djl.ndarray.NDResource
      close in class ai.djl.ndarray.NDArrayAdapter