Class WorkerPool<I,O>


public class WorkerPool<I,O> extends Object
Manages the work load for a single model.
  • Method Details

    • increaseRef

      public void increaseRef()
      Increases the reference count.
    • decreaseRef

      public int decreaseRef()
      Decrease the reference count and return the current count.
      the current count
    • getWpc

      public WorkerPoolConfig<I,O> getWpc()
      Returns the model of the worker pool.
      the model of the worker pool
    • getWorkerGroups

      public Map<ai.djl.Device,WorkerGroup<I,O>> getWorkerGroups()
      Returns a map of WorkerGroup.
      a map of WorkerGroup
    • getWorkers

      public List<WorkerThread<I,O>> getWorkers()
      Returns a list of worker thread.
      the workers
    • getJobQueue

      public LinkedBlockingDeque<WorkerJob<I,O>> getJobQueue()
      Returns the JobQueue for this model.
      the jobQueue
    • getMaxWorkers

      public int getMaxWorkers()
      Returns the maximum number of workers for a model across all devices.
      the maximum number of workers for a model across all devices
    • isAllWorkerDied

      public boolean isAllWorkerDied()
      Return if all workers died.
      true if all workers died
    • isAllWorkerBusy

      public boolean isAllWorkerBusy()
      Returns true if all workers are busy.
      true if all workers are busy
    • isFullyScaled

      public boolean isFullyScaled()
      Returns if the worker groups is fully scaled.
      true if the worker groups is fully scaled
    • initWorkers

      public void initWorkers(String deviceName)
      Initializes new worker capacities for this model.
      deviceName - the device for the model, null for default devices
    • initWorkers

      public void initWorkers(String deviceName, int minWorkers, int maxWorkers)
      Initializes new worker capacities for this model.
      deviceName - the device for the model, null for default devices
      minWorkers - minimum amount of workers (-1 for model default).
      maxWorkers - maximum amount of workers (-1 for model default).
    • scaleWorkers

      public void scaleWorkers(String deviceName, int minWorkers, int maxWorkers)
      Sets new worker capacities for this model.
      deviceName - the device for the model, null for all loaded devices
      minWorkers - minimum amount of workers.
      maxWorkers - maximum amount of workers.
    • shutdownWorkers

      public void shutdownWorkers()
      Shutdown all works.
    • cleanup

      public void cleanup()
      removes all stopped workers and workers in state error from the pool.
    • shutdown

      public void shutdown()
      Shuts down all the worker threads in the work pool.