Class Sgd

  • public class Sgd
    extends Optimizer
    Sgd is a Stochastic Gradient Descent (SGD) optimizer.

    If momentum is not set, it updates weights using the following update function:
    \( weight = weight - learning_rate * (gradient + wd * weight) \).

    If momentum is set, it updates weights using the following update function:
    \( state = momentum * state + learning_rate * gradient \)
    \( weight -= state \)
    Momentum update has better convergence rates on neural networks.

    See Also:
    The D2L chapter on SGD
    • Constructor Detail

      • Sgd

        protected Sgd​(Sgd.Builder builder)
        Creates a new instance of Sgd.
        builder - the builder to create a new instance of Sgd
    • Method Detail

      • update

        public void update​(java.lang.String parameterId,
                           NDArray weight,
                           NDArray grad)
        Updates the parameters according to the gradients.
        Specified by:
        update in class Optimizer
        parameterId - the parameter to be updated
        weight - the weights of the parameter
        grad - the gradients