Class PaddingStackBatchifier.Builder

    • Method Detail

      • optIncludeValidLengths

        public PaddingStackBatchifier.Builder optIncludeValidLengths​(boolean includeValidLengths)
        Sets whether to include the valid lengths (length of non-padded data) for each array.
        includeValidLengths - true to include valid lengths
        this builder
      • addPad

        public PaddingStackBatchifier.Builder addPad​(int array,
                                                     int dim,
                                                     NDArraySupplier supplier)
        Adds a new dimension to be padded in the input NDList.
        array - which array in the NDList to pad
        dim - which dimension in the array to pad
        supplier - a supplier that produces the padding array. The padding array shape should include both the batch and a 1 for the padded dimension. For batch array shape NTC, the padding shape should be N x 1 x C
        this builder
      • addPad

        public PaddingStackBatchifier.Builder addPad​(int array,
                                                     int dim,
                                                     NDArraySupplier supplier,
                                                     int paddingSize)
        Adds a new dimension to be padded in the input NDList.
        array - which array in the NDList to pad
        dim - which dimension in the array to pad
        supplier - a supplier that produces the padding array. The padding array shape should include both the batch and a 1 for the padded dimension. For batch array shape NTC, the padding shape should be N x 1 x C
        paddingSize - the minimum padding size to use. All sequences to pad must be less than this size
        this builder