Class GhostBatchNorm

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class GhostBatchNorm
    extends BatchNorm
    GhostBatchNorm is similar to BatchNorm except that it splits a batch into a smaller sub-batches aka ghost batches, and normalize them individually to have a mean of 0 and variance of 1 and finally concatenate them again to a single batch. Each of the mini-batches contains a virtualBatchSize samples.
    See Also:
    Ghost Normalization Paper
    • Method Detail

      • split

        protected NDList[] split​(NDList list)
        Splits an NDList into the given size of sub-batch.

        This function unbatchifies the input NDList into mini-batches, each with the size of virtualBatchSize. If the batch size is divisible by the virtual batch size, all returned sub-batches will be the same size. If the batch size is not divisible by virtual batch size, all returned sub-batches will be the same size, except the last one.

        list - the NDList that needs to be split
        an array of NDList that contains all the mini-batches
      • batchify

        protected NDList batchify​(NDList[] subBatches)
        Converts an array of NDList into an NDList using StackBatchifier and squeezes the first dimension created by it. This makes the final NDArray same size as the splitted one.
        subBatches - the input array of NDList
        the batchified NDList
      • squeezeExtraDimensions

        protected NDList squeezeExtraDimensions​(NDList batch)
        Squeezes first axes of NDList.
        batch - input array of NDList
        the squeezed NDList
      • builder

        public static GhostBatchNorm.Builder builder()
        Creates a builder to build a GhostBatchNorm.
        a new builder