Interface Ensembleable<T>

  • All Known Implementing Classes:
    Classifications, DetectedObjects

    public interface Ensembleable<T>
    Represents a class that can be ensembled (or averaged).

    Typically, ensembling is used for the output of models/translators. By averaging multiple models, it is often possible to get greater accuracy then running each model individually.

    • Method Detail

      • ensembleWith

        T ensembleWith​(java.util.Iterator<T> iterator)
        Creates an ensembled output with a list of outputs.
        iterator - the outputs to ensemble with. It uses the caller class to determine how to ensemble.
        the ensembled (averaged) output
      • ensemble

        static <T extends Ensembleable<T>> T ensemble​(java.util.List<T> outputs)
        Finds the ensemble of a list of outputs.
        Type Parameters:
        T - the type of object to ensemble. Usually also the type returned
        outputs - the outputs to ensemble.
        the ensembled (averaged) output