Interface NDArray

  • All Superinterfaces:
    java.lang.AutoCloseable, BytesSupplier, NDResource
    All Known Subinterfaces:
    LazyNDArray, SparseNDArray
    All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface NDArray
    extends NDResource, BytesSupplier
    An interface representing an n-dimensional array.

    NDArray is the core data structure for all mathematical computations. An NDArray represents a multidimensional, fixed-size homogeneous array. It has very similar behaviour to the Numpy python package with the addition of efficient computing. To understand how to manage NDArray lifecycle, please refer to NDArray Memory Management Guide

    • Method Summary

      All Methods Static Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods Default Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      NDArray abs()
      Returns the absolute value of this NDArray element-wise.
      NDArray acos()
      Returns the inverse trigonometric cosine of this NDArray element-wise.
      NDArray acosh()
      Returns the inverse hyperbolic cosine of this NDArray element-wise.
      NDArray add​(NDArray other)
      Adds other NDArrays to this NDArray element-wise.
      NDArray add​(java.lang.Number n)
      Adds a number to this NDArray element-wise.
      NDArray addi​(NDArray other)
      Adds other NDArrays to this NDArray element-wise in place.
      NDArray addi​(java.lang.Number n)
      Adds a number to this NDArray element-wise in place.
      default NDArray all()
      Returns true if all elements within this NDArray are non-zero or true.
      default boolean allClose​(NDArray other)
      Returns true if two NDArrays are element-wise equal within a tolerance.
      default boolean allClose​(NDArray other, double rtol, double atol, boolean equalNan)
      Returns true if two NDArray are element-wise equal within a tolerance.
      default NDArray any()
      Returns true if any of the elements within this NDArray are non-zero or true.
      NDArray argMax()
      Returns the indices of the maximum values into the flattened NDArray.
      NDArray argMax​(int axis)
      Returns the indices of the maximum values along given axis.
      NDArray argMin()
      Returns the indices of the minimum values into the flattened NDArray.
      NDArray argMin​(int axis)
      Returns the indices of the minimum values along given axis.
      default NDArray argSort()
      Returns the indices that would sort this NDArray.
      default NDArray argSort​(int axis)
      Returns the indices that would sort this NDArray given the axis.
      NDArray argSort​(int axis, boolean ascending)
      Returns the indices that would sort this NDArray given the axis.
      NDArray asin()
      Returns the inverse trigonometric sine of this NDArray element-wise.
      NDArray asinh()
      Returns the inverse hyperbolic sine of this NDArray element-wise.
      NDArray atan()
      Returns the inverse trigonometric tangent of this NDArray element-wise.
      NDArray atanh()
      Returns the inverse hyperbolic tangent of this NDArray element-wise.
      NDArray batchDot​(NDArray other)
      Batchwise product of this NDArray and the other NDArray.
      NDArray batchMatMul​(NDArray other)
      Batch product matrix of this NDArray and the other NDArray.
      default NDArray booleanMask​(NDArray index)
      Returns portion of this NDArray given the index boolean NDArray along first axis.
      NDArray booleanMask​(NDArray index, int axis)
      Returns portion of this NDArray given the index boolean NDArray along given axis.
      default NDArray broadcast​(long... shape)
      Broadcasts this NDArray to be the given shape.
      NDArray broadcast​(Shape shape)
      Broadcasts this NDArray to be the given shape.
      NDArray cbrt()
      Returns the cube-root of this NDArray element-wise.
      NDArray ceil()
      Returns the ceiling of this NDArray element-wise.
      NDArray clip​(java.lang.Number min, java.lang.Number max)
      Clips (limit) the values in this NDArray.
      void close()
      NDArray complex()
      Convert a general NDArray to its complex math format.
      default NDArray concat​(NDArray array)
      Joins a NDArray along the first axis.
      default NDArray concat​(NDArray array, int axis)
      Joins a NDArray along an existing axis.
      boolean contentEquals​(NDArray other)
      Returns true if all elements in this NDArray are equal to the other NDArray.
      boolean contentEquals​(java.lang.Number number)
      Returns true if all elements in this NDArray are equal to the Number.
      default void copyTo​(NDArray array)
      Deep-copies the current NDArray to the one passed in.
      NDArray cos()
      Returns the trigonometric cosine of this NDArray element-wise.
      NDArray cosh()
      Returns the hyperbolic cosine of this NDArray element-wise.
      default NDArray countNonzero()
      Counts the number of non-zero values in this NDArray.
      default NDArray countNonzero​(int axis)
      Counts the number of non-zero values in this NDArray along a given axis.
      NDArray cumProd​(int axis)
      Returns the cumulative product of elements of input in the dimension dim.
      NDArray cumProd​(int axis, DataType dataType)
      Returns the cumulative product of elements of input in the dimension dim.
      NDArray cumSum()
      Returns the cumulative sum of the elements in the flattened NDArray.
      NDArray cumSum​(int axis)
      Return the cumulative sum of the elements along a given axis.
      static NDArray decode​(NDManager manager, byte[] byteArray)
      Decodes NDArray from bytes.
      NDArray div​(NDArray other)
      Divides this NDArray by the other NDArray element-wise.
      NDArray div​(java.lang.Number n)
      Divides this NDArray by a number element-wise.
      NDArray divi​(NDArray other)
      Divides this NDArray by the other NDArray element-wise in place.
      NDArray divi​(java.lang.Number n)
      Divides this NDArray by a number element-wise in place.
      NDArray dot​(NDArray other)
      Dot product of this NDArray and the other NDArray.
      default NDArray duplicate()
      Returns a copy of this NDArray.
      default byte[] encode()
      Encodes NDArray to byte array.
      NDArray eq​(NDArray other)
      Returns the boolean NDArray for element-wise "Equals" comparison.
      NDArray eq​(java.lang.Number n)
      Returns the boolean NDArray for element-wise "Equals" comparison.
      NDArray erfinv()
      Returns element-wise inverse gauss error function of the NDArray.
      NDArray exp()
      Returns the exponential value of this NDArray element-wise.
      NDArray expandDims​(int axis)
      Expands the Shape of a NDArray.
      default NDArray fft​(long length)
      Computes the one-dimensional discrete Fourier Transform.
      NDArray fft​(long length, long axis)
      Computes the one-dimensional discrete Fourier Transform.
      NDArray flatten()
      Flattens this NDArray into a 1-D NDArray in row-major order.
      NDArray flatten​(int startDim, int endDim)
      Flattens this NDArray into a partially flatten NDArray.
      NDArray flip​(int... axes)
      Returns the reverse order of elements in an array along the given axis.
      NDArray floor()
      Returns the floor of this NDArray element-wise.
      NDArray gammaln()
      Return the log of the absolute value of the gamma function of this NDArray element-wise.
      NDArray gather​(NDArray index, int axis)
      Returns a partial NDArray pointed by the indexed array.
      NDArray gatherNd​(NDArray index)
      Returns a partial NDArray pointed by the indexed array.
      default NDArray get​(long... indices)
      Returns a partial NDArray.
      default NDArray get​(NDIndex index)
      Returns a partial NDArray.
      default NDArray get​(NDArray index)
      Returns a partial NDArray.
      default NDArray get​(NDManager manager, long... indices)
      Returns a partial NDArray.
      default NDArray get​(NDManager manager, NDIndex index)
      Returns a partial NDArray.
      default NDArray get​(java.lang.String indices, java.lang.Object... args)
      Returns a partial NDArray.
      default boolean getBoolean​(long... indices)
      Returns a boolean element from this NDArray.
      default byte getByte​(long... indices)
      Returns an byte element from this NDArray.
      DataType getDataType()
      Returns the DataType of this NDArray.
      Device getDevice()
      Returns the Device of this NDArray.
      default double getDouble​(long... indices)
      Returns a double element from this NDArray.
      default float getFloat​(long... indices)
      Returns a float element from this NDArray.
      NDArray getGradient()
      Returns the gradient NDArray attached to this NDArray.
      default int getInt​(long... indices)
      Returns an int element from this NDArray.
      default long getLong​(long... indices)
      Returns a long element from this NDArray.
      java.lang.String getName()
      Returns the name of this NDArray.
      ai.djl.ndarray.internal.NDArrayEx getNDArrayInternal()
      Returns an internal representative of Native NDArray.
      default java.util.List<NDArray> getResourceNDArrays()
      Returns the NDArray or NDArrays contained within this resource.
      default NDArray getScalar​(long... indices)
      Returns a scalar NDArray corresponding to a single element.
      Shape getShape()
      Returns the Shape of this NDArray.
      SparseFormat getSparseFormat()
      Returns the SparseFormat of this NDArray.
      java.lang.String getUid()
      Returns unique identifier of this NDArray.
      default int getUint8​(long... indices)
      Returns an integer element from this NDArray that represent unsigned integer with 8 bits.
      NDArray gt​(NDArray other)
      Returns the boolean NDArray for element-wise "Greater Than" comparison.
      NDArray gt​(java.lang.Number n)
      Returns the boolean NDArray for element-wise "Greater" comparison.
      NDArray gte​(NDArray other)
      Returns the boolean NDArray for element-wise "Greater or equals" comparison.
      NDArray gte​(java.lang.Number n)
      Returns the boolean NDArray for element-wise "Greater or equals" comparison.
      boolean hasGradient()
      Returns true if the gradient calculation is required for this NDArray.
      void intern​(NDArray replaced)
      Replace the handle of the NDArray with the other.
      NDArray inverse()
      Computes the inverse of square NDArray if it exists.
      default boolean isEmpty()
      Returns true if this NDArray is special case: no-value NDArray.
      NDArray isInfinite()
      Returns the boolean NDArray with value true where this NDArray's entries are infinite, or false where they are not infinite.
      NDArray isNaN()
      Returns the boolean NDArray with value true where this NDArray's entries are NaN, or false where they are not NaN.
      boolean isReleased()
      Returns true if this NDArray has been released.
      default boolean isScalar()
      Returns true if this NDArray is a scalar NDArray with empty Shape.
      default boolean isSparse()
      Returns true if this NDArray is a SparseNDArray.
      default NDArray like()
      Returns an uninitialized NDArray with the same Shape, DataType and SparseFormat as the input NDArray.
      NDArray log()
      Returns the natural logarithmic value of this NDArray element-wise.
      NDArray log10()
      Returns the base 10 logarithm of this NDArray element-wise.
      NDArray log2()
      Returns the base 2 logarithm of this NDArray element-wise.
      NDArray logicalAnd​(NDArray other)
      Returns the truth value of this NDArray AND the other NDArray element-wise.
      NDArray logicalNot()
      Computes the truth value of NOT this NDArray element-wise.
      NDArray logicalOr​(NDArray other)
      Computes the truth value of this NDArray OR the other NDArray element-wise.
      NDArray logicalXor​(NDArray other)
      Computes the truth value of this NDArray XOR the other NDArray element-wise.
      NDArray logSoftmax​(int axis)
      Applies the softmax function followed by a logarithm.
      NDArray lt​(NDArray other)
      Returns the boolean NDArray for element-wise "Less" comparison.
      NDArray lt​(java.lang.Number n)
      Returns the boolean NDArray for element-wise "Less" comparison.
      NDArray lte​(NDArray other)
      Returns the boolean NDArray for element-wise "Less or equals" comparison.
      NDArray lte​(java.lang.Number n)
      Returns the boolean NDArray for element-wise "Less or equals" comparison.
      NDArray matMul​(NDArray other)
      Product matrix of this NDArray and the other NDArray.
      NDArray max()
      Returns the maximum of this NDArray.
      default NDArray max​(int[] axes)
      Returns the maximum of this NDArray along given axes.
      NDArray max​(int[] axes, boolean keepDims)
      Returns the maximum of this NDArray along given axes.
      NDArray maximum​(NDArray other)
      Returns the maximum of this NDArray and the other NDArray element-wise.
      NDArray maximum​(java.lang.Number n)
      Returns the maximum of this NDArray and a number element-wise.
      NDArray mean()
      Returns the average of this NDArray.
      default NDArray mean​(int[] axes)
      Returns the average of this NDArray along given axes.
      NDArray mean​(int[] axes, boolean keepDims)
      Returns the average of this NDArray along given axes.
      NDArray median()
      Returns median value for this NDArray.
      NDArray median​(int[] axes)
      Returns median value along given axes.
      NDArray min()
      Returns the minimum of this NDArray.
      default NDArray min​(int[] axes)
      Returns the minimum of this NDArray along given axes.
      NDArray min​(int[] axes, boolean keepDims)
      Returns the minimum of this NDArray along given axes.
      NDArray minimum​(NDArray other)
      Returns the minimum of this NDArray and the other NDArray element-wise.
      NDArray minimum​(java.lang.Number n)
      Returns the minimum of this NDArray and a number element-wise.
      NDArray mod​(NDArray other)
      Returns element-wise remainder of division.
      NDArray mod​(java.lang.Number n)
      Returns element-wise remainder of division.
      NDArray modi​(NDArray other)
      Returns in place element-wise remainder of division in place.
      NDArray modi​(java.lang.Number n)
      Returns element-wise remainder of division in place.
      NDArray mul​(NDArray other)
      Multiplies this NDArray by other NDArrays element-wise.
      NDArray mul​(java.lang.Number n)
      Multiplies this NDArray by a number element-wise.
      NDArray muli​(NDArray other)
      Multiplies this NDArray by other NDArray element-wise in place.
      NDArray muli​(java.lang.Number n)
      Multiplies this NDArray by a number element-wise in place.
      NDArray neg()
      Returns the numerical negative NDArray element-wise.
      NDArray negi()
      Returns the numerical negative NDArray element-wise in place.
      NDArray neq​(NDArray other)
      Returns the boolean NDArray for element-wise "Not equals" comparison.
      NDArray neq​(java.lang.Number n)
      Returns the boolean NDArray for element-wise "Not equals" comparison.
      default NDArray none()
      Returns true if none of the elements within this NDArray are non-zero or true.
      NDArray nonzero()
      Returns the indices of elements that are non-zero.
      default NDArray norm()
      Returns the norm of this NDArray.
      NDArray norm​(boolean keepDims)
      Returns the norm of this NDArray.
      default NDArray norm​(int[] axes)
      Returns the norm of this NDArray.
      default NDArray norm​(int[] axes, boolean keepDims)
      Returns the norm of this NDArray.
      NDArray norm​(int ord, int[] axes, boolean keepDims)
      Returns the norm of this NDArray.
      default NDArray normalize()
      Performs Lp normalization of the array over specified dimension.
      default NDArray normalize​(double exponent, long dim)
      Performs Lp normalization of the array over specified dimension.
      NDArray normalize​(double exponent, long dim, double eps)
      Performs Lp normalization of the array over specified dimension.
      default NDArray oneHot​(int depth)
      Returns a one-hot NDArray.
      NDArray oneHot​(int depth, float onValue, float offValue, DataType dataType)
      Returns a one-hot NDArray.
      default NDArray oneHot​(int depth, DataType dataType)
      Returns a one-hot NDArray.
      default NDArray onesLike()
      Returns an NDArray of ones with the same Shape, DataType and SparseFormat as the input NDArray.
      NDArray percentile​(java.lang.Number percentile)
      Returns percentile for this NDArray.
      NDArray percentile​(java.lang.Number percentile, int[] axes)
      Returns median along given dimension(s).
      NDArray pow​(NDArray other)
      Takes the power of this NDArray with the other NDArray element-wise.
      NDArray pow​(java.lang.Number n)
      Takes the power of this NDArray with a number element-wise.
      NDArray powi​(NDArray other)
      Takes the power of this NDArray with the other NDArray element-wise in place.
      NDArray powi​(java.lang.Number n)
      Takes the power of this NDArray with a number element-wise in place.
      NDArray prod()
      Returns the product of this NDArray.
      default NDArray prod​(int[] axes)
      Returns the product of this NDArray elements over the given axes.
      NDArray prod​(int[] axes, boolean keepDims)
      Returns the product of this NDArray elements over the given axes.
      NDArray put​(NDArray index, NDArray value)
      Sets the entries of NDArray pointed by index, according to linear indexing, to be the numbers in value.
      NDArray real()
      Convert a complex NDArray to its real math format.
      NDArray repeat​(int axis, long repeats)
      Repeats element of this NDArray the number of times given repeats along given axis.
      NDArray repeat​(long repeats)
      Repeats element of this NDArray the number of times given repeats.
      NDArray repeat​(long[] repeats)
      Repeats element of this NDArray the number of times given repeats along each axis.
      NDArray repeat​(Shape desiredShape)
      Repeats element of this NDArray to match the desired shape.
      default NDArray reshape​(long... newShape)
      Reshapes this NDArray to the given Shape.
      NDArray reshape​(Shape shape)
      Reshapes this NDArray to the given Shape.
      NDArray rotate90​(int times, int[] axes)
      Rotates an array by 90 degrees in the plane specified by axes.
      NDArray round()
      Returns the round of this NDArray element-wise.
      default NDArray scaleGradient​(double scale)
      Returns an NDArray equal to this that magnifies the gradient propagated to this by a constant.
      NDArray scatter​(NDArray index, NDArray value, int axis)
      Writes all values from the tensor value into self at the indices specified in the index tensor.
      NDArray sequenceMask​(NDArray sequenceLength)
      Sets all elements outside the sequence to 0.
      NDArray sequenceMask​(NDArray sequenceLength, float value)
      Sets all elements outside the sequence to a constant value.
      default void set​(byte[] data)
      Sets this NDArray value from an array of bytes.
      default void set​(double[] data)
      Sets this NDArray value from an array of doubles.
      default void set​(float[] data)
      Sets this NDArray value from an array of floats.
      default void set​(int[] data)
      Sets this NDArray value from an array of ints.
      default void set​(long[] data)
      Sets this NDArray value from an array of longs.
      default void set​(NDIndex index, NDArray value)
      Sets the specified index in this NDArray with the given values.
      default void set​(NDIndex index, java.lang.Number value)
      Sets the specified index in this NDArray with the given value.
      default void set​(NDIndex index, java.util.function.Function<NDArray,​NDArray> function)
      Sets the specific index by a function.
      default void set​(NDArray index, java.lang.Number value)
      Sets the NDArray by boolean mask or integer index.
      void set​(java.nio.Buffer buffer)
      Sets this NDArray value from Buffer.
      void setName​(java.lang.String name)
      Sets name of this NDArray.
      void setRequiresGradient​(boolean requiresGrad)
      Attaches a gradient NDArray to this NDArray and marks it so GradientCollector.backward(NDArray) can compute the gradient with respect to it.
      default void setScalar​(NDIndex index, java.lang.Number value)
      Sets the specified scalar in this NDArray with the given value.
      default boolean shapeEquals​(NDArray other)
      Checks 2 NDArrays for equal shapes.
      NDArray sign()
      Returns the element-wise sign.
      NDArray signi()
      Returns the element-wise sign in-place.
      NDArray sin()
      Returns the trigonometric sine of this NDArray element-wise.
      NDArray sinh()
      Returns the hyperbolic sine of this NDArray element-wise.
      default long size()
      Returns the total number of elements in this NDArray.
      default long size​(int axis)
      Returns the size of this NDArray along a given axis.
      NDArray softmax​(int axis)
      Applies the softmax function along the given axis.
      NDArray sort()
      Sorts the flattened NDArray.
      NDArray sort​(int axis)
      Sorts the flattened NDArray.
      default NDList split​(long sections)
      Splits this NDArray into multiple subNDArrays given sections along first axis.
      default NDList split​(long[] indices)
      Splits this NDArray into multiple sub-NDArrays given indices along first axis.
      NDList split​(long[] indices, int axis)
      Splits this NDArray into multiple sub-NDArrays given indices along given axis.
      default NDList split​(long sections, int axis)
      Splits this NDArray into multiple subNDArrays given sections along the given axis.
      NDArray sqrt()
      Returns the square root of this NDArray element-wise.
      NDArray square()
      Returns the square of this NDArray element-wise.
      default NDArray squeeze()
      Removes all singleton dimensions from this NDArray Shape.
      default NDArray squeeze​(int axis)
      Removes a singleton dimension at the given axis.
      NDArray squeeze​(int[] axes)
      Removes singleton dimensions at the given axes.
      default NDArray stack​(NDArray array)
      Joins a NDArray along the first axis.
      default NDArray stack​(NDArray array, int axis)
      Joins a NDArray along a new axis.
      default NDArray stft​(long nFft, long hopLength, boolean center, NDArray window, boolean returnComplex)
      Computes the Short Time Fourier Transform (STFT).
      NDArray stft​(long nFft, long hopLength, boolean center, NDArray window, boolean normalize, boolean returnComplex)
      Computes the Short Time Fourier Transform (STFT).
      NDArray stopGradient()
      Returns an NDArray equal to this that stop gradient propagation through it.
      NDArray sub​(NDArray other)
      Subtracts the other NDArray from this NDArray element-wise.
      NDArray sub​(java.lang.Number n)
      Subtracts a number from this NDArray element-wise.
      NDArray subi​(NDArray other)
      Subtracts the other NDArray from this NDArray element-wise in place.
      NDArray subi​(java.lang.Number n)
      Subtracts a number from this NDArray element-wise in place.
      NDArray sum()
      Returns the sum of this NDArray.
      default NDArray sum​(int[] axes)
      Returns the sum of this NDArray along given axes.
      NDArray sum​(int[] axes, boolean keepDims)
      Returns the sum of this NDArray along given axes.
      default NDArray swapAxes​(int axis1, int axis2)
      Interchanges two axes of this NDArray.
      default NDArray take​(NDArray index)
      Returns a partial NDArray pointed by index according to linear indexing, and the of output is of the same shape as index.
      NDArray take​(NDManager manager, NDArray index)
      Returns a partial NDArray pointed by index according to linear indexing, and the of output is of the same shape as index.
      NDArray tan()
      Returns the trigonometric tangent of this NDArray element-wise.
      NDArray tanh()
      Returns the hyperbolic tangent of this NDArray element-wise.
      NDArray tile​(int axis, long repeats)
      Constructs a NDArray by repeating this NDArray the number of times given by repeats along given axis.
      NDArray tile​(long repeats)
      Constructs a NDArray by repeating this NDArray the number of times given repeats.
      NDArray tile​(long[] repeats)
      Constructs a NDArray by repeating this NDArray the number of times given by repeats.
      NDArray tile​(Shape desiredShape)
      Constructs a NDArray by repeating this NDArray the number of times to match the desired shape.
      default java.lang.Number[] toArray()
      Converts this NDArray to a Number array based on its DataType.
      default boolean[] toBooleanArray()
      Converts this NDArray to a boolean array.
      default byte[] toByteArray()
      Converts this NDArray to a byte array.
      default java.lang.String toDebugString()
      Runs the debug string representation of this NDArray.
      default java.lang.String toDebugString​(boolean withContent)
      Runs the debug string representation of this NDArray.
      default java.lang.String toDebugString​(int maxSize, int maxDepth, int maxRows, int maxColumns, boolean withContent)
      Runs the debug string representation of this NDArray.
      NDArray toDegrees()
      Converts this NDArray from radians to degrees element-wise.
      NDArray toDense()
      Returns a dense representation of the sparse NDArray.
      NDArray toDevice​(Device device, boolean copy)
      Moves this NDArray to a different Device.
      default double[] toDoubleArray()
      Converts this NDArray to a double array.
      default float[] toFloatArray()
      Converts this NDArray to a float array.
      default int[] toIntArray()
      Converts this NDArray to an int array.
      default long[] toLongArray()
      Converts this NDArray to a long array.
      default NDList topK​(int k, int axis)
      Returns (values, indices) of the top k values along given axis.
      NDList topK​(int k, int axis, boolean largest, boolean sorted)
      Returns (values, indices) of the top k values along given axis.
      NDArray toRadians()
      Converts this NDArray from degrees to radians element-wise.
      default short[] toShortArray()
      Converts this NDArray to an short array.
      NDArray toSparse​(SparseFormat fmt)
      Returns a sparse representation of NDArray.
      default java.lang.String[] toStringArray()
      Converts this NDArray to a String array.
      java.lang.String[] toStringArray​(java.nio.charset.Charset charset)
      Converts this NDArray to a String array with the specified charset.
      NDArray toType​(DataType dataType, boolean copy)
      Converts this NDArray to a different DataType.
      default int[] toUint8Array()
      Converts this NDArray to a uint8 array.
      default long[] toUnsignedIntArray()
      Converts this NDArray to an unsigned int array.
      default int[] toUnsignedShortArray()
      Converts this NDArray to an short array.
      default NDArray trace()
      Returns the sum along diagonals of this NDArray.
      default NDArray trace​(int offset)
      Returns the sum along diagonals of this NDArray.
      NDArray trace​(int offset, int axis1, int axis2)
      Returns the sum along diagonals of this NDArray.
      NDArray transpose()
      Returns this NDArray with axes transposed.
      NDArray transpose​(int... axes)
      Returns this NDArray with given axes transposed.
      NDArray trunc()
      Returns the truncated value of this NDArray element-wise.
      default NDList unique()
      Returns the unique elements of the input tensor.
      default NDList unique​(boolean sorted, boolean returnInverse, boolean returnCounts)
      Returns the unique elements of the input tensor.
      NDList unique​(java.lang.Integer dim, boolean sorted, boolean returnInverse, boolean returnCounts)
      Returns the unique elements of the input tensor.
      NDArray xlogy​(NDArray other)
      Computes this * log(other).
      default NDArray zerosLike()
      Returns an NDArray of zeros with the same Shape, DataType and SparseFormat as the input NDArray.
    • Method Detail

      • decode

        static NDArray decode​(NDManager manager,
                              byte[] byteArray)
        Decodes NDArray from bytes.
        manager - NDManager used to create this NDArray
        byteArray - data used to decode
        decoded NDArray
      • getName

        java.lang.String getName()
        Returns the name of this NDArray.
        the name of this NDArray
      • setName

        void setName​(java.lang.String name)
        Sets name of this NDArray.
        name - the name of this NDArray
      • getUid

        java.lang.String getUid()
        Returns unique identifier of this NDArray.
        unique identifier of this NDArray
      • getDataType

        DataType getDataType()
        Returns the DataType of this NDArray.

        DataType is a definition of the precision level of the NDArray. All values inside the same NDArray would have the same DataType.

        the DataType of this NDArray
      • getDevice

        Device getDevice()
        Returns the Device of this NDArray.

        Device class contains the information where this NDArray stored in memory, like CPU/GPU.

        the Device of this NDArray
      • getShape

        Shape getShape()
        Returns the Shape of this NDArray.

        Shape defines how this NDArray is represented multi-dimensionally.

        the Shape of this NDArray
      • isSparse

        default boolean isSparse()
        Returns true if this NDArray is a SparseNDArray.
        true if this NDArray is a SparseNDArray
      • isScalar

        default boolean isScalar()
        Returns true if this NDArray is a scalar NDArray with empty Shape.
        true if this NDArray is a scalar NDArray with empty Shape
      • encode

        default byte[] encode()
        Encodes NDArray to byte array.
        byte array
      • toDevice

        NDArray toDevice​(Device device,
                         boolean copy)
        Moves this NDArray to a different Device.
        device - the Device to be set
        copy - set true if you want to return a copy of the Existing NDArray
        the result NDArray with the new Device
      • toType

        NDArray toType​(DataType dataType,
                       boolean copy)
        Converts this NDArray to a different DataType.
        dataType - the DataType to be set
        copy - set true if you want to return a copy of the Existing NDArray
        the result NDArray with the new DataType
      • setRequiresGradient

        void setRequiresGradient​(boolean requiresGrad)
        Attaches a gradient NDArray to this NDArray and marks it so GradientCollector.backward(NDArray) can compute the gradient with respect to it.
        requiresGrad - if NDArray requires gradient or not
      • getGradient

        NDArray getGradient()
        Returns the gradient NDArray attached to this NDArray.
        the gradient NDArray
        java.lang.NullPointerException - when gradient is not initialized
      • hasGradient

        boolean hasGradient()
        Returns true if the gradient calculation is required for this NDArray.
        true if the gradient calculation is required for this NDArray else false
      • stopGradient

        NDArray stopGradient()
        Returns an NDArray equal to this that stop gradient propagation through it.
        an NDArray equal to this that stops gradient propagation through it
      • scaleGradient

        default NDArray scaleGradient​(double scale)
        Returns an NDArray equal to this that magnifies the gradient propagated to this by a constant.
        scale - how to much to magnify the gradient propagated to this
        an NDArray equal to this that magnifies the gradient propagated to this by a constant
      • size

        default long size​(int axis)
        Returns the size of this NDArray along a given axis.
        axis - the axis to return the size for
        the size of this NDArray along a given axis
      • size

        default long size()
        Returns the total number of elements in this NDArray.
        the number of elements in this NDArray
      • toDoubleArray

        default double[] toDoubleArray()
        Converts this NDArray to a double array.
        a double array
        java.lang.IllegalStateException - when DataType of this NDArray mismatches
      • toFloatArray

        default float[] toFloatArray()
        Converts this NDArray to a float array.
        a float array
        java.lang.IllegalStateException - when DataType of this NDArray mismatches
      • toShortArray

        default short[] toShortArray()
        Converts this NDArray to an short array.
        an int array
        java.lang.IllegalStateException - when DataType of this NDArray mismatches
      • toUnsignedShortArray

        default int[] toUnsignedShortArray()
        Converts this NDArray to an short array.
        an int array
        java.lang.IllegalStateException - when DataType of this NDArray mismatches
      • toIntArray

        default int[] toIntArray()
        Converts this NDArray to an int array.
        an int array
        java.lang.IllegalStateException - when DataType of this NDArray mismatches
      • toUnsignedIntArray

        default long[] toUnsignedIntArray()
        Converts this NDArray to an unsigned int array.
        a long array
        java.lang.IllegalStateException - when DataType of this NDArray mismatches
      • toLongArray

        default long[] toLongArray()
        Converts this NDArray to a long array.
        a long array
        java.lang.IllegalStateException - when DataType of this NDArray mismatches
      • toByteArray

        default byte[] toByteArray()
        Converts this NDArray to a byte array.
        a byte array
        java.lang.IllegalStateException - when DataType of this NDArray mismatches
      • toUint8Array

        default int[] toUint8Array()
        Converts this NDArray to a uint8 array.
        a uint8 array
        java.lang.IllegalStateException - when DataType of this NDArray mismatches
      • toBooleanArray

        default boolean[] toBooleanArray()
        Converts this NDArray to a boolean array.
        a boolean array
        java.lang.IllegalStateException - when DataType of this NDArray mismatches
      • toStringArray

        default java.lang.String[] toStringArray()
        Converts this NDArray to a String array.

        This method is only applicable to the String typed NDArray and not for printing purpose

        Array of Strings
      • toStringArray

        java.lang.String[] toStringArray​(java.nio.charset.Charset charset)
        Converts this NDArray to a String array with the specified charset.

        This method is only applicable to the String typed NDArray and not for printing purpose

        charset - to charset for the string
        Array of Strings
      • toArray

        default java.lang.Number[] toArray()
        Converts this NDArray to a Number array based on its DataType.
        a Number array
      • set

        void set​(java.nio.Buffer buffer)
        Sets this NDArray value from Buffer.
        buffer - the input buffered data
      • set

        default void set​(float[] data)
        Sets this NDArray value from an array of floats.
        data - the array of floats to set
      • set

        default void set​(int[] data)
        Sets this NDArray value from an array of ints.
        data - the array of integers to set
      • set

        default void set​(double[] data)
        Sets this NDArray value from an array of doubles.
        data - the array of doubles to set
      • set

        default void set​(long[] data)
        Sets this NDArray value from an array of longs.
        data - the array of longs to set
      • set

        default void set​(byte[] data)
        Sets this NDArray value from an array of bytes.
        data - the array of bytes to set
      • set

        default void set​(NDIndex index,
                         NDArray value)
        Sets the specified index in this NDArray with the given values.
        index - the locations to update
        value - the value to replace with. Can broadcast if given smaller dimensions than the index
      • set

        default void set​(NDIndex index,
                         java.lang.Number value)
        Sets the specified index in this NDArray with the given value.
        index - the locations to update
        value - the value to replace with
      • set

        default void set​(NDIndex index,
                         java.util.function.Function<NDArray,​NDArray> function)
        Sets the specific index by a function.
        index - the locations to update
        function - the function to change the value
      • set

        default void set​(NDArray index,
                         java.lang.Number value)
        Sets the NDArray by boolean mask or integer index.
        index - the boolean or integer NDArray that indicates what to get
        value - the value to replace with
      • setScalar

        default void setScalar​(NDIndex index,
                               java.lang.Number value)
        Sets the specified scalar in this NDArray with the given value.
        index - the single index to update
        value - the value to replace with
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - thrown if the index does not correspond to a single element
      • get

        default NDArray get​(NDIndex index)
        Returns a partial NDArray.
        index - the section of this NDArray to return
        the partial NDArray
      • get

        default NDArray get​(NDManager manager,
                            NDIndex index)
        Returns a partial NDArray.
        manager - the manager used to create the arrays
        index - the section of this NDArray to return
        the partial NDArray
      • get

        default NDArray get​(NDArray index)
        Returns a partial NDArray.
        index - the boolean or integer NDArray that indicates what to get
        the partial NDArray
      • get

        default NDArray get​(java.lang.String indices,
                            java.lang.Object... args)
        Returns a partial NDArray.
        indices - the indices used to indicate what to get
        args - arguments to replace the varaible "{}" in the indices string. Can be an integer, long, boolean NDArray, or integer NDArray.
        the partial NDArray
        See Also:
        NDIndex(String, Object...)
      • get

        default NDArray get​(long... indices)
        Returns a partial NDArray.
        indices - the indices with each index corresponding to the dimensions and negative indices starting from the end
        the partial NDArray
      • get

        default NDArray get​(NDManager manager,
                            long... indices)
        Returns a partial NDArray.
        manager - the manager used to create the arrays
        indices - the indices with each index corresponding to the dimensions and negative indices starting from the end
        the partial NDArray
      • gather

        NDArray gather​(NDArray index,
                       int axis)
        Returns a partial NDArray pointed by the indexed array.
         out[i][j][k] = input[index[i][j][k]][j][k] # if axis == 0
         out[i][j][k] = input[i][index[i][j][k]][k] # if axis == 1
         out[i][j][k] = input[i][j][index[i][j][k]] # if axis == 2
        index - picks the elements of an NDArray to the same position as index
        axis - the entries of index are indices of axis
        the partial NDArray of the same shape as index
      • gatherNd

        NDArray gatherNd​(NDArray index)
        Returns a partial NDArray pointed by the indexed array.
         Given NDArray arr and NDArray idx. idx is the following structure:
         \( idx = [ idx[0, ...], idx[1, ...],..., idx[indexingDepth,...] ] \)
         corresponding to x, y, z index, i.e. [idx_x, idx_y, idx_z, ...].

        So indexingDepth smaller than or equal to data.shape[0] If indexingDepth is smaller than data.shape[0], for instance, data.shape[0]=3, i.e. x,y,z but indexingDepth = 2, i.e. [idx_x, idx_y], then the tail co-rank = data.shape[0] - indexingDepth will be kept.

        With it, the output shape = idx_y.shape appended by data.shape[indexingDepth:] mx.symbol.gather_nd

        index - picks the elements of an NDArray to the same position as index
        the partial NDArray of the same shape as index
      • take

        default NDArray take​(NDArray index)
        Returns a partial NDArray pointed by index according to linear indexing, and the of output is of the same shape as index.
        index - picks the elements of an NDArray and output to the same entry as in index
        the partial NDArray of the same shape as index
      • take

        NDArray take​(NDManager manager,
                     NDArray index)
        Returns a partial NDArray pointed by index according to linear indexing, and the of output is of the same shape as index.
        manager - the manager used to create the arrays
        index - picks the elements of an NDArray and output to the same entry as in index
        the partial NDArray of the same shape as index
      • put

        NDArray put​(NDArray index,
                    NDArray value)
        Sets the entries of NDArray pointed by index, according to linear indexing, to be the numbers in value.

        Value has to be of the same shape as index.

        index - select the entries of an NDArray
        value - numbers to assign to the indexed entries
        the NDArray with updated values
      • scatter

        NDArray scatter​(NDArray index,
                        NDArray value,
                        int axis)
        Writes all values from the tensor value into self at the indices specified in the index tensor.
         This is the reverse operation of the manner described in gather().
         self[index[i][j][k]][j][k] = value[i][j][k] # if axis == 0
         self[i][index[i][j][k]][k] = value[i][j][k] # if axis == 1
         self[i][j][index[i][j][k]] = value[i][j][k] # if axis == 2
        axis - the axis along which to index
        index - the indices of elements to scatter, can be either empty or of the same dimensionality as value. When empty, the operation returns self unchanged
        value - the source element(s) to scatter
        the NDArray with updated values
      • getScalar

        default NDArray getScalar​(long... indices)
        Returns a scalar NDArray corresponding to a single element.
        indices - the indices of the scalar to return. Must return only a single element
        a scalar NDArray corresponding to the element
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - thrown if the result is not a single element
      • getLong

        default long getLong​(long... indices)
        Returns a long element from this NDArray.
        indices - the indices of the long element to return
        the element in the specified index as a long
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - thrown if the result is not a single element
      • getDouble

        default double getDouble​(long... indices)
        Returns a double element from this NDArray.
        indices - the indices of the double element to return
        the element in the specified index as a double
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - thrown if the result is not a single element
      • getFloat

        default float getFloat​(long... indices)
        Returns a float element from this NDArray.
        indices - the indices of the long element to return
        the element in the specified index as a float
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - thrown if the result is not a single element
      • getInt

        default int getInt​(long... indices)
        Returns an int element from this NDArray.
        indices - the indices of the int element to return
        the element in the specified index as an integer
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - thrown if the result is not a single element
      • getByte

        default byte getByte​(long... indices)
        Returns an byte element from this NDArray.
        indices - the indices of the byte element to return
        the element in the specified index as a byte
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - thrown if the result is not a single element
      • getUint8

        default int getUint8​(long... indices)
        Returns an integer element from this NDArray that represent unsigned integer with 8 bits.
        indices - the indices of the unsigned 8 bits integer element to return
        the element in the specified index as a uint8
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - thrown if the result is not a single element
      • getBoolean

        default boolean getBoolean​(long... indices)
        Returns a boolean element from this NDArray.
        indices - the indices of the int element to return
        the element in the specified index as a boolean
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - thrown if the result is not a single element
      • copyTo

        default void copyTo​(NDArray array)
        Deep-copies the current NDArray to the one passed in.
        array - this NDArray prepared to be copied to
      • duplicate

        default NDArray duplicate()
        Returns a copy of this NDArray.
        a copy of this NDArray
      • booleanMask

        default NDArray booleanMask​(NDArray index)
        Returns portion of this NDArray given the index boolean NDArray along first axis.


         jshell> NDArray array = manager.create(new float[] {1f, 2f, 3f, 4f, 5f, 6f}, new Shape(3, 2));
         jshell> NDArray mask = manager.create(new boolean[] {true, false, true});
         jshell> array.booleanMask(mask);
         ND: (2, 2) cpu() float32
         [[1., 2.],
          [5., 6.],
        index - boolean NDArray mask
        the result NDArray
      • booleanMask

        NDArray booleanMask​(NDArray index,
                            int axis)
        Returns portion of this NDArray given the index boolean NDArray along given axis.
        index - boolean NDArray mask
        axis - an integer that represents the axis of NDArray to mask from
        the result NDArray
      • sequenceMask

        NDArray sequenceMask​(NDArray sequenceLength,
                             float value)
        Sets all elements outside the sequence to a constant value.

        This function takes an n-dimensional input array of the form [batch_size, max_sequence_length, ....] and returns an array of the same shape. Parameter sequenceLength is used to handle variable-length sequences. sequence_length should be an input array of positive ints of dimension [batch_size].

        sequenceLength - used to handle variable-length sequences
        value - the constant value to be set
        the result NDArray
      • sequenceMask

        NDArray sequenceMask​(NDArray sequenceLength)
        Sets all elements outside the sequence to 0.

        This function takes an n-dimensional input array of the form [batch_size, max_sequence_length, ....] and returns an array of the same shape. Parameter sequenceLength is used to handle variable-length sequences. sequence_length should be an input array of positive ints of dimension [batch_size].

        sequenceLength - used to handle variable-length sequences
        the result NDArray
      • zerosLike

        default NDArray zerosLike()
        Returns an NDArray of zeros with the same Shape, DataType and SparseFormat as the input NDArray.


         jshell> NDArray array = manager.arange(6f).reshape(2, 3);
         jshell> array;
         ND: (2, 3) cpu() float32
         [[0., 1., 2.],
          [3., 4., 5.],
         jshell> array.zerosLike();
         ND: (2, 3) cpu() float32
         [[0., 0., 0.],
          [0., 0., 0.],
        a NDArray filled with zeros
      • onesLike

        default NDArray onesLike()
        Returns an NDArray of ones with the same Shape, DataType and SparseFormat as the input NDArray.


         jshell> NDArray array = manager.arange(6f).reshape(2, 3);
         jshell> array;
         ND: (2, 3) cpu() float32
         [[0., 1., 2.],
          [3., 4., 5.],
         jshell> array.onesLike();
         ND: (2, 3) cpu() float32
         [[1., 1., 1.],
          [1., 1., 1.],
        a NDArray filled with ones
      • like

        default NDArray like()
        Returns an uninitialized NDArray with the same Shape, DataType and SparseFormat as the input NDArray.


         jshell> NDArray array = manager.arange(6f).reshape(2, 3);
         jshell> array;
         ND: (2, 3) cpu() float32
         [[0., 1., 2.],
          [3., 4., 5.],
         jshell>; // uninitialized NDArray
         ND: (2, 3) cpu() float32
         [[ 9.80908925e-45,  0.00000000e+00,  0.00000000e+00],
          [ 0.00000000e+00,  7.61595174e-07,  2.80259693e-44],
        the result NDArray
      • contentEquals

        boolean contentEquals​(java.lang.Number number)
        Returns true if all elements in this NDArray are equal to the Number.


         jshell> NDArray array = manager.ones(new Shape(2, 3));
         jshell> array.contentEquals(1); // return true instead of boolean NDArray
        number - the number to compare
        the boolean result
      • contentEquals

        boolean contentEquals​(NDArray other)
        Returns true if all elements in this NDArray are equal to the other NDArray.


         jshell> NDArray array1 = manager.arange(6f).reshape(2, 3);
         jshell> NDArray array2 = manager.create(new float[] {0f, 1f, 2f, 3f, 4f, 5f}, new Shape(2, 3));
         jshell> array1.contentEquals(array2); // return true instead of boolean NDArray
        other - the other NDArray to compare
        the boolean result
      • shapeEquals

        default boolean shapeEquals​(NDArray other)
        Checks 2 NDArrays for equal shapes.

        Shapes are considered equal if:

        • Both NDArrays have equal rank, and
        • size(0)...size(rank()-1) are equal for both NDArrays


         jshell> NDArray array1 = manager.ones(new Shape(1, 2, 3));
         jshell> NDArray array2 = manager.create(new Shape(1, 2, 3));
         jshell> array1.shapeEquals(array2); // return true instead of boolean NDArray
        other - the other NDArray
        true if the Shapes are the same
      • allClose

        default boolean allClose​(NDArray other)
        Returns true if two NDArrays are element-wise equal within a tolerance.


         jshell> NDArray array1 = manager.create(new double[] {1e10, 1e-7});
         jshell> NDArray array2 = manager.create(new double[] {1.00001e10, 1e-8});
         jshell> array1.allClose(array2); // return false instead of boolean NDArray
         jshell> NDArray array1 = manager.create(new double[] {1e10, 1e-8});
         jshell> NDArray array2 = manager.create(new double[] {1.00001e10, 1e-9});
         jshell> array1.allClose(array2); // return true instead of boolean NDArray
        other - the NDArray to compare with
        the boolean result
      • allClose

        default boolean allClose​(NDArray other,
                                 double rtol,
                                 double atol,
                                 boolean equalNan)
        Returns true if two NDArray are element-wise equal within a tolerance.


         jshell> NDArray array1 = manager.create(new double[] {1e10, 1e-7});
         jshell> NDArray array2 = manager.create(new double[] {1.00001e10, 1e-8});
         jshell> array1.allClose(array2, 1e-05, 1e-08, false); // return false instead of boolean NDArray
         jshell> NDArray array1 = manager.create(new double[] {1e10, 1e-8});
         jshell> NDArray array2 = manager.create(new double[] {1.00001e10, 1e-9});
         jshell> array1.allClose(array2, 1e-05, 1e-08, false); // return true instead of boolean NDArray
         jshell> NDArray array1 = manager.create(new float[] {1f, Float.NaN});
         jshell> NDArray array2 = manager.create(new float[] {1f, Float.NaN});
         jshell> array1.allClose(array2, 1e-05, 1e-08, true); // return true instead of boolean NDArray
        other - the NDArray to compare with
        rtol - the relative tolerance parameter
        atol - the absolute tolerance parameter
        equalNan - whether to compare NaN’s as equal. If true, NaN’s in the NDArray will be considered equal to NaN’s in the other NDArray
        the boolean result
      • eq

        NDArray eq​(java.lang.Number n)
        Returns the boolean NDArray for element-wise "Equals" comparison.


         jshell> NDArray array = manager.ones(new Shape(1));
         jshell> array.eq(1);
         ND: (1) cpu() boolean
         [ true]
        n - the number to compare
        the boolean NDArray for element-wise "Equals" comparison
      • eq

        NDArray eq​(NDArray other)
        Returns the boolean NDArray for element-wise "Equals" comparison.


         jshell> NDArray array1 = manager.create(new float[] {0f, 1f, 3f});
         jshell> NDArray array2 = manager.arange(3f);
         jshell> array1.eq(array2);
         ND: (3) cpu() boolean
         [ true,  true, false]
        other - the NDArray to compare
        the boolean NDArray for element-wise "Equals" comparison
      • neq

        NDArray neq​(java.lang.Number n)
        Returns the boolean NDArray for element-wise "Not equals" comparison.


         jshell> NDArray array = manager.arange(4f).reshape(2, 2);
         jshell> array.neq(1);
         ND: (2, 2) cpu() boolean
         [[ true, false],
          [ true,  true],
        n - the number to compare
        the boolean NDArray for element-wise "Not equals" comparison
      • neq

        NDArray neq​(NDArray other)
        Returns the boolean NDArray for element-wise "Not equals" comparison.


         jshell> NDArray array1 = manager.create(new float[] {1f, 2f});
         jshell> NDArray array2 = manager.create(new float[] {1f, 3f});
         jshell> array1.neq(array2);
         ND: (2) cpu() boolean
         [false,  true]
         jshell> NDArray array1 = manager.create(new float[] {1f, 2f});
         jshell> NDArray array2 = manager.create(new float[] {1f, 3f, 1f, 4f}, new Shape(2, 2));
         jshell> array1.neq(array2); // broadcasting
         ND: (2, 2) cpu() boolean
         [[false,  true],
          [false,  true],
        other - the NDArray to compare
        the boolean NDArray for element-wise "Not equals" comparison
      • gt

        NDArray gt​(java.lang.Number n)
        Returns the boolean NDArray for element-wise "Greater" comparison.


         jshell> NDArray array = manager.create(new float[] {4f, 2f});
         ND: (2) cpu() boolean
         [ true, false]
        n - the number to compare
        the boolean NDArray for element-wise "Greater" comparison
      • gt

        NDArray gt​(NDArray other)
        Returns the boolean NDArray for element-wise "Greater Than" comparison.


         jshell> NDArray array1 = manager.create(new float[] {4f, 2f});
         jshell> NDArray array2 = manager.create(new float[] {2f, 2f});
         jshell> array1.neq(array2);
         ND: (2) cpu() boolean
         [ true, false]
        other - the NDArray to compare
        the boolean NDArray for element-wis "Greater Than" comparison
      • gte

        NDArray gte​(java.lang.Number n)
        Returns the boolean NDArray for element-wise "Greater or equals" comparison.
         jshell> NDArray array = manager.create(new float[] {4f, 2f});
         jshell> array.gte(2f);
         ND: (2) cpu() boolean
         [ true, true]
        n - the number to compare
        the boolean NDArray for element-wise "Greater or equals" comparison
      • gte

        NDArray gte​(NDArray other)
        Returns the boolean NDArray for element-wise "Greater or equals" comparison.


         jshell> NDArray array1 = manager.create(new float[] {4f, 2f});
         jshell> NDArray array2 = manager.create(new float[] {2f, 2f});
         jshell> array1.gte(array2);
         ND: (2) cpu() boolean
         [ true, true]
        other - the number to compare
        the boolean NDArray for "Greater or equals" comparison
      • lt

        NDArray lt​(java.lang.Number n)
        Returns the boolean NDArray for element-wise "Less" comparison.


         jshell> NDArray array = manager.create(new float[] {1f, 2f});
         ND: (2) cpu() boolean
         [ true, false]
        n - the number to compare
        the boolean NDArray for element-wise "Less" comparison
      • lt

        NDArray lt​(NDArray other)
        Returns the boolean NDArray for element-wise "Less" comparison.


         jshell> NDArray array1 = manager.create(new float[] {1f, 2f});
         jshell> NDArray array2 = manager.create(new float[] {2f, 2f});
         ND: (2) cpu() boolean
         [ true, false]
        other - the NDArray to compare
        the boolean NDArray for element-wise "Less" comparison
      • lte

        NDArray lte​(java.lang.Number n)
        Returns the boolean NDArray for element-wise "Less or equals" comparison.


         jshell> NDArray array = manager.create(new float[] {1f, 2f});
         jshell> array.lte(2f);
         ND: (2) cpu() boolean
         [ true, true]
        n - the number to compare
        the boolean NDArray for element-wise "Less or equals" comparison
      • lte

        NDArray lte​(NDArray other)
        Returns the boolean NDArray for element-wise "Less or equals" comparison.


         jshell> NDArray array1 = manager.create(new float[] {1f, 2f});
         jshell> NDArray array2 = manager.create(new float[] {2f, 2f});
         jshell> array1.lte(array2);
         ND: (2) cpu() boolean
         [ true, true]
        other - the NDArray to compare
        the boolean NDArray for element-wise "Less or equals" comparison
      • add

        NDArray add​(java.lang.Number n)
        Adds a number to this NDArray element-wise.


         jshell> NDArray array = manager.create(new float[] {1f, 2f});
         jshell> array.add(2f);
         ND: (2) cpu() float32
         [3., 4.]
        n - the number to add
        the result NDArray
      • add

        NDArray add​(NDArray other)
        Adds other NDArrays to this NDArray element-wise.

        The shapes of this NDArray and other NDArray must be broadcastable.


         jshell> NDArray array1 = manager.arange(9f).reshape(3, 3);
         jshell> NDArray array2 = manager.arange(3f);
         jshell> array1.add(array2); // broadcasting
         ND: (3, 3) cpu() float32
         [[ 0.,  2.,  4.],
          [ 3.,  5.,  7.],
          [ 6.,  8., 10.],
        other - the other NDArrays to add
        the result NDArray
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - others arrays must have at least one element
      • sub

        NDArray sub​(java.lang.Number n)
        Subtracts a number from this NDArray element-wise.


         jshell> NDArray array = manager.create(new float[] {1f, 2f});
         jshell> array.sub(2f);
         ND: (2) cpu() float32
         [-1.,  0.]
        n - the number to subtract from
        the result NDArray
      • sub

        NDArray sub​(NDArray other)
        Subtracts the other NDArray from this NDArray element-wise.

        The shapes of this NDArray and other NDArrays must be broadcastable.


         jshell> NDArray array1 = manager.arange(9).reshape(3, 3);
         jshell> NDArray array2 = manager.arange(3);
         jshell> array1.sub(array2); // broadcasting
         ND: (3, 3) cpu() float32
         [[0., 0., 0.],
          [3., 3., 3.],
          [6., 6., 6.],
        other - the other NDArray to subtract from
        the result NDArray
      • mul

        NDArray mul​(java.lang.Number n)
        Multiplies this NDArray by a number element-wise.


         jshell> NDArray array = manager.create(new float[] {1f, 2f});
         jshell> array.mul(3f);
         ND: (2) cpu() float32
         [3., 6.]
        n - the number to multiply by
        the result NDArray
      • mul

        NDArray mul​(NDArray other)
        Multiplies this NDArray by other NDArrays element-wise.

        The shapes of this NDArray and other NDArray must be broadcastable.


         jshell> NDArray array1 = manager.arange(9f).reshape(3, 3);
         jshell> NDArray array2 = manager.arange(3f);
         jshell> array1.mul(array2); // broadcasting
         ND: (3, 3) cpu() float32
         [[ 0.,  1.,  4.],
          [ 0.,  4., 10.],
          [ 0.,  7., 16.],
        other - the other NDArrays to multiply by
        the result NDArray
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - others arrays must have at least one element
      • div

        NDArray div​(java.lang.Number n)
        Divides this NDArray by a number element-wise.


         jshell> NDArray array = manager.arange(5f);
         jshell> array.div(4f);
         ND: (5) cpu() float32
         [0.  , 0.25, 0.5 , 0.75, 1.  ]
        n - the number to divide by
        the result NDArray
      • div

        NDArray div​(NDArray other)
        Divides this NDArray by the other NDArray element-wise.

        The shapes of this NDArray and the other NDArray must be broadcastable.


         jshell> NDArray array1 = manager.arange(9f).reshape(3, 3);
         jshell> NDArray array2 = manager.ones(new Shape(3)).mul(10);
         jshell> array1.div(array2); // broadcasting
         ND: (3, 3) cpu() float32
         [[0. , 0.1, 0.2],
          [0.3, 0.4, 0.5],
          [0.6, 0.7, 0.8],
        other - the other NDArray to divide by
        the result NDArray
      • mod

        NDArray mod​(java.lang.Number n)
        Returns element-wise remainder of division.


         jshell> NDArray array = manager.arange(7f);
         jshell> array.mod(5f);
         ND: (7) cpu() float32
         [0., 1., 2., 3., 4., 0., 1.]
        n - the divisor number
        the result NDArray
      • mod

        NDArray mod​(NDArray other)
        Returns element-wise remainder of division.

        The shapes of this NDArray and the other NDArray must be broadcastable.


         jshell> NDArray array1 = manager.create(new float[] {4f, 7f});
         jshell> NDArray array2 = manager.create(new float[] {2f, 3f});
         jshell> array1.mod(array2);
         ND: (2) cpu() float32
         [0., 1.]
        other - the divisor NDArray
        the result NDArray
      • pow

        NDArray pow​(java.lang.Number n)
        Takes the power of this NDArray with a number element-wise.


         jshell> NDArray array = manager.arange(5f);
         jshell> array.pow(4f);
         ND: (6) cpu() float32
         [  0.,   1.,   8.,  27.,  64., 125.]
        n - the number to take the power with
        the result NDArray
      • pow

        NDArray pow​(NDArray other)
        Takes the power of this NDArray with the other NDArray element-wise.


         jshell> NDArray array1 = manager.arange(6f).reshape(3, 2);
         jshell> NDArray array2 = manager.create(new float[] {2f, 3f});
         jshell> array1.pow(array2); // broadcasting
         ND: (3, 2) cpu() float32
         [[  0.,   1.],
          [  4.,  27.],
          [ 16., 125.],
        other - the other NDArray to take the power with
        the result NDArray
      • xlogy

        NDArray xlogy​(NDArray other)
        Computes this * log(other).
        other - other the other NDArray
        the result NDArray
      • addi

        NDArray addi​(java.lang.Number n)
        Adds a number to this NDArray element-wise in place.


         jshell> NDArray array = manager.create(new float[] {1f, 2f});
         jshell> array.addi(2f);
         ND: (2) cpu() float32
         [3., 4.]
         jshell> array;
         ND: (2) cpu() float32
         [3., 4.]
        n - the number to add
        the result NDArray
      • addi

        NDArray addi​(NDArray other)
        Adds other NDArrays to this NDArray element-wise in place.

        The shapes of this NDArray and other NDArrays must be broadcastable.


         jshell> NDArray array1 = manager.create(new float[] {1f, 2f});
         jshell> NDArray array2 = manager.create(new float[] {3f, 4f});
         jshell> array1.addi(array2);
         ND: (2) cpu() float32
         [4., 6.]
         jshell> array;
         ND: (2) cpu() float32
         [4., 6.]
        other - the other NDArrays to add
        the result NDArray
      • subi

        NDArray subi​(java.lang.Number n)
        Subtracts a number from this NDArray element-wise in place.


         jshell> NDArray array = manager.create(new float[] {1f, 2f});
         jshell> array.subi(2f);
         ND: (2) cpu() float32
         [-1.,  0.]
         jshell> array;
         ND: (2) cpu() float32
         [-1.,  0.]
        n - the number to subtract
        the result NDArray
      • subi

        NDArray subi​(NDArray other)
        Subtracts the other NDArray from this NDArray element-wise in place.

        The shapes of this NDArray and other NDArrays must be broadcastable.


         jshell> NDArray array1 = manager.arange(9f).reshape(3, 3);
         jshell> NDArray array2 = manager.arange(3f);
         jshell> array1.subi(array2); // broadcasting
         ND: (3, 3) cpu() float32
         [[0., 0., 0.],
          [3., 3., 3.],
          [6., 6., 6.],
         jshell> array1;
         [[0., 0., 0.],
          [3., 3., 3.],
          [6., 6., 6.],
        other - the other NDArray to subtract from
        the result NDArray
      • muli

        NDArray muli​(java.lang.Number n)
        Multiplies this NDArray by a number element-wise in place.


         jshell> NDArray array = manager.create(new float[] {1f, 2f});
         jshell> array.muli(3f);
         ND: (2) cpu() float32
         [3., 6.]
         jshell> array;
         ND: (2) cpu() float32
         [3., 6.]
        n - the number to multiply by
        the result NDArray
      • muli

        NDArray muli​(NDArray other)
        Multiplies this NDArray by other NDArray element-wise in place.

        The shapes of this NDArray and other NDArrays must be broadcastable.


         jshell> NDArray array1 = manager.arange(9f).reshape(3, 3);
         jshell> NDArray array2 = manager.arange(3f);
         jshell> array1.muli(array2); // broadcasting
         ND: (3, 3) cpu() float32
         [[ 0.,  1.,  4.],
          [ 0.,  4., 10.],
          [ 0.,  7., 16.],
         jshell> array1;
         ND: (3, 3) cpu() float32
         [[ 0.,  1.,  4.],
          [ 0.,  4., 10.],
          [ 0.,  7., 16.],
        other - the other NDArrays to multiply with
        the result NDArray
      • divi

        NDArray divi​(java.lang.Number n)
        Divides this NDArray by a number element-wise in place.


         jshell> NDArray array = manager.arange(5f);
         jshell> array.divi(4f);
         ND: (5) cpu() float32
         [0.  , 0.25, 0.5 , 0.75, 1.  ]
         jshell> array;
         ND: (5) cpu() float32
         [0.  , 0.25, 0.5 , 0.75, 1.  ]
        n - the number to divide values by
        the array after applying division operation
      • divi

        NDArray divi​(NDArray other)
        Divides this NDArray by the other NDArray element-wise in place.

        The shapes of this NDArray and the other NDArray must be broadcastable.


         jshell> NDArray array1 = manager.arange(9f).reshape(3, 3);
         jshell> NDArray array2 = manager.ones(new Shape(3)).mul(10);
         jshell> array1.divi(array2); // broadcasting
         ND: (3, 3) cpu() float32
         [[0. , 0.1, 0.2],
          [0.3, 0.4, 0.5],
          [0.6, 0.7, 0.8],
         jshell> array1;
         [[0. , 0.1, 0.2],
          [0.3, 0.4, 0.5],
          [0.6, 0.7, 0.8],
        other - the other NDArray to divide by
        the result of the divide
      • modi

        NDArray modi​(java.lang.Number n)
        Returns element-wise remainder of division in place.


         jshell> NDArray array = manager.arange(7f);
         jshell> array.modi(5f);
         ND: (7) cpu() float32
         [0., 1., 2., 3., 4., 0., 1.]
         jshell> array;
         ND: (7) cpu() float32
         [0., 1., 2., 3., 4., 0., 1.]
        n - the divisor number
        the result NDArray
      • modi

        NDArray modi​(NDArray other)
        Returns in place element-wise remainder of division in place.

        The shapes of this NDArray and the other NDArray must be broadcastable.


         jshell> NDArray array1 = manager.create(new float[] {4f, 7f});
         jshell> NDArray array2 = manager.create(new float[] {2f, 3f});
         jshell> array1.modi(array2);
         ND: (2) cpu() float32
         [0., 1.]
         jshell> array1;
         ND: (2) cpu() float32
         [0., 1.]
        other - the divisor NDArray
        the result of the divide
      • powi

        NDArray powi​(java.lang.Number n)
        Takes the power of this NDArray with a number element-wise in place.


         jshell> NDArray array = manager.arange(5f);
         jshell> array.powi(4f);
         ND: (6) cpu() float32
         [  0.,   1.,   8.,  27.,  64., 125.]
         jshell> array;
         ND: (6) cpu() float32
         [  0.,   1.,   8.,  27.,  64., 125.]
        n - the number to raise the power to
        the result NDArray
      • powi

        NDArray powi​(NDArray other)
        Takes the power of this NDArray with the other NDArray element-wise in place.

        The shapes of this NDArray and the other NDArray must be broadcastable.


         jshell> NDArray array1 = manager.arange(6f).reshape(3, 2);
         jshell> NDArray array2 = manager.create(new float[] {2f, 3f});
         jshell> array1.powi(array2); // broadcasting
         ND: (3, 2) cpu() float32
         [[  0.,   1.],
          [  4.,  27.],
          [ 16., 125.],
         jshell> array1;
         ND: (3, 2) cpu() float32
         [[  0.,   1.],
          [  4.,  27.],
          [ 16., 125.],
        other - the other NDArray to take the power with
        the result NDArray
      • sign

        NDArray sign()
        Returns the element-wise sign.
        the result NDArray
      • signi

        NDArray signi()
        Returns the element-wise sign in-place.
        the result NDArray
      • maximum

        NDArray maximum​(java.lang.Number n)
        Returns the maximum of this NDArray and a number element-wise.


         jshell> NDArray array = manager.create(new float[] {2f, 3f, 4f});
         jshell> array.maximum(3f);
         ND: (3) cpu() float32
         [3., 3., 4.]
        n - the number to be compared
        the maximum of this NDArray and a number element-wise
      • maximum

        NDArray maximum​(NDArray other)
        Returns the maximum of this NDArray and the other NDArray element-wise.

        The shapes of this NDArray and the other NDArray must be broadcastable.


         jshell> NDArray array1 = manager.create(new float[] {2f, 3f, 4f});
         jshell> NDArray array2 = manager.create(new float[] {1f, 5f, 2f});
         jshell> array1.maximum(array2);
         ND: (3) cpu() float32
         [2., 5., 4.]
         jshell> NDArray array1 = manager.eye(2);
         jshell> NDArray array2 = manager.create(new float[] {0.5f, 2f});
         jshell> array1.maximum(array2); // broadcasting
         ND: (2, 2) cpu() float32
         [[1. , 2. ],
          [0.5, 2. ],
        other - the NDArray to be compared
        the maximum of this NDArray and the other NDArray element-wise
      • minimum

        NDArray minimum​(java.lang.Number n)
        Returns the minimum of this NDArray and a number element-wise.


         jshell> NDArray array = manager.create(new float[] {2f, 3f, 4f});
         jshell> array.minimum(3f);
         ND: (3) cpu() float32
         [2., 3., 3.]
        n - the number to be compared
        the minimum of this NDArray and a number element-wise
      • minimum

        NDArray minimum​(NDArray other)
        Returns the minimum of this NDArray and the other NDArray element-wise.

        The shapes of this NDArray and the other NDArray must be broadcastable.


         jshell> NDArray array1 = manager.create(new float[] {2f, 3f, 4f});
         jshell> NDArray array2 = manager.create(new float[] {1f, 5f, 2f});
         jshell> array1.minimum(array2);
         ND: (3) cpu() float32
         [1., 3., 2.]
         jshell> NDArray array1 = manager.eye(2);
         jshell> NDArray array2 = manager.create(new float[] {0.5f, 2f});
         jshell> array1.minimum(array2); // broadcasting
         ND: (2, 2) cpu() float32
         [[0.5, 0. ],
          [0. , 1. ],
        other - the NDArray to be compared
        the minimum of this NDArray and the other NDArray element-wise
      • neg

        NDArray neg()
        Returns the numerical negative NDArray element-wise.
         jshell> NDArray array = manager.arange(5f);
         jshell> array.neg();
         ND: (5) cpu() float32
         [-0., -1., -2., -3., -4.]
        the result NDArray
      • negi

        NDArray negi()
        Returns the numerical negative NDArray element-wise in place.
         jshell> NDArray array = manager.arange(5f);
         jshell> array.negi();
         jshell> array;
         ND: (5) cpu() float32
         [-0., -1., -2., -3., -4.]
        the result NDArray
      • abs

        NDArray abs()
        Returns the absolute value of this NDArray element-wise.


         jshell> NDArray array = manager.create(new float[] {-1f, -2f});
         jshell> array.abs();
         ND: (2) cpu() float32
         [1., 2.]
        the result NDArray
      • square

        NDArray square()
        Returns the square of this NDArray element-wise.


         jshell> NDArray array = manager.create(new float[] {2f, -3f});
         jshell> array.square();
         ND: (2) cpu() float32
         [4., 9.]
        the result NDArray
      • sqrt

        NDArray sqrt()
        Returns the square root of this NDArray element-wise.


         jshell> NDArray array = manager.create(new float[] {4f});
         jshell> array.sqrt();
         ND: (1) cpu() float32
         [2., ]
        the result NDArray
      • cbrt

        NDArray cbrt()
        Returns the cube-root of this NDArray element-wise.


         jshell> NDArray array = manager.create(new float[] {1f, 8f, 27f});
         jshell> array.cbrt();
         ND: (3) cpu() float32
         [1., 2., 3.]
        the result NDArray
      • floor

        NDArray floor()
        Returns the floor of this NDArray element-wise.

        The floor of the scalar x is the largest integer i, such that i <= x.


         jshell> NDArray array = manager.create(new float[] {-1.7f, -1.5f, -0.2f, 0.2f, 1.5f, 1.7f, 2.0f});
         jshell> array.floor();
         ND: (7) cpu() float32
         [-2., -2., -1.,  0.,  1.,  1.,  2.]
        the result NDArray
      • ceil

        NDArray ceil()
        Returns the ceiling of this NDArray element-wise.

        The ceil of the scalar x is the smallest integer i, such that i >= x.


         jshell> NDArray array = manager.create(new float[] {-1.7f, -1.5f, -0.2f, 0.2f, 1.5f, 1.7f, 2.0f});
         jshell> array.ceil();
         ND: (7) cpu() float32
         [-1., -1., -0.,  1.,  2.,  2.,  2.]
        the result NDArray
      • round

        NDArray round()
        Returns the round of this NDArray element-wise.


         jshell> NDArray array = manager.create(new float[] {-1.7f, -1.5f, -0.2f, 0.2f, 1.5f, 1.7f, 2.0f});
         jshell> array.round();
         ND: (7) cpu() float32
         [-2., -2., -0.,  0.,  2.,  2.,  2.]
        the result NDArray
      • trunc

        NDArray trunc()
        Returns the truncated value of this NDArray element-wise.


         jshell> NDArray array = manager.create(new float[] {-1.7f, -1.5f, -0.2f, 0.2f, 1.5f, 1.7f, 2.0f});
         jshell> array.trunc();
         ND: (7) cpu() float32
         [-1., -1., -0.,  0.,  1.,  1.,  2.]
        the result NDArray
      • exp

        NDArray exp()
        Returns the exponential value of this NDArray element-wise.


         jshell> NDArray array = manager.create(new float[] {0f, 2.5f});
         jshell> array.exp();
         ND: (2) cpu() float32
         [ 1.    , 12.1825]
        the result NDArray
      • gammaln

        NDArray gammaln()
        Return the log of the absolute value of the gamma function of this NDArray element-wise.


         jshell> NDArray array = manager.create(new float[] {0.5f, 1f, 1.5f});
         jshell> array.gammaln();
         ND: (2) cpu() float32
         [ 0.5724,  0.0000, -0.1208]
        the result NDArray
      • log

        NDArray log()
        Returns the natural logarithmic value of this NDArray element-wise.


         jshell> NDArray array = manager.create(new float[] {0f, 2.5f});
         jshell> array.log();
         ND: (2) cpu() float32
         [  -inf, 0.9163]
        the result NDArray
      • log10

        NDArray log10()
        Returns the base 10 logarithm of this NDArray element-wise.


         jshell> NDArray array = manager.create(new float[] {1000f, 1f, 150f});
         jshell> array.log10();
         ND: (3) cpu() float32
         [3.    , 0.    , 2.1761]
        the result NDArray
      • log2

        NDArray log2()
        Returns the base 2 logarithm of this NDArray element-wise.


         jshell> NDArray array = manager.create(new float[] {8, 1f, 5f});
         jshell> array.log2();
         ND: (3) cpu() float32
         [3.    , 0.    , 2.3219]
        the result NDArray
      • sin

        NDArray sin()
        Returns the trigonometric sine of this NDArray element-wise.

        The input should be in radians (2 Pi radians equals 360 degrees).


         jshell> NDArray array = manager.create(new float[] {0f, 30f, 45f, 60f, 90f});
         jshell> array = array.mul(Math.PI).div(180f);
         jshell> array.sin();
         ND: (5) cpu() float32
         [0.    , 0.5   , 0.7071, 0.866 , 1.    ]
        the result NDArray
      • cos

        NDArray cos()
        Returns the trigonometric cosine of this NDArray element-wise.

        The input should be in radians (2 Pi radians equals 360 degrees).


         jshell> NDArray array = manager.create(new double[] {0, Math.PI/2, Math.PI});
         jshell> array.cos();
         ND: (3) cpu() float64
         [  1.0000000e+00,   6.1232340e-17,  -1.0000000e+00],
        the result NDArray
      • tan

        NDArray tan()
        Returns the trigonometric tangent of this NDArray element-wise.

        The input should be in radians (2 Pi radians equals 360 degrees).


         jshell> NDArray array = manager.create(new double[] {-Math.PI, Math.PI/2, Math.PI});
         jshell> array.tan();
         ND: (3) cpu() float64
         [  1.2246468e-16,   1.6331239e+16,  -1.2246468e-16],
        the result NDArray
      • asin

        NDArray asin()
        Returns the inverse trigonometric sine of this NDArray element-wise.

        The input should be in the range [-1, 1]. The output is in the closed interval of [-Pi/2, Pi/2].


         jshell> NDArray array = manager.create(new float[] {1f, -1f, 0f});
         jshell> array.asin();
         ND: (3) cpu() float64
         [ 1.5708, -1.5708,  0.    ]
        the result NDArray
      • acos

        NDArray acos()
        Returns the inverse trigonometric cosine of this NDArray element-wise.

        The input should be in the range [-1, 1]. The output is in the closed interval of [-Pi/2, Pi/2].


         jshell> NDArray array = manager.create(new float[] {1f, -1f});
         jshell> array.acos();
         ND: (2) cpu() float64
         [0.    , 3.1416]
        the result NDArray
      • atan

        NDArray atan()
        Returns the inverse trigonometric tangent of this NDArray element-wise.

        The input should be in the range [-1, 1]. The output is in the closed interval of [-Pi/2, Pi/2].


         jshell> NDArray array = manager.create(new float[] {0f, 1f});
         jshell> array.atan();
         ND: (2) cpu() float64
         [0.    , 0.7854]
        the result NDArray
      • sinh

        NDArray sinh()
        Returns the hyperbolic sine of this NDArray element-wise.

        sinh(x)=0.5*(exp(x) - exp(-x))


         jshell> NDArray array = manager.create(new double[] {0, Math.PI});
         jshell> array.sinh();
         ND: (2) cpu() float64
         [ 0.    , 11.5487]
        the result NDArray
      • cosh

        NDArray cosh()
        Returns the hyperbolic cosine of this NDArray element-wise.



         jshell> NDArray array = manager.create(new double[] {0, Math.PI});
         jshell> array.cosh();
         ND: (2) cpu() float64
         [ 1.    , 11.592 ]
        the result NDArray
      • tanh

        NDArray tanh()
        Returns the hyperbolic tangent of this NDArray element-wise.



         jshell> NDArray array = manager.create(new double[] {0, Math.PI});
         jshell> array.tanh();
         ND: (2) cpu() float64
         [0.    , 0.9963]
        the result NDArray
      • asinh

        NDArray asinh()
        Returns the inverse hyperbolic sine of this NDArray element-wise.


         jshell> NDArray array = manager.create(new double[] {Math.E, 10});
         jshell> array.asinh();
         ND: (2) cpu() float64
         [1.7254, 2.9982]
        the result NDArray
      • acosh

        NDArray acosh()
        Returns the inverse hyperbolic cosine of this NDArray element-wise.


         jshell> NDArray array = manager.create(new double[] {Math.E, 10});
         jshell> array.acosh();
         ND: (2) cpu() float64
         [1.6575, 2.9932]
        the result NDArray
      • atanh

        NDArray atanh()
        Returns the inverse hyperbolic tangent of this NDArray element-wise.


         jshell> NDArray array = manager.create(new double[] {0, -0.5});
         jshell> array.atanh();
         ND: (2) cpu() float64
         [ 0.    , -0.5493]
        the result NDArray
      • toDegrees

        NDArray toDegrees()
        Converts this NDArray from radians to degrees element-wise.


         jshell> NDArray array = manager.arange(6f).mul(Math.PI / 3);
         jshell> array.toDegrees();
         ND: (6) cpu() float32
         [  0.,  60., 120., 180., 240., 300.]
        the result NDArray
      • toRadians

        NDArray toRadians()
        Converts this NDArray from degrees to radians element-wise.


         jshell> NDArray array = manager.arange(6f).mul(60);
         jshell> array.toRadians();
         ND: (6) cpu() float32
         [0.    , 1.0472, 2.0944, 3.1416, 4.1888, 5.236 ]
        the result NDArray
      • max

        NDArray max()
        Returns the maximum of this NDArray.


         jshell> NDArray array = manager.arange(4f).reshape(2,2);
         jshell> array;
         ND: (2, 2) cpu() float32
         [[0., 1.],
          [2., 3.],
         jshell> array.max(); // Maximum of the flattened array
         ND: () cpu() float32
         jshell> array.max().getFloat() // Use getFloat() to get native float
        the maximum of this NDArray
      • max

        default NDArray max​(int[] axes)
        Returns the maximum of this NDArray along given axes.


         jshell> NDArray array = manager.arange(4f).reshape(2,2);
         jshell> array;
         ND: (2, 2) cpu() float32
         [[0., 1.],
          [2., 3.],
         jshell> array.max(new int[]{0}); // Maximum along the first axis
         ND: (2) cpu() float32
         [2., 3.]
         jshell> array.max(new int[]{1}); // Maximum along the second axis
         ND: (2) cpu() float32
         [1., 3.]
        axes - the axes along which to operate
        the maximum of this NDArray with the specified axes removed from the Shape containing the max
        See Also:
        max(int[], boolean)
      • max

        NDArray max​(int[] axes,
                    boolean keepDims)
        Returns the maximum of this NDArray along given axes.


         jshell> NDArray array = manager.arange(4f).reshape(2,2);
         jshell> array;
         ND: (2, 2) cpu() float32
         [[0., 1.],
          [2., 3.],
         jshell> array.max(new int[]{0}, true); // Maximum along the first axis and keep dimension
         ND: (1, 2) cpu() float32
         [[2., 3.],
         jshell> array.max(new int[]{1}, true); // Maximum along the second axis and keep dimension
         ND: (2, 1) cpu() float32
        axes - the axes along which to operate
        keepDims - true to keep the specified axes as size 1 in the output array, false to squeeze the values out of the output array.
        the maximum of this NDArray
      • min

        NDArray min()
        Returns the minimum of this NDArray.


         jshell> NDArray array = manager.arange(4f).reshape(2,2);
         jshell> array;
         ND: (2, 2) cpu() float32
         [[0., 1.],
          [2., 3.],
         jshell> array.min(); // Minimum of the flattened array
         ND: () cpu() float32
         jshell> array.min().getFloat(); // Use getFloat() to get native float
        the minimum of this NDArray
      • min

        default NDArray min​(int[] axes)
        Returns the minimum of this NDArray along given axes.


         jshell> NDArray array = manager.arange(4f).reshape(2,2);
         jshell> array;
         ND: (2, 2) cpu() float32
         [[0., 1.],
          [2., 3.],
         jshell> array.min(new int[]{0}); // Minimum along the first axis
         ND: (2) cpu() float32
         [0., 1.]
         jshell> array.min(new int[]{1}); // Minimum along the second axis
         ND: (2) cpu() float32
         [0., 2.]
        axes - the axes along which to operate
        the minimum of this NDArray with the specified axes removed from the Shape containing the min
        See Also:
        min(int[], boolean)
      • min

        NDArray min​(int[] axes,
                    boolean keepDims)
        Returns the minimum of this NDArray along given axes.


         jshell> NDArray array = manager.arange(4f).reshape(2,2);
         jshell> array
         ND: (2, 2) cpu() float32
         [[0., 1.],
          [2., 3.],
         jshell> array.min(new int[]{0}, true) // Minimum along the first axis and keep dimension
         ND: (1, 2) cpu() float32
         [[0., 1.],
         jshell> array.min(new int[]{1}, true) // Minimum along the second axis and keep dimension
         ND: (2, 1) cpu() float32
        axes - the axes along which to operate
        keepDims - true to keep the specified axes as size 1 in the output array, false to squeeze the values out of the output array
        the minimum of this NDArray
      • sum

        NDArray sum()
        Returns the sum of this NDArray.


         jshell> NDArray array = manager.create(new float[] {0.5f, 1.5f});
         jshell> array.sum();
         ND: () cpu() float32
         jshell> array.sum().getFloat(); // Use getFloat() to get native float
         jshell> NDArray array = manager.create(new float[] {0f, 1f, 0f, 5f}, new Shape(2, 2));
         jshell> array.sum();
         ND: () cpu() float32
        the sum of this NDArray
      • sum

        default NDArray sum​(int[] axes)
        Returns the sum of this NDArray along given axes.


         jshell> NDArray array = manager.create(new float[] {0f, 1f, 0f, 5f}, new Shape(2, 2));
         jshell> array;
         ND: (2, 2) cpu() float32
         [[0., 1.],
          [0., 5.],
         jshell> array.sum(new int[] {0});
         ND: (2) cpu() float32
         [0., 6.]
         jshell> array.sum(new int[] {1});
         ND: (2) cpu() float32
         [1., 5.]
        axes - the axes along which to operate
        the sum of this NDArray with the specified axes removed from the Shape containing the sum
        See Also:
        sum(int[], boolean)
      • sum

        NDArray sum​(int[] axes,
                    boolean keepDims)
        Returns the sum of this NDArray along given axes.


         jshell> NDArray array = manager.create(new float[] {0f, 1f, 0f, 5f}, new Shape(2, 2));
         jshell> array;
         ND: (2, 2) cpu() float32
         [[0., 1.],
          [0., 5.],
         jshell> array.sum(new int[] {0}, true);
         ND: (1, 2) cpu() float32
         [[0., 6.],
         jshell> array.sum(new int[] {1}, true);
         ND: (2, 2) cpu() float32
         [[0., 1.],
          [0., 5.],
        axes - the axes along which to operate
        keepDims - true to keep the specified axes as size 1 in the output array, false to squeeze the values out of the output array
        the sum of this NDArray
      • cumProd

        NDArray cumProd​(int axis)
        Returns the cumulative product of elements of input in the dimension dim. For example, if input is a vector of size N, the result will also be a vector of size N, with elements. [x1, x1 * x2, x1 * x2 *x3 ...]
        axis - the axis along which to operate
        the cumulative product of this
      • cumProd

        NDArray cumProd​(int axis,
                        DataType dataType)
        Returns the cumulative product of elements of input in the dimension dim. For example, if input is a vector of size N, the result will also be a vector of size N, with elements. [x1, x1 * x2, x1 * x2 *x3 ...]
        axis - the axis along which to operate
        dataType - the datatype of the output
        the cumulative product of this
      • prod

        NDArray prod()
        Returns the product of this NDArray.


         jshell> NDArray array = manager.create(new float[] {2f, 3f});
         ND: () cpu() float32
         jshell>; // Use getFloat to get native float
         jshell> NDArray array = manager.create(new float[] {1f, 2f, 3f, 4f}, new Shape(2, 2));
         ND: () cpu() float32
        the product of this NDArray
      • prod

        default NDArray prod​(int[] axes)
        Returns the product of this NDArray elements over the given axes.


         jshell> NDArray array = manager.create(new float[] {1f, 2f, 3f, 4f}, new Shape(2, 2));
         jshell> array;
         ND: (2, 2) cpu() float32
         [[1., 2.],
          [3., 4.],
         jshell> int[] {0});
         ND: (2) cpu() float32
         [3., 8.]
         jshell> int[] {1});
         ND: (2) cpu() float32
         [ 2., 12.]
        axes - the axes along which to operate
        the product of this NDArray with the specified axes removed from the Shape containing the prod
        See Also:
        prod(int[], boolean)
      • prod

        NDArray prod​(int[] axes,
                     boolean keepDims)
        Returns the product of this NDArray elements over the given axes.


         jshell> NDArray array = manager.create(new float[] {1f, 2f, 3f, 4f}, new Shape(2, 2));
         jshell> array;
         ND: (2, 2) cpu() float32
         [[1., 2.],
          [3., 4.],
         jshell> int[] {0}, true);
         ND: (1, 2) cpu() float32
         [[3., 8.],
         jshell> int[] {1}, true);
         ND: (2, 1) cpu() float32
         [[ 2.],
        axes - the axes along which to operate
        keepDims - true to keep the specified axes as size 1 in the output array, false to squeeze the values out of the output array
        the product of this NDArray
      • mean

        NDArray mean()
        Returns the average of this NDArray.


         jshell> NDArray array = manager.create(new float[] {2f, 3f});
         jshell> array.mean();
         ND: () cpu() float32
         jshell> array.mean().getFloat(); // Use getFloat() to get native float
         jshell> NDArray array = manager.create(new float[] {1f, 2f, 3f, 4f}, new Shape(2, 2));
         jshell> array.mean();
         ND: () cpu() float32
        the average of this NDArray
      • mean

        default NDArray mean​(int[] axes)
        Returns the average of this NDArray along given axes.


         jshell> NDArray array = manager.create(new float[] {1f, 2f, 3f, 4f}, new Shape(2, 2));
         jshell> array;
         ND: (2, 2) cpu() float32
         [[1., 2.],
          [3., 4.],
         jshell> array.mean(new int[] {0});
         ND: (2) cpu() float32
         [2., 3.]
         jshell> array.mean(new int[] {1});
         ND: (2) cpu() float32
         [1.5, 3.5]
        axes - the axes along which to operate
        the average of this NDArray with the specified axes removed from the Shape containing the mean
        See Also:
        mean(int[], boolean)
      • mean

        NDArray mean​(int[] axes,
                     boolean keepDims)
        Returns the average of this NDArray along given axes.


         jshell> NDArray array = manager.create(new float[] {1f, 2f, 3f, 4f}, new Shape(2, 2));
         jshell> array;
         ND: (2, 2) cpu() float32
         [[1., 2.],
          [3., 4.],
         jshell> array.mean(new int[] {0}, true);
         ND: (1, 2) cpu() float32
         [[2., 3.],
         jshell> array.mean(new int[] {1}, true);
         ND: (2, 1) cpu() float32
        axes - the axes along which to operate
        keepDims - true to keep the specified axes as size 1 in the output array, false to squeeze the values out of the output array
        the average of this NDArray
      • normalize

        default NDArray normalize()
        Performs Lp normalization of the array over specified dimension.


         jshell> NDArray array = manager.create(new float[] {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6}, new Shape(2, 3));
         jshell> array;
         ND: (2, 2) cpu() float32
         [[1., 2., 3.],
          [4., 5., 6.],
         jshell> array.normalize();
         ND: (2, 3) cpu() float32
         [[0.2673, 0.5345, 0.8018],
          [0.4558, 0.5698, 0.6838],
        the normalized NDArray
      • normalize

        default NDArray normalize​(double exponent,
                                  long dim)
        Performs Lp normalization of the array over specified dimension.


         jshell> NDArray array = manager.create(new float[] {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6}, new Shape(2, 3));
         jshell> array;
         ND: (2, 2) cpu() float32
         [[1., 2., 3.],
          [4., 5., 6.],
         jshell> array.normalize(2, 1);
         ND: (2, 3) cpu() float32
         [[0.2673, 0.5345, 0.8018],
          [0.4558, 0.5698, 0.6838],
        exponent - the exponent value in the norm formulation
        dim - the dimension to reduce
        the normalized NDArray
      • normalize

        NDArray normalize​(double exponent,
                          long dim,
                          double eps)
        Performs Lp normalization of the array over specified dimension.


         jshell> NDArray array = manager.create(new float[] {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6}, new Shape(2, 3));
         jshell> array;
         ND: (2, 2) cpu() float32
         [[1., 2., 3.],
          [4., 5., 6.],
         jshell> array.normalize(2, 1, 1e-12);
         ND: (2, 3) cpu() float32
         [[0.2673, 0.5345, 0.8018],
          [0.4558, 0.5698, 0.6838],
        exponent - the exponent value in the norm formulation
        dim - the dimension to reduce
        eps - the small value to avoid division by zero
        the normalized NDArray
      • rotate90

        NDArray rotate90​(int times,
                         int[] axes)
        Rotates an array by 90 degrees in the plane specified by axes.

        Rotation direction is from the first towards the second axis.

        times - Number of times the array is rotated by 90 degrees.
        axes - The array is rotated in the plane defined by the axes. Axes must be different.
        the rotated NDArray
      • trace

        default NDArray trace()
        Returns the sum along diagonals of this NDArray.

        If this NDArray is 2-D, the sum along its diagonal is returned. If the NDArray has more than two dimensions, then the axes specified by axis1 and axis2 are used to determine the 2-D sub-arrays whose traces are returned. The Shape of the resulting NDArray is the same as that of a with axis1 and axis2 removed.


         jshell> NDArray array = manager.eye(3);
         jshell> array;
         ND: (3, 3) cpu() float32
         [[1., 0., 0.],
          [0., 1., 0.],
          [0., 0., 1.],
         jshell> array.trace();
         ND: () cpu() float32
         jshell> NDArray array = manager.arange(8f).reshape(2, 2, 2);
         jshell> array;
         ND: (2, 2, 2) cpu() float32
         [[[0., 1.],
           [2., 3.],
          [[4., 5.],
           [6., 7.],
         jshell> array.trace();
         ND: (2) cpu() float32
         [6., 8.]
        the sum along diagonals of this NDArray
      • trace

        default NDArray trace​(int offset)
        Returns the sum along diagonals of this NDArray.

        If this NDArray is 2-D, the sum along its diagonal with the given offset is returned, i.e., the sum of elements a[i,i+offset] for all i. If this NDArray has more than two dimensions, then the axes specified by axis1 and axis2 are used to determine the 2-D sub-arrays whose traces are returned. The Shape of the resulting array is the same as this NDArray with axis1 and axis2 removed.


         jshell> NDArray array = manager.eye(3);
         jshell> array;
         ND: (3, 3) cpu() float32
         [[1., 0., 0.],
          [0., 1., 0.],
          [0., 0., 1.],
         jshell> array.trace(1);
         ND: () cpu() float32
         jshell> NDArray array = manager.arange(8f).reshape(2, 2, 2);
         jshell> array;
         ND: (2, 2, 2) cpu() float32
         [[[0., 1.],
           [2., 3.],
          [[4., 5.],
           [6., 7.],
         jshell> array.trace(1);
         ND: (2) cpu() float32
         [2., 3.]
        offset - offset of the diagonal from the main diagonal. Can be both positive and negative.
        the sum along diagonals of this NDArray
      • trace

        NDArray trace​(int offset,
                      int axis1,
                      int axis2)
        Returns the sum along diagonals of this NDArray.

        If this NDArray is 2-D, the sum along its diagonal with the given offset is returned, i.e., the sum of elements a[i,i+offset] for all i. If this NDArray has more than two dimensions, then the axes specified by axis1 and axis2 are used to determine the 2-D sub-arrays whose traces are returned. The Shape of the resulting array is the same as this NDArray with axis1 and axis2 removed.


         jshell> NDArray array = manager.arange(8f).reshape(2, 2, 2);
         jshell> array;
         ND: (2, 2, 2) cpu() float32
         [[[0., 1.],
           [2., 3.],
          [[4., 5.],
           [6., 7.],
         jshell> array.trace(1,1,2);
         ND: (2) cpu() float32
         [1., 5.]
        offset - offset of the diagonal from the main diagonal. Can be both positive and negative.
        axis1 - axes to be used as the first axis of the 2-D sub-arrays from which the diagonals should be taken
        axis2 - axes to be used as the second axis of the 2-D sub-arrays from which the diagonals should be taken
        the sum along diagonals of this NDArray
      • split

        default NDList split​(long sections)
        Splits this NDArray into multiple subNDArrays given sections along first axis.


         jshell> NDArray array = manager.arange(9f);
         jshell> array.split(3).forEach(System.out::println);
         ND: (3) cpu() float32
         [0., 1., 2.]
         ND: (3) cpu() float32
         [3., 4., 5.]
         ND: (3) cpu() float32
         [6., 7., 8.]
        sections - this NDArray will be divided into N (sections) equal NDArray
        an NDList with size(axis) NDArrays with Shape this.shape.remove(axis)
        See Also:
        split(long, int)
      • split

        default NDList split​(long[] indices)
        Splits this NDArray into multiple sub-NDArrays given indices along first axis.


         jshell> NDArray array = manager.arange(8f);
         jshell> array.split(new int[] {3, 5, 6}).forEach(System.out::println);
         ND: (3) cpu() float32
         [0., 1., 2.]
         ND: (2) cpu() float32
         [3., 4.]
         ND: (1) cpu() float32
         ND: (2) cpu() float32
         [6., 7.]
        indices - the entries indicate where along axis this NDArray is split. If an index exceeds the dimension of this NDArray along axis, an empty sub-NDArray is returned correspondingly.
        an NDList with size(axis) NDArrays with Shape this.shape.remove(axis)
        See Also:
        split(long[], int)
      • split

        default NDList split​(long sections,
                             int axis)
        Splits this NDArray into multiple subNDArrays given sections along the given axis.


         jshell> NDArray array = manager.arange(18f).reshape(2, 9);
         jshell> array;
         ND: (2, 9) cpu() float32
         [[ 0.,  1.,  2.,  3.,  4.,  5.,  6.,  7.,  8.],
          [ 9., 10., 11., 12., 13., 14., 15., 16., 17.],
         jshell> array.split(3, 1).forEach(System.out::println);
         ND: (2, 3) cpu() float32
         [[ 0.,  1.,  2.],
          [ 9., 10., 11.],
         ND: (2, 3) cpu() float32
         [[ 3.,  4.,  5.],
          [12., 13., 14.],
         ND: (2, 3) cpu() float32
         [[ 6.,  7.,  8.],
          [15., 16., 17.],
        sections - this NDArray will be divided into N (sections) equal arrays along axis
        axis - the axis to split along
        an NDList with numOutputs NDArrays with Shape (this.shape.axis /= axis)
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - thrown if the numOutputs does not equally divide the given axis
      • split

        NDList split​(long[] indices,
                     int axis)
        Splits this NDArray into multiple sub-NDArrays given indices along given axis.


         jshell> NDArray array = manager.arange(18f).reshape(2, 9);
         jshell> array;
         ND: (2, 9) cpu() float32
         [[ 0.,  1.,  2.,  3.,  4.,  5.,  6.,  7.,  8.],
          [ 9., 10., 11., 12., 13., 14., 15., 16., 17.],
         jshell> array.split(new int[] {2,4,5}, 1).forEach(System.out::println);
         ND: (2, 2) cpu() float32
         [[ 0.,  1.],
          [ 9., 10.],
         ND: (2, 2) cpu() float32
         [[ 2.,  3.],
          [11., 12.],
         ND: (2, 1) cpu() float32
         [[ 4.],
         ND: (2, 4) cpu() float32
         [[ 5.,  6.,  7.,  8.],
          [14., 15., 16., 17.],
        indices - the entries indicate where along axis this NDArray is split. If an index exceeds the dimension of this NDArray along axis, an empty sub-array is returned correspondingly
        axis - the axis to split along
        an NDList with numOutputs NDArrays with Shape (this.shape.axis /= axis)
      • flatten

        NDArray flatten()
        Flattens this NDArray into a 1-D NDArray in row-major order.

        To flatten in column-major order, first transpose this NDArray


         jshell> NDArray array = manager.create(new float[]{1f, 2f, 3f, 4f}, new Shape(2, 2));
         jshell> array.flatten();
         ND: (4) cpu() float32
         [1., 2., 3., 4.]
        a 1-D NDArray of equal size
      • flatten

        NDArray flatten​(int startDim,
                        int endDim)
        Flattens this NDArray into a partially flatten NDArray.


         jshell> NDArray array = manager.create(new float[]{1f, 2f, 3f, 4f, 5f, 6f, 7f, 8f}, new Shape(2, 2, 2));
         jshell> array.flatten(0, 1);
         ND: (4) cpu() float32
         [[1., 2], [3., 4.], [5., 6.], [7., 8.]]
        startDim - the first dim to flatten, inclusive
        endDim - the last dim to flatten, inclusive
        a partially fallen NDArray
      • fft

        default NDArray fft​(long length)
        Computes the one-dimensional discrete Fourier Transform.
        length - Length of the transformed axis of the output.
        The truncated or zero-padded input, transformed along the axis indicated by axis, or the last one if axis is not specified.
      • fft

        NDArray fft​(long length,
                    long axis)
        Computes the one-dimensional discrete Fourier Transform.
        length - Length of the transformed axis of the output.
        axis - Axis over which to compute the FFT.
        The truncated or zero-padded input, transformed along the axis indicated by axis, or the last one if axis is not specified.
      • stft

        default NDArray stft​(long nFft,
                             long hopLength,
                             boolean center,
                             NDArray window,
                             boolean returnComplex)
        Computes the Short Time Fourier Transform (STFT).
        nFft - size of Fourier transform
        hopLength - the distance between neighboring sliding window frames. Default can be: floor(n_fft / 4)
        center - whether to pad input on both sides.
        window - Desired window to use. Recommend for HanningWindow
        returnComplex - whether to return a complex tensor, or a real tensor with an extra last dimension for the real and imaginary components.
        A NDArray containing the STFT result with shape described above
      • stft

        NDArray stft​(long nFft,
                     long hopLength,
                     boolean center,
                     NDArray window,
                     boolean normalize,
                     boolean returnComplex)
        Computes the Short Time Fourier Transform (STFT).
        nFft - size of Fourier transform
        hopLength - the distance between neighboring sliding window frames. Default can be: floor(n_fft / 4)
        center - whether to pad input on both sides.
        window - Desired window to use. Recommend for HanningWindow
        normalize - controls whether to return the normalized STFT results
        returnComplex - whether to return a complex tensor, or a real tensor with an extra last dimension for the real and imaginary components.
        A NDArray containing the STFT result with shape described above
      • reshape

        default NDArray reshape​(long... newShape)
        Reshapes this NDArray to the given Shape.


         jshell> NDArray array = manager.arange(6f);
         jshell> array;
         ND: (6) cpu() float32
         [0., 1., 2., 3., 4., 5.]
         jshell> array.reshape(2, 3);
         ND: (2, 3) cpu() float32
         [[0., 1., 2.],
          [3., 4., 5.],
        newShape - the long array to reshape into. Must have equal size to the current shape
        a reshaped NDArray
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - thrown if the given Shape does not match the size of the current shape
      • reshape

        NDArray reshape​(Shape shape)
        Reshapes this NDArray to the given Shape.

        You can reshape it to match another NDArray by calling a.reshape(b.getShape())


         jshell> NDArray array = manager.arange(6f);
         jshell> array;
         ND: (6) cpu() float32
         [0., 1., 2., 3., 4., 5.]
         jshell> array.reshape(new Shape(2, 3));
         ND: (2, 3) cpu() float32
         [[0., 1., 2.],
          [3., 4., 5.],
        shape - the Shape to reshape into. Must have equal size to the current shape
        a reshaped NDArray
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - thrown if the given Shape does not match the size of the current shape
      • expandDims

        NDArray expandDims​(int axis)
        Expands the Shape of a NDArray.

        Inserts a new axis that will appear at the axis position in the expanded NDArray shape.


         jshell> NDArray array = manager.create(new float[] {1f, 2f});
         jshell> array;
         ND: (2) cpu() float32
         [1., 2.]
         jshell> array.expandDims(0);
         ND: (1, 2) cpu() float32
         [[1., 2.],
         jshell> array.expandDims(1);
         ND: (2, 1) cpu() float32
        axis - the position in the expanded axes where the new axis is placed
        the result NDArray. The number of dimensions is one greater than that of the NDArray
      • squeeze

        default NDArray squeeze()
        Removes all singleton dimensions from this NDArray Shape.


         jshell> NDArray array = manager.create(new float[] {0f, 1f, 2f}, new Shape(1, 3, 1));
         jshell> array;
         ND: (1, 3, 1) cpu() float32
         jshell> array.squeeze();
         ND: (3) cpu() float32
         [0., 1., 2.]
        a result NDArray of same size and data without singleton dimensions
      • squeeze

        default NDArray squeeze​(int axis)
        Removes a singleton dimension at the given axis.


         jshell> NDArray array = manager.create(new float[] {0f, 1f, 2f}, new Shape(1, 3, 1));
         jshell> array;
         ND: (1, 3, 1) cpu() float32
         jshell> array.squeeze(0);
         ND: (3, 1) cpu() float32
         jshell> array.squeeze(2);
         ND: (1, 3) cpu() float32
         [[0., 1., 2.],
        axis - the axis at which to remove the singleton dimension
        a result NDArray of same size and data without the axis at part of the shape
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - thrown if the given axis is not a singleton dimension
      • squeeze

        NDArray squeeze​(int[] axes)
        Removes singleton dimensions at the given axes.


         jshell> NDArray array = manager.create(new float[] {0f, 1f, 2f}, new Shape(1, 3, 1));
         jshell> array;
         ND: (1, 3, 1) cpu() float32
         jshell> array.squeeze(new int[] {0, 2});
         ND: (3) cpu() float32
         [0., 1., 2.]
        axes - the axes at which to remove the singleton dimensions
        a result NDArray of same size and data without the axes at part of the shape
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - thrown if any of the given axes are not a singleton dimension
      • unique

        NDList unique​(java.lang.Integer dim,
                      boolean sorted,
                      boolean returnInverse,
                      boolean returnCounts)
        Returns the unique elements of the input tensor.


         jshell> NDArray array = manager.create(new float[] {3f, 1f, 2f, 3f, 1f, 2f, 1f, 3f, 2f}, new Shape(3, 3));
         jshell> array;
         ND: (3, 3) cpu() float32
         [[[3., 1., 2.],
           [3., 1., 2.],
           [1., 3., 2.],
         jshell> NDList output = array.unique(0, true, true, true);
         jshell> output.get(0);
         jshell> output.get(1);
         jshell> output.get(2);
         ND: (2, 3) cpu() float32
         [[1., 3., 2.],
          [3., 1., 2.],
         ND: (3) cpu() int64
         [ 1,  1,  0]
         ND: (2) cpu() int64
         [ 1,  2]
        dim - the dimension to apply unique
        sorted - whether to sort the unique elements in ascending order before returning as output
        returnInverse - return the indices which, fed into the output unique array as indices, will recover the original array
        returnCounts - return the counts for each unique element
        An NDList containing: output (Tensor): the output list of unique elements or low-rank tensors. inverse_indices (Tensor): (optional) if return_inverse is True, there will be an additional returned tensor (same shape as input) representing the indices for where elements in the original input map to in the output; otherwise, this function will only return a single tensor. counts (Tensor): (optional) if return_counts is True, there will be an additional returned tensor (same shape as output or output.size(dim), if dim was specified) representing the number of occurrences for each unique value or tensor.
      • unique

        default NDList unique​(boolean sorted,
                              boolean returnInverse,
                              boolean returnCounts)
        Returns the unique elements of the input tensor. The output is flattened.
        sorted - whether to sort the unique elements in ascending order before returning as output
        returnInverse - return the indices which, fed into the output unique array as indices, will recover the original array
        returnCounts - return the counts for each unique element
        An NDList containing: output (Tensor): the output list of unique elements or low-rank tensors. inverse_indices (Tensor): (optional) if return_inverse is True, there will be an additional returned tensor (same shape as input) representing the indices for where elements in the original input map to in the output; otherwise, this function will only return a single tensor. counts (Tensor): (optional) if return_counts is True, there will be an additional returned tensor (same shape as output or output.size(dim), if dim was specified) representing the number of occurrences for each unique value or tensor.
      • unique

        default NDList unique()
        Returns the unique elements of the input tensor. The output is flattened.
        An NDList containing: output (Tensor): the output list of unique elements or low-rank tensors. inverse_indices (Tensor): (optional) if return_inverse is True, there will be an additional returned tensor (same shape as input) representing the indices for where elements in the original input map to in the output; otherwise, this function will only return a single tensor. counts (Tensor): (optional) if return_counts is True, there will be an additional returned tensor (same shape as output or output.size(dim), if dim was specified) representing the number of occurrences for each unique value or tensor.
      • stack

        default NDArray stack​(NDArray array)
        Joins a NDArray along the first axis.


         jshell> NDArray array1 = manager.create(new float[] {0f, 1f});
         jshell> NDArray array2 = manager.create(new float[] {2f, 3f});
         jshell> array1.stack(array2)
         ND: (2, 2) cpu() float32
         [[0., 1.],
          [2., 3.],
        array - the input NDArray which must have the same Shapeas this NDArray
        the result NDArray. The stacked NDArray has one more dimension than the input NDArray.
      • stack

        default NDArray stack​(NDArray array,
                              int axis)
        Joins a NDArray along a new axis.


         jshell> NDArray array1 = manager.create(new float[] {0f, 1f});
         jshell> NDArray array2 = manager.create(new float[] {2f, 3f});
         jshell> array1.stack(array2, 0);
         ND: (2, 2) cpu() float32
         [[0., 1.],
          [2., 3.],
         jshell> array1.stack(array2, 1);
         ND: (2, 2) cpu() float32
         [[0., 2.],
          [1., 3.],
        array - the input NDArray which must have the same Shapeas this NDArray
        axis - the axis in the result NDArray along which the input NDArray are stacked
        the result NDArray. The stacked NDArray has one more dimension than the input NDArray.
      • concat

        default NDArray concat​(NDArray array)
        Joins a NDArray along the first axis.


         jshell> NDArray array1 = manager.create(new float[] {0f, 1f});
         jshell> NDArray array2 = manager.create(new float[] {2f, 3f});
         jshell> array1.concat(array2)
         ND: (4) cpu() float32
         [0., 1., 2., 3.]
        array - a NDArray which have the same Shapeas this NDArray, except in the dimension corresponding to axis
        the concatenated NDArray
      • concat

        default NDArray concat​(NDArray array,
                               int axis)
        Joins a NDArray along an existing axis.


         jshell> NDArray array1 = manager.create(new float[] {0f, 1f});
         jshell> NDArray array2 = manager.create(new float[] {2f, 3f});
         jshell> array1.concat(array2, 0);
         ND: (4) cpu() float32
         [0., 1., 2., 3.]
        array - a NDArray which have the same Shapeas this NDArray, except in the dimension corresponding to axis
        axis - the axis along which this NDArray will be joined
        the concatenated NDArray
      • logicalAnd

        NDArray logicalAnd​(NDArray other)
        Returns the truth value of this NDArray AND the other NDArray element-wise.

        The shapes of this NDArray and the other NDArray must be broadcastable.


         jshell> NDArray array1 = manager.create(new boolean[] {true});
         jshell> NDArray array2 = manager.create(new boolean[] {false});
         jshell> array1.logicalAnd(array2);
         ND: (1) cpu() boolean
         jshell> array1 = manager.create(new boolean[] {true, false});
         jshell> array2 = manager.create(new boolean[] {false, false});
         jshell> array1.logicalAnd(array2);
         ND: (2) cpu() boolean
         [false, false]
         jshell> NDArray array = manager.arange(5f);
         ND: (5) cpu() boolean
         [false, false,  true,  true, false]
        other - the other NDArray to operate on
        the boolean NDArray of the logical AND operation applied to the elements of this NDArray and the other NDArray
      • logicalOr

        NDArray logicalOr​(NDArray other)
        Computes the truth value of this NDArray OR the other NDArray element-wise.

        The shapes of this NDArray and the other NDArray must be broadcastable.


         jshell> NDArray array1 = manager.create(new boolean[] {true});
         jshell> NDArray array2 = manager.create(new boolean[] {false});
         jshell> array1.logicalOr(array2);
         ND: (1) cpu() boolean
         [ true]
         jshell> array1 = manager.create(new boolean[] {true, false});
         jshell> array2 = manager.create(new boolean[] {false, false});
         jshell> array1.logicalOr(array2);
         ND: (2) cpu() boolean
         [ true, false]
         jshell> NDArray array = manager.arange(5f);
         ND: (5) cpu() boolean
         [ true, false, false, false,  true]
        other - the other NDArray to operate on
        the boolean NDArray of the logical OR operation applied to the elements of this NDArray and the other NDArray
      • logicalXor

        NDArray logicalXor​(NDArray other)
        Computes the truth value of this NDArray XOR the other NDArray element-wise.

        The shapes of this NDArray and the other NDArray must be broadcastable.


         jshell> NDArray array = manager.create(new boolean[] {true});
         jshell> array1.logicalXor(array2);
         ND: (1) cpu() boolean
         [ true]
         jshell> array1 = manager.create(new boolean[] {true, false});
         jshell> array2 = manager.create(new boolean[] {false, false});
         jshell> array1.logicalXor(array2);
         ND: (2) cpu() boolean
         [ true, false]
         jshell> NDArray array = manager.arange(5f);
         ND: (5) cpu() boolean
         [ true, false, false, false,  true]
        other - the other NDArray to operate on
        the boolean NDArray of the logical XOR operation applied to the elements of this NDArray and the other NDArray
      • logicalNot

        NDArray logicalNot()
        Computes the truth value of NOT this NDArray element-wise.


         jshell> NDArray array = manager.create(new boolean[] {true});
         jshell> array.logicalNot();
         ND: (1) cpu() boolean
         [ false]
         jshell> NDArray array = manager.arange(5f);
         ND: (5) cpu() boolean
         [false, true, true,  true,  true]
        the boolean NDArray
      • argSort

        default NDArray argSort()
        Returns the indices that would sort this NDArray.

        Perform an indirect sort along the given axis. It returns a NDArray of indices of the same Shape as this NDArray.


         jshell> NDArray array = manager.create(new float[] {3f, 1f, 2f});
         jshell> array.argSort();
         ND: (3) cpu() int64
         [ 1,  2,  0]
         jshell> array = manager.create(new float[] {0f, 3f, 2f, 2f}, new Shape(2, 2));
         jshell> array.argSort();
         ND: (2, 2) cpu() int64
         [[ 0,  1],
          [ 0,  1],
        a NDArray of indices corresponding to elements in this NDArray on the axis, the output DataType is always DataType.INT64
        See Also:
        argSort(int, boolean)
      • argSort

        default NDArray argSort​(int axis)
        Returns the indices that would sort this NDArray given the axis.

        Perform an indirect sort along the given axis. It returns a NDArray of indices of the same Shape as this NDArray.


         jshell> NDArray array = manager.create(new float[] {0f, 3f, 2f, 2f}, new Shape(2, 2));
         jshell> array.argSort(0);
         ND: (2, 2) cpu() int64
         [[ 0,  1],
          [ 1,  0],
         jshell> array.argSort(1);
         ND: (2, 2) cpu() int64
         [[ 0,  1],
          [ 0,  1],
        axis - the axis to sort along
        a NDArray of indices corresponding to elements in this NDArray on the axis, the output DataType is always DataType.INT64
        See Also:
        argSort(int, boolean)
      • argSort

        NDArray argSort​(int axis,
                        boolean ascending)
        Returns the indices that would sort this NDArray given the axis.

        Perform an indirect sort along the given axis. It returns a NDArray of indices of the same Shape as this NDArray.


         jshell> NDArray array = manager.create(new float[] {0f, 3f, 2f, 2f}, new Shape(2, 2));
         jshell> array.argSort(0, false);
         ND: (2, 2) cpu() int64
         [[ 1,  0],
          [ 0,  1],
        axis - the axis to sort along
        ascending - whether to sort ascending
        a NDArray of indices corresponding to elements in this NDArray on the axis, the output DataType is always DataType.INT64
      • sort

        NDArray sort()
        Sorts the flattened NDArray.


         jshell> NDArray array = manager.create(new float[] {1f, 4f, 3f, 1f}, new Shape(2, 2));
         jshell> array;
         ND: (2, 2) cpu() float32
         [[1., 4.],
          [3., 1.],
         jshell> array.sort(); // sort the flattened array
         ND: (2, 2) cpu() float32
         [[1., 4.],
          [1., 3.],
        the sorted NDArray
      • sort

        NDArray sort​(int axis)
        Sorts the flattened NDArray.


         jshell> NDArray array = manager.create(new float[] {1f, 4f, 3f, 1f}, new Shape(2, 2));
         jshell> array;
         ND: (2, 2) cpu() float32
         [[1., 4.],
          [3., 1.],
         jshell> array.sort(0); // sort along the first axis
         ND: (2, 2) cpu() float32
         [[1., 1.],
          [3., 4.],
        axis - the axis to sort along
        the sorted NDArray
      • softmax

        NDArray softmax​(int axis)
        Applies the softmax function along the given axis.
        axis - the axis along which to apply
        the result NDArray
        See Also:
        softmax, softmax(int)
      • logSoftmax

        NDArray logSoftmax​(int axis)
        Applies the softmax function followed by a logarithm.

        Mathematically equivalent to calling softmax and then log. This single operator is faster than calling two operators and numerically more stable when computing gradients.

        axis - the axis along which to apply
        the result NDArray
      • cumSum

        NDArray cumSum()
        Returns the cumulative sum of the elements in the flattened NDArray.


         jshell> NDArray array = manager.create(new float[] {1f, 2f, 3f, 4f, 5f, 6f}, new Shape(2, 3));
         jshell> array;
         ND: (2, 3) cpu() float32
         [[1., 2., 3.],
          [4., 5., 6.],
         jshell> array.cumSum(); // cumSum on flattened array
         ND: (6) cpu() float32
         [ 1.,  3.,  6., 10., 15., 21.]
        the cumulative sum of the elements in the flattened NDArray
      • cumSum

        NDArray cumSum​(int axis)
        Return the cumulative sum of the elements along a given axis.


         jshell> NDArray array = manager.create(new float[] {1f, 2f, 3f, 4f, 5f, 6f}, new Shape(2, 3));
         jshell> array;
         ND: (2, 3) cpu() float32
         [[1., 2., 3.],
          [4., 5., 6.],
         jshell> array.cumSum(0);
         ND: (2, 3) cpu() float32
         [[1., 2., 3.],
          [5., 7., 9.],
         jshell> array.cumSum(1);
         ND: (2, 3) cpu() float32
         [[ 1.,  3.,  6.],
          [ 4.,  9., 15.],
        axis - the axis along which the cumulative sum is computed
        the cumulative sum along the specified axis
      • intern

        void intern​(NDArray replaced)
        Replace the handle of the NDArray with the other. The NDArray used for replacement will be killed.

        Please use with caution, this method will make the input argument unusable.

        replaced - the handle provider that will be killed
      • isInfinite

        NDArray isInfinite()
        Returns the boolean NDArray with value true where this NDArray's entries are infinite, or false where they are not infinite.
        the boolean NDArray with value true if this NDArray's entries are infinite
      • inverse

        NDArray inverse()
        Computes the inverse of square NDArray if it exists.
        the inverse of square NDArray.
      • isNaN

        NDArray isNaN()
        Returns the boolean NDArray with value true where this NDArray's entries are NaN, or false where they are not NaN.


         jshell> NDArray array = manager.create(new float[] {Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY, 0, Float.NaN});
         jshell> array.isNaN();
         ND: (3) cpu() boolean
         [false, false,  true]
        the boolean NDArray with value true if this NDArray's NDArray are NaN
      • tile

        NDArray tile​(long repeats)
        Constructs a NDArray by repeating this NDArray the number of times given repeats.


         jshell> NDArray array = manager.create(new float[] {0f, 1f, 2f});
         jshell> array.tile(2);
         ND: (6) cpu() float32
         [0., 1., 2., 0., 1., 2.]
        repeats - the number of times to repeat for each dimension
        a NDArray that has been tiled
      • tile

        NDArray tile​(int axis,
                     long repeats)
        Constructs a NDArray by repeating this NDArray the number of times given by repeats along given axis.


         jshell> NDArray array = manager.create(new float[] {0f, 1f, 2f});
         jshell> array.tile(1, 2);
         ND: (1, 6) cpu() float32
         [[0., 1., 2., 0., 1., 2.],
        axis - the axis to repeat
        repeats - the number of times to repeat for each axis
        a NDArray that has been tiled
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - thrown for invalid axis
      • tile

        NDArray tile​(long[] repeats)
        Constructs a NDArray by repeating this NDArray the number of times given by repeats.


         jshell> NDArray array = manager.create(new float[] {0f, 1f, 2f});
         jshell> array.tile(new long[] {2, 2});
         ND: (2, 6) cpu() float32
         [[0., 1., 2., 0., 1., 2.],
          [0., 1., 2., 0., 1., 2.],
        repeats - the number of times to repeat along each axis
        a NDArray that has been tiled
      • tile

        NDArray tile​(Shape desiredShape)
        Constructs a NDArray by repeating this NDArray the number of times to match the desired shape.

        If the desired Shapehas fewer dimensions than this NDArray, it will tile against the last axis.


         jshell> NDArray array = manager.create(new float[] {0f, 1f, 2f});
         jshell> array.tile(new Shape(6));
         ND: (6) cpu() float32
         [0., 1., 2., 0., 1., 2.]
        desiredShape - the Shapethat should be converted to
        a NDArray that has been tiled
      • repeat

        NDArray repeat​(long repeats)
        Repeats element of this NDArray the number of times given repeats.


         jshell> NDArray array = manager.create(new float[] {0f, 1f, 2f});
         jshell> array.repeat(2);
         ND: (6) cpu() float32
         [0., 0., 1., 1., 2., 2.]
        repeats - the number of times to repeat for each axis
        an NDArray that has been repeated
      • repeat

        NDArray repeat​(int axis,
                       long repeats)
        Repeats element of this NDArray the number of times given repeats along given axis.


         jshell> NDArray array = manager.create(new float[] {0f, 1f, 2f, 3f}, new Shape(2, 2));
         jshell> array.repeat(1, 2);
         ND: (6) cpu() float32
         [[0., 0., 1., 1.],
          [2., 2., 3., 3.]]
        axis - the axis to repeat
        repeats - the number of times to repeat for each axis
        an NDArray that has been repeated
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - thrown for invalid axis
      • repeat

        NDArray repeat​(long[] repeats)
        Repeats element of this NDArray the number of times given repeats along each axis.


         jshell> NDArray array = manager.create(new float[] {0f, 1f, 2f, 3f}, new Shape(2, 2));
         jshell> array.repeat(new long[] {2, 2});
         ND: (12) cpu() float32
         [0., 0., 0., 0., 1., 1., 1., 1., 2., 2., 2., 2.]
        repeats - the number of times to repeat along each axis
        a NDArray that has been repeated
      • repeat

        NDArray repeat​(Shape desiredShape)
        Repeats element of this NDArray to match the desired shape.

        If the desired Shape has fewer dimensions that the array, it will repeat against the last axis.


         jshell> NDArray array = manager.create(new float[] {0f, 1f, 2f, 3f}, new Shape(2, 2));
         jshell> array.repeat(new Shape(4, 4));
         ND: (4, 4) cpu() float32
         [[0., 0., 1., 1.],
          [0., 0., 1., 1.],
          [2., 2., 3., 3.],
          [2., 2., 3., 3.],
        desiredShape - the Shape that should be converted to
        an NDArray that has been repeated
      • dot

        NDArray dot​(NDArray other)
        Dot product of this NDArray and the other NDArray.
        • If both this NDArray and the other NDArray are 1-D NDArrays, it is inner product of vectors (without complex conjugation).
        • If both this NDArray and the other NDArray are 2-D NDArrays, it is matrix multiplication.
        • If either this NDArray or the other NDArray is 0-D NDArray (scalar), it is equivalent to mul.
        • If this NDArray is N-D NDArray and the other NDArray is 1-D NDArray, it is a sum product over the last axis of those.
        • If this NDArray is N-D NDArray and the other NDArray is M-D NDArray(where M>=2), it is a sum product over the last axis of this NDArray and the second-to-last axis of the other NDArray


         jshell> NDArray array1 = manager.create(new float[] {1f, 2f, 3f});
         jshell> NDArray array2 = manager.create(new float[] {4f, 5f, 6f});
         jshell>; // inner product
         ND: () cpu() float32
         jshell> array1 = manager.create(new float[] {1f, 2f, 3f, 4f}, new Shape(2, 2));
         jshell> array2 = manager.create(new float[] {5f, 6f, 7f, 8f}, new Shape(2, 2));
         jshell>; // matrix multiplication
         ND: (2, 2) cpu() float32
         [[19., 22.],
          [43., 50.],
         jshell> array1 = manager.create(new float[] {1f, 2f, 3f, 4f}, new Shape(2, 2));
         jshell> array2 = manager.create(5f);
         ND: (2, 2) cpu() float32
         [[ 5., 10.],
          [15., 20.],
         jshell> array1 = manager.create(new float[] {1f, 2f, 3f, 4f}, new Shape(2, 2));
         jshell> array2 = manager.create(new float[] {1f, 2f});
         ND: (2) cpu() float32
         [ 5., 11.]
         jshell> array1 = manager.create(new float[] {1f, 2f, 3f, 4f, 5f, 6f, 7f, 8f}, new Shape(2, 2, 2));
         jshell> array2 = manager.create(new float[] {1f, 2f, 3f ,4f}, new Shape(2, 2));
         ND: (2, 2, 2) cpu() float32
         [[[ 7., 10.],
           [15., 22.],
          [[23., 34.],
           [31., 46.],
        other - the other NDArray to perform dot product with
        the result NDArray
      • matMul

        NDArray matMul​(NDArray other)
        Product matrix of this NDArray and the other NDArray.

        The behavior depends on the arguments in the following way.

        • If both this NDArray and the other NDArray are 2-D NDArrays, they are multiplied like conventional matrices
        • If either this NDArray or the other NDArray is N-D NDArray, N > 2 , it is treated as a stack of matrices residing in the last two indexes and broadcast accordingly.
        • If this NDArray is 1-D NDArray, it is promoted to a matrix by prepending a 1 to its dimensions. After matrix multiplication the prepended 1 is removed.
        • If other NDArray is 1-D NDArray, it is promoted to a matrix by appending a 1 to its dimensions. After matrix multiplication the appended 1 is removed.


         jshell> NDArray array1 = manager.create(new float[] {1f, 0f, 0f, 1f}, new Shape(2, 2));
         jshell> NDArray array2 = manager.create(new float[] {4f, 1f, 2f, 2f}, new Shape(2, 2));
         jshell> array1.matMul(array2); // for 2-D arrays, it is the matrix product
         ND: (2, 2) cpu() float32
         [[4., 1.],
          [2., 2.],
         jshell> array1 = manager.create(new float[] {1f, 0f, 0f, 1f}, new Shape(2, 2));
         jshell> array2 = manager.create(new float[] {1f, 2f});
         jshell> array1.matMul(array2);
         ND: (2) cpu() float32
         [1., 2.]
         jshell> array1 = manager.create(new float[] {1f, 0f, 0f, 1f}, new Shape(2, 2));
         jshell> array2 = manager.create(new float[] {1f, 2f});
         jshell> array1.matMul(array2);
         ND: (2) cpu() float32
         [1., 2.]
         jshell> array1 = manager.arange(2f * 2f * 4f).reshape(2, 2, 4);
         jshell> array2 = manager.arange(2f * 2f * 4f).reshape(2, 4, 2);
         jshell> array1.matMul(array2).get("0, 1, 1");
         ND: () cpu() float32
        other - the other NDArray to perform matrix product with
        the result NDArray
      • batchMatMul

        NDArray batchMatMul​(NDArray other)
        Batch product matrix of this NDArray and the other NDArray.
        other - the other NDArray to perform matrix product with
        the result NDArray
      • clip

        NDArray clip​(java.lang.Number min,
                     java.lang.Number max)
        Clips (limit) the values in this NDArray.

        Given an interval, values outside the interval are clipped to the interval edges. For example, if an interval of [0, 1] is specified, values smaller than 0 become 0, and values larger than 1 become 1.


         jshell> NDArray array = manager.arange(10f);
         jshell> array.clip(1, 8);
         ND: (10) cpu() float32
         [1., 1., 2., 3., 4., 5., 6., 7., 8., 8.]
        min - the minimum value
        max - the maximum value
        an NDArray with the elements of this NDArray, but where values < min are replaced with min, and those > max with max
      • swapAxes

        default NDArray swapAxes​(int axis1,
                                 int axis2)
        Interchanges two axes of this NDArray.


         jshell> NDArray array = manager.create(new float[] {1f, 2f ,3f}, new Shape(1, 3));
         jshell> array;
         ND: (1, 3) cpu() float32
         [[1., 2., 3.],
         jshell> array.swapAxes(0, 1);
         ND: (3, 1) cpu() float32
        axis1 - the first axis
        axis2 - the second axis
        the swapped axes NDArray
      • flip

        NDArray flip​(int... axes)
        Returns the reverse order of elements in an array along the given axis.

        The shape of the array is preserved, but the elements are reordered.

        axes - the axes to flip on
        the newly flipped array
      • transpose

        NDArray transpose()
        Returns this NDArray with axes transposed.


         jshell> NDArray array = manager.create(new float[] {1f, 2f ,3f, 4f}, new Shape(2, 2));
         jshell> array;
         ND: (2, 2) cpu() float32
         [[1., 2.],
          [3., 4.],
         jshell> array.transpose();
         ND: (2, 2) cpu() float32
         [[1., 3.],
          [2., 4.],
        the newly permuted array
      • transpose

        NDArray transpose​(int... axes)
        Returns this NDArray with given axes transposed.


         jshell> NDArray array = manager.create(new float[] {1f, 2f ,3f, 4f}, new Shape(2, 2));
         jshell> array;
         ND: (2, 2) cpu() float32
         [[1., 2.],
          [3., 4.],
         jshell> array.transpose(1, 0);
         ND: (2, 2) cpu() float32
         [[1., 3.],
          [2., 4.],
         jshell> array = manager.arange(8f).reshape(2, 2, 2);
         jshell> array;
         ND: (2, 2, 2) cpu() float32
         [[[0., 1.],
           [2., 3.],
          [[4., 5.],
           [6., 7.],
         jshell> array.transpose(1, 0, 2);
         ND: (2, 2, 2) cpu() float32
         [[[0., 1.],
           [4., 5.],
          [[2., 3.],
           [6., 7.],
        axes - the axes to swap to
        the transposed NDArray
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - thrown when passing a axis that is greater than the actual number of dimensions
      • broadcast

        NDArray broadcast​(Shape shape)
        Broadcasts this NDArray to be the given shape.


         jshell> NDArray array = manager.create(new float[] {1f, 2f ,3f, 4f}, new Shape(2, 2));
         jshell> array;
         ND: (2, 2) cpu() float32
         [[1., 2.],
          [3., 4.],
         jshell> array.broadcast(new Shape(2, 2, 2));
         ND: (2, 2, 2) cpu() float32
         [[[1., 2.],
           [3., 4.],
          [[1., 2.],
           [3., 4.],
        shape - the new Shape of this NDArray
        the broadcasted NDArray
      • broadcast

        default NDArray broadcast​(long... shape)
        Broadcasts this NDArray to be the given shape.


         jshell> NDArray array = manager.create(new float[] {1f, 2f ,3f, 4f}, new Shape(2, 2));
         jshell> array;
         ND: (2, 2) cpu() float32
         [[1., 2.],
          [3., 4.],
         jshell> array.broadcast(2, 2, 2);
         ND: (2, 2, 2) cpu() float32
         [[[1., 2.],
           [3., 4.],
          [[1., 2.],
           [3., 4.],
        shape - the new Shape of this NDArray
        the broadcasted NDArray
      • argMax

        NDArray argMax()
        Returns the indices of the maximum values into the flattened NDArray.


         jshell> NDArray array = manager.arange(6f).reshape(2, 3);
         jshell> array;
         ND: (2, 3) cpu() float32
         [[0., 1., 2.],
          [3., 4., 5.],
         jshell> array.argMax();
         ND: () cpu() int64
        a NDArray containing indices
      • argMax

        NDArray argMax​(int axis)
        Returns the indices of the maximum values along given axis.


         jshell> NDArray array = manager.arange(6f).reshape(2, 3);
         jshell> array;
         ND: (2, 3) cpu() float32
         [[0., 1., 2.],
          [3., 4., 5.],
         jshell> array.argMax(0);
         ND: (3) cpu() int64
         [1, 1, 1]
         jshell> array.argMax(1);
         ND: (2) cpu() int64
         [2, 2]
        axis - the axis along which to find maximum values
        a NDArray containing indices
      • topK

        default NDList topK​(int k,
                            int axis)
        Returns (values, indices) of the top k values along given axis.
        k - the number of returned values
        axis - the axis to sort along, whose shape is reduced to k
        a NDList containing (values, indices)
      • topK

        NDList topK​(int k,
                    int axis,
                    boolean largest,
                    boolean sorted)
        Returns (values, indices) of the top k values along given axis.
        k - the number of returned values
        axis - the axis to sort along, whose shape is reduced to k
        largest - whether the largest or the smallest
        sorted - whether the sorted or not
        a NDList containing (values, indices)
      • argMin

        NDArray argMin()
        Returns the indices of the minimum values into the flattened NDArray.


         jshell> NDArray array = manager.arange(6f).reshape(2, 3);
         jshell> array;
         ND: (2, 3) cpu() float32
         [[0., 1., 2.],
          [3., 4., 5.],
         jshell> array.argMin();
         ND: () cpu() int64
        a NDArray containing indices
      • argMin

        NDArray argMin​(int axis)
        Returns the indices of the minimum values along given axis.


         jshell> NDArray array = manager.arange(6f).reshape(2, 3);
         jshell> array;
         ND: (2, 3) cpu() float32
         [[0., 1., 2.],
          [3., 4., 5.],
         jshell> array.argMin(0);
         ND: (3) cpu() int64
         [0, 0, 0]
         jshell> array.argMin(1);
         ND: (2) cpu() int64
         [0, 0]
        axis - the axis along which to find minimum values
        a NDArray containing indices
      • percentile

        NDArray percentile​(java.lang.Number percentile)
        Returns percentile for this NDArray.
        percentile - the target percentile in range of 0..100
        the result NDArray
      • percentile

        NDArray percentile​(java.lang.Number percentile,
                           int[] axes)
        Returns median along given dimension(s).
        percentile - the target percentile in range of 0..100
        axes - the dimension to calculate percentile for
        the result NDArray NDArray
      • median

        NDArray median()
        Returns median value for this NDArray.
        the median NDArray
      • median

        NDArray median​(int[] axes)
        Returns median value along given axes.
        axes - the axes along which to perform the median operation
        the median NDArray along the specified axes
      • toDense

        NDArray toDense()
        Returns a dense representation of the sparse NDArray.
        the result NDArray
      • toSparse

        NDArray toSparse​(SparseFormat fmt)
        Returns a sparse representation of NDArray.
        fmt - the SparseFormat of this NDArray
        the result NDArray
      • nonzero

        NDArray nonzero()
        Returns the indices of elements that are non-zero.

        Note that the behavior is slightly different from numpy.nonzero. Numpy returns a tuple of NDArray, one for each dimension of NDArray. DJL nonzero returns only one NDArray with last dimension containing all dimension of indices.


         jshell> NDArray array = manager.create(new float[] {1f, 1f, 1f, 0f, 1f});
         jshell> array.nonzero();
         ND: (4, 1) cpu() int64
         [[ 0],
          [ 1],
          [ 2],
          [ 4],
         jshell> array = manager.create(new float[] {3f, 0f, 0f, 0f, 4f, 0f, 5f, 6f, 0f}).reshape(3, 3);
         jshell> array;
         ND: (3, 3) cpu() float32
         [[3., 0., 0.],
          [0., 4., 0.],
          [5., 6., 0.],
         jshell> array.nonzero();
         ND: (4, 2) cpu() int64
         [[ 0,  0],
          [ 1,  1],
          [ 2,  0],
          [ 2,  1],
        the indices of the elements that are non-zero
      • isEmpty

        default boolean isEmpty()
        Returns true if this NDArray is special case: no-value NDArray.


         jshell> NDArray array = manager.create(new Shape(2, 0, 1));
         jshell> array;
         ND: (2, 0, 1) cpu() float32
         jshell> array.isEmpty();
        true if this NDArray is empty
      • all

        default NDArray all()
        Returns true if all elements within this NDArray are non-zero or true.


         jshell> NDArray array = manager.create(new boolean[] {true, false, true, true}, new Shape(2, 2));
         jshell> array.all();
         ND: () cpu() boolean
         jshell> NDArray array = manager.create(new float[] {-1f, 4f, 5f});
         jshell> array.all(); // all elements are non-zero
         ND: () cpu() boolean
        true if all elements within this NDArray are non-zero or true
      • any

        default NDArray any()
        Returns true if any of the elements within this NDArray are non-zero or true.


         jshell> NDArray array = manager.create(new boolean[] {true, false, true, true}, new Shape(2, 2));
         jshell> array.any();
         ND: () cpu() boolean
         jshell> NDArray array = manager.create(new float[] {-1, 0, 5});
         jshell> array.any() // all elements are non-zero
         ND: () cpu() boolean
        true if any of the elements within this NDArray are non-zero or true
      • none

        default NDArray none()
        Returns true if none of the elements within this NDArray are non-zero or true.


         jshell> NDArray array = manager.create(new boolean[] {false, false});
         jshell> array.none();
         ND: () cpu() boolean
         jshell> NDArray array = manager.create(new float[] {-1f, 0f, 5f});
         jshell> array.none() // all elements are non-zero
         ND: () cpu() boolean
        true if none of the elements within this NDArray are non-zero or true
      • countNonzero

        default NDArray countNonzero()
        Counts the number of non-zero values in this NDArray.


         jshell> NDArray array = manager.create(new float[] {0f, 0f, 1f, 2f, 7f, 0f}, new Shape(2, 3));
         jshell> array.countNonzero()
         ND: () cpu() int64
        the number of non-zero values in this NDArray
      • countNonzero

        default NDArray countNonzero​(int axis)
        Counts the number of non-zero values in this NDArray along a given axis.


         jshell> NDArray array = manager.create(new float[] {0f, 0f, 1f, 2f, 7f, 0f}, new Shape(2, 3));
         jshell> array;
         ND: (2, 3) cpu() float32
         [[0., 0., 1.],
          [2., 7., 0.],
         jshell> array.countNonzero(0);
         ND: (3) cpu() int64
         [ 1,  1,  1]
         jshell> array.countNonzero(1);
         ND: (2) cpu() int64
         [ 1,  2]
        axis - the axis to operate on
        the number of non-zero values in this NDArray along a given axis
      • erfinv

        NDArray erfinv()
        Returns element-wise inverse gauss error function of the NDArray.


         jshell> NDArray array = manager.create(new float[] {0f, 0.5f, -1f});
         jshell> array.erfinv();
         ND: (3) cpu() float32
         [0., 0.4769, -inf]
        The inverse of gauss error of the NDArray, element-wise
      • getNDArrayInternal

        ai.djl.ndarray.internal.NDArrayEx getNDArrayInternal()
        Returns an internal representative of Native NDArray.

        This method should only be used by Engine provider

        an internal representative of Native NDArray
      • isReleased

        boolean isReleased()
        Returns true if this NDArray has been released.
        true if this NDArray has been released
      • toDebugString

        default java.lang.String toDebugString()
        Runs the debug string representation of this NDArray.
        the debug string representation of this NDArray
      • toDebugString

        default java.lang.String toDebugString​(boolean withContent)
        Runs the debug string representation of this NDArray.
        withContent - true to show the content of NDArray
        the debug string representation of this NDArray
      • toDebugString

        default java.lang.String toDebugString​(int maxSize,
                                               int maxDepth,
                                               int maxRows,
                                               int maxColumns,
                                               boolean withContent)
        Runs the debug string representation of this NDArray.
        maxSize - the maximum elements to print out
        maxDepth - the maximum depth to print out
        maxRows - the maximum rows to print out
        maxColumns - the maximum columns to print out
        withContent - true to show the content of NDArray
        the debug string representation of this NDArray
      • close

        void close()
        Specified by:
        close in interface java.lang.AutoCloseable
        Specified by:
        close in interface NDResource
      • norm

        default NDArray norm()
        Returns the norm of this NDArray.


         jshell> NDArray array = manager.create(new float[] {-3f, -4f});
         jshell> array.norm();
         ND: () cpu() float32
         jshell> NDArray array = manager.create(new float[] {1f, 2f, 3f, 4f}, new Shape(2, 2));
         jshell> array.norm();
         ND: () cpu() float32
        the norm of this NDArray
      • norm

        default NDArray norm​(int[] axes)
        Returns the norm of this NDArray.


         jshell> NDArray array = manager.create(new float[] {-3f, -4f});
         jshell> array.norm(new int[] {0});
         ND: () cpu() float32
         jshell> NDArray array = manager.create(new float[] {1f, 2f, 3f, 4f}, new Shape(2, 2));
         jshell> array.norm(new int[] {0});
         ND: (2) cpu() float32
         [3.1623, 4.4721]
        axes - If axes contains an integer, it specifies the axis of x along which to compute the vector norms. If axis contains 2 integers, it specifies the axes that hold 2-D matrices, and the matrix norms of these matrices are computed.
        the norm of this NDArray
      • norm

        NDArray norm​(boolean keepDims)
        Returns the norm of this NDArray.


         jshell> NDArray array = manager.create(new float[] {-3f, -4f});
         jshell> array.norm(true);
         ND: () cpu() float32
         jshell> NDArray array = manager.create(new float[] {1f, 2f, 3f, 4f}, new Shape(2, 2));
         jshell> array.norm(true);
         ND: () cpu() float32
        keepDims - If this is set to True, the axes which are normed over are left in the result as dimensions with size one. With this option the result will broadcast correctly against the original x.
        the norm of this NDArray
      • norm

        default NDArray norm​(int[] axes,
                             boolean keepDims)
        Returns the norm of this NDArray.


         jshell> NDArray array = manager.create(new float[] {1f, 2f, 3f, 4f}, new Shape(2, 2));
         jshell> array.norm(new int[] {0}, true);
         ND: (1, 2) cpu() float32
         [[3.1623, 4.4721],
         jshell> NDArray array = manager.create(new float[] {1f, 2f, 3f, 4f}, new Shape(2, 2));
         jshell> array.norm(new int[] {0}, false);
         ND: (2) cpu() float32
         [3.1623, 4.4721]
        axes - If axes contains an integer, it specifies the axis of x along which to compute the vector norms. If axis contains 2 integers, it specifies the axes that hold 2-D matrices, and the matrix norms of these matrices are computed.
        keepDims - keepDims If this is set to True, the axes which are normed over are left in the result as dimensions with size one. With this option the result will broadcast correctly against the original x.
        the norm of this NDArray
      • norm

        NDArray norm​(int ord,
                     int[] axes,
                     boolean keepDims)
        Returns the norm of this NDArray.


         jshell> NDArray array = manager.create(new float[] {1f, 2f, 3f, 4f}, new Shape(2, 2));
         jshell> array.norm(2, new int[] {0}, true);
         ND: (1, 2) cpu() float32
         [[3.1623, 4.4721],
         jshell> NDArray array = manager.create(new float[] {1f, 2f, 3f, 4f}, new Shape(2, 2));
         jshell> array.norm(2, new int[] {0}, false);
         ND: (2) cpu() float32
         [3.1623, 4.4721]
        ord - Order of the norm.
        axes - If axes contains an integer, it specifies the axis of x along which to compute the vector norms. If axis contains 2 integers, it specifies the axes that hold 2-D matrices, and the matrix norms of these matrices are computed.
        keepDims - keepDims If this is set to True, the axes which are normed over are left in the result as dimensions with size one. With this option the result will broadcast correctly against the original x.
        the norm of this NDArray
      • oneHot

        default NDArray oneHot​(int depth)
        Returns a one-hot NDArray.
        • The locations represented by indices take value 1, while all other locations take value 0.
        • If the input NDArray is rank N, the output will have rank N+1. The new axis is appended at the end.
        • If NDArray is a scalar the output shape will be a vector of length depth.
        • If NDArray is a vector of length features, the output shape will be features x depth.
        • If NDArray is a matrix with shape [batch, features], the output shape will be batch x features x depth.


         jshell> NDArray array = manager.create(new int[] {1, 0, 2, 0});
         jshell> array.oneHot(3);
         ND: (4, 3) cpu() float32
         [[0., 1., 0.],
          [1., 0., 0.],
          [0., 0., 1.],
          [1., 0., 0.],
         jshell> NDArray array = manager.create(new int[][] {{1, 0}, {1, 0}, {2, 0}});
         jshell> array.oneHot(3);
         ND: (3, 2, 3) cpu() float32
         [[[0., 1., 0.],
           [1., 0., 0.],
          [[0., 1., 0.],
           [1., 0., 0.],
          [[0., 0., 1.],
           [1., 0., 0.],
        depth - Depth of the one hot dimension.
        one-hot encoding of this NDArray
        See Also:
      • oneHot

        default NDArray oneHot​(int depth,
                               DataType dataType)
        Returns a one-hot NDArray.
        • The locations represented by indices take value 1, while all other locations take value 0.
        • If the input NDArray is rank N, the output will have rank N+1. The new axis is appended at the end.
        • If NDArray is a scalar the output shape will be a vector of length depth.
        • If NDArray is a vector of length features, the output shape will be features x depth.
        • If NDArray is a matrix with shape [batch, features], the output shape will be batch x features x depth.


         jshell> NDArray array = manager.create(new int[] {1, 0, 2, 0});
         jshell> array.oneHot(3);
         ND: (4, 3) cpu() float32
         [[0., 1., 0.],
          [1., 0., 0.],
          [0., 0., 1.],
          [1., 0., 0.],
         jshell> NDArray array = manager.create(new int[][] {{1, 0}, {1, 0}, {2, 0}});
         jshell> array.oneHot(3);
         ND: (3, 2, 3) cpu() float32
         [[[0., 1., 0.],
           [1., 0., 0.],
          [[0., 1., 0.],
           [1., 0., 0.],
          [[0., 0., 1.],
           [1., 0., 0.],
        depth - Depth of the one hot dimension.
        dataType - dataType of the output.
        one-hot encoding of this NDArray
        See Also:
      • oneHot

        NDArray oneHot​(int depth,
                       float onValue,
                       float offValue,
                       DataType dataType)
        Returns a one-hot NDArray.
        • The locations represented by indices take value onValue, while all other locations take value offValue.
        • If the input NDArray is rank N, the output will have rank N+1. The new axis is appended at the end.
        • If NDArray is a scalar the output shape will be a vector of length depth.
        • If NDArray is a vector of length features, the output shape will be features x depth.
        • If NDArray is a matrix with shape [batch, features], the output shape will be batch x features x depth.


         jshell> NDArray array = manager.create(new int[] {1, 0, 2, 0});
         jshell> array.oneHot(3, 8f, 1f, array.getDataType());
         ND: (4, 3) cpu() int32
         [[ 1,  8,  1],
          [ 8,  1,  1],
          [ 1,  1,  8],
          [ 8,  1,  1],
        depth - Depth of the one hot dimension.
        onValue - The value assigned to the locations represented by indices.
        offValue - The value assigned to the locations not represented by indices.
        dataType - dataType of the output.
        one-hot encoding of this NDArray
        See Also:
      • batchDot

        NDArray batchDot​(NDArray other)
        Batchwise product of this NDArray and the other NDArray.
        • batchDot is used to compute dot product of x and y when x and y are data in batch, namely N-D (N greater or equal to 3) arrays in shape of (B0, …, B_i, :, :). For example, given x with shape (B_0, …, B_i, N, M) and y with shape (B_0, …, B_i, M, K), the result array will have shape (B_0, …, B_i, N, K), which is computed by: batch_dot(x,y)[b_0, ..., b_i, :, :] = dot(x[b_0, ..., b_i, :, :], y[b_0, ..., b_i, :, :])


         jshell> NDArray array1 = manager.ones(new Shape(2, 1, 4));
         jshell> NDArray array2 = manager.ones(new Shape(2, 4, 6));
         jshell> array1.batchDot(array2);
         ND: (2, 1, 6) cpu() float32
         [[[4., 4., 4., 4., 4., 4.],
          [[4., 4., 4., 4., 4., 4.],
        other - the other NDArray to perform batch dot product with
        the result NDArray
      • complex

        NDArray complex()
        Convert a general NDArray to its complex math format.

        example: [10f, 12f] float32 -> [10+12j] in complex64

        the complex NDArray
      • real

        NDArray real()
        Convert a complex NDArray to its real math format. example: [10+12j] in complex64 -> [10f, 12f] float32
        tje real NDArray