Class Pool

  • public final class Pool
    extends java.lang.Object
    Utility class that provides Block and methods for different pooling functions.
    See Also:
    The D2L chapter on pooling
    • Method Detail

      • maxPool1d

        public static NDArray maxPool1d​(NDArray input,
                                        Shape kernelShape,
                                        Shape stride,
                                        Shape padding,
                                        boolean ceilMode)
        Performs 1-D Max Pooling on the input.
        input - the NDArray on which max pooling is performed
        kernelShape - the shape of the kernel to be used
        stride - the stride to be used for each dimension
        padding - the padding to be set in each dimension
        ceilMode - when true, will use ceil instead of floor in the formula to compute the output shape. The formula is f(x, k, p, s) = floor((x+2*p-k)/s)+1.
        the NDArray after applying max pooling
      • maxPool2d

        public static NDArray maxPool2d​(NDArray input,
                                        Shape kernelShape,
                                        Shape stride,
                                        Shape padding,
                                        boolean ceilMode)
        Performs 2-D Max Pooling on the input.
        input - the NDArray on which max pooling is performed
        kernelShape - the shape of the kernel to be used
        stride - the stride to be used for each dimension
        padding - the padding to be set in each dimension
        ceilMode - when true, will use ceil instead of floor in the formula to compute the output shape. The formula is f(x, k, p, s) = floor((x+2*p-k)/s)+1.
        the NDArray after applying max pooling
      • maxPool3d

        public static NDArray maxPool3d​(NDArray input,
                                        Shape kernelShape,
                                        Shape stride,
                                        Shape padding,
                                        boolean ceilMode)
        Performs 3-D Max Pooling on the input.
        input - the NDArray on which max pooling is performed
        kernelShape - the shape of the kernel to be used
        stride - the stride to be used for each dimension
        padding - the padding to be set in each dimension
        ceilMode - when true, will use ceil instead of floor in the formula to compute the output shape. The formula is f(x, k, p, s) = floor((x+2*p-k)/s)+1.
        the NDArray after applying max pooling
      • globalMaxPool1d

        public static NDArray globalMaxPool1d​(NDArray input)
        Performs 1-D Global Max Pooling on the input.
        input - the NDArray on which max pooling is performed
        the NDArray after applying global max pooling
      • globalMaxPool2d

        public static NDArray globalMaxPool2d​(NDArray input)
        Performs 2-D Global Max Pooling on the input.
        input - the NDArray on which max pooling is performed
        the NDArray after applying global max pooling
      • globalMaxPool3d

        public static NDArray globalMaxPool3d​(NDArray input)
        Performs 3-D Global Max Pooling on the input.
        input - the NDArray on which max pooling is performed
        the NDArray after applying global max pooling
      • avgPool1d

        public static NDArray avgPool1d​(NDArray input,
                                        Shape kernelShape,
                                        Shape stride,
                                        Shape padding,
                                        boolean ceilMode,
                                        boolean countIncludePad)
        Performs 1-D Avg Pooling on the input.
        input - the NDArray on which average pooling is performed
        kernelShape - the shape of the kernel to be used
        stride - the stride to be used for each dimension
        padding - the padding to be set in each dimension
        ceilMode - when true, will use ceil instead of floor in the formula to compute the output shape. The formula is f(x, k, p, s) = floor((x+2*p-k)/s)+1.
        countIncludePad - whether to include padding for calculations
        the NDArray after applying avg pooling
      • avgPool2d

        public static NDArray avgPool2d​(NDArray input,
                                        Shape kernelShape,
                                        Shape stride,
                                        Shape padding,
                                        boolean ceilMode,
                                        boolean countIncludePad)
        Performs 2-D Avg Pooling on the input.
        input - the NDArray on which average pooling is performed
        kernelShape - the shape of the kernel to be used
        stride - the stride to be used for each dimension
        padding - the padding to be set in each dimension
        ceilMode - when true, will use ceil instead of floor in the formula to compute the output shape. The formula is f(x, k, p, s) = floor((x+2*p-k)/s)+1.
        countIncludePad - whether to include padding for calculations
        the NDArray after applying avg pooling
      • avgPool3d

        public static NDArray avgPool3d​(NDArray input,
                                        Shape kernelShape,
                                        Shape stride,
                                        Shape padding,
                                        boolean ceilMode,
                                        boolean countIncludePad)
        Performs 3-D Avg Pooling on the input.
        input - the NDArray on which average pooling is performed
        kernelShape - the shape of the kernel to be used
        stride - the stride to be used for each dimension
        padding - the padding to be set in each dimension
        ceilMode - when true, will use ceil instead of floor in the formula to compute the output shape. The formula is f(x, k, p, s) = floor((x+2*p-k)/s)+1.
        countIncludePad - whether to include padding for calculations
        the NDArray after applying avg pooling
      • globalAvgPool1d

        public static NDArray globalAvgPool1d​(NDArray input)
        Performs 1-D Global Avg Pooling on the input.
        input - the NDArray on which average pooling is performed
        the NDArray after applying global avg pooling
      • globalAvgPool2d

        public static NDArray globalAvgPool2d​(NDArray input)
        Performs 2-D Global Avg Pooling on the input.
        input - the NDArray on which average pooling is performed
        the NDArray after applying global avg pooling
      • globalAvgPool3d

        public static NDArray globalAvgPool3d​(NDArray input)
        Performs 3-D Global Avg Pooling on the input.
        input - the NDArray on which average pooling is performed
        the NDArray after applying global avg pooling
      • lpPool1d

        public static NDArray lpPool1d​(NDArray input,
                                       float normType,
                                       Shape kernelShape,
                                       Shape stride,
                                       Shape padding,
                                       boolean ceilMode)
        Performs 1-D LP Pooling on the input.
        input - the NDArray on which LP pooling is performed
        normType - float value indicating norm
        kernelShape - the shape of the kernel to be used
        stride - the stride to be used for each dimension
        padding - the padding to be set in each dimension
        ceilMode - when true, will use ceil instead of floor in the formula to compute the output shape. The formula is f(x, k, p, s) = floor((x+2*p-k)/s)+1.
        the NDArray after applying lp pooling
      • lpPool2d

        public static NDArray lpPool2d​(NDArray input,
                                       float normType,
                                       Shape kernelShape,
                                       Shape stride,
                                       Shape padding,
                                       boolean ceilMode)
        Performs 2-D LP Pooling on the input.
        input - the NDArray on which LP pooling is performed
        normType - float value indicating norm
        kernelShape - the shape of the kernel to be used
        stride - the stride to be used for each dimension
        padding - the padding to be set in each dimension
        ceilMode - when true, will use ceil instead of floor in the formula to compute the output shape. The formula is f(x, k, p, s) = floor((x+2*p-k)/s)+1.
        the NDArray after applying lp pooling
      • lpPool3d

        public static NDArray lpPool3d​(NDArray input,
                                       float normType,
                                       Shape kernelShape,
                                       Shape stride,
                                       Shape padding,
                                       boolean ceilMode)
        Performs 3-D LP Pooling on the input.
        input - the NDArray on which LP pooling is performed
        normType - float value indicating norm
        kernelShape - the shape of the kernel to be used
        stride - the stride to be used for each dimension
        padding - the padding to be set in each dimension
        ceilMode - when true, will use ceil instead of floor in the formula to compute the output shape. The formula is f(x, k, p, s) = floor((x+2*p-k)/s)+1.
        the NDArray after applying lp pooling
      • globalLpPool1d

        public static NDArray globalLpPool1d​(NDArray input,
                                             float normType)
        Performs 1-D Global LP Pooling on the input.
        input - the NDArray on which LP pooling is performed
        normType - float value indicating norm
        the NDArray after applying global lp pooling
      • globalLpPool2d

        public static NDArray globalLpPool2d​(NDArray input,
                                             float normType)
        Performs 2-D Global LP Pooling on the input.
        input - the NDArray on which LP pooling is performed
        normType - float value indicating norm
        the NDArray after applying global lp pooling
      • globalLpPool3d

        public static NDArray globalLpPool3d​(NDArray input,
                                             float normType)
        Performs 3-D Global LP Pooling on the input.
        input - the NDArray on which LP pooling is performed
        normType - float value indicating norm
        the NDArray after applying global lp pooling
      • maxPool1dBlock

        public static Block maxPool1dBlock​(Shape kernelShape,
                                           Shape stride,
                                           Shape padding,
                                           boolean ceilMode)
        Creates a LambdaBlock that applies the maxPool1d pooling function in its forward function.
        kernelShape - the shape of the kernel to be used
        stride - stride of pooling layer
        padding - pad of the pooling layer
        ceilMode - when true, will use ceil instead of floor in the formula to compute the output shape. The formula is f(x, k, p, s) = floor((x+2*p-k)/s)+1.
        the LambdaBlock that applies the maxPool1dBlock activation function
      • maxPool1dBlock

        public static Block maxPool1dBlock​(Shape kernelShape,
                                           Shape stride,
                                           Shape padding)
        Creates a LambdaBlock that applies the maxPool1dBlock pooling function in its forward function.
        kernelShape - the shape of the kernel to be used
        stride - stride of pooling layer
        padding - pad of the pooling layer
        the LambdaBlock that applies the maxPool1dBlock activation function
      • maxPool1dBlock

        public static Block maxPool1dBlock​(Shape kernelShape,
                                           Shape stride)
        Creates a LambdaBlock that applies the maxPool1dBlock pooling function in its forward function.
        kernelShape - the shape of the kernel to be used
        stride - stride of pooling layer
        the LambdaBlock that applies the maxPool1dBlock activation function
      • maxPool1dBlock

        public static Block maxPool1dBlock​(Shape kernelShape)
        Creates a LambdaBlock that applies the maxPool1dBlock pooling function in its forward function.
        kernelShape - the shape of the kernel to be used
        the LambdaBlock that applies the maxPool1dBlock activation function
      • maxPool2dBlock

        public static Block maxPool2dBlock​(Shape kernelShape,
                                           Shape stride,
                                           Shape padding,
                                           boolean ceilMode)
        Creates a LambdaBlock that applies the maxPool2dBlock pooling function in its forward function.
        kernelShape - the shape of the kernel to be used
        stride - stride of pooling layer
        padding - pad of the pooling layer
        ceilMode - when true, will use ceil instead of floor in the formula to compute the output shape. The formula is f(x, k, p, s) = floor((x+2*p-k)/s)+1.
        the LambdaBlock that applies the maxPool2dBlock activation function
      • maxPool2dBlock

        public static Block maxPool2dBlock​(Shape kernelShape,
                                           Shape stride,
                                           Shape padding)
        Creates a LambdaBlock that applies the maxPool2dBlock pooling function in its forward function.
        kernelShape - the shape of the kernel to be used
        stride - stride of pooling layer
        padding - pad of the pooling layer
        the LambdaBlock that applies the maxPool2dBlock activation function
      • maxPool2dBlock

        public static Block maxPool2dBlock​(Shape kernelShape,
                                           Shape stride)
        Creates a LambdaBlock that applies the maxPool2dBlock pooling function in its forward function.
        kernelShape - the shape of the kernel to be used
        stride - stride of pooling layer
        the LambdaBlock that applies the maxPool2dBlock activation function
      • maxPool2dBlock

        public static Block maxPool2dBlock​(Shape kernelShape)
        Creates a LambdaBlock that applies the maxPool2dBlock pooling function in its forward function.
        kernelShape - the shape of the kernel to be used
        the LambdaBlock that applies the maxPool2dBlock activation function
      • maxPool3dBlock

        public static Block maxPool3dBlock​(Shape kernelShape,
                                           Shape stride,
                                           Shape padding,
                                           boolean ceilMode)
        Creates a LambdaBlock that applies the maxPool3dBlock pooling function in its forward function.
        kernelShape - the shape of the kernel to be used
        stride - stride of pooling layer
        padding - pad of the pooling layer
        ceilMode - when true, will use ceil instead of floor in the formula to compute the output shape. The formula is f(x, k, p, s) = floor((x+2*p-k)/s)+1.
        the LambdaBlock that applies the maxPool3dBlock activation function
      • maxPool3dBlock

        public static Block maxPool3dBlock​(Shape kernelShape,
                                           Shape stride,
                                           Shape padding)
        Creates a LambdaBlock that applies the maxPool3dBlock pooling function in its forward function.
        kernelShape - the shape of the kernel to be used
        stride - stride of pooling layer
        padding - pad of the pooling layer
        the LambdaBlock that applies the maxPool3dBlock activation function
      • maxPool3dBlock

        public static Block maxPool3dBlock​(Shape kernelShape,
                                           Shape stride)
        Creates a LambdaBlock that applies the maxPool3dBlock pooling function in its forward function.
        kernelShape - the shape of the kernel to be used
        stride - stride of pooling layer
        the LambdaBlock that applies the maxPool3dBlock activation function
      • maxPool3dBlock

        public static Block maxPool3dBlock​(Shape kernelShape)
        Creates a LambdaBlock that applies the maxPool3dBlock pooling function in its forward function.
        kernelShape - the shape of the kernel to be used
        the LambdaBlock that applies the maxPool3dBlock activation function
      • avgPool1dBlock

        public static Block avgPool1dBlock​(Shape kernelShape,
                                           Shape stride,
                                           Shape padding,
                                           boolean ceilMode,
                                           boolean countIncludePad)
        Creates a LambdaBlock that applies the avgPool1dBlock pooling function in its forward function.
        kernelShape - the shape of the kernel to be used
        stride - stride of pooling layer
        padding - pad of the pooling layer
        ceilMode - when true, will use ceil instead of floor in the formula to compute the output shape. The formula is f(x, k, p, s) = floor((x+2*p-k)/s)+1.
        countIncludePad - Boolean indicating whether to include padding for calculations
        the LambdaBlock that applies the avgPool1dBlock activation function
      • avgPool1dBlock

        public static Block avgPool1dBlock​(Shape kernelShape,
                                           Shape stride,
                                           Shape padding,
                                           boolean ceilMode)
        Creates a LambdaBlock that applies the avgPool1dBlock pooling function in its forward function.
        kernelShape - the shape of the kernel to be used
        stride - stride of pooling layer
        padding - pad of the pooling layer
        ceilMode - when true, will use ceil instead of floor in the formula to compute the output shape. The formula is f(x, k, p, s) = floor((x+2*p-k)/s)+1.
        the LambdaBlock that applies the avgPool1dBlock activation function
      • avgPool1dBlock

        public static Block avgPool1dBlock​(Shape kernelShape,
                                           Shape stride,
                                           Shape padding)
        Creates a LambdaBlock that applies the avgPool1dBlock pooling function in its forward function.
        kernelShape - the shape of the kernel to be used
        stride - stride of pooling layer
        padding - pad of the pooling layer
        the LambdaBlock that applies the avgPool1dBlock activation function
      • avgPool1dBlock

        public static Block avgPool1dBlock​(Shape kernelShape,
                                           Shape stride)
        Creates a LambdaBlock that applies the avgPool1dBlock pooling function in its forward function.
        kernelShape - the shape of the kernel to be used
        stride - stride of pooling layer
        the LambdaBlock that applies the avgPool1dBlock activation function
      • avgPool1dBlock

        public static Block avgPool1dBlock​(Shape kernelShape)
        Creates a LambdaBlock that applies the avgPool1dBlock pooling function in its forward function.
        kernelShape - the shape of the kernel to be used
        the LambdaBlock that applies the avgPool1dBlock activation function
      • avgPool2dBlock

        public static Block avgPool2dBlock​(Shape kernelShape,
                                           Shape stride,
                                           Shape padding,
                                           boolean ceilMode,
                                           boolean countIncludePad)
        Creates a LambdaBlock that applies the avgPool2dBlock pooling function in its forward function.
        kernelShape - the shape of the kernel to be used
        stride - stride of pooling layer
        padding - pad of the pooling layer
        ceilMode - when true, will use ceil instead of floor in the formula to compute the output shape. The formula is f(x, k, p, s) = floor((x+2*p-k)/s)+1.
        countIncludePad - Boolean indicating whether to include padding for calculations
        the LambdaBlock that applies the avgPool2dBlock activation function
      • avgPool2dBlock

        public static Block avgPool2dBlock​(Shape kernelShape,
                                           Shape stride,
                                           Shape padding,
                                           boolean ceilMode)
        Creates a LambdaBlock that applies the avgPool2dBlock pooling function in its forward function.
        kernelShape - the shape of the kernel to be used
        stride - stride of pooling layer
        padding - pad of the pooling layer
        ceilMode - when true, will use ceil instead of floor in the formula to compute the output shape. The formula is f(x, k, p, s) = floor((x+2*p-k)/s)+1.
        the LambdaBlock that applies the avgPool2dBlock activation function
      • avgPool2dBlock

        public static Block avgPool2dBlock​(Shape kernelShape,
                                           Shape stride,
                                           Shape padding)
        Creates a LambdaBlock that applies the avgPool2dBlock pooling function in its forward function.
        kernelShape - the shape of the kernel to be used
        stride - stride of pooling layer
        padding - pad of the pooling layer
        the LambdaBlock that applies the avgPool2dBlock activation function
      • avgPool2dBlock

        public static Block avgPool2dBlock​(Shape kernelShape,
                                           Shape stride)
        Creates a LambdaBlock that applies the avgPool2dBlock pooling function in its forward function.
        kernelShape - the shape of the kernel to be used
        stride - stride of pooling layer
        the LambdaBlock that applies the avgPool2dBlock activation function
      • avgPool2dBlock

        public static Block avgPool2dBlock​(Shape kernelShape)
        Creates a LambdaBlock that applies the avgPool2dBlock pooling function in its forward function.
        kernelShape - the shape of the kernel to be used
        the LambdaBlock that applies the avgPool2dBlock activation function
      • avgPool3dBlock

        public static Block avgPool3dBlock​(Shape kernelShape,
                                           Shape stride,
                                           Shape padding,
                                           boolean ceilMode,
                                           boolean countIncludePad)
        Creates a LambdaBlock that applies the avgPool3dBlock pooling function in its forward function.
        kernelShape - the shape of the kernel to be used
        stride - stride of pooling layer
        padding - pad of the pooling layer
        ceilMode - when true, will use ceil instead of floor in the formula to compute the output shape. The formula is f(x, k, p, s) = floor((x+2*p-k)/s)+1.
        countIncludePad - Boolean indicating whether to include padding for calculations
        the LambdaBlock that applies the avgPool3dBlock activation function
      • avgPool3dBlock

        public static Block avgPool3dBlock​(Shape kernelShape,
                                           Shape stride,
                                           Shape padding,
                                           boolean ceilMode)
        Creates a LambdaBlock that applies the avgPool3dBlock pooling function in its forward function.
        kernelShape - the shape of the kernel to be used
        stride - stride of pooling layer
        padding - pad of the pooling layer
        ceilMode - when true, will use ceil instead of floor in the formula to compute the output shape. The formula is f(x, k, p, s) = floor((x+2*p-k)/s)+1.
        the LambdaBlock that applies the avgPool3dBlock activation function
      • avgPool3dBlock

        public static Block avgPool3dBlock​(Shape kernelShape,
                                           Shape stride,
                                           Shape padding)
        Creates a LambdaBlock that applies the avgPool3dBlock pooling function in its forward function.
        kernelShape - the shape of the kernel to be used
        stride - stride of pooling layer
        padding - pad of the pooling layer
        the LambdaBlock that applies the avgPool3dBlock activation function
      • avgPool3dBlock

        public static Block avgPool3dBlock​(Shape kernelShape,
                                           Shape stride)
        Creates a LambdaBlock that applies the avgPool3dBlock pooling function in its forward function.
        kernelShape - the shape of the kernel to be used
        stride - stride of pooling layer
        the LambdaBlock that applies the avgPool3dBlock activation function
      • avgPool3dBlock

        public static Block avgPool3dBlock​(Shape kernelShape)
        Creates a LambdaBlock that applies the avgPool3dBlock pooling function in its forward function.
        kernelShape - the shape of the kernel to be used
        the LambdaBlock that applies the avgPool3dBlock activation function
      • lpPool1dBlock

        public static Block lpPool1dBlock​(float normType,
                                          Shape kernelShape,
                                          Shape stride,
                                          Shape padding,
                                          boolean ceilMode)
        Creates a LambdaBlock that applies the lpPool1dBlock pooling function in its forward function.
        normType - integer indicating pValue
        kernelShape - the shape of the kernel to be used
        stride - stride of pooling layer
        padding - padding of pooling layer
        ceilMode - when true, will use ceil instead of floor in the formula to compute the output shape. The formula is f(x, k, p, s) = floor((x+2*p-k)/s)+1.
        the LambdaBlock that applies the lpPool1dBlock activation function
      • lpPool1dBlock

        public static Block lpPool1dBlock​(float normType,
                                          Shape kernelShape,
                                          Shape stride,
                                          Shape padding)
        Creates a LambdaBlock that applies the lpPool1dBlock pooling function in its forward function.
        normType - integer indicating pValue
        kernelShape - the shape of the kernel to be used
        stride - stride of pooling layer
        padding - padding of pooling layer
        the LambdaBlock that applies the lpPool1dBlock activation function
      • lpPool1dBlock

        public static Block lpPool1dBlock​(float normType,
                                          Shape kernelShape)
        Creates a LambdaBlock that applies the lpPool1dBlock pooling function in its forward function.
        normType - float value indicating norm
        kernelShape - the shape of the kernel to be used
        the LambdaBlock that applies the lpPool1dBlock activation function
      • lpPool2dBlock

        public static Block lpPool2dBlock​(float normType,
                                          Shape kernelShape,
                                          Shape stride,
                                          Shape padding,
                                          boolean ceilMode)
        Creates a LambdaBlock that applies the lpPool2dBlock pooling function in its forward function.
        normType - float value indicating norm
        kernelShape - the shape of the kernel to be used
        stride - stride of pooling layer
        padding - pad of the pooling layer
        ceilMode - when true, will use ceil instead of floor in the formula to compute the output shape. The formula is f(x, k, p, s) = floor((x+2*p-k)/s)+1.
        the LambdaBlock that applies the lpPool2dBlock activation function
      • lpPool2dBlock

        public static Block lpPool2dBlock​(float normType,
                                          Shape kernelShape,
                                          Shape stride,
                                          Shape padding)
        Creates a LambdaBlock that applies the lpPool2dBlock pooling function in its forward function.
        normType - float value indicating norm
        kernelShape - the shape of the kernel to be used
        stride - stride of pooling layer
        padding - pad of the pooling layer
        the LambdaBlock that applies the lpPool2dBlock activation function
      • lpPool2dBlock

        public static Block lpPool2dBlock​(float normType,
                                          Shape kernelShape,
                                          Shape stride)
        Creates a LambdaBlock that applies the lpPool2dBlock pooling function in its forward function.
        normType - float value indicating norm
        kernelShape - the shape of the kernel to be used
        stride - stride of pooling layer
        the LambdaBlock that applies the lpPool2dBlock activation function
      • lpPool2dBlock

        public static Block lpPool2dBlock​(float normType,
                                          Shape kernelShape)
        Creates a LambdaBlock that applies the lpPool2dBlock pooling function in its forward function.
        normType - float value indicating norm
        kernelShape - the shape of the kernel to be used
        the LambdaBlock that applies the lpPool2dBlock activation function
      • lpPool3dBlock

        public static Block lpPool3dBlock​(float normType,
                                          Shape kernelShape,
                                          Shape stride,
                                          Shape padding,
                                          boolean ceilMode)
        Creates a LambdaBlock that applies the lpPool3dBlock pooling function in its forward function.
        normType - float value indicating norm
        kernelShape - the shape of the kernel to be used
        stride - stride of pooling layer
        padding - pad of the pooling layer
        ceilMode - when true, will use ceil instead of floor in the formula to compute the output shape. The formula is f(x, k, p, s) = floor((x+2*p-k)/s)+1.
        the LambdaBlock that applies the lpPool3dBlock activation function
      • lpPool3dBlock

        public static Block lpPool3dBlock​(float normType,
                                          Shape kernelShape,
                                          Shape stride,
                                          Shape padding)
        Creates a LambdaBlock that applies the lpPool3dBlock pooling function in its forward function.
        normType - float value indicating norm
        kernelShape - the shape of the kernel to be used
        stride - stride of pooling layer
        padding - pad of the pooling layer
        the LambdaBlock that applies the lpPool3dBlock activation function
      • lpPool3dBlock

        public static Block lpPool3dBlock​(float normType,
                                          Shape kernelShape,
                                          Shape stride)
        Creates a LambdaBlock that applies the LpPoo3D pooling function in its forward function.
        normType - float value indicating norm
        kernelShape - the shape of the kernel to be used
        stride - stride of pooling layer
        the LambdaBlock that applies the lpPool3dBlock activation function
      • lpPool3dBlock

        public static Block lpPool3dBlock​(float normType,
                                          Shape kernelShape)
        Creates a LambdaBlock that applies the lpPool3dBlock pooling function in its forward function.
        normType - float value indicating norm
        kernelShape - the shape of the kernel to be used
        the LambdaBlock that applies the lpPool3dBlock activation function
      • globalLpPool1dBlock

        public static Block globalLpPool1dBlock​(float normType)
        Creates a LambdaBlock that applies the globalLpPool1d pooling function.
        normType - float value indicating norm
        the LambdaBlock that applies the globalLpPool1d pooling function
      • globalLpPool2dBlock

        public static Block globalLpPool2dBlock​(float normType)
        Creates a LambdaBlock that applies the globalLpPool2d pooling function.
        normType - float value indicating norm
        the LambdaBlock that applies the globalLpPool2d pooling function
      • globalLpPool3dBlock

        public static Block globalLpPool3dBlock​(float normType)
        Creates a LambdaBlock that applies the globalLpPool3d pooling function.
        normType - float value indicating norm
        the LambdaBlock that applies the globalLpPool3d pooling function