Package ai.djl

Interface Application.CV

Enclosing class:

public static interface Application.CV
The common set of applications for computer vision (image and video data).
  • Field Details

    • ANY

      static final Application ANY
      Any computer vision application, including those in Application.CV.

      static final Application IMAGE_CLASSIFICATION
      An application where images are assigned a single class name.

      Each image is given one of a fixed number of classes (or a probability of having that one class). The typical signature is Model<Image, Classifications>.


      static final Application OBJECT_DETECTION
      An application that finds zero or more objects in an image, the object class (see image classification), and their locations as a BoundingBox.

      The typical signature is Model<Image, DetectedObjects>.

      See Also:

      static final Application SEMANTIC_SEGMENTATION
      An application that classifies each pixel in an image into a category.

      static final Application INSTANCE_SEGMENTATION
      An application that finds zero or more objects in an image, the object class (see image classification), and their location as a pixel map.

      static final Application POSE_ESTIMATION
      An application that accepts an image of a single person and returns the Joints locations of the person.

      This can often be used with OBJECT_DETECTION to identify the people in the image and then run pose estimation on each detected person. The typical signature is Model<Image, Joints>.


      static final Application ACTION_RECOGNITION
      An application that accepts an image or video and classifies the action being done in it.

      static final Application WORD_RECOGNITION
      An application that accepts an image of a single word and returns the String text of the word.

      The typical signature is Model<Image, String>.


      static final Application IMAGE_GENERATION
      An application that accepts a seed and returns generated images.

      The typical model returns an array of images Image[].


      static final Application IMAGE_ENHANCEMENT
      An application that accepts an image and returns enhanced images.

      The typical signature is Model<Image, Image>.