Class CategoryMask

All Implemented Interfaces:
BytesSupplier, ai.djl.util.JsonSerializable, Serializable

public class CategoryMask extends Object implements ai.djl.util.JsonSerializable
A class representing the segmentation result of an image in an Application.CV.SEMANTIC_SEGMENTATION case.
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • CategoryMask

      public CategoryMask(List<String> classes, int[][] mask)
      Constructs a Mask with the given data.
      classes - the list of classes
      mask - the category mask for each pixel in the image
  • Method Details

    • getClasses

      public List<String> getClasses()
      Returns the list of classes.
      list of classes
    • getMask

      public int[][] getMask()
      Returns the class for each pixel.
      the class for each pixel
    • toByteBuffer

      public ByteBuffer toByteBuffer()
      Returns the ByteBuffer presentation of the object.
      Specified by:
      toByteBuffer in interface BytesSupplier
      the ByteBuffer presentation of the object
    • toJson

      public String toJson()
      Specified by:
      toJson in interface ai.djl.util.JsonSerializable
    • getMaskImage

      public Image getMaskImage(Image image)
      Extracts the detected objects from the image.
      image - the original image
      the detected objects from the image
    • getMaskImage

      public Image getMaskImage(Image image, int classId)
      Extracts the specified object from the image.
      image - the original image
      classId - the class to extract from the image
      the specific object on the image
    • getBackgroundImage

      public Image getBackgroundImage(Image image)
      Extracts the background from the image.
      image - the original image
      the background of the image
    • drawMask

      public void drawMask(Image image, int opacity)
      Highlights the detected object on the image with random colors.
      image - the original image
      opacity - the opacity of the overlay. Value is between 0 and 255 inclusive, where 0 means the overlay is completely transparent and 255 means the overlay is completely opaque.
    • drawMask

      public void drawMask(Image image, int opacity, int background)
      Highlights the detected object on the image with random colors.
      image - the original image
      opacity - the opacity of the overlay. Value is between 0 and 255 inclusive, where 0 means the overlay is completely transparent and 255 means the overlay is completely opaque.
      background - replace the background with specified background color, use transparent color to remove background
    • drawMask

      public void drawMask(Image image, int classId, int color, int opacity)
      Highlights the specified object with specific color.
      image - the original image
      classId - the class to draw on the image
      color - the rgb color with opacity
      opacity - the opacity of the overlay. Value is between 0 and 255 inclusive, where 0 means the overlay is completely transparent and 255 means the overlay is completely opaque.