Interface Repository

All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractRepository, JarRepository, LocalRepository, RemoteRepository, SimpleRepository, SimpleUrlRepository

public interface Repository
Repository is a format for storing data Artifacts for various uses including deep learning models and datasets.

This repository format is based off of the design of the Maven Repository format (See maven). Unlike in Maven, the data doesn't need to be located within the repository. Instead, the repository only stores metadata including the URL and checksum of the actual data. When the artifact is prepared, the data is downloaded, checked, and then stored in the ~/ folder.

The artifacts are first divided into a number of Metadata files that can each have multiple artifacts. The metadata files are identified by an MRL which contains:

  • type - The resource type, e.g. model or dataset.
  • Application - The resource application (See Application).
  • Group Id - The group id identifies the group publishing the artifacts using a reverse domain name system.
  • Artifact Id - The artifact id identifies the different artifacts published by a single group.

Within each metadata are a number of artifacts that share the same groupId, artifactId, name, description, website, and update date. The artifacts within the metadata differ primarily based on name and properties. Note that there is a metadata name and a separate artifact name. The properties are a map with string property names and string property values that can be used to represent key differentiators between artifacts such as dataset, flavors, and image sizes. For example, you might have a ResNet metadata file with different artifacts to represent different hyperparameters and datasets used for training the ResNet.

Each artifact contains a Version number (which can be a snapshot version). The data in the artifacts are represented by files in the format of an Artifact.Item and a parsed JSON object of arguments. The files can either by a single file, an automatically extracted gzip file, or an automatically extracted zip file that will be treated as a directory. These can be used to store data such as the dataset, model parameters, and synset files. The arguments can be used to store data about the model used for initialization. For example, it can store the image size which can be used by the model loader for both initializing the block and setting up resizing in the translator.

There are three kinds of repositories: a LocalRepository, RemoteRepository, and SimpleRepository. For all three kinds, new repositories should be created by calling newInstance(String, String) with the location of the repository.

  • Method Details

    • newInstance

      static Repository newInstance(String name, Path path)
      Creates a new instance of a repository with a name and url.
      name - the repository name
      path - the repository location
      the new repository
    • newInstance

      static Repository newInstance(String name, String url)
      Creates a new instance of a repository with a name and url.
      name - the repository name
      url - the repository location
      the new repository
    • registerRepositoryFactory

      static void registerRepositoryFactory(RepositoryFactory factory)
      Registers a RepositoryFactory to handle the specified url scheme.
      factory - the RepositoryFactory to be registered
    • model

      default MRL model(Application application, String groupId, String artifactId)
      Creates a model MRL with specified application.
      application - the desired application
      groupId - the desired groupId
      artifactId - the desired artifactId
      a model MRL
    • model

      default MRL model(Application application, String groupId, String artifactId, String version)
      Creates a model MRL with specified application.
      application - the desired application
      groupId - the desired groupId
      artifactId - the desired artifactId
      version - the resource version
      a model MRL
    • model

      default MRL model(Application application, String groupId, String artifactId, String version, String artifactName)
      Creates a model MRL with specified application.
      application - the desired application
      groupId - the desired groupId
      artifactId - the desired artifactId
      version - the resource version
      artifactName - the desired artifact name
      a model MRL
    • dataset

      default MRL dataset(Application application, String groupId, String artifactId)
      Creates a dataset MRL with specified application.
      application - the desired application
      groupId - the desired groupId
      artifactId - the desired artifactId
      a dataset MRL
    • dataset

      default MRL dataset(Application application, String groupId, String artifactId, String version)
      Creates a dataset MRL with specified application.
      application - the desired application
      groupId - the desired groupId
      artifactId - the desired artifactId
      version - the resource version
      a dataset MRL
    • isRemote

      boolean isRemote()
      Returns whether the repository is remote repository.
      whether the repository is remote repository
    • getName

      String getName()
      Returns the repository name.
      the repository name
    • getBaseUri

      URI getBaseUri()
      Returns the URI to the base of the repository.
      the URI
    • locate

      Metadata locate(MRL mrl) throws IOException
      Returns the metadata at a mrl.
      mrl - the mrl of the metadata to retrieve
      the metadata
      IOException - if it failed to load the metadata
    • resolve

      Artifact resolve(MRL mrl, Map<String,String> filter) throws IOException
      Returns the artifact matching a mrl, version, and property filter.
      mrl - the mrl to match the artifact against
      filter - the property filter
      the matched artifact
      IOException - if it failed to load the artifact
    • openStream

      InputStream openStream(Artifact.Item item, String path) throws IOException
      Returns an InputStream for an item in a repository.
      item - the item to open
      path - the path to a file if the item is a zipped directory. Otherwise, pass null
      the file stream
      IOException - if it failed to open the stream
    • getFile

      Path getFile(Artifact.Item item, String path) throws IOException
      Returns the path to a file for the item.
      item - the item to find the path for
      path - the path to a file if the item is a zipped directory. Otherwise, pass null
      the file path
      IOException - if it failed to find the path
    • listDirectory

      String[] listDirectory(Artifact.Item item, String path) throws IOException
      Returns the list of files directly within a specified directory in a zipped directory item.
      item - the zipped directory item
      path - the path within the zip directory
      the list of files/directories
      IOException - if it failed to list the directory
    • prepare

      default void prepare(Artifact artifact) throws IOException
      Prepares the artifact for use.
      artifact - the artifact to prepare
      IOException - if it failed to prepare
    • prepare

      void prepare(Artifact artifact, ai.djl.util.Progress progress) throws IOException
      Prepares the artifact for use with progress tracking.
      artifact - the artifact to prepare
      progress - the progress tracker
      IOException - if it failed to prepare
    • getCacheDirectory

      Path getCacheDirectory() throws IOException
      Returns the cache directory for the repository.
      the cache directory path
      IOException - if it failed to ensure the creation of the cache directory
    • getResourceDirectory

      default Path getResourceDirectory(Artifact artifact) throws IOException
      Returns the resource directory for the an artifact.
      artifact - the artifact whose resource directory to return
      the resource directory path
      IOException - if it failed to ensure the creation of the cache directory
    • getResources

      List<MRL> getResources()
      Returns a list of MRLs in the repository.

      An empty list will be returned if underlying Repository implementation does not support this feature.

      a list of MRLs in the repository
    • addResource

      void addResource(MRL mrl)
      Adds resource to the repository.
      mrl - the resource to add