


package bsonmacros

Linear Supertypes
AnyRef, Any
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. bsonmacros
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
  1. Hide All
  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. Protected

Type Members

  1. abstract class BaseDAO[DO] extends AnyRef
  2. class BooleanCodec extends Codec[Boolean]
  3. class DatabaseContext extends AnyRef
  4. class DoubleCodec extends Codec[Double]
  5. class DynamicCodecRegistry extends CodecRegistry
  6. class EitherCodec[A, B] extends Codec[Either[A, B]]
  7. class EnumerationCodec[T] extends Codec[T]
  8. class ExistentialCodec[T] extends Codec[T]
  9. class InstantCodec extends Codec[Instant]
  10. class IntCodec extends Codec[Int]
  11. trait IterableCodec[T] extends AnyRef
  12. class ListCodec[T] extends Codec[List[T]] with IterableCodec[T]
  13. class LongCodec extends Codec[Long]
  14. class MapCodec[A, B] extends Codec[Map[A, B]]
  15. class ObjectIdCodec extends Codec[ObjectId]
  16. class SeqCodec[T] extends Codec[Seq[T]] with IterableCodec[T]
  17. class SetCodec[T] extends Codec[Set[T]] with IterableCodec[T]
  18. class UUIDCodec extends Codec[UUID]

Value Members

  1. def fromDBObject[T](doc: BsonDocument)(implicit ct: ClassTag[T], repo: CodecRegistry): T
  2. def reflectEnum[T](name: String)(implicit arg0: scala.reflect.api.JavaUniverse.TypeTag[T]): T
  3. def toDBObject(a: Any)(implicit repo: CodecRegistry): BsonDocument
  4. object BsonMagnets
  5. object CodecGen

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
