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case class L10n(inline: Option[Seq[L10nInline]], service: Option[L10nService], table: Option[L10nTable])


trait Serializable
trait Product
trait Equals
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
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object L10n


trait Product
trait Mirror
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Self type
case class L10nInline(lang: LanguageCodeIANA, field: JsonPath, translation: String)


trait Serializable
trait Product
trait Equals
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
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object L10nInline


trait Product
trait Mirror
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Self type
case class ReceivedOrdersElement(id: DIDSubject, last: SenderOrder, gaps: Seq[SenderOrder])

The received_orders header tells other parties how the sender has experienced the unfolding interaction so far. This allows gaps to be detected, possibly triggering a resend. The value of this header is an array of gap detector objects in the format {"id": , "last": , "gaps": []}. In our running auction example, if the auctioneer sees bids 1 and 2 from Bob, and bid 1 and 4 from Alice, the auctioneer might send a message to all the bidders that includes the following received_orders header:

The received_orders header tells other parties how the sender has experienced the unfolding interaction so far. This allows gaps to be detected, possibly triggering a resend. The value of this header is an array of gap detector objects in the format {"id": , "last": , "gaps": []}. In our running auction example, if the auctioneer sees bids 1 and 2 from Bob, and bid 1 and 4 from Alice, the auctioneer might send a message to all the bidders that includes the following received_orders header:

"received_orders": [
 {"id": "did:ex:bob", "last": 2, "gaps": []},
 {"id": "did:ex:alice", "last": 4, "gaps": [2,3]}

This lets Alice (or Bob) notice that the auctioneer hasn't seen the messages that Alice numbered 2 and 3. Gaps can then be plugged or ignored, depending on protocol rules.


See also
trait Serializable
trait Product
trait Equals
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
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trait Product
trait Mirror
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Self type
object SenderOrder


class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Self type
object SentCount


class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Self type


type JsonPath = String
type L10nService = String

TODO Not currently defined, but reserved for use with a URI that allows calls to a web service that provides translations.

TODO Not currently defined, but reserved for use with a URI that allows calls to a web service that provides translations.


type L10nTable = String

TODO Not currently defined, but reserved for use with a URI that allows a localized message lookup table to be downloaded.

TODO Not currently defined, but reserved for use with a URI that allows a localized message lookup table to be downloaded.


type LanguageCodeIANA = String
opaque type SenderOrder

The sender_order header tells other parties how the sender of a message perceives their own ordering. Its value is a monotonically increasing natural/ordinal number (1..N) that tells how many different messages the sender has sent in the current thread. When Alice and Bob are both bidding in an auction protocol, each of them marks their first bid with sender_order: 1, their second bid with sender_order: 2, and so forth. This allows the auctioneer to detect if Alice's bids arrive in a different order than she intended. It also means that any message can be uniquely identified by its thid, the sender, and the value of that sender's sender_order. Note how this does NOT clarify the sequence of Alice's messages relative to Bob's.

The sender_order header tells other parties how the sender of a message perceives their own ordering. Its value is a monotonically increasing natural/ordinal number (1..N) that tells how many different messages the sender has sent in the current thread. When Alice and Bob are both bidding in an auction protocol, each of them marks their first bid with sender_order: 1, their second bid with sender_order: 2, and so forth. This allows the auctioneer to detect if Alice's bids arrive in a different order than she intended. It also means that any message can be uniquely identified by its thid, the sender, and the value of that sender's sender_order. Note how this does NOT clarify the sequence of Alice's messages relative to Bob's.


See also
opaque type SentCount

The sent_count header enables resend behavior. A resent message contains the same headers (including id and sender_order) and body as a previous transmission. The first time a message is sent, the sent_count for that message is 1, and the header is normally omitted (the value of the header is implicitly 1). The second time the message is sent, the sent_count is 2, and the header is added to indicate that the message might be redundant ("this is the second time I've sent this to you"). The header continues to be incremented with each subsequent resend. Once a recipient has received one copy of a message, they MUST ignore subsequent copies that arrive, such that resends are idempotent.

The sent_count header enables resend behavior. A resent message contains the same headers (including id and sender_order) and body as a previous transmission. The first time a message is sent, the sent_count for that message is 1, and the header is normally omitted (the value of the header is implicitly 1). The second time the message is sent, the sent_count is 2, and the header is added to indicate that the message might be redundant ("this is the second time I've sent this to you"). The header continues to be incremented with each subsequent resend. Once a recipient has received one copy of a message, they MUST ignore subsequent copies that arrive, such that resends are idempotent.


See also