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TestClassAwareTarget - class in au.com.dius.pact.provider.junit.target
Interface to target implementations that require more information from the test class (like annotated methods)
testCount() - function in org.junit.runner.InteractionRunner
testCount() - function in org.junit.runner.MessagePactRunner
testCount() - function in org.junit.runner.PactRunner
testCount() - function in org.junit.runner.RestPactRunner
testInteraction(String,Interaction,PactSource,Map,Boolean) - function in au.com.dius.pact.provider.junitsupport.target.BaseTarget
testInteraction(String,Interaction,PactSource,Map,Boolean) - function in au.com.dius.pact.provider.junit.target.HttpTarget
testInteraction(String,Interaction,PactSource,Map,Boolean) - function in au.com.dius.pact.provider.junit.target.MessageTarget
testInteraction(String,Interaction,PactSource,Map,Boolean) - function in au.com.dius.pact.provider.junitsupport.target.TestClassAwareTarget
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