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PactRunner - class in au.com.dius.pact.provider.junit
JUnit Runner runs pacts against provider To set up name of tested provider use Provider annotation To point on pact's source use PactBroker, PactFolder or PactSource annotationsTo point provider for testing use combination of Target interface and TestTarget annotation There is out-of-the-box implementation of Target: HttpTarget that will play interaction from pacts as http request and check http responsesRunner supports:
  • org.junit.BeforeClass, org.junit.AfterClass and org.junit.ClassRule annotations, that will be run once - before/after whole contract test suite

  • org.junit.Before, org.junit.After and org.junit.Rule annotations, that will be run before/after each test of interaction WARNING: please note, that only org.junit.rules.TestRule is possible to use with this runner, i.e. org.junit.rules.MethodRule IS NOT supported

  • State - before each interaction that require state change, all methods annotated by State with appropriate state listed will be invoked

PactRunner.Companion - class in au.com.dius.pact.provider.junit.PactRunner
printStackTrace() - function in kotlin.Throwable
printStackTrace(PrintStream) - function in kotlin.Throwable
printStackTrace(PrintWriter) - function in kotlin.Throwable
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