Interface InternalPluginNamespace

public interface InternalPluginNamespace
External Plugins are executable code that the Workspace can execute. An external plugin must define a Capability in the InternalPluginNamespace. This namespace defines the attributes:
 bnd.external.plugin    name of the plugin
 objectClass            the service type of the plugin
 implementation         the implementation class
There is an annotation BndPlugin that can be applied to a plugin.
  • Field Summary

    Modifier and Type
    static final String
    Do not show as option in UI (normally for plugins added by the software
    static final String
    The implementation class
    static final String
    The name of the external plugin
    static final String
    Namespace name for external plugin capabilities and requirements.
    static final String
    The configuration interface
  • Method Summary

    Static Methods
    Modifier and Type
    static String
    filter(String name)