Interface KeyVal.Mixin

All Known Subinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractArtifact, AbstractBuiltInArtifact, AbstractFetchArtifactTask, Approval, Artifacts, Attributes.BitbucketPR, Attributes.BitbucketSelfHostedPR, Attributes.GitBranch, Attributes.GitHubPR, Attributes.GitLabMR, Basic.Git, Bitbucket, BitbucketSelfHosted, BranchedWorkflows, BranchMatcher, BuildArtifact, CollectionNode, ConfigRepoMaterial, Configuration, DependencyMaterial, Environment, Environments, ExecTask, FetchArtifactTask, FetchExternalArtifactTask, GitHub, GitHubPRMaterial, GitLab, GitMaterial, GoCD, HasEnvironmentVariables, HgMaterial, Job, Jobs, Material, Materials, NamedNode, Node, P4Material, PackageMaterial, Pipeline, Pipelines, PluggableMaterial, PluginArtifact, PluginTask, Properties, Property, ScmMaterial, ShellTask, Stage, Stages, SvnMaterial, Tab, Tabs, Task, Tasks, TestArtifact, TfsMaterial, Timer, TrackingTool
Enclosing class:

public static interface KeyVal.Mixin
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    default String
    Allows ConfigRepo Configuration Property lookup by key from within a Groovy config definition script
    default String
    lookup(String key, String defaultValue)
    Allows ConfigRepo Configuration Property lookup by key from within a Groovy config definition script
  • Method Details

    • lookup

      default String lookup(String key)
      Allows ConfigRepo Configuration Property lookup by key from within a Groovy config definition script
      key - the Configuration Property name
      the value of the Configuration Property
      NoSuchElementException - if property is not found
    • lookup

      default String lookup(String key, String defaultValue)
      Allows ConfigRepo Configuration Property lookup by key from within a Groovy config definition script
      key - the Configuration Property name
      defaultValue - the fallback value
      the value of the Configuration Property or the provided default when the property is not found