Interface ConnectionConfig

All Superinterfaces:
KeyVal.Mixin, UtilsMixin
All Known Implementing Classes:
Attributes.BitbucketPR, Attributes.BitbucketSelfHostedPR, Attributes.GitBranch, Attributes.GitHubPR, Attributes.GitLabMR, Basic.Git, Bitbucket, BitbucketSelfHosted, GitHub, GitLab

public interface ConnectionConfig extends KeyVal.Mixin, UtilsMixin
  • Method Details

    • type

      Type type()
    • identifier

      String identifier()
      An identifier representing this ConnectionConfig. This should be deterministically calculated from the configured fields with the exception of authentication-related fields. Another way to put this is that two ConnectionConfig instances should have equal identifiers if all non-authentication connection details are the same. Identifiers should not be equal if any non-authentication connection details are different.
      a String identifier.