

package bloop

  1. Alphabetic
  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. case class CompileInputs(scalaInstance: ScalaInstance, compilerCache: CompilerCache, sources: Array[AbsolutePath], classpath: Array[AbsolutePath], store: IRStore, classesDir: AbsolutePath, baseDirectory: AbsolutePath, scalacOptions: Array[String], javacOptions: Array[String], compileOrder: CompileOrder, classpathOptions: ClasspathOptions, previousResult: PreviousResult, previousCompilerResult: Result, reporter: Reporter, mode: CompileMode, dependentResults: Map[File, PreviousResult], cancelPromise: Promise[Unit]) extends Product with Serializable
  2. sealed trait CompileMode extends AnyRef

    Defines the mode in which compilation should run.

    Defines the mode in which compilation should run.

    There are currently four modes: 1. Sequential (no inputs are required). 2. Parallel (requires the number of batches of source files to parallelize). 3. Pipelined (requires the pickle URI to trigger the dependent compilations and a task to signal the compilation of Java). 4. Parallel + Pipelined.

  3. final class CompilerCache extends AnyRef
  4. trait CompilerOracle extends AnyRef
  5. sealed trait JavaSignal extends AnyRef

    Signals the Zinc internals whether Java compilation should be attempted or not.

    Signals the Zinc internals whether Java compilation should be attempted or not.

    This signal is completed by Bloop when all the Scala compilations of dependent projects have been successful. If they haven't, then the java signal will be FailFastCompilation with the list of the projects that failed.

    The reason why we need a java signal is because pipelining may start the compilation of dependent projects earlier than the compilation of the dependent projects have compiled. This is okay for dependent Scala projects because they can be compiled against the public interfaces extracted from the Scala pickles, but it's not okay for the java compilation because Java code may have dependencies on Scala code, and for Javac to compile successfully it needs to read the Scala code public APIs from class files (which means the dependent projects need to have finished successfully).

  6. final class ScalaInstance extends xsbti.compile.ScalaInstance
  7. final class SimpleIRStore extends IRStore
