package lint
- Alphabetic
- Public
- All
Type Members
case class
LintCategory(id: String, explanation: String, severity: LintSeverity) extends Product with Serializable
A unique identifier for one kind of a linter message.
A unique identifier for one kind of a linter message.
- id
a string ID for this message, typically the name of the assigned variable. If id is empty, then the name of the rewrite reporting this LintCategory is used as id.
- explanation
An optional explanation for this kind of message.
- severity
The default category this message should get reported to. Note that users can configure/override the default category.
case class
LintMessage(message: String, position: scala.meta.Position, category: LintCategory) extends Product with Serializable
An observation of a LintCategory at a particular position
An observation of a LintCategory at a particular position
- message
The message to display to the user. If empty, LintID.explanation is used instead.
- position
Optionally place a caret under a location in a source file. For an empty position use Position.None.
- category
the LintCategory associated with this message.
- sealed abstract class LintSeverity extends AnyRef
Value Members
- object LintCategory extends Serializable
- object LintSeverity