
sealed abstract class Symbol(val owner: Symbol | Null)


class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Known subtypes

Members list

Type members


type ThisNameType <: Name

Value members

Concrete methods

final def annotations: List[Annotation]
final def asClass: ClassSymbol
final def asTerm: TermSymbol
final def asType: TypeSymbol
protected def doCheckCompleted(): Unit

This method is overridden in every subclass to perform their own checks.

This method is overridden in every subclass to perform their own checks.

Every override is expected to call super.doCheckCompleted() first. If a check fail, it should be reported with failNotCompleted.


final protected def failNotCompleted(details: String): Nothing
final def flags: FlagSet
final def getAnnotation(annotClass: ClassSymbol)(using Context): Option[Annotation]
final def getAnnotations(annotClass: ClassSymbol)(using Context): List[Annotation]
final def hasAnnotation(annotClass: ClassSymbol)(using Context): Boolean
final def is(flag: Flag): Boolean
final def isAllOf(testFlags: FlagSet): Boolean
final def isAllOf(testFlags: FlagSet, butNotAnyOf: FlagSet): Boolean
final def isAnyOf(testFlags: FlagSet): Boolean
final def isClass: Boolean
final def isDeclaringSymbol: Boolean
final def isPackage: Boolean
final def isRoot: Boolean
final def isTerm: Boolean
final def isType: Boolean
final def privateWithin: Option[Symbol]
def toDebugString: String
override def toString: String

Returns a string representation of the object.

Returns a string representation of the object.

The default representation is platform dependent.



a string representation of the object.

Definition Classes
final def tree(using Context): Option[DefiningTreeType]

Abstract fields

Concrete fields

val owner: Symbol | Null