
final class Definitions


class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Members list

Value members

Concrete methods

def GenericTupleTypeOf(elementTypes: List[Type]): Type
def TupleConsTypeOf(head: Type, tail: Type): AppliedType
def isPrimitiveValueClass(sym: ClassSymbol): Boolean
def isTupleNClass(sym: ClassSymbol): Boolean

Concrete fields

A type alias of Object used to represent any reference to Object in a Java signature.

A type alias of Object used to represent any reference to Object in a Java signature.

The secret sauce is that subtype checking treats it specially:

tp <:< FromJavaObject

is equivalent to:

tp <:< Any

For more details, see the comment on FromJavaObjectSymbol in the compiler's Definitions.scala file.


lazy val IntClass: ClassSymbol
lazy val Object_eq: TermSymbol
lazy val Object_ne: TermSymbol
lazy val SeqClass: ClassSymbol
lazy val String_+: TermSymbol
lazy val uninitializedMethod: Option[TermSymbol]