

One entry of the classpath.

A ClasspathEntry must have a meaningful equals and hashCode, which must reflect the identity of the entry (not necessarily the reference identity). Its equality is notably used by Contexts.Context.findSymbolsByClasspathEntry.

Users of a ClasspathEntry and its components may consider them to be idempotent.

All the methods of ClasspathEntry and its components may throw to indicate I/O errors.

Implementations of this class are encouraged to define a toString() method that helps identifying the entry for debugging purposes.


class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Known subtypes

Members list

Value members

Abstract methods

Lists all the packages available in this entry, including nested packages.

Lists all the packages available in this entry, including nested packages.

This method must not return two items with the same PackageData.dotSeparatedName.

Subsequent calls to listAllPackages may return the same instances of PackageData, but need not do so.
