Interface ConnectionSource

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
ConnectionSourceBase, DataSourceConnectionSource, DriverManagerConnectionSource, JNDIConnectionSource

public interface ConnectionSource
extends LifeCycle

The ConnectionSource interface provides a pluggable means of transparently obtaining JDBC Connections for logback classes that require the use of a Connection. For more information about this component, please refer to the online manual at

Ray DeCampo

Method Summary
 Connection getConnection()
          Obtain a Connection for use.
 SQLDialectCode getSQLDialectCode()
          Get the SQL dialect that should be used for this connection.
 boolean supportsBatchUpdates()
          If the connection does not support batch updates, we will avoid using them.
 boolean supportsGetGeneratedKeys()
          If the connection supports the JDBC 3.0 getGeneratedKeys method, then we do not need any specific dialect support.
Methods inherited from interface ch.qos.logback.core.spi.LifeCycle
isStarted, start, stop

Method Detail


Connection getConnection()
                         throws SQLException
Obtain a Connection for use. The client is responsible for closing the Connection when it is no longer required.

SQLException - if a Connection could not be obtained


SQLDialectCode getSQLDialectCode()
Get the SQL dialect that should be used for this connection. Note that the dialect is not needed if the JDBC driver supports the getGeneratedKeys method.


boolean supportsGetGeneratedKeys()
If the connection supports the JDBC 3.0 getGeneratedKeys method, then we do not need any specific dialect support.


boolean supportsBatchUpdates()
If the connection does not support batch updates, we will avoid using them.

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