Uses of Interface

Packages that use Appender
ch.qos.logback.core Contains the main classes of logback core. 
ch.qos.logback.core.db The ch.qos.logback.core.db package provides bases classes to append objects into various databases. 
ch.qos.logback.core.helpers Helpers package. Contains the base classes used by logback to log to remote destinations.   
ch.qos.logback.core.rolling Implements various file rolling policies. 
ch.qos.logback.core.spi Contains core functionnalities of logback, such as 

Uses of Appender in ch.qos.logback.core

Classes in ch.qos.logback.core that implement Appender
 class AppenderBase<E>
          Sets a skeleton implementation for appenders.
 class AsyncAppenderBase<E>
          This appender and derived classes, log events asynchronously.
 class ConsoleAppender<E>
          ConsoleAppender appends log events to System.out or System.err using a layout specified by the user.
 class FileAppender<E>
          FileAppender appends log events to a file.
 class OutputStreamAppender<E>
          OutputStreamAppender appends events to a OutputStream.
 class UnsynchronizedAppenderBase<E>
          Similar to AppenderBase except that derived appenders need to handle thread synchronization on their own.

Methods in ch.qos.logback.core that return Appender
 Appender<E> AsyncAppenderBase.getAppender(String name)

Methods in ch.qos.logback.core that return types with arguments of type Appender
 Iterator<Appender<E>> AsyncAppenderBase.iteratorForAppenders()

Methods in ch.qos.logback.core with parameters of type Appender
 void AsyncAppenderBase.addAppender(Appender<E> newAppender)
 boolean AsyncAppenderBase.detachAppender(Appender<E> eAppender)
 boolean AsyncAppenderBase.isAttached(Appender<E> eAppender)

Uses of Appender in ch.qos.logback.core.db

Classes in ch.qos.logback.core.db that implement Appender
 class DBAppenderBase<E>

Uses of Appender in ch.qos.logback.core.helpers

Classes in ch.qos.logback.core.helpers that implement Appender
 class NOPAppender<E>

Uses of Appender in

Classes in that implement Appender
 class JMSAppenderBase<E>
          This class serves as a base class for JMSTopicAppender and JMSQueueAppender For more information about this appender, please refer to:
 class SMTPAppenderBase<E>
          An abstract class that provides support for sending events to an email address.
 class SocketAppenderBase<E>
          This is the base class for module specific SocketAppender implementations.
 class SyslogAppenderBase<E>
          Base class for SyslogAppender.

Uses of Appender in

Classes in that implement Appender
 class CyclicBufferAppender<E>
          CyclicBufferAppender stores events in a cyclic buffer of user-specified size.
 class ListAppender<E>

Uses of Appender in ch.qos.logback.core.rolling

Classes in ch.qos.logback.core.rolling that implement Appender
 class RollingFileAppender<E>
          RollingFileAppender extends FileAppender to backup the log files depending on RollingPolicy and TriggeringPolicy.

Uses of Appender in ch.qos.logback.core.sift

Classes in ch.qos.logback.core.sift that implement Appender
 class SiftingAppenderBase<E>
          This appender serves as the base class for actual SiftingAppenders implemented by the logback-classic and logback-access modules.

Methods in ch.qos.logback.core.sift that return Appender
 Appender<E> AppenderTrackerImpl.get(String key, long timestamp)
 Appender<E> AppenderTracker.get(String key, long timestamp)
abstract  Appender<E> SiftingJoranConfiguratorBase.getAppender()

Methods in ch.qos.logback.core.sift that return types with arguments of type Appender
 List<Appender<E>> AppenderTrackerImpl.valueList()
 List<Appender<E>> AppenderTracker.valueList()

Methods in ch.qos.logback.core.sift with parameters of type Appender
 void AppenderTrackerImpl.put(String key, Appender<E> value, long timestamp)
 void AppenderTracker.put(String key, Appender<E> value, long timestamp)

Uses of Appender in ch.qos.logback.core.spi

Methods in ch.qos.logback.core.spi that return Appender
 Appender<E> AppenderAttachableImpl.getAppender(String name)
          Look for an attached appender named as name.
 Appender<E> AppenderAttachable.getAppender(String name)
          Get an appender by name.

Methods in ch.qos.logback.core.spi that return types with arguments of type Appender
 Iterator<Appender<E>> AppenderAttachableImpl.iteratorForAppenders()
          Get all attached appenders as an Enumeration.
 Iterator<Appender<E>> AppenderAttachable.iteratorForAppenders()
          Get an iterator for appenders contained in the parent object.

Methods in ch.qos.logback.core.spi with parameters of type Appender
 void AppenderAttachableImpl.addAppender(Appender<E> newAppender)
          Attach an appender.
 void AppenderAttachable.addAppender(Appender<E> newAppender)
          Add an appender.
 boolean AppenderAttachableImpl.detachAppender(Appender<E> appender)
          Remove the appender passed as parameter form the list of attached appenders.
 boolean AppenderAttachable.detachAppender(Appender<E> appender)
          Detach the appender passed as parameter from the list of appenders.
 boolean AppenderAttachableImpl.isAttached(Appender<E> appender)
          Returns true if the specified appender is in the list of attached appenders, false otherwise.
 boolean AppenderAttachable.isAttached(Appender<E> appender)
          Returns true if the specified appender is in list of attached attached, false otherwise.

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