Class Command<C>

  • Type Parameters:
    C - Command sender type

    public class Command<C>
    extends java.lang.Object
    A command consists out of a chain of command arguments.
    • Constructor Detail

      • Command

        public Command​(@NonNull java.util.Map<@NonNull CommandArgument<C,​?>,​@NonNull Description> commandArguments,
                       @NonNull CommandExecutionHandler<@NonNull C> commandExecutionHandler,
                       @Nullable java.lang.Class<? extends C> senderType,
                       @NonNull CommandPermission commandPermission,
                       @NonNull CommandMeta commandMeta)
        Construct a new command
        commandArguments - Command argument and description pairs
        commandExecutionHandler - Execution handler
        senderType - Required sender type. May be null
        commandPermission - Command permission
        commandMeta - Command meta instance
      • Command

        public Command​(@NonNull java.util.Map<@NonNull CommandArgument<C,​?>,​@NonNull Description> commandArguments,
                       @NonNull CommandExecutionHandler<@NonNull C> commandExecutionHandler,
                       @Nullable java.lang.Class<? extends C> senderType,
                       @NonNull CommandMeta commandMeta)
        Construct a new command
        commandArguments - Command arguments
        commandExecutionHandler - Execution handler
        senderType - Required sender type. May be null
        commandMeta - Command meta instance
      • Command

        public Command​(@NonNull java.util.Map<@NonNull CommandArgument<C,​?>,​@NonNull Description> commandArguments,
                       @NonNull CommandExecutionHandler<@NonNull C> commandExecutionHandler,
                       @NonNull CommandPermission commandPermission,
                       @NonNull CommandMeta commandMeta)
        Construct a new command
        commandArguments - Command arguments
        commandExecutionHandler - Execution handler
        commandPermission - Command permission
        commandMeta - Command meta instance
    • Method Detail

      • newBuilder

        public static <C> @NonNull Command.Builder<C> newBuilder​(@NonNull java.lang.String commandName,
                                                                 @NonNull CommandMeta commandMeta,
                                                                 @NonNull Description description,
                                                                 @NonNull java.lang.String... aliases)
        Create a new command builder. Is recommended to use the builder methods in CommandManager rather than invoking this method directly.
        Type Parameters:
        C - Command sender type
        commandName - Base command argument
        commandMeta - Command meta instance
        description - Command description
        aliases - Command aliases
        Command builder
      • newBuilder

        public static <C> @NonNull Command.Builder<C> newBuilder​(@NonNull java.lang.String commandName,
                                                                 @NonNull CommandMeta commandMeta,
                                                                 @NonNull java.lang.String... aliases)
        Create a new command builder. Is recommended to use the builder methods in CommandManager rather than invoking this method directly.
        Type Parameters:
        C - Command sender type
        commandName - Base command argument
        commandMeta - Command meta instance
        aliases - Command aliases
        Command builder
      • getArguments

        public @NonNull java.util.List<CommandArgument<@NonNull C,​?>> getArguments()
        Return a copy of the command argument array
        Copy of the command argument array
      • getCommandExecutionHandler

        public CommandExecutionHandler<@NonNull C> getCommandExecutionHandler()
        Get the command execution handler
        Command execution handler
      • getSenderType

        public @NonNull java.util.Optional<java.lang.Class<? extends C>> getSenderType()
        Get the required sender type, if one has been specified
        Required sender type
      • getCommandPermission

        public @NonNull CommandPermission getCommandPermission()
        Get the command permission
        Command permission
      • getCommandMeta

        public @NonNull CommandMeta getCommandMeta()
        Get the command meta instance
        Command meta
      • getArgumentDescription

        public @NonNull java.lang.String getArgumentDescription​(@NonNull CommandArgument<C,​?> argument)
        Get the description for an argument
        argument - Argument
        Argument description
      • toString

        public final java.lang.String toString()
        toString in class java.lang.Object
      • isHidden

        public boolean isHidden()
        Check whether or not the command is hidden
        true if the command is hidden, false if not