Class CommandExecutionCoordinator.SimpleCoordinator<C>

  • Type Parameters:
    C - Command sender type
    Enclosing class:

    public static final class CommandExecutionCoordinator.SimpleCoordinator<C>
    extends CommandExecutionCoordinator<C>
    A simple command execution coordinator that executes all commands immediately, on the calling thread
    • Method Detail

      • coordinateExecution

        public java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture<CommandResult<C>> coordinateExecution​(@NonNull CommandContext<C> commandContext,
                                                                                            @NonNull java.util.Queue<@NonNull java.lang.String> input)
        Description copied from class: CommandExecutionCoordinator
        Coordinate the execution of a command and return the result
        Specified by:
        coordinateExecution in class CommandExecutionCoordinator<C>
        commandContext - Command context
        input - Command input
        Future that completes with the result