Class StandardCommandSyntaxFormatter<C>

Type Parameters:
C - Command sender type
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class StandardCommandSyntaxFormatter<C> extends Object implements CommandSyntaxFormatter<C>
CommandSyntaxFormatter implementation that uses the following rules:
  • static arguments are serialized as their name, without a bracket
  • required arguments are serialized as their name, surrounded by angle brackets
  • optional arguments are serialized as their name, surrounded by square brackets
  • Constructor Details

    • StandardCommandSyntaxFormatter

      public StandardCommandSyntaxFormatter()
  • Method Details

    • apply

      public final @NonNull String apply(@NonNull List<@NonNull CommandArgument<C,?>> commandArguments, @Nullable CommandTree.Node<@Nullable CommandArgument<C,?>> node)
      Format the command arguments into a syntax string
      Specified by:
      apply in interface CommandSyntaxFormatter<C>
      commandArguments - Command arguments that have been unambiguously specified up until this point. This should include the "current" command, if such a command exists.
      node - The current command node. The children of this node will be appended onto the command syntax string, as long as an unambiguous path can be identified. The node itself will not be appended onto the syntax string. This can be set to null if no node is relevant at the point of formatting.
      The formatted syntax string
    • createInstance

      protected @NonNull StandardCommandSyntaxFormatter.FormattingInstance createInstance()
      Create a new formatting instance
      Formatting instance