Class ArgumentTriplet<C,U,V,W,O>

Type Parameters:
C - Command sender type
U - First argument type
V - Second argument type
W - Third argument type
O - Output type
All Implemented Interfaces:
CloudKeyHolder<O>, Comparable<CommandArgument<?,?>>

@API(status=STABLE) public class ArgumentTriplet<C,U,V,W,O> extends CompoundArgument<Triplet<U,V,W>,C,O>
A compound argument consisting of three inner arguments
  • Constructor Details

    • ArgumentTriplet

      protected ArgumentTriplet(boolean required, @NonNull String name, @NonNull Triplet<@NonNull String,@NonNull String,@NonNull String> names, @NonNull Triplet<@NonNull Class<U>,@NonNull Class<V>,@NonNull Class<W>> types, @NonNull Triplet<@NonNull ArgumentParser<C,U>,@NonNull ArgumentParser<C,V>,@NonNull ArgumentParser<C,W>> parserTriplet, @NonNull BiFunction<@NonNull C,@NonNull Triplet<U,@NonNull V,@NonNull W>,@NonNull O> mapper, @NonNull io.leangen.geantyref.TypeToken<O> valueType)
      Create a new argument triplet.
      required - Whether or not the argument is required
      name - The argument name
      names - Names of the sub-arguments (in order)
      types - Types of the sub-arguments (in order)
      parserTriplet - The sub arguments
      mapper - Mapper that maps the sub-arguments to the output type
      valueType - The output type
  • Method Details

    • of

      public static <C, U, V, W> @NonNull ArgumentTriplet.ArgumentTripletIntermediaryBuilder<@NonNull C,@NonNull U,@NonNull V,@NonNull W> of(@NonNull CommandManager<C> manager, @NonNull String name, @NonNull Triplet<@NonNull String,@NonNull String,@NonNull String> names, @NonNull Triplet<@NonNull Class<U>,@NonNull Class<V>,@NonNull Class<W>> types)
      Construct a builder for an argument triplet
      Type Parameters:
      C - Command sender type
      U - First parsed type
      V - Second parsed type
      W - Third type
      manager - Command manager
      name - Argument name
      names - Sub-argument names
      types - Triplet containing the types of the sub-arguments. There must be parsers for these types registered in the ParserRegistry used by the CommandManager
      Intermediary builder