Interface PartialResultService<Context,​Result,​Chunked extends ChunkedRequestContext<Context,​Result>>

  • Type Parameters:
    Context - Context type
    Result - Result type
    Chunked - Chunk request context
    All Superinterfaces:
    java.util.function.Function<Chunked,​@Nullable java.util.Map<Context,​Result>>, Service<Chunked,​@Nullable java.util.Map<@NonNull Context,​@NonNull Result>>

    public interface PartialResultService<Context,​Result,​Chunked extends ChunkedRequestContext<Context,​Result>>
    extends Service<Chunked,​@Nullable java.util.Map<@NonNull Context,​@NonNull Result>>
    Service type that allows service to generate partial results for bigger requests
    • Method Summary

      Modifier and Type Method Description
      default @Nullable java.util.Map<@NonNull Context,​@NonNull Result> handle​(@NonNull Chunked context)
      Provide a response for the given context.
      @NonNull java.util.Map<@NonNull Context,​@NonNull Result> handleRequests​(@NonNull java.util.List<Context> requests)
      Attempt to generate results for a list of requests, and return a map of all successful requests
      • Methods inherited from interface java.util.function.Function

        andThen, compose
      • Methods inherited from interface

        apply, order
    • Method Detail

      • handle

        default @Nullable java.util.Map<@NonNull Context,​@NonNull Result> handle​(@NonNull Chunked context)
        Description copied from interface: Service
        Provide a response for the given context. If the service implementation cannot provide a response for the given context, it should return null
        Specified by:
        handle in interface Service<Context,​Result>
        context - Context used in the generation of the response
        Response. If the response isn't null, the next service in the service chain will get to act on the context. Otherwise the execution halts, and the provided response is the final response.
      • handleRequests

        @NonNull java.util.Map<@NonNull Context,​@NonNull Result> handleRequests​(@NonNull java.util.List<Context> requests)
        Attempt to generate results for a list of requests, and return a map of all successful requests
        requests - Requests
        Map of request-result pairs