Package cloud.piranha.micro

The Piranha Micro package delivers you with a Servlet container that hosts one web application.

Installing Piranha Micro

Download the JAR file from Maven Central.

Running with a WAR file

If you have a WAR file you can use the command line below:

 java -jar piranha-micro.jar --war your_webapplication.war

Overriding the web application directory

If you want to override the directory Piranha Micro uses for extracting the web application you can use the command line below:

 java -jar piranha-micro.jar --war your_webapplication.war --webapp your_webapp_directory

Running with an exploded WAR file

If you have an exploded directory containing the contents of your WAR file you can use the command line below:

 java -jar piranha-micro.jar --webapp your_webapp_directory

Changing the HTTP port

If you want to use a different HTTP port (e.g to port 8888) you can use the command line below:

 java -jar piranha-micro.jar --war your_webapplication.war --port 8888

Architecture diagram

The image below illustrates how the request and response handling is done by Piranha Micro. When a request comes in to the HTTP server it dispatches it to the WebApplicationServer which in turn dispatches it to the WebApplication which then in turn uses WebApplicationRequestMapper to determine which FilterChain needs to process the incoming request and it dispatches to it.

Request and response handling

Maven coordinates


where y is the year, m is the month and p is the patch version of the release you want to use.

Manfred Riem ([email protected])
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