All Classes and Interfaces

The default AliasedDirectoryResource.
A Resource wrapper with a custom name
The annotation information.
The AnnotationManager API.
The extension that enables annotation scanning.
This ServletContainerInitializer deep scans for annotations and adds them to the StandardAnnotationScanAnnotationManager.
The Part for the ApacheMultiPartManager.
The WebApplicationExtension that is responsible for setting up the Apache multi-part manager.
The ServletContainerInitializer for the ApacheMultiPartManager.
The ApacheMultiPartManager.
The AsyncDispatcher API.
The extension that enables annotation scanning.
The async HTTP dispatch wrapper.
The AsyncManager API.
The async non-HTTP dispatch wrapper.
The AttributeManager API.
This interface is implemented by classes that represent the current authenticated identity.
This filter is uses to call a Jakarta Authentication system module at the start of an HTTP request.
The Eleos initializer.
This filter is used to call a Jakarta Authorization system module at the start of an HTTP request.
The Exousia initializer.
The Exousia initializer.
This filter is uses to call a Jakarta Authentication system module at the start of an HTTP request.
The Exousia initializer.
The base Mojo for the start and run goals.
The byte-array resource.
Handler for the bytes:// protocol.
The WebApplicationExtension that sets up the 'bytes://' stream handler functionality.
The ServletContextListener used to remove 'bytes://' stream handler once initialization is done.
The ServletRequestListener that sets up 'bytes://' stream handler when the request is initialized and removes it when the request is destroyed.
This extension registers an identity store in case callers (users) / credentials have been added to it.
A resource backed by a class.
The Cookie parser
The extension that delivers the extensions for Jakarta Core Profile.
The Piranha Core Profile runtime.
The Builder for Piranha Core Profile.
The Main for Piranha Core Profile.
A holder that references the current HttpServletRequest in the request processing pipeline.
Debug class
The default AnnotationInfo.
The default AnnotationManager.
The default AsyncContext.
The default AsyncDispatcher.
The default AttributeManager.
Default implementation of AuthenticatedIdentity.
Default implementation of the CurrentRequestHolder interface.
The default ErrorPageManager.
The default FilterChain.
The default FilterEnvironment.
The default FilterMapping.
The default HttpHeader.
The default HttpHeaderManager.
The default implementation of HTTP Server.
The default implementation of a HTTP Server Processor.
The default implementation of HttpServerRequest.
The default implementation of HTTP Server Response.
The default HttpSession.
The default HttpSessionManager.
The invocation finder tries to find a servlet invocation matching a request for a path based or name based dispatch.
The default JspConfigDescriptor.
Provides an implementation of ModuleFinder to work with Resource
The module layer processor
Provides an implementation of ModuleReader to work with Resource
Provides an implementation of ModuleReference to work with Resource
The default object instance manager.
The default ResourceManager.
The default ResourceManagerClassLoader.
The default Servlet.
The default ServletEnvironment.
The default servlet invocation
The default ServletRequestDispatcher.
The default TaglibDescriptor.
The default WebApplication.
The default WebApplication builder.
The default WebApplicationClassLoader.
The default web application extension context.
The default WebApplicationManager.
The default WebApplicationRequest.
The default WebApplicationRequestMapper.
The default WebApplicationRequestMapping.
The default WebApplicationResponse.
The default WebConnection.
The default DirectoryResource.
Default SAM that does nothing
CDI Extension that among others makes PersistenceContext injectable via CDI.
The extension that will enable EclipseLink integration
The EclipseLink initializer.
The embeddable version of Piranha.
The builder so you can easily build instances of EmbeddedPiranha.
The WebApplicationRequest class used by EmbeddedPiranha
The builder so you can easily build instances of EmbeddedRequest.
The WebApplicationResponse class used by EmbeddedPiranha
The builder so you can easily build instances of EmbeddedResponse.
This bean takes care of creating an EntityManagerFactory using EclipseLink specific APIs.
This producer takes care of providing a bean to inject for the PersistenceContext annotation.
Provides a convenient implementation of the EntityManager interface that can be subclassed by developers wishing to adapt the entity manager.
The ErrorPageManager API.
The FilterMapping API.
The Filter Priority API allows filters that implement this interface to be given priority depending on their priority value.
Stream handler for the shrinkwrap protocol (urls starting with shrinkwrap://).
The Grizzly implementation of HTTP Server.
The Grizzly implementation of HttpServerRequest.
The Grizzly implementation of HTTP Server Response.
Display help information on piranha-maven-plugin.
Call mvn piranha:help -Ddetail=true -Dgoal=<goal-name> to display parameter details.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version. 
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version. 
The HttpHeader API.
The HttpHeaderManager API.
The HTTP Server API.
The HTTP Server Processor API.
The end state of the HTTP processing.
The HttpServerRequest API.
THe HttpServerResponse API.
An abstract JUnit test for any HttpServer implementation.
The HttpSessionManager API.
The HttpServerRequest variant of WebApplicationRequest.
The HttpServerResponse variant of WebApplicationResponse.
The default WebApplicationServer.
The Web Application HttpServerProcessor.
The default WebApplicationServerRequestMapper.
A basic in-memory identity store.
The credential.
The standard annotation scan AnnotationInfo.
The standard annotation scan AnnotationManager.
The Servlet container version of Piranha.
The default WebApplicationClassLoader.
The Jakarta Security All initializer.
The extension for Jakarta Security.
The default JarResource.
The HttpHandler used by the JDK HttpServer implementation of HttpServer.
The JDK HttpServer version of a HttpServerRequest.
The JDK HttpServer variant of a HttpServerResponse.
The JDK implementation of HTTP Server.
The JspManager API.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version. 
The WebApplicationExtension that sets up the StandardLocaleEncodingManager.
The LocaleEncodingManager API.
The WebApplicationExtension that sets the StamdardLoggingManager.
The LoggingManager API.
The configuration for Piranha Micro.
Embedded variant using Micro
Builder for an embedded Piranha instance based on Piranha Micro
The inner Piranha Micro application.
Deploys a shrinkwrap application archive to a newly started embedded Piranha instance.
The micro outer deployer runs in the outer (or initial) class loader, and initializes the inner (isolated) class loader.
The Piranha Micro runtime.
The Builder for Piranha Micro.
The Main for Piranha Micro.
A Piranha Micro web application.
The WebApplicationExtension that sets the InternalMimeTypeManager.
The MimeTypeManager API.
The module layer processor
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version. 
The multi-part manager API.
A resource wrapper that loads the versioned entries from META-INF/versions if the resource contains a main attribute named "Multi-Release" in the META-INF/MANIFEST.MF
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version. 
The Netty implementation of HTTP Server.
The Netty Handler used by the Netty implementation of HTTP Server.
The Netty Initializer used by the Netty implementation of HTTP Server.
The Netty implementation of HttpServerRequest.
The Netty implementation of HTTP Server Response.
Stream handler used for URLs that represent directories.
The object instance manager API.
The Piranha API.
An Archive handler for Weld that implicitly reads the classes in an archive deployed to Piranha via the META-INF/piranha.idx file.
Entity Manager wrapper suitable for injection that creates the actual entity manager lazily on demand.
The Piranha JAR container.
The Piranha JAR container configuration.
The Piranha JAR container extension.
This class converts from Piranha security types to Exousia security types.
The WebApplicationExtension that is responsible for setting up the proper Policy instance so it can be made available during web application initialization and subsequently during request processing as well as delivering listeners to set/remove the Policy from the current thread.
The default PrefixJarResource.
An HttpServletRequest wrapper that consistently consults the getWrapped() method for every operation.
The Resource API.
The ResourceManager API.
The WebApplicationClassLoader API.
This goal will deploy the Maven WAR module, start Piranha Core Profile and wait for it.
The SecurityManager API.
The enum that qualifies the source of the authentication.
Method that bypasses the authentication mechanism installed by the authentication manager and directly invokes an identity store.
A feature.
The Piranha Server runtime.
The builder so you can easily build instances of ServerPiranha.
The Main for Piranha Server.
This web application supports finding other contexts using ServletContext.getContext(String).
The WebApplicationExtension for Servlet annotation processing.
The standard Servlet annotations initializer.
The WebApplication extension that enables ServletContainerInitializer processing.
The environment for a Servlet.
The ServletInvocation API.
The Servlet Security All initializer.
The extension for Servlet Security.
SecurityManager implementation that uses Servlet Security semantics.
The WebApplicationExtension that adds the ServletSecurityManagerInitializer.
The ServletContainerInitializer that sets the ServletSecurityManager.
A principal used by ServletSecurityManager.
Input stream for reading from an archive entry that represents a directory.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version. 
The SlimSecurityManager.
The SlimSecurityManager extension.
The ServletContainerInitializer that sets the SlimSecurityManager.
The Principal used by the SlimSecurityManager.
The Soteria initializer.
The Soteria initializer.
The extension that delivers the extensions for Piranha Micro/Server.
This goal will deploy the Maven WAR module and start Piranha Core Profile in a separate process.
A static URL stream handler.
A factory for URL stream handlers using a static map to contain handlers.
This goal will stop the Piranha runtime that was started with the start goal.
A resource based on a string value.
The WebApplicationExtension that adds the StandardTempDirInitializer.
The ServletContainerInitializer that creates the temporary directory on the file system and sets the context attribute to point to that directory.
The default implementation of a HTTP Server Processor.
The extension that will enable Transact integration
The Transact initializer.
The Undertow HttpHandler used by the Undertow implementation of HTTP Server.
The Undertow implementation of HttpServerRequest.
The Undertow implementation of HTTP Server Response.
The Undertow implementation of HTTP Server.
The extension that will enable WaSP integration (aka.
The WaSP initializer.
The WaSP manager delivered by the Jasper integration.
The extension that will enable WaSP JspManager.
The WaSP JspManager initializer.
The WebApplication API.
The WebApplicationClassLoader API.
A web application deployer.
The web application extension API.
The web application extension context API.
The WebApplicationManager API.
The WebApplicationRequest API.
The WebApplicationRequestMapper API.
The WebApplicationRequestMapping API.
The WebApplicationResponse API.
The WebApplicationServer API.
The WebApplicationServerRequestMapper API.
The extension that delivers the extensions for Piranha Micro/Server.
The web.xml in object format.
A class used to deal with before/after ordering.
A context-param inside of web.xml/web-fragment.xml.
A data-source inside of web.xml.
An error-page inside of web.xml/web-fragment.xml.
The extension for web.xml processing.
A filter inside of web.xml/web-fragment.xml.
A filter init-param inside of web.xml/web-fragment.xml.
A filter-mapping inside of web.xml/web-fragment.xml.
The web.xml initializer.
A jsp-config inside web.xml/web-fragment.xml.
A taglib inside jsp-config of web.xml/web-fragment.xml.
A listener inside of web.xml/web-fragment.xml.
A login-config inside of web.xml/web-fragment.xml.
The WebXmlManager API.
A mime-mapping inside of web.xml/web-fragment.xml.
A security-constraint inside of web.xml/web-fragment.xml.
The <web-resource-collection> snippet inside a web.xml / webfragment.xml.
A servlet inside of web.xml/web-fragment.xml.
A servlet init-param inside of web.xml/web-fragment.xml.
A servlet-mapping inside of web.xml/web-fragment.xml.
A servlet multipart-config inside of web.xml/web-fragment.xml.
A servlet security-role-ref inside of web.xml/web-fragment.xml.
A session-config inside of web.xml/web-fragment.xml.
A session-config cookie-config inside of web.xml/web-fragment.xml.
The WebApplicationExtension that sets the WelcomeFileManager.
The WelcomeFileManager API.
The CDI for Weld.
The Weld container.
An HttpServletRequest wrapper that always delegates every operation to what has been set as the current request.
The Weld Integration ServletContainerInitializer.
This Piranha specific Weld initializer forwards all initialization to the original Weld initializer, but modifies the HttpServletRequest that's passed into it.
The Weld variant of the ObjectInstanceManager.
The Weld variant of the ObjectInstanceManager.
The Weld CDI provider.
The implementation of this Weld SPI provides the current principal for injection by CDI.
The Weld container.